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THIS FILE IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------ As you all know, or should know by now, that Kamloops Swithing System is a GTD5-EAX system. I am not going to get into detail about the switch, just about its RLU's (Remote Line Units) The RLU is one of the tertiary agents in the GTD5-EAX family of GTD5 switches. If you dont know what an RLU looks like, it is one of the boxes you see around town, every neighborhood has one, it is beige in color, stands about 5 1/2 to 6 feet tall, and is about 2 feet wide. It has two latches on it to keep it closed, one at the top, one at the bottom. The top latch usually has one HeavyDuty padlock on it, and the bottom one always is without a lock. Now that you know what one looks like, lets get into more detail. --------------------------------------------------------------- Technical Description of a RLU --------------------------------------------------------------- The RLU is a pair-gain unit designed for unattended operation(In other words it doesnt need some over paid BCTel employee standing over it making sure it does its job) The RLU is to serve outlying communities(Such as Aberdeen) or metropolitan areas that require cable relief(To many phone lines to an area) The RLU is linked to and controlled by a Base Unit(BU) through 24 channel T1-type digital span lines called Host-Remote(H-R)links. The connection to the BU may be direct or it may be indirect. In the indirect connection, the RLU is connected to a Host Remote Switching Unit (RSU(Those strange buildings around town such as in Aberdeen or Juniper that look like the should be a prison compound, as they are so highly protected)) via H-R links, which is in turn connected to the BU by another set of H-R links. ---------------------------------------------------------------- What an RLU does ---------------------------------------------------------------- An RLU is just a convenient place for BCTel to stick about 700 pair(700 phone lines) It makes it easier to service lines, and makes it easier for the calls to get routed to where they need to go. The RLU provides no local switching, all calls are routed to the host office for switching. ---------------------------------------------------------------- RLU's Stats ---------------------------------------------------------------- The RLU has a typical startup size in the range of 100 to 400 lines, and expansion to its ultimate capacity of 1,536 lines is accomplished by adding printed wiring cards and frames(Not Explained here) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, now that you know what an RLU is and what it does, the next question is "What good does it do a phreak?" Well, here comes the answer to that question. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Uses of an RLU to a phreak ---------------------------------------------------------------- Beige Boxing - Once you have gotten into the RLU, you look up in the top right corner, and you will see TWO terminals with a phone # written underneath it. Just attach your beige box to the terminals and away you go. BUT! you cannot make any long distance calls from those two terminals because it is a restriced access line, you can only make calls to 800 #'s or Local Calls. So beige boxing from an RLU is basically only good for diverting your calls and bypassing the ANI or call trace or *69 or whatever. But of course there are roughly 700 phone lines in the RLU, so you could strip the wires of a phone line and beige box it like normal, but once you have seen inside an RLU, you will realize that that would be a Great PAIN in the ASS! Phone Tap - If you have a working phone tap, you could install it into an RLU on any one of the 700 or so lines, and it would go undetected for QUITE a while, but you would need to know what line of the 700 is the one that you want to tap and that would be hard to do, considering that the lines are divided into groups of 100 or so pair, and are listed only by their pair #, not the actual PHONE #. 3rd Party Billing You could hook your beige box to the two terminals at the top, get your buddy to run to the nearest payphone and dial the operator. Get your buddy to tell the operator that you want to charge the call to another #, and give the # that was written underneath the two terminals in the RLU. The operator will call that #, when your beige box rings, pick it up and answer yes to the operators question. The operator up with you, but your buddy will be connected to wherever it was that he called. Sometimes that trick dont work from payphones, but sometimes it does. There are other interesting things like that to do, just use your imagination. Being a Plain old PRICK! ;) Open the RLU, take hold of about 200 wires, and rip them out of the RLU. You have just shut down 100 phone lines! (Who needs a Blotto Box eh? :) Light the RLU on fire etc.. You get the idea. Now that you know what to do with an RLU, you may ask, "Well how the fuck do i get into one?" Here it comes.... Step 1 - Put a crowbar through the latch of the PADLOCK, put one end of the crowbar under the latch that to padlock is attached too, pull down with great force on the other end of the crowbar and SNAP! the padlock has just broken off. Step 2 - Put the crowbar underneath the lockless latch and pry at it till it pops open. Step 3 - Repeat Steps 1 and 2 with the bottom latch and waalaa! the RLU is open. That is the about it for this file. Have phun kiddies -=MiND FLaYER=- T e K 1 9 0 7 Copyright 1996 TeK Inc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A guide to Trashing in Kamloops ----------------------- By MiND FLaYER Ok, you should all know that the term TRASHING refers to the art of stealing a buisness's trash in hopes that you find something usefull, such as important unlisted #'s, Dialup's, Logins, Passwords, Calling Cards, Credit Cards, etc.. Trashing is a pretty basic thing, no real crime is being commited, but it is a VERY usefull tool if you get something good. So far on my trashing trips to the BCTel dumpster, I have found PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL information pertaining to BCTel employees, a shredded calling card that i was able to put back together and get the #(Which worked!), employee handbooks that contained special procedures and UNLISTED #'s that were very cool. So now you know what to expect when trashing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- What to look for when trashing ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are trashing a regular buisness such as a resturant, look for carbon copies of credit card receipts, they contain full info credit card info, such as the persons name, address, credit card #, expiration date, zip or postal code, all the shit you need to do a successful carding. If you are trashing a TelCo such as BCTel, look for paper that has phone #'s, Computer Printouts, Calling Card info, employee handbooks, all that type of shit. BUT DO NOT TRASH BCTEL UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU WANT!! BECAUSE IF YOU MISS SOMETHING IMPORTANT BECAUSE YOU DONT KNOW WHAT IT IS, THEN THAT IS A WASTE!! SO DO NOT TRASH BCTEL unless you are an experienced phreak. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Best way to Trash -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contrary to popular belief, the best way to trash is not to hop into the dumpster and root around through the garbage(Remember that scene from the movie HACKERS?) The best way to trash is to reach into the bin, grab a bag of garbage, throw it in your car and drive away. Go somewhere secluded and rip it open and then go through it looking for things. If the bags of garbage are at the bottom, do what EleKTriK does, remove your shades, lay them on top of the dumpster, take a look around, make sure no one is looking, then hop into the dumpster, grab the bag and throw it out to your buddy, then take off. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remember Trashing can be a very USEFULL TOOL, do not abuse this tool, if you do it to much at one place, they will notice and they will stop throwing trash in the dumpster. DO NOT TRASH UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR, AND UNLESS YOU ARE AN EXPERIENCED PHREAK!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiND FLaYER T e K 1 9 0 7 Copyright 1996 TeK Inc.