Ward Cunningham, the creator of the wiki, started a federated wiki project in 2011 called "Smallest Federated Wiki", which is simply called "Federated Wiki" these days.
I occasionally found myself stumbling into federated wiki pages, the interface is a bit quirky to me so I thought it might be interesting to build a gemini interface. This would also give me the opportunity to understand how federated wiki's are structured.
I still don't have a very good mental model of how these federated wikis fork and well, federate, but the data format was simple enough that I was able to convert articles to gemtext automatically without too much effort.
You can check out the gemini interface here:
I definitely recommend checking out the Dayton Experiment link, It's a whole "hyperbook" written in fedwiki.
Please excuse the janky url with a custom port, I still haven't figured out a good way to reverse proxy gemini sites. I was looking at sniproxy but I couldn't get it to compile on NixOS. If anyone else has other ideas let me know via email: jb55@jb55.com
You can check out the code here:
Let me know what you think and email patches welcome!