Germ-free kids may risk more adult illnesses: study

by Karin Zeitvogel Karin Zeitvogel Wed Dec 9, 9:11 pm ET

WASHINGTON (AFP) Parents who let their kids romp in the mud and eat food that

has fallen on the floor could be helping to protect them against maladies like

heart disease later in life, a US study showed Wednesday.

"Our research suggests that ultra-clean, ultra-hygienic environments early in

life may contribute to higher levels of inflammation as an adult, which in turn

increases risks for a wide range of diseases," including cardiovascular

disease, Thomas McDade, lead author of the study, said.

Researchers at Northwestern University in the state of Illinois looked at data

from a study in the Philippines, which followed participants from birth to 22

years of age.

The data were compiled by tracking children born in the 1980s to 3,327 Filipino


Researchers visited the children every two months for the first two years of

their lives and then spaced out the visits to every four or five years until

the kids reached their 20s.

Among items that the researchers assessed were the hygiene of the children's

household environment -- "whether domestic animals such as pigs and dogs roamed

freely" -- and their families' socioeconomic resources.

Blood tests taken when the study participants reached adulthood showed that

although Filipinos suffer far more infectious diseases as infants and toddlers

than their American counterparts, their level of C-reactive protein (CRP) when

they reached adulthood was at least 80 percent lower than in Americans.

Filipinos in their early 20s had average CRP concentrations of 0.2 milligrams

per liter, while Americans in the same age group had blood concentrations of

the protein of 1-1.5 milligrams per liter.

"CRP concentrations are incredibly low in Filipinos compared to people in the

United States and that was counter to what a lot of people would have

anticipated because we know that Filipinos have higher exposure to infectious

diseases," McDade told AFP.

One finding of the study published in the online edition of the Proceedings of

the Royal Society was that adults with high CRP levels -- indicating more

inflammation -- were exposed to less animal feces in the home as kids.

But that should not serve as an impetus to rush out and buy a pig to have

running around the home, said McDade -- adding that Americans' obsession with

hygiene would probably rule that out anyway.

Rather, he said, the message to take home from the study is the importance of

being exposed early in life to common microbes and bacteria.

"These bacteria and microbes may never result in outright clinical disease but

they do play an important role in promoting the development of regulatory

networks," said McDade, who is an associate professor of anthropology at

Northwestern and a fellow at the university's institute for policy research.

To explain the importance of exposure to such microbes, McDade, who has a

two-and-a-half-year-old son, likened immune system development to the way

Americans promote brain development in infants and toddlers by exposing them to

"all sorts of cognitive and social stimuli."

"There's rapid brain growth early in life and there are lots of neurological

connections being formed, and you need to engage with your environment in order

to promote those connections," he said.

"The immune system also needs engagement with its environment to drive its

development, and without that environmental input, we're depriving it of a

necessary source of information that it needs to promote its development," said


And with his own child, McDade said he ignores the two-second rule when food

drops on the floor.

"I don't hesitate - I tell him to pick it up and eat it," he said.