______________ | ___ ___ | | |_ | | _| | ______ ______ |___| | | |___| |_ _| / \ | | | | | /----\/ | | | | | | | | | | | | ___ | | | | __ | | <_ | Issue #:063 _| |_ _| |_| | | \___/ | Date:06\20\96 |______| () |_________| () \________/ () _ / / \ \ _ / _ / THE LONE GUNMEN Presents: \ _ \ | | | | | | Novell Network Hacking Bible | | | | Written By: Mulder | | | | | | | | I don't know if I'm done with this | | | | file yet.. There is so much you can | | | |do in novell I donna know maybe I'll | | | | put out a part II | | | \____________________________________/ | \________________________________________/ ********************************STOP****************************************** *** In this day and age, anyone can get there hands on text philez and that*** *** means that even the yuppie kids, who don't follow directions, can (and *** *** will probably blow there faces,hands,fingers,noses,legs,nipples,and P-P*** *** blown off, so before you continue read the File "DISCLAIMER!" that was *** *** included in the .ZIP file. it basicly says that you cant sew me if you *** *** get fucked. ************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** If any of these don't work try to get mail to me and tell me and i'll add it into the next file.. Also if you have any other ideas that you might have for a second part to the file.. Index ~~~~~ 1. Intro 2. What is novell? 3. What you need to do this.. 4. What can I do with Novell? 5. How can I get Passwords? 6. How can I use the system to my advantage? 7. How can make Doom run on the network? 8. Note from Author. 1. InTRo ~~~~~ First of I must say that Learning Novell is very easy. I am a Junior in High School and learned Novell in about nine weeks.. That is one marking period... And I wasn't on a computer every day... Also I have had no prior experience with networks so this is how easy it is to learn the network.. Ok enough about me I in this text file I will tell you ways to hack the password of the Admin..(This is for all you Hackers out there in school) I will include programs for steeling password and I will also tell you many different ways to use the network to your personal advantage.. 2. What is Novell Network ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What is Novell? Yeah I want to know what the Fuck dose novell mean.. Well anyway Novell Network is a very popular net work with the schools.. I have found it to be used in the CAD classes allot... 3. What you need to do this.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What you need to do this... Well First you'll need a computer with a Novell Networking on it..(Duh) Second you'll need a Brain.. Third a you'll need this file and all the extras included... 4. What can I do with Novell? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well you can use it to do you work on the Network or you can make directories in your user directory for like games or other programs you want to have at school or work just for your use.... Example: I:\users\your name here\your other directories\ or I:\users\JohnD\misc\ Now you see you can't make directories in an other directory because you need to have Administrators access... I shall cover on how to get it later on.. You can also send messages to other work stations by using the command SEND.. Example: Send "Hey Joe what's up?" JoeL or the work station number You must have the "" around the message you wish to send.. You can find out who's on the network by typing USERLIST.. You may also send a message in mass meaning to more that one user or you can send it to everybody logged on.. Example: of mass messages Send "Hey Joe you suck" 1 3 4 7 The 1 3 4 7 are the work station numbers... Example: Message to everybody Send "Hey eat at joes" /everybody Use the /everybody command to send the message to everybody that is logged on to the network.. 5. How can I get Passwords? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now at this point I am assuming that you kind of know what and how the network works... OK I have only included one program that will aid you in your task... It is called GK10. Ok here is where it gets Groovy. Take it and rename it to like svga.com.. Ok now here comes the tricky part you have to load this program into you autoexec.bat on you work station (that's the computer your on). Add it in at beginning of the of the Autoexec.bat. Note: For you... GK10 outputs a file called errorlog.bk~ now you can make it go to what ever directory on any drive under what ever name... Meaning you can have the output file called what ever you want.. Example: of the command line for the Autoexec.bat GK10 -C:\DOS\filename.ext You can make the drive what ever just change the C to what ever letter. Same goes for the directory and filename.. Oh yeah if you just load GK10 by it's self it will output ERRORLOG.BK~ to the root directory of C:\ . Now the output file ERRORLOG.BK~ is encrypted.. Killer Huh.. You can unencrypte it by using the viewer program that comes with this file... Rename VIEW.com to like VGA.com and put it in the DOS directory.. OK now after all you hard work the GK10 will be loaded every time the computer boots up.. Now let people logon to the network with your computer and even call the teacher or supervisor to come over and get check on something on the network... Tell the supervisor or the teacher that something's wrong. Once the logged on Bingo you have there login name and Password.. Same thing goes for other users that uses that work station... Now use the View program and you can get the Names and Passwords.. Example: View errorlog.bk~ or View -c:\dos\filename.ext Once you do that look in the file called output.dat. This will have the login names and passwords on it... Use them as you see fit. P.s. Make sure you delete the output.dat file when you done with it just to cover your tracks... 6. How can I use the system to my advantage? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With all of the information that I have given you in this file will let you do just about what ever you want in the network... You can be like god on it steeling other peoples work, deleting that ass the keep bugging the hell out of you... Stuff like that.. Also refer back to # 4... 7. How can make Doom run on the network? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now this is always a fun thing to do on a network... See first time I got on to the network I made a directory in my users directory called Dom.. short for Doom... Well this was good for me to play doom, but then my or your friends/CO-workers will probably want to play.. Well you could make a directory on there system call temp the logon to the network as you then copy doom to the temp directory... Then have them logon and make a doom directory in there user directory... Sounds like to much work Huh... Well it is.. So I got the bright Idea to make a directory in the public directory which is accessibly by all that logon to the network... Well to do this I needed the supervisors login name and password.. No problem getting it with GK10... Well make a directory in the public directory on the network called Doom, dom, ect... then just xcopy from your users directory to the public directory... Using Xcopy or netcopy I suggest xcopy.. Example: Xcopy I:\users\johnD\doom\*.* I:\public\doom This will copy the game duh.. Then delete the doom directory from you users directory because you don't need it any more.. Now everybody can play doom from there own work station... You can also play Cooperative or deathmatch over the net work... How you ask? First you must go into the setup of the game.. Chose run network game... Then chose IPX network game Now you come to a series of options Number of Players, Doom Episode, Skill Level, Type of net work game, and Network Socket... Now the best way to do this is to chose two players because the server can't handle more than that because of the ram problems.. Doom Episode self explanatory same thing with Skill Level and Type of Net Game.. Now for the Network Socket leave it 0. By leaving it at 0 it will search out the other computer thats wanting to Run doom with it... Note: you should fill out the setup part of the game the same on both machines... Now you can play together on the net work.. Now if you think that sense your play doom on the network that no one can play the game.. your wrong you can access the game as many time as you want even if some is all ready on... You can also have another pair of people run another networked cooperative game.. You can also do this as many times as you want.. ***************************************************************************** Note to rapid: Now for that small dick remark... I sure didn't hear your girlfriend saing that when I fucked the shit out of hear.. I fucking ripped her in two.. ***************************************************************************** SAUCE00Novell Network Hacking Bible Mulder ThE Lone Gunmen[TlG]19960615�&P�