.x#$$#x. `:$$$$:' The Game Review! .x%#$$$$$$#%x. .x#$$$$#x. .x#$$$#x. `""""$$$$""""' .S$$$$$$$$S.$$$$$$$$$Ss $$$$.sS$Ss.$$$$ $$$$$`$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$',$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ """"`$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ sS$Ss."$$$ $$$$$$ pn `-------------- $$$$$$$$$$$ ------------' $$$$$$$$'` ~VOTED #1 WAREZ MAG/REVIEW BY INTERNET USERS~ ~TGR IS PROUD TO BE THE LONGEST RUNNING WEEKLY WAREZ MAG/REVIEW, EVER!~ .a$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&$$$$$a. $$' . `$$' `$$ ' `$$' s `$$' s `$$ $' $ $$ $ $$ a a $$ $ $$ $ $$ ISSUE #28 $ $ssss$$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $ssss$$ $ o o$ $$ $ $ $$ sssss$$ssss. $$ 06/23/96 $. $ $$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $ $$ $$. $ ,$$ $ $$ $ $ $$. $ ,$$. $ ,$$ `$&@%o%@&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&@%o%@&$$$$&@%o%@&hd' "All the games that are fit to print." Un-Releastic: "I have never played a game I didn't like." -Stu Pid Fewl Realistic : "This game sucks!" -Ionizer ____________ News Updates ============ -Summer is finnaly here for me, no more finals, expect even BETTER more complete TGR's now. -The news regarding Quake is explained in the reviews. ============================================ HOW TO GET THIS MAGAZINE ON A REGULAR BASIS: -------------------------------------------- (WHERE and WHEN can I GET The Game Review? The Game Review (c) Ionizer, will) (be released every SUNDAY, and can be obtained by /m ionizer xdcc send #1) OR #1 My home page (Thanks to Agile & Ent) http://ns2.clever.net/~ionizer (Note: Contains all issues and is always up to date.) OR #2 E-Mail AUTO Responder (Thanks to Malk and Mael) Just write mail to tgr@inforelay.com . (Note: Only for the NEWEST TGR out.) #3 Other magazines are free to use TGR in their magz. Simply notify me about it first. Currently, Defacto, RCN, and Wave all contain TGR! NOTE: THERE IS NO MAILING LIST OF ANY KIND! =========================================== - * - * - * - * - * * - * - * - * - * - GAME REVIEWS, RATINGS, UN-BIASED OPINIONS, HELP/TIPS FOR INSTALLING GAMES! [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] -Rating scale: (0-19)/100 = In a nutshell, it sucked! (20-39)/100 = Still crap but slightly better. (40-49)/100 = Possibly worth downloading. (50-69)/100 = Pretty decent game. Might want to check it out. (70-79)/100 = Worth the download if you like that type. (80-89)/100 = Very good, 9 outta 10 its worth the download. (90-99)/100 = Excellent game, a MUST download. 100/100 = HOLY SHIT I'VE NEVER SEEN A BETTER GAME! RATINGS are based on the game idea, graphics, sound, playability, ingenuity, versatility, and a lot of other words ending in `ity'. These games are based on what happens on MY COMPUTER ONLY, unless stated otherwise. I always first follow nfo directions, and if those don't work or are not available, I then try other ways. So just b/c it doesn't work for me, doesn't mean it won't work for you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -<*><*> THE GAME REVIEW <*><*>- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____ __ ______ _____ __ _____ / \/ | |__| | / _ \ / _ _ | _ |__| | | | \_ _/ / | | | || | \ / - \ \__|_|__/\____/ |__|___|\___\_____/ ----------------------------------- Spacebucks *100% Working* [xx/35]  |Also works on Windows 3.1 & 3.11 | ----------------------------------- Thanks to M8 for releasing this previously non-working game. In it, you race against other races in an effort to make your planet just a lot cooler and better than the others. Basically a sim game, but with planets. Plenty of shit to do in it, building all kinds of things. Graphics are ok, but the words are sometimes a little to dark to read. Pretty good music and sfx. Only bother to get it if you really think you'll sit down and play it for long periods of time. RATING: 62/100 ________________________/�|__/| ___________ \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ WIN95 REVIEW | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / COURTESY OF: |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ PHANTOM WIZARD +--------\___/�e�/aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ S.T.O.R.M (c) American Softworks 31/31 Well, as Ionizer stated, this thing doesnt work at all from MS-DOS it keeps asking for the CD. But if run under Win95 in MSDOS mode, it runs just fine. I also got it to work in Win95 mode, but it ran much slower and crashed when loading the main game, so.. Anywayz, after the game was up and running, it played ok on my 486/66 with all the options turned on (Parallax and High Details), so it probably jams on a p75+. You play some sub type machine and you have different missions with each level. You collect different weapons and there are plenty of obstacles and enemies. Its pretty much just a straight arcade shooter with an underwater background. Nice SVGA grafix and they managed to leave in some sfx and music which are ok too. I enjoyed play- ing this game for about 2 hours, which I then got bored and frustrated with it. Not worth the 100+ megs of HD it takes. They should rip out all the Win95 and nonworking shit and then re-release a smaller ver. RATING: 60/100 ____________ ___________ ____________ [\________ _\________ _\_________ _\=] [= / __/ // _____/ // / __/ //] [:/_ /______// ______/_/_ /______/:] [\_____|: _\_____ \_|: _\_ .::] [=====_>______/===_>______/>_______/====] [ ] [ Grand Prix II (c) '1996 ] [ ] [===========[.RiSE.2.PoWER.]====[xx/21]=] A fake or people who can't crack. It had bad zips/arjs and it had the Burglar Virus. Dumb shits. And anyone who did run it, after removing the virus's, said it just locked up or crashed. RATING: NA/100 /\. . ____ / >______. . _____.____ ____:. .: \ \ /_\___. \__::> /:\ Y /'96:. :: / . / \| __/ \:/ /__/ \ .: ./ \__/ " \ > " <______> \_/___>: `< /:<___\___>/___\___>. <_____>:. :. \/ .:. |/:. .:.mr! .:. .:: . AH-64D LONGBOW (c) ORIGIN [XX/46] Napalm goes and breaks the 40 disk limit that they originally agreed to set. However it doesn't seem to matter much since the game didn't work for me any- way, although some others said they have gotten it to work, others have had a million different problems with it. I followed the nfo exactly, ran the install, installed to where it asked to, and ran lb.exe. All it did was sit there, no errors, no nothing, just lockup. I noticed that the installer made two subdirs of "longbow" so I even arj'ed it w/ one dir, but still nothing. Nothing is corrupt, so I'd love to hear what I did wrong. Apparently their is a new type of .exe that has a mind of it's own and only works when it feels like it for only certain people. RATING: NA/100 Gus goes to Cybertown (c) MMV [x/39] ----------- ____ ------------------- ________/ \______________ \_\___ \_____/ ____/ ____/ the / /\ / \_\____ \ ___)_ scl _/ / \/ \ / \ _\ \_ \___/\ \____/__/ _/___ / ======= \___/ === \___/ === \__/ == It's been a while since I made fun of one of these kiddie games. This one is supposed to teach kids about "the information superhighway" and more about computers. I sincerely question the way they teach kids. The game has this singing dog, Gus, and he sings all these stupid songs with words that barely rhyme. Everything is called like cyber-somthing, like cybertoys, cyberpark. The thing is, they have absolutely nothing to do with computers. If you go into the laundromat, to clean your clothes, there's a little bag with clothing. You click on it, and some alien dork says "a modem is used to send data over a phone line". WTF DOES DIRTY LAUNDRY HAVE TO DO WITH MODEMS?! In fact what the fuck does a laundromat have anything to do with computers or the inet. The title is extremely misleading, someone wanna call the Better Business Bureau? Anyway, you basically walk around from place to place and click on anything on the screen and it will do a shitty little animation. I can't even reccomend you getting this for your little brother or sister to help them learn, because it is to retarded. RATING: 34/100 ________________________/ |__/| ___________ \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/�e�/aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ American CivilWar (c)Interactive Magic x/26 This war simulation game has a very informative and nicely done intro. The game itself is the usual war type. You're giving a map type playing field. You have your army's and brigades and whatnot. You manage the supplies and moves and when to attack and when to defend. Nothing we haven't seen before. The usual million of differnet factors that effect the outcome are in here, with the thousands of options. Looks like a nice, well put together game. RATING: 62/100 �xx/33������������������������ �� ��� ��� ������� �������� �� ۰��� ۰� ۰� �� �������� �� ۱����۱� ۱� ��� � ۲� �� �� ۲� �۲� ۲� �� � ۱� �� �� ��� ��� ������� � ۰� �� ����� NeXT�GENERATiON � ��� �� ��������������<>������������Ŀ �> AtmosFear CD <� ��������������<>�������������� _ܲiNTO DAH NeXT GENERATiONri_ Umm, they forgot the atmos.exe in the packaging! You can't install or play the thing without it, what a bunch of morons! RATING: NA/100 Operation: Carnage (c) Beaucomm Interactive -*- Final Disk & Commercial Version -*- ������������������������������������������� � ����������� ������������� ������������� � ���� ۲��� �� ۲������۲��� ������������ � ���� ۱��� �� ۱��� ۱��� ����� ۱��� � ���� ۰��� �� ۰��� � ۰��� ۰��� � ۰��� � ���� ����� �� ������������� ������������� � �[o3/o3]����������������������[18-JUNE-96]� This is the final version which fixes the problem of not being able to exit the highscore menu, and now it gives you the password to the level you were on when you exit. Read TGR #26 for the full details of this game. RATING: 71/100 ________________________/�|__/| ___________ \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/�e�/aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ Terry Bradshaw Fantasy Football [X/2] +------------------------------------------+ Here's a simple yet complex (impossible you say?) fantasy league program. It allows you to set up your fantasy league so that you can waste all your money on guys who end up being injured. I'm not too familar with fantasy league programs, but this one, I assume, has all you need, since it has tons of shit to set up and stuff. RATING: 70/100 RATING: 5/100 ============= NanoTank v1.0 ============= Umm here's a stupid game if I've ever seen one, and believe me I have. You are giving like a bunch of different paths, you hit spacebar, and pick one, it's extremely stupid, and pointless. I don't see the strategy or brains involved in this, it's just spacebar, click, spacebar click, unless I'm just so extremely smart that I'm naturally good at the game. Don't waste ya time. RATING: 17/100 +----------------------------------------+& QUAKE v0.91 - Shareware - id Soft | Quake BETA3 - not publicly released |& Supports multiple players via mod | Tuesday, June 11th, 1996 |& em or network, in coop or death- | Copyright (C) 1996 id Software, inc. |& match. Part x of 7 +----------------------------------------+& Well here's the review on all of betas/SW for Quake. I know many of you will get all pissed at me for this review, but to you- Go fuck yourself. Quake, the big deal doom like game, the one that's supposed to top all the rest, the one that is supposed to have shit we could never dream of. Would someone like to tell me where all this is? I mean I'm not giving up on it, I know it's a beta/SW, but is this game really any different from the shit we've already seen. The graphics are nothing spectacular, and if you are amazed by the sky graphics, then I know tons of web sites where you can look at back- ground type shit just like that. The game simply is nothing spectacular..yet. You're all too hyped up about it, with the idea that it will be the best game out ever, and it really isn't. That's not to say it isn't good, it's still good, but way over-rated and way over-hyped. Oh, and spare me the bullshit about my computer not being good enough for this, I ran it on my sister's p/100, and it didn't change my feelings about the game. Some good things to comment about it: The nice outlay of the game lets you pick the level you want to go through by walking to it, rather than just selecting it from a menu. The nice realism when walking up slopes, that makes you fall back down if you stop. All in all, I think the "catacomb" idea for doom like games has been way overdone, which is why when DN3D came out, it was a big hit, because it wasn't just those boring catacombs. The game is also very dark, and making it brighter just doesn't seem to help out much. A million of you will prolly complain about this review, and I don't mind it, but if you do, all I ask is you prove to me what is so great about it, why it's so much better than any other game... because I know you'll have a hard time doing it. You're going to need a pretty powerfull computer to play this full screen, 640X, and not have any slowdown, so go buy a p/100. I don't want to give the impression that this game sucks, it's not that, it just may not live up to how good you may have thought it would be. Oh, and don't bother to get it if you have a 486, it's too slow, and the graphics are degraded to 320, and it looks real bad in that mode. Anyway, as for "what is what" the 8.5 meg is the "SW" beta, only cont- aining the first of the four different levels. The 21 megger is the full thing, still called a beta, but it has all of the levels. The ROR release: QUAKE *FINAL* (c) ID SOFTWARE [15/15] _____________________________________________ \__� - ________� ./__� - ________� __/ \\__/ - \\ / \\__/ \__ | \\__ \\__ | \\__ /_____| ./_____________./___| ./ [=======|______/===================|______/=] HERE IT IS, THE DUKE3D KILLER! BROUGHT TO YOU JUST LIKE EXPECTED, BY ROR 1996! =[*]= ARE OH ARE =[*]= [================================[06/21/96]=] appears to be exactly the same as the 21 megger except it `says' it's the registered version and does not have the beta graphics that are in the 8 and 21 meg versions. However it still has the same .txt files that say it's a beta and it's the same exact size as the 21 megger. RoR claims the following as stated by the leader TKLP when asked "What *DID* you release?": [Tklp] Well, its the final pre-release, the difference between ours and the actual final that will be in the stores is we dont have the 400 megs of music, no modem play , and u cant hack up dead bodies. When asked "What's the difference between your version and the 21 meg beta?": [Tklp] It doesnt crash with that ipx shit, and it doesnt say beta all over the place. So you want to know which version you should get? If you can find it, get the ROR version, otherwise just go fetch the 21 meg zip. Or you can always just get the official SW version if your a faggot. It still gets a good rating, cuz it's still a good game, it's not necessary to talk much more about it, you know what it is and what it's got. RATING: 80/100 <8.5 meg beta/SW> RATING: 92/100 <21 meg beta/RoR> ________________________/�|__/| ___________ \___ \ __ / __/ __/ / |/ ____/ __/_ | __/ _/ _/ _| \__ \ \/ / ) / _| / |___|\__\ \________ /___\__\__ \______\ +--------\___/�e�/aL!\/--------/_____\-----+ AFTERLIFE (c) LucasArts [01/40] Haha, this is a pretty clever and witty sim game. You are the controller of both heaven and hell, and it's your job to make sure the dead are either punished or satisfied. The game had a nice intro, funny at times. Then when it loads up it gives ya some humor, like instead of just saying "load ##%" it says "Warming burrioo ##%" and some other funny shit. The game has nice tutorials to help you figure out how to play. Mrs. Heaven and Mr. Hell are your little sidekicks to help you figure out what to do. They have some, at times, witty things to say to each other. The graphics for the game coulda been a little better, but they are still good, and the sound is fine. This is a well put together quality game. If you like sim city, you will definte- ly want to check this one out. It will hog a nice 150+ megs though. Oh, and be sure to pick up the dos addon if you don't have win95. RATING: 82/100 Complete Onside Soccer (C) Telstar [x/12] _____ _____ ____ _____ ________________ \_ | \ \/ / _ /__\_ \_/ _ \ | _ \_ \ _/ \ \ __/___/ | / / |___| |____|___/ /_\ \___|_______/ ::d|___|::::::.\___/.:.\___\::::::::: A soccer game released by Hybrid?, NO WAY! Haha, yet another soccer game by Hybrid, the king of the foot fairies. This one is very similar to the last one, Kick Off 96, it has that 3D aspect. I didn't fool around a long time with it, but it seems like I wasn't playing. I set my keys, but they didn't do anything, and it just seemed like no matter what option I picked, the game played itself anyway. However, I could still tell what the game was like. Your average soccer game, nothing great. RATING: 51/100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>THE GAME OF THE WEEK<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This week's GOTW goes to GUS GOES TO CYB... uhh no, just kidding. It really doesn't go to anyone, 'cept "ID". Yes this week's GOTW, in case you couldn't already figure it out, is QUAKE and all it's thousand beta/sw/crap versions. Runner up for you quake haters is PRESTIGE'S AFTERLIFE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>OTHER RELEASES<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Wow this is a good week, no win95 only shit! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>UPCOMING RELEASE DATES<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -All projected dates are as of JUNE 21ST 1996, 8:15am (EST) and based on store release dates. The information in this section is updated WHEN AVAILABLE. Key to system types: DCD = DOS CD WCD = Windows CD MCD = Mac. CD W95CD = Win 95 CD M3 = Mac. Disk W3 = Windows Disk W953 = Win 95 Disk D3 = DOS Disk HCD = Mac./Windows CD Date | Name of Game | OS | Company ----------------------------------------------------------- 96/06/18 AFTER LIFE DCD LUCAS ARTS 96/06/20 CAS CHMP2PKR DCD INTRACORP,INC. 96/06/20 LEMMINGS PNT WCD SONY ELECTRONIC PUBLISH/ 96/06/21 DEADLINE DCD VIC TOKAI 96/06/23 MORTIMER DCD LUCAS ARTS 96/06/24 SHELLSHOCK DCD U.S. GOLD INC. 96/06/24 SPACEHULK 2 DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 96/06/24 GENDERWARS DCD GT SOFTWARE 96/06/24 MECH 2 NET DCD ACTIVISION 96/06/24 MECH2 EXPAN DCD ACTIVISION 96/06/24 CYBER JUDAS DCD MERIT SOFTWARE 96/06/24 KINGDOM MGC DCD GT SOFTWARE 96/06/25 CIV WAR MED DCD ENTERACTIVE INTERNATIONAL 96/06/25 FIREFIGHT DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 96/06/25 FINAL DOOM DCD GT SOFTWARE 96/06/25 MANIC KARTS DCD VIRGIN GAMES 96/06/27 NASCARW/TRCK DCD SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/06/28 NEED SPEED SE DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 96/06/28 DRAGONLAIR2 DCD READY SOFT 96/06/28 LST ADV LEGND DCD RANDOMSOFT 96/06/28 WARHAMMR 40K DCD MINDSCAPE 96/06/28 BULL FROG PK DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 96/06/28 MEGA RACE 2 DCD MINDSCAPE 96/06/30 TOTL KNCKOUT DCD ROCKET SCIENCE GAMES, INC. 96/06/30 FLIGHT ZONE DCD WIZARD WORKS 96/07/01 LINKS LS DCD ACCESS SOFTWARE 96/07/01 NUKE IT DCD MICROSTAR 96/07/01 PELICAN HILL DCD ACCESS SOFTWARE 96/07/01 PINEHURST DCD ACCESS SOFTWARE 96/07/01 OVER REICH DCD AVALON HILL 96/07/01 WZONE DCD WIZARD WORKS 96/07/01 RETURN FIRE DCD GT SOFTWARE 96/07/01 PANDORA SAMP DCD ACCESS SOFTWARE 96/07/05 TMEK DCD GT SOFTWARE 96/07/09 KNIGHTS CHSE DCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/07/20 AD&DCORERULESDCD TSR 96/07/23 * GRAND PRIX 2 DCD SPECTRUM HOLOBYTE 96/07/28 * QUAKE SHWR DCD ID SOFTWARE 96/07/30 NORMALITY DCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/07/31 HIND DCD INTERACTIVE MAGIC 96/08/01 HARVESTER IBCD MERIT SOFTWARE 96/08/01 JETFIGHTR III IBCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/08/01 WARHAWK DCD SONY ELECTRONIC PUBLISH/ 96/08/01 TWISTD METAL DCD SONY ELECTRONIC PUBLISH/ 96/08/01 METAL LORDS DCD NEW WORLD COMPUTING INC. 96/08/01 DUNGON KEEPR DCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 96/08/01 LOST ADMRL II DCD AMERICAN LASER GAMES 96/08/01 PANDORA DCD ACCESS SOFTWARE 96/08/15 DEADLOCK DCD WEA VIDEO 96/08/15 BTLCRSR 3000 DCD TAKE 2 INTERACTIVE 96/08/20 BEDLAM DCD GT SOFTWARE 96/09/01 VR BASEBALL DCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/09/01 GOLF NICK P DCD GT SOFTWARE 96/09/01 HIST WORLD DCD AVALON HILL 96/09/01 POWERSLAVE DCD PLAYMATES INTERACTIVE ENT 96/09/05 ALIEN TRIL DCD DIGITAL PICTURES 96/09/15 MAST/ORION 2 DCD SPECTRUM HOLOBYTE 96/09/15 MAGIC GATHER DCD SPECTRUM HOLOBYTE 96/09/30 BLOOD/MAGIC DCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 97/01/01 DEADLY SKIES DCD JVC COMPANY OF AMERICA 96/06/24 ELK MOON #1 HCD ACTIVISION 96/06/24 SHANGHAI 2 HCD ACTIVISION 96/06/27 INDY CAR 2 HCD SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/07/25 QIN:TOMB/KING WCD WEA VIDEO 96/08/20 CHESSMATES TCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/03/11 HOYLES CLASS MCD SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/06/18 CATZ MCD VIRGIN GAMES 96/06/18 AFTER LIFE MCD LUCAS ARTS 96/06/24 MUPPETS TRSR MCD ACTIVISION 96/06/24 MECHWARR 2 MCD ACTIVISION 96/06/24 ZORK NEMESIS MCD ACTIVISION 96/06/25 MORTIMER MCD LUCAS ARTS 96/06/25 DESCENT II MCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/06/25 LOST EDEN MCD VIRGIN GAMES 96/06/28 TOPTEN MCPK2 MCD ELECTRONIC ARTS 96/06/28 PRISONER ICE MCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/06/30 GAB KNIGHT 2 MCD SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/07/01 PELICAN HILL MCD ACCESS SOFTWARE 96/07/01 PINEHURST MCD ACCESS SOFTWARE 96/07/05 SIM ISLE MCD MAXIS 96/08/01 EMPIRE II MCD NEW WORLD COMPUTING INC. 96/08/01 HERO MHT MGC MCD NEW WORLD COMPUTING INC. 96/08/08 KINGDOM/MAGC MCD GT SOFTWARE 96/08/22 MUMMY MCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/08/23 9 MCD GT SOFTWARE 96/09/01 MORT KMBT 3 MCD GT SOFTWARE 96/09/30 BLOOD/MAGIC MCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/03/05 DRUMBEAT M3 DEADLY GAMES 96/06/21 NETSCAPE NAV MAC VENTANA PRESS 96/06/19 DONT QUIT JB WCD PHILIPS INTERACTIVE MEDIA 96/06/20 SHATTRD PRV DCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/06/21 HOYLE-BLKJAK WCD SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/06/24 CIVIL WAR:LEE WCD SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/06/24 MUPPETS TRSR WCD ACTIVISION 96/06/26 STORM WCD AMERICAN SOFTWORKS CORP. 96/06/26 SCIFI TRIVIA WCD SIMON & SCHUSTER 96/06/30 FPS BASEBAL96WCD SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/06/30 LIGHTHOUSE TCD SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/06/30 URBAN RUNNER WCD SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/07/01 BTLGRD4 SHILH WCD ENTERACTIVE INTERNATIONAL 96/07/01 WOOD SHIP MEN WCD AVALON HILL 96/07/01 MCKENZ/FRNDS WCD AMERICAN LASER GAMES 96/07/16 VOYEUR II WCD PHILIPS INTERACTIVE MEDIA 96/07/23 SHADOAN WCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/08/01 DAGGERFALL DCD BETHESDA 96/08/22 MUMMY WCD INTERPLAY PRODUCTIONS 96/08/23 9 WCD GT SOFTWARE 96/09/15 NOIR WCD CYBERDREAMS 96/06/20 TRACER W5C 7TH LEVEL 96/06/24 ULT DOOM W95CD GT SOFTWARE 96/06/24 TRIP PLAY 97 W5C ELECTRONIC ARTS 96/06/24 MISSION FORC W5C SIERRA-ON-LINE INC 96/06/24 DOOM II W5C GT SOFTWARE 96/06/25 CLOSE CMBT W5C MICROSOFT 96/06/25 MPHOLY GRAIL W5C 7TH LEVEL 96/06/26 NHL PWRPLY W5C VIRGIN GAMES 96/06/28 SIMISLE W5C MAXIS 96/06/28 SIM 2000 NET W5C MAXIS 96/07/01 REAL TROUBLE W5C U.S. GOLD INC. 96/07/01 MARATHON 2 W5C BUNGIE SOFTWARE 96/07/10 DIABLO W5C DAVIDSON 96/07/12 OLYMPIC SOCC W5C U.S. GOLD INC. 96/07/15 STAR CONTR 3 W5C WEA VIDEO 96/08/01 HEXEN W5C GT SOFTWARE 96/08/15 MORT KOMBT 3 W5C GT SOFTWARE 96/09/01 MORTIFICATOR W5C PLAYMATES INTERACTIVE ENT 96/09/01 DEATHTRP DNG W5C U.S. GOLD INC. 96/09/01 TERRACIDE W5C U.S. GOLD INC. 96/09/15 REVERENCE W5C CYBERDREAMS 96/10/01 STR TRK GEN W5C SPECTRUM HOLOBYTE 97/01/01 MINDWARP W5C MAXIS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>CORRECTIONS<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Yo estoy un leeto perfecionado. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>LEGAL MUMBO JUMBO<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS MAGAZINE IN NO WAY WHATSOEVER, CONDONES THE PIRATING, STEALING, OR ANY OTHER ILLEGAL MEANS OF OBTAINING SOFTWARE. I AM IN NO WAY RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS AS A RESULT OF READING THIS MAGAZINE, NOR HAVE I DONE ANYTHING ILLEGAL TO OBTAIN THE REVIEWED GAMES. IF YOU LIKE HOW THE REVIEW OF A GAME SOUNDS THEN BY ALL MEANS PURCHASE IT AND SUPPORT THE SOFTWARE COMPANY. ANY AND ALL MAGAZINE GROUPS HAVE PERMISSION TO USE THIS IN THEIR MAGAZINE, AS LONG AS IT HAS NOT BEEN EDITED IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, AND YOU HAVE OBTAINED MY WRITTEN EMAIL PERMISSION. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>CLOSINGS<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -That's it for this week, hope it was of help. -Ionizer (The Game Reviewer) Comments/Complaints send to ionizer@ns2.clever.net (NO QUESTIONS OR REQUESTS) .a$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$a. $$' . `$$' `$$ ' `$$' s `$$ $' $ $$ $ $$ a a $$ $ $$ $ $ssss$$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $ o $$ $$ $ $ $$ sssss$$ $. $ $$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $$. $ ,$$ $ $$ $ $ $$. $ ,$$ $$&@%o%@&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&@%o%@&$$$ $$' o '$$$ $ $$' s `$$ `$$$$$ $$ $ $$$ $ $$ $ $$ $o $$$$$ $$ $ $$$ $ $$ $ $$ ~' o$$$$$ $$ $ $$$ $ $$ sssss$$ %. ^$$$$$ $$ $ $$$s s$$ $ $$ $$ $$$$$ $$. $ ,$$$$@. .@$$$. $ ,$$ $$ $$$$$ `$$&@%o%@&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&@%o%@&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$hd' Copyright 1996 Ionizer Inc. #167A939