69 points by sammorrowdrums (12 comments) at 2021-12-06 03:38:26
[98] - Ubiquiti developer charged with extortion, causing 2020 “breach”
98 points by niros_valtos (61 comments) at 2021-12-06 03:13:28
[62] - Whitehead and Russell’s Principia rewritten in Coq
62 points by zdw (15 comments) at 2021-12-06 02:26:53
[215] - You click a link to a news site, to read an article that seems interesting
215 points by dredmorbius (170 comments) at 2021-12-05 23:09:59
[413] - Amazon is bypassing supply chain chaos with chartered ships and long-haul planes
413 points by thunderbong (369 comments) at 2021-12-05 16:27:24
[90] - Analog Devices Expands over 1000 Linux Device Drivers to Support Development
90 points by teleforce (36 comments) at 2021-12-05 22:58:57
[199] - Crohn’s Disease: Is the Cold Chain Hypothesis Still Hot?
199 points by fnord77 (220 comments) at 2021-12-05 22:04:59
[19] - Color Vision Simulation
19 points by sohkamyung (8 comments) at 2021-12-06 02:51:34
[349] - Zrythm: A highly automated and intuitive digital audio workstation
349 points by Tomte (109 comments) at 2021-12-05 16:02:13
[278] - WhatsApp has removed answer to “how do I choose not to share data with FB”
278 points by behnamoh (61 comments) at 2021-12-06 00:43:21
[4] - Coreutils Rewritten in Rust
4 points by GhettoComputers (no comments) at 2021-12-06 04:21:52
[6] - Show HN: Fourier Transform Visualized via WebGL
6 points by laszlokorte (1 comments) at 2021-12-06 03:45:54
[1] - Generally Intelligent Is Hiring Machine Learning Research Engineers (Remote, SF)
1 points by kanjun (no comments) at 2021-12-06 01:04:05
[23] - GhOSt: Fast and Flexible User-Space Delegation of Linux Scheduling
23 points by mlerner (2 comments) at 2021-12-06 01:30:25
[82] - Chrome client “variations” can be used to identify you (2020)
82 points by dmitryminkovsky (54 comments) at 2021-12-06 02:19:39
[29] - Mushroom leather and how it is made (2020)
29 points by _Microft (14 comments) at 2021-12-03 13:02:34
[124] - Tips on adding JSON output to your CLI app
124 points by kbrazil (58 comments) at 2021-12-03 21:29:08
[53] - Supercharged high-resolution ocean simulation with Jax
53 points by dionhaefner (15 comments) at 2021-12-03 12:56:36
[23] - What Whale Barnacles Know
23 points by Thevet (3 comments) at 2021-12-03 04:49:52
[39] - C++ Compile Time Parser Generator
39 points by ingve (18 comments) at 2021-12-05 23:19:21
[214] - Simple Raspberry Pi Powered SMS Gateway
214 points by DeathArrow (73 comments) at 2021-12-05 15:31:47
[47] - Dumping the NEC PC Engine YUV Table
47 points by zdw (no comments) at 2021-12-01 04:47:21
[114] - How to make any immutable data structure distributed
114 points by pierremenard (26 comments) at 2021-12-05 19:50:19
[144] - The sea people: Alexander the Great trod in the footsteps of forgotten Greeks
144 points by rsj_hn (134 comments) at 2021-12-05 13:36:26
[51] - All Placebos are not created equal
51 points by hirundo (34 comments) at 2021-12-05 22:10:04
[66] - Show HN: Code Hike – More than syntax highlighting
66 points by pomber (15 comments) at 2021-12-04 12:41:48
[183] - Widdler is a single binary that serves up TiddlyWikis
183 points by Tomte (46 comments) at 2021-12-05 13:58:09
[7] - Diacritical Marks in Unicode
7 points by todsacerdoti (1 comments) at 2021-12-03 09:33:53
[12] - Podcast about the best podcasting tools (record, edit, master, and transcribe)
12 points by jedgardyson (3 comments) at 2021-12-06 03:11:31
73 points by Amorymeltzer (4 comments) at 2021-12-04 11:23:55
[100] - 2049 and the dreams of Philip K. Dick
100 points by xk3 (22 comments) at 2021-12-05 17:09:38
[6] - San Francisco suspends CannabisTax 2 help dispensaries compete with drug dealers
6 points by jelliclesfarm (no comments) at 2021-12-06 02:14:18
[16] - LineFS: SmartNIC Offload of a Distributed File System with Pipeline Parallelism
16 points by mlerner (1 comments) at 2021-12-06 01:30:03
[119] - Hacking the planet with Notcurses: a guide to TUIs (2020) [pdf]
119 points by Tomte (29 comments) at 2021-12-05 17:26:10
[39] - Tracing Octavia Butler’s footsteps
39 points by bryanrasmussen (1 comments) at 2021-12-04 05:49:24
[90] - Fakelish – Fake English word generator
90 points by lioeters (63 comments) at 2021-12-05 17:13:13
[51] - Library for creating terminal applications with text-based widgets
51 points by marcodiego (6 comments) at 2021-12-05 20:04:57
[100] - NoiseCraft: Browser-Based Visual Programming Language for Sound and Music
100 points by ingve (9 comments) at 2021-12-05 16:26:41
[4] - Ask HN: What's your current favorite programming font?
4 points by iwebdevfromhome (10 comments) at 2021-12-06 04:15:52
[69] - Stephen Wolfram – re:Clojure Keynote [video]
69 points by tosh (57 comments) at 2021-12-05 11:23:30
[8] - China shows its true colours – and they're not pretty
8 points by wubin (no comments) at 2021-12-06 04:13:51
[5] - Faster and Cheaper Serverless Computing on Harvested Resources
5 points by mlerner (no comments) at 2021-12-06 03:06:26
[519] - Bumble claims IP rights on employee's open-source libs
519 points by giansegato (291 comments) at 2021-12-05 09:05:02
[65] - Nvidia EditGAN: Image Editing with Full Control from Sketches
65 points by jonbaer (8 comments) at 2021-12-05 18:20:23
107 points by limbicsystem (43 comments) at 2021-12-05 17:55:11
[91] - Consider the Lobster (2004) [pdf]
91 points by mahathu (34 comments) at 2021-12-02 11:08:33
[42] - Snake in a block – how I ran snake on Ethereum
42 points by sirnicolaz (34 comments) at 2021-12-05 21:48:25
[46] - Optimal Strategies for Exploring Nearby Stars
46 points by beefman (19 comments) at 2021-12-05 19:29:48
[45] - Async I/O for Dummies (2018)
45 points by mpweiher (19 comments) at 2021-12-05 18:12:08
[21] - Automated Time Series Processing and Forecasting
21 points by fedegr (5 comments) at 2021-12-05 21:53:27
[15] - Watch Your Step(ping): Atoms Breaking Apart
15 points by ruik (1 comments) at 2021-12-03 15:50:53
[19] - Raspberry Pi Bootloader Disassembly
19 points by SupremeDonut (no comments) at 2021-12-05 21:06:10
[455] - One decade later, Minecraft world generation is interesting again
455 points by poser-boy (203 comments) at 2021-12-05 05:09:05
[15] - Squaring Up to Defend Mathematics
15 points by nsoonhui (5 comments) at 2021-12-06 01:53:07
[23] - Chromecast volume controls are disabled on Android 12 due to a ‘legal issue’
23 points by oftenwrong (no comments) at 2021-12-06 01:07:02
[4] - A Bitcoin Boom Fueled by Cheap Power, Empty Plants and Few Rules
4 points by trop (no comments) at 2021-12-06 03:56:14
[33] - George Saunders: what writers do when they write (2017)
33 points by benbreen (10 comments) at 2021-12-05 15:39:50
3 points by enigmatic02 (no comments) at 2021-12-06 01:28:30
[4] - Fighting Nonsense with Nonsense
4 points by cinquemb (1 comments) at 2021-12-06 00:06:29
[88] - Termination of LG Mobile Developer website service
88 points by username190 (74 comments) at 2021-12-05 20:31:50
[73] - Twitter’s heads of engineering and design will leave in a company shake-up
73 points by fortran77 (46 comments) at 2021-12-05 19:57:58
[216] - Crypto exchange BitMart confirms hack resulting in loss of $150M
216 points by prostoalex (265 comments) at 2021-12-05 18:00:49
[4] - Stanford physicists help create time crystals with quantum computers
4 points by historynops (1 comments) at 2021-12-06 00:55:04
[30] - Creating a Solaris 10 zone on OpenIndiana
30 points by zdw (24 comments) at 2021-12-05 15:51:23
[11] - Spotify pulls content of comedians fighting to get royalties for their work
11 points by geox (4 comments) at 2021-12-06 01:38:15
[163] - Sarco suicide capsule ‘passes legal review’ in Switzerland
163 points by gigglesupstairs (292 comments) at 2021-12-05 17:16:42
[190] - Too many species have been lumped together into Homo sapiens
190 points by CapitalistCartr (198 comments) at 2021-12-03 12:19:00
[12] - Show HN: Scuba-like observability for non-Facebook engineers
12 points by seiflotfy (3 comments) at 2021-12-05 20:03:03
[13] - Gravatar allows mass collection of user info
13 points by jaboutboul (no comments) at 2021-12-06 01:02:54
31 points by lukastyrychtr (10 comments) at 2021-12-04 21:17:12
[79] - Cancelled by his college
79 points by 34679 (102 comments) at 2021-12-05 21:08:10
[14] - Who Invented the Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich?
14 points by b3morales (22 comments) at 2021-12-05 18:23:12
72 points by stopagephobia (39 comments) at 2021-12-05 18:37:34
[86] - PineNote E Ink tablet and PinePhone Pro developer versions now shipping
86 points by ek750 (36 comments) at 2021-12-05 16:22:35
[9] - Better urban and regional planning can reduce global warming
9 points by DoreenMichele (no comments) at 2021-12-05 21:34:40
[57] - Stephen Sondheim on How to Do a Crossword Puzzle (1968)
57 points by library (19 comments) at 2021-12-02 20:42:55
[107] - My Favorite Software Subreddits
107 points by eatonphil (60 comments) at 2021-12-05 16:47:47
[20] - Type Challenges Solutions
20 points by sandinmyjoints (2 comments) at 2021-12-03 22:04:35
[188] - Quake 1 gets its first major co-op content update in 25 years
188 points by Tomte (73 comments) at 2021-12-03 08:38:58
[6] - Covid Resilience Ranking:The Best and Worst Places to Be as Winter Meets Omicron
6 points by robarr (no comments) at 2021-12-06 04:07:30
[319] - How can a ski lift allow turns to the left and the right on its route? [video]
319 points by dan-robertson (66 comments) at 2021-12-04 23:31:49
[121] - Nanos: A kernel designed to run only one application in virtualized environment
121 points by yagizdegirmenci (31 comments) at 2021-12-03 13:00:50
[116] - New EC2 Instance Types of re:Invent 2021
116 points by adriaandj (50 comments) at 2021-12-05 11:30:35
[289] - Exodus – relocation of Linux binaries–and all of their deps–without containers
289 points by pabs3 (68 comments) at 2021-12-05 02:43:35
[17] - A Gentle Introduction to Relational Programming with MicroKanren
17 points by ejdo (5 comments) at 2021-12-05 15:17:51
[43] - Latest version of D now in GCC
43 points by mhh__ (4 comments) at 2021-12-05 07:33:37
[10] - Old, Weird Tech: The Bat Bombs of World War II (2011)
10 points by lermontov (3 comments) at 2021-12-01 21:48:47
[60] - But what about the bus factor?
60 points by agustif (79 comments) at 2021-12-02 14:40:26
[148] - Kubernetes at Home with K3s
148 points by todsacerdoti (74 comments) at 2021-12-05 08:33:53
[226] - Approx. 24 hours ago, Tether printed 1B $USDT out of thin air
226 points by hh3k0 (228 comments) at 2021-12-05 20:16:54
[1084] - U.S. State Department phones hacked with Israeli company spyware
1084 points by amadeuspagel (636 comments) at 2021-12-03 17:05:27
[30] - Google Pixel mail-in repairs have allegedly twice resulted in leaked pics
30 points by arkadiyt (7 comments) at 2021-12-05 20:12:06
[24] - Highlights of the HTTP Archive Web Almanac 2021
24 points by stefanjudis (7 comments) at 2021-12-05 11:59:21
[5] - First-in-US NYC law requires algorithms used in hiring to be “audited” for bias
5 points by pseudolus (1 comments) at 2021-12-06 02:20:24
[246] - Fans pour funding into ‘The Chosen’
246 points by jkuria (175 comments) at 2021-12-04 19:25:39
[112] - eBay’s Stalking Campaign against a Natick Couple
112 points by bryanrasmussen (25 comments) at 2021-12-05 12:09:18
[12] - AI Is Discovering Patterns in Pure Mathematics That Have Never Been Seen Before
12 points by 1cvmask (1 comments) at 2021-12-06 00:37:47
[206] - USBefuddled: Untangling the Rat’s Nest of USB-C Standards and Cables
206 points by miles (129 comments) at 2021-12-04 23:58:15
[410] - ADSL works over wet string (2017)
410 points by mgliwka (142 comments) at 2021-12-04 13:25:26
[9] - The Goal of Chinese Censorship: Destroying Social Resources
9 points by MilnerRoute (no comments) at 2021-12-06 03:27:45
[18] - They Publicized Prosecutors’ Misconduct. The Blowback Was Swift
18 points by dredmorbius (3 comments) at 2021-12-05 22:05:34
[11] - Stop Writing Reusable React Components
11 points by traviswaithmair (2 comments) at 2021-12-05 19:14:58
[11] - Did a former ‘New York Times’ reporter exploit musicians for his personal gain?
11 points by Ansil849 (2 comments) at 2021-12-06 00:20:14
[885] - Germany: New government plans 'right to encryption'
885 points by Audiophilip (307 comments) at 2021-12-03 18:22:38
[206] - In 1930 the Indiana Bell building was rotated 90°
206 points by weinzierl (124 comments) at 2021-12-04 16:03:04
[55] - The magical miniature worlds of terrariums
55 points by throw0101a (9 comments) at 2021-12-03 12:31:56
[4] - The Whole World is your Antilibrary
4 points by avyfain (1 comments) at 2021-12-05 21:59:12
[17] - Lithuania’s Goods Barred from Entering Chinese Ports
17 points by tomohawk (8 comments) at 2021-12-05 21:45:11
[153] - The 8000th Busy Beaver number eludes ZF set theory (2016)
153 points by wglb (29 comments) at 2021-12-03 02:19:24
15 points by 8ig8 (2 comments) at 2021-12-06 00:13:31
[120] - Re-thinking electronic mail
120 points by pcr910303 (141 comments) at 2021-12-05 10:28:26
[7] - HP Classic Calculators Emulator
7 points by kqr2 (no comments) at 2021-12-05 18:29:38
[398] - Google 20% time volunteers have been rewriting the ITA Matrix flight search app
398 points by hnburnsy (233 comments) at 2021-12-03 01:47:43
[927] - Apple broke up with me
927 points by MereCivilian (661 comments) at 2021-12-05 03:46:04
[10] - 42" Water Main Repair (2020)
10 points by detaro (no comments) at 2021-12-06 00:21:41
19 points by ingve (no comments) at 2021-12-05 11:39:24
[54] - Fixing the Logitech MX Ergo Trackball Mouse Buttons
54 points by secure (26 comments) at 2021-12-05 12:33:36
315 points by mfrw (83 comments) at 2021-12-04 15:17:42
[46] - Show HN: Dfeed – a feed reader you can use without an account
46 points by amadeuspagel (16 comments) at 2021-12-05 07:49:05
838 points by marcodiego (262 comments) at 2021-12-03 14:40:03
[3] - Mayhem Beneath the Surface of the Stock Market
3 points by cinquemb (no comments) at 2021-12-06 02:15:03
[17] - Rivian R1T Successfully Tows 2,700 Miles Cross Country: Report
17 points by gscott (1 comments) at 2021-12-05 20:14:08
[23] - Woman Discovers Tiddlywink Stuck in Nose for 37 Years After Covid-19 Test
23 points by lando2319 (7 comments) at 2021-12-05 16:20:38
[58] - What desktop Linux needs to succeed in the mainstream
58 points by Tomte (42 comments) at 2021-12-05 12:39:28
[142] - Threepp: A C++17 Port of Three.js
142 points by 10000truths (19 comments) at 2021-12-04 22:56:21
[9] - Bpytop: Linux/macOS/FreeBSD resource monitor
9 points by pantalaimon (1 comments) at 2021-12-05 15:27:46
[186] - <ruby>: The Ruby Annotation element
186 points by alin23 (50 comments) at 2021-12-04 16:28:23
[3] - Protection and waning of natural and hybrid Covid-19 immunity
3 points by bigodbiel (1 comments) at 2021-12-06 00:35:07
[112] - Behind the Spotify Wrapped API scenes
112 points by dend (28 comments) at 2021-12-03 00:55:56
[110] - Show HN: Collaborative RSS Reader
110 points by lonk11 (19 comments) at 2021-12-05 00:50:31
[134] - Show HN: MiroTalk – an alternative to Zoom / Teams
134 points by mp85 (42 comments) at 2021-12-04 23:38:42
[72] - Monitoring 27kw Generac Generator with Raspberry Pi and Multimode Fiber
72 points by thunderbong (97 comments) at 2021-12-05 05:50:46
[245] - Is the big tech era ending?
245 points by dash2 (355 comments) at 2021-12-04 12:21:06
[115] - Graviton2 and Graviton3
115 points by ingve (72 comments) at 2021-12-04 22:09:12
[50] - Lego Rolls Out a Collection of Wooden Home Accessories
50 points by robin_reala (79 comments) at 2021-12-02 13:14:22
[10] - Azure AD password reset page(s) looks like a phishing site
10 points by chaos_a (4 comments) at 2021-12-05 22:08:20
[654] - Lego has designed a set that can't be taken apart
654 points by brycehalley (413 comments) at 2021-12-03 13:49:37
21 points by FridayoLeary (13 comments) at 2021-12-05 18:48:29
195 points by marban (365 comments) at 2021-12-05 04:49:02
[19] - Show HN: Raito – Single-File Markdown CMS
19 points by arnaudsm (9 comments) at 2021-12-05 07:22:38
[12] - $350k a Year, and Just Getting By
12 points by protoman3000 (1 comments) at 2021-12-05 21:48:14
[139] - The team that powers VLC (2019)
139 points by feross (71 comments) at 2021-12-04 19:07:18
[29] - The best starting word in Wordle
29 points by Stampo00 (5 comments) at 2021-12-04 06:39:39
[246] - Bosch gives go-ahead for volume production of silicon carbide chips
246 points by Tomte (244 comments) at 2021-12-02 12:57:23
[83] - Singapore: Sovereign City
83 points by aaronng91 (179 comments) at 2021-12-05 06:16:53
[44] - Bank of America execs warn junior staffers to ‘dress down’ as NYC crime surges
44 points by hncurious (34 comments) at 2021-12-06 00:30:22
[58] - Knowledge Representation in Sanskrit and Artificial Intelligence
58 points by hedgehog0 (48 comments) at 2021-12-04 17:43:34
[13] - Show HN: t2md – back up Trello to markdown folders on disk, fast
13 points by GSGBen (3 comments) at 2021-12-05 11:03:13
[35] - 52 things I Learned in 2021
35 points by sid6376 (1 comments) at 2021-12-04 19:26:36
[133] - On Hubris and Humility: developing an OS for robustness in Rust [video]
133 points by dralley (69 comments) at 2021-12-04 17:48:15
[6] - International Space Station forced to swerve to avoid US space junk
6 points by pseudolus (no comments) at 2021-12-06 00:20:52
[178] - Cool URIs Don't Change (1998)
178 points by bpierre (73 comments) at 2021-12-04 18:11:19
[4] - EditGAN: High-Precision Semantic Image Editing
4 points by beefman (no comments) at 2021-12-05 19:01:31
[79] - A man who invented lithium-ion battery at 57 has an idea for a new one at 92 (2015)
79 points by tchalla (57 comments) at 2021-12-04 12:16:03
[185] - The field of longevity biotech is a mess
185 points by deegles (161 comments) at 2021-12-04 15:05:43
85 points by ecliptik (33 comments) at 2021-12-05 03:55:37
[473] - “Coding is basically just ifs and for loops.”
473 points by x43b (404 comments) at 2021-12-04 17:16:11
[34] - Believability in Practice
34 points by jger15 (3 comments) at 2021-12-03 12:25:03
[84] - English to Emoji – Yandex Translate
84 points by uwu (23 comments) at 2021-12-04 22:30:36
[285] - Libtree: Turns ldd into a tree; explains why shared libraries are found or not
285 points by fanf2 (54 comments) at 2021-12-02 08:24:32
[718] - FTC sues to block Nvidia-Arm merger
718 points by badwolf (409 comments) at 2021-12-02 20:30:33
[97] - More Data from Voyager 1
97 points by picture (20 comments) at 2021-12-04 22:02:49
[708] - Show HN: Emoji to Scale
708 points by javierbyte (129 comments) at 2021-12-03 01:58:22
[110] - Super Pyxelate converts images to 8-bit pixel art
110 points by minimaxir (26 comments) at 2021-12-04 19:46:47
[133] - Don't Make My Mistakes: Common Infrastructure Errors I've Made
133 points by todsacerdoti (37 comments) at 2021-12-03 12:03:54
[5] - How to generate better, cheaper, more abundant random numbers
5 points by jkuria (no comments) at 2021-12-05 15:40:21
28 points by how-about-this (8 comments) at 2021-11-30 20:55:13
[846] - Ideal Monitor Rotation for Programmers
846 points by ghuntley (422 comments) at 2021-12-02 15:41:18
[108] - Fe – An emerging smart contract language for the Ethereum blockchain
108 points by 0xedb (197 comments) at 2021-12-05 11:18:47
[16] - Ask HN: Tell us about your dead or never finished startup ideas
16 points by hubraumhugo (7 comments) at 2021-12-05 15:36:42
[209] - FirefoxPWA: Progressive Web Apps for Firefox
209 points by 1_player (134 comments) at 2021-12-04 11:32:53
[167] - Who is the most accurate world chess champion?
167 points by piotrgrudzien (60 comments) at 2021-12-02 09:18:41
[17] - Website that generates a Spotify playlist from the words of a sentence
17 points by hobble (2 comments) at 2021-12-04 04:03:13
[34] - Show HN: Unikraft Cloud Platform: Unikernels-as-a-Service
34 points by nderjung (9 comments) at 2021-12-03 09:30:56
[133] - Three Ways to Debug Code in Elixir
133 points by clessg (25 comments) at 2021-12-04 16:01:09
[225] - The Fraud Supply Chain
225 points by loosescrews (73 comments) at 2021-12-04 01:16:04
[12] - Chargie. A USB device to control charging of phones
12 points by n1000 (14 comments) at 2021-12-05 09:12:00
[251] - I bought those AR cycling glasses that were on HN last month
251 points by TrueGeek (121 comments) at 2021-12-03 19:39:49
[67] - Smart Homes Alter Human Behavior
67 points by DamnInteresting (73 comments) at 2021-12-02 17:51:48
88 points by ossusermivami (18 comments) at 2021-12-04 18:58:30
[7] - Rate of Marriages Living Apart Increasing
7 points by treyfitty (5 comments) at 2021-12-05 22:17:54
[79] - Vegetable Oil for Lubricating Chainsaws (2008)
79 points by meristohm (136 comments) at 2021-12-04 21:29:27
[213] - The 40th anniversary edition of Codex Seraphinianus
213 points by dsr12 (66 comments) at 2021-12-02 07:19:11
[22] - Phone Utility on VAX/VMS
22 points by aleks224 (16 comments) at 2021-12-02 12:21:18
[426] - Pg_GraphQL: A GraphQL Extension for PostgreSQL
426 points by samwillis (98 comments) at 2021-12-03 14:59:16
66 points by chenglou (28 comments) at 2021-12-01 10:22:17
[111] - Writing and publishing a Python module in Rust
111 points by pcr910303 (9 comments) at 2021-12-04 16:25:38
[935] - This shouldn't have happened: A vulnerability postmortem
935 points by trulyrandom (496 comments) at 2021-12-01 18:56:45
[45] - HiFive Unmatched: Exploring a RISC-V Computing Experience
45 points by rbanffy (18 comments) at 2021-12-03 11:51:46
[10] - Apple AirTags Being Used by Thieves to Steal Cars in York Region
10 points by elorant (8 comments) at 2021-12-05 19:19:55
219 points by soheilpro (52 comments) at 2021-12-04 02:47:56
[282] - An alarming trend in K-12 math education: a guest post and an open letter
282 points by feross (498 comments) at 2021-12-03 17:47:30
[7] - Apple will make fewer iPhones in response to weakening demand and supply
7 points by CharlesW (1 comments) at 2021-12-05 22:45:06
[61] - How new Linux users can increase their odds of success
61 points by ingve (68 comments) at 2021-12-05 12:43:07
487 points by WallyFunk (115 comments) at 2021-12-04 17:50:41
[116] - LLVM internals, part 4: attributes and attribute groups
116 points by lukastyrychtr (7 comments) at 2021-12-04 15:25:14
[286] - Reality has a surprising amount of detail (2017)
286 points by jger15 (119 comments) at 2021-12-03 12:47:46
[28] - Tempera’s pleasing properties is how egg yolk interacts with pigment
28 points by vo2maxer (5 comments) at 2021-12-03 11:27:36
[317] - Never Use Black (2012)
317 points by josephwegner (223 comments) at 2021-12-03 14:21:08
[20] - Why Dishwasher Rinse Aid Makes Dishes Cleaner and Drier
20 points by Arubis (11 comments) at 2021-12-05 14:04:41
[16] - Algebra of the Standard Model
16 points by naveen99 (1 comments) at 2021-12-05 03:11:53
[23] - ‘So Long’ from King Naimbanna II – Manuscripts from an 18th Century African King
23 points by diodorus (1 comments) at 2021-12-03 04:39:10
[8] - The Tech Moguls Are Looking for a New Playground
8 points by jelliclesfarm (no comments) at 2021-12-05 19:25:27
[3] - Singapore suspends crypto exchange over row with K-pop band BTS
3 points by spzb (no comments) at 2021-12-05 23:47:24
[31] - The Beautiful Experiment
31 points by Hooke (4 comments) at 2021-12-03 04:42:19
29 points by thomasyoung99 (21 comments) at 2021-12-05 04:17:35
[12] - Journals Blocking 'Offensive' Publications
12 points by silexia (6 comments) at 2021-12-05 17:42:24
[57] - Rule-Based Expert Systems (1984)
57 points by mindcrime (19 comments) at 2021-12-04 06:19:15
[235] - Show HN: I had some time yesterday so I made a GPT3 podcast to help you sleep
235 points by stavros (165 comments) at 2021-12-03 11:41:50
[136] - Compile Python applications into stand-alone executables
136 points by privacyonsec (87 comments) at 2021-12-04 06:28:55
[5] - Gambians vote with marbles in key test for stability
5 points by woldemariam (no comments) at 2021-12-05 23:38:24
[192] - Ask HN: Best self-starter resources to learn web design?
192 points by shry4ns (45 comments) at 2021-12-03 10:36:31
[10] - “LLVM-Libc” C Standard Library
10 points by rdpintqogeogsaa (no comments) at 2021-12-05 07:38:18
[71] - Trump social media group raises $1B from undisclosed investors
71 points by throwaway888abc (30 comments) at 2021-12-04 22:51:45
[293] - Writing maintainable code is a communication skill
293 points by hakunin (97 comments) at 2021-11-30 19:42:47
[9] - Bacteria are becoming resistant to alcohol-based disinfectants (2018)
9 points by itchyjunk (1 comments) at 2021-12-05 18:12:24
[82] - Tshwane District Omicron Variant Patient Profile – Early Features
82 points by pama (125 comments) at 2021-12-04 16:00:50
[5] - Toys Prove to Be Better Investment Than Gold, Art, and Financial Securities
5 points by rustoo (2 comments) at 2021-12-05 11:58:02
[17] - Why Inkjet Photo Printers Are So Bad
17 points by mikece (9 comments) at 2021-12-05 15:13:08
[235] - Common Infrastructure Errors I've Made
235 points by eandre (155 comments) at 2021-12-03 20:13:49
[197] - Zinc Search engine. A lightweight alternative to Elasticsearch written in Go
197 points by techplex (67 comments) at 2021-12-03 19:23:03
[42] - Convert LaTeX notation to ready to be embedded Markdown
42 points by 8HoLoN (19 comments) at 2021-12-04 12:50:04
[155] - Fast CSV Processing with SIMD
155 points by ingve (28 comments) at 2021-12-04 07:37:28
[200] - To regrow forests the U.S. needs billions of seeds–and many more 'seed hunters'
200 points by pajtai (70 comments) at 2021-12-04 01:16:58
[11] - The Medium is the Message (1967)
11 points by poetically (2 comments) at 2021-12-05 06:33:34
[53] - A no-reload HTML/CSS/JS playground with instant editor / output sync
53 points by cetinsert (23 comments) at 2021-12-04 15:07:38
[197] - The U.S. productivity slowdown: an economy-wide and industry-level analysis
197 points by rsj_hn (186 comments) at 2021-12-03 19:27:30
14 points by maremmano (8 comments) at 2021-12-05 16:07:14
[153] - All Horses Are the Same Color
153 points by poetically (173 comments) at 2021-12-04 22:46:54
18 points by tosh (7 comments) at 2021-12-04 14:08:23
[51] - Forced to settle for a nonideal job? Here’s how to make the most of it
51 points by Lwepz (18 comments) at 2021-12-04 20:35:21
[58] - The Surprising Cost of Protocol Conformances in Swift
58 points by sond813 (12 comments) at 2021-12-02 17:31:17
[106] - Open 3D Foundation announces first major release of Open 3D Engine
106 points by marcodiego (42 comments) at 2021-12-03 04:36:25
[14] - Russian Man Sentenced for Providing ‘Bulletproof Hosting’ for Cybercriminals
14 points by spzx (2 comments) at 2021-12-05 17:21:13
[12] - Atomontage: Voxel 3D simulation – Landscape Demo
12 points by userSumo (3 comments) at 2021-12-04 23:56:29
[15] - Clavis Artis by “Zoroaster”
15 points by prismatic (1 comments) at 2021-12-02 06:16:01
[8] - NginRAT Parasite Targets Nginx
8 points by anujbans (no comments) at 2021-12-05 05:41:50
149 points by jasonpeacock (20 comments) at 2021-12-03 15:48:48
101 points by KubikPixel (43 comments) at 2021-12-03 08:48:55
13 points by tuananh (7 comments) at 2021-12-05 01:28:48
20 points by rektide (4 comments) at 2021-12-03 01:08:06
[95] - Show HN: I wrote a book about using Lambda with Go
95 points by kevinmcconnell (17 comments) at 2021-12-04 15:08:23
[89] - Blockchains don't solve problems that are interesting to me
89 points by woodruffw (103 comments) at 2021-12-05 20:17:55
[5] - Tildeverse.org: A loose association of like-minded tilde communities
5 points by hillcrestenigma (no comments) at 2021-12-05 13:49:28
[104] - Mister FPGA: The Future of Game and Computer Emulation
104 points by ecliptik (65 comments) at 2021-12-04 07:01:17
[165] - AWS Amplify Studio: Figma design to full-stack apps
165 points by revskill (56 comments) at 2021-12-03 08:32:40
[194] - Show HN: A tool to build real websites built exclusively in SVG
194 points by AndrewSwift (161 comments) at 2021-12-03 14:28:33
646 points by wyrm (252 comments) at 2021-12-01 19:35:08
319 points by rognjen (115 comments) at 2021-12-02 08:24:38
6 points by dustinmoris (no comments) at 2021-12-05 21:11:18
[3] - Microsoft backtracks on Windows 11’s controversial default browser changes
3 points by 1cvmask (no comments) at 2021-12-05 22:44:20
[157] - Where is the CRDT for syntax trees
157 points by lewisjoe (55 comments) at 2021-12-03 19:09:38
11 points by Helithumper (2 comments) at 2021-12-05 20:57:11
[15] - Firefox Monitor new feature: monitor sites for your personal info and remove it
15 points by KoftaBob (4 comments) at 2021-12-05 15:34:29
[7] - FerretDB: A truly open-source MongoDB alternative
7 points by kiyanwang (no comments) at 2021-12-05 12:55:15
[50] - Game “While true: learn()” for free in Epic Store
50 points by freemint (73 comments) at 2021-12-03 19:03:20
149 points by ksec (35 comments) at 2021-12-03 19:05:40
722 points by ducharmdev (271 comments) at 2021-12-01 13:41:56
[264] - Don't send your Google phone in for warranty repair/replacement
264 points by powera (138 comments) at 2021-12-04 19:35:50
[75] - Coding for non-programmers: Why we need better GUI automation tools
75 points by dgudkov (44 comments) at 2021-12-04 10:57:01
[3] - The Remnant, the Parasite, and the Masses
3 points by rglover (no comments) at 2021-12-05 22:20:12
[11] - Line length revisited: following the research
11 points by LordAtlas (no comments) at 2021-12-04 14:52:05
[696] - Townscaper Running in the Browser
696 points by krstffr (101 comments) at 2021-12-01 15:17:48
9 points by feross (no comments) at 2021-12-05 05:48:32
[54] - Do we really need undefined behavior?
54 points by ibraheemdev (40 comments) at 2021-12-03 20:51:48
[147] - There oughta be a Blender plugin to animate growth
147 points by zdw (12 comments) at 2021-11-30 19:06:47
[790] - YouTube deleting comments who criticize their hiding of the dislike count
790 points by jafitc (566 comments) at 2021-12-03 19:42:43
[19] - Chrome security bug let tabs draw over each other ($1k bounty)
19 points by edent (6 comments) at 2021-12-04 12:40:00
[52] - Launch HN: Demigod (YC S19) – Build compounding habits with a dedicated coach
52 points by gokulprabh (42 comments) at 2021-12-03 15:24:56
[367] - Testing Phone-Sized Faraday Bags
367 points by jor-el (204 comments) at 2021-12-02 08:28:11
[31] - Subbed to wired magazine for the past year. Has it always been like this?
31 points by mrhands556 (23 comments) at 2021-12-05 02:43:07
[54] - Shopify modular monolith scaled to 30 TB per minute during Cyber Monday
54 points by vladmihalcea (11 comments) at 2021-12-04 14:18:40
[47] - Tel Aviv is the world’s most expensive city
47 points by paulpauper (31 comments) at 2021-12-03 23:12:59
[307] - What will enter the public domain in 2022
307 points by Amorymeltzer (232 comments) at 2021-12-02 18:54:42
[6] - Apple Planning Five New Macs for 2022
6 points by ingvul (no comments) at 2021-12-05 20:07:25
[89] - Twitter’s new CEO announces major reorganization
89 points by sim_card_map (86 comments) at 2021-12-04 12:42:51
[34] - Pushed Around by the Stars
34 points by thaumasiotes (31 comments) at 2021-11-30 23:30:15
[8] - A device to 'Cleanse' the brain and enhance sleep – human trials
8 points by News-Dog (3 comments) at 2021-12-05 01:31:13
[312] - Understanding Zero-knowledge proofs through illustrated examples
312 points by hongzi (85 comments) at 2021-12-02 17:22:37
[4] - U.S. Military Has Acted Against Ransomware Groups, General Acknowledges
4 points by nojito (no comments) at 2021-12-05 21:40:05
[141] - On Pegasus – NSO, Israel, and the World
141 points by mitchbob (85 comments) at 2021-12-03 04:51:51
[1445] - 100 years of whatever this will be
1445 points by mumblemumble (914 comments) at 2021-12-02 14:35:47
[348] - Buried in Infrastructure Bill Is a Mandatory Backdoor Kill Switch for Your Car
348 points by danboarder (326 comments) at 2021-12-03 05:58:22
[194] - Show HN: I made a book with a hundred UI/UX tips
194 points by Akcium (34 comments) at 2021-12-04 00:48:22
160 points by luisha (121 comments) at 2021-12-04 17:30:19
3 points by smallerfish (3 comments) at 2021-12-05 10:49:04
[188] - Empty and Misleading Communication Takes over Organizations (2020)
188 points by fagnerbrack (117 comments) at 2021-12-03 03:47:21
[5] - Show HN: POC] Embedded functional scripting language based on YAML syntax
5 points by sayanarijit (no comments) at 2021-12-05 10:40:24
[102] - Estonian winter 1, delivery robots 0
102 points by carlsborg (49 comments) at 2021-12-04 10:26:12
[50] - Show HN: Automatic proxy setup for SSH'able boxes that have no network access
50 points by WinDoctor (33 comments) at 2021-12-03 12:45:13
[9] - Good Cragile: Crappy Agile that works
9 points by mad_ned (no comments) at 2021-12-05 00:17:31
[41] - In simple English, what does it mean for a number to be “transcendental”?
41 points by ColinWright (20 comments) at 2021-12-03 11:59:58
[3] - Show HN: Pytransform3d – A Python library for transformations in 3 dimensions
3 points by afabisch (1 comments) at 2021-12-05 10:24:39
[87] - The Rise of the Decentralized Startup
87 points by rmason (73 comments) at 2021-12-03 07:04:38
[35] - Popular LoFi Girl Instagram page is taken down with no explanation
35 points by regnull (7 comments) at 2021-12-05 03:57:25
[90] - Getting a Computer Science PhD in the USA
90 points by azhenley (72 comments) at 2021-12-04 03:42:59
[286] - Magnus Carlsen wins longest world chess championship game of all time
286 points by Moodles (163 comments) at 2021-12-03 20:18:56
[85] - Awesome Hacker News – A collection of Hacker News apps, libraries, resources
85 points by hidden-spyder (8 comments) at 2021-12-04 12:37:54
[93] - It's December and it hasn't snowed in Denver yet. That's never been recorded
93 points by LinuxBender (35 comments) at 2021-12-04 18:34:36
[3] - Programming War Stories: macOS Freeware/Shareware
3 points by rdpintqogeogsaa (no comments) at 2021-12-05 10:00:22
67 points by conductor (21 comments) at 2021-12-01 20:29:53
[11] - Ask HN: Framework to explore multiple topics of interest?
11 points by camelcasing (3 comments) at 2021-12-05 07:38:37
[234] - Gigablast Search Engine
234 points by SubiculumCode (51 comments) at 2021-12-02 20:19:08
[6] - Bob Dole, giant of the Senate and 1996 Republican presidential nominee, dies
6 points by 1cvmask (5 comments) at 2021-12-05 17:36:32
[45] - Isochoric Freezing and Emerging Applications in Food Preservation (2020) [pdf]
45 points by rfreytag (21 comments) at 2021-12-01 12:19:26
[133] - Study: Most Dog Breeds Highly Inbred
133 points by rustoo (191 comments) at 2021-12-03 13:50:46
[7] - How to Reliably Create Your Own Luck
7 points by jkuria (no comments) at 2021-12-05 19:03:07
[7] - The Publius Enigma (1994)
7 points by arpa (no comments) at 2021-12-04 19:16:28
[162] - Hackers are spamming businesses’ receipt printers with ‘antiwork’ manifestos
162 points by thunderbong (242 comments) at 2021-12-04 12:53:37
[166] - OS X-KVM: Run macOS on QEMU/KVM
166 points by kristianp (69 comments) at 2021-12-03 05:18:17
15 points by mooreds (1 comments) at 2021-12-04 15:21:51
[26] - Visualizing vowels as colored ACF images
26 points by gbh444g (7 comments) at 2021-12-02 08:01:10
[63] - Ask HN: Please Give Me Advice
63 points by obviouslyfake (113 comments) at 2021-12-05 05:07:00
[38] - Show HN: Irchiver, your full-resolution personal web archive
38 points by lazyjeff (15 comments) at 2021-12-03 14:50:37
4 points by simonebrunozzi (no comments) at 2021-12-05 20:45:29
[26] - Ask HN: How would you have done high school/college/university differently?
26 points by omosubi (43 comments) at 2021-12-05 16:53:39
[185] - One way a builder culture can fail
185 points by zdw (128 comments) at 2021-12-03 03:47:02
[21] - The Threats to Computing Science (1984)
21 points by elie_CH (20 comments) at 2021-12-02 09:34:27
167 points by signa11 (53 comments) at 2021-12-02 05:19:07
[7] - Jugger, a sport inspired by a 1989 film
7 points by jslakro (1 comments) at 2021-12-05 15:34:39
8 points by bleair (no comments) at 2021-12-04 21:44:11
[4] - Colour-changing magnifying glass gives clear view of infrared light
4 points by rustoo (no comments) at 2021-12-05 08:42:56
[22] - Nothing of what makes science work is published as text on the web
22 points by barry-cotter (6 comments) at 2021-12-05 00:43:48
[29] - Ask HN: eBay alternatives for computers, embedded components, and tools
29 points by Dracophoenix (19 comments) at 2021-12-04 21:10:12
[491] - Google removes Pirate Bay domains from search results citing Dutch court order
491 points by XiS (320 comments) at 2021-12-02 06:57:11
[434] - Boox Mira Pro – 25.3" E Ink Monitor
434 points by lnyan (258 comments) at 2021-12-03 09:45:49
[8] - DHL “Lost” My AirTag Parcel (but I knew where it was)
8 points by ushakov (no comments) at 2021-12-05 18:15:49
[166] - Microsoft Windows RCE Vulnerability Gives an Attacker Complete Control
166 points by media_hacker (83 comments) at 2021-12-02 20:57:13
[28] - Ask HN: Dependency Graphs for Cloud Services?
28 points by machinerychorus (11 comments) at 2021-12-04 18:37:45
[45] - Alexandra Elbakyan speaks about how Sci-Hub came to be
45 points by gigglesupstairs (2 comments) at 2021-12-04 20:41:22
[46] - Writers on their day jobs
46 points by jseliger (7 comments) at 2021-12-01 19:05:02
[180] - Anthem Blue Cross breach notification [pdf]
180 points by arkadiyt (93 comments) at 2021-12-02 16:37:22
[505] - DESQview/X: Forgotten mid-1990s OS from the future
505 points by WoodenChair (184 comments) at 2021-11-30 19:46:28
[133] - Apple user permabanned, loses $1.2K in App Store goods for legit gift card buys
133 points by waffle_ss (54 comments) at 2021-12-04 01:02:25
[17] - England mortality data suggest systematic mis-categorisation of vaccine status
17 points by walterbell (6 comments) at 2021-12-04 23:05:55
[507] - New cancer therapy holds potential to switch off major cancer types
507 points by MKais (108 comments) at 2021-11-30 22:15:52
[5] - Henry Winkler is auctioning off his Fonz jacket and more Happy Days memorabilia
5 points by LinuxBender (1 comments) at 2021-12-05 16:14:35
[7] - BF++: A Language For General-Purpose Program Synthesis
7 points by optimalsolver (1 comments) at 2021-12-05 02:59:59
[13] - Close Your Open Tabs (2018)
13 points by ecliptik (6 comments) at 2021-12-04 07:13:28
38 points by benbreen (39 comments) at 2021-12-02 06:21:25
[43] - “Elsevier's ”enhanced pdf viewer“ tracks where you click, view, [...]”
43 points by _Microft (4 comments) at 2021-12-04 17:13:41
[24] - Believability in Practice
24 points by durmonski (no comments) at 2021-12-01 11:09:24
[6] - Pokémon and the First Wave of Digital Nostalgia
6 points by nus07 (1 comments) at 2021-12-04 16:18:30
[279] - Firefox's Optimized Zip Format
279 points by throw0101a (85 comments) at 2021-12-01 22:56:15
[8] - How to care less about work
8 points by minnca (2 comments) at 2021-12-05 17:39:44
[556] - FBI's ability to legally access secure messaging app content and metadata [pdf]
556 points by sega_sai (472 comments) at 2021-11-30 19:53:32
[109] - The Universal Structure of Storytelling
109 points by animalcule (52 comments) at 2021-12-01 20:12:06
[5] - Campaigners threaten UK legal action over porn sites’ lack of age verification
5 points by darlekc (1 comments) at 2021-12-05 19:47:23
[7] - Shuttle: A web proxy in Golang with features
7 points by gojiberries (no comments) at 2021-12-04 19:03:55
[36] - Launching Eye of the Temple – this was my experience
36 points by wallflower (3 comments) at 2021-12-01 12:43:02
[242] - Rclone: Rsync for cloud storage – CLI to sync between cloud storage providers
242 points by gilad (83 comments) at 2021-12-03 21:27:05
[22] - Show HN: EveryoneDraw – An infinite collaborative drawing canvas
22 points by seangransee (15 comments) at 2021-12-03 19:46:52
[6] - Big Tech braces for breakups as UK opens new era of enforcement
6 points by Quanttek (no comments) at 2021-12-05 13:57:57
[16] - My 11 yr olds Christmas themed pixel art entry
16 points by tumidpandora (no comments) at 2021-12-04 03:15:43
[18] - Ask HN: How do you sustain mindfulness throughout your day?
18 points by desertraven (13 comments) at 2021-12-05 02:25:45
[70] - What Makes sRGB a Special Color Space?
70 points by todsacerdoti (30 comments) at 2021-12-02 03:23:59
[6] - Cloud Service Provider security mistakes
6 points by arkadiyt (2 comments) at 2021-12-05 06:32:59
215 points by brunooliv (102 comments) at 2021-12-03 22:44:03
[34] - Someone downloaded 80k Winamp skins and is now selling them as NFTs
34 points by giuliomagnifico (11 comments) at 2021-12-04 20:46:43
[104] - Rusty Typestates – Starting Out
104 points by 42jd (32 comments) at 2021-12-03 19:13:41
[288] - Movie dialogue has gotten more difficult to understand
288 points by andyjohnson0 (330 comments) at 2021-12-02 15:30:36
[73] - React: The Perils of Rehydration
73 points by Epskampie (35 comments) at 2021-12-01 17:07:58
[29] - Engineers Look to Nature to Create Bird-Like Robot – Unite.ai
29 points by rbanffy (5 comments) at 2021-12-03 15:32:34
[123] - The big idea around unikernels
123 points by signa11 (105 comments) at 2021-12-03 07:13:13
[47] - Finally, a Fusion Reaction Has Generated More Energy Than Absorbed by the Fuel
47 points by thedday (8 comments) at 2021-12-04 17:26:11
[11] - Raspberry Pi Launches “Legacy” Operating System
11 points by rcarmo (no comments) at 2021-12-04 11:42:45
171 points by philonoist (148 comments) at 2021-12-02 15:22:50
[165] - I Rewrote WinUI to WPF
165 points by whack (85 comments) at 2021-12-02 21:43:51
[176] - New SiFive RISC-V core P650 with 40% IPC increase
176 points by FullyFunctional (91 comments) at 2021-12-02 16:21:26
[12] - Where Is the Antimatter?
12 points by nsoonhui (3 comments) at 2021-12-04 13:45:36
[42] - Tilt and Turn: Three-in-One Window for Security, Breezes and Egress
42 points by davezatch (21 comments) at 2021-12-01 11:07:18
[277] - Ask HN: Advice about aging parents
277 points by tren (240 comments) at 2021-12-03 13:07:54
[150] - RISC-V Int. Ratifies 15 New Specs, Opening Up New RISC-V Design Possibilities
150 points by snvzz (61 comments) at 2021-12-02 16:05:04
[159] - Privacy.com Reissuing All Cards
159 points by AdamJacobMuller (168 comments) at 2021-12-03 17:35:59
[6] - The sealed bottle garden thriving after 40 years without fresh air or water
6 points by marcodiego (no comments) at 2021-12-05 14:46:39
[4] - The Fable of the Dragon-Tyrant
4 points by bobbiechen (no comments) at 2021-12-05 00:22:30
[10] - Billion-scale vector search using binary-coded representations
10 points by jkb79 (no comments) at 2021-12-04 10:15:20
[5] - Humble Book Bundle: Hacking by No Starch Press
5 points by FiloSottile (no comments) at 2021-12-05 18:54:34
[26] - The Webb Space Telescope Will Rewrite Cosmic History. If It Works
26 points by theafh (7 comments) at 2021-12-03 15:57:55
[4] - China Set to Create New State-Owned Rare-Earths Giant
4 points by 1cvmask (2 comments) at 2021-12-06 00:08:32
[249] - Moth Minds: Fund individuals doing work you believe in
249 points by DanteVertigo (131 comments) at 2021-12-01 19:12:46
[91] - Amazon's Toll Road – How it funds its monopoly empire
91 points by pseudolus (133 comments) at 2021-12-03 14:24:20
[4] - Prisons transcribe private phone calls with inmates using speech-to-text AI
4 points by LinuxBender (no comments) at 2021-12-05 16:19:29
[4] - Cool New Features in Python 3.10
4 points by itsmeycomb (1 comments) at 2021-12-05 16:18:15
[246] - Square is now called Block
246 points by muhammadusman (379 comments) at 2021-12-01 21:38:27
[94] - DuckDB quacks Arrow: A zero-copy data integration between Arrow and DuckDB
94 points by hfmuehleisen (11 comments) at 2021-12-03 19:12:33
[18] - Removing ‘open source developer’ from my identity
18 points by feross (10 comments) at 2021-12-05 05:55:26
[205] - Glitch effect on text in pure CSS
205 points by pabs3 (53 comments) at 2021-12-02 05:13:12
[4] - Restaurants Can't Handle the Demands of To-Go, Online Orders
4 points by DocFeind (no comments) at 2021-12-05 16:09:51
[56] - Hamilton: A Microframework for Dataframe Generation
56 points by gammarator (21 comments) at 2021-12-02 16:11:42
3 points by crecker (4 comments) at 2021-12-05 14:51:53
[299] - Ask HN: Who is hiring? (December 2021)
299 points by whoishiring (756 comments) at 2021-12-01 16:00:58
[9] - China Seeks First Military Base on Africa's Atlantic Coast – U.S. Intelligence
9 points by everybodyknows (2 comments) at 2021-12-05 20:47:11
[19] - Ask HN: Where to begin learning how to generate procedural worlds?
19 points by johnnyApplePRNG (11 comments) at 2021-12-04 17:37:24
[299] - Excel-Virtual-Machine: C Compiler which targets Excel
299 points by davikrr (67 comments) at 2021-12-01 02:11:25
[152] - Pybaobab – Python implementation of visualization technique for decision trees
152 points by sebg (16 comments) at 2021-12-02 15:16:31
265 points by boredumb (147 comments) at 2021-12-01 16:05:35
[69] - Nature Is Becoming a Person
69 points by evilsimon (64 comments) at 2021-11-30 20:54:38
[209] - Your eBay account has been suspended
209 points by quisquous (150 comments) at 2021-12-03 20:40:51
[17] - On Hubris and Humility: developing an OS for robustness in Rust [video]
17 points by panick21_ (no comments) at 2021-12-03 15:48:09
[9] - Why aren't the most useful Mac apps on the App Store?
9 points by alin23 (no comments) at 2021-12-04 21:33:29
[3] - Why eating a sleigh’s worth of candy canes is a bad idea
3 points by vo2maxer (1 comments) at 2021-12-05 02:51:23
[238] - BetrFS: an in-kernel file system that uses Bε trees to organize on-disk storage
238 points by swills (138 comments) at 2021-12-01 13:10:27
[18] - Ask HN: Customer support outsourcing experiences?
18 points by throw611 (7 comments) at 2021-12-03 18:51:14
[384] - Microsoft’s new Windows prompts try to stop people downloading Chrome
384 points by ArmandGrillet (430 comments) at 2021-12-02 11:55:59
[55] - Computer-designed organisms
55 points by infinity0 (9 comments) at 2021-12-01 20:14:02
[5] - Ask HN: Can governments across the world shutdown Bitcoin nodes?
5 points by qwertyuiop_ (6 comments) at 2021-12-05 21:16:31
[145] - Ask HN: How do you build your personal start page?
145 points by yosito (123 comments) at 2021-12-02 11:15:51
[206] - Turing Pi 2: 4 Raspberry Pi nodes on a mini ITX board
206 points by geerlingguy (112 comments) at 2021-12-01 16:36:05
[99] - Can deep learning help mathematicians build intuition?
99 points by amichail (28 comments) at 2021-12-02 23:55:44
[53] - Our main problem in health policy is overemphasis on medicine (2007)
53 points by orborde (89 comments) at 2021-12-03 02:20:30
[4] - Post-Conquest Aztec Altar Found in Mexico on 500th Anniversary of Spain Invasion
4 points by pseudolus (no comments) at 2021-12-05 02:10:47
[132] - Notes on Writing Web Scrapers
132 points by cushychicken (67 comments) at 2021-12-02 18:03:07
[21] - Ask HN: Does anyone know what’s happening at GitHub?
21 points by mandeepj (17 comments) at 2021-12-04 19:30:11
[146] - How the FBI Discovered a Real-Life Indiana Jones in Rural Indiana
146 points by Amorymeltzer (105 comments) at 2021-12-01 11:15:05
[227] - Show HN: Neko – Self hosted virtual browser that runs in Docker and uses WebRTC
227 points by m1k1o (59 comments) at 2021-12-01 17:04:01
[392] - Lazygit: A simple terminal UI for Git commands
392 points by tnorthcutt (141 comments) at 2021-11-30 16:49:46
[33] - eBPF-Powered Cilium Service Mesh
33 points by grappler (3 comments) at 2021-12-02 20:43:31
[394] - Ask HN: Why doesn't anyone create a search engine comparable to 2005 Google?
394 points by syedkarim (488 comments) at 2021-12-02 15:10:03
22 points by shortleash (17 comments) at 2021-12-01 20:14:50
[204] - The Impending Cloud Reshuffle
204 points by pierremenard (128 comments) at 2021-12-02 01:50:22
[432] - Germany locks down unvaccinated people, as leaders plan to make shots compulsory
432 points by Tomte (1754 comments) at 2021-12-02 15:49:10
[132] - Google delays mandatory return to office beyond Jan. 10
132 points by mji (244 comments) at 2021-12-03 14:07:33
[50] - Drinking year-old eggnog to put science to the test (2014)
50 points by nielsbot (50 comments) at 2021-12-03 17:04:11
[58] - GraphpostgresQL: A GraphQL Extension for PostgreSQL
58 points by laurenceisla (3 comments) at 2021-12-03 16:54:03
[100] - An eccentric monk’s singular scrap cathedral
100 points by signor_bosco (23 comments) at 2021-12-02 20:46:46
[15] - Amazon Killed the Name Alexa
15 points by fortran77 (no comments) at 2021-12-05 05:35:00
[3] - With new funding model, MST3K attempts online comeback, live tour
3 points by MilnerRoute (no comments) at 2021-12-05 17:07:49
[297] - German Court Rules Against Internet Security Non-Profit Quad9
297 points by pgl (197 comments) at 2021-11-30 22:48:57
[50] - MH370: Could missing Malaysian Airlines plane finally be found?
50 points by nojs (25 comments) at 2021-12-04 09:56:55
[74] - The Church of the Clocked Screws (2019)
74 points by Tomte (59 comments) at 2021-12-02 09:00:15
[81] - The Jami conferencing system
81 points by zaik (30 comments) at 2021-12-03 09:57:37
[103] - Interview with Hansen Hsu, engineer at Apple during transition from OS 9 to OS X
103 points by Austin_Conlon (62 comments) at 2021-12-02 23:12:43
[98] - Lessons from seven years of remote work
98 points by thcipriani (119 comments) at 2021-12-01 03:55:24
[97] - Show HN: MathLingua – A Structured Language of Mathematics
97 points by CatsAreCool (24 comments) at 2021-12-02 17:12:42
[307] - “Risc V greatly underperforms”
307 points by oxxoxoxooo (358 comments) at 2021-12-02 18:51:45
[317] - U.S. indicts two men for running a $20M YouTube content ID scam
317 points by ivank (220 comments) at 2021-12-03 12:42:44
[4] - Ask HN: Android, Good Privacy Model. Something similar available on iOS?
4 points by jzer0cool (2 comments) at 2021-12-05 08:59:05
[30] - My Worry for America: General Michael Hayden
30 points by everybodyknows (20 comments) at 2021-12-03 13:29:56
[257] - Lazydocker: The lazier way to manage everything Docker
257 points by thunderbong (17 comments) at 2021-12-01 04:41:04
[269] - Introducing the Icelandverse [video]
269 points by rococode (69 comments) at 2021-11-30 22:18:25
[125] - GeoWorks: The Other “Windows”
125 points by janandonly (65 comments) at 2021-12-01 10:56:53
[27] - Launch HN: Stipop (YC S21) – Improving user engagement with stickers
27 points by tonyatkc (20 comments) at 2021-12-02 14:48:26
[3] - Ask HN: Anyone know where I can download bulk horoscopes?
3 points by quiffledwerg (4 comments) at 2021-12-05 12:19:58
[30] - Verizon customers might want to check their privacy settings ASAP
30 points by nceqs3 (5 comments) at 2021-12-04 18:59:54
7 points by drdee (no comments) at 2021-12-02 05:34:46
[28] - Ask HN: How to start teaching my 3rd grader daughter computer programming?
28 points by malshe (50 comments) at 2021-12-04 02:16:20
[32] - CEO Feels Terrible About Laying Off 900 Employees over Video Chat
32 points by awoodbeck (21 comments) at 2021-12-04 15:04:15
3 points by ithkuil (no comments) at 2021-12-04 23:53:56
59 points by brentjanderson (2 comments) at 2021-12-03 18:37:00
[17] - Morning exposure to deep red light improves declining eyesight
17 points by lnyan (3 comments) at 2021-12-05 04:04:02
18 points by indigodaddy (6 comments) at 2021-12-04 22:47:36
[117] - 50 years of eBooks: 1971-2021
117 points by dredmorbius (39 comments) at 2021-12-02 13:01:53
59 points by pjmlp (61 comments) at 2021-12-01 16:52:15
[589] - Ask HN: What are these low quality “code snippet” sites?
589 points by endofreach (322 comments) at 2021-12-01 14:34:47
[283] - Hayao Miyazaki prepares to cast one last spell
283 points by cmsefton (172 comments) at 2021-11-30 23:04:36
[3] - Facebook’s lead EU privacy supervisor hit with corruption complaint
3 points by Radim (1 comments) at 2021-12-05 16:12:39
12 points by motyar (1 comments) at 2021-12-05 06:58:46
[33] - The art of finding referrals and landing job interviews on LinkedIn
33 points by tanayagrawal19 (9 comments) at 2021-12-02 18:55:02
[103] - An Inconsistent Truth: Next.js and Typesafety
103 points by theobr (49 comments) at 2021-12-02 18:07:23
[93] - What Is Dbt and Why Are Companies Using It?
93 points by mooreds (72 comments) at 2021-12-02 23:28:30
[53] - I'll redesign any 3 websites in less than 3 hours: (Challenge?) HN
53 points by oreopithecus (77 comments) at 2021-12-05 18:38:28
[146] - Disclosing state-linked information operations we've removed
146 points by dsr12 (94 comments) at 2021-12-02 11:45:04
[139] - Windows urges users to use Bing same way as urgent security warnings
139 points by dustinmoris (156 comments) at 2021-12-03 10:02:59
6 points by AshleysBrain (1 comments) at 2021-12-04 11:08:16
[4] - Web3 non-financial use cases
4 points by atlasV (no comments) at 2021-12-05 11:27:32
[340] - Amazon EC2 M1 Mac Instances
340 points by ManishR (267 comments) at 2021-12-02 16:43:32
116 points by vladaionescu (36 comments) at 2021-12-02 13:59:19
[15] - Microsoft Edge will now warn users about the dangers of downloading Chrome
15 points by thg (5 comments) at 2021-12-05 10:21:40
[74] - Microcode Research Team
74 points by pabs3 (34 comments) at 2021-12-01 01:12:32
[39] - Metaphors we learn to program by
39 points by evanlh (14 comments) at 2021-12-01 17:35:23
[148] - Scamp CPU: A homebrew 16-bit CPU with a homebrew Unix-like-ish operating system
148 points by akkartik (50 comments) at 2021-12-01 19:27:22
[23] - How to Keep Your Corporation Out of the Culture War
23 points by worldvoyageur (2 comments) at 2021-12-03 14:44:03
[83] - See brands' supply chain linkages that are contributing to Amazon deforestation
83 points by giuliomagnifico (22 comments) at 2021-12-03 18:41:51
[23] - Reasons to read the original works of great thinkers
23 points by ubac (10 comments) at 2021-12-03 14:21:21
[47] - Challenge: can you view my source?
47 points by colewilson (31 comments) at 2021-12-03 17:43:00
[76] - My toy project turned into a viral challenge
76 points by jinay (28 comments) at 2021-11-30 16:30:41
[43] - Startup valued at $7B gets flack as CEO lays off hundreds over Zoom
43 points by bryan0 (27 comments) at 2021-12-04 05:56:38
[67] - Show HN: I built an online programming language
67 points by sandes (25 comments) at 2021-12-02 14:22:35
[85] - Using Nginx as an Object Storage Gateway
85 points by thunderbong (38 comments) at 2021-12-02 05:37:26
5 points by Garbage (no comments) at 2021-12-04 14:36:39
[6] - Omicron possibly more infectious because it shares genetic code with common cold
6 points by richardatlarge (no comments) at 2021-12-05 18:02:23
[23] - Orgdown – Using orgmode markup outside Emacs
23 points by tconfrey (11 comments) at 2021-12-02 17:37:07
[9] - Ask HN: How do you measure your own personal progress?
9 points by adawg4 (1 comments) at 2021-12-04 21:37:25
[60] - Right-clickers vs. the monkey JPG owners
60 points by helsinkiandrew (91 comments) at 2021-12-01 06:58:56
[25] - Artificial intelligence that understands object relationships
25 points by jonbaer (8 comments) at 2021-12-03 03:12:05
[15] - OpenML: A Science-Focused, Collaborative Machine Learning Platform
15 points by optimalsolver (no comments) at 2021-12-03 19:15:37
[19] - Jeffrey Epstein Household Manual
19 points by mhb (9 comments) at 2021-12-04 20:58:28
14 points by openmmlab (2 comments) at 2021-12-03 15:16:38
[83] - Release of AWS CDKv2 and Construct Hub
83 points by cgarvis (43 comments) at 2021-12-02 18:03:52
237 points by logankilpatrick (97 comments) at 2021-12-01 02:07:38
[20] - Verizon voice mail getting hijacked to the same number for years
20 points by Justin_K (10 comments) at 2021-12-03 18:43:24
[17] - Orgdown – The Interesting Feedback Phase So Far
17 points by mplanchard (no comments) at 2021-12-03 18:40:44
63 points by psim1 (38 comments) at 2021-11-30 20:44:28
[4] - Intel CEO: I Haven't Lost Share to AMD, I've Given Share to AMD
4 points by oumua_don17 (2 comments) at 2021-12-05 11:25:35
[24] - Open 3D Foundation announces first major release of Open 3D Engine
24 points by sm_ts (4 comments) at 2021-12-02 19:49:56
[11] - Multiplayer Psychosis (2020)
11 points by brudgers (1 comments) at 2021-12-02 14:49:25
[205] - U.S. satellites are being attacked every day according to Space Force general
205 points by pseudolus (288 comments) at 2021-12-01 12:05:20
[15] - Pip-audit: Google-backed tool probes Python environments for vulnerable packages
15 points by feross (2 comments) at 2021-12-03 17:17:44
[191] - Synthetic tissue can repair hearts, muscles, and vocal cords
191 points by geox (53 comments) at 2021-12-01 00:02:06