'Best estimate' for impact of melting ice on sea level rise

Matt McGrath By Matt McGrath Environment correspondent, BBC News

Researchers have published their most advanced calculation for the likely

impact of melting ice on global sea levels.

The EU funded team say the ice sheets and glaciers could add 36.8 centimetres

to the oceans by 2100.

Adding in other factors, sea levels could rise by up to 69 centimetres, higher

than previous predictions.

The researchers say there is a very small chance that the seas around Britain

could rise by a metre.

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The previous IPCC identified this gap in our knowledge, we've addressed that

gap and what we've found is not scary

Prof Tony Payne University of Bristol

The last Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report was highly

detailed about many aspects of Earth's changing climate in the coming decades,

Advanced models

While they estimated that sea levels could rise by 18-59 centimetres by 2100,

they were very unsure about the role played by the melting of ice sheets and

mountain glaciers.

To fill the void, the EU funded experts from 24 institutions in Europe and

beyond to try and come up with more accurate figures on the melting of ice

sheets and glaciers in Antarctica and Greenland and how this might swell the


Called Ice2sea, the group of scientists have made what they term the "best

estimate" yet of the impact of melting based on a mid-range level of carbon

emissions that would increase global temperatures by 3.5C by the end of this


"For that one scenario we have an ice sheet and glaciers contribution to sea

level rise of between 3.5 and 36.8 cm by 2100," said Prof David Vaughan from

the British Antarctic Survey who is the co-ordinator of the Ice2sea programme.

While the range is wide, the scientists say it is a relatively robust

calculation and based on several advances in their modelling since the last

IPCC report.

"In order to be able to model the ice sheet properly you need to be able to

resolve things down to hundreds of metres," says Prof Tony Payne from the

University of Bristol.

"That's quite a task when an ice sheet is a thousand kilometres or more in

size, that's a very demanding computational task. What we found is that the

Pine Island glacier, the poster child of sea level rise in the Antarctic, that

will continue through to the end of the century and very little else happens."

Pine island The Pine Island glacier developed a large crack in 2011 but

scientists suggest it won't contribute significantly to sea level rise by 2100

Despite the improvements, there are still many factors that are difficult to

include in models. To get around this, the leading researchers were asked to

estimate the worst-case scenarios.

They concluded there was a one in 20 chance that the melting ice would drive up

sea levels by more than 84 centimetres, essentially saying there's a 95% chance

it wouldn't go above this figure.

While ice melt is a major contributor to the height of the seas, there are

other important factors especially thermal expansion caused by the warming of

the waters.

This is estimated to be raising sea levels by 3 millimetres every year. Taken

together with the ice melt estimate, the scientists say the overall, maximum

impact on the seas by 2100 will be a rise of 69 centimetres - just ten

centimetres higher than the IPCC projection in 2007, termed AR4.

"What we are talking about is a reduction in uncertainty - we find we haven't

changed the number enormously compared to AR4, we've added maybe another 10

centimetres but the level of certainty we have around that, is actually higher

than it was in the AR4," said Prof Vaughan.

The researchers also included projections for sea level rise in Europe that

includes the effects of thermal expansion, ice melt and storm surges. In these

scenarios, the British Isles could face an increase of slightly over a metre by

2100. Enough to overwhelm the Thames Barrier and see London flooded once every

ten years.

But the scientists stress that there's a 95% chance that these numbers will not

be reached.

"The previous IPCC identified this gap in our knowledge, we've addressed that

gap and what we've found is not scary," said Prof Payne.

"We're always talking about tens of centimetres, maybe a metre tops, none of

the experiments are suggesting 2,3,4 metres and that's different to the

literature that existed before Ice2sea."

However the scientists stressed that sea level rise in line with their

projections could still make some islands in the Pacific uninhabitable. And if

global emissions of carbon dioxide are not curtailed then the actual level of

the sea by 2100 could be significantly higher than the Ice2Sea estimates.