INTO THE VOID (c) PIE [33/33] /\______ /\______ ____/\______ __ \____ \/ \__ \/ _ \____ \ __/ \____ / _/ _/ \/ / / / _/ _// / / / / / / \ \ /\ / /\ / / \ \/ /\ / / / \__/\ \/RTX______\___/\__/\ \/ / /_/_/ =====\___)===\__)============\___)=\/======= -Filenames: ITVOID??.ZIP I couldn't agree more with the Razor.nfo when they say: "Can I say Master of Orion 2 clone? YES! Only smaller..." This is just like MOO2, except it is a lot better, has music, better graphics and a lot cooler all around. Only for those who seem to enjoy building up cities and conquering the world and the only download it if you have futures in those areas ;). The music in this game is pretty damn good. For those of you who don't know what MOO2 is, well simply put, it's a sim city like game, but it takes place in the galaxy and run an entire planet rather than a city. RATING: 68/100 Battle Gear (C) CHING CHONG LONG DONG [o4/o4] _____ ___ _____ ________ ______ ________ \_ \ __|_/ _/ ____ \\/ / \ _/\_ \ _/ __/ _/ _\ \ _/_/ __/ /| / |_/ __/ \___\__________/____\___\___/____/___|\___\ ===============[ �D�O�G�S� ]================ -Filenames: BATTLE0?.ZIP Another chink game, but 98% playable since most of it is in English. This is a mechwarrior-like game, but it's not as detailed. It runs nice and smooth and the game is simple, but it's like impossible to get any action in the game. I couldn't fucking find any enemies to blow up, but it is beta, and maybe it doesn't have any. You set up your ship and listen to the briefing (the one part in chinese) and then launch and your out there in the wet rain shooting two kinds of missles using the mouse. Graphics are pretty grainy and the lightning gets to be annoying. You will see two little other fags following you around the entire time, I have no clue what they do, but they like your ass. RATING: 49/100 �������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������� ������ ������ ������ ۲�� ������ ������ ���� � ���� � ���� � ���� ���� � ������ ���� � ����� ������ ���� ����߲ ��۲ � ���� � ���� � � �۲� ���� ��۲ � �۲� � ������ ������ ��۲�� ���� ��۲�� ۲�� � ��������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������� [�] DESiGN released today [�] SKAT FOR WINDOWS 3.1 / WINDOWS 95 (c) DATA BECKER ���� DiSK [xx/13] ���� ����۲��������������������������������� -Filenames: DSG-SK??.ZIP Hemiech Rachu Weinner. Uhhhhh, yeah ok, great, stupid dipshits, coulda told us that your game was 100% NOT IN ENGLISH. Some lame card game in some lang- uage, looks like German. Lot's of .wav sfx and music. The game looks conf- using, but maybe it's b/c I had NO FUCKING IDEA what it was saying. All I could figure out was it had something to do with the suits of the cards. Next time tell us your game is not in English fools. RATING: FOREIGNESE/100 MUZZLE VELOCITY (Docs Included) [XX/19] _______ ___ _______ _____ _____ _\ _ /_\ |_____\___ /_/ ___/_ / ___/_ | |__/__ | | | |\____ |\____ | | |. | |. | _ _ |/ | |/ | REVIEW COURTESY OF: | |: | |: | |: | |. | |. | ARCHVILE, THANKS! | |: | |. | |. | |: | | | |_______|___________|___|_______|_______| [MM!===========[Class '97]==============] -Filenames: CLSMUZ??.ZIP Both Pathos and I were not able to get this to work, but it does work. So I got someone else to review it, and here's what he had to say: "This is a real time strategy game, released by a small time company, featuring so-so graphics, and the usual "Move my pieces over there press attack" kind of gameplay. Of course you can make buildings, built transpor- tation all of that stuff we have seen before. What we haven't seen is that during any battle, you can jump into any of your units, and command the battle from within the unit, as well as control the unit itself.. That gives you a perspective as seen in NecroDome. Well, I must say fairly that the graphics are WAY better in warcraft 2 and Red Alert (Win95 mode). Although this game runs well on even a pathetic 486 (Good news for the lame losers who have those old pieces of crap :) Well, the plot is also kind of "Been there, done it, got the T-shirt." it's WW2, and you pick between Germanny or USA (Kind of funny, since Russia was who led the main battles against germany, shows how much game developers know or want to admit). The units include infantry, APC's, artillery, anti tank guns, fighters, bombers, ambulances (yes you can pick up semi-dead men bleeding from their anus and rush them to the nearest gay bar for all to enjoy). Do not get me wrong, if you like games which let you decide how history went, and let you re-live wonderful realtime WW2 battles, get this game. If not go out and buy Diablo, and play a fucking good game for once in your life. The sound is average, nothing special. Back- ground music is totaly out of place imho. RATING: 75/100 Editor's note: Outsiders' reviews do not come with a TGR guarantee. CRICKET '97 (c) Electronic Arts [XX/09] _______ ___ _______ _____ _____ _\ _ /_\ |_____\___ /_/ ___/_ / ___/_ | |__/__ | | | |\____ |\____ | | |. | |. | _ _ |/ | |/ | | |: | |: | |: | |. | |. | | |: | |. | |. | |: | | | |_______|___________|___|_______|_______| [MM!===========[Class '97]==============] -Filenames: CLSC97??.ZIP Well someone must like Cricket, cuz they are still making these games. This is in the usual tradition of EA style sport games. Very well put together and great quality. However w/ the lack of sound, the game seems a little dull. You'll definitely need at least a p/90 to play this sucker, or else the guys move slow. If you don't know how to play cricket, then don't bother with it, but if you like the game of cricket , then I'm sure you'll enjoy this. Just blast some music or you might go crazy from having no sound. Overall, great quality, small size, I just wanna know where those little insect crickets were? RATING: 60/100 _____ _______________ ___|__ | _________________ |____ \_____ \| ___\|___| | | | | | ___| _____| __\ | | | |\ / | \ \| \ \| | | | | |/ \ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___| |\__ |___|___ |___ |___| | ====|___|===|___|tiRMRS |___|===|___|===|___| =[ CRAZY DRAKE (c) NEUROTECH GAMES ]= =[=[1/18/97]=======================[XX/20]=]= =Pain Is Temporary, But Pride Is Forever!= -Filenames: RLXDRK??.ZIP Here's an upbeat, cartoonish looking Jump and Run game. The graphics are cartoonish and not too detailed. It's a really simple game, the music is very good, and the sfx are pretty good too. There's 6 different settings or levels you can choose. They range from forests where you can shoot the shit out of happy plants and butterflies to haunted houses where you can shoot bats and zombies. You're armed with a gun, and you can pick up superbombs. The game is somewhat like EWJ in the aspect that during levels, you will come across little "tricks" or special parts that require doing something other than running and jumping. The game seemed to get boring quick though. For a list of cheat codes, see the closing section. RATING: 52/100 ALIEN RAMPAGE [XX/08] _______ ___ _______ _____ _____ _\ _ /_\ |_____\___ /_/ ___/_ / ___/_ | |__/__ | | | |\____ |\____ | | |. | |. | _ _ |/ | |/ | | |: | |: | |: | |. | |. | | |: | |. | |. | |: | | | |_______|___________|___|_______|_______| [MM!===========[Class '97]==============] -Filenames: CLSALRP?.ZIP I played the demo of this already. It's your classic run, jump, shoot game. The graphics aren't that great, and sound is average. It gets boring REAL quick. In fact it get's boring so quick. *How quick?* It get's boring so quick, it makes Mike Tyson fights look long. Unless you have to play every run and jump game out, don't bother. RATING: 44/100 DAWN PATROL 2: FLYING CORPS [XX/33] _______ ___ _______ _____ _____ _\ _ /_\ |_____\___ /_/ ___/_ / ___/_ | |__/__ | | | |\____ |\____ | | |. | |. | _ _ |/ | |/ | | |: | |: | |: | |. | |. | | |: | |. | |. | |: | | | |_______|___________|___|_______|_______| [MM!===========[Class '97]==============] -Filenames: CLSFLY??.ZIP I was having some problems with video card with this one, so I'll try to get it done for next time. Extremely sorry! RATING: NA-YET/100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*> WIN '95 REVIEWS <*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________ ___________ _____________________ MOTO EXTREME (Docs Included) [XX/50] _______ ___ _______ _____ _____ _\ _ /_\ |_____\___ /_/ ___/_ / ___/_ | |__/__ | | | |\____ |\____ | | |. | |. | _ _ |/ | |/ | | |: | |: | |: | |. | |. | | |: | |. | |. | |: | | | |_______|___________|___|_______|_______| [MM!===========[Class '97]==============] File Names: CLSMEX??.ZIP Release Date: 15 JAN 1997 * Here's what the nfo said you needed to play: Pentium 60, 8 Megs RAM, 108 HD * Here's what pAth0s *really* needed to play: Directory of C:\WINDOWS WIN386 SWP 144,786,496 01-17-97 12:31a WIN386.SWP 1 file(s) 144,786,496 bytes 0 dir(s) 7,408,000 bytes free Overall, it's an ok game. But as you can see, it's one memory leakin bastahd. I imagine it would be ok if you only played for 20 minutes at a time, but I played for about an hour and it got really swappy and laggy. Checked the swap file, and to my dismay, that's what I found. The game itself really aint all that bad. You race a dirtbike over about 8 different tracks, the last one being a special track on the moon in microgravity (means you pull air for what seems to be miles). You can punch and kick to try to knock people off thier bikes too. There's nifty tricks you can do in the air and you'll get bonus points for em. Joystick setup was kind of a bitch. You have to go into the config menu and click on each movement thing (lean forward, lean backward, etc..) and then click on the keyboard equivelant, and hit disconnect. Then you click on what you wanna do again, and hit connect, then the joystick checkbox, then the joystick movement to do it with. It's just a pain cuz you gotta do it for all of the movements and it's setup for keyboard. Also, it told me that some of my joystick movements conflicted with others, but it'll say that for stuff like right/left turn where they both use the x axis.. Same for lean forward/back. There's support for 2 player mode as well as multiplayer network (untested). Hey, for 2 player, would you need 288M of swap space? **POINTS: 59 -Hard to call, but it is 50 disks, and leaks memory bad... __________ HOVER RACE (c) GROKKSOFT [o2/o2] _____ ___ _____ ________ ______ ________ \_ \ __|_/ _/ ____ \\/ / \ _/\_ \ _/ __/ _/ _\ \ _/_/ __/ /| / |_/ __/ \___\__________/____\___\___/____/___|\___\ ===============[ �D�O�G�S� ]================ BETA*BETA*BETA*BETA*BETA*BETA*BETA*BETA*BETA File Names: TRDHOVR?.ZIP Release Date: 15 JAN 1997 I normally don't review betas, but I do play most of em that get released, just to kinda see what's up ya know.. This little 2 disker is pretty fucken cool :) This is a netgame, and although you can play this by yourself, it sucks, cuz you're all alone. Fans of subspace will probably like this. It's not really anything like subspace itself, but it's free and was actually kind of fun to play by myself. Check out for the latest updates of this Inetgame. BTW, I couldn't find any kind of joystick setting, so it looks to be keyboard only :( Leave enuff bitch mail to the author at that url and tell him "THE WAREZ COMMUNITY WANTS JOYSTICK SUPPORT, YA LAMUR!!" Enuff said. POINTS: Nada.. Zilch.. Empty handed. Nothing. Beta & Free __________ Sega Rally Championship (c) Sega [01/08] _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/===�1911�CD�DIVISION�======\___/ File Names: RZRSRC?.zip Release Date: 16 JAN 1997 Pretty cool game.. Too bad there was only like 3 tracks. Other than that really nothing to bitch about. The car seemed a little hard to control, but I think it was designed that way. Supposed to simulate high speed on dirt/gravel or mud. The grafix were decent.. It's pretty much exactly like Network-Q rally was, with the co-pilot telling you which way the next turn is and shit. So this one really ain't nothing too special.. I couldn't find anymore than 3 tracks, so if anyone else does, lemme know how you got em. Really the only thing that saved this release was that it was only 8 disks. So I gotta give it a few points for that. POINTS: 75 -Decent grafix, easy to play, easy to leech, and easy to beat :( __________ COREL SUPER PUTT [XX/40] _______ ___ _______ _____ _____ _\ _ /_\ |_____\___ /_/ ___/_ / ___/_ | |__/__ | | | |\____ |\____ | | |. | |. | _ _ |/ | |/ | | |: | |: | |: | |. | |. | | |: | |. | |. | |: | | | |_______|___________|___|_______|_______| [MM!===========[Class '97]==============] File Names: CLSSUP??.ZIP Release Date: 16 JAN 1997 Word of warning.. The .rar's blow up to quite a few megs.. Almost 200 to be exact. It's cuz of the .bmp's the game uses. The cool news though, is that the game supports 800x600@16bit. I enjoyed playing this for some dumb reason, prolly because the grafix were really kick ass. Everything in the game was 3d rendered. Title screen, course views, and playing area.. Everything. Some halfway decent music in here too. The guts of the game is pretty simple. Put the ball in the hole. There's 3 different courses, each with 9 different holes and different hazards for each green. I did run into one small bug though, the ball went into a part of the screen it wasn't supposed to. Good thing there's a shot limit (defaults to 6) or else I woulda been stuck there. It just skipped to the next hole after 6 shots. I dunno, I can't really give it a great score, cuz I played all the holes in about 20 minutes, but the grafix were great. Says it'll do 4 player network, but I didnt test it. POINTS: 67 -Good grafix, but 40 disks and only 20 mins of play time. __________ _____ _______________ ___|__ | _________________ |____ \_____ \| ___\|___| | | | | | ___| _____| __\ | | | |\ / | \ \| \ \| | | | | |/ \ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___| |\__ |___|___ |___ |___| | ====|___|===|___|tiRMRS |___|===|___|===|___| =[ HOYLE BRIDGE FOR *WIN95* (c) SIERRA ]= =[=[1/17/97]=======================[XX/12]=]= =Pain Is Temporary, But Pride Is Forever!= File Names: RLXBRG??.ZIP Release Date: 16 JAN 1997 Fuckie fuckie, it suckie. No workie, file not inside! Tried many different ways young grasshoppah. This ware will neevah learn the true nature of it's poh-ten-shul. POINTS: Division by zero is only comparable to /dev/null, wherein split infinity lurks. __________ Cyberdome 3DFX (c) Microleague [o1/o3] _____ ___ _____ ________ ______ ________ \_ \ __|_/ _/ ____ \\/ / \ _/\_ \ _/ __/ _/ _\ \ _/_/ __/ /| / |_/ __/ \___\__________/____\___\___/____/___|\___\ ===============[ �D�O�G�S� ]================ File Names: TRDCD3D?.ZIP Release Date: 17 JAN 1997 Yulp.. I couldn't tell the difference between this version and the first version, but then again, I don't have a 3d card (yet).. Pretty boring, pretty simple, and well, unless you're extremely bored, and wanna leech 3 disks to mess with, forget it. POINTS: 41 -Not really my idea of fun. _____________________ ___________ _____________________ I think the nfo for Alien Rampage (CLASS Release) said it best with: "tearing up the scene, considering January is consider a slow month for games." Ok, maybe not, but it was a good try nonetheless. :) Greetz: Best of luck to all people in all 12 step programs everywhere. Remember: Vote Libertarian!! They wish the govt to be out of your life. SeiYah! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>THE GAME OF THE WEEK<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, it's a tough one this week, but GOTW will go to RAZOR for their release of INTO THE VOID. A nice MOO2 ripoff, but much better. Nothing much else to add to it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>OTHER RELEASES<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trials of Battle for OS/2 [X/1] [13 megs] .-..-..--..----..--..--.-..---. / Wh \ _ \ .__/ \ | \ .__\ / \\// \ \-. \ | | \ .--\ \__/ \__/|__/___/___\_\_____/____/ A Group About Friendship & Respect -Filenames: MSQ-TOB.ZIP Trials of Battle for OS/2 [X/1] [8 megs] **Video Add On** .-..-..--..----..--..--.-..---. / Wh \ _ \ .__/ \ | \ .__\ / \\// \ \-. \ | | \ .--\ \__/ \__/|__/___/___\_\_____/____/ A Group About Friendship & Respect -Filenames: MSQTOBA.ZIP -Note: Woah, you mean there are people who actually still run OS/2? Well, I couldn't find any who do to review this. ================================= Strike Forces Red Alert Scenarios -Ripkord- [x/1] ================================= -Filenames: SFORCES1.ZIP -Note: Goody goody gum drops! More RA addons. dIMENTED sOUL pRESENTS: The Golden Need For Speed- SPEED PACK =[Extra Tracks and bonuses for TNFS]= [XX/17] -Filenames: GTNFS??.ZIP -Note: For those who still have it, some extra tracks for NFS. =============================== REVIEW COURTESY OF Diablo Full Commercial/Store CD ARCHVILE, THANKS! =============================== From time to time, we here at TGR will bring you reviews like this of releases that simply couldn't make it in the scene. Here's an outside review: It has been long since i have played an RPG Game. The last game remotely related to role playing that I have enjoyed, was Lands of Lore 1 from West- wood, which I loved because it was relatively easy to understand, and was alot of fun, even on my 386sx at the time. 2 weeks ago, I got my copy of Diablo, and will not be afraid to admit that it is now one of my most favorite 5 games of all time (Civilization, Dune2, Quake, and Warcraft 2). The game can be played in single player mode, as well as multiplayer. You play via a charac- ter you pick in the beginning. Your choices are a warrior, a rouge, and a sorcerer. Your character starts the game at level 1, with relatively low attributes for strength and magic. As you proceed your way down the labyrint of Diablo, you kill enemies in all forms (Skeletons, animals, winged creat- ures, girls with big tits that you can zoom into on ('z' key) once you kill them and see nipples that would make Pamela Anderson jealous :P. All sorts of demons, sorcerers, zombies, butchers, and other creatures found in your typical every day hell atmosphere. As you go on killing them, you receive experience points, which lead you to higher levels. Every level you go up in, you can raise your attributes in strength, magic, dextermity, and so on. The more you kill, the cooler weapons you obviously get. For example you start playing with the warrior with a wood stick with a spike in it, which is perfectly fine for killing skeletons in level 1, but later you find all types of swords, bows, daggers that have the ability to destruct 30x more. There are many other items affecting your game, like what kinds of rings you wear (Rings can make you stronger, magic higher, kill enemies faster, have more armor), what kind of armor you carry on your body (You start with a peasant suit, and by the time you are at hell levels, you will have plates that are nearly impossible to penetrate). Also of course you have a shield, which can be as good as a regular buckler and go up to a plutonium covered kings shield which does not let anyone even hurt you. Most of the best items are rather hard to find, but considering other people have found them already, some of them might be quite willing to sell theirs, or to trade it for something else. You get my point, you are interacting with every other owner of Diablo, you can play with them, against them, or be totaly unrelated to them but still being in the same game. The sounds in this game are VERY related to the theme, the enemies make JUST the right noises all the time, and the background music fits every level perfectly. Ok, I could write more about certain strategies, and how to cheat, but its all been discovered already and is located on the plethora of Diablo WWW pages that are on the net. This is simply a game so unbelievable, and has so little flaws, that even though i rated uhmm 2 games so far (Gender Wars, and Muzzle Velocity) I will simply give this a 98% because it deserves it. The net play is smooth on 28.8 (not many games have that to say for themselves) and just the SIZE and the amount of options and stuff to find in this game, is so enormous, that the replay value is 100%. That is you can go on playing this forever even if you kill Diablo himself more than once. A bit about the rip: The stupid thing has no sounds, and no movies. Who cares about that. Buy the CD, or if you are so cheap, at least get it burnt for $15-20 bucks since this game is like totally worth it. RATING: 98/100 Editor's note: Outsiders' reviews do not come with a TGR guarantee. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>CORRECTIONS<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -In City of The Lost Children, I mistakenly believed that there were all of the movies. Only some of the movies are still intact. Due to this error, 3 points are knocked off the score to give it a final rating of 68/100. It still was GOTW.