Writing - It's a Disease - Writing - It's a Disease - Writing - It's a Disease ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Strictly������������������������������������������������������By James Hetfield ���������Text��������������������������������"Anarchy Today"������������������� ��������������Distribution��Issue Nine����������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Writing - It's a Disease - Writing - It's a Disease - Writing - It's a Disease Anarchy. Just the word kind of makes you laugh, doesn't it? Ana. Sounds like a girls name. Chy. Sounds like Key. Ana-R-Key. Sounds like a character from the role playing game Paranoia. I think I'll begin my tirade with a defination of anarchy. Anarchy (an'�er�ki) n. want of government in society; lawless disorder in a country; a political theory, which would dispense with all laws, founding authority on the individual conscience. Anarchism n. confusion, chaos. Anarchism was a theory revived in the early turn of the century. It was simply a belief. Something that people subscribed to, much like now marxism had started. The idea was that laws are the root of evil. Laws cause rebellion, repression of free though, and basically weigh down on societies. The key phrase in the defination was "founding authority on the individual conscience." The idea was that a person could rely on their own conscience, their own moral judgement, to make decisions in life. Anarchists at the time believed that laws were too rigid, that almost every circumstance was in a different setting with a different viewpoint. Anarchism could relieve the problem of laws that are too universal. We could look back at this today and say this is rather crazy, but also remember this was a belief during the progrssive era, almost 100 years ago now. This was during the time where governments were dancing around, allying themselves with other powers, taking over africa, and basically causing lots of mischief. People were looking for a big change, before it was too late. Did they get it? not really (World War I). But also during this time people were afraid. Afraid of all the change going on around them. Because of a few events, the outlook on anarchism changed. The public made anarchism look like madmen wanting an insane world where people could go around killing other people as they pleased. Which, of course, was not the case at all, but that's how they ended up looking to the public. "Anarchism, most of whose adhereants were relatively peaceful visionaries dreaming of a new social order, became in the public mind a code word for terrorism and violence; and for the next thirty years the specter of anarchism remained one of the most frightening concepts in the american imagination." This isn't supposed to be a history lesson, however. This is a little look at how anarchy started out, being a theory in intellectuals minds about how society could be governed by one's own free will, and what is it today. Anarchy today - what to say? It's like a disease. A bunch of children with nothing better to do than go around and blow things up. I really don't see the purpose in any of this - there are plenty of ways to put people through total anguish and torture without having to blow up their pool. If you really hate someone, you're not causing contemporary anarchy anyway, because you're fixing your destruction on a target itself. True anarchy would be running around blowing up EVERYTHING, not just that girl who won't go out with you. Right away we see contradictions in today's version of anarchy. Now, what kind of people practice anarchy? Usually it is people who either are so fucking rich that they never had to earn anything in their lives, and they don't value things, so they don't see how wrong it is to destroy... or it's people who don't see themselves with any kind of future in society. Or both. Why do they practice anarchy? Because they don't either see why people value things, or because they don't value what they themselves have (Including their own being). That may sound too philosophical, but just think about it for a while. Why is anarchy such a raging rampant force in today's society? Well, it isn't, really. But it's getting worse. There are more and more anarchy text file groups out there. The disease is speading... The problem with anarchists, basically, is they don't think. They see the world through their own eyes, but no one elses'. Let me give you a beautiful example of what I am talking about. I leeched this file off of Goat-Blowers anonymous, under the "shitty groups" section. - * - * - * - The object of any illegal act should be to gain either money or power or both. Although there are many ways to aquire both money and power I have written this text to explain to you some of the simplest ways to steal and profit from it. This text will begin it's explanation at strong arm robbery, building a base for other crimes which will use what you acquire in previous acts. *Strong Arm Robbery* Well my motto has always been that the best way to get something is to take it. So as long as you understand that basic principle I think there should be no difficulty in perfoming the task of strong arm robbery. Ok first let's look at robbery from a common sense standpoint, these are some general rules to follow. 1. Don't look suspicious. (i.e. Ganster clothes, Hat on backwards.) 2. Try not to do anything in broad daylight. 3. When in doubt DONT. 4. Never try to fuck with someone bigger than you, unless there is a 3 to 1 ratio. 5. NEVER NEVER NEVER do anything with a girl. ANYTHING!!! I've found that the best place for robbing people is nightclub and bar parking lots. That may sound strange but look at it this way. Who is going to be easier to fight, a drunk stumbling out of a bar or a shopper who hasn't had anything to drink and is completely sober? The drunk obviously. So I suggest waiting outside a nightclub or bar and waiting for somebody who is extremely intoxicated, keep in mind that you really dont have to sneak up on someone who is drunk because they are usually oblivious to the fact that anyone is around them. Now before approaching the victim I have a personal tactic that you may want to use. Pepper Gas!, or basically any chemical defense spray. These sprays are useful and I highly suggest them because they: Temporarily blind the person, completely disable them and it makes them so much easier to hit. Just casually stroll up behind the drunk and ask him for a cigarette or something and when he turns around, Spray him! Then get them to the ground quick and rip off all of their jewelry, but most importantly, GET THEIR WALLET OR PURSE! Wallets and purses not only contain cash but they contain credit cards, checks, etc... These can be used in very lucrative ways which I will discuss in the following sections. - * - * - * - Now, obviously there is no common sense in that logic. There is no revelation that the same thing can happen in retrospect. But ... that is the anarchist lifestyle. To do harm to others they would never want done back to them. How can we stop this problem? We can't. There is very little we can do to stop a stupid person from doing stupid things. When we tell stupid anarchists how stupid they are, they turn around and say things like "FUCK YU!#!@#!@#!@" or equally as stimulating things. And the family is not much of a help either, because the family is what has made the child stupid in the first place. A mother who has an anarchist son is usually the same mother who would say "oh my child would never do something like that" before she is shot from behind by her son's newly-created homemade rocket launcher. I will leave you now with an exerpt from another file I downloaded, which I still am not sure whether or not is supposed to be comical or real. The sad thing is that I could not tell. That is how tragic the situation of anarchism has become. - * - * - * - If you truly want to be a great anarcist there are a few guidelines you must live-by. These are 10 undeniable things that should be a part of your life if you truly want to fuck with society. There is always room to expand on the ideas and sick plans of Chaos presented in this little creation of my obviousy demented head. Well here they are, don't doubt there potental to mold you into a sick, and troubled individual. 1. First of all, never show that you have any other aspiration in life other than to go to prison then, upon your execution, burn in hell, disguising the fact that you are an ingenious anarcist ploting world domination.[or so I hope, but otherwise stop reading loser!!!] 2. Always do the exact opposite of the average law abiding citizen [like puting dead and decaying, furry little woodland creatures in your neighbor's mailbox] This is an important part of an anarcist life, never doubt it. 3. Vandalism, the life's blood of a true anarcist, it also is a great and exilerating russ. Do it to your enemys, neighbors, or complete strangers houses and/or property. Once you start you will never want to quit!!! The finest two arts of this are mass destruction and choas, two talents not easily taught. These are best learned by experiece but its rewards are bountiful none the less. [mass destruction is less bountiful cash-wise but much more fun] 4. Explosives are the subject of half the text files out there. Put them to use! Make sure there only the safest and most easily stored recipes. It's not that I give a flying fuck about your pathetic little lives, but your suppost to live to blow the shit up. 5. Beating the crap out of wiggers, faggots, wimps, and the popular assholes who think there cool and act like there gods in your school. They all make me want to hack up my spleen. This is a must unless your going to lose, then a baseball bat to the head always works. 6. If your cool and/or popular kill yourselve right now. You obviosly do not deserve to live and a good old fashoned gunshot to the head will do you some good. 7. Don't ever expect to trust anyone in your entire life time, every one is under suspicion, even your mother. They will all turn you in for the right price. 8. Anarcy is a group sport, let others join in the destruction. You get more done in less time and theirs nothing like that group feeling of mass destruction. 9. Always cover your tracks or don't make any at all. Safely getting in and out is imporant, but so is not having the cops at your door the next day. Only under certain circumstances are you to vandalize your poor victim's home and/or property during the day light hours 10. If one day any of you succeed in a plot for world domination the follow steps !!must!! be implemented. A>The genicide of all wiggers, followers, fags, and those interracial half-breed motherfuckers. B>The seperation of all niggers, Jews, chinesse, and spics into work camps on the continent of Asia. C>The torture and execution of every Jap [not chink] on the planet. [who owns who now!!!] D>Developement of a super-society were you have ultimate power and hackers, phreakers, pirates, and any other associated groups are rewarded are rewarded for there deeds of Coas. You my add to this as you like as long as it doesn't violate my guidlines Well kiddies this trip into my sick little mind is over. I hope these guidlines have inspired evil and anarcy in all of you. If not you weren't looking to become an anarcist anyway. Or maybe your just as sick or sicker than I am. Until next time, I'll be breaking stuff and causing anarcy, so don't forget what you've read here. [�File 09�����������������������������������������������������������������] [���������13543 bytes�����������������������������������������������������] [��������������������Anarchy Today����������������������������������������] [�����������������������������������By James Hetfield���������������������] [��������������������������������������������������������04/16/95���������] [�������������������������������������������������������������������������]