Western U.S. could become nearly snowless due to climate change

Author: jonbaer

Score: 14

Comments: 3

Date: 2021-12-04 03:09:28

Web Link


PraetorianGourd wrote at 2021-12-04 04:10:48:

While certainly troubling if it comes to fruition, I do wish that the media would stop promoting some of the more, shall we say, dramatic narratives. If it so happens that this doesn't occur, and this model was a tad aggressive, then that gives so much ammunition to the folks who have an interest in downplaying global climate change.

Just calmly report the median. The median is bad enough, no need to go to the outliers.

GekkePrutser wrote at 2021-12-04 05:33:14:

Normally I'd agree but so far global warming has already led to worse effects than were predicted for this stage of the process. So I think there's good chance it will continue.

Also it's good to show people an idea of how it can affect them personally. By the time we're ready for this to be proven right or wrong (the article speaks of 35-60 years in the future) we're so far into the global warming process that all the worst scenarios will happen anyway. Or we did something about it and that's the reason why this didn't occur.

So I don't think it's overly alarmist. We need to act now to stop the worst.

finite_jest wrote at 2021-12-04 03:15:01:
