Marketing - Less guff, more puff

Thanks to new digital tools, marketing is no longer voodoo

May 18th 2013 |From the print edition

WHEN a power cut interrupted this year s Super Bowl, advertisers lit up.

Sending some LEDs to the @MBUSA Superdome right now, tweeted Audi, swiftly

plugging its own LED-accented car while taking a dig at its rival Mercedes,

sponsor of the New Orleans Superdome. Tide, a detergent, came up with: We can

t get your #blackout, but we can get your stains out. But by general consent

Oreo won the tweet-off with Power out? No problem. You can still dunk in the

dark. The biscuit baker s reward: 16,000 retweets and 20,000 Facebook likes.

Super Bowl TV commercials are the Broadway spectaculars of the marketing world,

broadcast to millions. The blackout banter is more like improv, created on the

fly for a select audience. Marketers these days must master both. It is not

easy. Lightning reflexes have never been part of a marketer s toolkit. Chief

marketing officers (CMOs) used to deliver big iconic brand ideas on a seasonal

basis, says Luke Taylor of DigitasLBi, a digital advertising agency. Some are

outside of their comfort zones .

Nearly 40% of CMOs do not think they have the right people and resources to

meet their goals, says an Accenture report entitled Turbulence for the CMO .

Martin Sorrell, the boss of WPP, the world s biggest marketing and advertising

group, says that since the 2008 financial crisis marketers have been elbowed

aside by finance and procurement chiefs. Dominique Turpin, the head of IMD, a

Swiss business school, writes that the CMO is dead .

Yet some have never felt perkier. With new digital tools marketers can reach

the likeliest customers when they are most in the mood to buy. Last summer Wall

s ice cream and O2, a mobile-phone network, teamed up to send advertisements

to Londoners smartphones when temperatures climbed. When the weather cooled

Kleenex, a brand of tissues, used Google search terms and health-service data

to target ad spending to areas likely to suffer the most sneezes. Andy Fennell,

the marketing boss of Diageo, a drinks firm, thinks this is a golden era for

brand builders .

From campaign to conversation

On Super Bowl Sunday, Nestl s digital acceleration team (DAT) gathered at

the food giant s headquarters on Lake Geneva to see how other brands TV spots

echoed in social media. They watched as the blackout completely changed the

equation , says the team leader, Pete Blackshaw.

The setting was a situation-room-like studio, where the focus is normally on

how Nestl s own products are faring among electronic opinion-formers. A

glowing map shows where social-media buzz is liveliest. A screen records that

Kit Kat bars were the subject of 164,462 recent posts on Twitter, Facebook and

the like. Of these, 73% were positive. (Though it is hard to imagine why anyone

would complain about chocolate. What s not to like?)

Kit Kat captured 34% of the chocolatey chit-chat, reveals an illuminated pie

chart, while Snickers did better, with 39%. If sentiment droops, community

managers , many of them DAT alumni, can swoop in to soothe a malcontent or

suggest a fix. Such give and take has radically changed the relationship

between our brands and the consumer , says Patrice Bula, Nestl s marketing

chief. Today we have really entered the age of conversation.

This helps explain why marketers are feeling both potent and panicky. Instead

of just lobbing messages out into the void, they must now act as customers

ambassadors , says David Edelman of McKinsey, a consultancy. And that is


Most middle-class consumers will be Asian within a couple of decades. Pop

culture can pop up as easily in Gangnam as in Harlem. Technology keeps giving

marketers new ways to reach consumers and learn about them. The ensuing flood

of data may drown creativity, some fear. Under constant pressure to prove that

what they do is effective, the next generation of marketers may not be able to

be as intuitive and creatively inspiring as their predecessors, worries Grant

Duncan of Spencer Stuart, a recruitment firm.

The biggest shock, say marketers, is the schooling in humility that comes with

round-the-clock conversation. Consumers are in charge. They can comparison-shop

from their couches or badmouth brands via Facebook. They will not tolerate

shoddy quality or sloppy ethics. In 2010 Nestl fought campaigners who said the

palm oil used in Kit Kat caused the destruction of Indonesia s rainforest. Now

it is at pains to be orang-utan-friendly. British snackers can scan a QR code

on some Kit Kat packets to assure themselves that the cocoa is harmlessly


But deference is double-edged. Brands want deeper and more profitable

relationships with consumers in exchange for the trust they hope to inspire.

Marketers are stretching their notions of what brands stand for and smudging

the distinction between advertising and entertainment. The lines between

marketing and other disciplines within a firm are fading. Brands want to be

antidotes to cynicism. But this will not divert marketers from their main task,

pungently summed up by an ad exec: to figure out and fuel consumer desires

like they ve never been fuelled before.

Happy-clappy about nappies

Did you think Special K was a breakfast cereal? It is so much more. MySpecialK,

a website, will advise you on diet, exercise and overall well-being. Do you pay

attention to Nike only when your running shoes wear out? Then you don t wear a

Fuelband, which will record your workouts and upload the data to the internet

every time you charge it. The point of Pampers is not to sell the most nappies

but to help mothers raise happy, healthy children, writes Jim Stengel, a former

CMO of Pampers owner, Procter & Gamble, in a recent book. From that flow

endless possibilities for growth and profit .

If brands are to rise in the world, so must advertising. A medium that

traditionally earned its keep through interruption now aspires to be sought out

and shared. There used to be ads and then content, says Mr Fennell. Now

there is just good content and bad. The advert could come in the form of a

mobile-phone game like Captain s Conquest, a hunt for high-seas booty that

promotes Diageo s Captain Morgan rum. Or it could be a televised chronicle of

the travels of Alexander Walker II of the Johnnie Walker whisky dynasty, which

drew an audience of 120m.

If only marketers could follow their customers as easily. They used to flow

through funnels : attraction (where consumer-goods marketers typically

concentrated their efforts) was the widest bit, followed by conversion (the

actual sale) and retention. Technology complicates this. A marketing manual put

out by Google likens today s customer journey to a flight plan , a zig-zagging

odyssey of apps, shops, social-media sites and online searches conducted on

both fixed and mobile devices and unique to each shopper.

To chase consumers around, CMOs are pinching marketing techniques from other

industries. Customer-relationship management (CRM) is used mainly by companies

with enduring ties to consumers, such as banks and telephone companies. Now

you see CRM methodology in places where it had not been applied before, says

Marco Rimini of Mindshare, a part of the WPP group. Although makers of packaged

goods such as nappies and toothpaste will still deal with consumers mainly

through retailers, they can now establish direct relationships. The more

marketers learn, the more they will tailor their come-ons to what they think

shoppers want.

It is getting harder to tell where puffery ends and providing a service begins.

Paul Kemp-Robertson of Contagious, a marketing magazine and consultancy, points

to the Fly Delta app, which tracks passengers baggage and lets them peer

through a virtual glass bottom to the ground below their flight. Australia s

Commonwealth Bank offers a house-hunting app that identifies the house, shows

its price and helps the prospective buyer find a mortgage. Adaptive marketing

, which varies messages as audiences and circumstances shift, should be as

fast as journalism, says Nick Emery of Mindshare, which devised the Kleenex

campaign. Or faster. Nike found 21,000 ways to tell people to find [their]

greatness .

The best trick for CMOs who want to impress the boss would be to measure just

what marketing is doing for a company s bottom line. Los Angeles-based

MarketShare (no relation to Mindshare) is one company that claims to be

cracking this hoary problem. With more data and new ways of analysing it, a CMO

can now predict what mix of media will achieve a company s sales and margin

targets, says Heath Podvesker of MarketShare.

Actually, marketers are not as clueless about that as they are said to be. The

smartest were using econometrics to measure marketing s payoff in the 1980s.

Digital advertising made that easier in some ways (advertisers could pay per

click) but added bewildering complexity. Now marketers are beginning to get to

grips with it by measuring how various media affect each other. MarketShare

touts the case of Electronic Arts, which was spending too much on television

and cinema advertising and not enough on search advertising and YouTube videos

to promote its Battlefield video game. After cutting television s share from

80% to half and boosting spending on video and paid search, sales of the new

version jumped by 23%.

This is good news for CMOs. MarketShare reckons that companies spend too little

on marketing overall and that the right answer is not always to put more money

into digital. Sometimes the algorithms counsel investment in print and

television, which is heartening to marketers wedded to the storytelling side of

their craft. No longer need CMOs creep diffidently into the chief financial

officer s lair.

But to stride in jauntily they will have to change the way they work. Gartner,

a consultancy, has predicted that by 2017 they will spend more on technology

than their companies chief information officers. Already 70% of big American

firms employ a chief marketing technologist , says Gartner. With the shift in

emphasis from set-piece campaigns to rapid responses, CMOs need more people

working directly for them. This is putting into reverse a 20-year trend of

favouring working spend (what consumers see) over non-working spend

(overheads), says Dominic Field of the Boston Consulting Group.

Some companies are pulling marketers off the sidelines and onto the pitch. Land

Rover, which like many engineering firms had a tradition of connecting with

customers only sporadically, signalled a change in approach not long ago by

hiring a new marketing chief, Patrick Jubb, from Vodafone. His brief is to

cultivate relationships with owners and potential owners of luxury SUVs every

bit as intimate as those between a mobile-phone network and its subscribers.

Marketing now works much more closely with the design and engineering teams in

sharing a new product with the world, says Mr Jubb. After dropping to less

than two years in the mid-2000s, the average tenure of a CMO at a big-spending

American firm has climbed back to 45 months, says Spencer Stuart. That suggests

a recovery in jauntiness.

Still, a gap yawns between what CMOs could do and what they actually do. The

left-brained bent that the job now demands is not part of where their

experience has been , says McKinsey s Mr Edelman. But CMOs are learning.

Mindshare installed an adaptive lab in its London headquarters to educate

them. DigitasLBi teaches its clients that not every utterance about a brand

needs to be vetted by lawyers. Next time the floodlights fail, more marketers

will know what to do.

From the print edition: Business