THE GAME REVIEW =============== .a$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&$$$$$a. $$' . `$$' `$$ ' `$$' s `$$' s `$$ $' $ $$ $ $$ a a $$ $ $$ $ $$ ISSUE #15 $ $ssss$$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $ssss$$ $ o o$ $$ $ $ $$ sssss$$ssss. $$ 02/18/96 $. $ $$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $ $$ $$. $ ,$$ $ $$ $ $ $$. $ ,$$. $ ,$$ `$&@%o%@&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&@%o%@&$$$$&@%o%@&hd' "All the games that are fit to print." Un-Releastic: "I have never played a game I didn't like." -Stu Pid Fewl Realistic : "This game sucks!" -Ionizer ============================================ HOW TO GET THIS MAGAZINE ON A REGULAR BASIS: -------------------------------------------- ("WHERE and WHEN can I GET The Game Review?" The Game Review (c) Ionizer,will) (be released every SUNDAY, and can be obtained by /m ionizer xdcc send #1) (You can now also The Game Review via the WWW @) (1) (2) (3) (4) NOTE: THERE IS NO MAILING LIST OF ANY KIND! I don't run the www sites and I am NOT responsible for them being updated. =========================================== - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * GAME REVIEWS, RATINGS, UN-BIASED OPINIONS, HELP/TIPS FOR INSTALLING GAMES! [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] -Rating scale: (0-19)/100 = In a nutshell, it sucked! (20-39)/100 = Still crap but slightly better. (40-49)/100 = Possibly worth downloading. (50-69)/100 = Pretty decent game. Might want to check it out. (70-79)/100 = Worth the download if you like that type. (80-89)/100 = Very good, 9 outta 10 its worth the download. (90-99)/100 = Excellent game, a MUST download. 100/100 = HOLY SHIT I'VE NEVER SEEN A BETTER GAME! RATINGS are based on the game idea, graphics, sound, playability, ingenuity, versatility, and a lot of other words ending in `ity'. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -<*><*> THE GAME REVIEW <*><*>- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- __________/\___________ _______ <====\_______ \ //: /=======> :::::|: |/ /\/: \// . __/__.::::: :::::|. .____/ / . \ \_ |::S!: :::::;____| \_______/__________;::::: TERMINATOR RAMPAGE FROM BETHESDA SOFTWORKS <=========[ ! 100% CRACKED ! ]=[ x OF 6 ]==> It's bad enough it's a dupe of an old game, it's worse that it doesn't work RATING: NA/100 Toad the Wet Sproket (that's a rock band) Multimedia (x/6) -It's pretty empty for a 6 disker. It's not a screen saver, it's not a game, it's just a bunch of crap the band shoved together. Don't bother, even if you do like 'em. RATING: 31/100 Gulfwar Firststrike / 4 in 1 Game Pack NFL (No) (Fucken) (Lamers) 1996 -Actually not too bad for it's size, but like the group that released it, it's still lame. It's that MVP software shit, so you know the type. This one has a shoot em up, a scud shoot, and a dodge the bullets and shoot game. It's low budget software, so don't expect much. RATING: 36/100 ChessMaster 4000 Win95 Ed. (c) Mindscape [4/4] & Championship Chess (c) _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ & Expert [01/16] Win95 \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ & ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ & GOD _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ & \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ & =======\___/===�1911�CD�DIVISION�======\___/ & Chess is chess, and I must confess, thou hath not play'eth, for thou wilth not copie'th 16 disks of crap, nor 4. Like my haiku?, if not fuck you. RATING: NA/100 NETWORKS (c) INFOGRAMS [xX/12] _____________________________________________ \__� - ________� ./__� - ________� __/ \\__/ - \\ / \\__/ \__ | \\__ \\__ | \\__ /_____| ./_____________./___| ./ (=======|______/===================|______/=) R E L E A S E O N R A M P A G E Infograms brings you a great SimCity type game! Although this rocks SimCity's World! (=[02/16/96]================================) Like the diz says, it's like SimCity. However this game deals with more of the technicalities and numbers, rather than common sense like putting an ice cream shop in the area where people like ice cream. You could compare this with being the governor of New York. You have advisors who warn you of problems or suggest things. There's no music however. If you plan on becom- ing governor or a city, you might wanna practice now, but if you don't, you won't find much enjoyment from this one. (Plus you can't just go around and burn or destory everything, easily, like in Sim City.) Also, this game takes up a whopping 78 megs, a lot for only 12 disks. RATING: 54/100 BLOOD (C) 3D REALMS [13/13] IF YOU LIKE DUKE NUKEM 3D YOU'LL LOVE THIS --���---���-.--��-�---����---���---��-��-- --���---��.��-��-�-�-��-��--��-��-������-- --���---�����-��-���-�����--��-��-������-- --�����-�����-������-��-���-�����--����.-- --.���---���--�����---�--�--����----�-�--- I'd have to disagree with legacy on this. This is nowhere near the same `style' of gaming that duke nukem is. Sure it's still the same type, but this one is still that catacomb dwelling, sorta heretic type play. And since it's an alpha, it has its problems. Parts of the screen were constantly flashing for me, that was the only noted PROBLEM. The music is nothing great, and the sfx are average. It might be worth the 13 disks if your curious enough to see what's coming out, but unless it runs good, you figure out the keys and everything, don't expect it to be good enough to make you want to delete your SW Duke Nukem 3d ;). Included below is legacy's blood faq for anyone having problems getting it to run. RATING: 57/100 -The game wont run, says sound fuckup, Pick regular SB The pictures is jumpey, and Slow refresh: for that one all you do it run SEUTP.exe pick your soundcard and set the MHZ to 22 or 11 anything low, all fix, and game will fly, also makes it run faster. -If the game says, /snd/something missing or cannot locate mpu-401, change music to SB not Midi and disable doesnt do it -Bad disk 1 Unarj the game MAnually, find it replaces the Blood.exe file all set. -You will get CRC errors in 3 files, it uploaded bad, and didnt get caught in time, There is a NEW disk 1 and a either one will fix it! -KB goes insane, Unload Doskey, and should be fine, or use Numpad. -ROAD REBEL! |Jack Daniels Screen Saver for Windows |[01/01] |We're pleased to offer you our new screen saver. |Now, while your computer takes a rest, it can drink |in the sites and sounds of the Jack Daniel's Hollow. |Now, don't expect bouncing geometic shapes, electronic |noise or flying toasters. After all, this is Jack Daniel's. -Well, let's see, this SS sucks, umm it sucks, and oh yeah it sips too. No, actually it doesn't do anything besides play a bird tweet, and a dog bark. Otherwise it just sits there, a picture looking out a window with a JD on the ledge, and a JD statue outside. I mean HTF is this saving my screen? RATING: 18/100 The____________________________ ____ / _.___..____ _____ | / / . /___\ \/ : | \ /: \ /� . \ \ , / . \ \ \__________/____/________\_____| / <==========================Heart|____/==> Battle Cruiser 3000AD (c) Take 2 [X/9] <=======================================> Confusing and difficult w/o a manual. Couldn't even get anywhere or figure out what to do. Doesn't look to great anyway. A space flight game, SVGA gfx, but that's mostly BLACK SVGA :). RATING: 48/100 e@$$$$$"$$$$$$$ e@$$$$P$$$$@a e@$$$$$"$$$$$@a $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ """"""' $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ ,$$$$@a $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$$a$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ "$$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ "$$$$$$ad$$$$$$ "$$$$$b$$$$$" "$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ PrESeNTo's: WoRLd oF SIN ReNeGaDe [XX/17] \-----------=[ReLEasED: 2/5/96]=------------- The only thing to run was setup, and subst/fakecd/etc wouldn't make setup run right, oh well! RATING: NA/100 /\. . ____ / >______. . _____.____ ____:. .: \ \ /_\___. \__::> /:\ Y /'96:. :: / . / \| __/ \:/ /__/ \ .: ./ \__/ " \ > " <______> \_/___>: `< /:<___\___>/___\___>. <_____>:. :. \/ .:. |/:.! .:. .:: . Batman Forever (c) Acclaim [X/6] It's a platform game. I've never played the SNES version, but this is supp- osively exactly like it. You should definitely have over a 486/66 to run this game at a normal speed. The game is not too sophisticated, similar enemies that you fight off. You are given riddle (by the riddler of course) which you need to figure out or understand in order to go on with the game. If you can figure out everything, it's a decent game, but it's not exactly a hit. RATING: 61/100 24 Games (c) Expert [o9/o9] Win95/Win3.x CD-RIP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ G O D -To bad this dumb group packaged it wrong and is missing .a02 and the setup is actually from World of Sin. RATING: NA/100 _____ __ ______ _____ __ _____ / \/ | |__| | / _ \ / _ _ | _ |__| | | | \_ _/ / | | | || | \ / - \ \__|_|__/\____/ |__|___|\___\_____/ ----------------------------------- Stardust Final CD-Rip [02/02] ----------------------------------- This game was released before, but I'll just give you a quick reminder of what it is. It's one of those asteroid type games, you have a ship that you can move around on the screen and asteroid type rocks move across the screen and you have to shoot them. The rocks divide and you have to shoot them again. Also note, don't play this at night, or the sound level they have this thing set at, will wake up the entire fucking neighborhood. RATING: 45/100 TZ MiniGolf *FULLY CRACKED & REG'D* [x/2] _____________________________________________ \__� - ________� ./__� - ________� __/ \\__/ - \\ / \\__/ \__ | \\__ \\__ | \\__ /_____| ./_____________./___| ./ (=======|______/===================|______/=) R E L E A S E O N R A M P A G E TUB and another group both brought you the shareware, ROR brings it to you fully cracked and registered! A cute little, and addictive miniature golf game! (=[02/18/96]================================) Well finnaly someone got this little game cracked. The reg includes 8 more mini-courses, which become much more challenging then first 8. It's a nice little game to have if you ever become bored. Here's the previous quote of how the game is: "The holes are in black and white for some stupid reason, so it's a little hard to tell where the hills and bumps are, but it's a decent miniature golf game 4 win." RATING: 48/100 Cyril Cyberpunk (c) Reality [18/18] _____ ____________ ______ . /| \ V / . \ _ \(__\ \ . _/\ _/ : |\_ _/ /\// /| |\/: \_/\ .\// |Z/ \| | \ \ \| | | \. \/ \__|__|!\_/|_____/__\__\__|_____/ It's yet another platform game from Hybrid. This one is no where near as good as some of the recent ones. It's very similar to those Commander Keen and orig. Duke Nukem platform games. You're just some teenager with a pistol and a hoverboard (ya know your average teenager) and you go around shooting monsters (just like in everyday life) for god knows what reason. The music in this game is pretty upbeat, and it makes it seem as if the game is good, so don't be fooled! This is w/o a doubt NOT WORTH 18 disks. RATING: 47/100 Cylindrix Playable Demo -Gave me some shit errors and numbers. Who knows, it's only a demo anyway. RATING: NA/100 _______________________________________ \________ /_______ / _/ loc/ __/ / __/ / ___/_ _/ \ \__ \_______/ / \ \ \ / \_ \_ \_____\_____/__________/_____________// �R E P L I C A N T S ' 1 9 9 5� <========================================> [Other Realms: Meridian 59] [5/5] <==[17/02/96]===================[GAMES]==> Since it's for win95, i thought it would only be fair for me to show ya the nfo. So here it is: It's here! Other Realms: Meridian 59 is the first fully 3D, first-person-view, animated, multiplayer internet game. Meridian 59 requires a 486/66 or faster PC with at least 8Mb of RAM, a 9600 baud or faster modem (14.4 or 28.8 recommended), SVGA monitor, approximately 20Mb of disk space, and a Winsock-type (SLIP/PPP) internet connection with a true IP address. (AOL users, take note.) * Windows 3.1, NT, and Windows 95 version, all Winsock compatible * Multi-player capability, with simultaneous animation and action for hundreds of players * An advanced, first-person-view 3D engine (running with 256 colors) * Fully animated characters: your surrogate in the game * Many different choices of character appearances * Animated gestures and facial expressions * 3D animated creatures and objects * Graphical, keyboard, and drag-and-drop interface * Automapping as you explore the world * Separate window for text conversations with other players * Separate graphical inventory and stats areas * Towns, forests, caves, canyons, crypt, and castle, temple, mines, and * More monsters * More spells you can learn and improve in * More spell reagents to limit your use of your new spells * Several new quests that entail cooperative play, quick thinking, and a certain degree of danger * An arena for player-to-player duels * Automatic updating as we add new graphics, monsters, areas, and even new versions over the coming days and weeks. NOTE: THIS IS AN ALPHA VERSION!!! �� - NBA Live '96 Working CD-RIP - Net Warez Inc. [71\71] Yes, it's the review you've been waiting for. As many of you know, Napalm's release did not work, and the misc. sound addon by some group wasn't going to help. Well NWI, whoever they are, brings us this huge 71 disker. Does it work? YES! Is it good? YES! This one's got it all, player pictures, awesome soundtrack, a million options, you name it, it's got it . However, in order to enjoy this one you'll definitely need a pent/100 or higher, b/c anything lower will result in either having to pick shitty gfx or screens that come at the rate of 1 per 5 seconds. The menus and shit are very similar to NHL '96. The gameplay looks a little barren with the default camera setting, so play around to see which way you like it best, there are over 10 different camera angles possible. The only people I'd reccomend d/l this are those with fast computers, plenty of ram, and who like basketball games. Although I'm sure you won't keep the 219 megs it takes up on your hd, you'll get a good preview in case you want to buy it. If you have a slow 486, don't even bother, because the gameplay will look ugly or slow, and then it's not worth it. Oh, and in case your an idiot, which is a good amount of you, you need to mkdir nba96, and then you arj x -y -v nbalive.arj D:\nba96. Make sure you copy over the install.dat to that dir. There's a line about which dir it goes to, whether or not it works if you change it, I dunno, but just go with whats there, makes life easier. RATING: 91/100 PINBALL WIZARD 2000 FULL CD [o7/o7] *ENGLISH* (c) IKARION ���� ������ ���� ������ ����� ��� �� ��� �� ��� �� ��� �� ��� �� ��� �� ۲� �� ۲� �� ۲� �� ۲� �� ۲� �� ۲� �� ��� �� �� ۱�� � ۱� �� ۱�� � ۱���� ۱� �� ��������� ۰� �� ۰� �� ۰� �� ۰� �� ۰� �� ��� �� � ������ ��� �� ������ ��� �� ������� ����� �� � �� � ��� �� � ����� �� ��� �� ROY ��� ���� �� It's got a lot of boards, but the screen setup is really crappy. So the ball moves faster than you see it, and sometimes in places you can't see. If you manage to get it configured well, it's a pretty good. The boards are pretty good, nothing special, and the sfx are average. RATING: 53/100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>GAME OF THE WEEK<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -The game of the week goes to none other than NBA LIVE '96 from NWI. Not much more to say about this one, hope you got a fast computer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>UPCOMING RELEASE DATES<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -All projected dates are as of FEBRUARY 15th, 1996 and based on store release dates. This section is updated when available and I can only update it when the information is available, so don't tell me about it having old dates. Key to system types: DCD = DOS CD WCD = Windows CD MCD = Mac. CD W95CD = Win 95 CD M3 = Mac. Disk W3 = Windows Disk W953 = Win 95 Disk D3 = DOS Disk HCD = Mac./Windows CD OS | Name of Game | Company | Store Release Date ----------------------------------------------------------- D3 Pelican Hill ACCESS 02/26/96 DCD Falcon 3.0 Clssc SPECTRUM 01/30/96 DCD Shadows Over Riva SIR TECH 02/01/96 DCD HARVESTER MERIT 02/01/96 DCD Starship MERIT 02/01/96 DCD Cyberjudas MERIT 02/01/96 DCD Pinball World 21ST CENTRY IN STORES DCD AH3 Thunderstrike JVC 02/05/96 DCD Sport Hits 2 WEA 02/06/96 DCD Nicklaus@Muirfield WEA 02/06/96 DCD Kyrandia Trilogy VIRGIN 02/06/96 DCD Chronomaster INTRACORP 02/07/96 DCD Pro Pinball:Web ENT INTRNTL 02/08/96 DCD Cmmd&Cnqr:Missions VIRGIN 02/10/96 DCD Ganster Bundle AM LASER 02/10/96 DCD Top Gun SPECTRUM 02/12/96 DCD Fast Attack SIERRA 02/12/96 DCD Silent Hunter MINDSCAPE 02/15/96 DCD Net Mech ACTIVISION 02/15/96 DCD Racing's Greatest ROCKET SCIENCE 02/15/96 DCD H! Zone WIZARD WRKS 02/15/96 DCD Battlcrsr 3000 TAKE 2 02/20/96 DCD Whiplash INTERPLAY 02/21/96 DCD Big Red Racing SPECTRUM 02/22/96 DCD Pelican Hill ACCESS 02/26/96 DCD Maximum Roadkill TAKE 2 02/26/96 DCD Spycraft ACTIVISION 02/26/96 DCD Pinhurst #2 ACCESS 02/26/96 DCD Dungeon Keeper EA 02/27/96 DCD Cyberia 2 VIRGIN 02/27/96 DCD Deep Space Nine SSI 02/29/96 DCD Dragon's Lair II READYSOFT 03/01/96 DCD Promised Land VIRGIN 03/01/96 DCD Nemesis SIR TECH 03/01/96 DCD Jagged H2H SIR TECH 03/01/96 DCD Ripper TAKE 2 03/01/96 DCD Madden NFL 96 EA 03/01/96 DCD Ripper TAKE 2 03/01/96 DCD Terra Nova VIRGIN 03/01/96 DCD Deadly Skies JVC 03/01/96 DCD Alien Alliance VIRGIN 03/01/96 DCD Rivers of Dawn VIRGIN 03/01/96 DCD Madden NFL 96 EA 03/01/96 DCD Lost Admiral II AM LASER 03/01/96 DCD Desktop Toys 2 EA 03/05/96 DCD RBI '96 WEA 03/05/96 DCD Grand Prix 2 SPECTRUM 03/10/96 DCD Grand Prix 2 SPECTRUM 03/10/96 DCD The id Anthology GT 03/12/96 DCD Hacking DM,2,Hrtc&Hxn SSI 03/13/96 DCD Descent 2 INTERPLAY 03/13/96 DCD Track Attack SPECTRUM 03/15/96 DCD Crystal Skull INTRACORP 03/18/96 DCD Adv Tact Fghtr EA 03/20/96 DCD Wooden Ships&Iron Men AVALON HILL 03/20/96 DCD Adv Tact Fghtr EA 03/20/96 DCD PGA Euopean Tour EA 03/22/96 DCD AH-64D Longbow EA 03/23/96 DCD Zork:Nemesis ACTIVISION 03/25/96 DCD Space Hulk 2 EA 03/25/96 DCD Witchaven II INTRACORP 03/27/96 DCD VR Baseball INTERPLAY 03/27/96 DCD Master of Orion 2 SPECTRUM 03/30/96 DCD MAGIC/GATHERING SPECTRUM 03/30/96 DCD Total Mayhem SPECTRUM 03/31/96 DCD Deathtrap Dungeon SPECTRUM 03/31/96 DCD Amrcn Civil War INTRCTV MGC 04/01/96 DCD Klingon SSI 04/01/96 DCD Mortimer LUCAS ARTS 04/01/96 DCD Pax Imperia DAVIDSON 04/01/96 DCD Pinball Classics GT 04/01/96 DCD Klingon SSI 04/01/96 DCD Mortimer LUCAS ARTS 04/01/96 DCD Hind INTRCTV MGC 04/01/96 DCD NFL Football/Aikman GT 04/10/96 DCD VR Soccer INTERPLAY 04/16/96 DCD Sherlock Holmes 2 EA 04/20/96 DCD Conquest/New World INTERPLAY 04/24/96 DCD Terracide SPECTRUM 04/30/96 DCD PTO II KOEI 05/01/96 DCD Realms/Arkania 3 SIR TECH 05/01/96 DCD Confirmed Kill SPECTRUM 05/01/96 DCD Escalation GAMETEK 05/01/96 DCD Raw Pursuit JVC 05/01/96 DCD Flying Nightmares SPECTRUM 05/01/96 DCD Realms/Arkania 3 SIR TECH 05/01/96 DCD Super Heroes SPECTRUM 05/01/96 DCD Citzns:Blckwtr Affrs SPECTRUM 05/01/96 DCD Colonization Gold SPECTRUM 05/01/96 DCD Decathalon INTRCTV MGC 05/01/96 DCD Daggerfall BETHESDA 05/01/96 DCD Star Control 3 WEA 05/14/96 DCD Jggd All-Deadly Gms SIR TECH 05/15/96 DCD Air Warrior 2 INTRCTV MGC 06/01/96 DCD Vision of Glory AM LASER 06/01/96 DCD Bioforge + EA 06/01/96 DCD Adams Pinball GT 06/01/96 DCD Bioforge + EA 06/01/96 DCD Northlands AM LASER 06/01/96 DCD Over the Reich AVALON HILL 06/01/96 DCD Hammer Slammer INTRACORP 06/19/96 DCD Third Reich AVALON HILL 06/30/96 DCD Jetfighter III INTERPLAY 07/01/96 DCD F-16 Fighting Falcon INTRCTV MGC 08/01/96 DCD MetalLords NEW WORLD 08/01/96 DCD Nemesis SIR TECH 09/01/96 DCD Sensory Overload TAKE 2 10/01/96 HCD Wizardry Gold SIR TECH 02/26/96 HCD Full Tilt MAXIS 03/01/96 MCD Space Quest 6 SIERRA 02/07/96 MCD Pelican Hill ACCESS 02/26/96 MCD The Dig LUCAS ARTS 02/28/96 MCD Phantasmagoria SIERRA 02/29/96 MCD Gabriel Knight 2 SIERRA 03/01/96 MCD Transport Tycoon SPECTRUM 03/01/96 MCD Torin's Passage SIERRA 03/01/96 MCD Apache INTRCTV MGC 03/01/96 MCD Shivers SIERRA 03/01/96 MCD Hoyles Classic SIERRA 03/01/96 MCD Police Quest 5 SIERRA 03/01/96 MCD 11th Hour VIRGIN 03/01/96 MCD Heroes M&M NEW WORLD 03/04/96 MCD Empire II NEW WORLD 03/11/96 MCD Elk Moon #1 ACTIVISION 03/18/96 MCD Hexen GT 03/19/96 MCD Chaos Overlords NEW WORLD 03/20/96 MCD Aikman Football GT 04/01/96 MCD Ripper TAKE 2 04/01/96 MCD Toy Story Strybk DISNEY 04/24/96 MCD Tank Commander SPECTRUM 05/01/96 MCD Chessmates INTERPLAY 06/01/96 W95 Indy Jones & Adv LUCAS ARTS 02/28/96 W953 Ult Doom: Flesh GT 02/28/96 W95CD Family Card Games NEW WORLD 02/06/96 W95CD Daedalus Encounter VIRGIN 02/10/96 W95CD Heroes M&M NEW WORLD 02/15/96 W95CD MT:Earthsiege 2 SIERRA 02/26/96 W95CD A10-2:Silent Thunder SIERRA 02/26/96 W95CD Ult Doom: Flesh GT 02/28/96 W95CD Doom II GT 02/28/96 W95CD D ACCLAIM 03/01/96 W95CD Flight Unlimited VIRGIN 03/01/96 W95CD Destiny INTRCTV MGC 03/01/96 W95CD Civilization 2 SPECTRUM 03/07/96 W95CD Hexen GT 03/11/96 W95CD Mortal Kombat 3 GT 03/18/96 W95CD Mission Force:CyberstoSIERRA 03/19/96 W95CD Chaos Overlords NEW WORLD 03/20/96 W95CD Cry.Sys SIERRA 04/01/96 W95CD St Trk Generations SPECTRUM 05/01/96 W95CD Vegas Games 95 NEW WORLD 05/01/96 W95CD Spaceward Ho! IV NEW WORLD 05/15/96 W95CD Subterrane NEW WORLD 06/01/96 WCD T-Mek WEA 02/01/96 WCD Space Bucks SIERRA 02/05/96 WCD Dinotopia TURNER 02/09/96 WCD Sim City Clssc W95 MAXIS 02/16/96 WCD Warhammer 40K MINDSCAPE 02/29/96 WCD Muppet Trsr Islnd ACTIVISION 03/01/96 WCD Tommy INTERPLAY 03/04/96 WCD Urban Runner SIERRA 03/15/96 WCD Elk Moon ACTIVISION 03/18/96 WCD Wizardry Gold SIR TECH 03/28/96 WCD Rise&Rule/Anc Emp SIERRA 03/29/96 WCD New Order EA 03/29/96 WCD Klingon SSI 04/10/96 WCD Syndicate Wars EA 04/20/96 WCD Toy Story Strybk DISNEY 04/24/96 WCD Spr Bubsy/WIN95 WEA 05/28/96 WCD Dragon Dice INTERPLAY 08/01/96 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>CORRECTIONS<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -No kurections needed....Oh shit, in this issue I mispelled "corrections". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>LEGAL MUMBO JUMBO<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS MAGAZINE IN NO WAY WHATSOEVER, CONDONES THE PIRATING, STEALING, OR ANY OTHER ILLEGAL MEANS OF OBTAINING SOFTWARE. I AM IN NO WAY RESPONSIBILE FOR YOUR ACTIONS AS A RESULT OF READING THIS MAGAZINE, NOR HAVE I DONE ANYTHING ILLEGAL TO OBTAIN THE REVIEWED GAMES. IF YOU LIKE THE HOW THE REVIEW OF A GAME SOUNDS THEN BY ALL MEANS PURCHASE IT AND SUPPORT THE SOFTWARE COMPANY. ANY AND ALL MAGAZINE GROUPS HAVE PERMISSION TO USE THIS IN THEIR MAGAZINE, AS LONG AS IT HAS NOT BEEN EDITED IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, AND YOU HAVE OBTAINED MY WRITTEN EMAIL PERMISSION. IF YOU WISH TO USE THIS ON YOUR WEB SITE, PLEASE CONTACT ME FIRST. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <*>CLOSINGS<*> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -That's it for this week, hope it was of help. -Thanks for the web responses, we now have 4 web pages which will house TGR. -Ionizer (Game Reviewer/MALiCE & Razor Courier) Comments/Complaints send to (NO QUESTIONS OR REQUESTS) .a$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$a. $$' . `$$' `$$ ' `$$' s `$$ $' $ $$ $ $$ a a $$ $ $$ $ $ssss$$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $ o $$ $$ $ $ $$ sssss$$ $. $ $$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $$. $ ,$$ $ $$ $ $ $$. $ ,$$ $$&@%o%@&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&@%o%@&$$$ $$' o '$$$ $ $$' s `$$ `$$$$$ $$ $ $$$ $ $$ $ $$ $o $$$$$ $$ $ $$$ $ $$ $ $$ ~' o$$$$$ $$ $ $$$ $ $$ sssss$$ %. ^$$$$$ $$ $ $$$s s$$ $ $$ $$ $$$$$ $$. $ ,$$$$@. .@$$$. $ ,$$ $$ $$$$$ `$$&@%o%@&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&@%o%@&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$hd' Copyright 1996 Ionizer Inc. #167A939