John L. Godlee

This is a mirror of my personal blog.

HTTP blog mirror

Gopher blog mirror


2021-11-30 - First setup for nvim-lsp with nvim-cmp

2021-11-26 - SEOSAW plot metadata Shiny app

2021-11-14 - Minimum bounding rectangles around sf polygons in R

2021-10-26 - Extracting pages with colour from a PDF

2021-10-20 - New website

2021-10-12 - Walking three days of the Cleveland Way

2021-09-30 - Mulching trees to stop grass growth

2021-09-25 - Display lots of points with tiles in ggplot2

2021-09-20 - Data management during and after my PhD

2021-09-10 - PhD keyboard


Other links

Mare Serenitatis Circumlunar Corporate Republic

Spacewalk Gemini Capsule Aggregator

Antenna Gemini Aggregator

Medusae Gemini Directory

Project Gemini

Lagrange Gemini and Gopher browser