Writing - It's a Disease - Writing - It's a Disease - Writing - It's a Disease ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Strictly���������������������������������������������������������������By Kojak ���������Text�������������������������������"Constipation"��������������������� ��������������Distribution��Issue Seven���������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Writing - It's a Disease - Writing - It's a Disease - Writing - It's a Disease The Real Truth About Constipation By: Kojak Oh goodness, quite a large topic. Constipation. Quite a large word. Say it out loud, "CON-STI-PA-TION". Imposing, if you ask me. But there are many myths about constipation that I want to clear up for you. The basic reason for this file is that I believe constipation may very well be the very root of all evil. Constipation is an annoyance. It slows you down. Makes you less productive. Just look and see: Constipation, the medical perspective: Constipation is literally the blockage of waste. Your body will not excrete what it needs to excrete. In layman's terms: YA CAN'T SHIT. It is something that every red-blooded American faces in their lifetime. It lasts anywhere from 2 to over 10 days. There are many products available OTC that will hopefully cure you of this awful affliction. There are: X-Lax, Correctol (women only, please), Gas-X (I don't think this helps constipation, but with a name like Gas-X, you can't omit it from the list), and many others. The deal with these wacky products: Loosen the poo. Loosen the poo. Loosen the .. well, you get the point. With these "Laxatives", you get liquishit, our main goal. Excrement that can pass through your system. The simple part of this horrible problem is that once you do #2, it's over. Constipation, psychological effects: Constipation is not only unhealthy for your body, but also your mind. Not being able to 'take a crap' leaves an unfillable void in your day. You feel the loss. You have an extra 10 (actual time may vary) minutes in your day that you have no clue what to do with. Some people are so distraught by their affliction that they just go sit on the john doing nothing. Just to pass the time. Constipation has psychological side-effects that range beyond feeling "like shit" (pardon the pun). People build a complex: "Does that guy know that I can't shit?" or "Hey, I wonder if I'm the only one that can't shit.. maybe I should ask that guy. Maybe I shouldn't. Maybe I should. Aggg!". Then the depression kicks in, and you're gone. Psychologically speaking, you're fucked. You cannot focus, you're always thinking, "poo! poo! i have to poo!". This creates problems in other areas of life that I'll have to explain later. Life from the PP (poo perspective): Poo is like an army. Each nugget is a private in the army, and each large nugget is a major (or some other form of authority, if you prefer having a submissive and a dominatrix in this story, so be it). Basically, the body sends the poo on a kamikaze mission to get to the toilet. These guys are giving it their all to get to one place. When you're constipated, they can't get to where they're going. In essence, after a few days, they start to get frustrated. They are simply milling about, looking at your colon every 5 minutes. They aren't enjoying it, and neither are you. My words of advice: Don't fight against the army, it's not a one on one fight. Let your soldiers go. Economic Ramifications: Poo is most imperative to the U.S. economy. Without poo, we wouldn't have many products and industries: 2000 Flushes, plungers, toilets (without poo, trees would suffice), the plumbing industry, there would be no use for newspapers, popular literature of our time.. there wouldn't be a use for many, many things we have. Poo is necessary. So if you find anything wrong with your gastrointestinal tract, talk to your doctor immediately. Stop this affliction before it stops you. .... Thank you for shopping STD .... [�File 07�����������������������������������������������������������������] [���������4977 bytes������������������������������������������������������] [������������������Constipation�������������������������������������������] [�����������������������������������By Kojak������������������������������] [�������������������������������������������������04/14/95����������������] [�������������������������������������������������������������������������]