A Gentle Introduction to Relational Programming with MicroKanren

Author: ejdo

Score: 17

Comments: 5

Date: 2021-12-05 15:17:51

Web Link


speed_spread wrote at 2021-12-05 22:02:12:

For a few milliseconds I thought that MicroKarens were a new measure of entitlement.

_raoulcousins wrote at 2021-12-05 17:45:21:

The post says "This post isn’t an introduction to relational programming"

ejdo wrote at 2021-12-05 23:30:06:

Fair enough, I definitely could have titled it better - it's supposed to be "An introduction to how relational programming works specifically in microKanren presented as a code walkthrough of a python implementation of the interpreter" but that seemed a bit wordy...

adenozine wrote at 2021-12-05 19:51:14:

Well, it's also titled the title, so...

harperlee wrote at 2021-12-05 20:39:08:

I suppose the message is “this is not relational in general, but specifically microkanren”.