Mister FPGA: The Future of Game and Computer Emulation

Author: ecliptik

Score: 104

Comments: 55

Date: 2021-12-04 07:01:17

Web Link


snvzz wrote at 2021-12-04 09:16:31:

I would say miSTer's weakest point is that it isn't designed for the open FPGA synth, place and route stack.

It depends on proprietary tools tied to Intel's FPGAs.

This is somewhat understandable, as the open stack wasn't ready when miST was conceived.

phendrenad2 wrote at 2021-12-04 10:33:25:

Part of the appeal of mister is it runs on cheap "dev" FPGA boards that have their price reduced to appeal to students and educators. Those are typically boards from Intel and Xilinx. It's been awhile since I looked at open FPGA synth tools, but I remember that Intel support was non-existent and Xilinx support was rudimentary. You couldn't get the same performance and packing as you can with the proprietary tools.

snvzz wrote at 2021-12-04 19:01:03:

>price reduced, cheap, etc

Note that the chip used in that board is listed in retailers such as digikey. It's not so expensive as to prevent third party boards.

It would even be well feasible to use a larger FPGA or a higher speed grade. FPGA chips used in devboards are typically the lowest grade.

delroth wrote at 2021-12-04 10:54:45:

The Xilinx -7 series of FPGA is fairly well supported by SymbiFlow these days.


ivegotnoaccount wrote at 2021-12-04 11:46:25:

Unless it changed recently, I think it doesn't have full support for BRAM, and no support for BSP and hard blocks, right ?

I wouldn't be surprised if some were used in the Mister project.

(Doesn't change the fact that Stmbiflow is an impressive feat)

snvzz wrote at 2021-12-04 19:02:13:

I don't know the state of Xilinx family 7 open source support, other than there has been work on it for years.

A competitive chip that is well supported (including BRAM etc) is the Lattice ECP5, as found in e.g. the ULX3S dev board.

rwmj wrote at 2021-12-04 11:10:19:

I'd say its weak point is the appalling user interface. Really hard to understand all the menus and modes and how to navigate. (Yes as a programmer I ought to pitch in to fix it)

flatiron wrote at 2021-12-04 13:01:11:

Are you talking about the dev tools or the mister itself? I have a 7,4 and 3 year old. All three prefer the mister menus over retroarch and they can put their favorite games on and do save states etc themselves no problem.

rwmj wrote at 2021-12-04 13:42:15:

The MiSTer itself. It's still a great system.

flatiron wrote at 2021-12-04 14:15:11:

Surprising. What about the menuing itself do you dislike. My kids can’t get around retroarch no matter the theme. Mister they just go to the core. Select it. It drops in in the cord directory of games. They select it. And they play. Retroarch is Roms folder then they select the core and if they don’t select the right one their save states aren’t there and their configs aren’t there. Good luck doing 5x scaling with retroarch too.

rwmj wrote at 2021-12-04 15:33:08:

That's kind of my experience with the MiSTer UI - confusing, deep menus, unclear what button gets to what menu or how to get back, etc. I now wonder if there may be several MiSTer UIs and I'm just using the wrong one?

staticman2 wrote at 2021-12-04 19:29:55:

My only experience with Mister is playing SNES games with the device my brother set up on a CRT tv. Playing an SNES game is just a matter of choosing the SNES core, picking the game rom from the default directory, and learning the hot key combination on the controller to go to the save menu to save your in game save file to the sd card.

For this use case it's easier than Retroarch- you don't need to fiddle with resolutions since everything outputs natively to the CRT and you don't need to fiddle with cores since only 1 core exists per system.

Maybe there's more complex features that are harder to use, but as a replacement for a super nintendo I find it to be dead simple to use once setup.

ghastmaster wrote at 2021-12-04 12:49:35:

The Mister Multisystem appears to be a great improvement over the de10-nano. LGR did a video on it:



sersi wrote at 2021-12-04 14:07:19:

The mister multisystem is not an improvement over the de10-nano. It's just an alternative in a different form factor to the open sdram module and the analog io board. You still need a de10-nano to plug into it.

It's not the first time I see this confusion but I'm a bit surprised by it because they also make it very clear that "A DE10-Nano is required to operate"

ghastmaster wrote at 2021-12-04 15:33:21:

Oh my, you are correct. Looking at the board and nomenclature, "multisystem", this should have been obvious to me. Thank you for the clarification.

willis936 wrote at 2021-12-04 13:15:07:

Thanks for the reminder. This is very high on my want-list. Do you know what the "deluxe edition" mentioned at the store page is?

timbit42 wrote at 2021-12-04 16:11:00:

The Deluxe includes the DE-10-Nano FPGA board. The other editions require you to buy the DE-10-Nano board yourself.

NovemberWhiskey wrote at 2021-12-04 12:54:20:

This plugs into the FPGA dev board, doesn't it?

deelowe wrote at 2021-12-04 15:40:59:

Yes. It still requires the nano.

creamytaco wrote at 2021-12-04 13:20:37:

The Mister ecosystem is based on open hardware / software, besides the FPGA which is a necessary evil (and can be replaced in the future).

The "mister multisystem" (which is a proprietary design) comes across like a slap in the face. Don't support blatant opportunistic profiteering.

gchadwick wrote at 2021-12-04 14:41:49:

There's a fair few commercial sellers for MiSTer related stuff. Yes some just build existing open hardware designs, but not everything is open hardware.

E.g. the MiSTercade


or the MiSTer mini ITX Ironclad Plus


None of these are trying to lock people into their solutions, they're just providing other options.

rwmj wrote at 2021-12-04 13:41:02:

No one is taking the ecosystem from you. This board is just one expansion option.

staticman2 wrote at 2021-12-04 14:57:23:

The best thing about this project is the seemless CRT TV support. There is no simple way to use a PC emulator and support CRT output.

zdw wrote at 2021-12-04 14:45:26:

This is a 2019 article and quite a bit out of date. There's a dedicated forum for the project:


Many more cores have been supported or further polished, well into the 32 bit era - Playstation and Sega Saturn cores are in the works.

moring wrote at 2021-12-04 11:47:41:

When it comes to the detailed timing and edge cases of hardware, especially peripheral hardware, software-based hardware emulators try to cover the most important cases. As far as I understand, an FPGA-based emulator would try to emulate the structure of the hardware, not its behaviour, thus resulting in more accurate emulation. Where do they plan to get information / documentation about the structure of the hardware? AFAIK most of the behavior is reverse-engineered by trial and error.

city41 wrote at 2021-12-04 12:34:37:

At least in the case of the Neo Geo core, the chips were decapped and fully reverse engineered. I'm unsure about other cores.


dehrmann wrote at 2021-12-04 18:09:38:

If you're decapping old chips, do you even need to reverse engineer them, or can you just blindly convert a high-res photo to something an fpga can run?

bstar77 wrote at 2021-12-04 14:32:54:

If you look up Robert Peip, he's detailing a huge amount of what he's doing as he builds his PSX core. It's a combination of work done on emulators, getting expert feedback on the MiSTer, previous work on supported chips and docs from where ever he can find them. It's pretty incredible, I've supported him on patreon for about a year and have been exposed to so much interesting work.

yholio wrote at 2021-12-04 09:19:32:

Minor nitpick with the website: what's with the subscribe overlay that can't be closed on mobile? it's so annoying i had to navigate away.

caslon wrote at 2021-12-04 09:56:34:

> Please don't complain about website formatting, back-button breakage, and similar annoyances. They're too common to be interesting.


jiggawatts wrote at 2021-12-04 11:07:15:

The fact that these issues are _so common_ that a YC News guideline had to be made to stop people commenting on it is interesting in itself.

If it wasn't a real issue, people would not bring it up over and over.

I wonder, is there anything constructive the YC crowd could actually do about this instead of just making a rule to not discuss it?

I mean... sigh... I get that we're all tired of it, but _that's the point_. We're all fed up with pop-up after pop-up, for one stupid or worthless reason or another. WE ARE THE PEOPLE writing the code to do this! Should we not stop? Form a union? So that we can summarily eject people from it if they insist on baking popups into low-level SDKs? E.g.:


The standard you walk past is the standard you accept.

So, I implore you, please don't tell people to just shut up and accept the garbage strewn all over the street.

They just want to clean their world up a little bit.

hutzlibu wrote at 2021-12-04 11:26:03:

This seems like a bug, though. And this guideline is about general complaining about webdesign, where the design choices of the creators are not align with the users preferences.

Epiphany21 wrote at 2021-12-04 14:24:22:

The general purpose computer cores are what interest me the most about the MiSTer project. I'm keeping an eye on the 486 PC and Macintosh Plus cores. Emulators are mostly fine for what I do but I would just love to have dedicated hardware instead. It's a shame the DE-10 Nano is out of stock everywhere...

zdw wrote at 2021-12-04 14:52:55:

The ao486 core is much improved since this article was published in 2019 - it's had caches and a VGA chipset added, which make most early 90's games playable to some extent.

dehrmann wrote at 2021-12-04 18:11:30:

Might want to check out the Vortex86. Other than sound, it might support what you want.

CyberDildonics wrote at 2021-12-04 18:46:32:

Why do you want to emulate a 486 with an FPGA?

voltagex_ wrote at 2021-12-04 07:31:03:

What happens when the DE10 Nanos run out?

gchadwick wrote at 2021-12-04 08:21:06:

Hopefully terasic will keep making them for a good while and when they do retire them have a replacement.

It's not as simple as just develop a new board as the DE10 Nano offers a great price / performance ratio. There are more capable FPGA boards out there but they're also more expensive. Any purpose developed board would also likely cost more.

AlexanderDhoore wrote at 2021-12-04 09:10:10:

Amazon.com: DE10-Nano Kit

  Currently unavailable.
  We don't know when or if this item will be back in stock.

sibane wrote at 2021-12-04 09:22:22:

Also, on Mouser:

    Stock: 0
  On Order: 2,877 Expected 1/28/2022
  Factory Lead-Time: 48 Weeks
  Long lead time reported on this product.

jiveturkey wrote at 2021-12-04 09:47:59:

ooh glad I squirrelled 2 of them away pre-COVID

ungamed wrote at 2021-12-04 11:37:25:

I believe they already have, at least interntionally.

vardump wrote at 2021-12-04 07:37:06:

Presumably it gets ported to another architecture.

postalrat wrote at 2021-12-04 15:31:09:

I've been hoping it somehow ends up available for pano logic client devices. No idea how big a project that be but it would be pretty cool since there are a reasonable number of them out there, they are kinda cheap, and are already in a nice case.

snvzz wrote at 2021-12-04 07:40:08:

Or, simpler, somebody comes up with a OSHW board that's actually fit for purpose, rather than leverage a generic devboard.

anyfoo wrote at 2021-12-04 08:30:58:

Is that simpler? Dev boards are a dime a dozen, and far from everyone who wants to use FPGAs to mimic game consoles wants (or can) solder them themselves... I feel like if this platform runs out, people will mostly switch to another generic one with not too much effort.

snvzz wrote at 2021-12-04 09:14:58:

By now, I would dare say miSTer has enough traction that a custom board would make sense.

As a reminder, few people use bare DE10-Nano. It is generally used together with custom boards for RAM and I/Os, designed for miSTer use.

There's nothing magical about FPGAs or SMD as to prevent a main board designed for the purpose.

girvo wrote at 2021-12-04 09:32:45:

Is there any upside to replacing it with an ASIC specifically for miSTer?

snvzz wrote at 2021-12-04 10:18:03:

I can't think of any, relative to a FPGA. MiSTer cores are regularly upgraded; an ASIC would defeat the point.

What's being proposed is a board that's designed for miSTer. Such a board would include an appropriate FPGA, alongside memory, a better cooling solution and ports useful for miSTer use.

These are currently accomplished via mods/addons to the generic devboard, which is far from ideal.

vidarh wrote at 2021-12-04 08:14:49:

There are lots of boards being designed, some of which have been open, but they tend to be expensive because of the small runs.

The open cores tends to end up ported to multiple platforms over time.

christkv wrote at 2021-12-04 07:55:05:


Seems like a good start

vidarh wrote at 2021-12-04 08:16:30:

That still needs a dev board mounted on it.

melony wrote at 2021-12-04 08:13:56:

Electrical engineers are cheap. Porting to a slightly different layout can be easily crowdfunded.

2OEH8eoCRo0 wrote at 2021-12-04 17:37:35:

Can it do 3dfx?

theodric wrote at 2021-12-04 22:12:14:

No. And it can barely do anything without crashing. I hate mine.