|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | -=[ United Hackers Association 1 - Magazine, Issue II ]=- | | September 01, 1998 | | E-Mail : uha1@gmx.net | | Homepage : http://come.to/UHA | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| --->>> THIS IS ISSUE 2 !!! |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Now its possible to get the United Hackers Association Magazine for | | FREE into your mailbox! Go to our Homepage and select | | "Subscribe UHA Newsletter" or subscribe direct: | | http://www.getreminded.com/GRA/remote.asp?list_id=248942&function=add | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| If you want you can post this text on Homepages/BBS/Ftp/Newsgroups etc. It's free, but please don't change anything without our permission!! WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING YOU DO WITH THIS TEXT FILE OR ANY TROUBLE YOU GET INTO, OUR ISP OR ANYWHERE ELSE THIS TEXT FILE IS HOSTED WILL NOT BE RESPONISBLE EITHER. Index : 1. How To Hack Geocities Webpages & Mailboxes (by AcidMeister) 2. How To Hack Mailcity Webpages & Mailboxes (by AcidMeister) 3. Installing & Hacking From Linux (by AcidMeister) 4. Some Technics Of Hacking NT (by mad55) 5. Exploit in Windows NT (local) (by mad55) 6. Dialing Out Of Unix Systems (by AcidMeister) 7. List Of Dialup Passwords (by AcidMeister) 8. Some things To Do To Keep Safe Once You Get Root (by AcidMeister) 9. How To Hack Your School (THE BASICS) (by AcidMeister) 10. Techniques to Hide One's Identity (by AcidMeister) 11. Trojans (by AcidMeister) 12. Easy hack (by Latvious) Editor of this Magazine Leader/Founder/Prezident of UHA : the file ripper If you want to publish one of your texts in our Magazine, just mail us your text to : uha1@gmx.net (with subject line = UHA MAGAZINE), we will review it and if it is a good one we will publish it. Note : All texts are welcome. Write about everything you want, but it has to be related with hacking/cracking/phreaking/carding/virii/computers ...etc. -thanx- !!IMPORTANT!! --> If you have any questions, please don't mail us or the authors, --> just go to our Homepage and post a message in our BBS!!! !!IMPORTANT!! We can manipulate you however we want. We can read and change your personal datas. We can take your identity. Kill your existence. We can come near to you from everywhere in the world. You can't escape! -by the file ripper [Prezident/Founder of UHA] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. How To Hack Geocities Webpages & Mailboxes by AcidMeister ameister@vol.com July 31, 1998 Get a fucking account at geocities.com, now goto the members section choose filemanager and login with your login and password, on the next page you get to, view the source code (the page name should be file_manager.htm.) On about line 178 you should see something to similliar to this, if you dont want to count all these lines then put all the html code into notepad and run a search for passwd, and somewhere around that area you will find the info you need. A # represents a comment made by me. #username #i think it's an encrypted passsword of some sort #webpage address # something you don't need # e-mail address person subscribed with #don't know don't care #don't know don't care #ehhh a timestamp