I've been using this for a good 3 years now[1]. Unfortunately my qwerty skills went out of the window :/ and I think benefits are marginal. But whatever, I'm now stuck with programmers dvorak, I'll try getting back some of the querty at some point and be keyboard bilingual. setxkbmap us -variant dvp on a MacBook Air -- $&[{}( =*)+]!# ;,.py fgcrl/@ aoeui dhtns-\ 'qjkx bmwvz ~%7531 902468` :<>PY FGCRL?^ AOEUI DHTNS_| "QJKX BMWVZ on a Kinesis Advantage keyboard -- #&[{}( =*)+]! ;,.py fgcrl\ aoeui dhtns- 'qjkx bmwvz $< /@ `%7531 902468 :<>PY FGCRL| AOEUI DHTNS_ "QJKX BMWVZ ~> ?^ [1] Thu Sep 20 19:30:40 BST 2018