Posted on 2020-12-19 on OH.MG.
Received: from ( []) by with SMTP id smtpd.web09.8695.1608383014556833874 for <>; Sat, 19 Dec 2020 05:03:34 -0800 Authentication-Results:; dkim=missing; spf=pass (domain:, ip:, mailfrom: Date: Sat, 19 Dec 2020 14:03:13 +0100 From: =?UTF-8?B?S8OpdmluIENPU1RFTExPRQ==?= <> Subject: Mail Problems are Problems Message-Id: <> Organization: MMN To: X-Mailer: wcMail v6.3.452.5 X-Wildcat-Message-Id: <> X-FILTER-ID: VAi0VY X-MXT-FILTER-ID: aVAi0VY_500a_112a
Hello Internautes !
I previously hosted a mailcow instance on my network, which recently just decided it wanted to die on it's own accord. This unfortunately meant that inbound and outbound email to was cut.
Good news is that it queued on the local mail thrower and on the external mail servers, one of the many reasons I don't do direct delivery.
Anyways, having had a *really* bad time with Postfix today trying to get it to not enforce a TLS policy on the board machine (when sending internally from the thrower to this machine), I managed to get it to accept, relay, and not TLS to the BBS machine after like 2 hours of screaming and panic google.
What this means is everything works again, but since mailcow is the one that did the DKIM signing for messages all emails are no longer DKIM signed until I can figure out how to fix that.
I could use DuoCircle again, but I like how SpamHero strips headers to external mail servers (plus I pay for it, so there is that).
If you notice any problems, let me know.