Americans Grow More Pessimistic on Economy, Nation.s Direction

Mike Dorning and Rebecca Christie Mike Dorning And Rebecca Christie . Tue Dec

8, 6:00 pm ET

Dec. 9 (Bloomberg) -- Americans have grown gloomier about both the economy and

the nation.s direction over the past three months even as the U.S. shows signs

of moving from recession to recovery.

Almost half the people now feel less financially secure than when President

Barack Obama took office in January, a Bloomberg National Poll shows.

Those concerns have put consumers in a miserly mood as they head to the mall

for holiday shopping, with half the country planning to spend less on gifts

than last year and few buyers willing to run up credit-card debt for Christmas.

.The recession may be over, but the administration seems to be losing the

battle when it comes to winning the hearts and minds of Americans,. says Chris

Rupkey, chief financial economist for Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd. in New

York. .This is important because the spending of consumers is the main factor

that will turn the economic recovery into a self- sustaining one..

Obama yesterday addressed anxiety over the economy with a speech proposing new

spending on the nation.s transportation system, tax credits to spur hiring by

small businesses and incentives to make homes more energy efficient.

Unemployment in November stood at 10 percent, a drop from 10.2 percent in

October yet still the second month in a row the figure stood in double digits.

No. 1 Concern

The economy is the country.s top concern, with persistently high unemployment

the greatest threat the public sees. Eight of 10 Americans rate joblessness a

high risk to the economy in the next two years, outranking the federal budget

deficit, which is cited by 7 of 10. An increase in taxes is named as a high

risk by almost 6 of 10.

Fewer than 1 in 3 Americans think the economy will improve in the next six

months. They are pessimistic that the government will succeed in reducing

unemployment or lowering the budget deficit.

A year into Obama.s presidency, only 32 percent of poll respondents believe the

country is headed in the right direction, down from 40 percent who said so in


The mood among members of Obama.s own Democratic Party has shifted most

dramatically: While Democrats remain the most positive, the proportion saying

the country is on the right track dropped to 58 percent from 71 percent in

September. Among independents, 26 percent say the country is on the right

track, down from 29 percent in September.

The poll of 1,000 U.S. adults was conducted Dec. 3-7 by Selzer & Co., a Des

Moines, Iowa-based firm. The margin of error is plus or minus 3.1 percentage

points. The poll includes 714 likely voters in the 2010 general election, the

margin of error for questions based on likely voters is plus or minus 3.7

percentage points.

Skeptical Over Stimulus

The country has grown increasingly skeptical of the centerpiece of Obama.s

economic agenda, the $787 billion economic-stimulus package, with 60 percent of

Americans saying it hasn.t helped the economy, up from 49 percent who said that

three months ago.

Michele Crawford, 37, a Las Vegas health-care worker who identified herself as

a Democrat, says the stimulus plan put too much money in the hands of

corporations rather than sending it directly to families through tax cuts.

.I think that was the wrong approach,. Crawford says.

For now, former President George W. Bush continues to get most of the blame for

the hard economic times. Six of 10 poll respondents say the economic

difficulties Obama confronts were mostly inherited.

Blaming Bernanke, Geithner

Still, there are signs the economic doldrums are tarnishing current


Americans have turned against the administration.s leading economic spokesman,

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, with 33 percent viewing him unfavorably

against 26 percent with a favorable view. As recently as September, a slim

plurality viewed Geithner favorably.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke, another public face of economic

policy though he is independent of the White House, also declined in

popularity. A third of the country views Bernanke favorably, down from 41

percent in September.

Bernanke.s standing fell even though the Fed as an institution improved, with

50 percent holding a favorable opinion versus 44 percent three months ago.

Four out of 10 respondents have no opinion on either Geithner or Bernanke.

Some of the malaise may stem from middle-class households bracing for the

expectation of greater burdens ahead, says J. Ann Selzer, president of Selzer &

Co. Almost 9 in 10 poll respondents say they believe middle-class Americans

will have to make sacrifices to decrease the deficit. Under Water.

When asked about changes in measures of personal economic well-being --

household income, job security, quality of health care, retirement savings and

home equity -- the responses changed little from September. Only 1 in 3

Americans indicated an improvement in any category.

For many consumers, that uneasiness means a shorter Christmas shopping list.

Cindy Gamet, 54, an environmental project manager who lives in Greeley,

Colorado, says her family.s prolonged encounter with financial insecurity is

leading her to cut back further this holiday season.

.The economy has been on the decline for some time,. Gamet says. .Our major

investment, which was our home, it went south. So now under water.. Spenders.

Though it goes against her inclination -- spenders,. Gamet says -- she

and her husband plan to limit gifts for their grandchildren and forgo presents

to their adult children. going to do what we can for the kids, but the adults are just going to

have to understand,. Gamet says.

Just 8 percent of people plan to spend more on gifts this year than they did

last year, while 47 percent say they will spend less.

The country is especially leery of taking on new debt for the holidays, with 82

percent of respondents saying they plan to pay for Christmas gifts solely from

cash on hand or savings.

The Grinch may even have come to the Internet, where commerce has been shifting

in recent years. Only a quarter of respondents -- 27 percent -- say they will

buy more gifts over the Web this year, while 42 percent say they will buy fewer

and 22 percent say they will buy nothing at all.

To see the methodology and exact wording of the poll questions, click on the

attachment tab at the top of the story.

To contact the reporters on this story: Mike Dorning in Washington at ; To contact the reporter on this story: Rebecca

Christie in Washington at