Getting Virtual Teams Right

Keith Ferrazzi

From the December 2014 Issue

Virtual teams ones made up of people in different physical locations are on

the rise. As companies expand geographically and as telecommuting becomes more

common, work groups often span far-flung offices, shared workspaces, private

homes, and hotel rooms. When my firm, Ferrazzi Greenlight, recently surveyed

1,700 knowledge workers, 79% reported working always or frequently in dispersed

teams. Armed with laptops, Wi-Fi, and mobile phones, most professionals can do

their jobs from anywhere.

The appeal of forming virtual teams is clear. Employees can manage their work

and personal lives more flexibly, and they have the opportunity to interact

with colleagues around the world. Companies can use the best and lowest-cost

global talent and significantly reduce their real estate costs.

But virtual teams are hard to get right. In their seminal 2001 study of 70 such

groups, professors Vijay Govindarajan and Anil Gupta found that 82% fell short

of their goals and 33% rated themselves as largely unsuccessful. A 2005

Deloitte study of IT projects outsourced to virtual work groups found that 66%

failed to satisfy the clients requirements. And in our research, we ve

discovered that most people consider virtual communication less productive than

face-to-face interaction, and nearly half admit to feeling confused and

overwhelmed by collaboration technology.

There is good news, however. A 2009 study of 80 global software teams by

authors from BCG and WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management indicates that

well-managed dispersed teams can actually outperform those that share office

space. Similarly, an Aon Consulting report noted that using virtual teams can

improve employee productivity; some organizations have seen gains of up to 43%.

So how do you create and lead an effective virtual team? There s a lot of

advice out there, but through our research and our experience helping

organizations navigate collaboration challenges, we ve concluded that there are

four must-haves: the right team, the right leadership, the right touchpoints,

and the right technology. By following simple high-return practices for each,

managers can maximize the productivity of teams they must lead virtually.

The Right Team

Team composition should be your starting point. You won t get anywhere without

hiring (or developing) people suited to virtual teamwork, putting them into

groups of the right size, and dividing the labor appropriately.


We ve found that successful virtual team players all have a few things in

common: good communication skills, high emotional intelligence, an ability to

work independently, and the resilience to recover from the snafus that

inevitably arise. Awareness of and sensitivity to other cultures is also

important in global groups. When building a team, leaders should conduct

behavioral interviews and personality tests like the Myers-Briggs to screen for

all those qualities. If you inherit a team, use the same tools to take stock of

your people and assess their weaknesses; then train them in the skills they re

lacking, encourage them to coach one another, and consider reassignment for

those who don t make progress.


Teams have been getting larger and larger, sometimes even exceeding 100 people

for complex projects, according to one study. But our work with companies from

large multinationals to tiny start-ups has taught us that the most effective

virtual teams are small ones fewer than 10 people. OnPoint Consulting s

research supports this: Of the virtual teams the firm studied, the worst

performers had 13 members or more. Social loafing is one cause. Research

shows that team members reduce effort when they feel less responsible for

output. The effect kicks in when teams exceed four or five members. As groups

grow, another challenge is ensuring inclusive communication. The late Harvard

psychology professor Richard Hackman noted that it takes only 10 conversations

for every person on a team of five to touch base with everyone else, but that

number rises to 78 for a team of 13. Thus to optimize your group s performance,

don t assemble too many players.


When projects require the efforts of multiple people from various departments,

we devise appropriate subteams. Our approach is similar to the X-team strategy

advocated by MIT professor Deborah Ancona, who defines three tiers of team

members: core, operational, and outer. The core consists of executives

responsible for strategy. The operational group leads and makes decisions about

day-to-day work but doesn t tackle the larger issues handled by the core. And

the outer network consists of temporary or part-time members who are brought in

for a particular stage of the project because of their specialized expertise.

Ferrazzi Greenlight worked with a large multinational manufacturing company to

help a dispersed team make better cross-division decisions, particularly when

product output from one area fed others. The group was composed of more than 30

members a mix of HQ, operational, and divisional leaders, some of whom reported

to others. While many had knowledge vital to the work at hand, a fair number

were included on an honorary basis. By the time we were asked to help,

teammates openly acknowledged that they were in disarray and unable to achieve

their financial goals. We brought everyone together for a face-to-face summit

and then broke the group into smaller constituencies to brainstorm short-term

wins. Those subteams continued to meet virtually after all parties were back in

their respective offices. One group, made up of five divisional GMs, latched

onto the goal of greater cross-selling and had a near-immediate success story:

As a small, narrowly focused team, they were able to recognize that a plentiful

stabilization agent used in ice cream could be repurposed to replace a scarce

agent needed by other customers, including makers of hairstyling products and

fracking fluids.

The Right Leadership

A recent study of engineering groups showed that the best predictor of success

for managers leading dispersed teams is experience doing it before. That said,

we ve seen even novices excel by practicing some key behaviors that, while also

critical in face-to-face settings, must be amplified in virtual ones:

Fostering trust.

Trust starts with respect and empathy. So, early on, leaders should encourage

team members to describe their backgrounds, the value they hope to add to the

group, and the way they prefer to work. Another practice, utilized by Tony

Hsieh and Jenn Lim at their entirely virtual organization, Delivering

Happiness, is to ask new hires to give video tours of their workspaces. This

allows colleagues to form mental images of one another when they re later

communicating by e-mail, phone, or text message. Remember too that relationship

building should be an ongoing process. While employees who are in the same

office commonly chat about their lives, virtual teammates do so much more

rarely. Try taking five minutes at the beginning of conference calls for

everyone to share a recent professional success or some personal news. This is

probably the easiest way to overcome the isolation that can creep in when

people don t work together physically.

Encouraging open dialogue.

If you ve established trust, you ve set everyone up for open dialogue, or

observable candor a behavior that professors James O Toole and the late Warren

Bennis described as a foundation of successful teamwork. Our own recent study

of 50 financial firms confirmed that leaders of dispersed groups, in

particular, must push members to be frank with one another. One way to do this

is by modeling caring criticism. When delivering negative feedback, use

phrases like I might suggest and Think about this. When receiving such

feedback, thank the person who offered it and confirm points of agreement. A

tactic for conference calls is to designate one team member to act as the

official advocate for candor noticing and speaking up when something is being

left unsaid and calling out criticism that s not constructive. On the flip

side, you should also occasionally recognize people for practices that improve

team communication and collaboration.

Clarifying goals and guidelines.

Management gurus from John Kotter to Chip and Dan Heath acknowledge the

importance of establishing a common purpose or vision, while also framing the

work in terms of team members individual needs and ambitions. Explain to

everyone why you are coming together and what benefits will result, and then

keep reiterating the message.

Specific guidelines for team interaction are equally vital; research shows that

rules reduce uncertainty and enhance trust in social groups, thereby improving

productivity. Agree on how quickly team members should respond to queries and

requests from one another, and outline follow-up steps if someone is slow to

act. Virtual teammates often find themselves saying, I thought it was obvious

that or I didn t think I needed to spell that out. So also insist that

requests be specific. Instead of saying Circle back to me, state whether you

want to give final input on a decision or simply be informed after the decision

is made. If you have a conference call about project details, follow up with an

e-mail to minimize misunderstandings.

Also make it clear that multitasking on calls isn t OK. According to a recent

study, 82% of people admit to doing other things from surfing the web to using

the bathroom during team calls. But virtual collaboration requires that

everyone be mentally present and engaged. Explain your policy, and when the

group has a virtual meeting, regularly call on people to share their thoughts.

Better yet, switch to video, which can essentially eliminate multitasking.

Delivering Happiness finds that using video also reinforces one of the company

s core values: having fun. At the start of videoconference calls, participants

pretend to make direct eye contact as their images appear side by side

on-screen, much like the opening of the hit 1970s TV show, The Brady Bunch. New

agenda items are often introduced with music for example, to lead into a

discussion on driving the firm s long-term growth, the emcee might play Stayin

Alive by the Bee Gees, causing everyone to burst into dance. The fun and

camaraderie match anything coworkers experience in person while ensuring that

people are engaged in the conversation and focused on the specific tasks or

topics at hand.

The Right Touchpoints

Virtual teams should come together in person at certain times. Here are the

stages at which it s most critical:


An initial meeting, face-to-face if possible and using video if not, will go a

long way toward introducing teammates, setting expectations for trust and

candor, and clarifying team goals and behavioral guidelines. Eye contact and

body language help to kindle personal connections and the swift trust that

allows a group of strangers to work together before long-term bonds develop.

This is when you can assess team dynamics and work to bridge specific gaps for

example, by assigning an achievable task to a pair of dissimilar colleagues,

allowing them a small win as HBS professor Teresa Amabile calls it together.


Too often, plans for bringing new people onto a virtual team consist of a short

e-mail or conference-call introduction to the rest of the group and a dozen or

more documents that the newcomers are supposed to read and digest. A much

better approach is to give them the same in-person welcome you gave the group.

Fly them into headquarters or another location to meet with you and others who

will be important to their success. Encourage them to videoconference with the

rest of their teammates. We also recommend pairing newcomers with a mentor who

can answer questions quickly but personally the equivalent of a friendly

colleague with an office around the corner.


Virtual team leaders need to continually motivate members to deliver their

best, but e-mail updates and weekly conference calls are not enough to sustain

momentum. In the absence of visual cues and body language, misunderstandings

often arise, especially on larger teams. Team members begin to feel

disconnected and less engaged, and their contributions to the project decline.

So get people together to celebrate the achievement of short-term goals or to

crack tough problems.

Ritesh Idnani, founder and CEO of Seamless Health, a health care start-up that

relies on dispersed teams of managers, is adamant about bringing everyone

together in person at least quarterly. Also, whenever someone new joins the

team, he allocates two weeks for that individual to talk to colleagues deemed

important to know, who can share information about the company and the job.

After that, I ask the person to sit down with me and tell me what he or she

learned, says Idnani. Not only does the new hire gain valuable insights, but

Idnani does too. You end up learning a lot from someone coming from the

outside with a fresh pair of eyes.

The Right Technology

In our experience, even top-notch virtual teams those with the most-talented

workers, the finest leadership, and frequent touchpoints can be felled by poor

technology. We recommend using platforms that integrate all types of

communication and include these key components:

Conference calling.

Look for systems that don t require access codes (helpful for team members who

are driving) but do record automatically or with a single click and facilitate

or automate transcription. The best systems even help monitor the time that

each individual spends talking versus listening. Also consider one-on-one and

group videoconferencing, since visual cues help establish empathy and trust.

Direct calling and text messaging.

By supporting real-time conversation between two remote participants, direct

calls are one of the simplest and most powerful tools in the arsenal. And as

teenagers know, texting is a surprisingly effective way to maintain personal


Discussion forums or virtual team rooms.

Software ranging from Microsoft SharePoint to Moot allows team members to

present issues to the entire group, for colleagues to study or comment on when

they have time. Scholars refer to this sort of collaboration as messy talk

and say it s critical for completing complex projects. People can even weigh in

on topics outside their domain and still offer useful input; research has shown

that the best solutions to problems often come from unexpected sources. All

interaction is documented and therefore becomes a searchable database.

When collaboration platforms combine all the elements above, they become the

center of team activities, and using them brings greater efficiency, not extra,

unnecessary work.

John Stepper, a managing director at Deutsche Bank, created the bank s

Communities of Practice electronic discussion forums, in which 100,000

employees now converse with colleagues in similar roles around the world.

Stepper calls this collaboration working out loud. All the activity is open

and searchable, making it easy for existing teams to find subject-matter

experts or review their own work and for ad hoc teams to form around

business-related passions. For example, when Stepper made data on employee

resource use available, a few interested parties self-organized into a virtual

project team to create a system that documents individuals cost savings over

time. As people began to compete for the biggest savings, the company

benefited. What s important is that you re identifying common niches and

connecting people toward some purpose, he explains.

The earliest virtual teams were formed to facilitate innovation among top

experts around the world who didn t have time to travel. Today teams of

physically dispersed employees are more often just a necessity of doing

business. Companies can boost such groups productivity, though even beyond

that of teams who share office space by following the practices we describe


Keith Ferrazzi is the CEO of Ferrazzi Greenlight, a research-based consulting

and training company, and the author of Who s Got Your Back (Broadway Books,


The Dangers of Distance

Geographic separation is just one challenge facing 21st-century work groups.

Karen Sobel Lojeski of Stony Brook University and Richard Reilly of the Stevens

Institute of Technology calculate the virtual distance among teammates by

charting three types of distance:

Physical geographic or temporal separation, or affiliation with different

departments or organizations

Operational variations in team size, the extent of members other commitments,

the amount of face-to-face interaction, or technical skills and support

Affinity differences in culture, rank, or the level of interdependence and

preexisting relationships

When rating teams on a five-point scale in each subcategory, Lojeski and Reilly

found that teams with high virtual-distance scores overall showed drops in:

Trust down 83%

Innovation down 93%

Satisfaction down 80%

Performance down 50%

Even colleagues on different floors in the same building might be considered

physically distant, and operational and affinity distance can certainly affect

colocated workers. But the associated problems are more common and more acute

for virtual teams.