.x$$$$$$$$x. .d$$$$$$$$$$$$b. .x$$$$$$$$$$$$$$xx. | praise .$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. .$$$$$$$P~~~~4$$$$$$$$x --+-- tha .$$$$$$$P~~ ~~4$$$$$$, .$$$$$$P~ ~~4$$$$$$ | lord $$$$$$$~ `$$$' $$$$$$P hehe! $$$$$x | $$$$$$P $$$$$$b refined `$$$$. | x$$$$$$$$x $$$$$$b $$$$$$$b. letters `$$$' x$$$$$P4$$$$$x $$$$$$$b. `$$$$$$$$bx. for no .$$$$$P~ ~4$$$$$. `$$$$$$$b. `$$$$$$$$$$$$bxx.. reason! .$$$$$P 4$$$$$. `$$$$$$$$b. `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$bx. $$$$$P 4$$$$$ `4$$$$$$P' `4$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$bx. $$$$$b d$$$$$ d$$$$$$P' `4$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ `$$$$$b d$$$$$' d$$$$$$P' `4$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ `$$$$$b. .d$$$$$' d$$$$$$$' `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ `$$$$$bd$$$$$' $$$$$$$P mu? x$$$$bx `$$$$$$$$$$$$' `$$$$$$$$' $$$$$$$b d$' `$$$x 4$$$$$$$$$$' `$$$$$$$$bx.. ``'.xd$$$ . d$$$$$$$$$' `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' $. d$$$$$$$$$' `4$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' $$b. .d$$$$$$$$$' ~~4$$$$$$$$$$P~~ $$$$bx..xd$$$$$$$$$$' $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' ~4$$$$$$$$$$P~ Sloths over Ethiopia #0038 $$ May 12, 1998 Sloths over Ethiopia is a dto [doomed to obscurity] production $$ $$$ $$ $$$$ $$ $$$ $$$ $$$$ $$ $$$ $$ $$$$ $$ $$$$ $$ $$$$ $$ $$$ $$$ $$$ The character for Paul de Apostle holy with Philemon (1) Paul, a prisoner of of until expensive liked Philemon, that is ours, and more fellowlabourer, (2) and of in our Apphia liked and in Archippus our more fellowsoldier and with the Christian of Jesus and the Timotheegras our brother, the church in the house thy: (3) they thank and the peace, the god our father and the Christian of Jesuslord. (4) My god is thankful to I, thee in mine mention of prayers always, (5) to intend, thy the love and the faith to speak, that one has of thou it stops of to the Jesuslord and the all holy; (6) that transference thy of the box of the faith if becomes efficient, detecting each good thing, that is in you as the Christian of Jesus (7) for leves we we mostly it joy and consolation in thy the love to make examination, because entrails of holy is regenerated by thee, brother. (8) Wherefore, even so I could be very fetthaltig, as a Christian however to thee that he energizes, that is comfortable, (9) in int�ret that the love requires is me thee to rather on, as aged Paul, and to also keep a prisoner of the Christian of Jesus. (10) I ask for thee for my Onesimus son, who I begotten in my left have: (11) after that in thee not very lucrative of the time, but now favorable with this thee was and me with: (12) that immovable I would transmit: it thou it consequently, c-with-d., excerpt receives it, the end to have entrails: (13), that I would keep with me, that in stead thy, that insured could having until me on in the left of gospel: (14) interim without spirit that thy I not nothing; this advantage thy does not have to be, as it was of the necessity, but volunt�riamente. (15) For they possibly leave it consequently during a station, this thou shouldest more always receive it; (16) it loved stage of work, that keeps as controlconstant, but on an officer, a brother, particularly with me, but the more until thee, in the meat and the gentleman? (17) If it an user thou consequently me, if to receive you tally it likes. (18) If hath to give false form, has justifd thee, or that it must thee of oweth, that in the customer of mine; (19) they had written I Paul who with mine has the hand, I return it: although I to the legend of thee of did not thou it, as one, the one that is more owest until me same the o individual of thine additionally has. (20) Left Yea, brother, aprec�a me thee in the gentleman: entrails in the gentleman regenerates mine. (21) The confidence in obedience that it has, that it wrote knew that I thy is, until thee and this form of also thou it more is vanished, as I, legend (22), but withal also me a carcass prepares it: for I you wait the fact that for its prayers I up to (23) thee Epaphras there, my fellowprisoner of that the Christian of Jesus compliments that one, that you is given; (24) Marcus, Aristarchus, Demas, Lucas, mine fellowlabourers. (25) they are the beauty of our Christian of Jesuslords with its spirit. Amen. $$ $$$ $$ $$$$ $$ $$$ $$$ $$$$ $$ $$$ $$ $$$$ $$ $$$$ $$ $$$$ $$ $$$ $$$ $$$ Sloths over Ethiopia #0038 $$ May 12, 1998 Sloths over Ethiopia is a dto [doomed to obscurity] production www.dto.net/Zines/soe/ $$ $$$ $$ $$$$ $$ $$$ $$$ $$$$ $$ $$$ $$ $$$$ $$ $$$$ $$ $$$$ $$ $$$ $$$ $$$