
Delicious extraction by brew.

Pour water with practiced precision.

Roasted light and consistent with grind.

Body, not bold, not too fine.

Ethiopian is my decision.

Delicious extraction by brew.

Complexity in flavour like wine.

Instruments transform the kitchen.

Roasted light and consistent with grind.

The concotion, familiar, yet mine.

Consistency is my mission.

Delicious extraction by brew.

Procedure, technique, I refine.

Enjoyment, not an addiction.

Roasted light and consistent with grind.

On the palate it dances and shines.

Reflection, the light, it glistens.

Delicious extraction by brew.

Roasted light and consistent with grind.

(c) Aaron Oman (GrooveStomp) 2021-07-08, CC BY-NC 4.0


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Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.


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