Apple may have a problem with iPhone demand as well as supply

Author: elorant

Score: 8

Comments: 2

Date: 2021-12-03 19:20:13

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exabrial wrote at 2021-12-03 21:25:35:

I switched to an iPhone this year mainly because everyone literally assured me is was the most incredible thing ever.

Hint: It's not. Literally nothing works as well as it does on Android. Voice recognitions absolutely sucks, swipe keyboard stinks, the phone drops calls if you fart, texts don't go through to non-iphone users, there's no way to send high resolution video/photos on mms, the charger is still the legacy outdated lightning connectors instead of modern USB-C, there's no way to transfer gigabytes of data to the phone over USB, search sucks, you can't disable Siri, and the screen gets scratched (I can't remember the last time I had an actual screen scratch on my Android phones).

This is undoubtedly the main driver. Apple just refuses to fix basic issues and their competition does.

I will say, it's a damned relief to have Google's invasive hands out out of your personal business though, and despite the operating system and hardware I'll probably stick with it for at least a year in hopes these issues are resolved.

magixx wrote at 2021-12-03 22:53:18:

My experience is somewhat similar to yours minus the call related stuff having used a secondary iPhone for work.

I find a lot of things that Apple does infuriating as a user (I.e. locking an apple account to an iPhone [seriously, how do I login if I ever lose that device?], no CarPlay without Siri, etc...). But, they clearly don't care and they're one of the most valuable tech companies so what do I know?

That being said, I realize that a lot of people won't care about power features, options, or customizability. And, if I had to recommend someone with little tech experience (ie parents or grandparents) the iPhone mini would be my recommendation unless they were seeking out something specific.

The limitations of iOS in cases like these can be a positive thing sometimes.