################################################################################################ "For The Last Time You cant have my Shiny Thing!" ################################################################################################ Welcome to the SoLJo on this very hoopy day; Friday the 54th of Geldof ################################################################################################ ###################_______________######################______________########################## ##################/____ ____/#####__________######/_____ _____/########################## ######################| |###########\ ____\#####__###| |################################ ######################| |############\ \########| |##| |################################ **********************| |___ ___ ____*\ \**____*| |**| |*____*************************** **********************| || |_| || __/**\ \| __ || |**| || __ |************************** **********************| || _ || =_____\ \|__|)| |__|_ |((__))************************** ********************** .__. | | | ||___\_________\___.|______/ |.____.************************** %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%---%---%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%____| |%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\______.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -=.ThE SoLJo.=- :ThE SyNdiCaTe Of LoNDoN JoUrNal: :Number #5: :DO NOT READ DIRECT FROM THE WEBSITE! DOWNLOAD ME NOW!: :May 00, Fif Release "No Submission, No what?": :Auto Subscription not on the Sit3: :"You people from the colony's have no manners": :Subscriptions. Submissions. And friends we lost along the way, to: :so_London@hotmail.com: :heh heh heh: -=.LuCkS7ruCk.=- ################################################################################################ ################################################################################################ ************************************************************************************************ ************************************************************************************************ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ================================================================================================ ThE SyNdiCaTe Of LoNdoN - Lam3 SofTwaRe PiRaT3s NoW And FoREvEr - PrEsEnTiON In ASCII-ViSIOn ================================================================================================ SolJo Issue #5 STafF ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Editor : PaRiS Surfing leenboy : BaDgEr A Poets Creep : InfinityMatrix C64 Coding Kangaroo : fwaggle Ez Gaylord : llama ================================================================================================ >>> MEnEFeSTo <<< ------------------------------------ ThE SoLJo: FuNny, InforMaTivE, Useful and l337 E-ZiNE FoR EvERyOne Who iS EVeRyOnE Or WaNtS To BE. PrOdUceD WhEn EvEr We HaVE EnOuGh STuFF To MaKe It WoRTh WhIlE YOu DoWNLoADinG It. THIS IS NOT A HACK ZINE! ITS NOT TRYING TO BE, AND NEVER WILL BE. ThIs ZiNE FocuS'S On AlL AsPeCTs Of UnDerGroUND CuLTuRE, RaNging From HaCkING/Phreaking etc to Philosiphy AnD coMeDY: In A StYlE TaKiN' Us All bAck to ThE OriGiNz Of ThE SCenE - PiRaTEz EvErYwhERe... W3rD. ------------------------------------------------------------- SOl SOL? Sol!! soluk! soll! SOlll!! solsolsol! SSSSSSSSSOOOOLL! Soll!!!! sOl sol! SSSSSSSSSSSSSSOOOLLLLL!! SOl ! !SSSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOLLL! SSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOLLLLLLLLL!! SSSSSSOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL! SSSSS.. OSSSSS .,SSS! SSSS:: .,OSSS,. ::L!! SSS:::.,,OOSS!S,.::::!! SSSSSSSOOOOLSO!!IILLO!!O! SSSSSSSSSOO:!!:!!ILLLLOO! SSSSSSSSOOSSSOLLLLLOO!! SSSOSSSSSSSLLLOO! SS SOSSSSSSSLLLLLO! OO SSOl IiiiiiiiiiiiI OOOO SSS.SSOl O O SSSS Sol SSSSSSSOl OOOOOOOOO SSSSSol SSSSSSOl SSSSSSS SSSSSol OO! SOl ---------------------------------------------------- ThE SyNdiCaTe Of LOnDoN Established. 1992 - Reformed. 1998 "Giving you the ph34r since dat l337 year" -------------------------------------------- ================================================================================================ Small>>> ================================================================================================ : ~~~~~~~~~~~ Small ----- 1. Contents - Staff 2. Editorial - PaRiS 3. SOL Dwarf - PaRiS Large ----- 1. Bath Mission Report - Llama 2. cF^ Are a Bunch of Lame Script Kiddies - SOL 3. The Hackers Poem - InfinityMatrix 4. Some Amusing Sites To Check - BaDgEr 5. Knowing me, Knowing you, Knowing PaRiS - SOL 6. C64 Demo - fwaggle 7. Clips and Crap from the Net - Staff 8. Us 'n' Them - PaRiS 9. Revised Rules for The Trophy Game - PaRiS 10. K-rad Guide To Pokemon - PaRiS Regular ------- 1. Link Directory - Staff 2. Shit of the Issue - Staff 3. The PrOjEcTs - SOL 4. Memberz - SOL 5. Shouts - Staff ================================================================================================ Editorial ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well looks like we are a bit short on shit for this issue, Im hardly suprised though considering A) The amount of other shit the krew are getting up to, and B) The distances traveled for the purposes of drinking/substance abuse by the said krew in the last month. Who said Lam3 pirates never have any phun? Ppl who know me will be suprised to hear Im actually in a much happier state of mind. I believe the phraze was "I aint got no money, you dont get paid. bow!" Time for the house keeping... Just for the record Id like to state that the ex-sol member Urza is not so bad; and has been helping us out with a number of things of late. Him and SOL where just not meant to be. So lets all just let sleeping dogs lie. Ive nearly finished my album, so you can all go phuck off :) erm... Thats phuck off and BUY it when it comes out. *grin* Its nice returning to ones routes. I was always just the music man, and now Im basically doing that again. "ahhhhhhhhhhhh". SOL is not a democracy! :) This is a statment shared by the adminz, and Id just like to make it clear that power will always start, stop and go through the founders; as long as they are still in the (dis) organisation. Ill be cutting the film parodys from the next issue; because they are getting GAY. Im sure Ill think of something to replace them. Im inventive like that; you should all, in the mean time, check out the SoljO bi-annual which will be available from all the usual places and is being edited by llama. Should be phun. Ive been getting stressed recently. It happens. On a more serious note; Id just like to point out a few bits of SOL policy just to make it clear to everyone. I think the whole underground is loosing... and loosing sight of why it was formed. So here is SOL's manefesto... 1. Unconditional information sharing and publication. If we can, we should. 2. Preventing commercialisation though the (mis) use of telecomunications technology. 3. SOL will NOT tolorate "Selling out". Once pirates, always pirates. I thank you. One love. Never phear the gear. ================================================================================================ *** Connected (Distress Band) [Long Wave] *** Incoming ASCII Message from... *** SCANNING... *** Undefined User Group... *** Message Reads... This is a Distress Call from the underground user group The Syndicate Of London... 3 Million Bytes away from a successfull upload, the User Group SOL, Its Members: PaRiS, llama, Jerichozz, Nurgle et all... Additional: As the days go by we face the increasing realisation that we are alone on an unregulated, vast and expansive internet; full of nothing but web pages produced by overwieght teenage girls named Sally; where in we read information about her cat, fluffy... Still you have to laugh... *** Message Ends... [Que Title Music] ----------------- "Its cold out there, a nerdy kinda atmosphere We're all alone, more or less Let me surf, far away from here Fun fun fun With the pr0n pr0n pr0n I want to call Carefree and drunk as fuck Free fone's good, idle's nice ISP's not charging my account Fun fun fun With the pr0n pr0n pr0n With the pr0n pr0n pr0n" [Overlaying Cast List] ---------------------- As Dave Lister The Bear "Hows life in hippy heaven you pregnant baboon bellied slob?" As Arnold Rimmer Comrade [hehe - ed] "You know how many people Ive had sex with...?" As Kryton llama "SOL Directive 959: No Member may have oral sex in Zero G" As The Kat PaRiS "You cant have my shiny thing" Captin Holister DS_Mycroft "I LOVE CHOCOLATE CAKE AND COKA COLA!" Holly JerichoZZ "Yesterday PaRiS claimed he was a hacker when really he is not, that gives you some idea of how breathtakingly interesting things get around here..." Katchanski KlaiRe "I hear you have been promoted to admiral for general devotion to duty..." [ In Memory of the SOL "All-day-Red-Dwarf-A-Thon" which is widly believed to be the cause of PaRiS's madness ] ================================================================================================ Large>>> ================================================================================================ Bath Mission Report... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Operation: Bladdered Mission: -------- 1. Go to Bath 1. Get very, very drunk (Llama's plan) 2. See some ducks (Paris's plan) London, Friday night, 9.30 -------------------------- Paris and Llama are in the pub. There, they plan the next day. The plan was: 1. Llama wakes up, and phones Paris at 9.30 2. They leave for Harrow at 10.00 3. Llama gets money, and checks on work. 4. At 12.30, they go home 5. Change, and go to Heathrow Airport 6. Catch coach for Bath at 1.30 7. Get drunk 8. See Ducks [Ed] London, Saturday morning, 9.30 ------------------------------ Llama wakes up. He phones Paris. Told to "Fuck off". Phones again. (repeat). Success at 10.00. Paris and Llama go to Harrow at 10.30. Get there for 11.15 Disaster strikes there, as the Halifax bank's computers completly fail. Llama has to queue for 30 minutes to get some money. Llama checks on work. Get home at 12.30. Decide to catch coach at 2.30. Inform Godfree. We get changed. We leave for Heathrow airport at 1.30. Get on coach at 2.30 (Skipping all the people who had been waiting for 2 hours) [Stroke of PaRiS Magick... - Ed]. We sleep on coach. Bath, West country, Saturday afternoon, 5.30 -------------------------------------------- On coach journey spotted the following things. 1. Scaramanga's Car dealer. (Thats what he did after Bond) 2. Badgerline buses. (Much to the delight of PaRiS) 3. The fact that our mobile phones both are out of charge. We got off the coach. Frantic scribbling as we write down Godfree's number before the phone cuts out. Phone Godfree from payphone. Get instructions to where he is. Walk up Marchants Passage (Ooer) and walk the wrong way. Twice. Find Godfree and Comrade in the Hobgoblin. Greet. Godfree shows us his "Gun". Drink 3 pints each. Godfree and Comrade have Red Bulls (Note: Caffine is NOT an acceptable substitute for alcohol). Paris and Llama discuss when to move from pints to mixers. Paris says 3, Llama says 10. Llama wins. Move on to pub which I cannot remember the name of. Drink another 3 pints. Godfree and Comrade now move on to pints. Go to cash machine where more money is removed (Halifax got their act together). Go to student style housing. Meet Helen, Tasmin and other goth type people. Fired the "gun" at targets while people hold them. Paris nearly lost an arm, Comrade a finger. Went to "The Midland" and drank more. Played pool. Paris beats Llama. Godfree beats Paris. Llama beats Godfree. Helen performs the "Bird from Goldeneye" attack on Paris. Paris is on floor in 2 seconds, screaming. Sang "Bohiemian Rapsody" by Queen (Kareoke). Drank some more. Played drinking games. Llama ends up with a pint over his head. We move on.... Bath, Still in the West country [Suprisingly Citys DONT move - ed], Saturday evening, 11.30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Found kebab shop. Llama purchaces kebab, which he eats. Go to Godfree's workplace. On IRC, claim that we are "Pisded!". Went to exile, Bath's resident Goth club. On the way, Paris insults someone from Sunderland by claiming that "You are a Geordie". Get to Exile. Drink even more. Llama performs the first "Goth foam party" after having the head of a pint blown at him. This was performed as follows. 1. Get a pint of beer, and drink half. 2. Use another glass, and smack it against the rim of the pint. 3. Repeat until the head reaches the top of the pint glass. 4. Point and blow. Llama managed to blow into, and not across the pint. Result - Beer foam everywhere. Helen pours pint over Llamas head. Passed the 10 pint limit, and move on to Bacardi and Cokes. Paris gets chatted up by Paddy, a gay bloke. Paris escapes by claiming "I'm not like that, but if I was, you would be first on the list". Godfree takes picture of Paris's knob in the toilets. Llama, Paris and Godfree leave, and go to Godfree's house. Very cold. Sleep the best we can. Bath, Sunday morning , 10.00 ---------------------------- We wake, and make our way to McDonalds. Eat breakfast. Go into the centre of Bath. Saw ducks on the river [Yay! - ed]. Went to the Roman Baths and walked round them. Watched street performs run around in thongs, generally being as rude as possible to foreigners, setting fire to themselves and doing acrobatics. Checked Hobgoblin to see if it was open. It wasn't. Walk around, check again. Repeat for an hour. Enter shop selling "Magnetic Lenin Dress-me-up Dolls" among other things. Sit in Hobgoblin, watching rugby, until 3.45, when Paris and Llama leave for the coach station. at 4.00, they leave on the coach, heading back to London. **MISSION ENDS** Mission 1. 11 pints, 5 Barcardis and cokes. Each Mission 2. Saw some ducks Result: Success What we have learnt. 1. The Halifax bank is gay. 2. So is the National Express. 3. Scaramanga is still alive. 4. Don't let pissed people fire "Guns". 5. Goths don't like Foam parties. 6. Heating happens to other people in the West Country. ================================================================================================ ________________________ / | \ / | \ / ___|___ \ / | \ / | \ | | | 4004 BC - 2000 AD | | | | "All Good Things Come To An End" | | | | Here lies | | Paris Alexander Desirei' | | | | | | May he Rest In Peace | | | | | | | | | @@ @@ | | \ / | | V | &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& | | |&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ================================================================================================ cF^ Are A Bunch Of Lame Script Kiddies... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cF^ are a group of mainly Amiga users who hang out the notoriously lame #amirc channel on DALnet. They keep thier "Movements" and "Organisation" a secret and all are present in the chanserv protected invite only channel #^cF at all times. Know the kind of ppl Im talking about yet? No one knows "what" they do, but we are assured by its membership that cF^ does has a point, but SOL can now reveal what CF *really* are...! Logs begin in the SOL channel #luckstruck on Dalnet at 5am GMT, myself and Geeza (aka BaDgEr) are tired and just chatting. Enter the ^cF krew... [05:01] *** TheGrimReaper^cF (Ashpool@dhcp232.31.lvcm.com) has joined #luckstruck [05:01] *** Maxicon^cF (pusher@fsj56-29.ocol.com) has joined #luckstruck [ Note the extreamly frightening corporate identify of the ^cF after thier names... ] [05:02] who da fuk r they? [05:02] where's [llama]? [05:02] Haven't seen him in ages. [05:02] *** Tweety_79 (me@newi1pool0-a82.badger.tds.net) has joined #luckstruck [ Tweety is possibly in CF, and trying to cyber me in msg to my amusment, this would be about their style. I post the on going conversation to BaDgEr in msg... ] [05:02] that rat bastard [05:03] <|PaRiS|> He was here earlier [05:03] <|PaRiS|> :) [05:03] <|PaRiS|> read about his exploits in the SOL zine... [05:03] <|PaRiS|> ;) [05:03] tell him he owes me money [05:03] <|PaRiS|> http://go.to/luckstruck/ [05:03] <|PaRiS|> lol [ Cf^ seem friendly if a lil sad, but now let the lam3ness commence... ] [05:03] �op [ Oh dear... ] [05:03] <|PaRiS|> :) [05:03] <|PaRiS|> er... [05:03] <|PaRiS|> :) [05:03] <|PaRiS|> heh [ Embarised scilence from everyone... ] [05:04] <|PaRiS|> TGM: What does CF stand for? [05:04] hello [05:04] <|PaRiS|> lo Tweety [05:04] TGM? [05:04] Is that like, TPM? [05:04] <|PaRiS|> The Grim Reaper [05:04] <|PaRiS|> I heard it was like thrush [05:04] CUNTPASTE? THAT GUY MICK PHILCRACKIN SED THAT WUZ GOOD.... BUT I TRIYED MY MOMUHZCUNTPASTERREWMZ AND THEY SUQZ A PHATT NUTT [ Right. Whatever you say...] [05:05] *** sh3^AFK^3p^cF (FsT@ has joined #luckstruck [ Here comes another lamer... ] [05:05] WHAT'S RAYDEN'S FIRST???? [05:05] I HATE THE WAREZ ROOMS ON AOL THEY ARE ALL SO ANGRYEE AT ME CUZ I LEECH OR WHATEEVR FROM THE CLITSAQ STASH BUT THEY DONT UDNERSNAD WHAT THEY ARE DOING CUZ IM A MEMBER OF A BIG WAREZ ELEET GROUP AND CAN GET -1DAY WAREZ ALL THE TIME [05:05] *** sh3^AFK^3p^cF is now known as sh33p^cF [05:05] <|PaRiS|> oh god [05:05] sh33p^cF!!!! [05:05] <|PaRiS|> cf ppl. [05:05] <|PaRiS|> :) [05:05] NE1 OFFERING SHITZZZTIT????? [05:05] fl33c3d [05:05] <|PaRiS|> There goes the Naighbourhood. [05:05] I KAN TAKK GOODLIKE CAUSE IM SMAERT [05:05] DAMN 12 YR OLDZ THINK THEYRE KRADDER THAN MR AOLMAN [05:05] EYE LYKKE THAT OLD SHOW WITH DOSE GUIZ AND THAT GIRL AHD DEY LIFT IN DIS APORTAMANTOTYPEOSHIT [05:06] FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFU--MY FINGERS R TY-ERD [ Now Im all for leet' jargon, tis funny, but this lame ass just makes it stuuupid... ] [05:06] hello PaRiS [05:06] <|PaRiS|> :) [05:06] <|PaRiS|> lo Tweety [05:06] <|PaRiS|> er... [05:06] SH333333307 B333333AAAA77C444 [05:06] J00 NUTSAQ FAGASS PONYDICKJUICE FUQOR COCKFIGHTIN TAQ NAQ (SHEEET!) [05:06] NE1 MMING CLITSAQGIFZ? PLZ ADD ME TO J0UR CLITSAQLYST [05:07] D00D DONT KIX DA AOLMAN HE GOT CLITSAQNUGGETZ DAT J00 CAN'T EVEN BRING YOUR GIFPASTE NEAR [05:07] I GOT GNU SHIT COMING OUT OF MY AYAZZ BITCHNUTZ [05:07] <|PaRiS|> :) [05:08] I GO TOO USERNETT AND BE COOL AND SHIT [05:08] LaG-O-MeTeR^cF (vancouver.bc.ca.dal.net) [05:08] ��������� Tweety_79 1.64 [05:08] �������������� Maxicon^cF 2.82 [05:08] �������������� geeza 2.84 [05:08] �������������� |PaRiS| 2.84 [05:08] ��������������������� sh33p^cF 4.08 [05:08] AND TOONNIGHT WE HAVE ANN ELITE INTURVIUW WIITH MRSSRS JOHN TURK NUMBAH 1-1,000,000 [05:09] I HATE THE WAREZ ROOMS ON AOL THEY ARE ALL SO ANGRYEE AT ME CUZ I LEECH OR WHATEEVR FROM THE CLITSAQ STASH BUT THEY DONT UDNERSNAD WHAT THEY ARE DOING CUZ IM A MEMBER OF A BIG WAREZ ELEET GROUP AND CAN GET -1DAY WAREZ ALL THE TIME [05:09] <|PaRiS|> :) [05:09] PHEAL MUH PHLOAX, NIGGER0X! [05:09] HEH \CAPTNCLIT\ (PLAY SUPERHERO THEME HERE) \LOOK, OVER THERE, ABLE TO LEAP OVER TALL WEENIES IN A SINGLE BOUND, ITS \*\*\*CAPTAIN CLIT\*\*\*!!!\ [05:10] RACKBOY DONT FALL OUT OF YOU NADAZZ CHAIR THERE HOMEYNAD FUGHORSENUGGET BUTTAPPLE [05:10] gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyylllllllllllllooooooooooooo ooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrddddddddddddddddddssssssssssssssssssssss [ After a chat in msg Badger decides to scream... ] [05:10] <|PaRiS|> I thought it was just Nerp but you are all mentalists... [05:11] <|PaRiS|> That what CF stands for? [05:11] <|PaRiS|> CertiFied. [05:11] <|PaRiS|> :/ [05:11] SKORPYUNN J00 SUQ DA JIZZNIBLTSAQ AND YOU RMOVVA WUZ A FA TTWO BITWHOLEASSNADFUQ [05:11] *** |PaRiS| sets mode: +v TheGrimReaper^cF [05:11] * |PaRiS| gets his revenge. [ I hate having voice, and everytime I go into #amirc The Grim Reaper seems to slap a + by my name. ] [05:12] gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy [05:13] hey u..............sh111111t^cF!! [05:14] *** |PaRiS| is now known as PaRiS^sol [ PaRiS mocks them and their k-rad ways... ] [05:14] we demand ops.. don't make us get medieval [05:14] lol [05:14] Ops would sure be nice around now [05:14] Don't make me come over there. [05:15] lol [05:15] :/ [05:16] PaRiS^sol, you wouldn't want me telling everyone about you're sexual conquest with the cow prolapse now, would you? [05:16] You wouldnt want me telling ANYONE about your sexual conquest of Terry cocksey... Sandra... AND the pump? :) [05:16] You, Grim........ your mum's got a bit missing from her mouth [ BaDGer harshly reveals TGM's dark secret... ] [05:16] PaRiS^sol: Actually I'd love it if you told everyone about it. [05:17] * PaRiS^sol laughs [05:17] Especially Sandra. (slurp) [05:17] EVERYONE MAX SHAGGED SANDRA COCKSEY! [05:17] :) [05:18] *** Nevstah (AnGeL@freedu-142-154.x-stream.co.uk) has joined #luckstruck [05:18] shut up nev [05:18] * Nevstah makes the now legandary "Handbag gesture" behind PaRiS^sol 's back and then remains silent. [05:18] ez nev [05:18] * Nevstah looks up at geeza "Ez gangster, and how is geeza today?" [05:18] *** PaRiS^sol sets mode: +o Nevstah [05:18] *** PaRiS^sol sets mode: +o Tweety_79 [05:18] You all feel left out now. [05:18] :) [05:19] hahahahahHA ;) [05:19] alright, u? [05:19] *** PaRiS^sol sets mode: -o Maxicon^cF [05:19] !quote [05:19] "Cat is Dog" - Ali. [05:19] *** PaRiS^sol sets mode: +v Maxicon^cF [05:19] !quote [05:19] "It was a time of war, a time of hero's..." - PaRiS. [05:19] !quote [05:19] "Im all for care in the community, but this is just silly." - PaRiS. [05:19] !quote [05:19] "Llama Doesnt spit, he swallows." - EPSiLON. [05:19] lol [05:19] !quote [05:19] "Paris is a bi7ch and a lamer!" - Fwaggles Bot. [05:20] :/ [05:20] !quote [05:20] "I may be drunk, but at least I can still play Netball." - Kathryne. [05:20] !quote [05:20] "Im all for care in the community, but this is just silly." - PaRiS. [05:20] !quote [05:20] !beer [05:20] * Nevstah hands a pint of beer to geeza [05:20] "I may be drunk, but at least I can still play Netball." - Kathryne. [05:20] :/ [05:20] !quote [05:20] "The catholics have moved out... Hail satan." - KlaiRe. [05:20] !quote [05:20] "Thats been a long four years stuck in that prison cell. Anyway that all behind me now I see nothing changes on this board. Blade I see your still as lame as ever it's a good job that stupidity is not a crimianl offence otherwise you would be doing life. Anyway im of to see my parole officer..." - Kevin Mitnick (Alledgedy) [ As we play with Nev the leeeeeeet Bot Maxicon Notices me... ] [05:20] -Maxicon^cF- You should like, op me. :) [ I reply in msg "Only if you tell me what CF stands for", he says he might if I op him. I sigh, such lameness for an @ by ones name... ] [05:20] I KAN TAKK GOODLIKE CAUSE IM SMAERT [05:20] BITCH MY PUNK ASSCHEESELICK CARPAL TUNNELS ARE HURTIN LIKE A PINK BUTT HOT DOG ASS JUICE DRINK BITCHPUNX [05:20] * Nevstah inquires as to what TheGrimReaper^cF would like... [05:20] !spliff [05:20] * Nevstah expertly rolls a joint and hands it to the geeza [05:21] !op [05:22] chief [05:22] lol [05:23] Geeza: look how leen u r [05:23] *** Cl1tSax^cF (Raven@bbs.solarwinds.com) has joined #luckstruck [ And *another* lamer... ] [05:23] *** geeza has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving, lameness) [05:24] �'m w��t��g f� ��m� f�33k��g ��� h��. [05:24] *** Retrieving #luckstruck info... [05:24] *** PaRiS^sol sets mode: +m [05:24] *grin* [05:24] YOU KNOW WHATS NUGGET FUXED UP IS THAT I UNDERSTOOD THOSE ASSNUGGETS THE FIRST TIME YOU TYPED THEM [05:25] DIE J00 ST00PID ASSFUX PONY NUGGET AUTOGREETS CLITJUICE ASS DOG LICKER [05:25] *** PaRiS^sol sets mode: -v TheGrimReaper^cF [ Silence is bliss... But I give in to Maxicon's lame ass whining... :) Anything for a quiet life me...] [05:25] *** PaRiS^sol sets mode: +o Maxicon^cF [05:25] *** Maxicon^cF sets mode: +ooo Cl1tSax^cF sh33p^cF TheGrimReaper^cF [05:25] *** TheGrimReaper^cF sets mode: -o+b PaRiS^sol *!*AnGeL@*.x-stream.co.uk [05:26] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o PaRiS^sol [05:26] *** You were kicked by TheGrimReaper^cF (TheGrimReaper^cF) [05:26] *** Attempting to rejoin... Session Close: Tue Apr 18 05:26:01 2000 [ Oh dear, someone has downloaded a lame ass war skript with auto takeovers. And I might add, as chanserv opped me before I was kicked; a really shit war skript. The fact of the matter is, I dont have any IRC protection on my script cos frankly, shit like this is *SOSO* lame. ] Session Start: Tue Apr 18 05:30:08 2000 [05:30] *** Now talking in #luckstruck [05:30] Joined #luckstruck at 05:30:10 on hebron.in.us.dal.net - You are now on 2 channels and have spent 362690 seconds online - Your O/S has Ticked over 18350593 Times since your last reboot -Entry Skript - ThE SyNdiCaTe Of LoNdoN. [ A swift /msg chanserv mdeop #luckstruck and /msg chanserv mkick #luckstruck quickly followed by a /msg chanserv unban me - and a'vola... ] [05:30] *** Topic is '^cF - fl33c3d' [05:30] *** Set by TheGrimReaper^cF on Tue Apr 18 05:30:31 [05:30] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o PaRiS^sol [05:30] *** Retrieving #luckstruck info... [05:30] wb [05:30] *** Maxicon^cF (pusher@fsj56-29.ocol.com) has joined #luckstruck [05:30] !op [05:30] damn netsplits [05:30] *** PaRiS^sol changes topic to 'Well That Proves it ^CF are a Lam3 Skrip Kiddie Organisation... :)' [05:32] *** geeza (badger@host212-140-3-243.btinternet.com) has joined #luckstruck [05:32] *** PaRiS^sol sets mode: +o geeza [ And what was achieved by this cF^? You just proved how LAME you are. Well done. You kinda had us all thinkin u waz leet n stuff... But obviously not... Know what I mean? ] [05:33] *** Maxicon^cF has quit IRC (Quit: ^cF) [05:33] Just you left.... [05:33] grim [05:33] twat [05:34] *** TheGrimReaper^cF was kicked by PaRiS^sol (Naaaaaaa Bi7ch, you lay your FunKy ass on the Gra'nd, Naaaaw! d:O) [05:34] *** TheGrimReaper^cF (Ashpool@dhcp232.31.lvcm.com) has joined #luckstruck [05:34] lol [05:34] :) [05:34] *** TheGrimReaper^cF was kicked by PaRiS^sol (Chill the phuck out... Go have a Spliff... d:-/~) [05:34] *** TheGrimReaper^cF (Ashpool@dhcp232.31.lvcm.com) has joined #luckstruck [05:34] *** TheGrimReaper^cF was kicked by PaRiS^sol (ThE SyNdiCaTe oF LoNdoN) [05:34] *** TheGrimReaper^cF (Ashpool@dhcp232.31.lvcm.com) has joined #luckstruck [05:34] * PaRiS^sol layz some plate's down on your ass Bi7ch... d:| [05:34] YOU KNOWW ALLL OV JOHNS TURK? WOWOOWOO HIIZ HOUSE SRGS MUST BE A BIIG GIFREWMZPALACENUGGET [05:35] Fall on your knee's, worship BoW! Eye Phear BoW! [05:35] lol [05:36] *** PaRiS^sol sets mode: +b TheGrimReaper^cF!*@* [05:36] *** Retrieving #luckstruck info... [05:36] *** PaRiS^sol changes topic to 'http://go.to/luckstruck - Well That proves it ^CF are a Lam3 Skrip Kiddie Organisation... :)' [05:36] *** PaRiS^sol sets mode: +m [05:36] grim [05:36] twat [05:36] -> [TheGrimReaper^cF] TIME [05:36] [TheGrimReaper^cF TIME reply]: Sunday, 07-Jul-96 21:24:48 [05:36] [TheGrimReaper^cF TIME reply]: It's twenty-five past nine. Stardate: 107000.5 [ Oh dear he is a Trekkie. That explains it all really... ] [05:37] -> [TheGrimReaper^cF] VERSION [ And worse... He is an Amiga user... Nice URL Grim ;) ] [05:37] [TheGrimReaper^cF SCRIPT reply]: WildIRC 7.3 [05:37] [TheGrimReaper^cF VERSION reply]: AmIRC/Amiga 3.4 by Oliver Wagner : http://www.vapor.com/ : [#00018916] : Link your minds! [05:37] [TheGrimReaper^cF VERSION reply]: Kuang Eleven v3.0 Gamma (26) [05:40] he killed my newk nabber [05:40] lol [05:41] gaylord [05:41] *** PaRiS^sol sets mode: +v TheGrimReaper^cF [05:41] you killed my newknabber [ A truly eleeeeet feeeeeeet on my 28,000kbs unprotected 0800 connection. We ph43r ^cF and thier leet skillz *yawn* ] [05:41] :) [05:43] whats that twat still here for [05:43] dunno. [05:43] -> [TheGrimReaper^cF] PING [05:43] [TheGrimReaper^cF PING reply]: 3 secs [05:44] is he watching d'ya think? [05:44] maybe [05:44] he must be real bored [05:44] *** PaRiS^sol is now known as |PaRiS| [05:45] HEY!.........GRIM!!! [05:45] GRIM TWAT!!!!! [05:46] can u kick him out now? [05:47] <|PaRiS|> Why. He is just stting there. [05:47] <|PaRiS|> :) [05:47] gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy [05:47] <|PaRiS|> I think he might have tried to newk me... But lets face it if he cant take a 28kbs unprotected box offline............. [05:49] <|PaRiS|> heh [05:49] <|PaRiS|> well... [05:49] <|PaRiS|> im going to bed. [05:49] <|PaRiS|> Nite Geeza.... [05:49] He does not seem to 'reap' much, does he? [05:49] <|PaRiS|> no [05:49] <|PaRiS|> most dissapointing [05:49] he is grim though. [05:50] <|PaRiS|> indeed [05:50] *** Disconnected Session Close: Tue Apr 18 05:50:31 2000 [ In short SOL think that ^cF should all get out more... Maybe use their elite skills to better the community and all sign up to the AOL homewerk help center (Preskool division.] ================================================================================================ OnE loVE ================================================================================================ The Hackers Poem... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sitting at my computer on a lonely night dreary the iridescent glow from my monitor my eyes quite bleary telnetting from host to host checking for vulnerability testing all the exploits of much complexity at last, i've found one! oh dear, it's phf. a very old security hole at this i chuff. i run the exploit qalias and all the passwd file uncovered by midnight the host will fall i scour over the passwd file i execute jack the ripper i run my custom wordlist i wish this cracking would go quicker i sit at my desk drinking my jolt cola waiting for jack to complete it's run but alas, a call on my motorola! i pick it up, flip it open. "hello?" i say i cant hear anything, the phone must be broken but i call a test sweep, everything is okay. i sigh and put the phone down looking at the screen, i see jack is done grinning with glee i see jack has completed his run i start up telnet a shoot a try at the host i login as root it works! i go on IRC to boast. i connect to efnet and brag about my latest achievement in all the best channels all the logs to my friends are sent but suddenly, with no warning all of the ops proclaim me lame oh no, it's all done! i've had my 15 minutes of fame all the ops say phf sucks "it's old, and it's stupid" i frown and cry my eliteness has been avoided soon i hear a rap, rap a rapping at my door i wonder, what could it be? i have never had any visitors this late before. i slumber over to my door i open it up i see a group of men standing there this must be a mixup one of the men lifts a gun this cannot be good "hello" the man says "i'm agent atwood." they turn me around slam me into the wall i watch in terror as they storm down my hall i scream bloody murder as they carry my computer to their vehicles they carry me out too the leader of the group chortles they drive me to jail i'm about to crap my pants with fear as i start to cry the agents tell me why i'm here "you have been charged with possesion trade secrets" "and violation of the computer fraud and abuse act of 1986." i am extremely scared now and i'm feeling a pain in my appendix they put my sorry butt in jail next to a huge murderer named bubba i'm scared of him he wants me to be his lover after i got bailed out by my mom she made me give up my computer but the hacker in me still lives oh well, i guess i'll always be an amateur. THE END ================================================================================================ Some Amusing Sites to Check... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ www.chelsea.com - What the fuck? www.vesace.com - Exactly. www.ganja.com - Wicked. www.hightimes.com - Ultimate Smokers Site. www.fbi.gov/mostwant/topten/fugitives/ - Fucking Funny. www.fbi.gov - Check the unknown suspects area; Ali G & llama. www.easily.co.uk/index.php3 - *grin* www.manchesterunitedareshit.com - *more grinning* www.gaylord.com - The Gaylord Brothers of New York (Snigger). www.batty.com - For your free email addy (lol). www.Alig4real.com - Bo! ================================================================================================ "Katarina from Heartbreak High is now in Home and Away. Happy Days." - PaRiS. ================================================================================================ Knowing Me, Knowing You, Knowing PaRiS... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Year of Joining SOL: 1992 (The very day it was created) Original SOL Nick: ThE DoCtoR, (Judge) Lost 'n' Found. Nick: |PaRiS| Sex: An occupational hazard Age: 19 Involved with other groups: ESP, ONYX, DA, TDA, V0rtex. *His* SOL Job Description: If SOL had a leader, it would be me. *Our* SOL Job Description: Man who starts things. Accomplishments: - The big "University Blag" - Pull Ratio for last year: 1 a Week. - Luckstruck - SOL Maximum - Various Music (Including a track used for a short film) - The Beatrice Incident - Other things of a similar nature. Hobbys: Currently None (Although clubbing, pubbing, pulling would have featured until recently). He Says: "Cant talk, too busy, everything is gay" SOL Says: "Oh" Heaven is: Life after 6th form, tis all good ("Forbiden Rugrats... mmmmmm") Beverage of Choice: Fosters Shoes or Trainers?: Depends Bus or Car?: What ever is to hand On a Final Qu/n-ote: "Oh no... Its all gone very gay" [ Next Issue... The Warez King known as JadeFalCon ] ================================================================================================ "The best piece of advice I can give anyone is NEVER under any circumstances put your head in something that has "Head Remover" written on it." - Craig Charles (aka Lister from Red Dwarf) ================================================================================================ C64 Demo... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10 REM ### fwaggle-been-away-for-a-long-time-now-back-but-not-totally-and-going-again-s oon 20 REM ### program.. written by fwaggle, one very bored and sleepy night after work 100 PRINT "(CLR/HOME)" 101 REM i can't do that lil inverse loveheart thingy in an email :( 110 INPUT "Did you even notice fwaggle was gone? "; miss$ 120 IF miss$="N" or miss$="n" goto 200 130 PRINT "(CLR/HOME)" 140 READ away$ 150 FOR a = 1 to LEN(away$) 160 PRINT MID$(away$,a,1); 170 FOR w = 1 to 1000 : NEXT w 180 NEXT a 190 END 195 DATA "hi well i haven't been on much for just a lil period, mainly because my phone keeps disconnecting me from one dialup node of my isp, and all the other ones aren't in local call distance.. add that to the fact that i'm working huge ass hours, and i was also quite sick in that time, and i gotta have time with my girlfriend, and i just have no time for the rest of yew lamers ;) this is captain fwaggle, signing off.. ps this is just a joke, if you HAD a c64 to put it on, it might work.. but it hasn't been tested.. oh and PaRiS if you're scratchin the bottom of the barrel feel free to put this in yewer lil zine =p" 200 PRINT "(CLR/HOME)" 210 LET b = 0 220 PRINT "FUCK YOU THEN WHORE" 230 POKE b,0: b = b + 1 240 GOTO 200 [ The Bottom Of The Barrel - Ed ] ================================================================================================ BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Phor real, ya na! Callin' al'ya gangsta' out dere, dis be da place where we is giving it to u raw, so bop on in, see wagwaaaaan and check it out! EAAAAAAAAAAAASY NOW!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------------------+++ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +++ ~~~~~~ "All profits spent on S.k.u.N.K" --------------------------------------+++ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ www.alig4real.com *Wicked* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! BO'W! ================================================================================================ Clips and Crap from the Net... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Evil Voice] *** Ook sets mode: +v |PaRiS| Hi |PaRiS| ~! ~! ~! ~! ~! ~! ~! ~! * |PaRiS| looks at the + <|PaRiS|> argggg! <|PaRiS|> Get it off!!! *** VoSot sets mode: +o MP3Dewd-sot <|PaRiS|> GET IT OFF!?!?!?!?! *** MP3Dewd-sot is now known as MP3Dewd * |PaRiS| runs around screaming.... * |PaRiS| claws at himself... * Ook giggles *** VoSot has quit IRC (Quit: Connecting to a different server (I hope) Lag SUX!!!) <{{Sabrina}}> having a problem Paris? * |PaRiS| makes a courageous but failed attempt to rip the evil + from his nick... [Twats are pink] MPAA SEEKS TO OUTLAW LINKING TO DECSS The latest motions filed by the MPAA make it clear that they are continuing to pursue an injunction to censor webpage links. The landmark issues this has raised are sure to have a lasting affect on the nature of the web as we know it. [Poop & Pr0n] p00p <|PaRiS|> pr0n hmmm h3x0r p3r0g13z, with cheese or sauce <|PaRiS|> hehe I can't have both? damn, guess not <|PaRiS|> wht p00p & pr0n? <|PaRiS|> Im sure there is a site out there somewhere... yeah there is i've seen it it was fuckin gross <|PaRiS|> :/ sometimes www.thehun.net has links to that stuff [Vengence is Ours!] MPAA Under DDoS Attack? www.mpaa.org seems to have been offline for over 24 hours. Rumor has it that they are under a massive distributed denial of service attack. It is also rumored that other sites affiliated with the MPAA such as Tristar will be hit by DDoS attacks in the coming days. (www.Hackernews.com 14th April...) [Fuck off Sally] [02:35] * PaRiS is back. [02:35] As I thought [02:35] All the Pokemon IRC Scripts are lame... I guess as usual its up to me to write one that runs battles... [02:35] :/ [02:36] sorry dude but pokeman sucks [02:36] * PaRiS looks at Sexy Chic [02:37] yes? [02:37] Who asked you... Im sure we can have you arrested on the Trade Discriptions act anyway "Sexy Chic". Go away. [02:37] how old r u anyways? [02:37] lol. What? [02:37] Older than your lameass "Sexy" chic. [02:37] so sshhhhhh [02:37] how old [02:38] * Sexy_Chic bets u shes older then u [02:38] Im 19 [02:38] and u like pokeman [02:38] LOL [02:38] that is funny [02:38] Yes. [02:38] and? [02:38] :) [02:38] yet lame at the same time [02:39] "Right" [02:39] thet show is for lil 5 year olds [02:39] "Sexy Chic" [02:39] :) [02:39] Seeeeexy Chic. [02:39] * PaRiS grinz. [02:39] what do u want? [02:40] All's I am saying is that pokemon is lame and very anoying and yet pathetic! [02:40] And yet... [02:40] Your use of english... enchanting. [02:40] :) [02:40] I wonder why you come on IRC? [02:41] :) [02:41] Sorry I am not PERFECT [02:41] Do tell... Im interested now... *grinz* [02:41] :) [02:41] Thats obviously why you feel you have to be offensive to ppl out here... [02:41] some inner turmoil perhaps... [02:41] makes you feel big does it? [02:41] :) [02:41] And I don't intend to be PERFECT either. And it's called people make mistakes by typing fast. [02:42] Sexy chics so cool! [02:42] :) [02:42] I am just saying, that in my opinion, I think that pokemon sucks! [02:42] She thinks pokemon are pathetic. Im obviously below her... how we should all worship her l337 IRC Skillz. [02:42] :) [02:43] Pokemon is a laff. [02:43] And its not that Im talking about... You can think what you like. [02:43] You laughed when I told you how old I was... heh... That was rude. Make you feel big did it? [02:43] :) [02:43] I didn't say that I felt big, now did I? [02:44] "Sexy Chic Far too Cool to like Pokemon" she bet she was older than I am... :) [02:44] You dont say an awful lot that matters... lol ... I just wonder why you did it..? [02:44] :) [02:44] why DID you do it "Sexy" chic? [02:44] And how old are *you*? [02:44] :) [02:44] Miss Wonderfull [02:45] And I didn't say that I was quote "To Cool" to like pokemon [02:45] ahh... the backtracking. (And more improper use of English). [02:45] :) [02:45] I just think that in my opinion I don't like it [02:46] listen "Sexy Chic"... Why dont you just keep ya 'lil opinions to yourself, cos ive been talking about pokemon in here for a good few hours now and no one else cared... or thought the need to offend me. And take a life lesson; don't be rude to strangers... [02:46] cos... [02:46] all you need to know is... Im older than you, ive been out here a lot longer than you, and frankly, im not so agressive if ppl are nice to me. [02:51] * PaRiS mumbles something about lame ass click newks [02:54] Bye all [02:54] *** Sexy_Chic (sexy_chic_@ has left #radio1 ((=�=Leopard=�=)) [02:54] Yeaaa bye. Another lamer unable to take a 26kbps connection offline with a click newk. ================================================================================================ "He was just about to pull her right, and then, for no reason, he just BODY SLAMMED HER!" - Jimbob, talking of the now fammed "Evil-Gnome-Cardif-Incident" ================================================================================================ Us 'n' Them... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Its brilliant is'nt it. The underground. Such a sense of unity amung fellows. My arse. Is it me or is everyone in the underground, the Pirates, the Hackers, the Warezd00ds, *everyone*, suposed to help one another out; after all, are we not suposed to be on the same side? Some so called "Ethical Hackers" would claim that (equaly so called) "Warez" go against their moral's. However, lets face it, when it all comes down to the eyes of society we are ALL just criminals. And until this isnt the case, with is almost the same as saying until it is accepted that what we all do is the "right" thing to do, i.e Freedom of Information (in whatever form), as far as most are concerned there is NO DIFFERENCE between ethical hackers, "Dark" hackers, Warez doods and anyone else who engages in illegal activites via telecomunications and computer technology. Whats the difference between gaining access to a computer via convert/stolen/an entrace thats not meant to be used and copying the odd overpriced piece of software? (And lets face it, very few Freeware programs are ever cracked n packed!). Dispite a million moral arguments one could shout at me, in the eyes of the law; there is no difference. And their wont be; Im a realist. Hacking is never going to become legal (unless its computer securitys testing ;) and nor is software piracy. In *fact* its more likly (however UNlikly) that all software is going to be given over FREE in the future, than it is that governments will relax their information protection legislation (The former is covered under old copyright laws the later has still not been ammended into a fit state; hence cases like Kevin Mitnick). The point is this... Be u a Hacker, or a Pirate (or whatever lil place you wanna pigeon whole yourself into). Your all in the same boat. It therefore amazes me the amount of SHIT that goes on between the two respective camps (and dont get me wrong, a lil idle banter is fine, keeps the moral up, but). Sometimes the scene resembles the crew of a sinking ship, using the time to settle old scores. Ppl, in case you hadnt noticed; WE ARE LOOSING. The Net is as corporate as its ever been, and countrys are bringing in harsher and harsher laws to do with computer and telecommunications technology. Partialy due to the selling out of many ppl who started in the underground and now werk for the "other side". (Although in real life, who can REALLY blame someone for making money? So I wont linger on that point, frankly Im amazed IM still here...) Recently the Luckstruck site was denied a place on Hacknet because it was said to be Warez based, this is just stupid. Not because its my site (I couldnt give a toss where it is to be honest) but thats such an odd reason to not let it in (Add to this the fact that the site, and sol as a whole these days has little to do with Warez at all. Bad research? I think so...). I was under the impression, and always have been since I got involved with all this shit LONG before the net was a feesable way of information sharing that FREEDOM OF INFORMATION, and ultimately information sharing was the point. Hacknet obvioulsly disagree, placing the petty rivelrey between pirates and hackers ahead of this. And they are not alone. When are people of the underground going to understand what they are actually fighting for? Back in the old days, when the Net and the whole underground scene was founded; they knew why they did it. Maybe you should all ask yourselves if you do. ================================================================================================ "And here he comes, the gnomes emerging from the ice beneath him, traveling at the now customary 88 Miles an Hour, holding the thin "Trinity" line before time travel, the man that we all know and love; the Pope, sporting his white feather boa, long dress and Marlin Monroe hair, now also sporting Gothic style eye makeup and painted nails, surrounded in the moving moter cascade by the ever present and lovable entourage or Bikers, forming the "Flying Duck" and driven, in the newly customised v12 Pope Mobile (Neon Lights, alloy wheels, bitches in the front, bitches in the back, drum n base pumpin' out, I mean is he some big priest? Or is he a dealer??) by his personal driver, ex-prowrestler, SAS Airman and french go-go dancer (in transvestite circles), Pope Johns right hand "Gangster" the man we all hate to love but call "Hammer" anyway (?)... And as they pass into the distance over the Severn bridge here in Cardiff, one cannot help but wonder where the badgers were on the his finest of hours... This is me Phillip Larkson, Turning On, Shooting up, Signing off. Goodnite." ================================================================================================ Revised Rules and Guidelines For The Trophy Game... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome to the world of extreme drinking games... Just because I've listed some things don't mean you have to catch em all. This is NOT Pokemon. Play this game at your own risk... Game: ----- The game is simple; collection of various objects from around a specified area and bringing together these said objects to another specified "Drop Zone" within an allocated time limit. Each object is worth a certain amount of points. The person, or team, with the most points after adding up objects in the "Drop Zone" after the time limit has expired wins. The game *must* be played drunk. Advised Time Scale: ------------------- Its advised that the time scale be of a "medium" variety. Around 3 Hours. Any less then that and its hard to find anything interesting and any more makes things get a little tedious. But hey! Try it out for your selves. Advised "Drop Zones": --------------------- Parks have to be the best choice. But the location of the Drop Zone can also change the "Danger Level" of the game. For example; locating your Drop Zone in a police station car park could be fun. And add to the excitment of Extreme Drinking. Advised Rules for "End of Game" Tallyup: ---------------------------------------- Only things/people that are in the Drop Zone at the END of the game can be counted. So if that bouncer you convinced to turn up has walked off; tough luck. This is the only rule we think should be strictly enforced. Revised Points Table: --------------------- Bottle 1 Shot Glass 1 Pint Glass 2 Beer Mat 3 Interesting Beer Mat 4 Bar Maids/Mans Telephone Number 5 Bar Maids/Mans Telephone Number [Varified] 6 Bricks [each] 7 Toilet Door Handle 7 Whole Bog Roll 7 Bar Stool 10 Hand Baskets 10 Chair 11 Pub Outdoor Umbrella 15 Traffic Cones 15 Bits of Fence 15 Other "Highways" Artifacts 20 Trollys 20 Table 20 Large Sticks 20 Car Number Plate 25 Customised Car Number Plate 30 Expensive Car Logo's [From Cars] 35 Alloy Wheels [each] 35 Whole Fence 35 Whole Car Wheels 40 Outdoor Table 40 For Sale Signs 45 Street Signs 50 Car Door 50 Gnomes 50 Paving Slabs 50 Trees 50 Bushes [whole] 60 Larger Street Signs 60 Rugs 60 Larger Trees 100 Pub Signs 100 Gates 150 Pub Doors 200 Nightclubs Signs 250 Sharp Weapons 250 More Beer 250 Nightclub Doors 300 Carpet 300 Arm Chairs 300 Tourists 310 A Skip 310 Sofa 310 Nightclub Speakers 310 A Bouncer 310 A Garage Door 350 Nightclub Lights 350 A DJ 400 A DJ [unconcious] 450 Firearms 460 A Bouncer [unconcious] 500 Historical Monuments 500 JCB 600 Police Officer 900 Police Officer [unconcious] 1000 Whole Car [Not Yours] 1000 Celebrity 1000 Police Officer [dead] 1400 Celebrity [unconcious] 1500 Heavy Lifting Machinary 1500 Expensive Car [Not Yours] 2000 Rockery [whole] 2000 A Coach 2000 Small Stone Monuments [grave stone sized] 2000 Mopheads/Scooters 2200 Motorbikes 2300 A Coach [with passengers] 2300 Bus 2500 Medium Stone Monuments [person sized] 2500 Bus [from somewhere other than where you are] 2800 Badgerline Bus 3000 Mini-Bar 3500 Go Kart 3600 Large Stone Monuments [car sized] 4000 "The Bar" 5000 F1 Car 5000 Ranking Police Officer 5500 Huge Stone Monuments [shed sized] 6000 Police Car 7000 Military Hardware 7000 Police Van 8000 Police Helicopter 9000 Fire Engine 9000 Weapons Grade Plutonium 9000 Llyods Horses 10,000 Cash Machine 20,000 Cash Machine [full] 20,500 ================================================================================================ "Werd to ya mother" - Vanilla Ice. ================================================================================================ K-rad Guide To Pokemon... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome to my short guide to Pokemon. Its been along time since Ive written a Guide to anything, and infact I think the last guide I wrote was prolly for Elite II on the Amiga (quite awhile ago). The Reason? I dont play games that much these days, which goes to show how good I think Pokemon is *grin* Not only do I play it, Ive written this. So Peace out and listen up. K-rad things to know about this GuIdE ===================================== 1. I can get you Mew (Oh yes). 2. You CAN play Pokemon on your PC (Although you cant save the game). Playing Pokemon on a PC ======================= Practically any PC worth its weight in Kit-Kat Chunky Bars (mmmmmmm...) can run a Game Boy Emulator, and by far the best, even though it takes a bit of fiddling to get it just right for your machine is No$GMB. Recently, according to its homepage, someones been ripping it off. Well... 'Tis a Warez program, expect piracy! And with that said and done, get it (and loadsa other useful stuff, incluing the games themselves) from: http://www.angelfire.com/ga2/pokemon30/ Pls note Lameboy emulators can be wierd about file saving so dont be suprised if you loose everything from time to time, my advice, dont turn ya PC off and keep the app running (if my 1.33 16meg ram laptop can do it so can yourz) also bare in mind Ive written this guide from playing Pokemon Blue, I cant be bothered to test compatability. No one said I was The Alien (He of fantastically detailed Doc philes), so here goes. The Basic's =========== - The first thing you should know about the game is this really; the Pokemon you choose to take from Prof.Oak sets the difficulty of the game... Bulbasuar is the Easy mode, Squrtle is Medium and Charmanda is Hard. - Dont forget to get the TOWN MAP from your arch-ememys house b4 you embark on your Poke'journey. His sister will hand it over despite what he says; she obviously thinks he is a little prick as well. - Repel unsuprisingly keeps Pokemon away. - Make it your mission to carry lots of pokeball's and catch everything you can ONCE. Hints that make life Ea5y ========================= - Escape Ropes help you escape from caves instantly. Although why u would do this is anyones guess :/. - Zubats are phatt, and easy to catch. - Rock Pokemon get their arses whipped by Boulbasaur (and anything it evolves into's) move "Vine Whip" (Learnt at Level 13). Some other plant type Pokemon have this skill too. It really is *Super Effective*. Vine Whip also werks well against Rattatanatanan's's. :) - Electric Pokemon work real well against ALL Flying Pokemon. (zzzzzzzzzzaaaaaaaaaap!). - Water Pokemon werk real well against Electric Pokemon (No shit, Fizzle Fizzle; fried Squirtle). - Calling yout arch enemy "Ladyboy" or "Gaylord" can really boost your morale. - Giovanni is one of the Harder Vampire Clans in Vampire the Masqurade. Amusingly Giovanni is the name of the sinister leader of Team Rocket. - Pressing the B button during Evolution STOPS the process. This has its up and down points; evolved Pokemon are naturally stronger, however un-evolved Pokemon learn new skills faster. Depends on your preference ("I just can bear to see my 'lil Squirttle turn into a big smelly Wartortle" etc...) - When you get the chance to swap a Spearow for a Far'Fetched called Dux in the city with the SS Anne docked there (Vermillion City); do it, Dux is so am the man. - Anything with wrap must be good because that particular skill pisses me RIGHT OFF. *ahem*. - Ratata's are worth having because they get a lethal lil attack later on and despite their inherent weak defence this makes them pha77. (Its HyperFang), - The Day Care Center (Located to the left of the tunnel to the SS Anne City ie Route 6 from Saffron City) is excellent for training Cacoon Pokemon like Metapods which are completely useless untill they evolve. The Daycare center evolves them for ya! - Nuggets are worth $5000. (aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh...) Pokemon Type Chart (Ie. What Werks and What Dont) ================================================= |-----------------------------------------| | / .1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | | 1 ./ X G | | 2 . / X V V V X X | | 3 . V / X X V V V X | | 4 . V / X G V X X | | 5 . X V / X X V X X V X | | 6 . X X V / V V V V | | 7 .V X V / X X X X G | | 8 . V / X V X X | | 9 . V X V X V / G X V V | | 10. X V V V / V X | | 11. V V V / V | | 12. X V X X V / X | | 13. V X V V X X V V / | | 14.G V / | | 15. / | |-----------------------------------------| Key: ---- V = Very Good X = Shite G = Pretty Shite Pokemon Types: -------------- 1. Normal 2. Fire 3. Water 4. Electric 5. Grass 6. Ice 7. Fighting 8. Poison 9. Ground 10. Flying 11. Psychic 12. Bug 13. Rock 14. Ghost 15. Dragon Pokemon Evolution Charts (What Pokemon Evolve into): ==================================================== Bulbasaur - Ivysaur - Venusaur Charmander - Charmeleon - Charizard Squirtle - Wartortle - Blastoise Caterpie - Metapod - Butterfree Weedle - Kakuna - Beeddrill Pidgey - Pidgeotto - Pidgeot Rattata - Raticate Spearow - Fearow Ekans - Arbok Pikachu - Raichu Sandshrew - Sanslash Nidoran (F) - Nidorina - Nidoqueen Nidoran (M) - Nidorino - Nidoking Clefairy - Clefable Vulpix - Ninetales Jigglypuff - Wigglytuff Zubat - Golbat Oddish - Gloom - Vileplume Paras - Parasect Venonat - Venomoth Diglett - Dugtrio Meowth - Persian Psyduck - Golduck Mankey - Primeape Growlithe - Arcanine Poliwag - Poliwhirl - Poliwrath Abra - Kadabra - Alakazam Machop - Machoke - Machamp Bellsprout - Weepinbell - Victreebell Tentacool - Tentacruel Geodude - Graveler - Golem Ponyta - Rapidash Slowpoke - Slowbro Magnemite - Magneton Farfetch'd Doduo - Dodrio Seel - Dewgong Grimer - Muk Shellder - Cloyster Gastly - Haunter - Gengar Onix Drowzee - Hypno Krabby - Kingler Voltorb - Electrode Exeggcute - Exeggutor Cubone - Marowak Hitmonlee Hitmonchan Lickintung Koffing - Weezing Rhyhorn - Rhydon Chansey Tangela Kangaskhan Horsea - Seadra Goldeen - Seaking Staryu - Starmie Mr. Mime Scyther Jynx Electabuzz Magmar Pinsar Tauros Magicarp - Gyarados Lapras Ditto Eevee - Vaporeon - Jolteon - Flareon - Porygon Omanyte - Omastar Kabuto - Kabutops Aerodactyl Snorlax Articuno Zapdos Moltres Dratini - Dragonair - Dragonite Mew Mewtwo Badges: ======= Here is what all eight of the trainer badges do and what outside of combat skill they let you use in some cases. Boulder - Increases Attack + Lets you use FLASH Cascade - Pokemon up to Level 30 Obey + lets you use CUT Thunder - Increases Speed + Lets you use FLY Rainbow - Pokemon up to Level 50 Obey + Lets you use STRENGTH Soul - Increases Defence + Lets you use SURF Marsh - Pokemon up to Level 70 Obey Volcano - Increases Special Earth - All Pokemon will Obey Mew: ==== Well I told you I could get ya Mew and I can, but you have to use the Game Shark codes in the Cheats section (Which might be cheating but hey, do it late in the game and pretend you got lucky!). 'Tis the only way to get a Mew despite a million and one rumours. This is confirmed. THERE IS NO "Legit" WAY TO GET MEW! *ahem* Some stats for the rarest of the Rare are as follows. Pokedex Entry: -------------- Name: Mew Type: New Species Poke: Type 1 Pychic HT : 1'4" WT : 9.0lb No. : 151 So rare that it is still said to be a mirage by many experts. Only a few people have seen it worldwide. Skills (In order that you get them): ------------------------------------ Pound: [Starts With It] Effective in the extreme (Mew Starts with this skill). Once you reach level 20 this will kick the shit out of most things around, and should continue to do so as you progress though the game and onto harder opponents. Transform: [Around Level 10] Allows Pokemon to transform into its opponant. Great for testing out Pokemon you cant find/aint got yet. Trouble is, they are usually not as good as Mew! Megapunch: [Around Level 19] Absolutely lethal, if a little in-accurate to begin with. Keep trying, and soon Mew becomes almost impossible to beat in a single sitting. If You Get Bored Ch34T: ======================= To Turn Pokeball into ultra ball: While throwing a pokeball, repeatedly press up a down b up a down b and the pokeball should catch the pokemon (This seems to werk better on the gameboy, as opposed to an emulator; I dont know why). To Make the S.S.Anne stay: Kill Your Arch Rival d00d (well, beat him, er, DEFEAT him), then go and find CUT, *then fight a trainer on the S.S.Anne and faint*. The S.S.Anne should now stay forever. Game Shark Codes: ----------------- Next Pokemon you Fight is Mew = 0115D8CF Next Pokemon you Fight is Missigno = 01B7D8CF Get 99 Master Balls = 01011ED3 Infinite Cash = 019947D3 Get Infinite Safari Zone Time = 01f00ED7 Get Infinite Safari Zone Balls = 016447DA Get Infinite Casino Coins = 0199A4D5+0199A5D5 Pick the level of your Pokemon = 01xx27D1 [ Replace the xx with any of the following numbers ] 05 = level 5 0A = level 10 0F = level 15 14 = level 20 1E = level 30 28 = level 40 32 = level 50 4B = level 75 63 = level 99 Get Missingno as a Fossil = 0120D8CF Infinite PP = 012188d1+01212dd0 No Random Battles = 01033cd1 (Great for wandering thru Caves) Code to fight a certain person = 00xxD8CF [ Replace the xx with any of the following ] CA = Bugcatcher CB = Lass CC = Sailor CD = Jr. Trainer-boy CE = Jr. Trainer-girl CF = Pokemaniac C9 = Youngster DA = Beauty DB = Psychic DD = Juggler DE = Tamer DF = Bird Keeper D1 = Hiker D0 = Supernerd D2 = Biker D3 = Burglar D4 = Engineer D5 = Juggler D6 = Fisherman D7 = Swimmer D8 = Cue Ball D9 = Gambler EA = Brock EB = Misty EC = Lt.Surge ED = Erika EE = Koga EF = Blaine E1 = Gary 1 E2 = Prof. Oak E3 = Chief E4 = Scientist E5 = Giovanni E6 = Team Rocket E7 = CoolTrainer-boy E8 = CoolTrainer-girl E9 = Bruno E0 = BlackBelt F1 = Gentleman F2 = Gary 2 F3 = Gary 3 F4 = Lorelei F5 = Channeler F6 = Agatha F7 = Lance F0 = Sabrina Get Infinite Safari Zone Time = 01f00ED7 Get Infinite Safari Zone Balls = 016447DA Get Infinite Casino Coins = 0199A4D5+0199A5D5 Game Genie Codez: ----------------- Fight any Pokemon above Pallet Town. Replace "XX" in ALL THREE codes with the Pokemon you wish to catch/fight. You MUST use all Three. XX0-E1A-7FA XX0-E3A-7FC XX0-E5A-7FC xx Pokemon -- ------- 99 Bulbasaur 09 Ivysaur 9A Venusaur B0 Charmander B2 Charmeleon B4 Charizard B1 Squirtle B3 Wartortle 1C Blastoise 7B Caterpie 7C Metapod 7D Butterfree 70 Weedle 71 Kakuna 72 Beedrill 24 Pidgey 96 Pidgeotto 97 Pidgeot A5 Rattata A6 Raticate 05 Spearow 23 Fearow 6C Ekans 2D Arbok 54 Pikachu 55 Raichu 60 Sandshrew 61 Sandslash 0F Nidoran(F) A8 Nindorina 10 Nidoqueen 03 Nidoran(M) A7 Nindorino 07 Nidoking 04 Clefairy 8E Clefable 52 Vulpix 53 Ninetales 64 Jigglypuff 65 Wigglytuff 6B Zubat 82 Golbat B9 Oddish BA Gloom BB Vileplume 6D Paras 2E Parasect 41 Venonat 77 Venomoth 3B Diglett 76 Dugtrio 4D Meowth 90 Persian 2F Psyduck 80 Golduck 39 Mankey 75 Primeape 21 Growlithe 14 Arcanine 47 Poliwag 6E Poliwhirl 6F Poliwrath 94 Abra 26 Kadabra 95 Alakazam 6A Machop 29 Machoke 7E Machamp BC Bellsprout BD Weepinbell BE Victreebell 18 Tentacool 9B Tentacruel A9 Geodude 27 Graveler 31 Golem A3 Ponyta A4 Rapidash 25 Slowpoke 08 Slowbro AD Magnemite 36 Magneton 40 Farfetch'd 46 Doduo 74 Dodrio 3A Seel 78 Dewgong 0D Grimer 88 Muk 17 Shellder 8B Cloyster 19 Gastly 93 Haunter 0E Gengar 22 Onix 30 Drowzee 81 Hypno 4E Krabby 8A Kingler 06 Voltorb 8D Electrode 0C Exeggcute 0A Exeggutor 11 Cubone 91 Marowak 2B Hitmonlee 2C Hitmonchan 0B Lickitung 37 Koffing 8F Weezing 12 Rhyhorn 01 Rhydon 28 Chansey 1E Tangela 02 Kangaskhan 5C Horsea 5D Seadra 9D Goldeen 9E Seaking 1B Staryu 98 Starmie 2A Mr. Mime 1A Scyther 48 Jynx 3 Electabuzz 33 Magmar 1D Pinsir 3C Tauros 85 Magikarp 16 Gyarados 13 Lapras 4C Ditto 66 Eevee 69 Vaporeon 68 Jolteon 67 Flareon AA Porygon 62 Omanyte 63 Omastar 5A Kabuto 5B Kabutops AB Aerodactyl 84 Snorlax 4A Articuno 4B Zapdos 49 Moltres 58 Dratini 59 Dragonair 42 Dragonite 83 Mewtwo 15 Mew Team Rocket Theme: ================== Time for Trouble! Make it Double! To Protect the World from Devistation, To Unite all Peoples Within our Nation, To Denounce the Evils of Truth and love, To Extend our reach to the Stars Above! Jesse! James! Team rocket blast off at the speed of light! Surrender now or prepare to fight, 'Dats right! Le4rn to ph34r Paris's Pokemon: =============================== The pheared "L33n T34m" of Pokemon Master PaRiS... Pikachu "Sparks" Mew "Kie" Venosaur "Bully" Theme tune of the pheared combination of the Pikachu "Sparks" and his ever present and rare team mate "Kie" the Mew. Played over loud speakers all over the stadium as they enter, free from their Pokeballs and walking proud... (*grin*) ------------------------------------- P to the O to the K to the E to the I Sparks and Kie got you flyin' high P to the O to the K to the E to the I Sparks and Kie got you flyin' high Rolling with the S the P the A the R the K the S... He's to my Pokemon bubblin fresh, We fight it like 'dat and we fight it like 'dis Rolling with the S the P the A the R the K the S... He's to my Pokemon bubblin fresh, We win it like dat and we win it like dis! He's to the trainers all up in the mix With the box of Trix Yo, with the flick of the wrist All the Trainers inside, ready for a crashin bumpy ride, vibe Shock, Pound, yo! Check one, move into gear Have no fear Sparks and Kie are here Rollin along with the atmosphere Pokemon Fightin' Here! To many trainers fight the same Play with the Pokemon like a game Here's to the fighters with the movin fame Yes my trainers you got to kane! Got some brains Electric or more Pokemon get down On the floor Kie for the fight Pychic laying fown the law Ha! And we like it raw! From the bottom To the Top Like it Sparks Like it Hot Poke' Trainer, gotta gotta roll Shake, Thunder, Shock! Hold the fight Drop the Fight Gimme a second What do ya rekon? Its fighters Sparks and Kie On a mission Theres no confussion We here to rock the nation With a shock and pound and a m'na'm'na my controlin' We like when the fights are rollin' Who's on the league controllin'? Know what you gotta do Dont come with that attitude Kai and Sparks are in the Venue The trainers like that We're phatt gimme that K - Kall on the Skys I - Into your eyes E - Electrics gonna fly! Ez, ez Sparks and Kie! ------------------------------------- Peace. *grin*. ================================================================================================ Regular>>> ================================================================================================ Link Directory... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://go.to/luckstruck/ [ Check out the New Archive Section ] www.hackernews.com [ Essential News Items ] www.2600.com [ 2600 Magazine ] www.thisisnurgle.org.uk [ Nurgle's Place ] http://go.to/jerichozz [ JerichoZZ's drum ] www.opendvd.org [ The DVD Appeal ] www.Cybercrime.gov [ US Governments definitions + ] www.pantheon.org/mythica/ [ Mythology Database. ] www.atari.co.uk [ ATARI ST! Emulators, pirat3 sh17 ] www.fairlight.org [ The Mighty Fairlight ] www.pompeypirates.co.uk [ The Pompey Pirates ] www.hackerzlair.org [ #Hackerzlair ] www.influence.org [ Firetrack of "The Kingston 4" ] www.fatal-design.com [ The lil Green Desktop (Atari ST) ] www.x-stream.co.uk [ A British ISP on a 0800 No. ] www.england.com [ Free Web Mail. ] www.angelfire.com/ga2/pokemon30/ [ Pokemanaic Sit3 of l337ness ] #Hackerzlair [ irc.dal.net ] #Luckstruck [ irc.dal.net (SOL Channel) ] #Vampirehall [ RPG ] #pompeypirates [ Had to be done ] [ Once Again, Excuse the shameless plug[s] - Ed ] ================================================================================================ Shit of the Issue... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lam3rz of the Issue: -------------------- 1. ^cF (see the article above, makes the assholes who come in hack chans asking for ppl to hack hotmail look krad) 2. Certain members of the Ealing Massif. You know who u sinister bi7ch's be. (Have you honestly nothing BETTER to do? Maybe I could post you some wicker baskets and you could unravel them... - ed) Kool Shit of the Issue: ----------------------- 1. Random Cross Country Trips 2. Tony Benn MP (For thinking Ali G's da man like every1 else - ed ] 3. Mohammed Alfihed (See Above - ed) 4. Pokemon BLUE (Making a re-entry; love's his GB E/\/\u1a70r!) 6. Pokemon Movie 7. Dreadzone (They so rock the l33n music Kasbar) 8. Perfect Blue (Manga film of K-Rad Weirdness) Shit we Miss: ------------- 1. Cruising with Mr Salt. (ed) 2. Non-Commercial Garage Music. Shit we Need: ------------- 1. Amiga people 2. Links to (URL's for) Atari ST Cracking/Pirate Groups Pages. 3. As above for the Amiga 4. Asswords 5. Someone with a win 98 box to run a Audio Server once a week :) 6. Windows 1.1 ================================================================================================ ThE ProJeCts... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Luckstruck Sphere: ------------------ #Luckstruck - [ SOL Website IRC Channel (DALnet) ] luckstruck@listbot.com - [ SOL Website The Mailing List ] http://go.to/luckstruck - [ SOL Website ] www.angelfire.com/va2/luckstruck/archive - [ SOL Website Archive ] www.angelfire.com/va2/luckstruck/st - [ SOL Website Atari ST Pages ] Other: ------ /dns |PaRiS| FTP Service - [ MP3's, Doc's, Articles + ] /dns |PaRiS| MUD Service - [ Under Construction ] /dns |PaRiS| IRC Service - [ Temp IRC Server irc.ganja.sol ] irc://atdt.ath.cx - [ 24/7 IRC Server fwaggle.net ] #pompeypirates - [ DALnet Pompey Dedication Chan ] www.angelfire.com/va2/luckstruck/st/pompey - [ Pompey Pirates Dedication Page ] SOL CD Demo - [ We keep u posted ] VPN - [ See Above ] www.play.notrix.net - [ Internet P1rat3 Radio ] Meets: ------ SOL August Music Festival Meet Up - [ Contact Mailing List (Jadefalcon) ] ================================================================================================ Memberz... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ThE SyNdiCatE of LoNdoN 2000 Are... =================================== l337 AdmInZ and Management: PaRiS Justified and Ancient [1992] --------------------------- Llama Firestarter [1992] Jerichozz On a Night Train [1998] Nurgle Ready to Crash and Burn [1998] lee7 MeMberz (KillA Bee'z): KlaiRe (a) Nothing Else Matters [1999] --------------------------- ThE BeaR (u) So Close No Matter [1994] EPSiLON (a) How Far? [2000] DS_Mycroft (u) Could'nt be much more [1994] JaDeFalcon (a) (Yeah) [1998] Comrade (a) From The Heart [1998] InfinityMatrix (a) Never Cared [2000] MeMberz (WannA Bee'z): ThE AC. (u) For what they do [1992] ---------------------- Northern B1rd (n) For what they know [2000] Evil Gnome (n) But I know [2000] Slipper (u) Romantic [1994] Chicken Soup (u) All over your [1999] LoNdoner17 (u) DJ's up to you [1998] BaDgEr (u) When the crowd go wild [1999] DJ_Moomen (u) Tell me [1999] Rigadon (u) What ya gonna do? [2000] Carly (u) Original Nutter [2000] Jodie (u) Jerichos Bitch knew the Welsh? [2000] Those We Lost Along The Way (Mema-Bee'z): Captain Cake [1995] ----------------------------------------- Hitesh [1995] Ben K [1996] Hasseb [1996] Danny K [1996] Me2 [1996] TC [1997] Cripter [1997] Nark [1997] Sunwlf [1998] Miracle [1999] Urza [2000] (Un)Offical Mascot's (HuniE Bee'z): Tickle Me Elmo Ask him, ----------------------------------- The Elephant of Decision Can't decide, The Cat of Fate Meow! The Mongoose of Destiny Yes... or No The Vibrating Badgers Know the Score. The Baby Cats Sleep. [ Welcoming new Admin Member the one lite Nurgle and Jerichos women. Jodie. Big up. - ed] ================================================================================================ Shouts... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Big shouts to: Cronus, Shr0ud, #hackerzlair DALnet, Kleptic, Discordia Krew, #Vampirehall DALnet, #uk xnet, Dulie (k00list cyber babe, still), SOL Krew esp. DS_Mycroft, LoNdoN Massif, Hertfordshire MAssif, BirmingHam MAssif (Big up), Soufcoast Massif (Soufampton Poss3), EPSILON, RobinB, Sterri, Xnet Massif (O-Line Krew), Crash22, G-Shock, Morghen_Wylde, Harelequin, Nark, Criptic, SunWlf, Gepper, TheSpirit, #TeenVillage (Well why not?), Fwaggle, InfinityMatrix, www.pompeypirates.co.uk - THE POMPEY PIRATEZ (w3rd). especially Juggler, BoW (Esp Shr0ud), "Headache Helen", Dr Trey, 1st Degree Records Kr3w (w3rd 2 Evil Gnome & Jimbob), The OTHER kingston Massif (Hampton Krew), The Mailing List, Carly and DnB Pornstar Massive, 3-birds-1-can-42-tents-shamen, anyone who was ever involved in the ST or Amiga Demo/Pirate scenes, Sproutlore, ^^c`sman, #Atari DALnet, Kane66, Me2, Urza, anyone I've forgotten... ************************************************* ************************************************* *** SoL - Est. 1992 *** *** ThE SyNdiCaTe Of LoNdoN *** *** "G1v1ng u the Ph43r s1nce 'dat l337 Ye4r" *** *** so_london@hotmail.com *** ************************************************* ************************************************* ################################################################################################ ################################################################################################ ################################################################################################ ################################################################################################ ************************************************************************************************ ************************************************************************************************ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ThIs DocUmEnt Is (P)PirateRite, 2000, Now and For3vah. Dis7ribu7e in Or1ginal Form lik3 the Orig1nal NattAh. PeAce To Ya'll. We ShaLl ReTuRn. Ph34R NevEr SleePS. ################################################################################################ ################################################################################################ ################################################################################################ ################################################################################################ ************************************************************************************************ ************************************************************************************************ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% www.geocities.com/smurfwicked/GOATSUCKER.HTML