Anonymous · 4d · No.595
Antivaxxers dying of COVID is fucking hilarious. Every time I see an article about some conservaturd who didn't take the vaccine biting the dust, it makes my day just a little bit better.
Anonymous · 4d · No.596
Comedy gold:
Anonymous · 4d · No.598
way more fulfilling than just r/HermanCainAward from the post narrations. thanks for the link
Anonymous · 4d · No.599
i love the progression from antivax memes to "it is with a heavy heart that - blah blah blah". it just hits different
Anonymous · 4d · No.600
On the one hand it's horrifying and terrible that we're treating life so cheap, but god damn is it delicious when these people who are gleefully making the world deadlier for everybody else get their just desserts.
Anonymous · 4d · No.601
Yeah, I'm pretty horrified as well, but what are you gonna do? At some point the pity and compassion runs out, you realize they've mostly done this to themselves, and that they're harming others on top of it all. They fucked around and found out. They got what they fucking deserved.
Anonymous · 3d · No.605
they have been misinformed by their peers and media. but the compassion does indeed run out when they have been shown repeatedly the gravity of their choices... and yet they still risk themselves and others. they don't deserve death for having incorrect ideas. the hope is that they alone suffer for their risks, the death stops with them, and their death helps convince those around them to make a better choice
Anonymous · 3d · No.606
Yeah it's weird to treat what is obvious a systemic and societal failing through the lens of personal responsibility, but as @601 said, what are you gonna do? In most places we've already decided that some covid deaths are acceptable so long as the line goes up, so we're stuck in this hell and these folks are only making it worse.