This is a new series I want to start, as I felt that my old style of glog got kind of repetitive. Once a week (or so, I don't know what a good scheudle for this would be), I will write a quick little post about an album I listened to and want to reccomend.
My tastes lately have been leaning toward screamo and scramz, so what better way to start the series than with my local introduction to the genre: Pictures of June. PoJ was a 3 piece screamo band from Bloomington, Indiana that broke up over the COVID lockdown and reformed with one member missing. Since their reunion, the band has played a number of shows at the Riot Room in Bloomington, and are planning their first tour ever for the weekend of the 19th. If you live in the midwest, I'd highly reccomend that you check them out while they're on tour.
Flyer for the upcoming Pictures of June Tour
Thanks for Everything...Thanks for Nothing is the first album released by Pictures of June. Clocking in at 8 minutes and 45 seconds, its a quick listen with a lot happening from moment to moment. From the opening scream "DONT COME BACK HOOOOOME" to the very last note, this album is an adventure to take on all at once.
Favorite Track: Holding onto a Balloon
Favorite Lyric: "longing for warmth, seeking towards the sun. searching for the glow, reaching. always reaching but never close enough.
I've completely lost the warmth." from Holding onto a Balloon