Re:Both right?
(Score:5, Insightful)
by lhbtubajon (469284) on Sunday June 17, @10:44PM (#19546231)
My personal opinion is we need to concentrate on having LESS people in the
Universe rather than spreading out.
This goes against every biological imperative ever experienced by any life form
on earth. And for good reason. The way species improve themselves is to expand
until they fill their available space to the limit, and beyond, of
sustainability. Once that is reached, a die-off culls the weak and strengthens
the remaining gene pool for further adaptation and expansion. This is species
survival, and humans are just as good at it as any other life form. Once we
fill this planet to the breaking point (which we will), we'll either die off,
improving the "herd", or we'll send parts of us away to seed nearby star
systems. Death, life, freedom, poverty, and exploration are all the reasons we
need, just like our forefathers who struck out across oceans to find new land
for colonization. I'm afraid this notion of "fewer humans on earth" is
fundamentally nonsense. Biology demands that we expand and multiply, or die