Children of older fathers perform less well in a range of brainpower tests
during infancy and early childhood, a study found.
In contrast, children with older mothers did well on the tests, which assessed
abilities such as memory, learning and concentration.
Experts believe mutations in a man's sperm, which build over time, may be a
The University of Queensland study appears in the journal PLoS Medicine.
Nature intended us to have our children earlier in our lives than we
currently are
Dr Allan Pacey
University of Sheffield
The age at which men and women are having children is increasing in the
developed world.
But while the effect of increasing maternal age on reduced fertility is widely
known, the impact of increased paternal age is not as well established.
However, older fathers have been linked to a range of health problems,
including an increased risk of birth deformities and neuropsychiatric
conditions, such as schizophrenia, autism and bipolar disorder.
The Queensland team analysed data on 33,437 children born between 1959 and 1965
in the US.
Each child was given a range of tests of cognitive function at eight months,
four years, and seven years.
The researchers adjusted their study to take account of socio-economic factors,
such as family income and parental education.
They found that the older the father, the more likely the child was to have
lower scores on the various tests.
In contrast, the older the mother the higher the scores of the child in the
cognitive tests.
Nurturing environment
Previous researchers have suggested children of older mothers may perform
better because they experience a more nurturing home environment.
But the latest study suggests this might not be the case in relation to
Genetic factors are likely to be key, as there is evidence that genetic
mutations become more widespread in a man's sperm as he ages.
But the Queensland team said the impact of social factors could also not be
ruled out, although they said a child would usually benefit socioeconomically
from having an older father, with better access to health and educational
The researchers, led by Dr John McGrath, wrote: "Given the trend towards older
maternal and paternal ages in the developing world, policy-makers may want to
consider promoting an awareness of the risks to children that this study
associates with delayed fatherhood."
Dr Allan Pacey, an expert in fertility at the University of Sheffield, said:
"We have known for some time that the children born from older fathers are at
increased risk of a number of medical problems and this is almost certainly
because as men get older the sperm production gets less efficient and their
sperm have a higher number of genetic defects.
"The author's observation that most neurocognitive outcomes is also reduced in
the children of older fathers provides a further piece of evidence to remind us
that nature intended us to have our children earlier in our lives than we
currently are."
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Posted: 2009338@504.94
Man's Fertility Declines with Age
Many men are not aware that their age can affect their ability to become a
father. Most men know that women's fertility declines after the age of 35, but
less known is the increasing evidence that the the older a man becomes, the
more their fertility diminishes.
In research published in the Journal Fertility and Sterility, Elise de La
Rochebrochard et al of the French National Institute for Demographic Studies
found that men over the age 40 are less fertile than younger men.
The researchers examined the rates of successful pregnancies reported in 59
fertility clinics. 1,938 couples took part.
The results showed:
her male partner was 40 years or older.
partner was over 40 years old.
There is now a lot more evidence that the age of the man at conception affects
women's ability to become pregnant. Paternal age is now considered significant.
Men have to listen to their biological clock too.
Elise de La Rochebrochard, who headed this study, has also looked at paternal
factors for miscarriage. With Patrick Thonneau in 2002 she reported that the
risk of an adverse pregnancy outcome (miscarriage) is highest if both partners
are advanced in age. Their definition of advanced age? A woman aged 35 years
and a man aged over 40 years!
Article Sources: Elise de La Rochebrochard French National Institute for
Demographic Studies. Journal Fertility and Sterility. May 2006 Paternal age and
maternal age are risk factors for miscarriage; results of a multicentre
European study Elise de La Rochebrochard1 and Patrick Thonneau2,3 1 INED
(National Demographic Studies Institute), 75020 Paris and 2 Research Group in
Human Fertility, INSERM, La Grave Hospital, 31052 Toulouse, France