Re: JetForce vs. Molly Brown Server: CGI-variable SCRIPT_NAME is not


- Sean Conner <sean at>

@ Tue, 13 Apr 2021 15:02 -0400

Full Thread

Reply to Frank Jüdes <Frank.Juedes at>


It was thus said that the Great Frank Jüdes once stated:

Hi Omar,
For GLV-1.12556 i would have to install lua, a language with which i am
not comfortable at all. Also my Linux Distro doesn't include the
LibreSSL… yes i know you can always configure, make and  make install,
but just want to install a gemini-server and not make a phd.

Hmm, I see I need to update the README for GLV-1.12556. I switched from

using LibreSSL to OpenSSL 1.1.1 and libretls, a libtls wrapper for OpenSSL.

That requires the use of OpenSSL 1.1.1b or higher, but I feel it's worth it

just becauase libtls is so easy to use.

Anyway, just thought I should mention it.

