Show HN: MiroTalk – an alternative to Zoom / Teams

Author: mp85

Score: 134

Comments: 42

Date: 2021-12-04 23:38:42

Web Link


mp85 wrote at 2021-12-04 23:38:43:


Live Demo:

[1] It's an Open Source made for You completely Free

[2] You can video call, chat, screen share, share files, use the whiteboard, recording and more

[3] No download, plug-in or login required, entirely browser based

[4] No rooms and users limitation, it holds online meetings for an Unlimited time.

[5] Self-hosted (run it to Your own website or application)

[6] Desktop and Mobile compatible

[7] Can grow further Thanks to Your contribution

Nothing is really ours until we share it.


acatton wrote at 2021-12-05 02:44:10:

Interesting project.

It might be worth noting that there is the project

which aims at achieving the same goals as MiroTalk (self hosted, open source), but with a subset of features (no file sharing) and written in Go.

I'm not affiliated with them, but I like what Galène is doing.

mp85 wrote at 2021-12-05 03:16:31:

Hello acatton, Thanks, I’m very happy that you found MiroTalk an interesting project!

MayeulC wrote at 2021-12-05 13:42:47:

It is also one of the only OSS projects I know with support for SVC (scalable video).

digitallyfree wrote at 2021-12-05 04:11:17:

You mention on the github that you're running this demo on a lightweight 1GB/1vCPU VM - how many calls/concurrent users can this support with that hardware?

oliwarner wrote at 2021-12-05 08:28:55:

If it's acting as a STUN service, to just enable peering around NAT, you'd struggle to hit a limit.

If you need to pass data between clients via a TURN server, bandwidth is your limiting factor, well before CPU.

2Gkashmiri wrote at 2021-12-05 05:40:38:

i would love to know too

rexreed wrote at 2021-12-05 15:22:09:

Would be nice for these systems to support an arbitrary RTMPS so that you can stream to non-YouTube systems (such as Vimeo live, etc.)

mp85 wrote at 2021-12-05 15:57:12:

Hello rexreed, thanks for the good tips, any idea is always well accepted.

rexreed wrote at 2021-12-05 15:59:45:

You got it! I'm always looking for an alternative to Zoom for webinars and webcasting. I usually stream from Zoom to another source where we can have thousands of attendees without having them all join the Zoom session. For MiroTalk to be a good alternative, it needs to support arbitrary RTMPS streaming. Also making sure that our presenters won't have ports blocked is a big issue.

I wish there was a better alternative to YouTube / Vimeo Live for big streaming though, but that might be a much harder thing to do given bandwidth constraints.

maccolgan wrote at 2021-12-05 21:19:29:

You can always use owncast in place of YT or Vimeo Live, with a S3-like service it's highly scalable.

gus_massa wrote at 2021-12-04 23:42:25:

How does it compares with jitsi?

mp85 wrote at 2021-12-04 23:47:41:

Hello gus_massa, Jitsi seems to not have file sharing between participants and the collaborative whiteboard. What do you think about it?

gus_massa wrote at 2021-12-05 12:12:39:

[I'm not answering what you asked, but I hope it's useful anyway.]

I'm in charge of a dozen of T.A. in the university, and for the virtual Math clases each has been using Zoom/Meet/Teams/Jitsi. (I actually don't remember if someone used Jitsi for the clases.) The T.A. have a very strong opinion about which one is the best, and one of the reasons is the whiteboard support.

ciarlill wrote at 2021-12-05 03:59:24:

I think it's worth noting this is largely an implementation on top of the Mediasoup SFU project. MiroTalk is not really the SFU here. It's just a client and server side API built on top of an existing open source SFU. And they don't appear to mention this or credit Mediasoup for this anywhere. It's a cool project, very useful and appears to be in full compliance with mediasoup licensing... but it still feels a little disingenuous to label it as an SFU.

mionhe wrote at 2021-12-05 04:48:28:

Unless they've changed it in the last 45 minutes, the first line of the description says: "Powered by WebRTC and SFU integrated server." and "SFU" is a link to the Mediasoup website.

ciarlill wrote at 2021-12-05 05:07:49:

I guess that's fair. I missed the 3 letter hyperlink in the Github README. Would be nice if some credit was given on

Normally I would not be so pedantic about the use of a library, but mediasoup is doing the vast majority of the heavy lifting that makes this possible.

Edit: I see the mediasoup project is also listed by name in the credits section. So I rescind my earlier comment. I still think it's a fine line to call this project itself an SFU though.

mp85 wrote at 2021-12-05 07:53:10:

Hello mionhe welcome, that you mentioned It has been there since the first commit (103 days ago) :)

mp85 wrote at 2021-12-05 07:47:32:

Hi ciarlill, thanks for saying it's a Cool project :) credits are always due, if you look at the references cited there are from the first commit. All the best

rexreed wrote at 2021-12-05 18:38:04:

How does this compare to Jami, especially some of the latest features?

mp85 wrote at 2021-12-05 21:10:12:

Hello rexreed, Seems p2p, There is also MiroTalk P2P [1], Live Demo [2]



wanderingmind wrote at 2021-12-05 10:30:32:

Can someone tell how does Microtalk have any specific advantages over Nextcloud talk which is also opensource and self hostable?

still_grokking wrote at 2021-12-05 18:42:38:

Looks interesting. Has the right license. (AGPLv3)

mp85 wrote at 2021-12-05 21:03:43:

Hello still_grokking, welcome & thank you ;)

samirsd wrote at 2021-12-05 06:14:32:

LOL I love the "meet the team" section

frans wrote at 2021-12-05 07:18:00:

Indeed, beautifully honest.

mp85 wrote at 2021-12-05 08:02:07:

Hello frans, thank you, I'm glad you like it :)

mp85 wrote at 2021-12-05 08:00:41:


anyfactor wrote at 2021-12-05 05:35:48:

I was looking for a self hosted web conferencing tool within our LAN. This looks promising.

mp85 wrote at 2021-12-05 08:00:00:

Hello anyfactor, thank you so much.

nsonha wrote at 2021-12-05 11:15:33:

Miro would love the free brand name promotion

whimsicalism wrote at 2021-12-05 15:15:58:

Miro is a name, they don't have a monopoly on it.

nsonha wrote at 2021-12-06 01:25:25:

sorry I don't care, I read the title and think of Miro immediately, maybe it's just me

e-clinton wrote at 2021-12-06 03:47:47:

I use Miro often and only thought of it when you mentioned it.

cassianoleal wrote at 2021-12-05 00:15:37:

Before opening the link I though it was a new service embedded in Miro [0].

You might benefit from choosing a name that doesn't associate you with an existing and widely used collaboration tool.


whimsicalism wrote at 2021-12-05 02:24:07:

Many people are named Miro, why didn't the collaboration tool consider this?

mp85 wrote at 2021-12-05 00:30:27:

Hello cassianoleal, ha ha ha, Thanks for the tips, miro is also my second name :)

cassianoleal wrote at 2021-12-05 12:52:30:

Hey! Well, that's a coincidence! :)

Initially I thought you'd be setting yourself up for getting sued. It being your second name might complicate matters though. In any case, it will certainly cause confusion!

6581 wrote at 2021-12-05 00:24:57:

How does the title relate to the linked page? I don't see seven reasons listed there.

dang wrote at 2021-12-05 01:26:52:

We've changed the title now. Submitted title was "Show HN: 7 reasons why MiroTalk it's an alternative to Zoom / Teams" but that's was a bit clickbaity, which is against the site guidelines (see also the one about numbers in titles):


mp85 wrote at 2021-12-05 01:37:52:

Hello dang, You right, sorry, thank you very much.

mp85 wrote at 2021-12-05 00:36:03:

Hello 6581, The project is Open source [1] and here the demo [2]



The seven reasons are written at the bottom of the page, the first comment.