DATE: Thu 02 Jan 2020 By:

Audio Thing Details

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Quick update, so that you know for certain that its still a thing!

The audio blog/thoughts/thing I spoke about in a previous post. Yeah that! - Well. It took me a whole damned evening but the system for making it is all done now. Here is the work-flow...

Voice segments are recorded with Android "recorder" application (It's a Google app that has some Pixel specific features, so I'm using it until I find a better option) It then saves those segments to Google Drive (because there is a button and the point of this whole thing is not fucking around!)

The script, mounts Gdrive, grabs the files. Converts them to the correct format (using sox) then exports them into one mp3, with an intro and a beep between every clip, then an outro. It then deletes all the junk and plops the MP3 in the correct folder for uploading to this very site! - Its basic as fuck but it literally works perfectly for what I want to do!

The uploads themselves will be called (either) Hex Nuggets or Hex Shards. I have to settle on a name for them but at the moment I like Nuggets best as its less pretentious.

The first shard/nugget will be uploaded at some point over the next few days. I expect the first one to be terrible. At the moment its a few clips of sort of half blogs. There's not really a lot of value to any of them. But, I want this to act as voice log as much as 'podcast bytes' and I have to learn what works/doesn't work with this sort of project.

The few after that will probably be less 'Bloggy' and more like half baked Linux/Gaming thoughts that may or may not lead to videos. This whole thing may be terrible and the fact that I'm nervous about that is utterly wonderful!

I have enjoyed thinking about something that's not related to YouTube but is still something that I can share.

Long term, I would love to see this website be my main "creative" outlet, the place that people can go to read/listen to my thoughts on games and Linux. Because if I'm honest with myself, YouTube feels oppressive now!
