Web searches predict success for films, games and songs

By Jason Palmer Technology reporter, BBC News

Fortune teller gazing into a crystal ball

Web search terms are a good predictor of the success of films, songs and video

games even weeks ahead of release, researchers say.

The findings echo a study in April showing that the number of mentions of a

film on Twitter could predict its opening box-office take.

However, in some cases predictions based on search do not significantly improve

on those made with other data.

The research appears in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

It was carried out by a team at the research arm of search firm Yahoo.

They compared the total number of searches containing a given term, such as the

title of an upcoming film, determining how much that number correlated with the

film's success on release.

They did the same with songs on the US' Billboard 100 music chart and video


In all three cases, the correlations were strong - a much-searched term was a

good predictor of the eventual success, even as much as six weeks ahead of



However, as Duncan Watts, a co-author on the study, told BBC News, "predictions

are good or bad only relative to something else".

"There are other ways to predict the success of movies based on other kinds of

data - how many screens it's opening on or what the budget is.

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Start Quote

In principle, these companies are sitting on their ability to predict consumer

behaviour that could be used for their own benefit, or sold

End Quote Bernardo Huberman Hewlett Packard

"So for each of our cases we construct a baseline model - which is what you

would've (used to predict) if you didn't have search data, and then we throw

the search query volume into the mix and see if our predictions get better."

For the most part, the search data did not much improve on those made based on

different, more traditional data.

Study co-author Jake Hofman explained that the search data seemed to make the

most difference in the case where the data available ahead of release was

limited, such as video games.

"There are some places where you really don't have good outside information and

search is reliable, like the non-sequel video games," he explained to BBC News.

"Then there are situations where search data (leads to) a pretty marginal


Crystal ball

Bernardo Huberman, the HP researcher who showed substantially similar results

using the volume of tweets about films, called the new effort is "good work",

in no small part because "they have a lot of data - they're Yahoo".

He pointed out that prior work by Google researchers indicated a similar

correlation exists between house prices and search terms.

"The picture that's starting to emerge is one in which millions of people are

essentially browsing for data, and us being able to capture that browsing

allows you to predict," he told BBC News.

Yahoo's Dr Watts remarked on possible future implications of the approach,

saying that "you could imagine expanding this study to other kinds of consumer

behaviour, thinking about hotel vacancy rates or how many people will be flying

into Las Vegas this weekend - all of that is probably correlated with some kind

of search activity".

But for Dr Huberman, that possibility raises an issue of some concern.

"In principle, these companies are sitting on their ability to predict consumer

behaviour that could be used for their own benefit, or sold - the interesting

question is whether this data should be restricted."

However, the crystal ball that people's technological habits might represent is

not, he said, always the most important thing.

"In life, it's not so interesting sometimes to predict the future, but to know

what to do once you know what the future will look like."