%------------------%--------[y0lk number seventeen]---------------%---------% i am a warez pup - who are you? %----------%----------------[y0lk number seventeen]-----%-------------------% %---------���=[blahaha]--------------------------%--------------------------% recently, when i called a board i trade semi-frequently on [yeah, i trade, FUCK YOU, i like playing games and getting utils, ok? :)] i found my insides hurting after reading a string of msgs one user had left. in the case of respecting the users anonymity [DEMOLITION MAN IS HIS HANDLE], i will not tell you his handle. here are his msgs, in full. afterwards, i will disect the funnier parts. notice how DEMOLITION MAN becomes more and more excited, leaving longer and longer posts.. ahaha this, for the most part, does not reflect the warez scene .. Capture file opened 6-Oct-1995 12:01a ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Date: 09-14-95 (18:03) Number: 933 of 1061 (Refer# NONE) To: ALL From: DEMOLITION MAN Subj: NEW BOARD Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE Conf: Main Board (0) Read Type: GENERAL (+) Call, Euthanasia BBS, 201-284-0086, NUP-Mercy, 0-3 Day Warez, running Vision-X BBS....Call and join the extravaganza! Mention Demolition Man for quick access �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Date: 09-16-95 (16:18) Number: 944 of 1061 (Refer# NONE) To: ALL From: DEMOLITION MAN Subj: 284-0086 Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE Conf: Main Board (0) Read Type: GENERAL (+) Ok, folks, now we are getting somewhere, we are now getting users on Euthanasia BBS, and just ask Minotaur from Fatal Chaos what kind of access he got, he got Noble access which is no ratio and 500mins a day, yes that could be you too if you act fast, no ratio 500mins a day wow, now that is good, and that's not all, there are many new things on Euthanasia that everyone will enjoy so call now, and don't get discouraged if its busy or for some reason it rings without answer, you know how it is either a user is online or your damn dad has to use you line for a minute, so call now and ask for access on the other nodes so you don't have to wait for annoying users or dumb dads. Come on don't be a poopyhead get up and give us a call at 201-284-0086, and remember the NUP=Mercy.... JUST MENTION DEMOLITION MAN FOR FULL ACCESS.!!! BYE CALL TODAY 1ST 15 GET LEECH.. !!!! �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Date: 09-16-95 (16:19) Number: 945 of 1061 (Refer# NONE) To: HOOCHE From: DEMOLITION MAN Subj: hooch Read: NO Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE Conf: Main Board (0) Read Type: GENERAL (+) Call 201-284-0086 just say demolition man said to give you leech call and upload and you will have leech. WE need people like you. Thanks nup mercy �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Date: 09-16-95 (16:21) Number: 947 of 1061 (Refer# NONE) To: DRUGLORD From: DEMOLITION MAN Subj: bbs Read: 09-17-95 (07:46) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE Conf: Main Board (0) Read Type: GENERAL (+) Call 284-0086 druglord nup mercy this is a new board and needs your help. Mention my name and you will get on with leech. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Date: 09-18-95 (19:14) Number: 955 of 1061 (Refer# NONE) To: ALL From: DEMOLITION MAN Subj: CALL TODAY Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE Conf: Main Board (0) Read Type: GENERAL (+) Euthanasia is now going full speed ahead and is looking for Good Users Only, NO POOPYHEADS allowed...Be the First one on Your BloCk to be part Of 201's, NICE LITTLE BBS..So Give Us all A Ring at 201-284-0086, NUP-Mercy...Don't Miss out On our 0 Day Warez Section....Now all users that act now get NOble access which includes 500mins a day and LEECH time so think about that...Now don't get the wrong idea, you don't get leech to all the conferences you only get LEECH to the 0-3 DAy Warez not the 0 day warez...Until you upload something worth while... BTW: The number above is a 14.4 line, in order to gain access to the 28.8 line you must be a user first, Thanx.. Mention Demolition man for excellent access. VERY FAST CALL TODAY OR YOU WILL REGRET IT. BE 1ST TO GET LEECH!! �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Date: 09-22-95 (15:28) Number: 974 of 1061 (Refer# 971) To: HOOCH_ From: DEMOLITION MAN Subj: hey Read: 09-22-95 (15:54) Status: RECEIVER ONLY Conf: Main Board (0) Read Type: GENERAL (+) HAS REPLIES I WANT TO JOIN HOPE. help �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Next Previous Delete Reply Search Capture List Flag Other Quit �(c) Al Bundy Date: 09-23-95 (14:09) Number: 992 of 1061 (Refer# NONE) To: ALL From: DEMOLITION MAN Subj: INTERNET RELAY CHAT Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE Conf: Main Board (0) Read Type: GENERAL (+) HAS REPLIES How would you all like to have an internet like account, with that you can access to FTP, IRC, and many other stuff for FREE. Yes free. I have a program here which allows you to do that. All you need to have is an America Online Account and with that you can get all this for free. If you need more details just leave a mail to DEMOLITION MAN at the following boards. Fatal Chaos 201-340-2159 Enthusia 201-284-0086 Evolution System 201-785-4584 Priori 201-256-7210 Daemon's 201-501-0053 mention my name here for great access. Island of Console 201-389-0020 I got nice security here not co yet. OR if you are LD you can leave me a mail at 18002076350 Artic Insanity I am co on the above boards and also on many others so if you want to get this file just apply and get on, go on ahead just mention my name and you will get on. Leave a mail to demolition man. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Date: 09-29-95 (21:02) Number: 1017 of 1061 (Refer# NONE) To: ALL From: DEMOLITION MAN Subj: visual c++ Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE Conf: Main Board (0) Read Type: GENERAL (+) If you can find VISUAL C++ complier pleae upload it or if you have mathcad 6.0 please upload it for me i will reward you. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Date: 10-05-95 (16:17) Number: 1057 of 1061 (Refer# 1054) To: HOOCH_ From: DEMOLITION MAN Subj: INTERNET RELAY CHAT Read: 10-05-95 (23:58) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE Conf: Main Board (0) Read Type: GENERAL (+) i know i am sorry about the mesg's. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� %---------���=[blaha!!]--------------------------%--------------------------% i hope you read those, IN FULL. they're hilarious. that last one is referring to the fact that i had posted a msg asking him kindly to stop posting. some of the highlights were him telling everyone he'd reward them for uling VISUAL C++ complier [compiler] [who knows HOW he'd reward them]. i also like that the first 15 to call get leech, the board is VERY fast you won't regret calling it!, you shouldn't be a poopyhead and not call it. boy, i was atdt'ing euthanasia just as fast as i could. btw, just in case demo man is reading this, i don't mean for you to take offense to this, i just think it was really funny reading all these msgs, on practically every board i trade on. %---------���=[creditz]--------------------------%--------------------------% thanks go to toxic avenger for giving me the good sense to capture that and release it in y0lk.. %---------���=[jonas!@]--------------------------%--------------------------% i just read jonas 12 i think it was.. the new one - just out. anyway, after reading the part about the tdd operator, i must say, THEY DO NOT ALWAYS COMPLY. several months ago [maybe even a year], when i was running emerge, on an emerge conference, creed [then stain] called up a tdd operator on the conf, and we all took turns telling her what to say. she did NOT want to say the shit we were telling her to say, and she even got her boss on, we got a different operator, etc.. it was some 80 year old woman, and we got into a fight with her and cursed her off and shit. ahahaha.. all we wanted to do was hear her say things. `eye am a kay-are-aye-dee warrz biznatch, irent eye eeleet' [she would speak phoenetically, cuz she didn't know how to pronounce anything' it was hilarious while it lasted, though. --(editor's comment)----------------------------------------------------------- that was neat... about the naked ascii person, i didn't draw it if anyone saw it... i just found it somewhere --(index)---------------------------------------------------------------------- index of y0lk issues: ,s&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&s. $ issue $. title `$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $' 01 `$ the other white meat `$ $ 02 $ several k-rad elite haxors sitting around a campfire and grooving $ $ 03 $ nuclear weapons, global destruction, op wars. $ $ 04 $ a young man, an infant, a yak... all living in sin $ $ 05 $ household uses for afghanistanian food $ $ 06 $ pour cement down my anus $ $ 07 $ hail santa! $ $ 08 $ hasidism and sysops - a pair for the nineties? $ $ 09 $ lunchables rock. $ $ 10 $ t-shirts and toejam $ $ 11 $ nap-time - the dog prank - exclusive interview $ $ 12 $ movie reviews [showgirls!@] - win95 vs. os/2 [sorta] $ $ 13 $ straight outta' compton - dialchix - muh dawg!@ $ $ 14 $ i'm a tall, goofy, dorky, chink $ $ 15 $ y0lk: bedazzled by the eliteness $ $ 16 $ how to blow your nuts out with cornstarch and orangina $ $. 17 ,$ i am a warez pup - who are you? ,$ `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' issues 1-5, 7, 9, 15, and 16 by creed issues 6, 8, 11-13, and 17 by hooch issue 10 by bEdlAM issue 14 by phorce note: if you have written an issue, you are a y0lk member, have a y0lk member board, etc. woo.