It’s the stress of knowing that you are it and you are alone, the world out there has no idea what a crapstorm it would be if you failed at your self-imposed duty, and goddammit why doesn’t anybody care?
What to do in that situation: the minute that working on your project stops being worth your time, simply walk away! If someone is relying on you to update your code and they have no contract with you, it's their problem.
LBIPs happen because some of the most critical services can’t be monetized. How do you put a meter on DNS? Or time synchronization? Or having a set of ubiquitous and reliable crypto libraries? Where there’s no profit stream, markets are not going to directly solve this problem.
What kind of backwards reasoning is this? The market will 100% absolutely solve these sorts of problems. If there is no crypto library, one will get created by the people who want to use it.
Yeah, the market solves these problems by bundling infrastructure with profitable things. In other words, low-level stuff will be maintained by Google and Red Hat.