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Happy_Hardcor3 ~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~ AD: The Neo-Comintern www.neo-comintern.com ~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~ The Natural ----------- The Natural The One The Master The King The Best The Worst The Queen The God The Goddess None of these are any anymore special than me. ~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~ Rave ---- Feel the beat Move Your Feet Watch the dj Watch The Light Array Eat the pills Inhale The Air Throw your hands up in the air This Is How Our Beats Go At Our Raves You Feel The Flow. ~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~ AD: www.mp3.com/djfirewire Get Down with Rev. Fire-Wire! ~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~ Control ------- In the giant scheme of things we are all not really here.. We are just figments of each others imaginations... We don't have names... Just a face... No identifying marks... Just generic characteristics... We all except that cause we are told to... We are under the control of a system... The system tells us where to go and what to do... I am free from the system.... Will you break free with me? If you break free you will be seperated..... We all must sepearate or feel the control of the system.... Are you in Control? ~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~ +How to fuck with Peoples minds!!?+ ----------------------------------- Have you ever found the need to Fuck with peoples minds? Well I have and this paper is a simple out line for all you in computer land. First you have to figure out what kind of person they are. If they take alot of persuading then you don't want to do something subtle, you want to do something bold and out right. Then destroy a little senseless destruction always fucks people up and make sure they know the destruction was ment for them. After all you wouldn't want them to think it was just sensless violence. Next goto the house when you are not so easily seen like spend a night at there house the next morning tell them there is a ghost in there house don't say you saw it just say you "felt it". Then they will make fun of you but you can make them belive like tell them about ghosts but make the shit up so you can copy it. First tell them ghosts can destroy electronical equipment, erase video tapes, and burn out light bulbs. Then wait till there gone and enter their house then take all the light bulbs in the house,then with a strong magnet earase there video tapes, then place the magnet behind there TV this will cause a pink spot on the TV. Take the bulbs home and drill tiny holes in them or use a hand held sand blaster to make a mini hole this will release the vacume in the bulb and when they are turned one they will break in minutes. Then return the bulbs. With out them knowing. Go over later that day around dusk(in Alaska around July). Make sure you go before they turned on lights. Then when they leave the room take the light bulb out of the lamp. When they come back tell them to get a light bulb because the one your holding is dead. Then make them put the bulb in. Instantly or in a matter of minutes it should break.Then warn them of the ghost. Then turn on TV. If the magnet is placed close enough it will make the pink spot(I recommend taping the magnet to the bottom). Then tell them to put in a video cassete so you don't have to watch the pink spot. They will find the cassets blank if you erased them and they will still find the pink spot.(The magnet can cause permanent damage to TV) Next find a clear liquid, that tastes like shit and edibal so don't use clear ammonia or something like it. Then enter it in juices milk ect. This will make them crazy that every thing in the house tastes the same gross way then take a piece of bitter chocolate or ginger. Then unscrew the filter in the sink place the piece of ginger in the spout making sure there is enugh room for water to flow freely this will make there water taste bad. Then take finely ground glass and place it on the floor where they walk often. And if possible in tooth paste. Burn small black spots on the walls of there house. ~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~ To submit articles to Warning Zine. Email them to Happy_Hardcor3@punkmusic.com. We are looking for lots of submissions. We would also like you to let your friends know about Warning. If you would like to advertise send to the advertising address given. Thank You For Reading Warning!