Automation is always a threat

Automation is always a threat (Score:5, Insightful)

by EmagGeek (574360) on Tuesday October 30, @08:45AM (#21169151)

( | Last Journal: Tuesday March 28 2006, @06:27AM)

It doesn't matter what the industry is. Automation is always a "threat" to

jobs. But, people still work in the auto industry, and people still work in IT.

You can look at automation two ways. You can view it as a threat to yourself,

and you will be one of the poor-attitude IT workers that get laid off. Or, you

can look at automation as a tool to let you get more done, and you will be one

of the self-motivated go-getters that can be a VP of Technology since you don't

have to bother yourself with peon work anymore.