Sync Org with mobile


The following article describes, how to sync your org agenda files with your mobile device. I use an android phone with MobileOrg[1], but the setup should work more or less with an iOS app like MobileOrg[2]. I also assume, that you have a basic org-mode agenda setup working. But lets dive right into it.



Basic Understanding

To sync org-mode files with mobile devices, there is support within org-mode. With the commands org-mobile-push and org-mobile-pull org copy's a set of files into a defined directory or reads them from that directory. That folder can than be synchronized with the mobile device via a bunch of mechanisms:

The easiest way might be via dropbox, but i will describe my setup via git. I will describe, how to sync your org-files with a local folder and will cover the syncing of that folder with your mobile device later.

Basic Setup

You can configure your org-mode directory by setting the variable org-directory, which in my case is set to

 (setq org-directory "home/frosch03/Org") 

Create your directory for your mobile-org sync within your org-directory and tell it's name to emacs by setting the variable org-mobile-directory which in my case is

 (setq org-mobile-directory "home/frosch03/Org/mobile-org") 

Set org-mobile-files to the list of files, that org-mode should copy into your mobile directory. For example

 (setq org-mobile-files (quote ("~/Org/" "~/Org/" "~/Org/" "~/Org/"))) 

Pushing to mobile-org

You can push files into your mobile-org directory with the command org-mobile-push. This will copy the files specified within org-mobile-files into your mobile org directory.

It will then create a file, that contains specific agenda views[3], that are exported.


After that, links to all relevant files (defined within org-mobile-files) are stored inside an index file, that can be specified by the variable org-mobile-index-file

 (setq org-mobile-index-file "") 

Last but not least, a checksums.dat file is written, that contains md5 checksums of each file, so that changed files can easily be identified.

Pulling from mobile-org

Let's assume, you done some changes on your mobile device and transferred them back into the mobile org director. With the command org-mobile-pull, you read those changes back into your local org-mode world.

Your mobile app captures all changes, that you made on your mobile device within After issuing org-mobile-pull all entries within care copied into an org file (org-mobile-inbox-for-pull) within your org-directory. In my setup it's:

 (setq org-mobile-inbox-for-pull "~/Org/") 

So org-mode tries then to import these entries into your local org-mode files. For details see the documentation[4]. It will then let you with an agenda view, and you must insert the remaining entries by hand.


Setup with git

So now that we have a setup, for writing into the mobile org directory and also reading from it, how to sync it with your mobile device. As mentioned earlier, the easiest way would be dropbox. But i like to keep my data close to me, so i sync my folder via git.

I've setup a server that is running gitolite[5]. My mobile-org-folder is a git-repository, that i push to the one on my gitolite server. On my mobile, i use SGit[6] to sync folders via git.



Last but not least, if you setup MobileOrg, to sync with "SD-Card", you can specify a folder on your mobile. I point that folder to the folder of the mobile-org repository of SGit. (That is usually pretty deep in the file structure, mine is at: Android/data/me.sheimi.sgit/files/repo/mobileorg

Now after i did changes within MobileOrg, i switch over to SGit, stage everything, commit it and then push the changes to the server. Once back on the laptop, i pull the changes from the server, and issue org-mobile-pull, to integrate the changes to my agenda files.

Before i close emacs, i do a org-mobile-push followed by staging, committing and pushing the changes via git. (I assume, this can be automated also...)