unix stuff

The Unix Programming Environment - K&P (PDF)

The C Programming Language - 2nd Ed K&R (PDF)

Advanced UNIX Programming - 2nd Ed (PDF)

Advanced Programming in the UNIX Env 3rd Ed (PDF)

The Design of the UNIX Operating System (PDF)

Life With Unix - Libes (PDF)

The Unix Hater's Handbook (PDF)

Expert C Programming - Linden (PDF)

The Linux Programming Interface (PDF)

The Art of Unix Programming - Raymond (PDF)

Modern Operating Systems 4th Ed - Tanenbaum (PDF)

UNIX Programmer's Manual - 7th Ed. Vol 1 (PDF)

UNIX Programmer's Manual - 7th Ed. Vol 2a (PDF)

UNIX Programmer's Manual - 7th Ed. Vol 2b (PDF)

UNIX and Linux Sys Admin Handbook 4th (PDF)

The Standard C Library - Plauger (DJVU)

C in a Nutshell - O'Reilly (PDF)

Unix Power Tools - O'Reilly (PDF)

The Practice of Programming - K&P (DJVU)

The Elements of Programming Style - K&P (DJVU)

The Design and Implementation of the 4.4 BSD Operating System - McKusick et al. (PDF)

computer science

The Art of Computer Programming, Vol 1 - Knuth (PDF)

The Art of Computer Programming, Vol 2 - Knuth (PDF)

The Art of Computer Programming, Vol 3 - Knuth (PDF)

The Art of Computer Programming, Vol 4a - Kunth (PDF)

Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools (Dragon Book), 2nd Edition - Aho (PDF)

hacker culture

The Jargon File


The Conscience of a Hacker

Hacker Crackdown - Bruce Sterling (Project Gutenberg edition)

The Geek Code

The "Only" Coke Machine on the Internet

phlogs and gemlogs

Slugmax's Phlog

gopher stuff


What is Gopher?

The Rise and Fall of Gopher

SDF Gopher Directory

Floodgap's Gopher Server

other interesting reads

Word Processors: Stupid and Inefficient (html)

www stuff

Wiby - no js http search engine

DuckDuckGo - no js