“Elsevier's ”enhanced pdf viewer“ tracks where you click, view, [...]”

Author: _Microft

Score: 43

Comments: 4

Date: 2021-12-04 17:13:41

Web Link


periheli0n wrote at 2021-12-04 22:01:04:

I always download PDFs. Why would I want to sit in front of a browser for 20 minutes or two hours or however long it takes me to read a paper, while connected to uni VPN or logged in to the journal page, when I can download the PDF, pop it into my collection, and read it anywhere, with a tool that I'm comfortable with?

bavxo wrote at 2021-12-04 17:34:51:

I assume every single website does this.

_Wintermute wrote at 2021-12-04 23:52:58:

Im guessing most people immediately go hunting for whatever button gives you a normal pdf. I've never found these journals 'enhanced pdf' to actually provide any benefit.

ryanlol wrote at 2021-12-04 17:42:08:

Sounds like this person hasn’t visited many websites.