Launching Eye of the Temple – this was my experience

Author: wallflower

Score: 36

Comments: 3

Date: 2021-12-01 12:43:02

Web Link


zizee wrote at 2021-12-03 11:33:20:

This is a really nice write-up of the highs and lows of launching an indie game. It resonates with me as I often dream of locking myself away for 6-12 months to crack out an indie title. I dream of fame and fortune, but the sad truth is thatost do not break even. One day when I can "retire", I'll just publish games for fun...

teddyh wrote at 2021-12-03 13:10:51:

It seems to me that their absolutely greatest mistake was releasing the demo. It ate up all the reviewers and hype before the product was for sale.

andybak wrote at 2021-12-03 10:47:26:

I played an early demo (on I believe?) and I was genuinely impressed to see an attempt to transform platformer mechanics into VR in a way that genuinely made use of the medium.

I look forward to trying this out next time I'm in a space slightly bigger than the one I have at home ;-)