Cactus commerce boosts Morocco

By Sylvia Smith

BBC News, Sbouya, Morocco

It is just after dawn in the hills above the Moroccan hamlet of Sbouya and a

group of women are walking through the thousands of cactus plants dotted about

on the hillside, picking ripe fruits whenever they spot the tell-tale red hue.

But these woman are not simply scraping a living out of the soil.

The cactus, previously eaten as a fruit or used for animal feed, is creating a

minor economic miracle in the region thanks to new health and cosmetic products

being extracted from the ubiquitous plant.

. We are working with a number of European laboratories to develop the use of

the cactus for slimming .

Keltoum Hammadi Aknari cooperative manager

This prickly pocket of the semi-arid south of the country around the town of

Sidi Ifni is known as Morocco's cactus capital.

It is blessed with the right climate for the 45,000 hectares (111,000 acres) of

land that is being used to produce prodigious numbers of succulent Barbary


Every local family has its own plot and, with backing from the Ministry of

Agriculture, the scheme to transform small scale production into a significant

industry industry is under way.

Some 12m dirhams ($1.5m) have been pledged to build a state-of-the-art factory

that will help local farmers process the ripe fruits.

The move is expected to help workers keep pace with the requirements of the

French cosmetics industry which is using the cactus in increasing numbers of



Izana Marzouqi, a 55-year-old member of the Aknari cooperative, says people

from the region grew up with the cactus and did not realise its true benefit.

"Demand for cactus products has grown and that it is because the plant is said

to help with high blood pressure and cancer. The co-operative I belong to earns

a lot of money selling oil from the seeds to make anti-ageing face cream."

Each member of the Aknari cooperative can pick between 30 and 50 pallets of the

fruits in a morning during the season which lasts from July to December.

Many of them also work in the factory a short distance away where the fruit is

peeled and then the pulp is separated and used to make jam.

The seeds which are ground to produce an oil are the most lucrative part of the


The oil is used in more than 40 cosmetic products, and sells at a very high

price as a pure skin oil.

It takes approximately a tonne of the tiny seeds to make a litre of oil.

The leaves are ground into a powder, the flowers flavour vinegar and the pulp

of the fruit has been found to lower cholesterol. Nowadays very little is left

over for animal feed.

Cactus brand

Keltoum Hammadi, who runs the Aknari co-operative, says that some of the

processes are secret.

"In the cosmetics industry rivals never let the competition know their sources.

"All I can say is that we are working with a number of European laboratories to

develop the use of the cactus for slimming."

Keltoum Achahour, manager of Saharacactus in the Sidi Ifni area, explains that

her company is collaborating on other new products.

"We are a sort of umbrella for a number of women's cooperatives," she explains.

"By forming a group and incorporating we can protect the cactus, create a brand

and ensure we get a fair share of the vast sums of money that the international

cosmetics industry spends on research and development."

Exact figures are hard to come by, with each cooperative having its own


Their activities range from making soap to pickling leaves cut into strips,

from packing top quality fresh fruits for use within Morocco, to selling on the

road side from buckets to lorries that roll up in town early in the morning.

Consequently the exact size of the industry remains difficult to measure.

Boost for women

At present only 20% of the fruits grown for commercial use is processed in the


The vast majority is still bought in bulk by outsiders who cream off the

highest profit.

They can buy a box for between 20 and 30 dirhams and sell it on for 100


But with greater financial involvement from the government, it is expected that

within two years more than 75% of the production will be processed by the

townspeople of Ait Baamram.

The industry is expected to grow by more 20% next year alone.

More than half of the land suitable for cactus production has yet to be

involved in any commercial activity and with 9,000 plants per hectare (or acre)

there is still a lot of room for expansion.

It is also an industry that has won women a lot of freedom.

Sayka Hafida, a member of the Aknari cooperative, says that her life has been

transformed by this organic, naturally occurring plant.

"We still use the cactus leftovers for animal feed and we eat the fruit when it

is fresh, and dry it for times when the plants don't produce.

"But I could never have imagined that I could get such a good income from it.

You don't have to be educated to work in the factories.

"Our children are feeling the benefits. There is much more money around and it

is women who are earning it."