Fogg of War

Silicon Valley’s most successful tech companies use the insights of behaviour design to pump us with dopamine and keep us returning to their products. But some of the psychologists who developed the science of persuasion are worried about the way it is being used. economist


Harris is the closest thing Silicon Valley has to a conscience. As the co‑founder of Time Well Spent, an advocacy group, he is trying to bring moral integrity to software design: essentially, to persuade the tech world to help us disengage more easily from its devices. atlantic


Time Well Spent is a consumer movement to shift what we want from the companies who make our technology. Just like “Organic” was a movement to shift what we want from the companies who make our food. site


Those who design our human systems  are limited by their worldviews. Here are what humans need: soft automation, respectful metrics, meaning making menus, and networks of support. medium


Edelman studies how social environments shape our agency and our relationships, and how our worldviews and values limit what we can design. One of his abiding research questions: Why does the market fail to address people's deepest desires? How can we re-orient the economy towards what we really want? site


Stanford University's Persuasive Technology Lab creates insight into how computing products can be designed to change people's behaviors. We are exploring how individuals can achieve lasting change by tapping into the power of social. This topics is bigger, more complicated, and more important than most people think. page


See James Williams on manipulation of our attention.

James Williams