Do you let your pet sleep with you? It could be hazardous to your health.
Sound crazy? A new study says a surprising number of people allow their pets to
curl up with them, and it could actually be risky. But are the new findings
overblown? What dangers could you face from close contact with your pets?
In a nightly ritual, Chrissy Carew and her five dogs all bunk up together for
the night.
"I consider them full-fledged members of our family," she says.
A new survey shows 56 percent of dog owners in the U.S. let their dogs sleep
next to them. But researchers say that could lead to some real problems.
"Sometimes we forget that they aren't our children. They are pets and also they
have their own life and there are diseases that can be transmitted," says
veterinarian Bruno Chomel of the University of California's School of
Veterinary Medicine.
Chomel is one of the lead authors of the study just published by the Centers
for Disease Control. Researchers tracked people who had close contact with
their dogs and cats, either sleeping next to their pet or allowing their animal
to lick and kiss them.
In rare instances, some caught illnesses like the plague, rabies,
antibiotic-resistant infections; meningitis; and cat-scratch fever. Others
picked up ringworm and intestinal parasites.
Medical experts say that one of the most important things a pet owner can do is
to keep your dog or cat free of fleas. The insects bite and could spread
"You always think it's never going to happen to me, but when it happens to you
it can be very sad and very bad," Chomel says.
Eric Marlowe Garrison caught a terrible case of ringworm on his foot. The
culprit: his roommate's cat. He says he will change the way he interacts with
"It has certainly taught me a lesson," Garrison says.
But infectious disease expert Dr. William Schaffner of Vanderbilt University
School of Medicine says his cat sleeps with him.
"Anytime human beings have close associations with animals, including their
pets, there's some risk, but it's very, very small," he says.
Indoor cats pose less risk because they don't come in contact with fleas.
Chrissy Carew makes sure she keeps her dogs very clean and plans to continue to
let them in her bed, despite the survey findings.
People most at risk for catching something from a pet are the elderly, the very
young and people with weakened immune systems. If your pet appears sick, limit
close physical contact until they are better. Always wash your hands after
petting an animal.
Remember that researchers have also found that pets have tremendously positive
benefits on people's health, like reducing stress and anxiety.