Writing - It's a Disease - Writing - It's a Disease - Writing - It's a Disease ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Strictly������������������������������������������������������By James Hetfield ���������Text�������������������������"Idle Idols"����������������������������� ��������������Distribution��Issue Four����������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Writing - It's a Disease - Writing - It's a Disease - Writing - It's a Disease One of the hardest things about reaching adulthood is watching the heroes of childhood fall. This is one of the painful aspects of life that we all end up going through. It all started for me with Mark McGwire. Back in 1987, I was 10 years old. Back in 1987, I was a basball freak. Back in 1987, Mark McGwire hit 49 home runs, breaking the record for most home runs hit by a rookie. I fell instantly in love with this baseball player, thinking he was the greatest to ever have lived. After that year, he never really lived up to how he started out. But my confidence about him never diminished, and only when I was totally losing interest in baseball did the reality behind him catch up to me. He was not what I believed him to be. Two years ago, I met a guy that ya'll know as Guido Sanchez. He instantly caught me as one of the most intelligent people I had ever talked to. He quickly became put on a pedistal, in my mind. Something to aspire to become. I see around me many people now who act like Guido, who talk like Guido, who even dress like Guido. But they don't know him like I do. They still have him up on the pedistal, whether they'd admit it or not. You have to know a person to put them up on a pedistal. And you have to know them even better to watch them fall. Today, I see Guido Sanchez as a sex-crazed adolescant who is brighter than everyone else, but does not use this intelligence for any good. Which is fine, that is his decision, and I have no problems with it. It took me a long time to see Guido as what he is, an 18 year old boy who just has been around a little longer than me in the computer world. How did I get from seeing Guido Sanchez as an immortal figure to seeing him as he is? It's unhealthy to have a friend as a role model, but a lot of us do it. I just learned, in time, that a person is a person, they're human, they have flaws. This year, I have watched the deterioration of the family structure in my home. It wasn't ever really normal, but this year it seems even more chaotic. I have watched my mother, who was ultimately always my greatest role model, fall from her heights to become a woman, a woman who does not know what she's going to do with the rest of her life. It's painful. It's hard. It's strange, at most. But its part of growing up. Many people know flaws in their parents. Yet even though I knew of many, I still looked up to my mother. She always had a knack of keeping things together at hard times. Except this time. Look at your own life and see who your role models are. Should you really base your own beliefs on them? Probably not. One of the scariest things about today's society is how many people have musical artists and sports figures as role models and heroes. In my opinion, people should not be looking up to men like Trent Reznor and Eddie Vedder. Or Jim Morrison. These men may make great music, but as role models they fall short. My newspaper did a poll of recent heroes. They simple asked the question "Who is your hero and why?". I will leave you with the responces they printed. "Wolverine, he's my favorite hero because he can get himself claws." -a 5 Year old boy "My daddy is my hero because I love him." -a 5 year old boy "Superman, he saves me from harm." -a 5 1/2 year old boy "Michael Jordan because he came back and even though they lost their first game he hung in there." -a 16 yr old boy "Jesus is my hero because he helped so many people and he died for us." -a 16 year old boy "Jimmy Hendrix because he made great music." -a 17 year old boy "My boyfriend, because he's always there to save me and make everyday better than it would be without him." -a 17 year old girl "My dad and my kids because they've achieved a lot in life and hold good morals." -Peter Zorn, age 47 [�File 04�����������������������������������������������������������������] [���������5089 bytes������������������������������������������������������] [�����������������Idle Idols����������������������������������������������] [�������������������������������By James Hetfield�������������������������] [�������������������������������������������������04/14/95����������������] [�������������������������������������������������������������������������]