A dark magic: The rise of the robot traders

By Laurence Knight Business reporter, BBC News

"Humans cannot compete on speed, it's as simple as that."

Ten years ago, John Coates was a trader in Wall Street.

Today, he is a neuroscientist at Cambridge University, and spends his days

monitoring traders' hormones to see what makes them tick.

"There are simple tests you can do. When you see a green light... you click a

mouse. The fastest you can do that is 100 to 120 milliseconds. Any basic

cognitive processing, figuring things out, then maybe 200 to 300 milliseconds.

"The trouble is, the boxes - last time I looked - they were processing a trade

in 10 milliseconds, and today I think... we're talking about millionths of a


Those "boxes" are the robot traders - computers that make their own decisions

about when to buy and sell, but a thousand times faster than any human can.

Start Quote

Remco Lenterman

They operate algos that effectively are mimicking what traders used to do

Remco Lenterman Director of trading firm IMC

When you think of a trading floor in London or New York, perhaps you imagine a

gaggle of sweaty men elbowing each other out of the way as they use elaborate

finger movements to convey their frantic orders.

It's an image popularised by the 1980s comedy Trading Places. But it's also 30

years out of date.

For the fact is that financial trading has undergone a computerised revolution

akin to Amazon's takeover of the High Street. All the real action has moved to


Take the New York Stock Exchange. These days, most trading does not take place

behind its famous neoclassical facade just off Wall Street, but in far less

glamorous New Jersey.

That is where the NYSE has set up a vast electronic trading facility covering

10 acres (four hectares), housing row upon row of computer servers.

And many more acres are occupied by the servers of the robot trading firms

hooked up to it.

Nerdy brainboxes

Computerised trading is an inherently secretive world.

The trading firms keep a tight hold of their trading strategies, people and

computer code (or "algorithms").

Otherwise a rival might figure out their complex-yet-fully-automated trading

patterns, and then copy them, or worse still, dupe their computers into handing

over millions.

Liffe floor traders in 1992 The loadsamoney traders of the 1980s have been

consigned to the dustbin of history

Remco Lenterman, the head of one such firm, IMC in the Netherlands, is trying

to demystify his business.

He says: "In the old days, 10 years ago, a desk of equity traders would have

between 80 and 100 of human traders at an investment bank. Today there's maybe

eight of them left.

"What they do is operate algos that effectively are mimicking what traders used

to do, and they're tweaking constantly these algos and monitoring the risk of

what goes on in the market."

In other words, the iconic high-testosterone Loadsamoney traders of the past -

the "Masters of the Universe" derided by the American author Tom Wolfe in the

Bonfire of the Vanities - have been ousted by "quants", the nerdy brainboxes

who design and run the computer programmes.

In a recent post-script to his novel written for the Daily Beast, Tom Wolfe

lamented the emasculation of his anti-heroes, renaming them "Eunochs of the


Closer servers, straighter cables

Firms such as Lenterman's make their money by scraping a tiny profit margin on

an unthinkably huge volume of rapid-fire buying and selling.

Different algo traders use very different strategies. But they all share the

need to identify trading opportunities - fleeting discrepancies between the

available market price and where the computer deems the price ought to be - and

then react to them faster than anyone else.

Race to zero

The options available late last year for anyone wanting to send an electronic

trade order between New York and Chicago:

Route Complete Length (miles) Speed* (milli- secs)

Original fibre optic cable




Spread Networks fibre optic cable





McKay Brothers microwave beams





Tradeworx microwave beams





Source: Wired Magazine

It is called the "race to zero". And it has led to the investment of billions

of dollars in faster, smarter computers, and in the fastest possible


At stock exchanges across the planet, traders pay hefty fees to "co-locate"

their servers directly next to the exchanges.

And hundreds of millions have been spent on building straighter cables to shave

a few fractions of a second off the time it takes to transmit orders between

the world's big trading centres: London, New York, Chicago and Tokyo.

All this can seem a little irrational when the UK and US governments are

struggling to scrape together enough money to upgrade the infrastructure needed

to ferry humans from one place to another.

Flash Crash

There is, however, a darker side to this rush to computerise.

For example, accidents can happen.

Last August, the hi-tech financial firm Knight Capital was brought to the verge

of bankruptcy by an algorithm that went haywire, racking up more than $440m of

losses in just 45 minutes before it was switched off.

Perhaps the most famous mishap was the now legendary Flash Crash, at 2.45pm in

New York on 6 May 2010.

In a few minutes the New York Stock Exchange plunged, and then just as suddenly

recovered again. Share prices in some firms, such as the consultancy Accenture,

plummeted to a fraction above zero, while Apple soared to $100,000.

For months afterwards, nobody could explain what had gone wrong.

Cannot play media. You do not have the correct version of the flash player.

Download the correct version

For days afterwards, the New York Flash Crash of 6 May 2010 left investors and

regulators perplexed

The official US regulatory investigation said it had been triggered by a single

order, placed by a large institution, using an algorithmic trading strategy.

But, what made things far worse was a "hot potato" effect: amid the confusion,

one by one the robot traders tried to cut and run, and the stock exchange's

computers got swamped.

'Outright manipulation'

The new algorithmic traders have also been accused of some fairly old-school

nefarious behaviour.

Eric Hunsader, of the US data analysis firm Nanex, says miniature versions of

the Flash Crash happen in individual stocks many times a day, and he alleges

that a lot of it is outright manipulation.

He has produced charts depicting the weird and wonderful behaviour of markets,

as computers seek to outfox one another by rapidly generating and then

cancelling thousands of orders a second.

Nanex chart showing trading during the Google flash crash A Nanex chart

illustrating the Google mini-flash crash of 22 April this year

"We allow people with faster connections to place and remove offers or bids

faster than the speed of light can deliver that information to the other market


And he is not the only one concerned that some computerised traders might be up

to no good.

"Unfortunately the nature of markets is that there always is potential for

abusive activity, and with very, very fast trading, these things can happen

very, very fast," says Martin Wheatley, head of the UK's newly created

Financial Conduct Authority.

"Frankly, for the regulator, it creates a problem trying to pick out from the

vast amount of data trades that potentially might be abusive."