On Advertising

I recall years ago, a documentary here in the UK about the advertising industry and the techniques it employs. There was an interview with some industry expert (I forget who, but a marketing exec type). He said to the interviewer "You may think that advertising doesn't affect you. You'd be wrong."

What was so striking was how absolutely confident this guy seemed about the words he was uttering, almost to the point of smugness.

Years later, I learned of some research which concluded that our emotional response to a lie persists even after we learn the original statement was untrue. This, of course, relates to the dangers of 'fake-news', but most advertising is just a different form of that.

This is what I think the marketing exec was alluding to in his statement. When you're provoked with images that evoke envy, anger, fear, etc. your emotional state will be affected, whether you are conscious of it or not.

Most advertising is, in my opinion, emotional abuse.