I'll be virtually attending Agile 2016 conference in Atlanta, Georgia, July 25-27, using telepresence by Double Robotics. site
There are many client applications. I'll use site
Look for me from 2-4 pm most likely in the exhibits near my hosts, DevJam, or wherever they take me.
The device has an option to snap photos and drop them into the download directory. I wrote this script to post them to c2.com indexed by wall clock. help posts
Y Combinator backed Double Robotics, located in Burlingame, California, began shipping May, 2013. The founders include David Cann, a designer and iOS developer, and Marc DeVidts, an electrical/embedded systems engineer.
The event has now come and gone. This was not the Agile Alliance's finest hour. They treated me like scum that should be cleaned up by the hotel staff. This is in direct contradiction of the organization's stated purpose.
"To support those who explore and apply agile values, principles and practices to make the software industry productive, humane, and sustainable in accordance with the Agile Manifesto."
I thank DevJam for the opportunity to experience this technology from the driver's side. Also special thanks to Anne and Austin who took such good care of me as I tried to just be myself with the people I met. I hope everyone understood how much my minders brought to the encounters.
I was asked several times what it was like on my end. Some quick thoughts.
• I was there. I valued most hearing speakers explain to me what they would/did speak about.
• I missed peripheral vision the most. I wish I had a single button that would glance each way.
• The ambient noise of the exhibit floor was a problem on both ends. The lobby worked better.
• I was surprised that selfie's were so much fun. I was in a happening to be remembered.
Conference organizers should specifically invite robot attendees to a mixer to be held in a lounge set aside specifically for that purpose.
This would work best for events with live streaming of talks. Then robots could mingle with normal people and discuss recent presentations. The robots should still have stewards but they could relax and enjoy their own conversations helping only robots in distress.
Telepresent riff-raff should be excluded. A good way to do this is to demand an acceptable position statement in advance (often a requirement of workshops.) Each robot would wear a QR-Code that links to their position. It would be socially acceptable to snap the code and read the position as an introduction.